For media distrribution. Maay 2013 Schro oders s Viirginie e Maiso onneu uve’s Global G l Insig ght ay 201 13 Ma By Virginie Maisonneu M uve, Head of Globall and Interrnational E Equities “Bu uy in May an nd stay tuned!” Whiile global eq quity marketts have beg un to norma alise, they continue c to eexhibit some unu usual traits for f this stage of the cyc cle. Duriing 2011, beta was the only thing tha at mattered: a company’s beta sensitivvity determin ned 50% % of share price returns while w long-terrm fundamen ntal characteristics such aas growth pote ential and valuation were largely igno red. As m macro conce erns eased in n the second half of 2012 2, risk appetitte began to nnormalise and inve estors started d to factor in company fun ndamentals. However, th his process w was incomple ete: for e example inve estors’ time horizons h rem mained trunca ated. The search for yield Sincce mid-Febru uary, markets s have seen yet another rotation. A strong rally si nce Octoberr 2012 2 and some renewed unc certainty in th he Eurozone e triggered a bout of risk aaversion. Unu usually, equity markets ha ave risen eve en since risk appetite turn ned but the m markets sinc ce then n have been led by defen nsive and hig gher yielding stocks. We believe b this i s emblematic of the sstyle rotation n taking place e where inve estors with hiigh cash pos sitions, and too a certain extent som me bond invesstors, are sta arting to reba alance into equities. e Thos se investors,, however, remain cautious and have prreferred to in nitially buy eq quities with strong yield aand stable ca ash flow ws despite tha at valuations in some casses are quite e high. Therefore, unlike e other equity normalizattion environm ments, cyclica al stocks whiich typically lead in rissing marketss have not pe erformed as w well. In our view, v this is an a anomaly tthat will be slowly adju usted as data a from China strengthenss as the new economic le eadership affifirms itself ov ver d imbalance between bond and equitty valuations the n next few months. Given the t continued s, we expe ect capital to o continue to flow from bo onds into equ uities. As eco onomic indicaators improv ve, this should transslate into gain ns for more ccyclical stock ks and comp panies with loonger-duratio on grow wth. Buy y in May…in time for H2 2 rebound? Reccent leading indicators suggest the glo obal econom my might go through a sofft patch in the seco ond quarter as a the inventtory cycle, tig ghter fiscal policy p in the US U and the fiiscal austeritty and deleveraging in Europe have an imp pact. Howeve er, we expectt growth to reeaccelerate in the ssecond half of o the year driven d by the US and China, and to a certain extennt Japan. So w while the ada age, sell in May M and go a away, has oftten been quo oted in recennt years, we wou uld urge invesstors to look at things diffferently this year. y For media distrribution. Maay 2013 ormation ple ease contactt the Schrod ders PR team m: For further info Este elle Bibby, Eu uropean Insttitutional, +44 4 (0)20 7658 8 3431/ m Cha arlotte Banks, UK Interme ediary, +44 (0 0)20 7658 25 589/ m Beth h Saint, Interrnational, +44 4 (0)20 7658 8 6168/ elizab beth.saint@s schroders.coom Kath hryn Sutton, International, +44 (0)20 7 7658 5765/ kathryn.sutto k Important Inforrmation: The views and opinions o conttained herein n are those of o Virginie Ma aisonneuve, Head of Glo obal and Internationa al Equities an nd may not n ecessarily re epresent view ws expressedd or reflected d in othe er Schroders communications, strateg gies or funds s. For press and prrofessional in nvestors and d advisors on nly. This docu ument is not suitable for retail clients. Thiss document iss intended to o be for infor mation purpo oses only an nd it is not inttended as prom motional matterial in any respect. r The material is not n intended as an offer oor solicitation n for the p purchase or sale of any financial f inst rument. The material is not n intended to provide, and a shou uld not be re elied on for, accounting, a le egal or tax advice, or inve estment recoommendations. Inforrmation here ein is believed to be reliab ble but Schro oder Investm ment Manageement Ltd (Sch hroders) doe es not warran nt its completteness or acc curacy. No re esponsibilityy can be acce epted for erro ors of fact orr opinion. Thiis does not exclude e or restrict any duuty or liability that Schroders has to o its custome ers under the e Financial Services S and Markets Actt 2000 (as ame ended from tiime to time) or any otherr regulatory system. s Schroders has exxpressed its own view ws and opinio ons in this do ocument and d these may change. c Reliance shouldd not be place ed on th he views and d information n in the docu ment when taking t individ dual investmeent and/or strattegic decisio ons. Issu ued by Schro oder Investme ent Managem ment Limited d, 31 Gresham Street, Loondon EC2V 7QA A. Registratio on No 18932 220 England . Auth horised and regulated r by the Financia al Conduct Authority. A For your securityy, communic cations may b be taped or monitored. m