SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SULPHATED AlMCM-41 AND ITS CATALYTIC ACTIVITY IN DIBENZOYLATION OF BIPHENYL WITH BENZOYL CHLORIDE NG ENG POH UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESISυ JUDUL: SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SULPHATED AlMCM-41 AND ITS CATALYTIC ACTIVITY IN DIBENZOYLATION OF BIPHENYL WITH BENZOYL CHLORIDE SESI PENGAJIAN: 2004/2005 Saya: NG ENG POH (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan thesis (PSM/Sarjana/Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut: 1. 2. 3. 4. Tesis ini hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. **Sila tandakan (√ ) √ SULIT (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) TERHAD (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan) TIDAK TERHAD Disahkan oleh (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) Alamat Tetap: 8, Taman Salad, 09600 Lunas, Kedah. Tarikh: CATATAN: 15 March 2006 (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) PROF. DR. HALIMATON HAMDAN (Nama Penyelia) Tarikh: 15 March 2006 * Potong yang tidak berkenaan ** Jika tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali sebab dan tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT atau TERHAD υ Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan, atau disertasi bagi pengajian secara kerja kursus dan penyelidikan, atau Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM). “I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Chemistry)”. Signature : _______________________ Name of Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Halimaton Hamdan Date : 15 March 2006 BAHAGIAN A – PENGESAHAN KERJASAMA* Adalah disahkan bahawa projek penyelidikan tesis ini telah dilaksanakan melalui kerjasama antara __________________ dengan _________________________ Disahkan oleh: Tandatangan : …………………………… Nama : …………………………… Jawatan : …………………………… Tarikh : …………… (Cop Rasmi) *Jika penyediaan tesis / projek melibatkan kerjasama. BAHAGIAN B – Untuk Kegunaan Pejabat Sekolah Pengajian Siswazah Tesis ini telah diperiksa dan di akui oleh: Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Luar : Prof. Madya Dr. Misni Bin Misran Fakulti Sains Universiti Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Dalam I : Prof. Madya Dr. Salasiah Binti Endud Fakulti Sains UTM, Skudai Disahkan oleh Penolong Pendaftar di SPS : Tandatangan : ……………………………………… Nama GANESAN A/L ANDIMUTHU … :… ………………………………… Tarikh : …………….. SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SULPHATED AlMCM-41 AND ITS CATALYTIC ACTIVITY IN DIBENZOYLATION OF BIPHENYL WITH BENZOYL CHLORIDE NG ENG POH A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Chemistry) Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MARCH 2006 I declare that this thesis entitled “SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SULPHATED AlMCM-41 AND ITS CATALYTIC ACTIVITY IN DIBENZOYLATION OF BIPHENYL WITH BENZOYL CHLORIDE” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : Name : Ng Eng Poh Date : 15 March 2006 iii For the Lord God Almighty, My beloved family And My best friends iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To God be all the glory! Halleluyah! All praise, glory and thanks give to Almighty God for His amazing grace and merciful that supported and led me throughout the whole process of completing this research. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to my beloved supervisor, Prof. Dr. Halimaton bt. Hamdan who introduced me to the field of mesomorphous materials. Her guidance, help, experience, advice and support throughout this research is greatly appreciated. Heartfelt thanks also to my all beloved lecturers especially, Dr. Hadi Nur who had given me worthy advices, valuable suggestions and constructive discussions during conducting this research. Special thanks also go to Mr. Lim Kheng Wei for helping me to carry out the 27 Al MAS NMR measurements. My special thanks also go to all the colleagues of Zeolite and Porous Materials Group (ZPMG) for their help and support throughout my project. I would like to extend my appreciation to the laboratory assistant, Pn. Mek Zum, En. Azmi, Pn. Mariam and the other laboratory assistants for the help offered to me. Last but not least, I would like to thank my parents and my friends especially Daniel Lim for their support and caring. v PREFACE This thesis is the result of my work carried out in the Department of Chemistry, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia between Jun 2002 to September 2004 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Halimaton Handan. Part of my work described in this thesis has been reported in the following publications: 1. Ng Eng Poh, Hadi Nur, Mohd Nazlan Mohd Muhid and Halimaton Hamdan, (2005). “Sulphated AlMCM-41: Mesoporous Solid Brönsted Acid Catalyst for Dibenzoylation of Biphenyl”, Catalysis Today (Accepted). 2. Ng Eng Poh and Halimaton Hamdan, (2005). “Structural Properties and Surface Acidity Characterization of Sulphated AlMCM-41”, Poster Presentation in International Science Congress (ISC), Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. vi ABSTRACT Benzoylation of biphenyl with benzoyl chloride is an important acylation reaction, producing monosubstituted product, 4-phenyl benzophenone (4-PBP) and disubstituted product, 4, 4’- dibenzoylbiphenyl (4, 4’-DBBP). 4, 4’-DBBP is a monomer used as a component in emitting layer in polymer light emitting (PLED) devices. The objective of this study is to synthesize and characterize a highly active sulphated AlMCM-41 acid catalyst by enhancing its acidity through sulphation. Firstly, the AlMCM-41 with various SiO2/Al2O3 ratios was prepared by direct synthesis, followed by conversion to H-AlMCM-41 via ion exchange of NaAlMCM41 with ammonium nitrate. Finally, sulphated AlMCM-41 was prepared by impregnation of sulphuric acid in toluene. The sulphated MCM-41 materials possess high surface area (>500 m2/g) and large quantities of Brönsted acid sites after characterizing with surface analyzer and pyridine infrared spectroscopy. 27 Al MAS NMR indicates the presence of octahedrally coordinated extra-framework sulphated aluminiums (EFAL) and aluminium sulphate. The Hammett indicators show that the acid strength of the sulphated AlMCM-41 materials was stronger than sulphuric acid and H-AlMCM-41 because of sulphate groups attached to aluminium atom in sulphated AlMCM-41. The results of comparative study on the dibenzoylation of biphenyl reaction indicate that only sulphated AlMCM-41 gives both monosubstituted 4-PBP and disubstituted 4, 4’-DBBP with the highest activity compared to sulphuric acid, H-AlMCM-41 and sulphated amorphous silica. vii ABSTRAK Benzoilasi bifenil dengan benzoil klorida merupakan tindak balas pengasilan yang penting, menghasilkan hasil penukargantian mono, 4-fenil benzofenon (4-PBP) dan hasil penukargantian dwi, 4, 4’- dibenzoilbifenil (4, 4’-DBBP). 4, 4’-DBBP merupakan monomer yang digunakan dalam lapisan pemancaran dalam peranti pemancar cahaya polimer (PLED). Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keasidan mangkin yang digunakan dalam tindak balas pemangkinan dwibenzoilasi bifenil melalui modifikasi H-AlMCM-41. AlMCM-41 dengan nisbah SiO2/Al2O3 disintesiskan melalui kaedah sintesis secara langsung, diikuti dengan menukarkannya kepada bentuk H-AlMCM-41 melalui penukaran ion menggunakan ammonium nitrat. Akhirnya, AlMCM-41 tersulfat disediakan melalui kaedah pengisitepuan dengan asid sulfurik dalam toluena. Mangkin AlMCM-41 tersulfat mempunyai luas permukaan yang tinggi (>500 m2/g) dan kuantiti tapak asid Brönsted yang banyak selepas dicirikan dengan penganalisis permukaan dan spektroskopi inframerah piridina. 27 Al MAS NMR menunjukkan kehadiran Al tersulfat luar bingkaian yang berkoordinatan oktahedra dan aluminium sulfat. Penunjuk Hammett menunjukkan bahan MCM-41 tersulfat mempunyai kekuatan asid yang lebih tinggi daripada asid sulfurik dan H-AlMCM-41. Keputusan tindak balas dwibenzoilasi bifenil menunjukkan bahawa hanya AlMCM-41 tersulfat memberikan hasil penukargantian mono (4-PBP) dan dwi (4, 4’-DBBP) dengan keaktifan tertinggi berbanding dengan asid sulfurik, H-AlMCM-41 dan silika amorfus tersulfat. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE TITLE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv PREFACE v ABSTRACT vi ABSTRAK vii TABLE OF CONTENT viiii LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS xv LIST OF APPENDICES 1 2 xviii INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background and Problem Statement 1 1.2 Objectives of Research 4 1.3 Research Strategies 4 1.4 Scope of the Research 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The Importance of Solid Catalyst 6 2.2 Solid catalysts - Introduction to M41S family 7 ix 2.3 Generation of Active Sites in AlMCM-41 Mesoporous Materials 3 10 2.4 Generation of acid sites via sulphation 12 2.5 Friedel-Crafts Reactions and Solid Catalysts 14 EXPERIMENTAL 3.1 Starting Materials 15 3.2 Preparation of AlMCM-41 15 3.3 Preparation of Protonated MCM-41 16 (H-AlMCM-41) 3.4 Synthesis of Sulphated AlMCM-41 17 3.5 Characterization of MCM-41 Materials 17 3.5.1 X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRD) 17 3.5.2 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) 18 3.5.3 Solid State Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MAS NMR) Spectroscopy 19 3.5.4 Thermogravimetric and Differential Thermal Analysis (TG-DTA) 21 3.5.5 Nitrogen Adsorption-Desorption Isotherm Analysis 22 3.5.6 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of Pyridine Adsorption 3.5.7 Hammett Acidity Analysis 3.6 Dibenzoylation of Biphenyl Reaction over 23 26 26 Sulphated AlMCM-41 3.6.1 Dibenzoylation of Biphenyl Reaction over Various Types of Catalysts 28 3.6.2 Synthesis of 4-PBP as authentic sample 28 3.6.3 Synthesis of 4, 4’-DBBP as authentic Sample 29 x 3.6.4 Calibration Curve for Authentic Sample 4 29 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 X-Ray Diffraction Analysis 32 4.2 Infrared Spectroscopy of AlMCM-41 Molecular Sieves 36 4.3 Nitrogen Adsorption Measurement 38 4.4 Thermal Analysis 40 27 4.5 Solid State Al MAS NMR 29 43 4.6 Solid State Si MAS NMR 47 4.7 Acidity Measurements 49 4.7.1 Pyridine-FTIR Spectroscopy 49 4.7.2 Hammett indication Analysis 53 4.8 Catalytic testing: Dibenzoylation of Biphenyl 55 4.8.1 Effect of Catalyst 55 4.8.2 Effect of SiO2/Al2O3 ratio 58 4.8.3 Reaction Temperature 59 4.8.4 Effect of Catalyst Loading 60 4.8.5 Effect of Benzoyl Chloride : Biphenyl Mole Ratio 4.9 Mechanism 62 63 4.10 Mass balance of Dibenzoylation of Biphenyl with Benzoyl Chloride 4.11 Proposed Structure 5 66 68 CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Conclusions 69 REFERENCES 71 APPENDICES 77 xi LIST OF TABLES NO. TABLE TITLE PAGES 2.1 Comparison of the various phases of catalysts. 7 3.1 Amount of NaAlO2 added in preparing AlMCM-41. 16 3.2 The organic compounds used as Hammett Indicators. 26 3.3 GC-FID oven-programmed setup for identifying 4, 4’-DBBP. 27 3.4 GC-MSD oven-programmed setup for identifying 4, 4’-DBBP. 28 4.1 XRD data of various MCM-41 samples. 33 4.2 The textural properties of various protonated and sulphated 39 MCM-41 samples obtained form calculation and surface analyzer. 4.3 Peak areas of octahedral aluminium (Aloct) and tetrahedral 45 aluminium (Altet) from 27Al MAS NMR spectra 4.4 Peak areas of octahedral aluminium species in aluminium 45 sulphate (AlAl2(SO4)3) and sulphated AlMCM-41 (AlSulphated AlMCM-41) from 27Al MAS NMR spectra. 4.5 Peak areas of silicon species in SCAL-4 48 4.6 Pyridine FTIR data of protonated and sulphated MCM-41 52 materials. 4.7 The results of acid strength of catalysts using Hammett 54 indicators. 4.8 Benzoylation and dibenzoylation of biphenyl with benzoyl 57 chloride over various types of catalysts at 180 oC for 24 h. 4.9 Amount of Brönsted acid active sites in SCAL-4 with different 61 loading and and its effect towards conversion of biphenyl. 4.10 Theoretical mass balance 67 4.11 Experimental mass balance 67 xii LIST OF FIGURES NO. FIGURE 1.1 TITLE Two proposed reaction routes: (Route1) direct and (Route 2) PAGES 3 consecutive synthesis of the dibenzoylation of biphenyl using sulphated AlMCM-41 mesoporous materials and benzoyl chloride. 1.2 Flow diagram of research strategies. 5 2.1 Illustration of hexagonal honeycomb structure of mesoporous 9 MCM-41 with 2 nm to 10 nm pore size. 2.2 Formation of MCM-41 materials. (a) Coagulation of surfactants 9 process, (b) Combination of organic and inorganic materials, (c) MCM-41. 2.3 Framework of (a) SiMCM-41 and (b) AlMCM-41. 10 2.4 Generation of Brönsted acid sites. 11 2.5 Generation of Lewis acid sites. 12 2.6 Benzoylation of an aromatic compound using aluminium 13 trichloride as catalyst, leading to a stable Lewis complex. 2.7 Friedel-Crafts acylation showing a typical starting materials, 14 products and waste mass balance. 3.1 Range of 29Si chemical shifts of Qn in solid silicate. 21 3.2 Proposed mechanism of interaction between pyridine molecules 24 with (a) Brönsted and (b) Lewis acid sites in MCM-41 molecular sieves. 3.3 Adsorption and desorption of pyridine apparatus for acidity study. 25 3.4 Quantitative calibration plot of biphenyl. 30 3.5 Quantitative calibration plot of 4-PBP. 30 3.6 Quantitative calibration plot of 4, 4’-DBBP. 31 xiii 4.1 X-ray diffractogram patterns of uncalcined mesoporous MCM-41 34 molecular sieves. (a) UNCAL-1, (b) UNCAL-2, (c) UNCAL-3 and (d) UNCAL-4. 4.2 X-ray diffractogram patterns of mesoporous MCM-41 materials 34 after calcinations at 550 oC for 10 h. (a) CAL-1, (b) CAL-2, (c) CAL-3 and (d) CAL-4. 4.3 X-ray diffractogram patterns of protonated MCM-41 materials 35 o after ion exchange with NH4NO3 and calcination at 500 C (a) HCAL-1, (b) HCAL-2, (c) HCAL-3 and (d) HCAL-4. 4.4 X-ray diffractogram patterns of sulphated MCM-41 materials (a) 35 SCAL-1, (b) SCAL-2, (c) SCAL-3 and (d) SCAL-4. 4.5 FTIR spectra of uncalcined mesoporous MCM-41 molecular 37 sieves. 4.6 FTIR spectra of calcined mesoporous MCM-41 molecular sieves. 37 4.7 FTIR spectra of sulphated mesoporous MCM-41 molecular sieves. 38 4.8 Modification of surface of MCM-41 through sulphation leads to 39 shrinkage of pore diameter. 4.9 Thermogravimetric analysis of uncalcined MCM-41 sample 40 (UNCAL-2) in nitrogen gas with 20 oC/min heating rate. 4.10 Thermogravimetric analysis of uncalcined MCM-41 samples with 41 various ratio of SiO2/Al2O3. 4.11 Thermograms of a series of protonated MCM-41 molecular sieves. 42 4.12 Thermogravimetric curves of sulphated AlMCM-41 materials. 43 4.13 27 44 Al NMR spectra of protonated MCM-41 molecular sieves (a) HCAL-4, (b) HCAL-3, (c) HCAL-2 and (d) HCAL-1. 4.14 27 Al NMR spectra of sulphated MCM-41 molecular sieves (a) 44 SCAL-4, (b) SCAL-3, (c) SCAL-2 and (d) SCAL-1. 4.15 29 Si NMR spectrum of sulphated MCM-41 molecular sieves 48 (SCAL-4). 4.16 The possible silicon species and Brönsted acid sites in sulphated 49 AlMCM-41. 4.17 The pyridine-FTIR spectra of purely siliceous sulphated MCM-41 (SCAL-1) at (a) room temperature, (b) 150 oC, (c) 250 oC and (d) 50 xiv 350 oC. 4.18 The pyridine-FTIR spectra of sulphated AlMCM-41 (SCAL-2) at o o 51 o (a) room temperature, (b) 150 C, (c) 250 C and (d) 350 C . 4.19 The pyridine-FTIR spectra of sulphated AlMCM-41 (SCAL-3) at 51 (a) room temperature, (b) 150 oC, (c) 250 oC and (d) 350 oC . 4.20 The pyridine-FTIR spectra of sulphated AlMCM-41 (SCAL-4) at 52 (a) room temperature, (b) 150 oC, (c) 250 oC and (d) 350 oC . 4.21 FTIR spectra of silanol groups of MCM-41 materials at 250 oC (a) 53 before treatment (HCAL-1) and (b) after treatment (SCAL-1) of sulphuric acid. 4.22 Dibenzoylation of biphenyl catalyzed by various types of catalysts 57 4.23 Conversion of biphenyl over various ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 within 24 58 h. 4.24 Yield of 4, 4’-DBBP over various ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 within 24 h. 59 4.25 Temperature effect towards dibenzoylation of biphenyl over 60 SCAL-4. 4.26 Effect of catalyst loading towards dibenzoylation of biphenyl over 61 SCAL-4. 4.27 Effect of Biphenyl : Benzoyl Chloride molar ratio towards 62 dibenzoylation of biphenyl over SCAL-4. 4.28 Mechanism of how the electron density affects BP and 4-PBP in 63 attacking benzoylium ion. 4.29 Formation of 4-phenyl benzophenone (4-PBP) via electrophilic 64 substitution. 4.30 Mechanism of production of 4, 4’-dibenzoyl biphenyl (4, 4’- 65 DBBP). 4.31 Stoichiometrical chemical equation of dibenzoylation of biphenyl 66 reaction. 4.32 Hydrolysis of benzoyl chloride as side reaction in production of 68 benzoic acid and benzoic anhydrice. 4.33 Scheme proposed for the sulphated AlMCM-41 materials showing possible Brönsted acid sites. 68 xv LIST OF SYMBOL AND ABBREVIATIONS MCM-41 - Mobile Crystalline Material-41 RHA - Rice husk ash Py - Pyridine i.e. - Id est (that is) BET - Brunauer-Emmett-Teller GC - Gas chromatography Å - Angstrom (10-10 meters) kV - Kilovolts α - Alpha β - Beta PDPV - Poly (4, 4’-diphenylene diphenylvinylene) LED - Light emitting devices IUPAC - International Union of Pure Applied Chemistry LCT - Liquid-crystal templating n - Diffraction order from n = 1, 2, 3, …. d - Distance 2D - Two dimensions λ - Lambda θ - Theta δ - Delta FTIR - Fourier transform infrared NMR - Nuclear magnetic resonance MAS - Magic angle spinning CP - Cross polarization EFAL - Extra-framework aluminium ppm - Part per million xvi % - Percent ~ - Approximately TG/DTA - Thermogravimetric and Differential Thermal Analysis TGA - Thermogravimetric Analysis DTA - Differential Thermal Analysis Ho - Hammett acidity function µL - Microlitre MS - Mass spectrometry GC-MS - Gas chromatography combined with spectrometry 4-PBP - 4-Phenyl benzophenone 4, 4’-DBBP - 4, 4’-dibenzoylbiphenyl CTABr - Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide NH4OH - Ammonium hydroxide min - Minute o - Celsius h - Hour wt% - Weight percent g - Gram mg - milligram SiO2/Al2O3 - Silica over alumina ratio mol - Mole mmol - Millimole m.p. - Melting point mA - Milliampere o - Degree cm-1 - Per centimeter UNCAL-1 - Uncalcined MCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio ∞ UNCAL-2 - Uncalcined AlMCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio 60 UNCAL-3 - Uncalcined AlMCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio 30 UNCAL-4 - Uncalcined AlMCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio 15 CAL-1 - Calcined MCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio ∞ CAL-2 - Calcined AlMCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio 60 C mass xvii CAL-3 - Calcined AlMCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio 30 CAL-4 - Calcined AlMCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio 15 HCAL-1 - Protonated MCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio ∞ HCAL-2 - Protonated AlMCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio 60 HCAL-3 - Protonated AlMCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio 30 HCAL-4 - Protonated AlMCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio 15 SCAL-1 - Sulphated MCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio ∞ SCAL-2 - Sulphated AlMCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio 60 SCAL-3 - Sulphated AlMCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio 30 SCAL-4 - Sulphated AlMCM-41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio 15 MHz - Megahertz µs - Microsecond TMS - Tetramethyl silane BJH - Barrett, Joyner, Halenda mbar - millibar kPa - Kilopascal m/z - Mass over charge ao - Unit cell parameters t - Crystallite size Wd - Pore diameter bd - Pore wall thickness xviii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDICES A TITLE PAGES Calculation of the amount of pyridine adsorbed on the sample in 77 the acidity study of sulphated AlMCM-41 samples. B Infrared spectrum of 4-phenyl benzophenone (4-PBP). 78 C Mass spectrum of 4-phenyl benzophenone (4-PBP). 79 D Infrared spectrum of 4, 4’-dibenzoyl biphenyl (4, 4’-DBBP). 80 E Mass spectrum of 4, 4’-dibenzoyl biphenyl (4, 4’-DBBP). 81 F Calculation of % conversion and % selectivity. 82 G The pyridine-FTIR spectra of HCAL-1 at (a) room temperature, 83 o o o (b) 150 C, (c) 250 C and (d) 350 C. H The pyridine-FTIR spectra of HCAL-2 at (a) room temperature, 84 (b) 150 oC, (c) 250 oC and (d) 350 oC. I The pyridine-FTIR spectra of HCAL-3 at (a) room temperature, 85 (b) 150 oC, (c) 250 oC and (d) 350 oC. J The pyridine-FTIR spectra of HCAL-4 at (a) room temperature, o o 86 o (b) 150 C, (c) 250 C and (d) 350 C. K Chromatogram of reactants at 0 h. 87 L Chromatogram of reactants and products. 88 M Data obtained from GC-FID Chromatograms (Friedel-Crafts 89 dibenzoylation of biphenyl with benzoyl chloride over SCAL-4). N Mass balance of dibenzoylation of biphenyl with benzoyl 90 chloride (Experimental) O Mass balance of dibenzoylation of biphenyl with benzoyl chloride (Theoretical) 98 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background and Problem Statement Catalyst is defined as a substance that increases the rate of reaction without being appreciably consumed in the process [1]. Catalyst increases the reaction rate by offering other route of reaction with lower activation energy of the reaction system. There are many chemical reactions which need this substance in order to enhance the reaction rate. The presence of this substance is essential not only for enhancing reaction rate but also decreasing energy consumption and minimizing the waste production. Today, catalysts play a vital role in the chemical industries, with a total contribution of ~20% of world GNP [2]. Apart from that, there are approximately 80% of the industrial reactions such as acylation, oxidation, hydrogenation, epoxidation etc. use catalysts. Among the reactions, Friedel-Crafts acylation (benzoylation) reaction is of interest in industries due to the importance of preparing aromatic ketones as intermediate in the dyes [3], pharmaceutical and fragrance [4] industries. An example of benzoylation reaction which has been studied is the benzoylation of biphenyl with benzoyl chloride [5-8]. More attention has been centered on it because of its applications. The monosubstituted product, 4benzoylbiphenyl or 4-phenyl benzophenone (4-PBP) is used in the synthesis of antifungal bifonazole agent [7]. The 4-PBP is also an intermediate in the synthesis of fructone, an apple scent used in fragrant, detergents [9] and photo initiator [7] whereas the disubstituted product, 4, 4’- dibenzoylbiphenyl (4, 4’-DBBP) is used as a 1 2 monomer in producing poly (4, 4’-diphenylene diphenylvinylene) or PDPV, an attractive polymer for electroluminescence because it has very high photoluminescence efficiency in solid state along with good solubility in common organic solvents [10]. As a result, it is used as an emitting layer in polymer light emitting (PLED) [11]. Liquid phase Friedel-Crafts reactions traditionally have been catalyzed by strong Brönsted acids such as CF3SO3H, FSO3H, H2SO4 and HF and by soluble Lewis acids such as TiCl4, AlCl3 and FeCl3 [12]. These acids are very strong in terms of their catalytic activity. Unfortunately, some of the homogeneous catalysts such as TiCl4, AlCl3 and FeCl3 are highly sensitive to moisture, corrosive and environmentally unfriendly [13]. In industrial processes, the reaction brings another disadvantage to this system where it has a difficulty in product purification due to production of large amount of side products [14]. Therefore, a demand for searching an alternative is a need to overcome this problem. Recently, the use of solid acid catalysts such as zeolites [3, 4, 7] and mesoporous materials [15, 16] has been reported for the acylation reaction. Zeolites and mesoporous materials are known for their shape selective properties and they have been used widely in a variety of acid and base catalyzed shape selective reactions. In addition, these materials are easy to separate from the product, environmentally unfriendly, small amount of hazardous corrosive wastes, high catalyst reusability, high thermostability, safer and easier to handle [14, 17]. Current research on the production of 4, 4’-DBBP via homogeneous and heterogeneous systems is still facing difficulties. For example, Walczak et al. [15] were only able to prepare 4-PBP in 74% of yield by treatment of benzoyl chloride with AlCl3 in chloroform at room temperature, followed by addition of biphenyl into refluxing solution, Equation 1.1. Another researchers, viz. Han et al. [7] synthesized 94.2 % yield of 4-PBP by stirring benzoyl chloride with biphenyl and AlCl3 in the presence of nitrobenzene at 120 oC, Equation 1.2. 2 3 Benzoyl chloride + AlCl3 + Biphenyl Reflux in CHCl3 at 25 oC Benzoyl chloride + Biphenyl + AlCl3 4-PBP Reflux in PhNO2 at 120 oC (94.2%) 4-PBP (74%) (Equation 1.1) (Equation 1.2) Recently, the first attempt to synthesize 4, 4’-DBBP using H-AlMCM-41 as heterogeneous catalyst with 100% selectivity was reported, however with very low conversion (0.05%) [5]. According to the researchers, these unsatisfactory results might be due to low amount of Brönsted and Lewis acid sites as well as its acid strength. In addition, the reaction condition such as effect of temperature, solvent used, reactants and catalyst loaded also contribute to these results. In view from the above, it is of importance to (i) develop a new catalyst or modify the existing catalyst in order to enhance the amount and the strength of acidity of the materials and (ii) improve reaction condition for the selective synthesis of 4, 4’-DBBP. By taking the actions suggested, it is expected that the activity of the catalyst will be improved. Figure 1.3 shows two possible routes to drive the reaction to obtain targeted product 4, 4’-DBBP either via direct or consecutive route. Biphenyl + Route 1 (Direct) O 2 C Benzoylium ion + MCM-41 materials Route 2 (Consecutive) O O 4, 4'-dibenzoyl biphenyl (4, 4'-DBBP) Targeted product O 4-Phenyl benzohenone (4-PBP) Figure 1.1: Two proposed reaction routes: Route1 (direct) and Route 2 (consecutive) synthesis of the dibenzoylation of biphenyl using sulphated AlMCM-41 mesoporous materials and benzoyl chloride. 3 4 1.2 Objectives of Research The objectives of the research are: 1. To synthesize and characterize a highly active sulphated AlMCM-41 heterogeneous acid catalyst. 2. To relate the acidity to the structural characteristic of the catalyst. 3. To study the catalytic properties of the developed catalyst in dibenzoylation of biphenyl reaction (model reaction). 4. To study the effect of reaction parameters on the production of 4, 4’DBBP. 1.3 Research Strategies The flow diagram shown in Figure 1.2 describes about research strategies. Generally the studies involve synthesis, modification, catalytic testing and optimization. Characterizations are carried out by various techniques as listed. The catalytic activity was tested in a model reaction – dibenzoylation of biphenyl reaction. The modification, characterization and catalytic activity testing processes were repeated until a suitable catalyst was discovered. 1.4 Scope of Research The work reported in this study focuses on the synthesis of sulphated AlMCM-41 with various of SiO2/Al2O3 ratio using amorphous rice husk ash as silica source and sodium aluminate as aluminium source. MCM-41’s template namely cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTABr) was used as structure directing agent. The modification was followed by conversion to H-AlMCM-41 via ion exchange of NaAlMCM-41 with ammonium nitrate solution followed by calcination and lastly impregnated with sulphuric acid in order to obtain sulphated AlMCM-41. 4 5 Characterization of each sample was carried out using Fourier Transform Infared (FTIR) spectrometer to study the molecular bondings while the crystalinity and crystallite size of the samples were analyzed by means of X-ray Diffraction analysis (XRD). Furthermore, characterization of the samples was also conducted using 29Si and 27Al Magic Angle Spinning NMR (MAS NMR) spectrometers to study the silicon and aluminum environments in the structure whereas the textural properties such as specific surface area, pore volume, pore diameter and pore wall thickness was measured by using nitrogen gas adsorption-desorption analysis. The thermal stability and volatile matter in the MCM-41 samples were determined by utilizing thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis. The acid strength and the type of acid sites were measured using Hammett indicators and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) using pyridine as the probe base molecule. The final part in this study is to test the catalytic capability of sulphated AlMCM-41 towards Friedel-craft dibenzoylation of biphenyl with benzoyl chloride as the benzoylating agents. The reaction was performed in a batch reactor and the products were separated and analyzed quantitatively by gas chromatography (GC) and the identification of products were carried out using gas chromatography with mass spectrometry detector (GC-MSD). 5 6 No Synthesis of MCM-41 materials Characterization Catalytic testing Modification and improvement MCM-41 materials are characterized to Dibenzoylation of biphenyl, a The properties of catalytic determine their: model reaction was carried out system will be improved in using direct synthesis Crystallinity - XRD to test the activity of the terms of Modification of MCM-41 Textural properties (specific surface catalysts. Acid strength materials area and pore volume) - N2 adsorption- Amount of acid site desorption isotherm Specific surface area Synthesize various catalysts SiO2/Al2O3 in ratio Satisfy Yes Finish Functional groups - FTIR Acidity (type, density and strength) - Pyridine-FTIR, Hammett indicator Thermal stability, volatile matter - TG-DTA Aluminum environment in the structure - 27Al MAS NMR Silicon environment in the structure 29 Si MAS NMR Figure 1.2: Flow digram of research strategies. 6 7 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The importance of solid catalyst Catalysis has had a major impact on chemicals and fuels production, environmental protection and remediation, processing of consumer products and advanced materials manufacturing. A survey of British agency Frost and Sullivan revealed that the catalyst European market had reached to USD 3.7 billion turnover in 2000 with the 4 % of average increment per year and it illustrates that the critical role of this field in the fuel and chemical industry [18]. Homogeneous catalyst is referred as the catalyst that exists in the same phase with the reactants whereas heterogenous catalyst is a catalyst which has different phase with the reactants. Catalyst can be used either in gaseous, liquid or solid form. Usually, heterogeneous catalyst is more favorable in application because it is easy to isolate from the reaction mixture. Only a few heterogeneous catalysts in gaseous form are used commercially because of difficulty in handling and safety factors. However, the industries nowadays prefer to use solid form heterogeneous catalyst compared with liquid form homogeneous catalyst due to high corrosion of vessels caused by liquid form catalyst, difficulty in handling, leaking and spillage problems. Table 2.1 depicts the advantages and disadvantages of 3 phases of catalysts. 7 8 Table 2.1: Comparison of the various phases of catalysts. Type(s) Advantage(s) • High activity towards reaction Gas due to kinetic factor. Liquid • High activity towards reaction due to kinetic factor. Solid • Safer to use. Disadvantage(s) • Leaking problem. • Difficulties in handling. • Possible explosion hazard. • Corrosive to vessels. • Difficulties in separation. • Leaking and spillage problems. • Difficulties in handling. • Corrosive to vessels. • Difficult to contain high active • High activity towards reaction component loading (dosage) to further improve strength and due to high surface area. impact. • Convenient to handle. • No leaking and spillage. • Difficult to modify. • Easy to use and separate. • Leaching problem. Therefore, from Table 2.1 it is clear that among all types of catalysts, solid catalysts have many advantages and currently are of interest. 2.2 Solid catalysts - Introduction to M41S family Usually, a solid consisting of nanometer-sized cavities or pores has a high surface area. International Union of Pure Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) classifies pore sizes into three categories. Pores larger than about 50 nm in diameter are termed macropores while those less than about 2 nm are termed micropores whereas pores of intermediate size (2 nm < x < 50 nm) are classified as mesopores. Microporous zeolites are widely used as acid catalysts nowadays. Acid sites are generated by introducing metals such as aluminium [3, 4, 16] into the framework. 8 9 However, the zeolites with micropores still face many problems because they often suffer from diffusion limitation when applied to the chemical synthesis involving bulky molecules. Hence, the development of molecular sieves with pore diameter in the mesoporous range has been increasing in demand for its use in acid catalyzed reactions, particularly for the synthesis of large molecules for producing chemicals [19]. One significant step forward came with the determination of the structure of zeolite β [20, 21] which has three-dimensional channels larger than most microporous zeolites and exhibits catalytic performances competitive with those widely used as catalysts on an industrial scale such as Y-type and ZSM-5 zeolites. Another significant step forward has come more recently with the discovery of the mesoporous M41S family in 1992 [22], which offer many opportunities over microporous materials by being more accessible to reactants. In 1992, Mobil researchers reported that a family of aluminosilicates (termed M41S) with pores larger than 2 nm could be synthesized in an ordered packing through “liquid-crystal templating” (LCT) mechanism shown in Figure 2.1 [23]. Firstly, the surfactant aggregates to form rod-like micelles. Next, the silicate anions will migrate and undergo polymerization, resulting in the formation of MCM-41 structure. (a) (b) (c) Fig. 2.1: Formation of MCM-41 materials. (a) Aggregation of surfactants process, (b) Combination of organic and inorganic materials, (c) MCM-41 [26]. 9 10 Of particular interest is MCM-41, which has hexagonally-packed cylindrical pore channels containing surface areas greater than 1200 m2/g and uniform pore sizes that can be tailored from 2 to 10 nm in diameter available, making it attractive heterogeneous catalysts, catalyst supports, and nanocomposite host materials for a wide range of novel applications, Figure 2.2 [22, 24]. A study of mesoporous MCM41 materials however, is of interest to chemists nowadays. Since the introduction of MCM-41 with its unique characteristics, these materials have important uses in chemistry disciplines [25]. Figure 2.2: Illustration of hexagonal honeycomb structure of mesoporous MCM-41 with 2 nm to 10 nm pore size. Purely siliceous MCM-41 generally does not have catalytic ability because of the absence of the Al as active sites. Therefore, in order to obtain acidic mesoporous catalysts which are suitable for the synthesis of large hydrocarbons, a modification of their acid sites is necessary. In recent years, many efforts have been devoted towards the study of incorporating numerous kinds of metal or nonmetal compounds in MCM41 in order to enhance both the acid sites and strengths. For example, many researchers reported that by incorporating trivalent metals such as Al or Ga in the MCM-41, the Lewis and Brönsted acid characters can be generated and improved [9, 27-30]. On the other hand, the introduction of many metals other than Al and Ga, i.e. 10 11 In, Fe, Ti, Zr etc. is another promising ways to generate acid character in MCM-41 mesoporous sieves [12, 29, 31-33]. 2.3 Generation of active sites in AlMCM-41 mesoporous materials Purely siliceous MCM-41 mesoporous materials generally are neutral in term of charge because of the +4 charge of Si in the SiO4 unit of the framework is electronically neutralized by the four –1 charges from the oxygen atoms. It is shown in Figure 2.3 (a). As a result, purely siliceous MCM-41 mesoporous materials do not exhibit acidity due to neutral charge and have no heterocation such as Al in the framework. However, the charge of framework of purely siliceous mesoporous materials is no longer neutral when lattice Si4+ cations are replaced by lattice foreign cation such as Al3+ cation. This phenomenon creates negatively charged framework of the mesoporous materials as illustrated in Figure 2.3 (b). 0 O (a) Si 4+ Si O O O O Al O O Si Si O Si OO OO OO O O O O -1 O (b) 0 O O -1 O 3+ Si O O O O Si Al OO OO O Si OO O Figure 2.3: Framework of (a) SiMCM-41 and (b) AlMCM-41. Typically, AlMCM-41 materials are synthesized in the sodium form. Therefore, it is a need to convert the Na+ form to H+ form in order to generate the 11 12 Brönsted acid sites as shown in Figure 2.4. It can readily be accomplished by ion exchanging Na+ with NH4+ followed by thermal decomposition of the NH4+ into proton and ammonia [5]. O O Si Na O Si Al OO O O Na O Al OO OO O NH4+ exchange O NH4 O O Si Si Al OO O O NH4 O OO Al OO O > 300 oC - NH3 Brönsted acid sites H O O Si O H O Si Al OO O OO O Al OO O Figure 2.4: Generation of Brönsted acid sites. The Lewis acid sites in aluminosilicate mesoporous materials are originated from extraframework Al species (EFAL) present in the form of Al3+, AlO+, Al(OH)2+, or charged AlxOyn+ clusters within the materials [36]. EFAL species is the Al species that locates outside of the framework. There are two possible explanations about the generation of Lewis acid sites. The first approach was proposed by Lercher et al. [37] using infrared studies, stating that Lewis acidity is due to framework tricoordinated aluminium formed upon dehydroxylation as demonstrated in Figure 2.5 (a). The second explaination postulated by MAS NMR spectroscopy [38], which shows that 12 13 the presence of Lewis acid sites is associated with both octahedral and tetrahedral extra framework Al (EFAL) species, created by dehydroxylation of the hydrogen forms of aluminosilicate meterials as illustrated in Figure 2.5 (b). (a) Lewis acidity due to framework tricoordinated aluminium. H O H O O Si OO OO O O Si O O O OO Si Al Si Al OO O O OO OO - H2O Si Al Si Al O O O O O OO OO (b) Lewis acidity associated with both octahedral and tetrahedral EFAL. H O O Si O H O Si Al OO O OO OO - H2O Si Al OO O O O O O Si O O Si Al OO AlO+ O OO O Si OO O Figure 2.5: Generation of Lewis acid sites: 2.4 Generation of acid sites via sulphation Another method of modification and improvement of acid sites in MCM-41 is via sulphation whereby it is a method of introducing sulphate group onto the MCM41. Sulphation has received much attention recently [33-35]. Chen et al. [35] first reported the details of the synthesis and characterization of sulphuric acid impregnated mesoporous materials for the synthesis of β-naphthyl methyl ether and later M. Selvaraj et al. [33, 34] reported the synthesis, characterization of mesoporous 13 14 materials with different Si/Al ratios for synthesis of neroline. Usually sulphuric acid is used as sulphating agent [33-35]. The sulphuric acid is impregnated in MCM-41 materials in aqueous solution followed by drying and readily be used in reaction. Sulphation is simple and can generate Lewis acid site. Figure 2.6 illustrates the scheme proposed by M. Selvaraj for the sulphate-containing AlMCM-41 material showing possible Lewis acid sites. Impregnation by sulphuric acid enables the generation of Lewis acid sites on the surface of AlMCM-41 due to the inductive effect of the sulphate group and the aluminium ions is being non-framework. From this point of view, sulphation provides a promising solution to the enhancement of acidity and catalyzes Friedel-Crafts reaction that needs strong and large amount of acidity. O O BA O O Si O O O O O O O Si O LA S S O Al O O 2- Si O O O Al O LA O O Si O Figure 2.6: Scheme proposed for the sulphated AlMCM-41 material showing possible Lewis acid sites (LA) after sulpathating AlMCM-41 containing Brönsted acid site (BA). 2.5 Friedel-Crafts reactions and solid catalysts Friedel-Crafts reaction is an important synthesis techniques in organic chemistry. It is widely used not only in research but also in chemical production industries. One of the reactions called acylation reaction is of interest due to the importance of preparing aromatic ketones as intermediate in the dyes [3], pharmaceutical and fragrance [4] industries. 14 15 Liquid phase Friedel-Crafts reactions traditionally have been catalyzed by strong Brönsted acids such as CF3SO3H, FSO3H, H2SO4 and HF and by soluble Lewis acids such as TiCl4, AlCl3 and FeCl3 [12]. These acids have many important advantages. They are very active and readily available. Apart from that, they are cheap. Unfortunately, homogeneous catalysts such as TiCl4, AlCl3 and FeCl3 are highly sensitive to moisture, corrosive and environmentally unfriendly [13]. They are often too powerful acid, giving lower yield of desired product with low selectivity and very significantly in the context of green chemistry, they may need to be used in reagent quantities because of their ability to form complex Lewis base products. For example, AlCl3 is used as a catalyst in a benzoylation reaction as shown in Figure 2.6. COCl R + O + AlCl3 Solvent AlCl3 R Figure 2.6: Benzoylation of an aromatic compound using aluminium trichloride as catalyst, leading to a stable Lewis complex. When the reaction is complete, the only possible way to separate the AlCl3 is by a destructive water quenching, resulting in emission of about 3 equivalents of HCl; which need to be scrubbed off the gases leading to the production of 3 equivalents of salt waste. Once the organic product has been recovered, aluminous water remains, which must be disposed of. The overall process generates considerably more waste than product, Figure 2.7 [2]. 15 16 O C R O + AlCl3 + RCCl H2O 3 HCl + Al(OH)3 3 NaOH 3 NaCl Substrates and reagents …… 1000 arbitrary weight units Products …… 290 arbitrary weight units Waste …… 710 arbitrary weight units Figure 2.7: Friedel-Crafts acylation showing a typical starting materials, products and waste mass balance. In industrial processes, the reaction brings another disadvantage to this system where it has a difficulty in product purification due to production of large amount of side products [14]. Therefore, a demand for searching an alternative is a need to overcome this problem. Recently, the use of solid acid catalysts such as zeolites [3, 4, 7] and mesoporous materials [12, 15, 16] has been reported for the Friedel-Crafts reaction. Zeolites do seem to be a better alternative due to their shape selective properties. In addition, these materials are easy to separate from the product, environmentally friendly, small amount of hazardous corrosive wastes, high catalyst reusability, high thermostability, safer and easier to handle [14, 17]. 16 17 CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL 3.1 Starting Materials Rice husk ash (RHA) containing 97% of SiO2 was used as the silica source for MCM-41 while sodium aluminate (NaAlO2; Riedel-de-Haän®; 53 wt% Al2O3) was used as aluminium source. Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr) and acetic acid (Merck, 25 wt%) were used as surfactant and organic acid, respectively. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH; Merck; 99%) and ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH; Merck; 99%) were used as alkali bases. Doubly distilled water was used as a medium. Ammonium nitrate (Merck) was used as an ion-exchange agent to produce protonated mesoporous materials whereas sulphuric acid (H2SO4; Merck; 95-97 v/v%) was the sulphating agent. All reagents were of analytical purity. Benzoyl chloride and biphenyl were used without further purification. The monosubstituted 4-phenyl benzophenone and disubstituted 4, 4’-benzoyl biphenyl were synthesized via homogeneous FriedelCrafts reaction. These products were used as authentic samples. 3.2 Preparation of AlMCM-41 AlMCM-41 was prepared in the following way using published method [5]. In a typical synthesis, sodium silicate was prepared by dissolving 6.13 g of RHA and 2.00 g of NaOH in 40.0 ml doubly distilled water at 80 oC for 2 h under stirring. The resulting solution was designated as solution A. Another solution B was prepared by mixing appropriate amount of NaAlO2 as shown in Table 3.1, 6.07 g of CTABr and 17 18 0.70 g of NH4OH 25 wt% in 35.0 ml of doubly distilled water, followed by stirring at 80 oC for 30 min until a clear solution was obtained. For both solutions, viz. A and B were mixed together in a polypropylene bottle to give a gel with a mole ratio composition of 6 SiO2 : CTABr : 1.5 Na2O : 0.15 (NH4)2O : 250 H2O followed by vigorous stirring for 15 min. After stirring, the resulting gel was kept in an air oven for crystallization at 100 oC for 24 h. The gel was then cooled to room temperature and the pH of the gel was adjusted close to 10.2 by adding acetic acid 25 wt%. The subsequent 24 h heating and pH adjustment was repeated twice. The solid product was filtered, washed, neutralized and dried overnight at 100 oC. The solid sample was calcined at 550 oC in air for 10 h with a heating rate of 1 oC min-1 to remove the trapped organic template. Calcined solid powders with SiO2/Al2O3 ratios of ∞, 60, 30 and 15 were labelled as CAL-1, CAL-2, CAL-3 and CAL-4, respectively. Table 3.1: Amount of NaAlO2 added in preparing AlMCM-41. 3.3 Sample SiO2/Al2O3 ratios NaAlO2 weight (g) CAL-1 ∞ 0.00 CAL-2 60 0.19 CAL-3 30 0.38 CAL-4 15 0.76 Preparation of Protonated AlMCM-41 (H-AlMCM-41) Calcined MCM-41 mesoporous materials (0.700 g) in Na+ form was put into a 50 ml of 0.2 M NH4NO3 solution and stirred at 60 oC for 6 h. The solid was filtered, washed with deionized water and dried at 110 oC for 2 h. The ion exchange was 18 19 repeated three times. The solid powder was then calcined at 550 oC at the rate of 1 oC min-1 for 5 h. The solid powders of H-AlMCM41 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of ∞, 60, 30 and 15 were labeled as HCAL-1, HCAL-2, HCAL-3 and HCAL-4, respectively. 3.4 Synthesis of Sulphated AlMCM-41 Sulphated AlMCM-41 samples were prepared the following way. 0.50 g of H- AlMCM-41 was transferred to a round bottom flask containing 10 ml of toluene and 30 µL H2SO4 95-97 wt%. The mixture was stirred at 50 oC for 1 h and dried at 130 oC for 12 h. The sulphated samples with SiO2/Al2O3 ratios of ∞, 60, 30 and 15 were designated as SCAL-1, SCAL-2, SCAL-3 and SCAL-4, respectively. 3.5 Characterization of MCM-41 Materials 3.5.1 X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRD) X-ray diffraction is a powerful method to define the crystallographic structure of MCM-41 materials whereby no other means is feasible or even possible. Each of the zeolite materials has their own specific pattern that can be used as references for the determination of solid crystal phase and it is used as fingerprint for every zeolites. This technique can identify the phase present in the sample and signify whether the solid sample is amorphous or crystalline phase. Amorphous phases will produce no diffraction peak at all and small particles will produce broad diffraction lines, whereas a crystalline particle gives a sharp and strong diffraction lines. The degree of crystallinity can also be determined by referring to peak intensity. The purity of solid crystal can be measured by comparing the X-ray diffractogram pattern of sample with X-ray diffractogram pattern of standard that can be attained from International Zeolite Association (IZA). The presence or absence of some peaks of the diffractogram 19 20 indicates to the existence of other crystal phase or zeolite was contaminated with other phases [39]. The crystallite size for MCM-41 can be easily determined by using the Scherrer equation shown as follow [40]. t = 0.9 λ / (B cos θ) (Equation 3.1) where t is the average crystallite size in nm, B is the full width at half maximum of diffraction peak, λ is the wavelength of X-ray and θ is the diffraction angle. The unit cell parameters for MCM-41 can be determined by applying the Equation 3.2. a o = 2 d 100 / 3 (Equation 3.2) where ao is the unit cell parameter in Å and d is the interplanar spacing In this study, the MCM-41 mesoporous materials were characterized by means of X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRD) using a Bruker Advance D8 using Siemens 5000 diffractometer with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.5418Å, 40 kV, 40 mA). First, the powder samples were ground and spread on a sample holder. The samples were scanned in the range from 2θ = 1.5 o – 10.0o with step size of 0.02o. 3.5.2 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) FTIR is a very powerful analytical tool because it reveals information about molecular vibrations that cause a change in the dipole of moment of molecules [41]. In zeolite chemistry, it is employed to study the aluminoslicate framework, hydroxyl group and also foreign molecules adsorbed in the zeolites. Normally, FTIR provides meaningful information in the mid-infrared region (1400-400 cm-1) which attributed to the framework vibrations of zeolite which tetrahedral linked of SiO4 or AlO4. FTIR 20 21 also can be used to determine the hydroxyl group in zeolite. In air, the water vapour will interact with the OH group in zeolites through hydrogen bonding and give a broad band around 3700 – 3400 cm-1. For determination of OH group of zeolites, the samples have to be heated at high temperature under vacuum to eliminate water vapour trapped in zeolite framework [42]. Sulphate functional group shows several signals in IR spectra. The stretching vibration of the S=O bond gives band at 1071 cm-1 while the absorption band at 1180 cm-1 is due to symmetric vibrations of Si–O–S bridges. Apart from that, sulphate group also demonstrates a band at 888 cm-1 which is due to symmetric S–O stretching vibrations. The SO2 deformation can also be detected in the region 580 cm-1 [43, 44]. In this research, infrared spectra were acquired by using a Perkin Elmer Spectrum One FT-IR spectrometer with a 4 cm-1 resolution and 10 scans in the mid IR region (400–4000 cm-1). KBr pellet method was used in which the solid samples were finely pulverized with dry KBr in the ratio of 1:100 and the mixture was pressed in a hydraulic press (5000 psi) to form a transparent pellet. The pellet was put in a sample holder and the spectrum of the pellet was measured. 3.5.3 Solid State Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MAS NMR) Spectroscopy In recent years, theory and practice have been developed for the NMR study of solids. NMR is a powerful spectroscopic technique, which can be used for a number of applications in various branches of chemistry. One of the applications of NMR is to characterize zeolites and mesoporous materials concerning structure elucidation and the short range ordering (local environment). Usually, solid state NMR spectroscopy is performed using a number of special techniques, including magic-angle spinning (MAS), cross polarization (CP), special 2D experiments and enhanced probe electronics in order to obtain a high resolution 21 22 spectrum [45]. Such techniques are needed because of the rapid, random motion characteristic of liquids is strongly constrained, and low-abundance or low-sensitivity nuclei causing line broadenings are not averaged. There are many nuclei are used in zeolite chemistry such as 1H, 13C, 29Si, 27Al, 31 P and 19F. All these nuclei have spin and magnetic properties that can be utilized to give chemical information. 27 Al and 29 Si MAS NMR are typically used to study the structures of mesoporous materials such as AlMCM-41 because of their important roles as framework elements where 27Al and 29Si are both magnetically active nuclei. For 27Al NMR, the spectra with high signal-to-noise ratios are easily detected without using CP technique like 29 Si MAS NMR due to the relatively high sensitivity of the nucleus with a high natural abundance of 100% and the fast relaxation times. In a sample of aluminosilicate, it was found that four coordination (tetrahedral) aluminium, AlO4 had a chemical shift range from 55 – 80 ppm whereas six coordination (octahedral) aluminium, AlO6 or termed extra-framework aluminium (EFAL) occurred at ~0 ppm [46]. 29 Si NMR spectra may be harder to obtain due to low sensitivity of the nucleus with a low natural abundance of 4.7%. Hence, the so-called cross-polarization (CP) technique is needed to overcome this problem. Generally, Qn notation is used to present tetrahedral SiO4 where superscript n indicates the connectivity, i.e. the number of other Q attached to the SiO4 tetrahedron. Figure 3.1 summarizes the 29 Si NMR chemical shift regions [47]. From the table, the substitution of one or more Si atoms by foreign atoms like Al in coordination sphere results in significant low-field shift, i.e. give less negative δ value. In this study, 27 Al MAS NMR spectra were recorded using a Bruker Ultrashield 400 spectrometer under the following conditions; 27 Al at a frequency of 104.2 MHz with a spin-rate of 7 kHz, pulse length of 1.9 µs and a relaxation time delay of 2 s. Each spectrum was obtained with 5000 scans. The chemical shifts of 27Al were reported in relation to the tetramethyl silane (TMS). 29Si MAS NMR spectrum was recorded at frequency of 79.5 MHz using 4 mm zirconia double bearing rotor 22 23 with a relaxation time delay of 600 s and spinning rate of 10 kHz with 45o pulses. The chemical shifts were given in ppm from tetramethyl silane (TMS). Figure 3.1: Range of 29Si chemical shifts of Qn in solid silicate 3.5.4 Thermogravimetric and Differential Thermal Analysis (TG-DTA) TG-DTA is a technique whereby the weight of a sample and the phase transitions or chemical reactions can be followed through observation of heat absorbed or released over a period of time while its temperature is being raised linearly. The theory of TG-DTA is simple. A sample is placed on the balance and the furnace for sample heating is installed beneath the balance. The sample will be heated and the electronic recording mechanism will plot a graph of weight and energy adsorbed (endothermic) or released (exothermic) against time, termed thermogram. TG-DTA can be used in studying: Thermal degradation of a sample. 23 24 Chemical reaction resulting in changes of mass such as absorption, adsorption, desorption. Sample purity. In some cases, it can be used for identification purposes [48]. In this experiment, the TG-DTA measurements were carried out on a Perkin Elmer’s Pyris Diamond Thermogravimetric/Differential Thermal Analyzer under N2 atmosphere with a flow rate of 20 ml min-1 using ~ 10 mg of the sample. The sample was heated in the temperature range 45 – 850 oC with a heating rate of 20 oC min-1. 3.5.5 Nitrogen Adsorption-Desorption Isotherm Analysis Adsorption isotherm is a unique and useful technique in measuring surface area and pore structure of a solid whereby no other means is feasible or even possible [49]. The principal method of measuring total surface area of porous structures is by physically adsorption of a particular molecular species from a gas (typically nitrogen) onto the surface, maintained at a constant temperature (usually at liquid nitrogen temperature 77K). Nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherm analysis is very useful because it provides a lot of information related to textural properties of a sample. The surface area and pore volume can be determined by using the Brunauer, Emmet and Teller (BET) equation [50]. Meanwhile, the pore diameter, Wd of MCM-41 materials can be calculated using Equation 3.3 [51]. Wd = C d100 ⎛ ρV p ⎜ ⎜ 1 + ρV p ⎝ 1 ⎞2 ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ (Equation 3.3) in which C is a constant with having the value of 1.213, d100 is (100) interplanar spacing, ρ is pore wall density with assumes to be 2.2 cm3/g for silica with amorphous pore walls and Vp is the primary mesopore volume determined from adsorption measurements. Apart from that, the wall thickness, bd of MCM-41 molecular sieves can also be determined by applying Equation 3.4 [51]. 24 25 bd = 2(3-1/2)d100 – Wd/1.050 (Equation 3.4) where d100 is (100) interplanar spacing and Wd is pore diameter. In this research, the specific surface area and pore volume of SCAL-1, SCAL2, SCAL-3 and SCAL-4 were analyzed by using the multi-point BET technique with a Surface Area Analyzer instrument (Thermo Finnigan Qsurf Series). Approximately 10 mg of sample was used for every measurement. Prior to adsorption, the sample was degassed for 30 min at 473 K under nitrogen gas flow condition. The samples were then evacuated to 10-2 Torr and immersed in liquid nitrogen. The weight of sample included sample holder was determined and the specific surface area and pore volume measurements were measured. 3.5.6 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of Pyridine Adsorption Another application of FTIR spectroscopy is that it has been combined and used in the characterization of surface acidity. For the most part, adsorption on aluminosilicates involves acid-base interactions. Basic molecules such as pyridine is chosen as the probe base due to its strong basicity property and its ability to interact with a wide scale of acid strength as well as it can differentiate between the Brönsted and Lewis sites. Pyridine adsorption monitored with FTIR gives acidity adsorptions in the range of 1400 – 1700 cm-1 [20]. There are two types of acid sites present in MCM-41 materials, namely Lewis and Brönsted acid sites. Brönsted acid site in MCM-41 materials occur when the cations like H+ balances the anionic charge of framework. It can be defined as a proton-donor-acidity [52]. This interaction usually gives a peak at ~3600 cm-1. However, the peak disappears after introducing with pyridine and at the same time, a new peak at ~1545 cm-1 will be observed which is due to pyridine bound to Brönsted acid sites. The mechanism is depicted in Figure 3.3 (a). Lewis acid site arises at the 25 26 electron deficient sites that can accept a pair of electrons. In this case, pyridine with nitrogen lone pair electrons acts as electron donor (nucleophile) while the MCM-41 framework acts as electron acceptor. Figure 3.3 (b) describes the mechanism on how a pyridine molecule binds to Lewis acid sites where this interaction gives a peak at ~1455 cm-1. H N H Peak at ~3600 cm-1 O Si + (a) OO N Si Al OO O O Bronsted acid site in AlMCM-41 Pyridine Si Si Al O O O O O Peak at ~ 3600 cm-1 disappears M = Si+ or Al N O O + (b) O N Pyridine O O O Lewis acid site in AlMCM-41 Si M Si M O O Peak at ~ 1455 cm-1 appears Figure 3.3: Proposed mechanism of interaction between pyridine molecules with (a) Brönsted and (b) Lewis acid sites in MCM-41 molecular sieves. The amount of pyridine (Py) adsorbed on the sample in the acidity study of the samples can be determined by using Equation 3.5 [53, Appendix A]. Adsorbed Py (µmol. g-1) = B (cm-1) . Sample surface (cm2) Adsorption Coef. (cm. µmol-1). Weight (g) (Equation 3.5) 26 27 In the acidity study of this research, the pyridine FTIR spectra for various samples were recorded using a Perkin Elmer Spectrum One FTIR spectrometer as the following procedure. About 10 – 15 mg of solid sample was pressed into a selfsupporting wafer (without KBr) of 13 mm diameter and was preactivated under vacuum (10-6 mbar) at 200 oC for 3 h. The sample was cooled to room temperature prior to record the background spectrum. The pyridine was then introduced to the sample for 1 minute. The pyridine was then desorbed at 150 oC, 250 oC and 350 oC. Finally, the spectrum was then recorded with a 4 cm-1 resolution and 10 scans in the range of 1650 – 1400 cm-1. A sketch of the pyridine adsorption device is shown in Figure 3.5. Pyridine Mercury Sample holder Infrared cell Pump Figure 3.4: Adsorption and desorption of pyridine apparatus for acidity study. 27 28 3.5.7 Hammett Acidity Analysis Acid strength of the catalyst can be determined by the Hammett indicator method. Prior to the analysis, 0.2 g of sample was pretreated by being heated at 473 K for 2 h in order to remove water, cooled to room temperature and contacted to the Hammett indicator in dried cyclohexane. The acidic strength was determined by observing the colour change of the indicator adsorbed on the surface of the sample. The change of colour of the indicator shows that the acid strength of the sample is stronger than the indicator used. The acid strength is expressed by the Hammett acidity function, Ho, corresponding to the pKa of the indicator whereby the formula is shown in Equation 3.6 [54]. There are many types of organic compounds that used as Hammett Indicators as shown in Table 3.2. Ho = pKa + log [B] [BH+] (Equation 3.6) Table 3.2: The organic compounds used as Hammett Indicators. Hammett Indicators 3.6 pKa Chalcone – 5.60 Anthraquinone – 8.20 4-Nitrotoluene –11.35 1-Chloro-4-nitrobenzene –12.70 2, 4-Dinitrotoluene –13.75 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene –14.52 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene −16.04 Dibenzoylation of Biphenyl Reaction over Sulphated AlMCM-41 The dibenzoylation reactions of biphenyl were performed at a desired temperature under batch and dried nitrogen gas flow conditions. For each test, the mesoporous materials (0.5 g) were activated for 2 h at 200 °C to eliminate water and 28 29 gases adsorbed before transferring the sample to the reaction vessel under N2 atmosphere. Next, a mixture of biphenyl (0.154 g, 1.0 mmol), benzoyl chloride (10 ml, ~85.0 mmol) and hexadecane (25 µL) were added. Hexadecane was used as an internal standard while yields were based on the biphenyl since benzoyl chloride was used in excess. Samples were taken out and the samples were centrifuged before analysis to avoid deposit of solid material on the capillary column. The products acquired were monitored by GC-MSD (HP-5MS capillary column) and verified by GC-FID (Equity 1 capillary column). GC (Thermofinnigan’s Chrom-Card S/W for Trace/FocusTM GC) equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) and a non-polar capillary column (Equity 1) was utilized to verify the products produced. The sample was analyzed by split method with nitrogen (N2) as the carrier gas. The GC-FID oven and inlet programmes setup for identifying 4, 4’-DBBP are given as in Table 3.3. Table 3.3: GC-FID oven-programmed setup for identifying 4, 4’-DBBP. Parameter Inlet temperature Split flow Right carrier pressure Initial temperature Hold time 1st rate 1st final temperature Hold time Condition 260 oC 10 ml /min 170 kPa/24.65 psi 40 oC 1.00 min 15.0 oC/min 300 oC 15.00 min GC-MS (Agilent 6890N-5973 Network Mass Selective Detector) is equipped with HP-5MS column (30m × 0.251 mm × 0.25 µm), diffusion pump and turbomolecular pump. Sample was analyzed on splitless method with helium (He) as the carrier gas. The inlet and oven-programmed setups are presented as in Table 3.4. 29 30 Table 3.4: GC-MSD oven-programmed setup for identifying 4, 4’-DBBP. Parameter Inlet temperature Right carrier pressure Total flow Initial temperature 1st rate 1st final temperature Hold time 3.6.1 Condition 320 oC 170 kPa / 24.65 psi 24 ml / min 60 oC 15.0 oC/min 310 oC 30.0 min Dibenzoylation of Biphenyl Reaction over Various Types of Catalysts In order to compare the activity of sulphated AlMCM-41, H-AlMCM-41, sulphated amorphous silica and concentrated sulphuric acid were used as comparative catalysts. The dibenzoylation reactions of biphenyl were performed at the same condition. The 0.5 g of H-AlMCM-41 and sulphated AlMCM-41 were activated at 400 oC and 200 oC for 2 h, respectively before conducting the reaction. For the catalyst such as sulphuric acid, 30 µL of sulphuric acid 95-97% of were used for catalytic comparison. Furthermore, sulphated amorphous silica was prepared using the same method like in Section 3.4 whereby RHA was used as silica source. 3.6.2 Synthesis of 4-PBP as authentic sample Monosubstituted 4-PBP was prepared by treatment of benzoyl chloride (2.33 ml, 20 mmol) with AlCl3 (4.00 g, 30 mmol) in chloroform at room temperature for 15 min. Biphenyl (3.08 g, 20 mmol) was then added into the mixture. The mixture was stirred and refluxed for 4 h. The resulting mixture was continuously stirred and then quenched with water until two separated layers were observed. Next, the organic layer was separated and rotary evaporated. Ethanol (5 ml) was added and the resulting mixture was allowed to cool in an ice bath to give a white solid, namely 4- 30 31 phenyl benzophenone (2.32 g) with melting point 99 oC. The infrared and mass spectra are shown in APPENDIX B and C. 3.6.3 Synthesis of 4-DBBP as authentic sample 4, 4’-DBBP was prepared via homogeneous Friedel-Crafts dibenzoylation reaction. Benzoyl chloride (2.800 g, 20 mmol), biphenyl (0.308 g, 2 mmol) and a magnetic bar were put into a two-necked round bottom flask. Benzoyl chloride acted as the benzoylating agent and solvent. The mixture was cooled with ice and the twonecked round bottom flask was attached to a condenser with the upper part connected to a supply of nitrogen gas. AlCl3 (3.4788 g, 26 mmol) was then immediately but gradually added until a dark reddish lump was observed. The residue was stirred under cool condition for 5 minutes, followed by stirring at 85 oC for 12 h. The lump was let to cool at room temperature and the lump was transferred little by little into an ice bath by using a spatula to give a yellowish solid. The solids were filtered and dried in the oven at 100 oC overnight. The solids were mixed with activated carbon (0.5 g) in a round bottom flask containing toluene (25 ml), followed by heating at 80 oC for 15 min under stirring. The resulting mixture was immediately filtered and the filtrate was allowed to cool in an ice bath. A white solid was crystallized, filtered, rinsed carefully for a few times with acetone. The purification using activated carbon and recrystallization processes were repeated for two times in order to obtain pure 4, 4’DBBP. Finally, the last traces of acetone was removed by drying in oven at 100 oC overnight to give white and shiny 4, 4’-DBBP (0.1648 g), m.p. 218 °C. The infrared and mass spectra are shown in APPENDIX D and E. 3.6.4 Calibration Curve for Authentic Sample In this research, the calibration linear curves of biphenyl, 4-PBP and 4, 4’- DBBP standards with variety of concentrations were plotted. The graphs were plotted with area ratio (area of peak of reactant or product / area of peak of hexadecane) 31 32 which is obtained by using GC as Y-axis while concentration as X-axis. By applying the authentic sample calibration curves, the amount of biphenyl consumed and the production of 4-PBP and 4, 4’-DBBP in every reactions were able to be quantified. Figure 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 show the quantitative calibration plots of biphenyl, 4-PBP and 4, 4’-DBBP authentic samples analyzed by GC, respectively. 3.5 3.0 Area Ratio 2.5 y = 3.1338x 2.0 2 R = 0.9837 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 Biphenyl / mmol Figure 3.5: Quantitative calibration plot of biphenyl. 4.5 4.0 Area Ratio 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 y = 3.1596x 2 R = 0.987 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 4-PBP / mmol 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 Figure 3.6: Quantitative calibration plot of 4-PBP. 32 33 0.7 0.6 Area Ratio 0.5 y = 3.1207x 0.4 2 R = 0.9953 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 4, 4'-DBBP / mmol Figure 3.7: Quantitative calibration plot of 4, 4’-DBBP. 33 34 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 X-Ray Diffraction Analysis The XRD patterns for uncalcined AlMCM-41 and calcined AlMCM-41 are shown in Figures 4.1 and 4.2, respectively. As displayed in the figures, the samples exhibit an intense signal at about 2θ = 2.2 o due to (100) plane and weak signals between 3.5–6.0o due to (110), (200) and (210) planes. These peaks are typical of MCM-41 materials which confirm the hexagonal mesophase of the materials [26]. The diffractogram shown in Figure 4.2 shows that the catalyst with low aluminium content shows more than three resolved diffraction peaks, indicating highly ordered structures. On the other hand, the XRD patterns for the catalysts with higher alumina content of MCM-41 give weakly resolved peaks, suggesting loss of structural order of the materials. Hence, it can be concluded that Al content in mesoporous MCM-41 influences the long range of order. It can also be observed that the peak intensity of the XRD pattern of MCM-41 material increases after calcination implying more ordered framework structure as a consequence of template removal [53]. In addition, the XRD peaks shift to higher dvalues as aluminium content increases, indicating an increase in the unit cell parameters. The increase in unit cell parameter is expected as the aluminium content increased due to the larger ionic size of trivalent aluminium (0.48 Å) than tetravalent silicon (0.41 Å) incorporates into the MCM-41 structure [55]. Table 4.1 summarizes the average unit cell parameters (ao) for various samples calculated by using the higher order reflexes as well as the dominant low angle (100) peak. After ion exchange with NH4NO3, a decrease of the corresponding peaks in the XRD patterns of H-AlMCM-41 occurred, indicating a deterioration of the mesoporous 34 35 structure. It is described as in Figure 4.3. In addition, an impregnation of H-AlMCM-41 with sulphuric acid results in the decrease of peak intensity indicating damage of mesoporous structure as shown in Figure 4.4. Besides that, a decrease of the value of dspacing and unit cell parameter was observed, showing a decrease in pore diameter. It can be proven with the decreasing of pore volume of the sulphated sample shown in Table 4.2. In addition, the results obtained by using Sherrer Equation shows that the crystallite size of sulphated MCM-41 samples decrease after ion exchange modification. From the data obtained, it can be said that a decrease in pore diameter and surface area may be due to the transition part of the crystalline phase of sulphated MCM-41 materials to amorphous phase. Table 4.1: XRD data of various MCM-41 samples. Sample SiO2/Al2O3 d-spacing (Å) ao t (Å)† Ratio (100) (110) (200) (210) (Å)* UNCAL-1 ∞ 40.05 23.59 20.44 15.42 46.24 24.36 UNCAL-2 60 40.60 23.66 20.45 15.44 46.88 20.01 UNCAL-3 30 41.06 23.82 20.61 – 47.41 15.18 UNCAL-4 15 44.07 24.35 21.31 – 50.88 14.29 CAL-1 ∞ 36.89 21.15 19.82 15.46 42.60 29.39 CAL-2 60 37.83 21.88 19.09 15.47 43.68 21.90 CAL-3 30 38.94 22.50 19.65 – 44.96 16.87 CAL-4 15 39.81 22.93 19.67 – 45.97 16.20 HCAL-1 ∞ 37.68 21.80 18.21 – 43.51 26.61 HCAL-2 60 37.98 21.90 18.98 – 43.86 20.40 HCAL-3 30 37.84 21.94 18.98 – 43.69 16.39 HCAL-4 15 38.16 21.92 19.14 – 44.06 15.18 SCAL-1 ∞ 37.18 21.50 18.52 – 42.93 23.31 SCAL-2 60 37.15 21.72 18.78 – 42.90 19.04 SCAL-3 30 37.54 21.69 18.91 – 43.35 15.60 SCAL-4 15 37.89 21.82 18.85 – 43.75 15.57 * a o = 2 d 100 / 3 † t = 0.9 λ / (B cos θ) 35 36 2700 (100) 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 Intensit Intensi Int ensity (Cps) 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 (d) 1100 1000 (c) 900 800 700 (b) 600 500 (110) (200) 400 300 (210) (a) 200 100 0 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2θ Figure 4.1: X-ray diffractogram patterns of uncalcined mesoporous MCM-41 molecular sieves. (a) UNCAL-1, (b) UNCAL-2, (c) UNCAL-3 and (d) UNCAL-4. (100) 7000 6000 Inte Intensit nsity (Cps) Intensity (Cps) 5000 4000 (d) 3000 (c) 2000 (b) (110) (200) 1000 (a) (210) 0 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2θ Figure 4.2: X-ray diffractogram patterns of mesoporous MCM-41 materials after calcinations at 550 oC for 10 h. (a) CAL-1, (b) CAL-2, (c) CAL-3 and (d) CAL-4. 36 37 Intensity (Cps) Intensity (100) (d) (c) (b) (110) (200) (a) 0 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2θ Figure 4.3: X-ray diffractogram patterns of protonated MCM-41 materials (a) HCAL1, (b) HCAL-2, (c) HCAL-3 and (d) HCAL-4. Intensity (Cps) (100) (d) (c) (b) (110) (200) 1.5 2 3 4 (a) 5 6 7 8 9 10 2θ Figure 4.4: X-ray diffractogram patterns of sulphated MCM-41 materials (a) SCAL1, (b) SCAL-2, (c) SCAL-3 and (d) SCAL-4. 37 38 4.2 Infrared Spectroscopy of AlMCM-41 Molecular Sieves Infrared spectroscopy has been used extensively for the characterization of porous materials. The infrared spectra of the uncalcined and calcined MCM-41 molecular sieves are presented in Figure 4.5. The broad peak around 3420 cm-1 is due to O-H stretching of water. On the other hand, the bands at around 2924 and 2854 cm-1 are assigned to symmetric and asymmetric stretching modes of the C-H sp3 groups of the template. Their corresponding bending mode of C-H is observed at ~1480 cm-1. The peak at around ~1640 cm-1 corresponds to bending mode of O-H of water. Besides, the peaks around 1229 and 1084 cm-1 are attributed to the asymmetric stretching of Si-O-Si groups. The symmetric stretching modes of Si-O-Si groups are observed at around 799 and 578 cm-1. The peak at 965 cm-1 is assigned to the presence of defective Si-OH groups while the adsorption band at ~455 cm-1 corresponds to bending vibration of Si-O-Si or Al-O-Si groups. Figure 4.6 shows the FTIR spectra of calcined mesoporous MCM-41 molecular sieves. It can be inferred that the symmetric and asymmetric modes of the C-H sp3 group of the template are absent in the range of 2900 and 1480 cm-1, indicating that the template has been successfully removed [5]. Figure 4.7 shows FTIR spectrum of sulphated AlMCM-41 samples. It can be observed that there are a few additional peaks in FTIR spectrum of sulphated AlMCM-41. The additional band at 1071 cm-1 corresponds to the stretching vibration of the S=O bond is clearly visible for the sulphated AlMCM-41. The absorption band at 1180 cm-1 is due to symmetric vibrations of Si–O–S bridges. Apart from that, the band observed at 888 cm-1 is due to symmetric S–O stretching vibrations whereas the SO2 deformation has been assigned in the region 580 cm-1 [43, 44]. 38 39 UM-1 578 795 3404 2854 2924 1652 1486 454 1233 UM-2 1065 588 3405 2854 2924 %Transmittance %T 1640 1480 800 457 1230 UM-3 1070 %T 1644 795 581 1482 3422 2854 2923 453 1223 1062 UM-4 793 1645 3423 588 1481 2855 2924 451 1222 1064 4000.0 3000 2000 1500 1000 400.0 cm-1/ cm-1 Wavelength Figure 4.5: FTIR spectra of uncalcined mesoporous MCM-41 molecular M-1 1638 963 802 3456 1236 463 1084 M-2 1638 %T 960 803 %Transmittanc e ittance 3445 1239 463 M-3 %T 1080 1636 801 960 461 3451 1233 M-4 1636 1080 799 3451 466 1234 4000.0 3000 2000 1500 1083 1000 400.0 cm-1 Wavelength / cm-1 Figure 4.6: FTIR spectra of calcined mesoporous MCM-41 molecular sieves. 39 40 SM-1 1638 1285 SM-2 964 % Transm itta nce 809 883 S-O 580 460 Si-O-S S=O SO2 1178 1078 deformation 3408 %T 960 SM-3 1637 809 884 1285 581 458 3406 1180 1079 806 963 885 1639 580 3417 1288 SM-4 457 1175 1084 806 1639 964 884 1288 3419 4000 580 458 1179 1077 3000 2000 1500 -1 Wavelength cm-1 / cm 1000 400 Figure 4.7: Infrared spectra of sulfated AlMCM-41 molecular sieves. 4.3 Nitrogen Adsorption Measurement Table 4.2 shows the textural properties for the protonated and sulphated MCM-41 mesoporous materials. The results infer that modification of the samples through sulphation leads to a decrease in both surface area as well as pore volume. The changes in pore volume are due to the transition of crystalline phase to amorphous phase. This finding is in line with the XRD data where the crystallite size and degree of crystallinity decrease after sulphation. Apart from that, further investigation also reveals that the pore diameter decrease steadily for the sulphated samples with increment in aluminium content. The shrinkage of pore diameter happens due to dealumination of aluminium and is being migrated to the surface of MCM-41 followed by sulphation towards the aluminium. These sulphated aluminium species will cover the surface of the pore, leading to reduction of pore diameter and pore volume as illustrated in Figure 4.8. Hence, the pore diameter will become smaller as more sulphated aluminium species is in the sample. Meanwhile, the pore 40 41 wall thickness for all protonated samples remains fairly constant. However, its thickness increases after sulphation. It may due to deposition of sulphated aluminium species on the pore walls, leading to increment in pore wall thickness. Table 4.2: The textural properties of various protonated and sulphated MCM-41 samples obtained from calculation and surface analyzer. Sample BET surface Pore volume, Pore wall thickness, Pore diameter, area (m2/g) Vp (cm3/g) bd ** (Å) Wd * (Å) HCAL-1 1194 0.73 19.12 35.88 HCAL-2 1131 0.74 19.18 36.26 HCAL-3 1072 0.77 18.85 36.40 HCAL-4 1059 0.79 18.84 36.88 SCAL-1 527 0.59 20.30 33.89 SCAL-2 635 0.50 21.48 32.61 SCAL-3 482 0.29 26.02 28.42 SCAL-4 549 0.28 26.56 28.38 * Wd = C d100 ⎛ ρV p ⎜ ⎜ 1 + ρV p ⎝ 1 ⎞2 ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ** bd = 2(3-1/2)d100 – Wd/1.050 bd bd Wd Sulphation Wd = Sulphated Al species Figure 4.8: Modification of surface of MCM-41 through sulphation leads to shrinkage of pore diameter. 41 42 4.4 Thermal Analysis The TG profile of the uncalcined sample (UNCAL-2) is depicted in Figure 4.9. Basically, the TG of uncalcined sample follows a three-stage weight loss. The first stage loss (around 5 %) was due to desorption of water and adsorbed gas molecules (<200 oC). In the second stage, a high-temperature weight loss peak (around 33%) around from 200 to 450 oC was also observed, which might correspond to the decomposition of template in the samples via Hofmann elimination [56]. The third stage weight loss (around 3%) was due to water produced by thermal condensation of silanol groups to siloxane groups (450-550 oC). The data obtained for the as-synthesized materials are in good agreement with those reported by Busio et al. [57]. Graph 1:Weight Loss (%) vs. Temperature (oC) Graph 2: Heat Flow Exo Up (mW) vs temperature (oC) 100 Weight (wt. %) 95 30 90 25 85 20 80 75 15 Graph 2 70 10 65 Graph 1 60 5 Heat Flow Exo Up (mW) 35 0 55 0 100 200 300 400 o 500 600 700 800 Temperature ( C) Figure 4.9: Thermogravimetric analysis of uncalcined MCM-41 sample (UNCAL-2) in nitrogen gas with 20 oC/min heating rate. 42 43 Figure 4.10 demonstrates the percentage of weight versus the temperature plot of a series of uncalcined MCM-41 materials. It can be observed that the high amount of template removed occurs at higher temperature when the aluminium content increases. It is due to the additional electrostatic forces exist between template cations and aluminium sites. The more aluminium sites in the sample, the stronger attraction of it towards the template cations. Therefore, more energy is needed in order to overcome the forces prior to removing the template from the sample. The template cations bonded to siloxy groups decompose at low temperature and those associated with aluminium sites at high temperature [57]. Figure 4.10: Thermogravimetric analysis of uncalcined MCM-41 samples with various ratio of SiO2/Al2O3. Figure 4.11 shows the thermograms of a series of protonated MCM-41 materials. From the thermogravimetry measurement, it is not able to show a significant change as SiO2/Al2O3 decreases. However, all the samples show a remarkable weight loss below 100 oC due to desorption of water and adsorbed gas molecules, and a slight weight loss after 100 oC owing to water produced by thermal condensation of silanol groups. 43 44 Figure 4.11: Thermograms of a series of protonated MCM-41 molecular sieves. Figure 4.12 demonstrates the TG-DTAprofiles taken in air of H2SO4 impregnated on MCM-41 materials with various SiO2/Al2O3 ratios. It can be observed that the SCAL-2, SCAL-3 and SCAL-4 follow almost the same trend except for purely siliceous SCAL-1. All the samples exhibit four stages of weight loss, from 150 o C – 300 oC and 300 oC – 600 oC owing to decomposition of sulphate groups attached on MCM-41 molecular sieves. Besides, thermal condensation of silanol groups to siloxane groups also occurs at the range of 450 oC – 550 oC. From the data obtained, protonated MCM-41 followed two steps of weight loss whereas the sulphated MCM41 involved four steps of weight loss, verifying that the sulphate groups were successfully interacted with the surface of MCM-41. It is demonstrated in Figure 4.18 that the intensity of peak assigned to silanol group deceases after modification of sulphuric acid. 44 45 Figure 4.12: Thermogravimetric curves of sulphated AlMCM-41 materials. 4.5 Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 4.5.1 27 Al MAS NMR Figure 4.13 and 4.14 show the 27 Al MAS NMR spectra of protonated and sulphated MCM-41 samples, respectively. The spectra of the former show two intense signals at ~ 54 ppm and 0 ppm corresponding to the tetrahedral aluminium in the framework structure and octahedrally coordinated extra-framework aluminiums (EFAL), respectively [5]. Meanwhile, the increment in intensity of both peaks increaseas can be shown in Table 4.3 where the peak area calculated from mass analysis increases as the aluminium content increases. 45 46 Figure 4.13: 27 Al NMR spectra of protonated MCM-41 molecular sieves (a) HCAL- 1, (b) HCAL-2, (c) HCAL-3 and (d) HCAL-4. Figure 4.14: 27 Al NMR spectra of sulphated MCM-41 molecular sieves (a) SCAL-1, (b) SCAL-2, (c) SCAL-3 and (d) SCAL-4. 46 47 Table 4.3: Peak areas of octahedral aluminium (Aloct) and tetrahedral aluminium (Altet) from 27Al MAS NMR spectra. Samples Altet (%) Aloct (%) Aloct/Altet ratio HCAL-1 – – – HCAL-2 65.05 34.95 0.54 HCAL-3 66.44 33.56 0.51 HCAL-4 77.87 22.13 0.37 There is no signal observed in the SCAL-1 due to absence of aluminium in the framework. From the spectra of SCAL-2, SCAL-3 and SCAL-4 in Figure 4.14, it can be observed that the peak at ~ 54 ppm which is attributed to tetrahedrally coordinated aluminium is not observed for all of the sulphated samples. However, two sharp peaks are detected at ~ 0 ppm and ~ –5 ppm with an increase of peak intensity as the aluminium content increase. Table 4.4 shows the data of peak areas of octahedral aluminium species in aluminium sulphate and sulphated aluminium from 27 Al MAS NMR spectra as calculated from cut and weight method. Table 4.4: Peak areas of octahedral aluminium species in aluminium sulphate (AlAl2(SO4)3) and sulphated AlMCM-41 (AlSulphated AlMCM-41) from 27 Al MAS NMR spectra. Samples AlAl2(SO4)3 (%) AlSulphated AlMCM-41 (%) AlSulphated AlMCM-41 / AlAl2(SO4)3 ratio SCAL-1 – – – SCAL-2 81.63 18.37 0.22 SCAL-3 82.66 17.34 0.21 SCAL-4 84.24 15.76 0.18 47 48 The signal ~ 0 ppm is assigned to octahedrally coordinated extra-framework aluminium (EFAL). These peaks perhaps originate from EFAL present in the form of Al3+, AlO+ or Alx(OH)yn+. The other signal at ~ –5 ppm is an unknown signal which have to be investigated further. However, we predict that this is the peak due to EFAL with different chemical environment. In order to prove this, the sulphated AlMCM-41 was treated with 1.0 M methanolic HCl solution. The results show that the 27Al MAS NMR spectrum did not exhibit any peak at the range of 0 ppm due to removal of EFAL by treatment with methanolic HCl solution. Therefore, it confirms that the signal at ~ –5 ppm is contributed to another type of EFAL and impregnation of sulphuric acid can lead to framework dealumination. Conventionally, Lewis acidity is attributed to octahedrally coordinated aluminium. Since the peak for tetrahedral aluminium was not observed by 27Al MAS NMR, therefore Brönsted acidity was not expected to exist in sulphated AlMCM-41. However, this implication contradicts that made by the pyridine-FTIR spectroscopy whereby sulphated MCM-41 samples show no Lewis acid sites but possesses high amount of Brönsted acid sites instead. Therefore the existence of Brönsted acid sites in these samples, which has never been observed in similar system before, must be due to the introduction of sulphate group (HOSO3–) into the sample that may have formed bond with the octahedral aluminium. In order to assign the two peaks observed in the sulphated AlMCM-41, quantitative 27 Al MAS NMR whereby a sample containing a mixture of both sulphated AlMCM-41 and aluminium sulphate (50:50) was used. Knowing that aluminium in aluminium sulphate is octahedral [58], therefore one of the peaks was matched to octahedral aluminium found in aluminium sulphate. The result shows that there are two types of Al in the sample. The intensity of the peak at ~ 0 ppm increases, indicating that the peak is due to aluminium sulphate while the peak at ~ –5 ppm is due to Si–O–Al(OSO3H)53-. The chemical shift of the Al in Si–O– Al(OSO3H)53- can be predicted. SiO- attached to Al is less electronegative than HSO4and will shield Al more in SiO–Al (OSO3H)53-, resulting in an upfield shift. As a result, the shift of the signal to the right on the spectrum is observed. 48 49 From observation by us and other researchers, it is found that the types of acid sites are changed when a different solvent is used in sulphation of AlMCM-41 [33-35, 44, 59]. This phenomenon is believed to be due to the hydrophobic properties of the solvent. Water which is a hydrophilic solvent would hydrolyze the sulphate groups attached to the AlMCM-41, producing Lewis acid sites. However, hydrophobic organic solvent such as hydrated toluene could protect sulphate groups from being hydrolyzed and hence produce Brönsted acid sites. 4.5.2 29 Si MAS NMR Figure 4.15 presents the 29 Si MAS NMR spectrum of sulphated MCM-41 sample (SM-4). The spectrum exhibits very broad peak which resemble that of amorphous silica. Apart from that, the spectrum also reveals the presence of five species of silicon. The signal at -59 ppm corresponds to the Si(OAl)4 or Q0 species while the shoulder at -81 ppm might due to Si(OSi)(OAl)3 or Q1 and Si(OSi)2(OAl)2 or Q2 species. Meanwhile, a peak at -96 ppm which might assign to Si(OSi)3(OAl) or Q3 species. Moreover, a weak shoulder at -108 ppm is detected which is responding to Si(OSi)4 or Q4 species. Table 4.5 shows the peak areas of silicon species in SM-4. The table demonstrates that about 60.7% of silicon in SCAL-4 exists as Q3 species while only 2.9% of silicon exists as Q0 species. Form the data, it can be observed that the existence of Q3 species is more preferable. The big molecules of sulphated aluminium would contribute to steric hindrance and form unstable alumino-silicon species. In contrast, SiO- molecule is more favourable in binding with silicon atom because of its smaller molecular size. Figure 4.16 shows the possible silicon species and Brönsted acid sites in sulphated AlMCM-41. The scheme considers that the material surface is totally dehydrated, which is obtained after activation at 200 oC, with the sulphate covalently bonded to the aluminium and silicon via oxygen atoms. The negative charge of the complex is neutralized and balanced by H+ cation. 49 50 Q3 Q1 and Q2 Q4 Q0 Figure 4.15: 29 Si NMR spectrum of sulphated MCM-41 molecular sieves (SCAL-4). Table 4.5: Peak areas of silicon species in SCAL-4. Silicon species Qn Peak areas (%) Si(OAl)4 0 2.93 Si(OSi)(OAl)3 1 Si(OSi)2(OAl)2 2 Si(OSi)(OAl)3 3 60.70 Si(OSi)4 4 7.92 28.45 50 51 3H+ OAl(OSO3H)53- Q0 3H+ Si 3- (HO3SO)5AlO 3H+ OAl(OSO3H)5 Q2 3H+ 3-(HO SO) AlO 3 5 3H+ 3-(HO SO) AlO 3 5 OAl(OSO3H)5 O Si Al2(SO4)3 OAl(OSO3H)533H+ Q1 3H+ 3- 3- Si OAl(OSO3H)533H+ Q3 3H+ OAl(OSO3H)53- Si 3H+ OAl(OSO3H)53- OSO3H Si Si O O O Si Si Si Si O O O Si Si Si O O Si MCM-41 surface Figure 4.16: The possible silicon species and Brönsted acid sites in sulphated AlMCM-41. 4.7 Acidity Measurements 4.7.1 Pyridine-FTIR Spectroscopy Figure 4.17, 4.18 4.19 and 4.20 show the pyridine-FTIR spectra of sulphated AlMCM-41 with various SiO2/Al2O3 ratios. The band at 1446 cm-1 is attributed to physisorbed pyridine and this band decreases sharply at 150 oC. Besides, it can be observed that all the samples exhibit bands at 1546 and 1496 cm-1. The existence of a band at 1496 cm-1 assigned to pyridine associated with both Brönsted (B) and Lewis (L) acid sites and a band at 1540-1550 cm-1 attributed to pyridine bound to Brönsted acid sites [5]. It can also be seen that increment in aluminium content leads to increment of the amount of Brönsted acid sites as given in Table 4.6. Sulphated MCM-41 materials with SiO2/Al2O3 = 15 (SCAL-4) shows the highest amount of Brönsted acid sites whereas siliceous SCAL-1 shows the lowest amount of Brönsted acid sites. This phenomenon happens because the more aluminium atoms existed in a sample, more sulphate group (HOSO3–) may form bonding with the atom to form octahedrally extra-framework aluminium. Moreover, no Lewis acid site was observed 51 52 for all the samples since there is no peak at ~1455 cm-1. This result combined with the 27 Al MAS NMR data show that Brönsted acidity in sulphated MCM-41 is attributed to octahedrally coordinated aluminium since the peak for tetrahedral aluminium was not observed by 27Al MAS NMR The figures also depict pyridine-FTIR spectra of sulphated AlMCM-41 at different temperatures. It is clear from the figures that as the desorption temperature is increased, the Brönsted acidic sites bound pyridine band intensity decreases gradually. Figure 4.21 shows the FTIR spectra of protonated (HCAL-1) and sulphated (SCAL-1) siliceous MCM-41 at the range of 3200 – 3900 cm-1. It demonstrates that the intensity of the signal at ~ 3740 cm-1, attributed to silanol group decreases significantly after treatment with sulphuric acid. It indicates that the sulphate groups not only reacted with Al–OH but also with Si–OH groups, which lead to enhancement of Brönsted acidity sites. B B+L L (d) Absorbance / A (c) (b) (a) 1650 1620 1600 1580 1560 1540 1-1 520 1500 1480 1460 1440 1420 1400 Wavelength / cm-1 Figure 4.17: The pyridine-FTIR spectra of Purely siliceous MCM-41 (SCAL-1) at (a) room temperature, (b) 150 oC, (c) 250 oC and (d) 350 oC. 52 53 (d) B B+L L Absorbance / A (c) (b) (a) 1650 1620 1600 1580 1560 1540 1520 1500 1480 1460 1440 1420 1400 1 -1 Wavelength / cm Figure 4.18: The pyridine-FTIR spectra of sulphated AlMCM-41 (SCAL-2) at (a) room temperature, (b) 150 oC, (c) 250 oC and (d) 350 oC . (a) B B+L L Absorbance / A (b) (c) (d) 1650 1620 1600 1580 1560 1540 1520 1500 1480 1460 1440 1420 1400 Wavelength / cm-1 Figure 4.19: The pyridine-FTIR spectra of sulphated AlMCM-41 (SCAL-3) at (a) room temperature, (b) 150 oC, (c) 250 oC and (d) 350 oC . 53 54 (d) B+L (c) L Absorbance / A B (b) (a) 1650 1620 1600 1580 1560 1540 1520 1500 1480 1460 1440 1420 1400 Wavelength / cm-1 Figure 4.20: The pyridine-FTIR spectra of sulphated AlMCM-41 (SCAL-4) at (a) room temperature, (b) 150 oC, (c) 250 oC and (d) 350 oC. Table 4.6: Pyridine FTIR data of protonated and sulphated MCM-41 materials. µmol Pyridine g-1 Catalyst Brönsted Lewis 25 oC 150 oC 250 oC 350 oC 25 oC 150 oC 250 oC 350 oC HCAL-1 – – – – – – – – HCAL-2 15.5 15.3 15.3 9.3 406.6 21.3 39.9 38.2 HCAL-3 16.3 16.1 15.0 10.7 472.3 49.4 35.6 35.4 HCAL-4 25.1 24.6 19.8 12.5 434.1 52.8 43.5 42.7 SCAL-1 125.7 112.6 32.8 5.2 – – – – SCAL-2 188.9 180.4 89.0 27.1 – – – – SCAL-3 199.5 192.0 112.3 38.6 – – – – – – SCAL-4 226.5 215.4 112.9 39.2 – – * Si/Al ratio calculated from compositions of starting gel mixtures. 54 Absorbance / A 55 Wavelength / cm-1 Figure 4.21: FTIR spectra of silanol groups of MCM-41 materials at 250 oC (a) before treatment (HCAL-1) and (b) after treatment (SCAL-1) of sulphuric acid. 4.7.2 Hammett indication Analysis Table 4.7 shows the results of acidity test by using Hammett indicators. From the table, it can be observed that H-AlMCM-41 and concentrated sulphuric acid were only able to change the basic forms (colourless) of chalcone (pKa = –5.6), Anthraquinone (pKa = –8.2) and 4-nitrotoluene (pKa = –11.35) to yellow colour, indicating that its acidity is in the range of –11.35 < Ho < –12.70. However, sulphated AlMCM-41 gives an outstanding result where this solid catalyst turned the basic forms (colourless) of 2, 4-dinitrotoluene (pKa = –13.75) and its acid strength is estimated to be −13.75 < Ho < −14.52. This indicates that sulphated AlMCM-41 is a stronger acid than sulphuric acid. 55 56 Table 4.7: The results of acid strength of catalysts using Hammett indicators. Hammett Indicators Chalcone Anthraquinone 4-Nitrotoluene 1-Chloro4-nitrobenzene 2, 4-Dinitrotoluene 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene Results pKa H2SO4 ZSM 5* HCAL -1 HCAL -2 HCAL -3 HCAL -4 SCAL1 SCAL2 SCAL3 SCAL4 –5.60 √ √ × √ √ √ √ √ √ √ –8.20 √ √ × √ √ √ √ √ √ √ –11.35 √ √ × √ √ √ √ √ √ √ –12.70 √ √ × × × × √ √ √ √ –13.75 × √ × × × × × √ √ √ –14.52 × × × × × × × × × × * ZSM-5 with Si/Al=25 56 57 4.8 Catalytic testing: Dibenzoylation of Biphenyl Dibenzoylation of biphenyl with benzoyl chloride was chosen as the model reaction to study the activity of sulphated AlMCM-41 as catalyst. The reaction is expected to give 4, 4’-DBBP. In order to verified the products acquired, GC-MSD and GC-FID were applied. GC-FID was chosen as the method for qualitative and quantitative idenficattion in which the comparison was based on similar retention time between resulting compound and 4, 4’-DBBP standard while GC-MSD was used to verified the molecular weight characteristic of the compound. The investigation subsequently was carried out to study the effect of type of catalyst activity where HAlMCM-41, concentrated sulphuric acid and sulphated amorphous silica were used as comparative catalysts. The effect of SiO2/Al2O3 ratio, reaction temperature, catalyst loading and reactants mole ratio was also studied in this study. Finally, the mechanism of reaction would be proposed. 4.8.1 Effect of Catalyst In order to study the activity of types of catalyst, protonated HCAL-4, sulphated amorphous silica, sulphuric acid and sulphated SCAL-4 are tested in the Friedel-Crafts dibenzoylation reaction. In the absence of catalyst, the yield of 4-PBP was only 10.8% whereas the dibenzoylation reaction totally did not occur when the reaction was conducted at 180 oC for 24 h. In contrast, in the presence of HCAL-4 catalyst, the biphenyl conversion was increased up to 83.7%. It is shown in Figure 4.22. Unfortunately, this type of catalyst was inactive towards dibenzoylation of biphenyl reactions. The catalyst was unable to produce disubstituted product within 24 h, indicating the catalyst shows low activity towards dibenzoylation reaction. The results indicate that the catalyst is not strong enough in acidity or amount of acid sites to convert biphenyl into 4, 4’-DBBP due to dealumination when calcination. Sulphated AlMCM-41 interestingly, exhibited remarkably high activity and selectivity. This type of catalyst is able to convert 83.2% 57 58 of biphenyl into monosubstituted product within 24 h, proving high performance towards benzoylation reaction. The sulphated AlMCM-41 prepared by secondary impregnation method gave the highest activity, whereas the H-AlMCM-41 prepared by ion-exchange method gave a lower activity towards benzoylation of biphenyl reaction. It is because of the higher amount of Brönsted acid sites in sulphated AlMCM-41 (SCAL-4) compared to H-AlMCM-41 (HCAL-4) which provide more active sites for the reaction. In comparison, concentrated sulphuric acid shows 75.0% conversion of biphenyl but poorer selectivity (35.3%) compared with sulphated AlMCM-41 towards benzoylation reaction. Besides, benzoylation of biphenyl using two catalysts simultaneously, viz. H-AlMCM-41 and concentrated sulphuric acid gave 90.6% conversion of biphenyl but poor selectivity (13.0%) towards benzoylation reaction. Sulphated AlMCM-41 shows higher selectivity because MCM-41 molecular sieves which have uniform pores could reduce the amount of ortho and meta substituted product. Such phenomenon is called “shape-selective effect”. Therefore, it is evident that sulphated AlMCM-41 demonstrated an enhanced activity. Meanwhile, sulphated amorphous silica was only able to give 22.3% conversion of biphenyl and it is not active in both benzoylation and dibenzoylation reactions. Meanwhile, sulphated amorphous silica only able to give 22.3% conversion of biphenyl and it is not active in both benzoylation and dibenzoylation reactions. Based on the selectivity of 4, 4’-DBBP after 24 h of reaction time, the trend in activities for the catalysts studied is as follows: SCAL-4 > Sulphuric acid & HCAL-4 > HCAL-4 ≈ Sulphuric acid > sulphated amorphous silica. Table 4.8 summarizes the results obtained in terms of conversion of biphenyl, selectivity towards 4-PBP and activity towards 4, 4’-DBBP by using various form of catalysts. 58 59 90 88.7 83.7 BP 83.2 80 77.7 75.5 4-PBP 4, 4'-DBBP Concentration (%) 70 Others 60 55.7 50 40 30 25 19.3 16.3 20 9.411.1 4.1 10.8 10 0 0.5 22.1 0 0 11 5.8 0 0 0 0.2 0 Without 1 catalyst HCAL-4 2 HCAL-4 3 & Sulphuric 4 acid Sulphuric acid SCAL-4 5 Sulphated 6 amorphous silica Figure 4.22: Dibenzoylation of biphenyl catalyzed by various types of catalysts. Table 4.8: Benzoylation and dibenzoylation of biphenyl with benzoyl chloride over various types of catalysts at 180 oC for 24 h. Catalyst(s) Conversion of Selectivity towards Selectivity towards BP 4-PBP 4,4’-DBBP Without catalyst 11.3% 95.6% 0.0% H2SO4 75.0% 35.3% 0.0% HCAL-4 73.7% 83.7% 0.0% H2SO4 & HCAL-4 90.6% 13.0% 1.7% SCAL-4 94.2% 83.2% 6.4% Sulphated silica 22.3% 22.1% 0.0% 59 60 4.8.2 Effect of SiO2/Al2O3 ratio The results obtained for the dibenzoylation of biphenyl over different SiO2/Al2O3 ratios of sulphated AlMCM-41 are discussed in this section. Figure 4.23 shows the conversion of biphenyl over various ratios of SiO2/Al2O3. It is noticed that the conversion of biphenyl in the dibenzoylation reaction is markedly affected by the SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratio of the catalyst where higher the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of the materials produce lower conversion of biphenyl. The SCAL-4 seemed to be the optimum one for showing its highest catalytic activity in the dibenzoylation reaction of biphenyl whereas the purely siliceous SCAL-1 showed the lowest activity among the other catalysts. The conversion of biphenyl over SCAL-1, SCAL-2, SCAL-3 and SCAL-4 within 24 h is found to be 76.9, 90.8, 93.6 and 94.2% respectively while the yield of 4, 4’-DBBP of the catalysts shown in Figure 4.24 are 4.0, 8.8, 9.3 and 11.0%, respectively. 100 ConcentrationofofBiphenyl biphenyl (%) Conversion (%) 90 80 70 60 50 SCAL-4 40 SCAL-3 SCAL-2 SCAL-1 30 20 10 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 Time (h) 24 28 32 Figure 4.23: Conversion of biphenyl over various ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 within 24 h. 60 61 12 SCAL-4 SCAL-3 SCAl-2 SCAL-1 10 Yield (%) 8 6 4 2 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 Time (h) Figure 4.24: Yield of 4, 4’-DBBP over various ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 within 24 h. 4.8.3 Reaction Temperature In order to study the effect of temperature of the reaction, the SCAL-4 was chosen as catalyst. The results of this study are shown in Figure 4.25. The benzoylation and dibenzoylation products increase steadily as the temperature are raised from 160 oC to 200 oC. It is because an increase of temperature increases the reaction rate. In principal, a chemical reaction occurs only when the reactant molecules acquire enough kinetic energy, which needs to overcome the activated energy, as well as proper orientation of collision. From the kinetic theory, the more energy provides to the reactant molecules, the faster the molecules move and the more frequent they collide. As a result, the reaction rate will increase simultaneously. From this study, SCAL-4 did not give 4, 4’-DBBP after 24 h operation at 160 oC, showing that the dibenzoylation of biphenyl over sulphated MCM-41 materials only active at 180 oC above. Apart from that, SCAL-4 showed 100% conversion and high yield of 4, 4’-DBBP, i.e. 18.4% at 200 oC. However, the selectivity was poorer due to additional byproducts in this condition. Nevertheless, dibenzoylation reaction conducted at 180 61 62 o C, indicated that the selectivity for 4, 4’-DBBP remained nearly constant although the conversion is only 94.7%. 83.20 BP 4-PBP 4, 4'-DBBP 80.36 90 80 Concentration (%) 60.34 Others 70 60 50 40.19 40 18.42 30 10.42 20 5.80 0.00 0.00 10 1.52 0.00 0.00 0 160 180 Temperature (oC) 200 Figure 4.25: Temperature effect towards dibenzoylation of biphenyl over SCAL-4. 4.8.4 Effect of Catalyst Loading Catalyst loading plays a vital role in enhancing the rate of conversion of biphenyl to 4, 4’-DBBP. The effect of catalyst concentration is studied at 180 oC for 24 h of reaction over SCAL-4 as catalyst and the results are shown in Figure 4.26. When the catalyst loading is increased, the amount of Brönsted acid active sites is also increased and it leads to the increment of the reactant conversion. The results of dibenzoylation reaction conducted are inline with the statement mentioned as above where the conversion of biphenyl is also found to increase from 48.7% to 99.9% when the catalyst loading is increased from 0.25 g to 0.75 g,. The amount of Brönsted acid active sites is in sulphated AlMCM-41 with different loading is calculated and perented in Table 4.9. 62 63 84.74 83.20 90 BP 4-PBP 4, 4'-DBBP 80 Concentration (%) 70 51.31 48.77 60 50 40 30 20 14.72 10.42 10 0.00 5.80 0.12 0 0.25 0.50 Catalyst Loading (g) 0.75 Figure 4.26: Effect of catalyst loading towards dibenzoylation of biphenyl over SCAL-4. Table 4.9: Amount of Brönsted acid active sites in SCAL-4 with different loading and and its effect towards conversion of biphenyl. Catalyst loading Amount of Brönsted acid sites Conversion of biphenyl (g) (µmol Pyridine g-1) (%) 0.25 53.85 48.7 0.50 107.70 94.2 0.75 161.55 99.9 63 64 4.8.5 Effect of Biphenyl : Benzoyl Chloride Mole Ratio The results of the influence biphenyl : benzoyl chloride mole ratios on the biphenyl conversion towards the formation of 4-PBP and 4, 4’-DBBP at the temperature of 180 oC are summarized in Figure 4.27. When benzoyl chloride is used in large excess, the probability of multiple substitutions at the biphenyl are enhanced, thus increases the formation of disubstituted product. Therefore, a use of high benzoyl chloride in the reaction is a need to ensure the formation of the dibenzoylated product. Besides that, the confined geometry in the pores can reduce the amount of ortho and meta substituted product [5]. As a result, the formation of the para dibenzoylated product is preferred. The conversion of biphenyl at 1 : 145, 1 : 290, 1 : 435 and 1 : 580 molar ratios of biphenyl to benzoyl chloride is found to be 62.1%, 55.2%, 31.0% and 5.8%, respectively whereas the selectivity for 4- PBP and 4, 4’-DBBP increase gradually as benzoyl chloride content increases. 83.20 90 80 Concentration (%) 70 65.07 62.12 55.15 60 44.81 50 40 BP 4-PBP 4, 4'-DBBP 37.22 31.03 30 20 10 3.06 0.00 0.00 5.80 11.00 0 1 : 145 1 : 290 1 : 435 1 : 580 Biphenyl : Benzoyl Chloride molar ratio Figure 4.27: Effect of Biphenyl : Benzoyl Chloride molar ratio towards dibenzoylation of biphenyl over SCAL-4. 64 65 4.9 Mechanism From the results obtained, it can be observed that 4, 4’-DBBP was produced after certain conversion (>90%) of Biphenyl (BP). This phenomenon is not only related to the amount of BP and 4-PBP existed in the system but also electron density factor in BP and 4-PBP. The electron density in 4-PBP is lower than BP due to dislocation of electrons, leading to inactivity of 4-PBP in attacking benzoylium ion to form disubstituted 4, 4’-DBBP. In contrast, BP with higher electron density tends to attack benzoylium ion to form 4-PBP. However, 4-PBP becomes dominant in attacking benzoylium ion when the concentration of BP is very low. Figure 4.28 demonstrates how BP and 4-PBP attacks benzoylium ion. O δ δ C Biphenyl δ O O C C e4-Phenyl Benzophenone Figure 4.28: Mechanism of how the electron density affects BP and 4-PBP in attacking benzoylium ion. The dibenzoylation of biphenyl involves electrophilic substitution. Figure 4.29 shows the schematic diagram of the catalytic cycle which is agreement with the data reported. The figure suggests that the catalyst polarizes the benzoyl chloride molecule into an electrophile (benzoylium ion) which then is attacked by the benzene ring of biphenyl molecule resulting in the formation of 4-PBP. Further attack of 4-PBP towards benzoylium ion via the same pathway finally gives 4, 4’-DBBP as shown in Figure 4.30. 65 66 +OH O C Cl + H-OSO3-AlMCM-41 Benzoyl chloride (Excess) Cl + -OSO3-AlMCM-41 Sulphated AlMCM-41 +OH C C O Cl C + HCl Benzoylium ion O O C C H - OSO3-AlMCM-41 O + H-OSO3-AlMCM-41 C 4-PBP Figure 4.29: Formation of 4-phenyl benzophenone (4-PBP) via electrophilic substitution. 66 67 + O C Cl + H-OSO3-AlMCM-41 Benzoyl chloride (Excess) C Cl + -OSO3-AlMCM-41 Sulphated AlMCM-41 +OH C OH O Cl C + HCl Benzoylium ion O O C C O O C C H - OSO3-AlMCM-41 O O C C + H-OSO3-AlMCM-41 4, 4'-DBBP Figure 4.30: Reaction mechanism of 4, 4’-dibenzoyl biphenyl (4, 4’-DBBP). 67 68 4.10 3 2 Mass balance of dibenzoylation of biphenyl with benzoyl chloride 1 2 O C Cl Benzoyl Chloride O + 3 HCl 2 C 4-PBP + + BP 1 2 O O C C 4, 4'-DBBP Figure 4.31: Stoichiometrical equation of dibenzoylation of biphenyl reaction. Figure 4.31 depicts the theoretical (stoichiometrical) chemical equation of dibenzoylation of biphenyl reaction. This equation exhibits that 1 mole of biphenyl (BP) reacts with 3/2 moles of benzoyl chloride to produce 1/2 mole of 4-phenyl benzophenone (4-PBP), 1/2 mole of 4, 4’-dibenzoyl biphenyl (4, 4’-DBBP) and 3/2 moles of hydrogen chloride (HCl). The theoretical mass balance is described as in Table 4.10 while its detailed calculations are depicted in APPENDIX M. This mass balance considers the actual feeding of reactant in the experiment. Table 4.11 shows the experimental mass balance of dibenzoylation of biphenyl with benzoyl chloride reaction while the detailed calculations are shown in APPENDIX N. From the data, it can be observed that the mass of products produced in experiment are different with those calculated from theoretical one. This is because the mass balance in theoretical one assumes that the BP is totally reacted and there occurs no other side reaction such as hydrolysis of benzoyl chloride. Hydrolysis of benzoyl chloride causes production of benzoic acid and benzoic anhydride as shown in Figure 4.32. Apart from that, the calculation does not consider the presence of other benzoylating agent such as benzoic acid and benzoic anhydride. Therefore, the figures calculated from theory are different with those of experimental one. The products quantity produced can also be affected by the presence of foreign molecules (for example benzoic acid and benzoic anhydride) in the reaction. Such molecules may activate or deactivate the reactants and hence affecting the amount of yield. In the 68 69 dibenzoylation reaction’s case, the amount of BP, 4-PBP and 4, 4’-DBBP calculated from GC calibration technique is not equivalent and lower than the theoretical one. Therefore, it may be influenced by the factors mentioned above. Many attempts had been carried out in order to eliminate the moisture contact with benzoyl chloride, including performing reaction under dried N2 gas condition. However, the efforts were failed. The author could only minimize the moisture factor as much as possible. Nevertheless, the calculations in both theoretical and experimental are balanced. They do seem to follow the Law of Conservation of Mass where mass of reactant feeded in is equivalent to mass of product produced in the reaction. Table 4.10: Theoretical mass balance. Substances BP In (mg) Out (mg) 154.00 0.00 BOCl 12110.00 11899.25 4-PBP 0.00 129.00 4, 4’-DBBP 0.00 181.00 HCl 0.00 54.75 12264.00 12264.00 TOTAL Table 4.11: Experimental mass balance. Substances BP In (mg) Out (mg) 154.00 8.93 BOCl 12110.00 4196.86 4-PBP 0.00 214.66 4, 4’-DBBP 0.00 37.72 HCl 0.00 2183.79 Benzoic acid 0.00 2597.24 Benzoic anhydride 0.00 3766.17 714.68 0.00 12978.68 13005.37 ≈13000.00 ≈13000.00 Moisture (H2O) TOTAL 69 70 O O C Cl + H O H C Cl + HO C Benzoyl chloride + HCl Benzoic acid Benzoyl chloride O OH O O C C O O + HCl C Benzoic anhydride Benzoic acid Figure 4.32: Hydrolysis of benzoyl chloride as side reaction in production of benzoic acid and benzoic anhydrice. 4.10 Proposed Structure After successfully synthesizing a novel sulphated mesoporous AlMCM-41 through sulphation and data interpretation, thestructure of the sulphated aluminium species can be proposed. The proposed structure to the sulphated materials is shown in Figure 4.33 after considering all the information and interpretation obtained from characterization techniques. The scheme considers that the material surface is totally dehydrated, which is obtained after activation at 200 oC, with the sulphate covalently bonded to the aluminium and silicon via oxygen atoms. The negative charge of the complex is neutralized and balanced by H+ cation. 3H+ OAl(OSO3H)533H+ Si 3-(HO SO) AlO 3 5 3H+ OAl(OSO3H)53- (HO3SO)5AlO 3H+ O 3H+ 3-(HO SO) AlO 3 5 OAl(OSO3H)53O Si Cl OAl(OSO3H)533H+ 3H+ 3- Al2(SO4)3 Si OAl(OSO3H)533H+ 3H+ OAl(OSO3H)53- Si 3H+ OAl(OSO3H)53- OSO3H Si Si O O O Si Si Si Si O O O Si Si Si O O Si MCM-41 surface Figure 4.33: Scheme proposed for the sulphated AlMCM-41 materials showing possible Brönsted acid sites. 70 71 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Conclusions The study has demonstrated that sulphated AlMCM-41 molecular sieves is an active catalyst for dibenzoylation of biphenyl. The study also implies that physical properties of this catalyst such as degree of crystallinity and crystallite size strongly depend on Al2O3 content, temperature of calcination and techniques of modification. From acidity studies, sulphated molecular sieve SCAL-4 with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio = 15 contains the highest amount of Brönsted acid sites and the acidity amount decreased as the aluminium content reduced. 27 Al MAS NMR indicates the presence of octahedrally coordinated extra-framework sulphated aluminiums (EFAL) which contributes to the Brönsted acidity of the system. It was demonstrated that aluminium from the framework migrated to the surface upon sulphation to form Brönsted acid sites. Evidently, the acid strength of the sulphated MCM-41 materials are stronger than sulphuric acid and H-AlMCM-41. Results from this work demonstrate that all sulphated MCM-41 samples are solid Brönsted acid with high surface area (>500 m2/g) and active towards benzoylation and dibenzoylation of biphenyl. The production of 4, 4’-DBBP is affected by the acid strength, amount of acid site, amount of biphenyl and 4-PBP, temperature, catalyst loading and duration of the reaction. Sulphated SCAL-4 catalyst gave the highest conversion of biphenyl over H-AlMCM-41, sulphuric acid and sulphated amorphous silica. SCAL-4 was also found to be the most active catalyst towards dibenzoylation of biphenyl, giving 11.0% yield of 4, 4’-DBBP. 71 72 The proposed mechanism of heterogeneous catalysis of dibenzoylation of biphenyl involves electrophilic aromatic substitution and formation of acylium ions from the Brönsted acid sites in the catalysts. 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The adsorption coefficient values are taken from the literature [53] where Brönsted = 3.03 ± 0.01 Lewis = 3.80 ± 0.01 Therefore, for the samples used in this study which were prepared from 10 mm diameter pellet and 10 mg sample in which the area transversed by the radiation and its respective weight are 0.7857 cm2 and 5.92 × 10-3 g respectively, the amount of pyridine adsorbed (in µmole) is calculated according to the following: Brönsted acidity = B (cm-1) × 43.80 (cm. µmole g-1) Lewis acidity = B (cm-1) × 34.92 (cm. µmole g-1) The area of the band is determined by means of the computer program of the FTIR instrument. 79 80 APPENDIX B Infrared spectrum of 4-phenyl benzophenone (4-PBP). 56.6 800.89 50 453.69 45 1000.64 1483.19 40 3048.02 1073.32 1150.39 C-H aromatic 1443.67 1399.22 35 632.84 934.58 850.66 %T 30 760.52 730.06 25 1597.83 20 1287.92 C=C aromatic 15 10 C=O 7.0 4000.0 690.72 1642.79 3000 2000 1500 1000 400.0 cm-1 80 81 APPENDIX C Mass spectrum of 4-phenyl benzophenone (4-PBP). Abundance Mass spectrum of 4-PBP 500000 181 450000 258 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 152 150000 100000 77 105 50000 51 0 40 127 60 80 100 120 230 202 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 281 280 300 320 341 340 360 380 405 400 m/z 81 82 APPENDIX D Infrared spectrum of 4, 4’-dibenzoyl biphenyl (4, 4’-DBBP). 64.9 60 55 50 3053.75 1180.92 1550.50 1443.14 C-H aromatic 45 997.74 977.92 451.74 1148.07 1075.32 1393.40 40 640.72 787.13 933.14 734.52 840.60 1312.63 35 %T 30 1601.29 25 693.58 20 C=C aromatic 15 1286.50 10 1645.11 5 C=O 0.0 4000.0 3000 2000 cm-1 cm-1 1500 1000 400.0 82 83 APPENDIX E Mass spectrum of 4, 4’-dibenzoyl biphenyl (4, 4’-DBBP). Abundance Mass Spectrum of 4, 4’-DBBP 3000000 285 362 2800000 2600000 2400000 2200000 2000000 1800000 1600000 105 1400000 1200000 1000000 77 800000 600000 400000 152 200000 51 180 126 202 0 50 100 150 200 226 257 313 250 300 334 383 350 405 400 429 479 450 503 500 m/z 83 84 APPENDIX F Calculation of % conversion and % selectivity. Conversion (%) = Amount of biphenyl reacted Amount of biphenyl input Selectivity (%) = Peak area of desired product Total peak area of all products × 100% × 100% 84 85 APPENDIX G The pyridine-FTIR spectra of HCAL-1 at (a) room temperature, (b) 150 oC, (c) 250 oC and (d) 350 oC. B L (d) (c) (b) A (a) 1640 1620 1600 1580 1560 1540 1520 1500 1480 1460 1440 1420 1400 cm-1 85 86 APPENDIX H The pyridine-FTIR spectra of HCAL-2 at (a) room temperature, (b) 150 oC, (c) 250 oC and (d) 350 oC. B L (d) (c) (b) A (a) 1640 1620 1600 1580 1560 1540 1520 1500 1480 1460 1440 1420 1400 cm-1 86 87 APPENDIX I The pyridine-FTIR spectra of HCAL-3 at (a) room temperature, (b) 150 oC, (c) 250 oC and (d) 350 oC. B L (d) (c) (b) A (a) 1640 1620 1600 1580 1560 1540 1520 1500 1480 1460 1440 1420 1400 cm-1 87 88 APPENDIX J The pyridine-FTIR spectra of HCAL-4 at (a) room temperature, (b) 150 oC, (c) 250 oC and (d) 350 oC. B L (d) (c) (b) A (a) 1640 1620 1600 1580 1560 1540 1520 1500 1480 1460 1440 1420 1400.0 cm-1 88 89 APPENDIX K Chromatogram of reactants at 0 h. ♣ ♦ ♠ Notes : ♣= Solvent ♦= Benzoyl chloride ♠= Biphenyl = Hexadecane 89 90 APPENDIX L Chromatogram of reactants and products. ♣ ♦ Notes : ♥ Ö ♣= Solvent, ♦ = Benzoyl chloride ♥ = Benzoic acid ♠ = Biphenyl = Hexadecane = Benzoic anhydride Ö = 4-Phenyl Benzophenone ³ = 4, 4’-Dibenzoyl biphenyl ♠ ³ 90 91 APPENDIX M Data obtained from GC-FID Chromatograms (Friedel-Crafts dibenzoylation of biphenyl with benzoyl chloride over SCAL-4). Rt Duration of time (h) 9.72 Biphenyl area 0 1 8 45645387 38665234 29666633 17358401 17.78 4-PBP area 0 30.33 4, 4’-DBBP area 0 11.72 Internal standard area 3 17 20 24 28 32 4331111 2274785 1939926 2305477 1886636 7531918 14491535 24269132 32237499 25860161 27933625 33536006 30878456 0 0 327100 664017 14054210 14214820 13578680 12944210 11496140 837243 2044387 2629563 2501436 9095025 10296583 12451465 11548641 Conversion, % 0 16.25 32.73 58.71 88.40 92.30 94.20 94.30 94.97 Selectivity of 4-PBP, % 0 16.30 32.82 57.85 86.58 89.26 87.52 87.17 87.56 Selectivity of 4-DBBP, % 0 0 0 0.78 1.78 2.89 6.41 6.84 7.09 Duration of time (h) 0 1 3 8 17 100.00 83.75 67.27 41.29 11.60 % 4-PBP 0 16.25 32.73 57.50 % 4, 4’-DBBP 0 0 0 1.40 % Biphenyl 20 24 28 32 7.70 5.80 5.70 5.03 86.00 87.20 83.20 82.60 82.00 3.20 5.10 11.00 11.70 12.00 91 92 APPENDIX N Mass balance of dibenzoylation of biphenyl with benzoyl chloride (Experimental) O + C HCl 4-PBP + BP O O + C C O C 4, 4'-DBBP Cl + Benzoyl Chloride C O O O OH + + C Benzoic acid C O Benzoic anhydride H2O O + BP C Benzoyl Chloride Basis: 1 mmol of BP ≡ 24 h of operation at 180 oC Reactants feeded : BP = 1 mmol = 1 mmol × 154 g.mol −1 × 1000 mol.mmol −1 × 1000 mg.g −1 = 154.00 mg BOCl = 10 ml × 1.211 −1 × 1000 mg.g −1 = 12110.00 mg Vapour in reaction = w mg Cl 93 Products formed : 4-PBP = 83.2% × 1 mmol × 258 g.mol −1 = 214.66 mg 4, 4’-DBBP = 10.4% × 1 mmol × 362 g .mol −1 × 1000 mg.g −1 × 1 mol 1000 mmol = 37.65 mg Benzoic acid = 2.90358 g × 1000 mg.g −1 = 2903.58 mg HCl = x mg Reactants unreacted : BP = 5.8% × 1 mmol × 154 g.mol −1 × 1000 mg.g −1 × = 8.93 mg BOCl = y mg Benzoic anhydride = z mg Carbon atom Mass of C atoms in BP feeded : ⎤ ⎡12 g .mol −1 × 12 ⎢ = × 154 mg ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ 154 g .mol −1 ⎦ ⎣ = 144 mg Mass of C atoms in BOCl feeded : ⎡12 g.mol −1 × 7 ⎤ ⎥ = ⎢ × 12110 mg ⎢ 140.5 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 7240.14 mg Mass of C atoms in 4-PBP produced : ⎡12 g.mol −1 × 19 ⎤ ⎥ = ⎢ × 214 . 66 mg ⎢ 258 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 189.70 mg 1 mol 1000 mmol 94 Mass of C atoms in 4, 4’-DBBP produced : ⎡12 g.mol −1 × 26 ⎤ ⎥ 37 . 65 mg = ⎢ × ⎢ 362 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 32.51 mg Mass of C atoms in benzoic acid produced : ⎡12 g.mol −1 × 7 ⎤ ⎥ 2597 . 24 mg = ⎢ × ⎢ 122 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 1788.26 mg Mass of C atoms in BP unreacted : ⎡12 g.mol −1 × 12 ⎤ ⎥ = ⎢ × 8 . 932 mg ⎢ 154 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 8.35 mg Mass of C atoms in BOCl unreacted : ⎡12 g.mol −1 × 7 ⎤ ⎢ = × y mg ⎥ ⎢ 140.5 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 0.60 y mg Mass of C atoms in benzoic anhydride produced : ⎡12 g.mol −1 × 14 ⎤ ⎥ z mg = ⎢ × ⎢ 226 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 0.74 z mg ∴Mass of C atoms in = Mass of C atoms out Mass of C atoms in (BP feeded + BOCl feeded) = Mass of C atoms in (4-PBP produced + 4, 4’-DBBP produced + BP unreacted + BOCl unreacted + benzoic acid produced + benzoic anhydride produced) (144 ) ( ) + 7240.14 mg = 189.70 + 32.51 + 8.35 + 0.60 y + 1788.26 + 0.74 z mg ⇒ 5365.38 mg = 0.60 y mg + 0.74 z mg ------------------1 95 H atom Mass of H atoms in BP feeded : ⎤ ⎡1 g.mol −1 × 10 ⎢ = × 154 mg ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ 154 g.mol −1 ⎦ ⎣ = 10 mg Mass of H atoms in BOCl feeded : ⎤ ⎡1 g.mol −1 × 5 ⎥ 12110 mg = ⎢ × ⎥ ⎢ 140.5 g .mol −1 ⎦ ⎣ = 430.96 mg Mass of H atoms in H2O (vapour) feeded : ⎤ ⎡1 g.mol −1 × 2 ⎥ w mg = ⎢ × ⎥ ⎢ 18 g.mol −1 ⎦ ⎣ = 0.11w mg Mass of H atoms in 4-PBP produced : ⎡1 g.mol −1 × 14 ⎤ ⎥ 214 . 66 mg = ⎢ × ⎢ 258 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 11.65 mg Mass of H atoms in 4, 4’-DBBP produced : ⎡1 g.mol −1 × 18 ⎤ ⎥ mg 37 . 72 = ⎢ × ⎢ 362 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 1.88 mg Mass of H atoms in benzoic acid produced : ⎤ ⎡1 g.mol −1 × 6 ⎥ 2597 . 24 mg = ⎢ × ⎥ ⎢ 122 g.mol −1 ⎦ ⎣ = 127.73 mg 96 Mass of H atoms in BP unreacted : ⎡1 g.mol −1 × 10 ⎤ ⎥ mg 8 . 93 = ⎢ × ⎢ 154 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 0.58 mg Mass of H atoms in HCl produced : ⎤ ⎡1 g .mol −1 × 1 ⎥ x mg = ⎢ × ⎥ ⎢ 36.5 g.mol −1 ⎦ ⎣ = 0.03 x mg Mass of H atoms in BOCl unreacted : ⎡1 g.mol −1 × 5 ⎤ ⎥ y mg = ⎢ × ⎢ 140.5 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 0.04 y mg Mass of H atoms in benzoic anhydride produced : ⎡1 g.mol −1 × 10 ⎤ ⎢ = × z mg ⎥ ⎢ 226 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 0.04 z mg ∴Mass of H atoms in = Mass of H atoms out Mass of H atoms in (BP feeded + BOCl feeded) = Mass of H atoms in (H2O + 4-PBP produced + 4, 4’-DBBP produced + BP unreacted + HCl produced + BOCl unreacted + benzoic acid produced benzoic anhydride produced) (10 ⎛11.65 + 1.88 + 127.73 ⎞ ⎟mg + 430.96 mg = ⎜⎜ ⎟ 0 . 58 0 . 11 0 . 03 0 . 04 0 . 04 + + + + + w x y z ⎝ ⎠ ) ⇒ 320.42 mg = 0.11w + 0.03 x mg + 0.40 y mg + 0.04 z mg -----------2 97 O atom Mass of O atoms in BOCl feeded : ⎡16 g.mol −1 × 1 ⎤ ⎥ 12110 mg = ⎢ × ⎢ 140.5 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 1379.07 mg Mass of O atom in vapour (H2O) : ⎡16 g.mol −1 × 1 ⎤ ⎥ w mg = ⎢ × ⎢ 18 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 0.89w mg Mass of O atoms in 4-PBP produced : ⎡16 g.mol −1 × 1 ⎤ ⎥ = ⎢ × 214 . 66 mg ⎢ 258 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 13.31 mg Mass of O atoms in 4, 4’-DBBP produced : ⎡16 g.mol −1 × 2 ⎤ ⎥ 37 . 72 mg = ⎢ × ⎢ 362 g .mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 3.33 mg Mass of O atoms in benzoic acid produced : ⎡16 g.mol −1 × 2 ⎤ ⎥ 2597 . 24 mg = ⎢ × ⎢ 122 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 681.24 mg Mass of O atoms in BOCl unreacted : ⎡16 g.mol −1 × 1 ⎤ ⎥ = ⎢ × y mg ⎢ 140.5 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 0.11y mg Mass of O atoms in benzoic anhydride produced : ⎡16 g.mol −1 × 3 ⎤ ⎥ = ⎢ × z mg ⎢ 226 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 0.21z mg 98 ∴Mass of O atoms in = Mass of O atoms out Mass of O atoms in (BOCl feeded + H2O) = Mass of O atoms in (4-PBP produced + 4, 4’-DBBP produced + BOCl unreacted + benzoic acid produced + benzoic anhydride produced) (1397.07 ) ( ) + 0.89w mg = 13.31 + 3.33 + 681.24 + 0.11y + 0.21z mg ⇒ 681.20 mg = 0.11y mg + 0.21z mg − 0.89w --------------------3 Cl atom Mass of Cl atoms in BOCl feeded : ⎡ 35.5 g .mol −1 × 1 ⎤ ⎥ 12110 mg = ⎢ × ⎢ 140.5 g .mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 3059.82 mg Mass of Cl atoms in HCl produced : ⎡ 35.5 g .mol −1 × 1 ⎤ ⎥ x mg = ⎢ × ⎢ 36.5 g .mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 0.97 x mg Mass of Cl atoms in BOCl unreacted : ⎡ 35.5 g.mol −1 × 1 ⎤ ⎥ = ⎢ × y mg ⎢ 140.5 g.mol −1 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = 0.25 y mg ∴Mass of Cl atom in = Mass of Cl atom out Mass of Cl atom in BOCl feeded = Mass of Cl atom in (BOCl unreacted + HCl produced) ⇒ 3059.82 mg = (0.97 x + 0.25 y )mg ------------------4 99 By solving the equations above, w = 714.68, x = 3766.17mg, y = 4196.86mg, z = 2183.79mg The Law of Conservation of Mass states that, {Mass in} Substances = {Mass out} In (mg) Out (mg) 154.00 8.93 BOCl 12110.00 4196.86 4-PBP – 214.66 4, 4’-DBBP – 37.72 HCl – 2183.79 Benzoic acid – 2597.24 Benzoic anhydride – 3766.17 714.68 – 12978.68 13005.37 BP Moisture (H2O) TOTAL % error = 13005.37 − 12978.68 × 100% 13005.37 = 0.21% 100 APPENDIX O Mass balance of dibenzoylation of biphenyl with benzoyl chloride (Theoretical) 3 2 1 2 O C Cl O 4-PBP + Benzoyl Chloride + 3 HCl 2 C + BP 1 2 O O C C 4, 4'-DBBP Basis: 1 mmol of BP ≡ 24 h of operation at 180 oC Reactants feeded : BP = 1 mmol = 1 mmol × 154 g.mol −1 × 1000 mol.mmol −1 × 1000 mg.g −1 = 154.00 mg BOCl = 10 ml × 1.211 −1 × 1000 mg.g −1 = 12110.00 mg Products formed : 1 mmol × 258 g.mol −1 4-PBP = 2 = 129.00 mg 1 mmol × 362 g.mol −1 2 = 181.00 mg 4, 4’-DBBP = 3 mmol × 36.5 g.mol −1 2 = 54.75 mg HCl = 101 Reactants unreacted : ⎛ 3 ⎡ ⎤⎞ BP = ⎜⎜12100.00 mg − ⎢140.5 g .mol −1 × mmol ⎥ ⎟⎟ 2 ⎣ ⎦⎠ ⎝ = 11899.25 mg The Law of Conservation of Mass states that, {Mass in} Substances BP In (mg) = {Mass out} Out (mg) 154.00 0.00 BOCl 12110.00 11899.25 4-PBP 0.00 129.00 4, 4’-DBBP 0.00 181.00 HCl 0.00 54.75 12264.00 12264.00 TOTAL