A Projector Augmented Wave Formulation of the Optimized Effective Potential Formalism a N. A. W. Holzwarth and Xiao Xu Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, USA • Motivation and overview • PAW formalism • OEP formalism • Selected atomic examples • “Frozen” core electrons • Summary and conclusions a Supported by NSF grants DMR-0405456, 0427055, and 0705239; computations performed on the Wake Forest University DEAC cluster. Helpful discussions with L. Kronig, N. Modine, A. Wright, and W. Yang are also gratefully acknowledged. CCCC7 July 2009 1 Motivation • Why Optimized Effective Potential (OEP)?a – Orbital-dependent exchange-correlation functionals within the Kohn-Sham framework of density functional theoryb – Self-interaction-free treatment of electrons • Why Projector Augmented Wave (PAW)?c – Efficient pseudopotential-like scheme – Accurate evaluation of multipole moments in Coulomb and exchange interaction termsd a Review articles: S. Kümmel and L. Kronik, RMP 80, 3-60 (2008); T. Grabo et al in Strong Coulomb correlations in electronic structure calculations, V. Anisimov, ed. Gordon and Breach (2000), pg. 203-311. b W. Kohn and L. Sham, PR 140, A1133-A1138 (1965) c P. Blöchl, PRB 50, 17953-17979 (1994) d J. Paier et al, JCP 122, 234102 (2005) CCCC7 July 2009 2 Motivation (continued) Self-interaction problem Within Kohn-Sham theory, the total electronic energy is a functional of the electron density ρ(r) having the form: Etot (ρ) = EK (ρ) + EN (ρ) + EH (ρ) + Ex (ρ) + Ec (ρ) . | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } Kinetic Nuclear Here, e2 EH (ρ) ≡ 2 Z Z Hartree Exchange 0 ρ(r)ρ(r ) 3 3 0 , d rd r |r − r0 | (1) Correlation (2) representing the Coulomb interaction between electrons, including the self-interaction. Only for Ex chosen to have the form of Fock exchange, can this self-interaction be completely removed from the formalism. CCCC7 July 2009 3 Motivation (continued) Fock exchange form Z Z ∗ 0 ∗ 0 Ψ (r)Ψ (r)Ψ (r )Ψ e2 X q p p q (r ) 3 3 0 Ex ({Ψp (r)}) = − δσp σq d r d r , 2 |r − r0 | (3) pq(occ) where the summation over all occupied states includes the the self-interaction correction for p ≡ q and σp ≡ σq . For wavefunctions Ψp (r) representing extended states, the self-interaction energy is not large. Two notable exceptions are: H 1s 0.8 Fe 3d EXX 0.6 |rψ(r)| 2 EXX For a H atom: LDA = −0.9 Ry Etot EXX Etot = −1.0 Ry. 0.4 0.2 LDA LDA 0 0 1 2 r (bohr) 3 0 1 2 3 For a Fe atom: ²LDA − ²LDA = 0.2 Ry 4s 3d ²EXX − ²EXX = 0.3 Ry. 4s 3d r (bohr) CCCC7 July 2009 4 Motivation (continued) Some self-interaction correction schemes • SIC-LSD – Perdew and Zunger, PRB 23, 5048-5079 (1981) • LDA+U – Anisimov et al, PRB 44, 943-954 (1991); Cococcioni and Gironcoli, PRB 71, 035105 (2005) ⇒ Orbital-dependent density functionals: Ex ≈ Fock exchange Ec = consistent correlation functional. CCCC7 July 2009 5 Scope of present work (so far) • Choose Ex to be Fock exchange (EXX). The corresponding Kohn-Sham local potential is Vx (r). • Choose Ec ≡ 0 for the moment (hoping that an appropriate functional will soon be developed) (OEP). The corresponding Kohn-Sham local potential Vc (r) would then be added. • Develop OEP-EXX for all electrons in spherical atoms • Adapt OEP-EXX formalism to the projector augmented wave (PAW) formalism in order to carry out calculations for extended systems. ⇒ Formulate and test a frozen core approximation scheme. ⇒ Apply the PAW formalism to valence electrons CCCC7 July 2009 6 All-electron atomic OEP-EXX equations The basic equations can be derived as a constrained minimization problem to determine Kohn-Sham radial orbitals {ψp (r)}a and to minimize the total energy of the system with the help of Lagrange multipliers:b F ({ψp }, Vx , {gp }, {²p }, {λqp }) = X X (hgp |HKS − ²p |ψp i + cc) − λpq (hψp |ψq i − δpq ) . Etot ({ψp }) − p (4) pq The Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian HKS is given by the kinetic energy operator and potential terms: b + VN (r) + VH (r) + Vx (r), HKS = K (5) where VN (r) ≡ δEN , δρ(r) VH (r) ≡ δEH , δρ(r) (6) and the local exchange potential Vx (r) is to be determined. a The index p stands for atomic shell quantum numbers np lp corresponding to shell occupancy Np . b Hyman, Stiles, and Zangwill, PRB 62, 15521-15526 (2000) CCCC7 July 2009 7 All-electron atomic OEP-EXX equations (continued) At self-consistency, the following equations must be satisfied simultaneously: b + VN + VH + Vx HKS = K (HKS HKS |ψp i = ²p |ψp i hψp |ψq i = δpq (7) X 1 δEx λpq |ψq i, − ²p ) |gp i = − Vx (r)|ψp i − ∗ Np δψp (r) q where λpq δEx = hψq | ∗ i − hψq |Vx |ψp i and δψp (r) X Np gp (r)ψp (r) = 0. (8) hgp |ψq i = 0. (9) p In practice, the equations are solved iteratively yielding results consistent with the Green’s function formulation of earlier work.a a Talman and Shadwick, PRA 14 36-40 (1976); Engel and Vosko, PRA 47 2800-2811 (1993); T. Grabo et al in Strong Coulomb correlations in electronic structure calculations, V. Anisimov, ed. Gordon and Breach (2000), pg. 203-311. CCCC7 July 2009 8 All-electron atomic OEP-EXX results for carbon Auxiliary functions gp (r): 2 0.008 2 C (2s 2p ) 2s 0.006 gp(r) 0.004 1s 0.002 0 All-electron local exchange potential Vx (r), for ground state (2s2 2p2 ) and for excited state (2s1 2p3 ). -0.002 -0.004 2p -0.006 1 -0.008 0 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 6 r (bohr) rVx (bohr.Ry) 0 Constributions to shift equation: 0.01 2 2 C (2s 2p ) Npψp(r)gp(r) 0.005 1s -1 -2 2s 0 -3 0 1 3 2 2 Vx (2s 2p ) Vx (2s 2p ) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 r (bohr) 2p -0.005 -0.01 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 r (bohr) CCCC7 July 2009 9 All-electron atomic OEP-EXX results for Vx (r) 0 -2 Be Li rVx (bohr.Ry) -1 B C N Ne O F -3 0 -1 Mg Na Al Si P S Cl Ar -2 -3 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 r (bohr) 3 4 5 r (bohr) 0 rVx (bohr.Ry) rVx (bohr.Ry) 0 -1 -2 Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu -3 0 1 2 3 4 5 r (bohr) CCCC7 July 2009 10 Frozen core atomic OEP-EXX equations In order to focus computational effort on the valence properties of materials, it is necessary to develop a frozen core approximation scheme. For each material (other than H and He), it is possible to partition the states into core and valence contributions: 8 < v for valence shells (typically partitially occupied) p→ (10) : c for core shells In a similar way, we can partition, the electron wavefunctions 8 < ψ (r) for valence states v ψp (r) → : ψc (r) for core states and the auxiliary functions 8 < g (r) v gp (r) → : gc (r) for valence states for core states (11) (12) and the local exchange potential Vx (r) = Vxcore (r) + Vxvale (r). (13) The challenge is to devise a scheme where the functional variation is allowed only for {ψv (r)} and Vxvale , consistent with the all-electron equations of the reference configuration. CCCC7 July 2009 11 Frozen core atomic OEP-EXX equations (continued) Partitioning of the reference configuration to define Vxcore All-electron auxiliary function equation: (HKS X 1 δEx − ²v ) |gv i = − Vx (r)|ψv i − λvq |ψq i Nv δψv∗ (r) q (14) For the reference configuration, we assume a partitioning of the valence auxiliary function: gv (r) ≡ gvcore (r) + gvvale (r) (15) (HKS − ²v ) |gvvale i X 1 δExvv vale vale = − V (r)|ψ i − λ v x vq |ψq i, Nv δψv∗ (r) q (16) (HKS − ²v ) |gvcore i X 1 δExcv core core − V (r)|ψ i − λ = v x vq |ψq i. Nv δψv∗ (r) q (17) satisfying the following two equations: and The original shift equation becomes 8 X Nv gvvale (r)ψv (r) = 0 > > > > v < X X X Np gp (r)ψp (r) = 0 → Nc gc (r)ψc (r) + Nv gvcore (r)ψv (r) = 0 > > p c v > > : | {z } (18) Core shift CCCC7 July 2009 12 Frozen core atomic OEP-EXX equations (continued) Total valence energy in frozen core approximation cv vv vale Etot = EK (ρv ) + EN (ρv ) + EH (ρv ) + EH (ρv ) + Excv (ρv ) + Exvv ({ψv }), (19) Z where Excv (ρv ) ≈ d3 r Vxcore (r)ρv (r). Once Vxcore (r) has been determined for the reference configuration, the self-consistent equations to solve for excited valence configurations are: b + VN + VH + V core + V vale HKS = K x x (HKS − ²v ) |gvvale i where HKS |ψv i = ²v |ψv i X 1 δExvv vale = − Vx (r)|ψv i − λvale vw |ψw i, ∗ Nv δψv (r) w δExvv = hψw | ∗ i − hψw |Vxvale |ψv i. δψv (r) X Nv gvvale (r)ψv (r) = 0. (20) (21) λvale vw (22) v Here, |ψv i, |gvvale i, and Vxvale are updated self-consistently through these equations. CCCC7 July 2009 13 Frozen core atomic OEP-EXX results for carbon Frozen core functions gvvale (r) and gvcore (r): 2 0.008 2 C (2s 2p ) 0.006 0.004 vale (r) 2 0.008 gv All-electron auxiliary functions gv (r): 0 -0.002 2 C (2s 2p ) 2s 2s 0.002 2p -0.004 0.006 -0.006 1s 0.002 -0.008 0 ⇒ 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 r (bohr) 2 0.008 2 C (2s 2p ) -0.002 0.006 -0.004 2p 0.004 2s 1 2 3 4 r (bohr) 5 6 7 core -0.008 0 (r) -0.006 gv gp(r) 0.004 0.002 0 -0.002 2p -0.004 -0.006 -0.008 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 r (bohr) CCCC7 July 2009 14 Frozen core atomic OEP-EXX results for carbon Frozen core shift components: 0.01 2 2 C (2s 2p ) 0.005 Nvψv(r)gv vale (r) 2s All-electron shift components Np gp (r)ψp (r) 0.01 2 2 C (2s 2p ) 1s 2p -0.005 2s -0.01 0 ⇒ 0 1 2 4 5 0.01 7 6 2 -0.005 2 C (2s 2p ) Core shift 2p 0.005 (r) 2s core -0.01 0 3 r (bohr) 1 2 3 4 r (bohr) 5 6 7 Nvψv(r)gv Npψp(r)gp(r) 0.005 0 0 2p -0.005 -0.01 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 r (bohr) CCCC7 July 2009 15 Frozen core atomic OEP-EXX results for carbon Local exchange potential Vx for reference configuration ([He]2s2 2p2 ) and its decomposition into Vxvale and Vxcore : 1 2 Total local exchange potential Vxvale + Vxcore for excited configuration ([He]2s1 2p3 ), comparing frozen core and all-electron results: 1 2 1 C (2s 2p ) Vx vale core 0 rVx (bohr.Ry) rVx (bohr.Ry) 0 Vx -1 Vx -2 -3 0 3 C (2s 2p ) Vx 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 +Vx vale -1 -2 0.5 core -3 0 Vx (all electron) 0.5 r (bohr) 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 r (bohr) CCCC7 July 2009 16 Frozen core atomic OEP-EXX results for iron Frozen core shift components: 6 0.015 0.01 (r) 2 Fe (3d 4s ) 4s Nvψv(r)gv vale 0.005 0 Valence auxiliary functions: -0.005 0.02 -0.01 0.01 2 3 4 5 7 6 (r) core 2 Fe (3d 4s ) Core shift 0.01 0 gv 6 0.015 Nvψv(r)gv vale r (bohr) 4s (r) 1 2 Fe (3d 4s ) -0.015 0 6 3d 3d -0.01 4s 0.005 -0.02 0 0 1 3 4 5 6 7 r (bohr) 3d -0.005 2 -0.01 -0.015 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 r (bohr) CCCC7 July 2009 17 Frozen core atomic OEP-EXX results for iron Comparing decomposition: Vx = Vxvale + Vxcore for two choices of core configuration rVx (bohr . Ry) 0 Vx core Vx Vx -1 Vx vale -2 -3 0 1 2 3 vale Vx (Ar core) Vx 0 core (Ne core) 1 r (bohr) 2 3 r (bohr) CCCC7 July 2009 18 Summary of frozen core errors in excitation energies vale ∆∆E = Etot (excited) − Evale (ground) − Etot (excited) − Etot (ground) {z tot } | {z } | Frozen core All-electron ∆∆E (Ry) sp excitations : 0.03 0.02 x y x-1 4s 4p => 4s 4p sd excitations : y+1 (Ar core) 0.01 (Ne core) 0 0.1 Ca // Zn K Ga Ge As Se Br (Ar core) 0.03 0.02 x y x-1 3s 3p => 3s 3p 0.01 y+1 (He core) (Ne core) 0 Na Mg ∆∆E (Ry) ∆∆E (Ry) 0.08 Al Si P S Cl 0.06 x 0.04 y x-1 y+1 3d 4s => 3d 4s 0.02 (Ne core) ∆∆E (Ry) 0 0.03 0.02 x y x-1 2s 2p => 2s 2p y+1 Sc (He core) Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu 0.01 0 Li Be B C N O F CCCC7 July 2009 19 The projector augmented wave method (PAW) The PAW formalism was developed by P. Blöchl (PRB 50, 17953–17979 (1994)), having similarities to the soft-pseudopotential formalism of D. Vanderbilt (PRB 41 7892-7895 (1990)). One distinguishing feature of PAW, is the transformation between all-electron valence e v (r) : wavefunctions Ψv (r) and Ψ e v (r) + Ψv (r) = Ψ ” X“ a a a a e e φi (r − R ) − φi (r − R ) hpa i |Ψv i, (23) ai a ea where φa i , φi , and pi are atom-centered all-electron basis, pseudo-electron basis, and projector functions, respectively. Computational work is performed on pseudofunctions e v (r) after which all-electron functions Ψv (r) can be Ψ retreived from PAW transformation. CCCC7 July 2009 20 Comparison of results from different codes Li2O FeO PWscf PAW LAPW GGA PWscf PAW LAPW 0.3 PWscf PAW LAPW PWscf PAW LAPW 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 8.5 9 9.5 PWscf PAW LAPW 0 7.5 7.75 8 8.25 8.5 8.75 a (bohr) a (bohr) Fluorite structure NaCl structure GGA PWscf PAW LAPW 0.6 0.2 0 8 LDA 1 GGA 0.4 ∆E (eV) ∆E (eV) 0.4 LDA 0.5 LDA ∆E (eV) 0.5 PO4 1.2 0 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 b (bohr) Tetrahedral molecule With care, consistent numerical results can be achieved using different formalisms and codes. PWscf PAW LAPW www.pwscf.org pwpaw.wfu.edu www.wien2k.at soft-pseudopotentials Projector Augmented Wave Linearized Augmented Plane Wave CCCC7 July 2009 21 The PAW method (continued) Importance of PAW transformation to Hartree and Fock integrals Given the PAW transformation for a valence wavefunction: ” X“ a a a a e e e φi (r − R ) − φi (r − R ) hpa Ψv (r) = Ψv (r) + i |ψv i, (24) ai it is also possible to evaluate the valence electron energy of the system in the form: “ ” X vale a a e e Etot = Etot + Etot − Etot . | {z } a | {z } pseudo energy atom-centered corrections CCCC7 July 2009 (25) 22 Hartree and Fock integrals (continued) The product of two wavefunctions Pvw (r) ≡ Ψ∗v (r)Ψw (r) can be well-approximated with the form ” X“ a a a a e e Pvw (r − R ) − Pvw (r − R ) , Pvw (r) = Pvw (r) + (26) a where e ∗ (r)Ψ e w (r), Pevw (r) ≡ Ψ v and a Pvw (r) a − Pevw (r) ≡ (27) “ ” X a a e a∗ a a∗ a e e e hΨv |pi ihpj |Ψw i φi (r)φj (r) − φi (r)φj (r) . (28) ij Equivalently, we can write: Pvw (r) = Pevw (r) + Pbvw (r) + X“ a Pvw (r ” a a a a e b − R ) − Pvw (r − R ) − Pvw (r − R ) , a (29) a where the “compensation charge” Pbvw (r) ≡ X a Pbvw (r − Ra ) (30) a is a smooth function localized within the atomic augmentation spheres such that: 8 Z < V a (r) for |r − Ra | ≤ ra a 0 a 0 a 0 vw c 3 0 Pvw (r ) − P̃vw (r ) − P̂vw (r ) d r = : 0 |r − r0 | otherwise CCCC7 July 2009 . (31) 23 PAW atomic OEP-EXX equations Based on the form of the frozen core constrained minimization problem: F vale ({Ψv }, Vxvale , {gvvale }, {²v }, {λvale vw }) = ” X X“ vale vale hgv |HKS − ²v |Ψv i + cc − Etot ({Ψv }) − λvw (hΨv |Ψw i − δvw ) ., v (32) vw the PAW contrained minimization expression is given by: e v }, Ve vale , {[V a ]ij }, {e Fe({Ψ gv }, {²v }, {λvw }) = x x ” X “ ” X“ vale e PAW PAW e PAW e e Etot ({Ψv }) − he gv |H − ²v O |Ψv i + cc − λvw hΨv |O |Ψw i − δvw . v vw (33) The PAW Hamiltonian takes the form: X a PAW a e H =H+ |pa i iDij hpj | and O PAW =1+ X a a |pa i iOij hpj |, (34) aij aij a ≡ hφa |φa i − hφ ea i. The smooth Hamiltonian takes the form: ea |φ where Oij j i j i e =K b + Ve (r) H where Ve (r) = Vloc (r) + VeH (r) + Vexvale (r); (35) Vloc (r) includes effects from the pseudized nuclear and core electron potentials. The atomic matrix elements a include the valence local exchange potential contributions: Dij a,vale a ea i. ea |Ve a,vale |φ [Vxa ]ij ≡ hφa |φj i − hφ x i j i |Vx CCCC7 July 2009 (36) 24 Update equations for OEP-EXX in PAW formalism a a ea Once basis and projector functions |φa i i, |φi i, and |pi i and local potential Vloc has been determined for each atom, the self-consistent PAW equations are: X a a PAW vale e v i = ²v OPAW |Ψ e vi b e e + |pa H PAW |Ψ (37) H = K + Vloc + VH + Vx i iDij hpj | aij “ ” X X 1 δExvv PAW PAW a a a e vale e w i, e e H − ²v O |e gv i = −Vx (r)|Ψv i− |pi i[Vx ]ij hpj |Ψv i− λvw OPAW |Ψ e ∗ (r) Nv δ Ψ v w aij (38) vv X δEx e w |Ve vale |Ψ e vi − e w |pa i[V a ]ij hpa |Ψ e v i. where λvw = hψw | i − hΨ hΨ x x i j e ∗ (r) δΨ v aij X e v (r) = 0. Nv g ev (r)Ψ (39) a e Nv he gv |pa i ihpj |Ψv i = 0. (40) v X v e v i, |e Here, |Ψ gv i, Vexvale , and {[Vxa ]ij } are updated self-consistently through these equations. CCCC7 July 2009 25 Recipes for constructing PAW atomic functions a {|φai i}, {|φeai i}, {|pai i}, and Vloc ⇒ There is considerable flexibility in choice of functions (within some constraints). ⇒ atompaw code is available from website http://pwpaw.wfu.edu (OEP part not yet included); interfaces with codes for solids – (pwpaw, socorro (from Sandia National Labs), and abinit (international code based in Belgium)) General recipe Based on D. Vanderbilt’s scheme for soft pseudopotentials (other possibilities were programmed by Marc Torrent in atompaw for abinit) a 1. Generate all-electron basis set: HKS |φa i i = ²i |φi i including valence states |ψv i and (optionally) some continuum states. ea 2. For every all-electron basis functions |φa i i, construct corresponding pseudo basis function |φi i such that ea (r) ≡ φa (r) for r > ra . φ c i i ea a 3. Construct projector functions |pa i i such that hφi |pj i = δij . (a) Construct local pseudopotential V P S such that V P S (r) ≡ V (r) for r > rca . (b) Solve the following equations for {|pa i i}: “ ” X PS P S a ea i. ea b e b − ²i |φ K+V − ²i |φi i = |pa i j ihφj |K + V j a : 4. Unscreen local pseudopotential to find Vloc a Vloc (r) = V P S (r) − VeH (r) − Vexvale (r) CCCC7 July 2009 26 a Recipes for Vloc (continued) In order to determine Vexvale (r) for unscreening the local pseudopotential, the following simplified OEP relations must be satisfied. “ ” X X 1 δExvv a a PS vale ew i, (41) e b e λvw OPAW |ψ |pi i[Vx ]iv − K +V − ²v |e gv i = − Vx (r)|ψv i + e∗ (r) Nv δ ψ v w i X ev (r) = 0. Nv g ev (r)ψ (42) v he gv |pa ii=0 for all g ev (r) ≡ gvvale (r) for li = lv . (43) r > rca . (44) Most promising method: • Assume 8 < rlv +1+s PM C rn n=0 n g ev (r) = : g vale (r) v r ≤ rca r > rca , where coefficients {Cn } are determined from matching conditions. • Determine Vexvale (r) from g ev (r) and other functions. CCCC7 July 2009 27 Example of basis and projector functions for carbon Results for rc = 1.3 bohr 4 C 2s C 2p 3 p2s(r) p2p(r) 2 1 0 0 ~φ (r) 2s φ2p(r) ~φ (r) 2p φ2s(r) 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 r (bohr) 1 1.5 r (bohr) CCCC7 July 2009 28 Example of potential functions for carbon Results for rc = 1.3 bohr 2 rV(r) (bohr.Ry) 0 Vloc -2 Vx -4 vale ~ V -6 -8 ~ vale Vx V -10 -12 -14 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 r (bohr) 2 3 4 5 r (bohr) CCCC7 July 2009 29 Summary and Conclusions ⇒ Choosing Ex to have the form of Fock exchange has the advantage of removing electron self-interaction from the formalism. An orbital dependent correlation functional Ec can be added to the formalism in a straight-forward way. ⇒ It is possible to define a core electron contribution to the OEP, Vxcore (r), which approximates the valence-core exchange contributions. ⇒ Tests of the frozen core approximation on atomic excitations show controllable errors. For increased accuracy, semi-core states can be included with the valence states. ⇒ The PAW formalism is able to treat the multipole moments of the Coulomb integrals of the Hartree and Fock functionals. ⇒ The PAW-OEP equations can be derived directly from the frozencore approximation. a (r) looks promising. Full implementation including the calculation of Vloc CCCC7 July 2009 30