An Experimental Study of the State of Hexane in a Confined Geometry D. MALDONADO, N. TANCHOUX, P. TRENS, F. DI RENZO and F. FAJULA Laboratoire de Matériaux Catalytiques et Catalyse en Chimie Organique, UMR5618, CNRS / ENSCM, Institut Gerhardt FR 1878 8, rue de l'Ecole Normale 34296 Montpellier cedex 3 Abstract Literature data about hysteresis closure points of sorption isotherms has been summarized and it was shown that these points are located in one half of the (1-T/Tc, P/P°) plan. Below the limiting straight line, no hysteresis can be found. A study of the transition between the reversible and the irreversible (hysteretic) regime for n-hexane adsorbed on MCM-41 or similar mesoporous materials has been carried out. The dependence on pressure, temperature and pore size has been investigated and confirmed the literature data. Enthalpies of adsorption have also been derived from the isotherms using the isosteric method. The enthalpies showed a dependence on pore size: when the pore size decreases, the adsorptive is stabilised and the enthalpy of adsorption becomes more negative. 1. Introduction Although adsorption is of primary interest for catalysis applications, most studies of this phenomenon have been conducted at very low temperatures on gases such as N2 and Ar[1,2]. In this study, hexane adsorption at room temperature has been investigated, extending the scope of those studies to more realistic catalytic conditions. Moreover, hysteresis loops usually found for mesoporous materials strongly suggests that a branch of the isotherm is not at the thermodynamical equilibrium. In other experimental conditions, small pores or high temperatures, this hysteresis loop vanishes. The difference between these two situations in terms of driving force is yet to be completely understood. Some information can be found by deriving the adsorption 1 enthalpies of hexane in mesoporous materials of different pore sizes, using the isosteric method. 2. Behaviour of vapours in mesopores 2 CH4 C2H4 1.8 H2 Compressibility Z 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 Ideal Gas 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 NH3 0 0 250 500 750 1000 Pressure/ atm Figure 1. Compressibility dependence on pressure of selected vapours and gasses. 1 VR = 2 VR = 1 Compressibility Z 0.8 0.6 VR = 0.9 0.4 Nitrogen Ethylene 0.2 Propane Methane 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 pR Figure 2. Reduced compressibility of selected vapours and gasses (the reduced volume VR being fixed as a parameter). 2 At low pressure, gases and vapours can be accurately described by the model of the ideal gas. As pressure increases, though, this model is no longer valid and vapours behave very differently from each other, as shown in figure 1. 0.7 0.6 Benzene c-alcanes n-alcanes i-alcanes CCl4 0.5 1-TR 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 P/P° Figure 3. Hysteresis closure points for some organic vapours. In order to study the general phenomenon of hysteresis vanishing, and therefore to compare the properties of various gaseous species, the principle of corresponding states is used, and we carry out our study with reduced parameters (pressure, volume and temperature), obtained by dividing the corresponding parameter by its value at the critical point. Figure 2 shows that in this system of coordinates, the various gases exhibit the same behaviour. Adsorption data for various compounds in conditions where they show a hysteretic behaviour were taken from the literature[3]. The hysteresis closure points were plotted in a (1-TR, PR) plot (figure 3). It appears that all representative points are located in a half plan, the other half plan being the region of reversibility, and the data allows us to determine precisely the limiting line below which no hysteresis can be found. This existence of two distinct regimes of adsorption for all gases and vapours is a clear evidence for a general effect of confinement in porous materials. Nevertheless, the only apparent is temperature while pore size dependence still remains to be investigated. 3 3. Experimental Study 3.1. ADSORPTION ISOTHERM. DETERMINATION APPARATUS The apparatus (figure 4) is based on volumetric measurements and the adsorption is followed by two pressure gauges. The sample cell can be disconnected from the system to undergo a thermal treatment (up to 250°C) 0-10 torr 0-1000 torr p1 p2 V1 V4 Vacuum V3 V2 Filter Secondary Valve Valve Climatic Chamber adsorptive adsorbent Figure 4. Scheme of the Adsorption Isotherm Determination Apparatus (AIDA). A primary pump coupled with a turbo molecular pump (PT 50, supplied by Leybold) is linked to the apparatus through two different inlets allowing rough or fine control of the depression rate in the system, protecting it from any solid contamination. Three thermal Pt 100 probes (provided by Serv'Instrumentation) are placed on the cell, the adsorptive cell and the main connecting pipe, used as calibrated reservoir, to record the temperature of the system and check the thermal stability of the whole system. The apparatus is placed in a climatic chamber (VT200, provided by Vötsch) allowing a thermal stability better than 0.1 K from 250 K up to 350 K. The whole system (electromagnetic valves, climatic chamber, pressure gauges and thermal probes) is interfaced to a computer and controlled by a programme especially designed for it. The different volumes were calibrated by weighing the sample cell filled with mercury and then by expanding hexanes from this volume into the rest of the apparatus, monitoring pressure. The system was tested for the adsorption of n-hexane on 3.6 nm pore size MCM-41 material and the isotherm was found to be consistent with data available from the literature[4]. 4 3.2. TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF THE ISOTHERMS Sorption isotherms of n-hexane on a 3.6 nm pore size material were determined for temperatures ranging from 1°C to 60°C. Figure 5 shows the adsorbed amount as an equivalent volume for standard pressure and temperature against relative pressure i.e. the pressure divided by saturated vapour pressure. Adsorbed Amount /cm 3.g-1 (STP) 120 100 80 60 1°C 30°C 40°C 50°C 60°C 40 20 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 p/p° Figure 5. n-Hexane sorption isotherms for a 3.6 nm pore size MCM-41 material (Filled symbols and crosses stand for adsorption, hollow symbols and underscores for Desorption). All of the isotherms are reversible in this temperature range and clear trends appear as temperature increases. The adsorption step shifts towards high relative pressure, as can be predicted by the Kelvin equation relating the equilibrium pressure p to the pore radius for a spherical meniscus (equation 1). The slope of the step decreases for the same reason (if we consider a given pore size distribution and differentiate equation 1 with respect to rp, the step width depends on temperature). Finally, the maximal adsorbed amount decreases, as density of the fluid increases. (1) 2 Vl ln( p 0 ) p rp RT 3.3. PORE SIZE DEPENDENCE. A series of sorption isotherms was then determined for materials with pore sizes of 4.4 nm and 5.9 nm (figure 6 and 7, respectively) for the same temperature 5 range as before. For each studied pore size, the same trends as before can be shown. For the intermediate pore size (4.4 nm), an hysteresis loop appears at low temperature (0°C) and for the larger pore size (5.6 nm), hysteretic behaviour occurs up to 50°C, which is the highest temperature studied for this material. These results show that pore size and temperature play a role in the transition between hysteretic and reversible regime, and a complete study of this transition would requires not a (PR,TR) plot for the closure point but a three dimensional (PR, TR, pore size (Ф)) plot, and the determination of a limiting surface between the two observed regimes. 200 160 Adsorbed Amount / cm 3.g-1 (STP) Adsorbed Amount /cm 3.g-1 (STP) 200 120 80 0°C 30°C 40°C 50°C 40 160 120 80 1°C 30°C 40°C 50°C 40 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 p/p° Figure 6. n-Hexane sorption isotherms for a 4.4 nm pore size MCM-41 material (Filled symbols stand for adsorption, hollow symbols for Desorption) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 p/p° Figure 7. n-Hexane sorption isotherms for a 5.9 nm pore size MCM-41 material (Filled symbols stand for adsorption, hollow symbols for Desorption) 4. Hysteresis vanishing A plot of the closure pressure against temperature when hysteresis is detected and of the inflexion point against temperature for reversible systems (figure 8) shows that for a given solid these points are located on a straight line. Moreover, if we report the literature data already discussed (dotted line), we find a good correspondence between the three series discussed above and literature data. The systems corresponding to the line located above the dotted line are fully reversible for this temperature domain (for instance for a 3.6 nm pore size), those located below the line are reversible for these temperatures (5.9 nm) and those crossing the line show a transition between the two regimes. This plot gives us precious hints at how to study the effects of this change on 6 reactivity: using a model reaction, we can vary the pore size of the catalyst in order to cross the line and monitor a selected property of the reaction such as conversion or selectivity in order to detect a change between the regimes. p/p° 0.5 3,6nm 5,9nm Limit 4,2nm 4,4nm 0.25 0 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 T/ °C 40 50 60 70 80 Figure 8. Hysteresis closure pressure for the adsorption of n-hexane on MCM-41 type materials of different pore sizes (the dotted line figures the limit derived from the literature for other organic compounds) -25 Isosteric Adsorption Enthalpy /kJ.mol-1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 -30 9.9 nm 5.9 nm 3.6 nm -35 -40 Pore Filling Figure 9. Isosteric enthalpy of adsorption for n-hexane over materials of different pore sizes 7 5. Isosteric adsorption enthalpy Isotherms also convey information about the thermodynamics of adsorption. Using the isosteric method[5], It was possible to derive adsorption enthalpies and plot them against pore filling for systems with various pore sizes. For any given pore size the general trend is the following (figure 9) : at very low coverage, the adsorptive molecules interact with geometrical defects of the structure leading to a strong adsorption and therefore to a very negative adsorption enthalpy. As the pore filling increases, the enthalpy increases towards a value which is predicted to be the bulk condensation enthalpy by the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller model and which is indeed attained for the 9.9 nm pore size material. According to this theory, it should then be constant and equal to the bulk condensation value during pore condensation. Our system however, behaves differently. In the first step, the enthalpy raises during multilayer adsorption to reach a maximum, the value of which depends on pore size (the smaller the pores, the more negative the maximum) and which is inferior or equal to bulk condensation enthalpy. The enthalpy then reaches a plateau during pore condensation. The value at the plateau becomes, again, more negative as pore size decreases, but it can be noted that even for large pores such as 9.9 nm, it is more negative than for bulk condensation, indicating some kind of stabilisation. Of course, at the onset of condensation on the outer surface of the particles, the enthalpy raises to the bulk condensation value. This dependence of condensation enthalpy on pore size is another effect of confinement and hints at a thermodynamic explanation for the existence of two different regimes for the corresponding isotherms. 6. Conclusion This work shows that confinement effects arise for pores of sufficiently small sizes, leading to reversible phase transition and to a stabilisation of adsorbed molecules. The magnitude of these effects increases as pore size decreases. As in porous materials, for gaseous bulk reactants, reactions usually occur in a liquid like state, these aspects are of major interest for catalysis. A precise cartography of hysteresis loop vanishing in a (T,P,Ф) 3-dimensional space will allow a catalytic study of reactivity using hexane as gas phase "solvent" and with a well chosen parameter f(T,P,Ф) varying in order to cross the reversible/irreversible border. The change of physical properties of hexane should then result in a change of rate or selectivity of the model reaction. This aspect is currently investigated in our group. 8 References 1. Branton P.J., Hall P.G., Sing S.W., Reichert H., Schüth F., Unger K.K. (1990) J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 90, 2965. 2. Morishige K., Shikimi M. 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