A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Revised 09/06/201 2 Course Prefix, Number and Title: MGT 201-Principles of Management Division/Unit: Division of Business/Management Submitted by: Nancy O'Neal Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: 2012-2013 Assessment Semester: Fall 0 Spring 181 Complete and electronically submit your assessment report to your Department Chair/Coordinator/Director. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or a narrative description of the assessment activities in your course. Course Outcomes In the boxes below, summarize the outcomes assessed in your course during the year. Assessment Measures In the boxes below, summarize the methods used to assess course outcomes during the last year. Assessment Results In the boxes below, summarize the results of your assessment activities during the last year. Use of Results Effect on Course In the boxes below, summarize how you are or how you plan to use the results to improve student learning. Based on the results of this assessment, will you revise your outcomes? If so, please summarize how and why in the boxes below: One activity I will include in class next semester is an in-class exercise where they themselves complete a "practice" Gantt and PERT chart. This year I lectured on the topic and they read the information prior. During the lecture we create an example PERT and Gantt chart as a class. I would take it one level down and create an in-class workshop when students on an individual basis "create practice" charts will in class. No, not at this time. I believe it is important for students to have general knowledge of and practice with Gantt and PERT charts. It is a valid business tool. Outcome#I Students will be able to differentiate between the various kinds of standing and single-use plans. Students will draw sample GANTT and PERT charts, which will be assessed using a rubric known to students. The students were given two rubrics. One required them to create a Gantt chart and the other a PERT chart. The average for the Gantt chart (including those students who didn't hand in the assignment) was 78% and for the PERT chart was 74% (including those students who didn't hand in the assignment). If you average the results and exclude the assignments not handed it, the results are 87% (Gantt)/83% (PERT). Gantt Chart Rubric.docx PERT chart rubric.docx Page 1 A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Cou rse Prefix, Number and Title: MGT 201-Principles of Management Division/Unit: Division of Business/Management Su bmitted by: Nancy O'Neal Contributing F aculty: Academic Year: 201 2-20 13 Course Outcomes Assessment Measures Assessment Results Use of Results Effect on Course Outcome# 2 Students will be able to identify at least three content and two process theories of motivation. Outcome #3 Students will be able to explain what employee perfonnance appraisal is and the different approaches. Ability will be assessed using a rubric known to students. Ability will be assessed using a rubric known to students. The students were given a motivation rubric. From the rubric they were asked to choose two motivational theories. One need based and one processed based. Then they were asked to analyze either Steve Jobs, Carly Fiorina or the author of the book How Starbucks Saved m)'. Life. Results were 61 % average which including students that didn't tum in the assignment. Ifyou average the results and exclude the assignments not handed it, the average was 80%. Motivation Rubric.doc The students were given a closed book and note quiz. Results were an average of 90%. ~erformance a~~raisal guiz.docx Page 2 In order to achieve more participation from the class, one of the activities I would include would be to have them hand in a "draft" of their report and make it worth points. Another step I would take would be to have them visit the "writing center" and assign points to this activity as well. We did have Michelle Montoya attend class prior to the assignment to educate the students on TMCC's writing center services. Another step I would take would be to brainstonn with TMCC's writing center personnel for ways to improve participation on this assignment. No revision at this time. I think one way to improve results would be to do an in class hands on practice exercise prior to students taking the quiz. No revision at this time. A TMCC COURSE ASSESSMENT REPORT (CAR) Course Prefix, Number and Title: MGT 201-Principles of Management Division/Unit: Division of Business/Management Submitted by: Nancy O'Neal Contributing Faculty: Academic Year: 2012-2013 Please enter your name and date below to confirm you have reviewed this report: Title Name Date Dean Marie Murgolo-Poore 6/ 18/201 3 Vice President of Academic Affairs Jane Nichols \..Q Department Chair/Coordinator/Director Page 3 3