ATMCC n-uak•• M••dow• Community CaU•11• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW - ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Program/Unit Reviewed: Computer Technologies Self-Study Chair: Greg Ellis Division: Sciences Year of Last PUR: 2010-2011 Dean: Lance Bowen Year of next PUR: 2017-2018 Program/Unit Mission Statement: The mission of the TMCC Computer Technologies Department is to provide a comprehensive program of computer technology courses which meets the needs of three distinct audiences: emerging employees, transitional employees and incumbent professionals. This is accomplished by continually evaluating regional market conditions, identifying emergent trends, and adapting the curriculum to meet the changes inherent in this dynamic field . The Description of the Degree(s)/Emphasis{s)/Certificate(s) for your PUR area are listed below. Please reviewfor accuracy. Description of Degree/Emphasis/Certificates: AAS Computer Information Technology Degree - Computer Programming Emphasis: The computer programming emphasis provides students with entry level programming skills. Computer programming professionals must also have a broad knowledge of computer systems and technologies, as well as strong problem solving and analytical skills. They must be able to think logically and have strong verbal and written communication skills. Computer Information Technology Certificate of Achievement: The certificate of achievement in computer technologies provides students with a broad knowledge of computer systems and technologies that can be used for entry-level employment or pursuit of an associate of applied science degree. AAS Computer Information Technology Degree-Networking and Server Technologies Emphasis: The networking emphasis prepares students for careers in current and emerging information system technologies such as network design, network infrastructure, networking services and information security. Students completing the degree will find employment in areas ranging from small office/home office network administration to enterprise scale networks. AAS Computer Information Technology Degree- Web Development Emphasis: The Web development emphasis provides students with entry level Web development skills including Web page development, scripting and basic data base functions. Web developers must also have a broad knowledge of computer systems and technologies, as well as strong verbal and written communication skills. APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truck•• M••dow• Community College TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 SECTION I The Outcomes and Measures listed below were retrieved from Degree/Emphasis or Certificate submissions provided by your area to CAP and approved. Please review the outcomes to ensure accuracy or submit changes to CAP via the Degree, Emphasis, Certificate (DEC) Revisions form located on the CAP Resources web page. Ifyour area is scheduled for a PUR in the nearfuture, please plan on reporting assessment efforts around these learning outcomes when you participate in your PUR. AAS Computer Information Technology Degree - Computer Programming Emphasis Degree Goals/Outcomes: • • Fulfill the requirements for the Associate of Applied Science. Demonstrate competency in their specified emphasis. Emphasis Goals/Outcomes: • • • Have the technical proficiency required to design and program a solution to a stated problem. Demonstrate an understanding of dynamic data structures and generic methods. Have the ability to communicate and work effectively with members of a team and members of external groups. Computer Technologies Certificate of Achievement Goals/Outcome: • Have the technical proficiency required to perform entry level technical support functions. AAS Computer Information Technology Degree- Networking and Server Technologies Emphasis Degree Goals/Outcomes: • • Fulfill the requirements for the Associate of Applied Science. Demonstrate competency in their specified emphasis. Emphasis Goals/Outcomes: • • • Demonstrate the technical proficiency required to create and maintain small to medium sized networks. Demonstrate the technical proficiency required to configure and secure a network server. Demonstrate the ability to communicate and work effectively with members of a team and members of external groups. AAS Computer Information Technology Degree- Web Development Emphasis Degree Goals/Outcomes: • • Fulfill the requirements for the Associate of Applied Science. Demonstrate competency in their specified emphasis. Emphasis Goals/Outcomes: • • • Demonstrate the technical proficiency required to create and maintain basic professional websites. Demonstrate the ability to get and use data retrieved from forms and databases. Communicate and work effectively with members of a team and members of external groups. APR I REV. 5/2014 ATMCC Truck•• M••dow,• Community Coll•fil• TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW - ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 SECTION II The following recommendations and strategies were identified in your most recent Program/Unit Review. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and if resources are anticipated to fulfill the strategy. Status: Time line: Unit Strategy # 1 Ongoing In terms of curriculum, the advocacy of scenario-based learning demonstrates innovation and relevancy to student and workplace needs; continuing assessment is warranted, as is the development of an ove rall assessment form at and reportinq schedule. Action: Classes across the Departments offerings have emphasized the need to focus assessments around a scenario typ~ s~R"Wh~ch serves as the culmination of each semester. Students will be able apply theory and practi~i:,lap.~.tiofl to a very real business-based scenario, which demonstrates the students understanu·· ·~ .... ~ ~• •t= ~uoject and its application. Anticipated Resources Needed: There are no anticipated for more funding although we are constantly taking advantaqe of available qrants to upqrade equipment in the classroom. Unit Strategy # 2 Status: Timeline: The Computer Information Technologies disciplines could benefit Ongoing 2015-2016 from the advice and liaison mechanism to the community and region that a local advisory board or council provides. The Program Unit Review committee recommends that the disciplines maintain an advisory board to maintain Perkins funding and meet TMCC needs. Action: Although the Advisory Board has been largely non-functioning for a year, we are ramping up to include former representatives and add new ones from new tech companies that are or have recently relocated to northern Nevada (Tesla, Switch and Apple). We anticipate our first meeting before the winter break in 2 015. Anticipated Resources Needed: Funding for luncheons and/or refreshments is needed to entice board members to attend. Some board members will offer to sponsor the meeting but we need to have funds available if they do not. Unit Strategy #3 Status: Timeline: The committee recommends the program continue to seek grants Ongoing 2015-2016 and funding partnerships. It is desired that we ramp up our internship offerings and the way they are managed. Action: Members of our department have met with Apple, Switch and the Renown Hospital Group. We have been able to put forward our ideas of what an internship would be comprised of. Renown has expressed a urgent desire to get this rolling at the earliest convenience and they are willing to fund their interns as well. TMCC now has an internship coordinator through which internships will be managed. Anticipat ed Resources Needed: No additional dollars will be needed. Unit Strat egy #4 The committee also recommends that the Department continue to pursue colla boration with TMCC's Information Technoloqy Status: Ongoing Timeline: Date range ,,p I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truck•• M••dow• Community Coll•go TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW - ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Department, using every avenue possible. Action: Open communications between TMCC's Information Technology Department and this Department has been established and student workers have largely been forthcoming from our CT students. Anticipated Resources Needed: No additional dollars will be needed. Status: Timeline: Unit Strategy #s Ongoing 2015-2016 Integrated analysis that connects data with current status, resource requests, and projected changes would make it easier to validate requests Action: Analysis that links student course demands, student degree/emphasis requirements should be constructed on an annual basis so we can better serve the student. This will enhance completion rates. Anticipated Resources Needed: No additional dollars needed. SECTION Ill (OPTIONAL- Fill out only if adding new Unit Strategies) Please include any newlv identified strategies for the Program/Unit. Please respond to the strategies by including the status, actions taken to respond to the strategy, projected timeline, and if resources are needed to fulfill the strategy. If there are no new strategies, please leave this blank and no signatures are required. Status: Timeline: Unit Strategies: Collaboration with other NSHE institutions to offer on line courses that fulfill a student's Ongoing 2015-2016 requirement to satisfy degree, emphasis or skill certificate requirements. Action: The CT Department chair met with the representatives of other two-year institutions and has laid the ground work to "share" our on line class offerings to benefit the student requesting classes that may not be currently offered in order to complete degree/certificate requirements. We are currently sharing a cybersecurity course (CS151) with UNR to be taught on a rotating basis. Anticipated Resource Needed: No additional dollars required. Unit Strategies: The department has put forth the Status: Timeline: required paperwork to create a new Associate of Ongoing 2015-2016 Science Deqree Emphasis in Information technoloqy. Action: Currently the Department offers four AAS degrees with very little completion results. The Department will phase out our current degree offerings and anticipate that within two years we will only offer two AS. Degree/Emphasis. One in Computer Programming and the other in Computer Technologies. In order to improve the number of student completions, we now offer several new Skill Certificates (CompTIA Prep and Security) that are aligned with the U.S. Department of Labor. Anticipated Resource Needed: No additional dollars required. APR I REV: 5/2014 ATMCC Truck•• M••dow• Communlt}I Coll•; • TMCC PROGRAM UNIT REVIEW - ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2014-15 Unit Strategies: New Status: choose Ongoing Complete Ot her Timeline: Date range Action: Recap of accomplishments work to do Anticipated Resource Needed: What are they and what are the approximate costs? Approvals (Signatures and dates are required) AC f I REV: 5/2014 ... RECEIVED oc j 12 2015 VICE PRESIDENT OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS