22 Clinical Diagnosis of Familial Atypical Parkinsonian Disorders

Clinical Diagnosis
Clinical Diagnosis of Familial Atypical Parkinsonian
Yoshio Tsuboi, Virgilio H. Evidente, and Zbigniew K. Wszolek
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is defined clinically as a disorder characterized by the presence of at
least two of four cardinal signs, i.e., resting tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity, and postural instability,
along with a good response to levodopa (1). Patients with typical PD do not manifest ataxia, chorea,
orthostatic hypotension unrelated to medications, vertical downward-gaze deficits, amyotrophy, early
dementia, or early hallucinations. When present, these signs suggest a diagnosis of atypical parkinsonism or parkinsonism-plus syndrome (2).
Both typical and atypical parkinsonism can be either sporadic or familial. The etiology of sporadic
forms remains unknown. However, recent advances in molecular genetics have allowed us to classify
familial forms into several separate categories. Typical forms of familial parkinsonism are found in
patients carrying PARK1-10 chromosomal abnormalities (Table 1). Although even these patients
may exhibit some atypical clinical features, the detailed discussion of kindreds with PARK1-10 is
beyond the scope of this chapter.
Atypical forms of familial parkinsonism with known chromosomal loci or mutations discussed in
this chapter are found in kindreds with frontotemporal dementia, ataxia, dystonia, abnormal copper
and iron accumulation, and mitochondrial dysfunction (Table 2). We have also included a brief discussion of Perry syndrome, a rare atypical familial parkinsonian disorder with an unknown genetic
abnormality but with worldwide occurrence.
Frontotemporal Dementia and Parkinsonism Linked to Chromosome 17
The term frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) was
defined in 1996 during the International Consensus Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan (3). At the
time of this meeting, only 13 families with syndromes linked to the chromosome 17q21-22 locus
were known (4–12). Currently, over 80 families with FTDP-17 are known (13). Data indicate that
some of these kindreds may share a common founder (14,15). However, distribution is worldwide,
with families described in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia (4–14,16).
Molecular genetic studies have identified 31 unique tau gene mutations associated with FTDP-17
(8,10–12,14,16). The three most prevalent are P301L, exon 10 5' +16, and N279K. These mutations
account for about 60% of known cases of FTDP-17 (16). Thus, the concept of FTDP-17 has evolved
From: Current Clinical Neurology: Atypical Parkinsonian Disorders
Edited by: I. Litvan © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Table 1
Familial Parkinsonism Associated With Known Gene Mutations or Loci
α-Synuclein (2 mutations)
20–85 (46)
36–89 (58)
24–48 (30s)
Autosomal dominant
Autosomal recessive
49–51 (50)
38–68 (51)
PD, some cases
with dementia
PD, some cases
with dementia
PD, some cases
with dementia
Parkin (multiple mutations)
6–58 (26)
DJ-1 (2 mutations)
32–48 (41)
27–40 (33)
PD, Parkinson’s disease; UCH-L1, ubiquitin carboxyterminal hydrase L1.
Response to
Lewy body
Lewy body
Lewy body
Pure nigral degeneration
PD, spasticity,
dementia, gaze
Nigral degeneration sometimes
with tau inclusions or Lewy
Tsuboi, Evidente, and Wszolek
Range of Age
at Onset, yr
Autosomal dominant
Huntington’s disease
Perry syndrome
Autosomal recessive
Wilson’s disease
X-linked recessive
DYT3 (Lubag)
Range of Age
at Onset, yr
Other Features
Response to Levodopa
SCA2 (Ataxin-2)
SCA3 (Ataxin-3)
25–76 (49)
19–61 (39)
31–57 (42)
12–45 (22)
35–61 (48)
Bradykinesia, PI
Rigidity, akinesia
Rigidity, akinesia
Tremor, rigidity
12–60 (35)
Dystonia, focal tremor,
chorea, myoclonus,
Poor, occasionally good
Complex 1
Complex 1
41–79 (42)
Diurnal fluctuation,
Rapid-onset dystonia
Depression, weight loss,
Clinical Diagnosis
Table 2
Familial Atypical Parkinsonism Associated With Known Gene Mutations or Loci
Poor, occasionally good
Intention tremor,
K–F ring,
behavioral disturbances
Chorea, dystonia, pyramidal Occasionally fair
signs, dementia
ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; ATP7B, P-type adenosine triphosphatase; CBD, corticobasal degeneration; FTD, frontotemporal dementia; FTDP-17, frontotemporal
dementia and parkinsonism linked on chromosome 17; GCH, guanosine triphosphate cyclohydrolase I; K–F, Kayser-Fleischer; NBIA, neurodegeneration with brain iron
accumulation; PANK2, pantothenate kinase 2; PD, Parkinson’s disease; PI, postural instability; PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy; SCA, spinocerebellar ataxia.
Tsuboi, Evidente, and Wszolek
over the past several years to include the association with tau mutations. Some investigators now
refer to FTDP-17 as familial tauopathies or frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to
chromosome 17 associated with tau gene mutations (FTDP-17T). Of note, there are five kindreds
linked to the wld locus on chromosome 17 but no mutations have so far been identified in this critical
region, suggesting the presence of another gene (17–21). The molecular genetic aspects of FTDP-17
are discussed separately in Chapter 5. Neuropathologic studies demonstrate tau deposition in neurons
alone or in both neurons and glial cells in multiple areas of the central nervous system, particularly in
the cerebral cortex and some subcortical nuclei (e.g., substantia nigra).
Clinical Description
FTDP-17 is characterized clinically by a combination of personality and behavioral dysfunction,
cognitive impairment, and motor signs. The average age at symptomatic onset is 49 yr (range, 25–
76 yr). The average duration of survival after onset is 9 yr (range, 2–26 yr). Personality and behavioral changes are the most common symptoms and are described in almost all known kindreds.
Cognitive impairment is also common and can occur in the initial or later stages of the illness. The
motor manifestations usually include atypical parkinsonism and can in fact be the presenting and
dominating clinical feature, often leading to disability within 2–3 yr.
The personality and behavioral manifestations of FTDP-17 include disinhibition, apathy, impaired
judgment, compulsive behavior, hyperreligiosity, neglect of personal hygiene, alcoholism, illicit drug
addiction, verbal and physical aggressiveness, and family abuse. Early in the disease, cognition is
characterized by relative preservation of memory, orientation, and visuospatial functions. Progressive speech impairment with nonfluent aphasia, as well as executive dysfunction, may be seen in the
initial stages. Later in the course of the disease, progressive deterioration of memory, orientation, and
visuospatial functions occurs. Echolalia, palilalia, and verbal and vocal perseverations are frequently
observed. Finally, progressive dementia and mutism develop.
The motor signs consist mainly of parkinsonism and can be the initial manifestation of the disease.
In fact, some FTDP-17 patients are misdiagnosed as having PD or progressive supranuclear palsy
(PSP). However, in some families, parkinsonism is absent or occurs late in the course of the disease.
The parkinsonism in FTDP-17 is characterized by symmetrical bradykinesia, rigidity equally affecting
the axial and appendicular musculature, absence of resting tremor (13), postural instability, and poor or
no response to levodopa (22). Other motor disturbances seen in FTDP-17 include dystonia unrelated to
medications, supranuclear gaze palsy, upper and lower motor neuron dysfunction, myoclonus, postural
and action tremors, apraxia of eyelid opening and closing, dysphagia, and dysarthria.
Notably, considerable phenotypic heterogeneity exists in individuals with different mutations
(13,14,16). In addition, phenotypic variability is often seen in individuals carrying the same mutation. The correlation between clinical signs and different tau mutations is presented in Table 3.
Determining the precise relationship between phenotype and genotype in FTDP-17 remains challenging because clinical information is often unavailable or insufficient. Nevertheless, some patterns
have emerged. Two major phenotypes are associated with FTDP-17: one in which dementia is predominant and one in which parkinsonism-plus is predominant (13,14,16). The dementia-predominant phenotype is more common and is usually associated with exonic mutations sparing the splicing
of exon 10. The parkinsonism-plus–predominant phenotype is often associated with intronic and
exonic mutations that affect exon 10 splicing, leading to an overproduction of four-repeat tau
Case 1: (Video 1) Pallido-Ponto-Nigral Degeneration (PPND)
With the N279K Tau Mutation (23)
This right-handed man first noted a tremor in his right leg at age 40. When he drove an automobile, his left leg sometimes felt stiff and occasionally shook. His wife also noted that he turned his
body en bloc (see accompanying DVD video 1, segments A and B). At age 41, he was noted to have
Exon 1
Exon 9
Not in Exon 10
Exon 11
Exon 12
Exon 13
Exon 10
Exon 10 5' splice site
Average age at onset, yr
Average survival, yr
First sign
Personality change
Personality change
R5H, R5L
R5H, R5L
N279K, P301L
del280K, L284L, N296H, S305S
del280, delN296, N296H
N279K, L284L, P301L,
P301S, S305S
+3, +11, +14, +16
+12, +13
–1, +11, +12
+3, +14, +16
N279K, P301L, delN296
L284L, delN296
P301L, N296H
–1, +3, +11
+3, +12
–2, –1, +12, +14, +16
N279K, delN296
P301S, N296H
–1, +11
+3, +12, +14, +16
del280K, L284L, P301L, P301S
–1, +12
–2, +3, +11, +13
del280K, L284L, P301L, P301S
–2, –1, +12, +14, +16
N279K, L284L, N296H, P301L
N279K, del280K, N296H, P301S
N279K, N296H, P301S, delN296, S305S
–1, +14, +16
–1, +3
N279K, P301S
N279K, P301S
–1, +3, +12
Modified from Wszolek et al. (13) and Ghetti et al. (16). By permission of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and ISN Neuropath Press.
Language difficulties
Late mutism
Eye movement
Pyramidal signs
Clinical Diagnosis
Table 3
Clinical Features of Specific Mutations in the Tau Gene
Tsuboi, Evidente, and Wszolek
a shuffling gait and reduced arm swing. His facial expression also had changed considerably, and
drooling became a problem. Subsequently, a resting tremor developed in both legs (in the left more
than the right) and occasionally in both hands. His balance deteriorated steadily over the next 2 yr. He
experienced many falls throughout the day and had difficulty standing up (see video 1, segments C
and D). His balance was better in the morning than in the evening. Treatment with carbidopa-levodopa
was of limited benefit.
At age 44, the patient reported generalized stiffness in the muscles of his neck, tongue, and extremities. The stiffness was more pronounced in the afternoon and after the carbidopa-levodopa effect had
worn off (i.e., after 3 h). The tremor in his legs (particularly the left) was also worse several hours
after carbidopa-levodopa administration. He complained of frequent and uncontrollable yawning. He
chewed gum almost constantly to avoid yawning and excessive drooling. He remained independent
in most activities of daily living but needed occasional assistance with cutting food.
When examined at age 44, his Mini-Mental State Examination score was 30/30. His neck was
anteroflexed, and he had obvious parkinsonism in the form of facial hypomimia, markedly reduced
blinking, prominent drooling, and generalized body bradykinesia. He had severe postural instability,
and while walking he needed assistance from at least one person to prevent falls (video 1, segments
E–G). Muscle tone was increased and was a mixture of rigidity and spasticity; the tone was more
pronounced in axial than in appendicular muscles. Muscle strength was normal. Deep tendon reflexes
were exaggerated, with bilateral ankle clonus (right more than left). Bilateral extensor plantar responses
were also noted.
At the time of this writing, he was 46 yr old, lived in a skilled nursing facility, and required
assistance in all activities of daily living.
Familial Parkinsonism With Ataxia
The inherited spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by dysfunction and degeneration of systems involved in motor coordination (24). The clinical
phenotypes vary. Additional clinical features include pyramidal signs, eye movement abnormalities, dementia, chorea, and peripheral neuropathy. Currently, 19 SCA loci and mutations have been
Parkinsonism has been recognized as a clinical phenotype in the SCA3 mutation (25,26). The
autopsies performed on individuals with the SCA3 mutation demonstrated Purkinje cell loss and
torpedo-like structures in the axons of Purkinje cells. Cell loss is also frequently seen in brainstem
nuclei, including the substantia nigra, inferior olive, and pontine nuclei.
Recently, several families with the SCA2 mutation were described whose members manifested
with either ataxia and parkinsonism or with parkinsonism alone (27–30). However, no autopsies have
been reported from these kindreds.
Clinical Description
Table 4 outlines clinical data on all known SCA2 families with parkinsonism. Although parkinsonism is rare with the SCA2 mutation, it can be the only manifestation of the disease in some SCA2
families. For example, before the SCA2 mutation was identified in the Canadian (Alberta) kindred
(29), affected individuals in this family were thought to have PD. The parkinsonism in SCA2 is
characterized by asymmetrical rigidity, bradykinesia, resting tremor, and responsiveness to levodopa.
In a Taiwanese family, two affected individuals had supranuclear gaze palsy (27). The average age at
onset of parkinsonian symptoms in SCA2 kindreds is 47 yr (range, 19–86 yr). Because many of the
affected individuals in these kindreds are still living, the average disease duration remains unclear.
Table 5 summarizes the clinical signs observed in SCA3 kindreds. In these families, parkinsonism
is usually associated not only with ataxia but also with oculomotor dysfunction and upper and lower
motor signs. However, in the African-American population, some affected members of families with
the SCA3 mutation exhibit a phenotype indistinguishable from that of idiopathic PD (31,32). The
Clinical Diagnosis
Table 4
Clinical Features of SCA2 Families With Parkinsonism
Gwinn-Hardy et al.,
2000 (27)
Number of affected
Age at disease onset, yr
Initial symptoms
Resting tremor
Postural instability
Response to levodopa
Ataxic gait
Peripheral neuropathy
Gaze palsy
Length of CAG repeats
Published Report
Shan et al.,
2001 (28)
Taiwan (2 families)
Furtado et al.,
2002 (29)
Lu et al.,
2002 (30)
B, T, dystonia
B, bradykinesia; T, tremor; +, present; –, not present.
Table 5
Cerebellar and Extrapyramidal Signs in SCA3 Families
Gait ataxia
Limb ataxia
Frequency (%)
Modified from Jardim et al. (26). By permission of the American
Medical Association.
average age at onset of parkinsonian symptoms in SCA3 kindreds is 42 yr (range, 31-57 yr) (31). In
general, the average disease duration spans decades. However, as in SCA2 families, the length of
survival is unknown because many affected individuals are still living (31).
Familial Parkinsonism With Dystonia
Clinically, dystonia is defined as a syndrome of sustained muscle contractions causing twisting
and repetitive movement or abnormal postures (33). Familial dystonia syndromes are termed “DYT”
and numbered from 1 to 14 according to the associated chromosomal loci. Familial dystonias can be
focal or generalized, with onset in childhood or adulthood. Dystonia can respond to levodopa (DYT5),
Tsuboi, Evidente, and Wszolek
Table 6
Clinical Features Seen in Dystonia Kindreds Associated With Parkinsonism
Lubag Disease
X-linked recessive
Average age
at disease onset, yr
Initial symptoms
Parkinsonism or Dy
Resting tremor
Postural instability
Response to levodopa
Dystonia (DYT5)
Dystonia and
Parkinsonism (DYT12) Dystonia (DYT14)
AD, autosomal dominant; Dy, dystonia; +, present; –, not present.
alcohol (DYT8 and DYT9), or anticonvulsant medications (DYT10). Parkinsonian features have been
recognized in DYT3, DYT5, and DYT12. Clinical features of dystonia kindreds associated with
parkinsonism are summarized in Table 6.
Clinical Description
DYT3, also known as X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism (XDP) or Lubag disease, was first identified in families residing on the Philippine island of Panay. The disease is inherited as an X-linked
recessive trait with high penetrance and is thus transmitted to men by their mothers. Female carriers
can manifest symptoms, although these are rare and much less severe than those in men. Onset is at a
mean age of 35 yr but can range from age 12–60 yr.
The earliest feature in most DYT3 patients is mild parkinsonism. In particular, breakdown of rapid
alternating movements and subtle body bradykinesia are often seen early. In some patients, an asymmetrical resting limb tremor similar to that in PD may in fact be misdiagnosed as PD. Other patients
may have a coarse type of action and postural appendicular or axial tremor similar to essential tremor.
With time, dystonia develops in the majority of patients. Those who develop segmental or multifocal
dystonia within the first year of the disease, especially in combination with parkinsonism, usually
have a more rapid progression. Patients with pure or predominant parkinsonism and either negative
or late-onset dystonia have a more benign course. These parkinsonian patients may be levodoparesponsive. However, the dystonia can sometimes be exacerbated by levodopa.
When the family history cannot be adequately determined or when the maternal roots cannot be
traced back to the Philippine island of Panay, some patients with XDP can be misdiagnosed as suffering from idiopathic torsion dystonia, essential tremor, PD, or other forms of parkinsonism-plus syndrome (34,35). Neuropathologic studies demonstrate a patchy or mosaic pattern of neuronal loss and
gliosis in the striatum, with dorsal-to-ventral, rostral-to-caudal, and medial-to-lateral gradients (36).
Furthermore, gliotic changes occur in the globus pallidus and substantia nigra pars reticularis.
DYT5 is a dopa-responsive dystonia also known as autosomal dominant progressive dystonia
with marked diurnal fluctuation. This form of dystonia is caused by mutations in the guanosine triphosphate cyclohydrolase I gene (GTPCHI) on chromosome 14q22.1-q22.2 (37). More than 70 mutations have been found in patients with DYT5. The age at onset is usually in the first decade and only
occasionally in adulthood. Dystonia in DYT5 can be focal (frequently affecting a foot) or it can be
generalized. Parkinsonian features include resting tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity, and postural insta-
Clinical Diagnosis
bility. Parkinsonism usually occurs in adult-onset cases and at times can develop early in the course
of the disease. The most characteristic features of DYT5 include marked diurnal fluctuation and
excellent response to levodopa therapy. Some families with DYT5 can be difficult to distinguish
from kindreds with autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism carrying the parkin mutation PARK2.
There is considerable overlapping of clinical features between these two genetic conditions regarding
age at onset, clinical signs and symptoms, and response to dopaminergic therapy. However, the pattern of inheritance is different: autosomal dominant in DYT5 and autosomal recessive in PARK2
families (38). Neuropathologic studies of DYT5 brains revealed no degenerative changes.
DYT12 has been described in only three families: two from the United States and one from Ireland
(39,40). Linkage analyses of the three families revealed a disease locus on chromosome 19q13. The
syndrome was termed “rapid-onset dystonia and parkinsonism” because of the acute development of
symptoms within hours (or at most a few days). The dystonia usually affects bulbar and upper limb
muscles, and the parkinsonian features include bradykinesia and postural instability. Resting tremor
and rigidity are not seen. Response to levodopa and dopamine agonists is poor. Despite the initial
rapid progression, the clinical course eventually levels off with no further deterioration. No brain
pathologic changes were seen in one autopsied case of DYT12.
A family from Switzerland with levodopa-responsive dystonia (DYT14) has also been described
(41). Linkage analysis showed a locus on chromosome 14q13 in close proximity to the GCH-1 gene.
The patients from this family developed dystonia in both legs at a mean age of 3 yr. Later in the
course of the disease, postural instability, frequent falls, and dystonia affecting the upper limbs were
also observed. In one family member, a severe akinetic rigid syndrome developed at age 73 yr. Treatment with low-dose levodopa dramatically improved his symptoms. Neuropathologic studies revealed
neuronal loss in the substantia nigra without Lewy bodies.
Case 2: (Video 2, see accompanying DVD) DYT3 (XDP/Lubag Disease)
The patient was a 39-yr-old right-handed Filipino man who was born and raised in the province of
Iloilo on the Philippine island of Panay. At age 34, he noted a resting tremor of the right foot, difficulty in handwriting, and intermittent hyperextension of the neck. One year later, he experienced
spontaneous jaw opening, slurring of speech, drooling, difficulty swallowing, and involuntary turning of the head to the left. By this time, he was forced to quit his profession as a dentist. By the third
year of his disorder, the patient was already severely disabled and had lost 30 pounds because of
difficulty in swallowing.
His medical history revealed no notable illness in the past. A review of the family history showed
similar symptoms in an uncle (brother of his mother), whose symptoms started during his late 30s.
On examination 3 yr after onset (at age 37), the patient’s dystonia was generalized in distribution
and included inversion of the right foot at rest, dorsiflexion of the toes on raising the left foot (video
2, segment A), spontaneous jaw-opening, retrocollis and torticollis (with abundant phasic movements), hyperextension or arching of the back (video 2, segment B), and hyperextension and adduction of both arms on walking. As a sensory trick, the patient puts both hands in the occipital region in
order to partially alleviate the retrocollis (video 2, segment C). He also had moderate parkinsonism in
the form of hypophonic speech, reduced blinking, resting tremor of the right foot, diffuse rigidity,
bradykinesia, breakdown of rapid alternating movements on finger/hand/foot tapping and hand opening/closing bilaterally, reduced arm swing, slowness in arising from a seated position, and retropulsion (video 2, segment D).
He received bromocriptine, diphenhydramine, tetrabenazine, reserpine, baclofen, tizanidine,
trihexyphenidyl, clonazepam, and haloperidol as monotherapy and in different combinations at maximally tolerated doses, with no change in his dystonia. Some improvement of the dystonia was
achieved with trihexyphenidyl (10 mg/d) and clonazepam (2 mg/d). Levodopa (375 mg/d) slightly
improved the resting tremor of the right foot but did not affect the bradykinesia. Levodopa was
stopped after 3 mo because of subjective worsening of his cervical dystonia. Botulinum toxin type A
Tsuboi, Evidente, and Wszolek
injections to the neck muscles gave the best, albeit temporary, relief of his cervical dystonia but
caused considerable worsening of his dysphagia.
Familial Parkinsonism With Chorea (Huntington’s Disease)
Huntington’s disease (HD) is an adult-onset, progressive autosomal dominant neurodegenerative
disorder caused by an abnormal expansion of CAG trinucleotide repeats in a gene on chromosome 4
coding for the huntingtin protein (42). In most cases of HD, the phenotype is characterized by hyperkinetic movements (chorea), dementia, and personality disorder. However, phenotypic presentation
and age at onset of symptoms in HD are variable and depend on the length of the CAG repeat expansion, with an inverse correlation between age at onset and the CAG repeat length (43). In addition,
patients with early onset and larger CAG repeat sizes present more often with parkinsonism, dystonia, or eye movement abnormalities rather than chorea (44,45). Neuropathology in HD is characterized by a striking neuronal loss in the caudate and putamen, as well as a moderate neuronal loss in the
thalamus and cerebral cortex (46).
Clinical Description
The clinical features seen in HD patients with parkinsonism, which include rigidity and bradykinesia, are summarized in Table 7 (47,48). In patients with classic HD, age at onset is between 35 and
44 yr, but in those with prominent parkinsonism, onset occurs at a substantially younger age (49,50).
The parkinsonism in HD responds poorly to dopaminergic therapy. The akinetic rigid state is not
associated with chorea, but rather with dementia and seizures. This form of HD is more rapidly
progressive and is fatal within 10 yr.
A few cases of the akinetic rigid form of HD with later onset (age over 40 yr) have been reported.
Levodopa therapy can be beneficial in these late-onset akinetic rigid forms of HD (51,52). In the
terminal stages of the classic form of HD, rigidity and dystonia tend to replace chorea (53,54).
Familial Parkinsonism With Depression, Weight Loss, and Central
Hypoventilation (Perry Syndrome)
In 1975, Perry et al. (55,56) described a family presenting with parkinsonism, depression, weight
loss, and central hypoventilation. Subsequently, six other families with a similar phenotype were
identified in North America, Europe, and Asia (57–62). The phenotype differs from other familial
autosomal dominant or recessive parkinsonian syndromes linked to known mutations or loci. Molecular
genetic study in these families is in progress, but the gene locus has not yet been identified. Neuropathologic findings include severe neuronal loss and gliosis in the substantia nigra with few or no
Lewy bodies (57–61).
Clinical Presentation
The pattern of inheritance is autosomal dominant with high penetrance. Table 8 summarizes the
clinical and pathologic features of seven kindreds described with this syndrome. The mean age at
onset is 46 yr (range, 35–57). The phenotype consists of parkinsonism, weight loss, respiratory dysfunction, and depression. The parkinsonian features include a resting tremor, bradykinesia, and rigidity. Depression and severe weight loss are usually seen in the early stages of the disease. Affected
individuals may die suddenly or die of respiratory failure (57,58,61). Suicide attempts also occur. The
most consistent clinical signs include parkinsonism and hypoventilation. A good response to levodopa
is seen in some but not all kindreds. The disease progression is relentless, leading to death in 2–8 yr.
Case 3: (Video 3, see accompanying DVD) Perry Syndrome (Fukuoka Family, Unknown
Genetic Locus)
This 43-yr-old right-handed man (61) was referred by his employer to the company physician
because of inability to perform his regular job duties. The examination performed at that time demon-
Clinical Diagnosis
Table 7
Clinical Features Seen in Juvenile HD vs Adult-Onset HD Associated
With Parkinsonism
Average age
at disease onset, yr
Initial symptoms
Resting tremor
Postural instability
Response to levodopa
Juvenile HD
Adult Form of HD
Associated with Parkinsonism
HD, Huntington’s disease; +, present; –, not present.
strated bradykinesia and depressed mood, which the patient was not aware of. When the patient was
examined in a tertiary care facility 6 mo later, the parkinsonian features noted included a masklike
facial expression, hypophonic speech, rigidity, and bradykinesia. His cognition was intact. The rigidity was moderately severe and symmetrical in all four extremities, with no axial involvement noted.
His muscle strength was preserved. A mild bilateral postural hand tremor was present. Deep tendon
reflexes were symmetrical and hyperactive, especially in the lower extremities. Bilateral ankle clonus was observed. Posture was stooped, gait was slow, and arm swing was reduced bilaterally. Postural stability was preserved. No sensory, cerebellar, or lower motor deficits were present. Therapy
with carbidopa-levodopa was initiated, with mild improvement initially. However, his health deteriorated. He lost 10 kg over the next 2 mo and began to require assistance in all activities of daily living.
Six months later, he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for treatment of anxiety, nighttime dyspnea, and progressive weight loss. Discontinuation of the carbidopa-levodopa resulted the next day in
confusion and exacerbation of his tremor, akinesia, and rigidity. Prompt reinstatement of carbidopalevodopa therapy led to resolution of the confusion and improvement of the parkinsonism.
Clinical examination of the patient revealed a weight of 37 kg and notable tachypnea (30 breaths/
min). Orientation was intact, but calculation skills and immediate recall were impaired. Extraocular
movements were preserved. The parkinsonism was considerably more pronounced than it had been
14 mo earlier (video 3, segment A). The rigidity was present in both axial and appendicular muscles.
The patient was also more bradykinetic, and striking postural instability was noted (video 3, segment
B). A severe postural and resting tremor affecting all four extremities was seen. Bilateral ankle clonus and a right Babinski sign were present.
Chest radiography, chest computed tomography, and pulmonary function tests were normal.
Polysomnography showed an apnea index of 6.96. The arterial blood gases measured on room air
showed a PCO2 of 47 mmHg and PO2 of 85.2 mmHg. A repeat arterial blood gas measurement made
1 mo later showed further deterioration, with a PCO2 of 51 mmHg. Two days later, PCO2 increased to
61 mmHg, necessitating ventilator support. Repeat polysomnography demonstrated irregular breathing
and central hypoventilation with hypoxia. At the time of writing, the patient was 47 yr old, severely
disabled, and in need of assisted breathing support and total nursing care. He was also depressed and
receiving antidepressant therapy. His parkinsonism was severe and not responsive to carbidopalevodopa.
Table 8
Characteristic Clinical and Pathologic Features of Families With Parkinsonism, Depression, Weight Loss, and Central Hypoventilation
(Perry Syndrome)
Published Reports
Perry et al.,
1975 (55);
Perry et al.,
1990 (56)
Purdy et al.,
1979 (57)
Roy et al.,
1988 (58)
Lechevalier et al.,
1992 (59)
Bhatia et al.,
1993 (60)
Tsuboi et al.,
2002 (61)
Elibol et al.,
2002 (62)
51 (45–57)
52 (45–57)
35, 43
41 (38–43)
Disease duration, y (range)
Initial signs
Clinical features
Resp. to L-dopa
5 (4–6)
2, 3
3 (3–4)
P, D
7 (6–8)
P, D
3, 4
P, D
Proband 46/M
Sister 49/F
3, 5
Apathy, P
1 suicide
1 sudden death
2 deaths owing
to respiratory
1 sudden death
1 suicide
SN, locus
SN, locus
2 in SN, 1 in bnM
Pathologic features
Cell loss
Lewy bodies
SN, caudate,
globus pallidus,
pons, medulla
3 sudden deaths
SN, locus
SN, dorsal
medullary nuclei
1 sudden death
bnM, basal nucleus of Meynert; D, depression; HV, hypoventilation; LB, Lewy body; NA, not available; P, parkinsonism; Resp., response; SN, substantia nigra; WL,
weight loss; +, present; –, not present.
Tsuboi, Evidente, and Wszolek
No. of affected
Mean age at onset, y (range) 48 (42–52)
Clinical Diagnosis
Familial Parkinsonism Owing to a Defect in Copper Metabolism
(Wilson’s Disease)
Wilson’s disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive disorder in which copper metabolism is impaired.
The causative “WD gene,” known as ATP7B, is located on chromosome 13q14-q21 and is involved in
the copper-transporting P-type adenosine triphosphatase interaction between copper and ceruloplasmin (63–65). More than 200 mutations have been found in this gene, and WD occurs worldwide. It is
a progressive disorder with a variable age at onset, ranging from 7 to 58 yr. The initial symptoms can
be hepatic, behavioral, or neurological (66). Most patients exhibit intracorneal pigmentation (Kayser–
Fleischer ring) at the initial presentation (67). Neurological symptoms include various combinations
of resting tremor, intention tremor, dysarthria, unsteady gait, dystonia, bradykinesia, and rigidity
(68). On neuropathologic examination, the most striking changes, consisting of pigmentation and
spongy degeneration, are seen in the basal ganglia. Microscopically, the basal ganglia exhibit neuronal
loss as well as abundant protoplasmic astrocytes, including giant cells called “Alzheimer cells” (69).
Clinical Presentation
Tremor and rigidity are the most common parkinsonian manifestations of WD (70). Throughout
the course of the illness, the tremor may be unilateral and present only at rest, and it may be indistinguishable from PD tremor. In the advanced stages of WD, some patients develop a “wing-beating”
type of tremor. Rigidity is frequently present, together with dystonia. A fixed open mouth and drooling are common. If no treatment is administered, the disease is relentlessly progressive (68).
Familial Parkinsonism With Iron Metabolism Deficiency (Neurodegeneration
With Brain Iron Accumulation, Hallervorden–Spatz Syndrome)
Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA) is a heterogeneous group of disorders
with sporadic and familial forms. This syndrome was previously known as Hallervorden–Spatz disease. It typically begins in childhood with extrapyramidal features, including chorea, rigidity, and
dystonia. In addition, pyramidal signs, progressive dementia, and, less commonly, retinitis
pigmentosa and seizures are also seen (71,72). Some familial cases present with late-onset parkinsonism that can occasionally be responsive to levodopa (73,74).
The molecular genetic study of an Amish family with NBIA demonstrated linkage to a locus on
chromosome 20p12.3-p13 (75). More recently, a mutation in the coding sequence of a pantothenate
kinase gene called PANK2 was found in this family (76). Additional missense and null mutations
have been identified in other familial forms of NBIA (77). The term “PKAN” (pantothenate kinase–
associated neurodegeneration) means a defect of the gene PANK2 leading to a deficiency of the
enzyme pantothenate kinase. Interestingly, missense mutations in PANK2 were identified in individuals with atypical PKAN. There are also families with NBIA with no linkage to the PANK2 locus
(77–79), suggesting the existence of another chromosomal locus for this disorder. Clinical features
similar to NBIA were seen in families with neuroferritinopathy who had mutations in the ferritin
light chain (78) and in families with aceruloplasminemia who had mutations in the gene encoding for
ceruloplasmin (79). A striking rust-brown pigmentation is seen in the globus pallidus and substantia
nigra pars reticulata (80). In these structures, many axonal spheroids are seen. The presence of Lewy
bodies and neurofibrillary tangles was also reported in NBIA (81,82).
Clinical Presentation
NBIA is characterized by extrapyramidal features, including rigidity and dystonia. Age at onset in
familial forms is usually in the first or second decade. However, a later onset has also been reported
(73,74). Rigidity usually starts first in the lower extremities but later affects the upper extremities as well.
Involuntary choreoathetoid movements sometimes precede or accompany rigidity. Orobuccolingual
rigidity may be a presenting feature and can lead to difficulties in articulation and swallowing. Pyramidal tract involvement is common. Cognitive dysfunction and epilepsy occur rarely (71).
Tsuboi, Evidente, and Wszolek
Familial Parkinsonism With Mitochondrial Abnormality
Increasingly, mitochondrial dysfunction (particularly of complex I) has been recognized to play
an important role in the pathogenesis of PD. Complex I activity is decreased in the substantia nigra of
PD patients compared to normal controls (83). Similarly, cytoplasmic hybrid (cybrid) cell lines
expressing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from the platelets of PD patients have impaired complex
I activity compared to platelets of normal controls (84,85). 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) or rotenone may produce PD in animal models by inhibiting complex I
mitochondrial activity. These data suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction plays an important role in
the pathogenesis of PD. In addition, mtDNA dysfunction has been identified in two large PD families
with a maternal mode of inheritance (86,87).
Clinical Description
In the first family with maternally inherited PD, in which three generations were studied, cybrid
cell line cultures demonstrated decreased complex I activity (86). The average age at onset was 42 yr
(range, 41–79 yr). The phenotype resembled “classic” PD, with a resting tremor, bradykinesia, and
rigidity. A good response to levodopa was observed. So far, no specific mutation has been identified in this family. The second family had a mixed phenotype resembling adult-onset multisystem
degeneration. The clinical features included levodopa-responsive parkinsonism, dementia, dystonia, extraocular movement abnormalities, and pyramidal signs. A missense mtDNA mutation in
the gene for the nicotinamide dehydrogenase 4 (ND4) subunit of complex I was identified in this
family (87). One case was autopsied, showing loss of pigmented neurons in the substantia nigra and
absence of Lewy bodies.
Recent discoveries on chromosomal loci and mutations in familial neurodegenerative conditions
have expanded our knowledge about the basic cellular mechanisms involved in neurodegeneration.
These have provided us with the option of genetic testing to establish a more precise diagnosis in
symptomatic individuals with or without an obvious family history. Presymptomatic (predictive) and
prenatal diagnosis are possible for several movement disorders, including some of those discussed
here, although a detailed discussion of molecular genetic testing is beyond the scope of this chapter.
A recent review on this subject was published by the Movement Disorders Society Task Force on
Molecular Diagnosis (88). Molecular genetic testing can be readily performed in affected individuals
presenting with parkinsonism with ataxia (SCA2 and SCA3), dystonia (DYT1), and chorea (HD).
The genetic tests for these conditions are commercially available. Appropriate genetic counseling
can be provided by a neurologist requesting such tests. However, presymptomatic and prenatal molecular testing, if requested by family members, should be performed by experienced personnel in specialized genetic centers. Clinical geneticists can also help locate laboratories where molecular genetic
testing can be performed for parkinsonian patients in whom known mutations are suspected. Testing
for such mutations is currently performed only on an experimental basis.
Our knowledge of familial atypical parkinsonian disorders has increased greatly over the past
decade. Families with unique phenotypes have been newly discovered, and the molecular basis for
some of these phenotypes has been established. These molecular genetic discoveries allow us to
make more precise clinical diagnoses of several neurodegenerative conditions, including HD, SCA,
and dystonia. Future discoveries using transgenic animal models can be expected to lead to a better
classification of these disorders and to the development of improved treatments (and cures).
The refinement of molecular genetic techniques and a growing interest in the genetics of parkinsonism will undoubtedly lead to improved characterization and classification of familial atypical
Clinical Diagnosis
parkinsonian syndromes. It is hoped that a classification based on genotype (rather than phenotype
alone) will lead to earlier and more accurate diagnoses and more timely and appropriate genetic
counseling. Differentiating atypical parkinsonism from idiopathic PD is important because prognosis
for each of these conditions varies. There is also a need to develop clinical and pathological criteria
for atypical parkinsonian conditions. If specific disease biomarkers are identified, they can further
improve accuracy of diagnosis, even in the early or presymptomatic stages.
Probands and families may be interested in genetic counseling; thus, appropriate referral needs to
be arranged by the treating neurologist. Genetic testing is already commercially available for some of
the atypical parkinsonian disorders and undoubtedly more diagnostic tests will become available in
the near future. Treatment for these rare conditions is still supportive in nature. It is hoped that better
symptomatic and curative therapies will eventually be developed. This will require a multifaceted
approach involving molecular genetics, transgenic animal models, cell biology, and a deeper understanding of the underlying pathologic features in each of these disorders.
• Better clinical and pathological characterization
• Establishment of clinical and pathological diagnostic criteria
• Search for biomarkers that will facilitate earlier diagnosis
• Development of commercially available genetic testing
• Development of better symptomatic and curative therapies
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