ThHlll- M••dow• Community Collage
Program/Unit Reviewed: Administrative Professional
Self-Study Chair: Amy Williams
Division: Business
Dean: Marie Murgolo-Poore
Year of Last PUR: 2014
Year of next PUR: 2019
Program/Unit Mission Statement: The Administrative Professional program at Truckee Meadows
Community College (TMCC) is designed to provide students with the skills needed in today's
competitive business environment. Combining current technology with interactive instruction, our
curriculum will help students gain proficiency in personal computer productivity applications along with
the in-depth knowledge in the areas of leadership, communications, office procedures, customer
service, accounting, and supervision. Students can pursue a one-year Certificate of Achievement or a
two year Associate of Applied Science degree.
Description of Degree/Emphasis/Certificates:
TMCC's administrative professional AAS degree provides students with the skills needed to be
successful in today's competitive business environment. Students will receive a well-rounded
curriculum in general education requirements. The emphasis of the degree includes skills in office
procedures, computer applications, communications, customer service, accounting, and supervision.
AAS Administrative Professional Degree Goals and Objectives
• Demonstrate advanced keyboarding skills and an intermediate knowledge of hardware and
software to perform a wide variety of administrative tasks including electronic filing, formatting
and producing business documents and spreadsheets, creating presentations, developing and
maintaining databases, and performing internet research to meet modern business needs.
• Model excellent communication skills demonstrated by the ability to provide excellent customer
service to internal and external customers; present information in a persuasive, logical, and
organized manner using supportive visual aids and professional oral communication; and write
informational, analytical, and technical documents, which are organized, precise, and relevant.
• Perform and understand general office procedures to include filing, equipment operation, mail
distribution, phone calls, and tasks requiring basic math calculations such as inventory and
• Manage daily business functions of an organization by using effective problem-solving techniques,
consistently meeting deadlines, effectively managing office projects and employees,
demonstrating professional work habits such as ethics, team work, diversity, and confidentiality
and maintaining a professional appearance and attitude.
AAS Administrative Professional Certificate of Achievement Goals and Objectives
• Demonstrate advanced keyboarding skills and an intermediate knowledge of hardware and
software to perform a wide variety of administrative tasks including electronic filing, formatting
and producing business documents and spreadsheets, and performing internet research to meet
modern business needs.
• Model excellent communication skills demonstrated by the ability to provide excellent customer
service to internal and external customers; present information in a persuasive, logical, and
organized manner using supportive visual aids and professional oral communication; and write
informational, analytical, and technical documents, which are organized, precise, and relevant.
Truoll•• M••daw• Community College
Perform and understand tasks requiring basic math calculations such as inventory and
Unit Strategy #1
An outreach plan targeting males and Hispanics should be developed by Complete
March 2015. (Target now moved to December 2015 if needed.)
Action: Our marketing brochure was redone and nowfeatures males and Hispanics throughout as well as
emphasizing the program in a much more professional light than the previous brochure which will hopefully
catch the eye ofa more diverse student body. We also developed aflier for the recruitment staff to take to high
school recruiting events in order to try to draw in more students to the program in general. As our high schools
should mirror our community ethnicity and gender this should be an additional way to recruit all types of
students into our program. See attachedfor both marketing pieces.
This past semester (Fall 2015) the Administrative Professional students were 20% Hispanic so there has been an
increase in this population. Also this past semester our percentage of males grew to 12%. As the national rate is
5% male we far exceed that in our TMCC program. We have achieved our goals in this area this year.
Anticipated Resources Needed: None
Unit Strategy #2
Develop and implement strategies to improve student to faculty ratio.
Plan in place by Fall 2015
Time line:
Action: Smaller COT courses were changed to being offered only once per year and in the one case where we
have multiple sections ofa COT course a section was removed. Both of these strategies improved our student to
faculty ratio. In spring of2014 our SFR was 15.6 and in spring of 2015 it increased to 18.3. We have achieved our
goal in this area this year.
Anticipated Resources Needed: None
Unit Strategy #3
Develop and implement strategies to increase students completing
Certificate of Achievement and AAS. Plan in place by Fall 2015
Action: This is a very small program
with a small number of completers each year. However, many students
appear to take some classes in the program and not complete a full certificate or degree. We have improved in
this area, however. In the year 2014 we had a total of two completers for this program. In 2015 we had a 400%
increase in completers with 10 students completing. We will continue to reach out to students via email as we
have this year to remind them we are here to support them and to advise them on classes to take to complete
their program. We have achieved our goal in this area this year and will continue to strive for improved
completion rates.
Anticipated Resources Needed: None
Unit Strategy #4
Study and make a recommendation on making this program a field of Future
concentration within an appropriate degree in Business Division or a joint
degree with another closely aligned field, such as Paralegal. Study
completed with recommendation for action by March 2016.
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Action: It was not communicated to the department that this was a recommendation and so research has not
been done on this concept yet. The director will work with the dean of the business division to determine if this is
a change that should be made and if so a recommendation will be made by the end of the spring 2016 semester.
Ant icipated Resources Needed: TBD
Unit Strategy #5
Time line:
Make a request to hire a fulltime faculty member if the program remains Other
a separate degree in order to ensure faculty oversight and control over
the curriculum of each course, mentoring time wit h all student s, office
Action: Budget constraints make it difficult to hirefull time faculty at TMCC at the present time andfocus
should be on hiring full timefaculty in larger, growing, and more in-demand disciplines as this program is
running smoothly with part time faculty at the present time.
Anticipated Resources Needed: None
Unit Strategy #6
Create a skills certificate in a specific area within the AAS which has an Future
industry test or examination. Complete and submit by October 2015.
Action: It was not communicated to the department that this was a recommendation and so research has not
been done on this concept yet. The director will work with the dean of the business division to determine if this is
a change that should be made and if so a recommendation will be made by the end of the spring 2016 semester
and afull curriculum proposal will be put forth by the end of the fall 2016 semester..
Anticipated Resources Needed: TBD
Approvals (Signatures and