- A TMCC Prefix, Number and Title:

Revised I0/21/2013
Prefix, Number and Title: AUTO 101, General Auto. Sections 1001,1002,2001,2002,1693,1694
Division/Unit: Applied Industrial Technology/Transportation Technologies
Submitted by: Scott Allen
Contributing Faculty: George Brown, Cliff Bartl, Michael Juriaan
Academic Year: 2013-14
Complete and electronically submit your assessment report to your Department Chair/Coordinator/Director. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or
a narrative description of the assessment activities in your course.
Course Outcomes
In the boxes below, summarize
the outcomes assessed in your
course during the year.
Outcome #1
Students will synthesize an
understanding of principles of
design, construction, operation,
and maintenance of light duty
Outcome# 2
Students will demonstrate
mechanical aptitude in the
performance of basic
maintenance service items using
correct tools, equipment, and
Assessment Measures
Assessment Results
Use of Results
Effect on Course
In the boxes below, summarize
the methods used to assess
course outcomes during the last
In the boxes below, summarize
the results of your assessment
activities during the last year.
In the boxes below, summarize
how you are or how you plan to
use the results to improve
student learning.
Based on the results of this
assessment, will you revise your
outcomes'? If so, please
summarize how and why in the
boxes below:
Instructor will measure student
proficiency in understanding of
vehicles systems by documented
instructor observation, written
exams, and hands-on lab task
Instructors used a pre-test before
instruction and a post-test to
evaluate overall increase or
decrease of basic vehicle
operation and maintenance
Pre-test results showed an
average score of 37% for
knowledge of basic design,
construction, operation, and
maintenance. Post- test results
showed an average score of
63%. An increase of34% for
pre-test questions
We have updated our chapter
review questions in the
workbook to enhance vehicle
operating systems and the need
for vehicle scheduled
maintenance. Inspection lab
worksheets have been revised to
enhance vehicle inspections.
We feet the changes made to the
review questions and instructor
presentation for the updated
information will improve the
outcome by 15%. More precise
lab worksheet will direct the
student to the targeted area of
the vehicle
Mechanical aptitude will be
measured by documented
instructor observation, written
exams, and hands-on lab task
Students used a workbook with
30 lab worksheets that covered
all five areas of instruction. On
the post-test, students
demonstrated an overall score of
79% on tool usage
Individual scores for use of lab
worksheets during shop
activities mirrored the final
score for that student.
Again, the update to our lab
worksheets will assist the
student to preform vehicle
inspections and maintenance
Course Prefix, Number and Title: AUTO 101 , General Auto. Sections 1001,1002,200 1,2002,1693,1694
Division/Unit: Applied Industrial Technologyffransportation Technologies
Submitted by: Scott Allen
Contributing Faculty: George Brown, Cliff Bartl, Michael Juriaan
Academic Year: 20 13-14
Course Outcomes
O utcome#3
Students will employ
appropriate workplace skills,
including the application of
personal and mechanical safety
Assessment Measures
Assessment Results
Instructor will measure student
proficiency in workplace safety
by documented instructor
observation, ASE correlated
written exams, and NATEF
certified hands-on lab task sheets
Students demonstrated an
overall pre-test of 43% in shop
safety information and a score of
67% in the post-test on all pretest questions. Students scored
an overall score of 88% on all
safety related written exams and
lab worksheets
Use of Results
Our target score for safety
related questions and lab
activities was set a 92%.
Effect on Course
Using our analysis, instructors
will improve presentation of
written safety information and
lab activity worksheets. Our
target score will be 95% for our
next assessment.
Please enter your name and date below to confi rm you have reviewed this report:
Department Chair/Coordinator/Director
Scott Allen
12/18/20 13
Vice President of Academic Affairs
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