PhD Project Template 

Universidade Nacional da Irlanda em Galway -- Ciência sem Fronteiras
PhD Project Template
Use one form per project
Please complete & submit to as soon as possible, and by 27/11/2012
In your email, begin the subject line with [SWB] (be sure to use square brackets) to ensure that
your email is filed correctly. Emails will be automatically filed
PI name & contact
Dr Karen Doyle
Has project been agreed
with head (or nominee)
of proposed registration
Research Centre /
group affiliation:
Neuroscience Cluster, NUI Galway
Research group /
centre website:
PI website / link to
Brief summary of PI research / research group / centre activity (2 or 3 lines max):
If you are already involved in relevant scholarly activities relating to Brazil, please mention them here.
Cell stress and neuroprotection. Broadly, my interest lies in understanding the
pathological changes in the brain underpinning the development of neurological
and psychiatric disorders, and investigating ways to convey neuroprotection,
which may help to prevent or treat these diseases.
Title & brief description of PhD project (suitable for publication on web):
Investigation of the involvement of polyamines in the pathophysiology of stroke
Stroke is the third highest cause of mortality and the greatest cause of disablement in the Western
World. At present, there is a marked lack of effective treatments to reduce the extent of brain
damage once a stroke is in evolution. Polyamines are widely distributed in brain tissue, and it is
possible that they may play a role in the pathophysiology of stroke, perhaps through modulation of
NMDA receptor activation and subsequently, cell death. It is the aim of this project to clarify the
involvement of the polyamines in the pathophysiology of stroke and to explore their therapeutic
Universidade Nacional da Irlanda em Galway -- Ciência sem Fronteiras
Unique selling points of PhD project in NUI Galway:
NUI Galway projects should emphasise features that are not typically available in Brazil – specific equipment,
multi-disciplinarity, aspects of structured programme, links with industry, placements, links with other research
groups etc.
The student researcher will become part of the vibrant Neuroscience community in NUI,
Galway and his/her career development will benefit from the stimulating multidisciplinary
research environment. State of the art facilities and equipment are avialable to facilitate
Neuroscience research in NUI, Galway. The student will enroll in a structured PhD
programme in the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, NUI Galway, which
will enable them to gain credit for attending courses of added benefit to their development as
a researcher. The breadth of experience the student will gain will equip them to develop as an
independent researcher.
Name & contact details for project queries, if different from PI named above:
Please indicate the graduates of which disciplines that should apply:
Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pharmacology, Medicine, Pharmacy
Ciência sem Fronteiras / Science Without Borders Priority Area:
Please indicate the specific programme priority area under which the proposed PhD project fits- choose only
one (tick box):
Engineering and other technological areas
Pure and Natural Sciences (e.g. mathematics, physics, chemistry)
Health and Biomedical Sciences
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Oil, Gas and Coal
Renewable Energy
Nanotechnology and New Materials
Technology of prevention and remediation of natural disasters
Biodiversity and Bioprospection
Marine Sciences
Creative Industry
New technologies in constructive engineering
Please indicate which of the following applies to this project (referring to Science Without Borders
Universidade Nacional da Irlanda em Galway -- Ciência sem Fronteiras
Suitable only as a Full PhD (Y/N): _ __Y__
Available to candidates seeking a Sandwich PhD arrangement (Y/N): __Y___
Suitable for either/Don’t know: __Y___