Document 14740279

The Concrete Committee of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) organized Subcommittee in 1985 for the Research on the use of ground granulated blast-fumace slag (ground
slag) as an admixture when JSCE was entrusted to make researches and recommendation for
design and construction of concrete mixed with ground slag by related corporation. After the
subcommittee had made extensive researches, recommended practice was drawn up in 1988 on
the basis of the results of research works. The recommended practice includes recommendation
on the use of ground slag as an admixture and JSCE standards on quality and test methods for
ground slag.
Shigeyoshi NAGATAKI, Chairman
Shigeyoshi NAGATAKI is professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo. He received his
Doctor of Engineering Degree from the University of Tokyo in 1966. Currently, much of his
research work has been on slag, fly ash, expansive cement, superplasticizer, and torsion of reinforced concrete. He has written some 100 papers on these subjects. He is a member of JSCE,
JCI, AIJ, RILEM and a fellow of ACI.