28 Current and Future Therapeutic Approaches 473

Current and Future Therapeutic Approaches
Current and Future Therapeutic Approaches
Elmyra V. Encarnacion and Thomas N. Chase
Approaches to the pharmacotherapy of the “atypical” parkinsonian or “Parkinson plus” disorders
have, as yet, met with little success. Drugs attempting to replace or mimic specific neurotransmitters
are relatively ineffective, as evidenced, for example, by the inconsistent response rates to dopamine
(DA) replacement by the administration of levodopa. This variable and modest efficacy contrasts
with the predictable and significant benefit obtained with dopaminomimetics in Parkinson’s disease
(PD); in this case, core symptoms arise from the loss of a single transmitter system. By contrast,
clinical disability in the atypical parkinsonian disorders reflects more diffuse neuronal damage and
multiple neurotransmitter involvement. Nigral dopaminergic neurons degenerate, but so do serotonergic, noradrenergic, and cholinergic neurons. Replacing DA thus can improve parkinsonian rigidity
and bradykinesia, but the overall benefit is poor and generally disappears with disease progression.
Studies of drugs targeting cholinergic and other monoaminergic systems have usually reported disappointing results. On the other hand, there is a paucity of well-controlled trials of single transmitter
replacement strategies, and clinical studies that systematically address multiple system deficiencies
are virtually unknown. Indeed, whether a transmitter replacement strategy can be effective in the
symptomatic treatment of the Parkinson plus disorders remains uncertain. However, current neurosciences research is providing rapidly increasing insight into the pathogenesis of PD and atypical
parkinsonian disorders. With this new understanding comes the possibility of discovering interventions that will slow or stop disease progression. Progress in the search for radiologic and biochemical
surrogate markers promises not only earlier and more definitive diagnosis but also efficient and more
reliable therapeutic trials.
For the purpose of this review, the atypical parkinsonian disorders have been categorized as follows: (a) multiple system atrophy (MSA), further grouped into MSA-C, previously called
olivopontocerebellar atrophy, OPCA; MSA-A, previously called Shy–Drager, SD; MSA-P, previously called striatonigral degeneration SND; (b) progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP); (c) corticobasal
degeneration (CBD); and (d) dementia with lewy bodies (DLB). An initial analysis of current therapeutic approaches, based on clinical trial results published since 1980 and organized by the major neurotransmitter system targeted, will be followed by consideration of possible directions for future
therapeutic research.
From: Current Clinical Neurology: Atypical Parkinsonian Disorders
Edited by: I. Litvan © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Encarnacion and Chase
Since degeneration of the nigrostriatal system occurs in all parkinsonian disorders, drugs targeting
the principal transmitter deficiency, DA, remain the treatment of choice for associated motor dysfunction, especially rigidity and bradykinesia. Positron emission tomography (PET) studies have
shown decreased striatal 18flourodopa uptake and decreased striatal regional blood flow indicative
of the loss of nigral dopaminergic neurons (1,2). Moreover, a preferential loss of postsynaptic DA-D2
receptors in the posterior putamen occurs in relation to levodopa resistance, suggesting the additional
degeneration of striatal spiny neurons (3,4). Similarly, 123I-iodobenzamide (IBZM) single photon
emission computed tomography (SPECT) studies indicate lower mean striatal DA-D2 receptor binding in patients with atypical parkinsonian disorders than in those with PD (5). A comparison using
[123I]β-CIT SPECT reveals a reduction of striatal DA transporter density in parkinsonian disorders,
including PD (6–8), but long-term studies have shown a more rapid decline in the atypical disorders;
in MSA and PSP putamen-caudate nucleus ratios are reduced and in CBD there is an increase in
binding asymmetry (9).
In MSA, analyses of 203 pathologically proven cases indicated that although the overall response
to levodopa was poor, some patients might initially respond well (10). Indeed, response rates reported
for levodopa range from 33% up to 68% (11,12). As striatal degeneration occurs, receptor sites for the
postsynaptic activity of DA produced by levodopa treatment declines, and thus clinical efficacy consequently fades, leaving only supportive measures for later-stage patients. Those enjoying good response
may develop levodopa-induced axial, orofacial, and limb dyskinesias of the dystonic or choreiform
type (10,13). In general, DA agonists are no more effective than levodopa, although an open-label
evaluation on apomorphine, the most potent dopamine agonist, suggested some motor benefit in
patients with MSA (14). Uncontrolled studies of bromocriptine (10–80 mg) also noted benefit (15),
whereas evaluations of pergolide yielded inconsistent results (16). A controlled trial of lisurude (up
to 2.4 mg per day) observed improvement in one (who was also levodopa responsive) out of seven
patients (17).
In PSP, local cerebral blood flow (LCBF) using xenon-enhanced computed tomography reveal
lower striatal baseline values and no increase following the intravenous administration of levodopa
compared to PD (18). Extensive degeneration of downstream basal ganglia structures may account
for levodopa-unresponsive motor dysfunction (19). Thus, a review of 12 pathologically proven cases
of PSP indicated that one-third of the patients had modest, but nonsustained, improvement while
receiving levodopa with a peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor (20). Similarly, a retrospective review
of clinically diagnosed cases showed that 54% had mild to moderate improvement with levodopa
(21). Reports on dopamine agonists appear to be even more negative. Pramipexole (4.5 mg daily) for
2 mo was not effective (22), and lisuride (mean daily dose of 2.5 mg) provided no overall benefit
when used alone and in combination with levodopa (23). Dyskinesias and other side effects are rare,
with only isolated cases of levodopa-induced oromandibular dystonia, dyskinesia, and apraxia of
eyelid opening (24–26).
A review of 14 pathologically proven CBD cases found that virtually all developed asymmetric or
unilateral akinetic-rigid parkinsonism and gait disorder, and that none had a dramatic response to
levodopa therapy (27). A chart review of 147 clinically diagnosed CBD patients from eight major
movement disorders centers noted that 92% received some kind of dopaminergic medication, specifically levodopa with a peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor (87%), bromocriptine or pergolide (25%),
and selegiline (20%) (28). Overall, clinical improvement occurred in 24% receiving any of these
dopaminergic agents, with levodopa being the most effective drug given at a median dose of 300 mg
and ranging from 100 to 2000 mg. Dopamine agonists (pergolide and bromocriptine) and selegiline
were less successful, producing 6% and 10% benefit, respectively. Parkinsonian signs improved the
most, and dyskinesias were not observed even with high-dose levodopa. Side effects included drug-
Current and Future Therapeutic Approaches
associated worsening of parkinsonism, dystonia, myoclonus, and gait dysfunction, whereas nonmotor
side effects included gastrointestinal complaints, confusion, somnolence, dizziness, and hallucinations. A relative failure or lack of efficacy of dopaminergic therapy in a parkinsonian patient with
cortical dysfunction should raise the suspicion of CBD.
Cholinergic neuronal depletion (29,30) as well as reductions in such enzymatic markers as
cholineacetyltransferase (31–33) and acetylcholinesterase (33) occur in the atypical parkinsonian
disorders, although with differences in the degree and distribution of affected neurons. For example,
several cholinergic nuclei undergo degeneration in PSP (32,34,35), whereas immunohistochemical
analyses of autopsy material indicate that in CBD the forebrain cholinergic system is more vulnerable than the midbrain (36). The generalized loss of striatal cholinergic interneurons accounts for
observed reduction in DA-D2 receptors (37) and thus the ineffectiveness of dopaminergic drugs in
PSP. Unfortunately, cholinergic replacement therapy alone has been no more effective in palliating
symptoms, secondary to the severity of cholinergic deficits and the more widespread impairment of
monoaminergic systems in PSP (38).
In patients with PSP, cholinergic stimulation by intravenous physostigmine had no significant
motor or neurobehavioral effects at any dose, whereas cholinergic blockade by intravenous scopolamine, in low and medium doses, impaired memory performance in PSP patients as well as normal
individuals and exacerbated gait disability in some patients (39). Similarly, controlled trials of orally
administered physostigmine failed to benefit any of the motor functions tested (40,41). An open
study of the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, donepezil, lasting 3 mo also did not appear to improve
cognitive dysfunction or activities of daily living (38). A controlled trial of donepezil in 21 PSP
patients did, however, suggest modest benefit in some cognitive measures but worsened mobility
scores (42). The effect of donepezil on motor dysfunction ranges from none (38) to deleterious (42).
Similarly, the direct cholinergic agonist RS-86 did not improve motor function, eye movements, or
psychometric performance in a controlled trial in 10 PSP patients (43).
In clinically diagnosed CBD cases, 27% received anticholinergics, which briefly benefited some
individuals but were often poorly tolerated (28).
Adrenergic, Serotoninergic, GABAergic, Glutamatergic
Neurotransmitter systems downstream from the degenerating nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway
have also been targeted therapeutically. The rationale for these pharmacological interventions parallels that for DA replacement, i.e., the restoration of transmitter function, lost as a consequence of the
degenerative process.
Adrenergic system dysfunction occurs in atypical parkinsonian disorders and could contribute to
clinical disability. For example, there is degeneration of the locus ceruleus in PSP, where quantitative
autoradiographic analysis of tissue sections shows a dramatic reduction in α-2 adrenoceptor density
compared to controls (44). Nevertheless, a randomized blinded study revealed that the α-2 adrenergic antagonist idazoxan improved balance and manual dexterity in about half of PSP patients (45),
whereas a similarly designed evaluation of efaroxan, another potent α-2 antagonist, did not significantly alter any of the assessed measures of motor function (46).
The effect of serotoninergic drugs in the atypicals has not been extensively studied. Open-label
evaluations suggested methysergide, a serotonin 5HT2 receptor antagonist that blocks the facilitatory
effects of raphe stimulation on bulbospinal neurons, affords relief to some PSP patients when used
alone or in combination with antiparkinsonian agents (47,48); marked improvement was reported in
patients with severe dysphagia (48). These studies, however, have not been replicated, and
methysergide is no longer being used owing to its clear side effects (e.g., retroperitoneal fibrosis).
γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) system function has been assessed in the atypical parkinsonian disorders using PET with [11C]flumazenil. GABA-type A/benzodiazepine receptor binding appears to be
Encarnacion and Chase
decreased in the brainstem and cerebellum of MSA patients with MSA-C, but not in MSA-A syndrome; however, binding still remains largely preserved in the cerebral hemispheres, basal ganglia,
thalamus, and brainstem as well as cerebellum in both MSA groups compared to normal controls
(49). Results from a randomized blinded study of vigabatrin, an irreversible inhibitor of GABA-transaminase, given to patients with MSA-C at a daily oral dose of 2–4 g for 4 mo, indicate that agents that
increase central GABA concentrations are unlikely to confer symptomatic benefit (50).
In PSP, PET studies revealed a 13% global reduction in [11C]flumazenil binding, particularly in
the anterior cingulate gyrus (51), and a reduced density of GABA neurons was seen in the caudate
nucleus, ventral striatum, and internal and external pallidum (52). A controlled study of zolpidem, a
hypnotic with putative GABA-A receptor agonist activity, at doses of 5–10 mg, found improvement
in parkinsonian signs (>20% improvement), dysarthria, and eye movements, although sedation
appeared at the highest dose (53). In clinically diagnosed CBD, benzodiazepines, primarily
clonazepam, reportedly improves myoclonus (23%) and dystonia (9%) (28), whereas clinical experience suggests that baclofen and tizanidine can have a modest beneficial effect on rigidity and
tremor (54).
Possible involvement of glutamatergic systems in the atypical parkinsonian syndromes has been
little explored, although some studies have addressed the therapeutic efficacy of drugs purporting to
inhibit glutamate receptors of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) type. For example, an uncontrolled
study of the NMDA antagonist, amantadine, in eight patients with MSA-C lasting on average for
over 40 mo suggested improved performance on measures of reaction and movement time (55). On
the other hand, a short-term pilot study of amantadine at relatively high doses (400–600 mg/d) failed
to find consistent benefit (56). Nevertheless, a salutatory response was observed in a blinded and
controlled study involving 30 MSA-C patients that used lower doses of amantadine (200 mg/d) for 3–
4 mo (57). Amantadine is neither much used nor very effective in patients with CBD (28).
A blinded trial of amitriptyline, a norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake blocker, beginning at 25 mg
at bedtime and increasing to 50 mg in a week or two as needed, showed modest benefit in gait (58).
Botulinum Toxin
Dystonia can be a disabling feature in at least a third of CBD cases (28,59) as well as in other
atypical parkinsonian disorders. Open-label studies of botulinum toxin (BTx)-A injections suggest
that the treatment of limb dystonia depends on the severity of the deformity and degree of contractures
(60), temporarily improving hand and arm function in early disease, while reducing pain, facilitating
hygiene, and preventing secondary contractures in more advanced stages (61). BTx-A also reportedly improved orofacial dystonia using clinical and electromyogram (EMG) examinations as outcome measures (61), and can be particularly effective in the relief of blepharospasm and
PSP-associated retrocollis (61), and apraxia of eyelid opening (62). Adverse effects are generally
mild and transient, although severe dysphagia has been reported, with onset a few days after treatment and persisting for several months (63).
Neurosurgical Approaches
Stereotactic procedures, such as pallidotomy or pallidal/subthalamic nucleus (STN) stimulation,
have had limited success in the atypical parkinsonian disorders (64), and are not generally recommended. On the other hand, bilateral STN stimulation reportedly benefited rigidity and akinesia in
four MSA patients (65). Neural transplantation approaches are currently being explored in the
atypicals, although beset by the same methodological and ethical issues associated with these procedures in PD. A placebo-controlled study is under way to assess the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of
glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) continuously infused directly into striatum on motor
dysfunction in PSP patients.
Current and Future Therapeutic Approaches
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
ECT appeared to improved motor signs in five PSP patients after nine treatments, although treatment-induced confusion and prolonged hospitalization limit the usefulness of this technique (66).
Most studies of autonomic dysfunction in atypical parkinsonian disorders focus on MSA, where
this feature is far more common than in CBD, PSP, or DLB. Neuropathological studies reveal neuronal loss in central adrenergic pathways, especially catecholaminergic neuron depletion in the rostral ventrolateral medulla, but not in the sympathetic ganglia (67,68). Asymptomatic orthostatic
hypotension generally does not require treatment in MSA, since autoregulation seems preserved down
to a systolic blood pressure of 60 mmHg, a value well below the 80 mmHg at which autoregulation
fails in normal subjects (69).
For symptomatic orthostatic hypotension, fludrocortisone, acting through expanding plasma volume and reducing natriuresis, and midodrine, an α-1 adrenoreceptor agonist, generally appear to be
the treatments of choice. A large, randomized, controlled trial showed that midodrine reduced orthostatic hypotension by increasing peripheral resistance (70). Midodrine can be initiated at 2.5 mg three
times a day, increased up to 10 mg three times a day, if needed, whereas fludrocortisone, which has
never been studied formally, is usually started at .1 mg daily, and increased to a maximum of four
tablets per day in two or three divided doses (62). A placebo-controlled trial in 35 patients comparing
the pressor effects of phenylpropanolamine (12.5 mg and 25 mg), yohimbine (5.4 mg), indomethacin
(50 mg), ibuprofen (600 mg), caffeine (250 mg), and methylphenidate (5 mg) on seated systolic
blood pressure showed a significant pressor response with phenylpropanolamine, yohimbine, and
indomethacin; comparison of phenylpropanolamine (12.5 mg) and midodrine (5mg) in a subgroup of
patients elicited similar effects (71).
In an uncontrolled, dose-ranging study of L-threo-dihydroxyphenylserine, 100, 200, and 300 mg
twice daily were well tolerated, and the 300-mg dose seemed to offer the most effective control of
symptomatic orthostatic hypotension (72). Similar results were observed when 60° head-up-tilt was
performed after the daily oral administration of 300 mg L-threo-dihydroxyphenylserine for 2 wk (73).
A small, open evaluation of chronic subcutaneous octreotide at 100 µg three times a day also suggested functional improvement (74). Furthermore, isolated cases include treatment with vasopressin
in refractory hypotension (75) and erythropoietin in those with anemia (76).
Urinary problems also commonly afflict those with atypical parkinsonian syndromes. α1-adrenergic receptors are present in the proximal urethra where impaired relaxation may be responsible for
difficulty voiding and increased residual urine. An uncontrolled study showed that α1-adrenergic
antagonists, prazosin (nonselective) and moxisylyte (selective), reduced residual urine volume,
although side effects related to orthostatic hypotension were common in those with postural hypotension of more than –30 mmHg (77). An open study suggested that desmopressin at night may reverse
nocturia (78). For incontinence, peripherally acting anticholinergics, such as tolterodine, oxybutynin,
and propiverene, are used, albeit at the expense of causing retention (79). Although no formal studies
have been done on these drugs, recommended doses are tolterodine 2–4 mg at bedtime or twice daily,
oxybutinin 5–10 mg at bedtime, or propantheline 15–30 mg at bedtime if the pathophysiology
involves detrusor hypereflexia (62).
Other common autonomic disturbances include erectile dysfunction and constipation. A randomized controlled study showed that sildenafil citrate (50 mg) is efficacious in the treatment of impotence, but may unmask or exacerbate preexisting hypotension (80); measurement of orthostastic blood
pressure is thus recommended prior to the administration of this drug. General recommendations for
constipation are a high-fiber diet, and over-the-counter laxatives or lactulose. In an open evaluation,
macrogol 3350 was found to diminish constipation (81). Open-label studies have also suggested that
subcutaneous bethanechol chloride, a muscarinic receptor agonist, improves tearing, salivation,
Encarnacion and Chase
sweating, gastrointestinal, and bladder functions (82), whereas sublingual atropine benefits sialorrhea, although with such side effects as delirium and hallucinations (83). Anticholinergics also risk
exacerbating confusion and constipation as well as preexisting prostatism and glaucoma.
Drugs enhancing central cholinergic function provide a rational approach to the treatment of cognitive dysfunction associated with the Parkinson plus disorders. In PSP, however, a controlled trial of
physostigmine showed only borderline changes in long-term memory (41), although improved visual
attention has been reported (92). An open study of donepezil did not appear to ameliorate cognitive
dysfunction (38), whereas a controlled trial suggested modest benefit in some cognitive measures but
worsened mobility scores (42). A controlled trial on the direct cholinergic agonist RS-86 revealed
comparable unsatisfactory results (43).
DLB is attended by brain cholinergic deficits such as an early loss of cholinacetyltransferase activity
(93) as well reductions in hippocampal muscarinic and nicotinic receptors (94). An uncontrolled
assessment of the cholinesterase inhibitor, rivastigmine, suggested improvement after 24 wk of
treatment in cognition, activities of daily living, and behavioral and psychiatric symptoms measured
by the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (95). A subsequent placebo-controlled study observed similarly
benefits with rivastigmine (6–12 mg daily) on behavior and cognition, with most parameters of cognitive performance returning to pretreatment levels after 3 wk of drug discontinuation (96). Prospective studies on donepezil, another cholinesterase inhibitor, also found improvement in cognitive and
noncognitive symptoms, without a worsening of motor function (97,98). Cholinergic replacement
therapy should thus be considered in DLB patients.
On the other hand, the use of drugs that possess anticholinergic activity, such as tricyclic antidepressants, risk worsening confusion (28).
Dopaminergic and Serotoninergic
Classical antipsychotic drugs that potently block dopaminergic receptors can ameliorate psychotic
symptoms but worsen parkinsonism, at times seriously enough to require levodopa (84). Better results
in treating psychosis have been obtained with the atypical neuroleptics, possibly owing to their predominant antiserotoninergic rather than antidopaminergic activity. An extensive chart review revealed
that 90% of DLB patients had partial to complete resolution of psychosis using long-term quetiapine,
although in 27% motor worsening was noted at some point during treatment (85). A large, randomized blinded trial found that olanzapine (5 or 10 mg) reduces psychosis without exacerbating parkinsonism (86). Relatively small doses of clozapine have also been used successfully for the relief of
paranoid delusions, psychosis, and agitation, albeit at the risk of agranulocytosis (84). Indeed, caution is generally warranted in using neuroleptics, since sedation, confusion, immobility, postural
instability, and other serious side effects are hardly uncommon (87,88). Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare but fatal adverse effect more common with typical neuroleptics, such as
haloperidol, owing to potent dopaminergic blockade (84,85). Dopaminomimetic agents (DA agonists
more so than levodopa) are more likely to worsen than improve cognitive and affective function
associated with the atypical parkinsonian disorders. The management of psychosis should thus first
involve lowering the dose of anti-parkinsonian medication in this order: anticholinergics, amantadine,
selegiline, DA agonists, and then levodopa; only if the improvement is inadequate, should a cautious
trial of antipsychotic medication be considered (87). There are isolated reports of improvement in
depression with levodopa (89), or with levodopa combined with L-threodihydroxyphenylserine
and thyroid-releasing hormone (90). The successful use of clozapine in treatment-resistant psy-
Current and Future Therapeutic Approaches
Table 1
Most Commonly Recommended Drugs for Each Dysfunction
Levodopa, variable response but best drug
Other dopaminergic agents, less beneficial
Orthostatic hypotension—fludrocortisone, midodrine
Urinary incontinence—tolterodine, oxybutinin, propantheline
Erectile dysfunction—sildenafil citrate
Cholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil, rivastigmine)
Psychosis—atypical neuroleptics (quetiapine, clozapine)
chotic depression without aggravating neurological disabilities has also been observed (91). In the
absence of formal trials of antidepressants in patients with atypical parkinsonism, serotonin reuptake
inhibitors, such as those used for PD, are generally prescribed.
ECT has been effective in the treatment of depression in the atypical parkinsonian disorders, but
produces inconsistent benefits on motor or cognitive dysfunction (99–101).
The atypical parkinsonian disorders present clinically with a myriad of symptoms owing to the
diffuse nature of the underlying neuronal involvement. Current palliative pharmacotherapies, largely
seeking to normalize resultant transmitter system abnormalities, are largely unsuccessful because of
poor efficacy, prominent adverse effects, or both. A variety of factors contribute to this unfortunate
situation. The number of patients afflicted by these disorders is small, insufficient to stimulate specific pharmaceutical development efforts. Attempts to rigorously assess possible extensions of existing drugs to the treatment of the atypical parkinsonian syndromes have been uncommon. There are
no reliable means for early and accurate diagnosis, although the National Institutes of Health–Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (NINDS–PSP) criteria is specific. There is also a need for validated
animal models, but studies are under way (102–105). Finally, most clinical trials have been so limited
and poorly designed as to preclude reliable interpretation. In this setting, physicians have largely
been left to make their own best therapeutic judgments. Treatment remains symptomatic and largely
supportive (Table 1) while awaiting the emergence of neuroprotective strategies to slow or stop disease progression. Palliative therapies include ambulatory aids and rehabilitation, which are discussed in
another chapter.
Notwithstanding the rapid advances in basic neurosciences research, the causes of
neurodegenerative disease remain obscure. Without more detailed etiologic information, the probability of discovering an effective protective therapy is small. Current research implicates a complex
combination of genetic predispositions and endogenous and/or environmental factors. Oxidative
stress, excitotoxicity, mitochondrial deficiency, microglial activation, apoptotic triggering, and
protein-processing abnormalities have all been suggested as possibly contributory (Table 2).
Recently, the proteins α-synuclein, which interfere with membrane protein function, and tau, a
microtubular-associated protein, which plays an important role in neuronal transport, have received
increasing investigative attention. The discovery of these proteins has prompted classification of the
atypical parkinsonian disorders into α-synucleopathies, specifically MSA (106,107) and DLB (108),
Encarnacion and Chase
Table 2
Possible Disease Etiologies and Areas to Explore for Neuroprotection
Oxidative stress
Mitochondrial deficiency
Microglial activation
Apoptotic triggering
Protein processing abnormalities (i.e., accumulation of α-synuclein, tau)
and tauopathies, specifically PSP and CBD (109,110). Pathological overlap exists, however, and
colocalization of α-synuclein and tau does occur (111–114). A possible role for these proteins in
pathogenesis could also provide a basis for developing surrogate spinal fluid outcome measures to
assist in the clinical evaluation of therapeutic candidates. Stimulation of axonal regeneration through
glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) has already received attention. Neuroradiologic advances also promise to provide clearer insight into such matters as local cerebral blood flow, transmitter system function, and intracellular metabolic abnormalities, needed to identify the cause of the
selective neurodegenerative processes and to discover successful therapeutic interventions.
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