vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE COVER i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF SYMBOLS xiii LIST OF APPENDICES xvi INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 An Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 1 1.2 Schrödinger’s Equation as a Gateway to 1 Quantum Mechanical Studies 1.3 Problem Background 3 1.4 Statement of Problem 5 1.5 Simulation Using C Programming Language 5 1.6 Objectives of Study 6 1.7 Scope of Study 6 1.8 Significance of Study 6 1.9 Thesis Organization 7 vii 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.1 Discovery of Schrödinger Equation 8 2.2 Numerical Methods for Solving Schrödinger 9 Equation 2.3 Meshless Element Free Galerkin (MEFG) 11 Method 3 2.4 Fourier grid Hamiltonian (FGH) Method 12 2.5 Summary 18 MESHLESS ELEMENT FREE GALERKIN 19 METHOD 3.1 Introduction 19 3.2 Basis Set 19 3.2.1 Plane Wave Basis Set 20 3.2.2 Localized Basis Set – Meshless 22 Basis Set 3.3 Meshless Element Free Galerkin Method 23 (MEFG) 3.4 Moving Least Square (MLS) Approximation 24 3.5 Weight Function 29 3.6 Problem Formulation 32 3.7 Generalized Eigenvalue Problems 36 3.7.1 37 3.8 4 Solving a Standard Eigensystem Summary 39 RESULT ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 40 4.1 Introduction 40 4.2 Problem Formulation for H 2 Molecule 40 4.3 Numerical Implementation 41 4.3.1 Convergence Testing 42 4.3.2 Problem Solving for H 2 Molecule 43 4.4 Results and Analysis 46 viii 4.5 5 Summary 52 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 53 5.1 Conclusion for the Case Study Result 53 5.2 Overall Conclusion 53 5.3 Recommendation 54 REFERENCES 55 APPENDICES 59 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 4.1 TITLE PAGE Comparison of eigenvalues calculated using the MEFG method, FGH method and exact analytic formula for a Morse potential representing H 2 47 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE 3.1 Wavefronts of plane wave in 3D space 3.2 Overlapping domain of influence and local node numbering at point x 3.3 21 23 The approximation function ðĒâ (ðĨ) and the nodal parameters ðĒð in the MLS approximation 3.4 PAGE 25 MLS shape function in 1D space for the node at x = 0 obtained using five nodes evenly distributed in the support domain of [-1, 1]. Quadratic spline weight function is used. (a) MLS shape function; (b) derivative of the shape function 3.5 28 Weight functions and resulting MLS approximations. (a) Constant weight function and corresponding approximation for ðĒâ (ðĨ). (b) Constant weight function with compact support and corresponding approximation. (c) Continuous weight function and corresponding approximation 3.6 Influence domain and the cubic spline weight function 4.1 30 31 Schematic flow of MEFG method for onedimensional time independent Schrödinger equation 42 xi 4.2 Eigenvectors at ð = 0 determined by (a) MEFG method, (b) FGH method, and (c) analytical solution 4.3 48 Eigenvectors at ð = 5 determined by (a) MEFG method, (b) FGH method, and (c) analytical solution 4.4 49 Eigenvectors at ð = 15 determined by (a) MEFG method, (b) FGH method, and (c) analytical solution 51 xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS â - Plank constant â - ð - Planck constant divide by 2ð Ψ(ðŦ, ðĄ) - Wavefunction dependent on time ðŦ - ðĄ - Vector space in ðĒ, ðĢ and ðĪ direction ð - Potential field or potential energy ð - Wavefunction or eigenfunction ð(ðĄ) - ð, ð, ð - Function involve of time ðĄ ðļ - Energy of the particle or Mass of atom/molecule Time Integer index eigenenergy/eigenvalue ïŋ― â - Hamiltonian operator i - Complex number ðĶ, ðð (ðĨ), ðð (ðĨĖ ) - ðĨ - Arbitrary function of ðĨ ðī1 , ðī2 , ðð , ð, ð1 - Arbitrary constants ð - frequency ð - Speed of wave ðð - Wave length ΔðĨ - Spacing between two grid/nodal points ðĨð - Real space coordinate at node i A - Arbitrary observable ðīĖ - Arbitrary operator - Total number of grid/nodal points L - Length of domain ð Real space coordinate xiv ðĨïŋ― - Coordinate operator ð - Reciprocal space coordinate - Kinetic energy operator ððððĨ - Maximum wave length ðžĖðĨ - Identity operator ðŋðð - Knonecker delta function ðð - Discrete Fourier Transform ðŋ(ðĨ − ðĨ ′ ) - Dirac Delta function ïŋ―ðð ðŧ - Hamiltonian operator in discrete form ðŧðð0 - Renormalized Hamiltonian matrix ðĪ - Circular frequency ððĪððĢð - Wave number ðīðððððð - Normalizing constant ðĒ(ðĨ) - Approximated wave function ðĒâ (ðĨ) - MLS approximants Ω - Domain ð(ðĨ) - Complete polynomial of order q - Number of terms in the basis ð(ðĨ) - Unknown coordinate-dependent coefficients ðĒð - Nodal parameters ð― - ðĪ(ðĨ − ðĨð ) - Weighted discrete ðŋ2 norm ð(ðĨ), ð(ðĨ), ð, ð, ð―Ė(ðĨ), - Arbitrary matrix and vectors ðŪ - Φð (ðĨ) ðïŋ― ð, ð, ð, ð, ðą , ð, ð, ðē, ð Weight function ð―(ðĨ) - Vector of a set of ðĒðž - Shape functions ðð - Distance between a nodal point at its ððð - Domain of influence size of the Ith node - Scaling parameter ðð - Maximum distance to the nearest neighbor ððððĨ Vector of a set of shape functions neighborhood xv ð - Normalized radius ð - Lower triangular matrix ð - Identity matrix ð - Eigenvalue ð ððð - Lower bound of a domain ð ðððĨ - Upper bound of a domain ð·ð - Well depth ð―, ðū - Constant ðĨð - Equilibrium internuclear distance (bond ðð - vibrational constant ð - Reduced mass ð1 - Mass for first atom ð2 - Mass for second atom ðð , ðð , ð ð , ðð , ðŪð - Reduced matrices and vector ð - Quantum number length) xvi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A1 Atomic units 59 A2 Atomic Rydberg units 61 B Morse potential 62