Mrs. Lummis’s Classroom: Newsletter – October 16, 2015

Mrs. Lummis’s Classroom:
Newsletter – October 16, 2015
Hello everyone! Our field trip to Ryerson Woods was a lot of fun! We
learned all about plant life cycles and characteristics of animals. Second
graders took nature walks and explored the plants and birds they found with
magnifying glasses!
Next week we have early release on Thursday, October 22.
Dismissal time is at 12:50. Our Halloween party is Friday, October 30!
More information will be coming home about this in the future.
Our Sarah Adams fall book fair has been exciting to attend! We
visited during two days this week. Tonight is the last night to buy books
with an ice cream social to attend as well!
In reading, we had many mini lessons on skills we learned from our
mentor texts. Our class revisited the book Miss Brooks Loves Books (and I
don’t!) Discussions took place about the reading goals of the main character.
We made reading goal posters for ourselves after talking about what our
own personal reading goals were. These are hanging up in our classroom!
We also learned how to write a reading response in our reader’s workshop
journals after reading a story called Little Porcupine Is Different. In addition,
our class revisited the story Interrupting Chicken and learned about different
story elements such as characters, setting, plot, and resolution.
Students should have an October reading log at home and reading at
least 20 minutes a night. Your child should be filling out the reading log and
at the end of the month, have a minimum of 400 minutes. Of course, I love
seeing when students read more! The October reading log will be due on
Monday, November 2. Please have your child use MyOn to practice reading
at home. This is an excellent resource to improve your child’s skills in this
During writing, we have done more creative writing and journaling
about different topics. We learned that adjectives are describing words and
they will be used when learning how to write a descriptive paragraph in the
coming weeks.
During math, we have learned how to add two digit numbers without
bridging using a hundreds chart and a number line. Our most current concept
in math is time on the clock. We have done many activities with time to the
hour, half hour, using five minute intervals, and duration of time. Our class
has also worked with addition and subtraction to solve problems.
In science, our pushes and pulls unit is still underway. We have some
fun science experiments planned for next week involving this concept!
In social studies, we have done many in class projects on urban,
suburban, and rural communities. Customs, traditions and culture is next in
our study of culture.
The 4 R’s lesson (social/emotional curriculum) for this week was
about learning how to read people’s facial expressions to determine how
they feel. We talked about different ways to make friends while using
puppets in role playing too!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Lummis