CASE STUDY TO DETERMINE THE CAMBER OF POST-TENSIONED ‘ I ’ BEAM LEE POH HUAT UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA CASE STUDY TO DETERMINE THE CAMBER OF POST- TENSIONED ‘I’ BEAM LEE POH HUAT A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering ( Civil-Structure ) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MARCH 2005 iii To Elissa and Bryan for your companionship, understanding and continuous encouragement over the years. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wahid Omar for his guidance and advice towards making this project a success. My sincere appreciation also goes to his research team for their assistance in laboratory testing. v ABSTRACT A common problem that most contractors faced in beam bridge construction was to predict the actual camber of pre-tensioned or post-tensioned beams due to prestressing in order to achieve bridge design finished levels without any unforeseen additional construction cost. Four numbers of full scale 36m long post-tensioned “I” beam with overall height of 1.98m was used to measure the actual beam camber on site by means of checking the differences of beam’s top levels while design estimation carried out is based on design code of practice for structural use of concrete BS 8110 by taken into consideration initial prestress losses due to friction and anchorage draw-in of tendons. Comparison between these two methods of evaluation reveals a significant difference. The results shows actual beam cambers measured on site are much larger compare to design prediction. The immediate camber occurred after prestressing is greater by 10.8% and continue to increase to 54.5% over 15 days with a sharp increase focused on the first 3 days after prestressing. From the findings, it’s therefore concluded that deflection of posttensioned beam cannot be predicted accurately due to many field factors which may possibly influence loss of prestress force in post-tensioned cables and behaviour of beam cambering process. However, design calculation can be used as an approximate estimation or as a guide for construction purposes vi ABSTRAK Suatu masalah umum yang sering dihadapi oleh kontraktor dalam kerja-kerja pembinaan jambatan jenis rasuk pra-tegang atau pasca-tegang ialah usaha untuk membuat anggaran nilai camber rasuk akibat daya mampatan dari tendon supaya aras rekabentuk jambatan dapat dicapai tanpa perbelanjaan lebihan yang tidak dijangka. Empat batang rasuk ‘I’ dengan panjang 36m serta tinggi 1.98m telah digunakan dalam kajian ini bagi menentukan nilai camber sebenar di tapak secara mengukur perbezaan aras atas rasuk. Pengiraan camber rasuk dibuat dengan merujuk kepada BS 8110 dan mengambil kira nilai kehilangan daya tegangan akibat geseran dan gelinciran tambat yang berlaku pada tendon. Perbandingan yang dijalankan ke atas kedua-dua jenis cara penilaian ini menunjukkan suatu perbezaan yang ketara dimana nilai camber sebenar yang diperolehi dari tapak mempunyai nilai yang lebih besar berbanding dengan hasil dari pengiraan. Camber awal yang diperolehi dari tapak mempunyai nilai lebihan sebanyak 10.8% pada permulaan dan meningkat kepada 54.5% dalam masa 15 hari selepas rasuk ditegang. Peningkatan nilai camber ini tertumpu kepada 3 hari yang pertama dengan nilai penambahan yang besar. Dari keputusan kajian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahawa nilai camber tidak dapat dianggarkan dengan mudah dan tepat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor yang wujud di tapak yang berkemungkinan dapat mempengaruhi hilangan daya tegangan pada tendon serta proses pembentukan camber rasuk. Walau bagaimanapun, pengiraan camber rasuk masih boleh digunakan sebagai anggaran kasar serta panduan bagi tujuan pembinaan. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE Introduction 1 1.1 General 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Objective of Study 4 1.4 Scope of Study 4 Literature Review 6 2.1 6 Introduction 2.2 Materials for Prestressed Concrete 7 2.2.1 Concrete 7 2.2.2 Prestressing Reinforcement 8 2.2.3 Anchorage System and Equipment 9 2.3 Properties of Material for Prestressed Concrete 12 2.4 2.3.1 Strength of Concrete 12 2.3.2 Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete 13 2.3.3 Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete 14 2.3.4 Relaxation of Prestressing Steel 14 2.3.5 Corrosion and Deterioration of Strands 15 Prestressed Concrete 15 2.4.1 Advantage and Disadvantage of Prestressed Concrete 16 2.4.2 Prestressing System 17 viii 2.5 Partial Loss of Prestress Force 21 2.5.1 Elastic Shortening of Concrete 22 2.5.2 Friction Losses 23 2.5.3 Anchorage Draw-in 24 2.5.4 Concrete Shrinkage 26 2.5.5 Concrete Creep 27 2.5.6 Steel Relaxation 28 2.5.7 Total Prestress Losses 29 2.6 Deflection of Prestressed Concrete 29 2.6.1 Short-term Deflection of Uncracked Member 30 2.6.2 Long-term Deflection 32 2.6.3 Deflection of Cracked Member 33 2.7 Method of Construction for Post-tensioned Beam 3 4 35 2.7.1 Preparation of Base Form 35 2.7.2 Fixing of Reinforcement and Tendon 37 2.7.3 Erection of Steel Mould 38 2.7.4 Concreting of Beam 39 2.7.5 Stripping of Mould and Curing Concrete 41 2.7.6 Stressing and Grouting of Beam 41 Methodology 43 3.1 43 Introduction 3.2 Method of Measurement for Actual Beam Camber 44 3.3 Design Estimation for Beam Camber 47 3.4 Collection of Concrete Specimens 48 Results and Discussion 51 4.1 51 Introduction 4.2 Comparison of Beam Camber 4.3 52 Factors that Influence Beam Camber and Prevention Method 54 ix 5 Conclusions and Recommendations 56 5.1 56 Conclusion 5.2 Recommendations for Future Study References Appendixes A - D 57 58 59 - 80 x LIST OF TABLE TABLE NO. TITLE 2.1 Comprehensive strength for prestressed concrete 3.1 Beam’s top levels surveyed from site PAGE 7 46 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Schematic illustration of beam camber for a 3 spans bridge 3 1.2 Typical detail for 36m post-tensioned beam 5 2.1 Types of anchorage system 11 2.2 Tangent and secant modulus of concrete 13 2.3 Pre-tensioning method 18 2.4 Post-tensioning method 20 2.5 Draw-in loss : Variation in applied prestress force with friction 2.6 26 Relationship between tendon eccentricity and prestress moment diagram 31 2.7 Coefficient K for various type of bending moment diagram 34 3.1 Timber base form & metal side form 37 3.2 Installation of reinforcement and tendon 38 xii 3.3 Erection of steel mould in progress 39 3.4 Concreting of beam carried out by crane 40 3.5 Compaction of fresh concrete by means of vibrating poker and external vibrator 41 3.6 Post- tensioning and grouting are in progress 43 3.7 Illustration of survey reference point on post-tensioned beam 44 3.8 Preparation of concrete cylinder’s specimens 49 3.9 Curing of concrete specimens 50 4.1 Beam camber measured immediate after prestressing 52 4.2 Beam camber measured 15 days after prestressing 53 xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS ı co - stress in concrete at the level of tendon ı pi - initial stress in tendon Ac - the cross sectional area of concrete Aps - cross sectional area of tendon m - modular ratio for steel and concrete r - radius of gyration M ie - additional tensile stress at the level of tendon e - eccentricity of tendon e(x) - eccentricity at section x Px - prestress force at distance x from jack Po - jacking force Pi - prestress force at distance i from jack ¨Pd - prestress loss due to anchorage draw-in ¨Psh - prestress loss due to shrinkage ¨Pcr - prestress loss due to creep ¨Pr - prestress loss due to relaxation of steel L - length of tendon Ld - extend of draw-in losses Li - distance from jack to section i Ec - modulus elasticity of concrete Es - Young’s modulus of strand Ec.eff - effective modulus of elasticity Ect - instantaneous modulus of elasticity Ic xiv İsh - shrinkage strain İcr - creep strain Nj - coefficient of friction Ԧ - angle deviation of tendon K - wobble factor s - anchorage draw-in length ij - creep coefficient D - initial prestress losses E - total prestress losses ymax - maximum deflection at mid span K - bending moment diagram’s shape constant 1/ rb - curvature at mid span or support for a cantilever į - deflection of beam Ic - moment of inertia of section Ȗc - density of concrete xv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Calculation of design estimation 59 B Beam camber measured on site 69 C Beam camber profile after prestressing 76 D Formation of beam camber against time 79 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General A bridge is a structure that spans a divide such as stream, river, ravine, valley, railway track, roadway and waterway. The traffic that uses a bridge may include pedestrian or cycle traffic, vehicular or rail traffic, water or gas pipes or a combination of all the above. Bridges can generally be classified according to their function, materials of construction, form of superstructure, span and type of service. A bridge should be designed such that it is safe, aesthetically pleasing, and economical. In the construction of pre-tensioned or post-tensioned beam bridges, a very common problem that most contractors faced was to determine and estimate the actual upward deflection or camber of pre-tensioned or post-tensioned beams due to prestressing. In order to achieve the design bridge finished levels without any unforeseen additional construction cost, camber of beams shall be accurately estimated. If it’s under estimated, then the finished design levels will not be able to achieve without reducing the thickness of deck slab or bituminous wearing course. 2 While in the case of over estimated, the finished design levels can only be attained by increasing the deck slab or wearing course thickness and this is certainly will incurred additional construction cost. 1.2 Problem Statement One of the important criteria in bridge design and construction is to produce a smooth driving surface for a comfortable driving experience by the road user. In order to achieve the design bridge surface finished levels without compromising on the deck slab or bituminous wearing course thickness, camber on bridge surface needs to be estimated and accounted for when the riding surface is established. If camber of beam is not accounted for by designer and ignored by the contractor in a multi span bridge construction, it may leads to an undulating or “roller coaster” riding surface and potential hazard to travelling public especially on a superelevated bridge deck. To overcome this problem, camber of pre-tensioned or post-tensioned beams shall be identified, and adjustment has to be made on the finished levels of beam seats, abutment walls and piers based on the estimated beam cambers accordingly and subsequently increase the thickness of deck slab at both ends of each span of bridge to compensate the adjusted levels in order to produce a smooth bridge deck surface. ( Figure 1.1 ) 3 Beam camber for a 3 spans bridge An undulating bridge surface due to fixed deck thickness Thickening deck slab to overcome beam camber’s problem Figure 1.1 : Schematic illustration of beam camber for a 3 spans bridge 4 1.3 Objective of Study The purpose of this study is to determine the actual camber of post-tensioned “I” beam. Among the objectives are :- x To determine the actual beam camber on site for post-tensioned “ I ” beam. x Compare beam camber between design estimation based on BS 8110 and actual site data. x And, to identify various factors that can possibly influence the deflection of post-tensioned beam. 1.4 Scope of Study The scope of this study will be focused on full scale 36m long post-tensioned “I” beam with overall height of 1.98m.( Figure 1.2 ) Field data for actual beam camber will be measured base on differences of survey levels before and after prestressing of post-tensioned cables, while design estimation is based on BS 8110. The possible criteria that may affect deflection of post-tensioned beam such as strength of concrete, modulus of elasticity, creep and shrinkage of concrete will be monitored. Insitu concrete specimens such as concrete cubes and concrete cylinders will be collected and laboratory testing will also be carried out. Figure 1.2 : Typical detail for 36m post-tensioned beam 5 CHAPTER II Literature Review 2.1 Introduction The precasting industry for prestressed concrete has in recent years become a well-established entity. Efficient management and outstanding quality control procedures have awarded the industry a highly competitive position in the construction market. Prestressed concrete superstructures generally eliminate the need for construction falsework which has always been economically advantageous. Like ordinary reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete consists of concrete resisting compression and reinforcement resisting tension. Based on the concept that reinforced concrete’s tensile strength is limited while its compressive strength is extensive, consequently, prestressing become essential in many applications in order to fully utilise the compressive strength of reinforced concrete and through proper design, elimination or control of cracking and deflection can be achieved. 7 2.2 Materials for Prestressed Concrete 2.21 Concrete Concrete, particularly high-strength concrete, is a major constituent of all prestressed concrete elements. Strength and endurance are two major qualities that are particularly important in prestressed concrete structures. Long-term detrimental effects can rapidly reduce the prestressing forces and could result in unexpected failure. Hence, measures have to be taken to ensure strict quality control and quality assurance at the various stages of production. The mechanical properties of hardened concrete can be classified into two categories: short-term or instantaneous properties and long-term properties. The short-term properties are strength in compression, tension, and shear; and stiffness, as measured by the modulus of elasticity. The long-term properties can be classified in terms of creep and shrinkage. The range of concrete strength normally used for prestressed concrete is shown in Table 2.1 Table 2.1 : Comprehensive strength for prestressed concrete Compressive strength at Specified standard initial prestress (N/mm²) strength (N/mm²) Post-tensioning system More than 20 More than 24 Pre-tensioning system More than 30 More than 35 8 In the pre-tensioning system, the anchorage of the prestressed concrete steel is required to have enough bond strength as in the bond between steel and concrete. So, higher values of specified standard strength are adopted compared to those of the post-tensioning system where a lower value in strength is used as there is no necessity for high bond strength due to the anchorage method. 2.22 Prestressing Reinforcement Due to the high creep and shrinkage losses in concrete, effective prestressing can be achieved by using very high-strength steel in prestressed concrete. Such highstressed steels are able to counterbalance these losses in the surrounding concrete and have adequate leftover stress levels to sustain the required prestressing force. Prestressing reinforcement used in prestressed concrete can be in the form of single wire, strand or high strength bars covered by respective British Standards as follows: i) wire, (BS5896 : 1980) ii) strand, (BS5896: 1980) iii) bars, (BS4486: 1980) High strength steel wire came in a range of diameter from 3 to 7mm with carbon content of 0.7-0.85%. For pre-tensioned concrete members, the prestress force is transferred to the concrete by bond between the steel and concrete. This bond is substantially increased if indentations are made on the wire surface such as crimped and undulating instead of a straight. Strand is produced by spinning several individual wires around a central core wire for most prestressing application since single wire generally does not have sufficient strength. Modern strands comprise of seven wires with overall diameters ranging from 8 to 18mm are widely used in prestressing industry. Hot-rolled alloy- 9 steel bars are varying in diameter from 20 to 40mm, and are stretched once they have cooled in order to improve their mechanical properties. They may be ribbed, to provide a continuous thread, or smooth with threads at the ends of the bars. In both cases the threads are used to anchor the bars or to provide a coupling between adjacent bars. The use of solid high-yield bars is generally limited as they do not have the flexibility to be profiled along the length of the member. High tensile steel wire is by far the more widely used material for both pre-tensioning and post-tensioning. In post-tensioned concrete, it is common to group many strands together to form a cable or tendon. A complete prestressing tendon can be made up of as many strands as are needed to carry the required tension, will all the strands enclosed in a single duct. In addition, large structures may have many individual tendons running parallel to each other along the length of the member. An important point to consider with all the types of steel described above is that their high strength is produce by essentially a cold-working process. Thus, during storage and construction care must be taken not to expose the steel to heat from causes such as welding. 2.23 Anchorage System and Equipment For both pre-tensioning and post-tensioning of concrete members, specialist equipment is required for stressing the steel and anchoring the stressed steel to the concrete. A wide variety of systems has been developed for these purposes, many of which are patented by their manufacturers. The tensioning of the steel is usually achieved by mechanical jacking using hydraulic jacks. In pre-tensioning, the jacks pull the steel against the supports of the casting beds. The strands in pre-tensioned 10 members are often stressed individually using small jacks. In post-tensioning, the jacks pull the steel against the hardening concrete member itself. As the strands are usually grouped in tendons, large multi-strand jacks are often used to tension all the strands in the tendon simultaneously. In pre-tensioning, before the prestress is transferred to the concrete a temporary anchor are required to hold the ends of the strands while they are being tensioned. One of the most popular methods of anchoring the ends of the strands in the casting bed is the wedge grip of a tendon and to hold the strands permanently in the tendon anchor. The bearing plate on the anchor transmits the force in the strands to the main body of the assembly which in turn transmits the force to the surrounding concrete. Some anchorage system and their devices are shown in Figure 2.1 11 Figure 2.1 : Types of anchorage system 12 2.3 Properties of Material for Prestressed Concrete 2.31 Strength of Concrete The strength of concrete is primarily affected by the water/cement ratio where lower the water/cement ratio will gives higher concrete strength. A major factor affecting strength is the amount of voids left in the concrete after compaction. The more air contained in the concrete, the more compressible it becomes and gives less strength. It is thus important that the concrete is compacted as fully as possible. It is often the case that the concrete at the top of a horizontally cast member is s well compacted than at the bottom and leading to lower strength. Another property of concrete affected by poor compaction is the bond developed between the concrete and any steel placed within it. This is particularly important for pre-tensioned members, where reliance is made on this bond to transfer the prestress force to the concrete. The strength of concrete increases with age, but the rate at which it increases is greatly affected by the curing conditions. Ideally, the concrete should be kept in a moist condition to allow as much hydration of the cement as possible to take place. Most concrete members are cured for the first few days under moist covering and then cured in air. The usual range of concrete design strengths used in prestressed concrete is 25-50 N/mm²,ȱwith values at the lower end of the range used for slabs, and those at the upper end used for beams. 13 2.32 Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete The modulus of elasticity of concrete is important, not only in estimating deflections of prestressed concrete members but also because some of the losses of prestress force are influenced by it. From the stress-strain curve of concrete shown in Figure 2.2, the initial slope of the tangent to the curve is defined as the initial tangent modulus, and it is also possible to construct a tangent modulus at any point of the curve. The slope of the straight line that connects the origin to a given stress at about 0.4f’c determines the secant modulus of elasticity of concrete. This value, termed in design calculation the modulus of elasticity, satisfies the practical assumption that strains occurring during loading can be considered basically elastic or completely recoverable on unloading, and that any subsequent strain due to the load is regarded as creep. Figure 2.2 : Tangent and secant modulus of concrete The values of secant modulus for concretes of varying strengths may be used for determining the short-term deflections of prestressed concrete members and the initial losses of prestress force due to elastic shortening. For long-term deflections, the time dependent effects of creep and shrinkage should be taken into account. 14 2.33 Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete Creep and shrinkage of concrete are time-dependent deformations. Creep of concrete is the phenomenon in which the deformation continues with time under constant load. Creep is particularly important in concrete, and affects both the longterm deflections and loss of prestress force in prestressed concrete member. The basic mechanism of creep in concrete is that of gradual loss of moisture, causing contraction in the structure of the cement paste in the concrete. The effects of creep in prestressed concrete members are more pronounced than reinforced concrete due to its greater proportion of the cross-section of the member is in compression. Shrinkage is defined as decrease in the volume of concrete with respect to time when surplus water that has not been used to hydrate the cement evaporated. The amount of shrinkage is dependent on the environmental conditions surrounding the concrete, and is independent of the external load on the member. If the concrete is in a dry windy climate, the loss of moisture will be much greater than if the concrete is kept in a moist condition. 2.34 Relaxation of Prestressing Steel Relaxation of steel stress is similar to creep in concrete in that it is timedependent deformation under constant load except that creep is a change in strains whereas steel relaxation is a loss in steel stresses. The amount of relaxation depends on time, temperature and level of stress. The standard test for relaxation determines the value of maximum relaxation in percentage after 1000 hours at 20° C. Two classes of relaxation are specified in BS5896, Class 1 corresponding to stressrelieved, or normal-relaxation, wires, and Class 2 corresponding to stabilized, or low-relaxation, wires. 15 2.35 Corrosion and Deterioration of Strands Protection against corrosion of prestressing steel is more critical than in the case of non-prestressed steel. Such precaution is necessary since the strength of the prestressed concrete element is a function of the prestressing force, which in turn is a function of the prestressing tendon area. Reduction of the prestressing steel area due to corrosion can drastically reduce the nominal moment strength of the prestressed section, which can lead to premature failure of the structural system. In pre-tensioned members, protection against corrosion is provided by the concrete surrounding the tendon, provided that adequate concrete cover is available. In post-tensioned members, protection can be obtained by full grouting of the ducts after prestressing is completed or by greasing. Another form of wire or strand deterioration is stress corrosion, which is characterised by the formation of microscopic cracks in the steel which lead to brittleness and failure. This type of reduction in strength can occur only under very high stress, although it’s infrequent but it’s difficult to prevent. 2.4 Prestressed Concrete Precast and prestressed concrete is the most recent major form of construction introduced in the structural engineering. It has become a well established method of construction where its technology is available in most developed and in many developing countries. Today, prestressed concrete are used in buildings, underground structures, communication towers, floating storage and offshore structures, power stations, nuclear reactor vessels, and numerous types of bridge systems including segmental and cable-stayed bridges. 16 In the field of bridge engineering, the introduction of prestressed concrete has aided the construction of long-span concrete bridges. These often comprise precast units, lifted into position and then tensioned against the units already in place, the process being continued until the span is complete. For smaller bridges, the use of simply supported precast prestressed concrete beams has proved an economical form of construction, particularly where there is restricted access beneath the bridge for construction. The introduction of ranges of standard beam section has also simplified the design and construction of bridges. The normal design procedures for precast and prestressed concrete beams are to design for allowable working stresses and to check initial stresses and ultimate moment capacity. Camber of beams need to be estimated during design and accounted for when the riding surface is established. For some low volume, low speed or single span structure, camber is sometimes ignored. However, if camber of beam is not accounted for in multi spans bridge structures, the undulating riding surface produced may be potentially hazard to the travelling public. 2.4.1 Advantage and Disadvantage of Prestressed Concrete One of the advantages of prestressed concrete over reinforced concrete is that, for a given span and loading, a smaller prestressed concrete member is required. Another important advantage of prestressed concrete is that by a suitable prestressing, the structure can be rendered crack-free and this is an important implication for durability, especially for liquid-retaining structures. By preventing tensile cracking, it also means increasing the resistance of steel to corrosion. A third advantage is that prestressing offers a means of controlling deflections where with a suitable choice of prestress force, the deflections under applied load can be reduced or eliminated entirely. In addition, prestressed concrete also increases the overall stiffness of the member and can be fabricated in-situ or as precast units. 17 However, due to concrete cross section for perstressed concrete is in compression under all load conditions, it means that any inherent problems due to long-term creep movements will be increased. From construction point of view, production of prestressed concrete required high level of quality control for both materials and workmanship. Besides that, prestressed concrete also required certain technology and equipment for prestressing works which may not be available in many developing countries. 2.4.2 Prestressing System Prestress is normally applied to members by steel strands tensioned using hydraulic jacks at one or both ends of the member. The tensioning operation can be performed either before the concrete is cast, in which case the member is classed as pre-tensioned or after the concrete is cast, in which case the member is classed as post-tensioned. Pre-tensioning The pre-tensioning process involves three basic stages, each of which is illustrated in Figure 2.3. In the first stage, the steel strands are placed in a casting bed, stressed to the required level and anchored between two supports. The concrete is then cast around the strands and allowed to set. During this curing stage, the strands bond to the surrounding concrete. When the concrete has developed sufficient compressive strength, the strands are release from the supports. Immediately after the release, the strands attempt to contract. Owing to their bond with the concrete this prestress contraction force is transferred to the concrete, thus 18 forcing the concrete into compression. Pre-tensioning is most commonly employed where many similar precast members are required. It is generally only carried out off site at precasting factories which have permanent casting beds. Therefore, the size and weight of pre-tensioned members are limited by the transportation requirements. ( a ) Stage 1 : Steel strands are tensioned ( b ) Stage 2 : Concrete is cast ( c ) Stage 3 : Strands are cut Figure 2.3 : Pre-tensioning method 19 Post-tensioning The post-tensioning process also involves three fundamental stages, which are illustrated in Figure 2.4 for a simple beam. In the first stage of the process, the concrete is cast around a hollow duct. After the concrete has set, a tendon consisting of a number of strands is pushed through the duct or alternatively, the tendon can be placed in the duct before casting. Thus, unlike in pre-tensioned members, the tendon in post-tensioned members can be fixed in any desired linear or curved profile. By varying the eccentricity of the tendon from the centroid, the maximum effectiveness of a constant prestressing force can be utilized by applying the prestress only where it is required. Once the concrete has achieved sufficient strength in compression, the tendon is jacked from one or both ends using hydraulic jacks, thus putting the concrete into compression. When the required level of prestress is achieved, the tendon is anchored at the ends of the member. After anchorage, the ducts are usually filled with grout under pressure. The grout is provided mainly to prevent corrosion of the tendon but it also forms a bond between the tendon and the concrete which reduces the dependence of the beam on the integrity of the anchor and hence improves it robustness. Post-tensioning is the most common method of prestressing in situ because it does not require a casting bed. However, the technique is also used off site to make large purpose-built individual precast units. An important different between pre-tensioned and post-tensioned systems is that it is easy to incorporate curved tendons in the post-tensioned system. The flexible ducts can be held to a curved shape while the concrete is poured around them while for pre-tensioned member, it would be extremely difficult to arrange for a pre-tensioned curved tendon, although it is possible to have a sharp change of direction. Other advantage of post-tensioning over pre-tensioning is that the tensioning can be carried out in stages, for all tendons in a member, or for some of them. This can be useful where the load is applied in well-defined stages. 20 ( a ) Concrete is cast around hollow duct ( b ) Tendons is jacked from one end when concrete achieved sufficient strength Figure 2.4 : Post-tensioning method 21 2.5 Partial Loss of Prestress Force The design of a prestressed member involves checking the stresses in the concrete at transfer and service due to the combination of applied loads and prestressing. Owing to losses of force which occur in prestressing strands and tendons, the effective prestress force which is transferred to the concrete is not generally equal to the applied jacking force, nor is it constant along the length of the member. Therefore, in order to determine the effective stress due to prestress at transfer and service, the losses in prestress must first be calculated at each design section. Essentially, the reduction in the prestressing force can be grouped into two categories : x Immediate elastic loss during the fabrication or construction process, including elastic shortening of the concrete, anchorage losses, and frictional losses. x Time-dependent losses such as creep, shrinkage, and steel relaxation, all of which are determinable at the service-load limit state of stress in the prestressed concrete element. An exact determination of the magnitude of these losses, particularly the time dependent ones is not feasible, since they depend on a multiplicity of interrelated factors. Empirical methods for estimating losses differ with the different codes of practice or recommendations. 22 2.5.1 Elastic Shortening of Concrete ( Clause 4.8.3, BS8110 ) As the prestress is transfer to the concrete, an elastic shortening of the member occurs. This movement is accompanied by an equal reduction in length of the prestressing steel resulting in loss in prestress force. For pre-tensioned beam, loss in prestress force is m ı co where, ı pi ı co = m + Ac Aps ( 1 + e² / r² ) If the tendons are closely grouped in the tensile zone, the loss due to elastic shortening may be found by taking ı co as the stress in concrete at the level of the centroid of the tendons. For post-tensioned beam, the elastic shortening loss varies from zero if all tendons are jacked simultaneously to half the value calculated in the pre-tensioned case. Loss in prestress force is 1/2mıco where, ı pi ı co = m+ Ac Mi e Ic Aps ( 1 + e² / r² ) The value of ı co will vary along the member, since generally both e and Mi will vary. In this case, an average value of ı co should be assumed. 23 For a post-tensioned member with a single tendon, or with several tendons tensioned simultaneously, there is no elastic shortening loss since jacking will proceed until the desired prestress force is reached. In the more usual and economical case where the tendons are tensioned sequentially, after the first tendon the tensioning of any subsequent tendon will reduce the force in those already anchored, with the exception of the last tendon, which will suffer no loss. While it is possible to determine the resulting forces in a group of tendons for a given sequence of tensioning, the amount of work involved may be large. An acceptable approximation is to assume that the loss in each tendon is equal to the average loss in all the tendons. The loss for the first tendon is approximately equal to mıco, and the loss for the last tendon is zero, so that the average loss is 1/2mıco. 2.5.2 Friction Losses ( Clause 4.9, BS8110 ) Loss of prestressing occurs in post-tensioning members due to friction between the prestressing tendons and the inner surface of the ducts during tensioning. There are basically four causes which produce frictions. First is the curvature of the tendons to achieve a desired profile. Second is the inevitable, and unintentional, deviation between the centrelines of the tendons and the ducts, known as ‘wobble’ of the duct. This loss is described by a ‘wobble factor’ K which varies with the rigidity of the duct, the frequency and the strength of the duct supports. The combined effect of curvature and wobble gives the variation in prestress force Px at a distance of x from the jack. Where, Px = Po exp [ -(NjԦ + Kx)] 24 For a parabolic cable profile, since Ԧ represents the change in slope it is a linear function of x. Thus, prestress force Po from the jack decreases linearly with distance. For a circular arc, Ԧ = L/R is the change in slope or ‘angle consumed’ The third cause takes place as the tendons pass through the anchorages. This effect is small, of the order of 2%, and is usually covered by the calculated duct friction losses, which tend to be conservative. The fourth is also a small amount of friction within the jack itself between the piston and the jack casing, which causes the load applied to the tendon to be smaller than indicated by the hydraulic pressure within the jack. This is usually determined by the jack manufacturer and compensation made in the pressure gauge reading. In pre-tensioned members there is some loss if the tendons are tensioned against deflectors caused by friction between the tendon and the deflector. The magnitude of this loss will depend upon the details of the deflector, and will usually be determined from tests on the particular deflection system being used. 2.5.3 Anchorage Draw-in ( Clause 4.8.6, BS8110 ) In prestressed concrete, tendon may undergo a small contraction during the process of transferring the tensioning force from the jack to the anchorage, this is known as anchorage ‘draw-in’. The exact amount of this contraction depends on the type of anchorage used and is usually specified by the manufacturer of the anchorage. In the case of pre-tensioning, it can be compensated easily by initially over-extending the tendons by the calculated amount of the anchorage drawn-in. 25 For post-tensioning, many anchorage systems use wedges to grip the tendon and transfer the tendon force to a solid steel anchorage set in the concrete. There is some deformation of the solid anchorage itself, but this is very small and most of the contraction in the length of the tendon takes places as a result of slip between the tendon and the wedges. This loss of prestressed does not extend very far from the region of the anchor in most cases particularly in longer member. Since the anchorage draw-in is dependent only on the type of anchorage used, the effect is much greater on a short prestressed concrete member than on a long one. However, the effect is greatly reduced in post-tensioned members by the friction that exists between the tendons and the ducts as the tendons move back due to the draw-in. Losses in prestress due to anchorage draw-in, ¨Pd is given as : Loss in Prestress Force, ¨Pd = ( s / L )(Es) Aps And, the extend of draw-in losses around the anchor region as illustrated in Figure 2.5 are given as : ½ Extend of Draw-in Losses, Ld = { s Es Aps Li / ( Po – Pi ) } 26 Tendon jacking P force Po ¨Pd Friction loss Draw-in loss Friction Loss Line Ld Pi Distance from jack, x Li Figure 2.5 : Draw-in loss : Variation in applied prestress force with friction 2.5.4 Concrete Shrinkage ( Clause 4.8.4, BS8110 ) The magnitude of the shrinkage of concrete is affected by several factors. They include mixture proportions, type of aggregate, type of cement, curing time, time between the end of external curing and the application of prestressing, size of the member, and the environmental conditions. Size and shape of the member also effect shrinkage. 27 The loss of prestress in the tendons is obtained as the product of the shrinkage per unit length of the concrete and the modulus of elasticity of the tendons. The shrinkage strain İsh is taken as 300x10-6 for pre-tensioned work and 200x10-6 for post-tensioned concrete where stressing is assumed to take places 2-3 weeks after concreting. Normally, half the total shrinkage takes place in the first month after transfer and ¾ of the total in the first 6 month. Loss in Prestress Force Due to Shrinkage, ¨Psh = İsh (Es) Aps 2.5.5 Concrete Creep ( Clause 4.8.5, BS8110 ) The deformation or strain resulting from this time-dependent behaviour is a function of the magnitude of the applied load, its duration, the properties of the concrete including its mixture proportions, curing conditions, the age of the element at first loading, and environmental conditions. Creep is essentially the same as that of relaxation. The distinction is that relaxation refers to the loss of stress under constant strain while creep is the increase of strain which occurs at constant stress. For the purposes of prestressed concrete, relaxation occurs in the steel while creep occurs in the concrete. Creep of concrete is unpredictable and can be quite substantial in prestressed members where the stress is kept constant for the design life of the structure. Loss of Prestress due to Creep, ¨Pcr = İcr (Es) Aps 28 The creep strain used for calculating creep loss is given as, İsh = (ij ı c) / Ec Where, ij is creep coefficient equal to 1.8 for transfer at 3 to 7 days and 1.4 for transfer after 28 days. 2.5.6 Steel Relaxation ( Clause 4.8.2, BS8110 ) The long-term relaxation loss is specified in BS8110 as the 1000-hour relaxation test values given by the tendon manufacturer multiply by factor given in table 4.6 of BS8110. The initial force should be taken as the value immediately after stressing for pre-tensioning and immediately after transfer for post-tensioning. The relaxation factors given in table 4.6 include allowances for the effect of strain reductions due to creep and shrinkage of the concrete and in the case of pretensioning, due to the elastic deformation of the concrete at transfer. Loss of Prestress, ¨Pr = Relaxation Factors Table 4.6 (BS8110) x 1000 hour Test Value (Clause BS8110) 29 2.5.7 Total Prestress Losses If the initial prestress force applied to a member is Po, then the effective prestress force at transfers is DPo, while that at service load is EPo. The value of D reflects the short term losses due to elastic shortening, anchorage draw-in and friction while the total loss coefficient E accounts for the short term and long term time dependent losses due to concrete shrinkage and creep and steel relaxation. Although there are many factors which affect the total loss of prestress force, as described in the preceding sections, it is very useful at the initial design stage to have an approximate figure for the prestress loss. This can be refined later in the design process, when more details of the prestressing steel are available. For both pre-tensioned and post-tensioned members, the approximate values of D and E may be taken as 0.9 and 0.75 respectively. 2.6 Deflection of Prestressed Concrete In prestressed concrete member, deflections under a given load can be eliminated entirely. This is achieved by the use of a suitable arrangement of prestressing. The deflection in prestressed concrete usually occurs with no applied load; this is known as camber and is generally an upward deflection. The effect of deflections in particular structures varies according to the use of the structure. For bridge, excessive deflection may lead to the creation of pools of water on road surface. It is recommended that for structures where the sag of a member would be noticeable, the deflection under quasi-permanent load be limited 30 to L / 250, where L is the span of a beam or the length of a cantilever. This limit may also be taken to apply to the initial upward camber for prestressed concrete members. The difficulty in predicting very accurately the total long term prestress losses makes it more difficult to give a precise estimate of the magnitude of expected camber. Concrete it self does not have a linear stress-strain curve, and the load-deflection characteristics of concrete beams, reinforced or prestressed are nonlinear in general. Therefore, the method of calculation should be regarded as giving only estimates of the deflections. For most structures, the best that can be said is that the deflections lie within certain bounds. In the case where if the exact deflection of a particular structure is very important to know, the only reliable method is to carry out test on a model of the structure by using similar materials. As a general guideline, for beams carrying heavy loads, such as bridge beams, a span:depth ratio in the range 20-26 for uncracked members would be suitable, while for cracked floor of roof beams, a span:depth ratio in the range 26-30 would give a good initial estimate of section size. 2.6.1 Short-term Deflection of Uncracked Member Short-term deflection in prestressed concrete member is calculated on the assumption that the sections are homogeneous, isotropic and elastic. Such an assumption is an approximation of actual behaviour, particularly that the modulus of concrete varies with age of the concrete and the moment of inertia varies with the stage of loading. The prediction of deflection for uncracked prestressed concrete members is more straightforward than reinforced concrete members, since the ordinary strength-of-materials method for finding deflections are applicable. There 31 are several such methods and one of which is based on the principle of virtual work. The principle of virtual work states that the work done by the external applied load, W moving through the displacement, į given by the arbitrary deflected shape is equal to the internal work done along the beam during that displacement. This work is usually considered as that due to bending only. Thus, L Wį = M(x)dø 0 where, M(x) is the bending moment at a section x induced by the applied load and ø is the rotation of the member at that section due to the arbitrary displacement. In order to determine the deflections of simply supported members under prestress force only, use is made of the fact that the moment in the member at any section x is equal to Pe(x) where e(x) is the eccentricity at that section. The prestress moment diagram is thus proportional to the area between the member centroid and the location of the resultant prestressing force. ( Figure 2.6 ) Moment diagram Figure 2.6 : Relationship between tendon eccentricity and prestress moment diagram 32 2.6.2 Long-term Deflection The deflections of prestressed concrete members determined above have been short-term deflections caused by elastic deformation of the concrete in response to loading. However, long term shrinkage and creep movements will cause the deflection of concrete members to increase with time. The effects of creep may be estimated by using a method given in BS8110 whereby an effective modulus of elasticity Ec.eff is given by : Ec.eff = Ect /( 1+ij ) Where, Ect is the instantaneous modulus of elasticity at the age considered and ij is the creep coefficient. The value of Ect may be estimated from Clause 7.2 BS8110 : Part 2. When a concrete beam shrinks, it does not usually do so uniformly across the section since it is restrained by the present of steel. The concentration of which is usually greater on the tension face than the compression face, and this will gives rise to an extra component of deflection. However, shrinkage effect can be taken into account if necessary by increasing the long-term deflections caused by loading and creep by approximately 20%. 33 In the case where only a proportion of the service load is permanent, the long-term curvature of a section may be determined by using the following procedure : x Determine the short-term curvature ( a ) under the permanent load x Determine the short-term curvature ( b ) under the total load x Determine the long-term curvature ( c ) under the permanent load Total Long-term Curvature = Curvature (c ) + Curvature (b) – Curvature (a) 2.6.3 Deflection of Cracked Member The ordinary strength-of-materials approach to the calculation of deflection may be used for members uncracked in tensioned, but for cracked members, account must be taken of the loss in stiffness of the section after cracking has occurred. The general relationship between the curvature 1/ r at a point x along a member and the corresponding deflection y is given by : 1 / r = d2y / dx2 34 A simplified method of finding the maximum deflection of concrete members is outlined in BS8110 and is suitable for Class 3 members with low percentages of prestressing steel. In this case, the maximum deflection ymax is given by ymax = KL2/rb where L is the effective span, 1/ rb is the curvature at mid span or at the support for a cantilever and K is a constant which depends on the shape of the bending moment diagram. ( Figure 2.7 ) Figure 2.7 : Coefficient K for various type of bending moment diagram CHAPTER III Methodology 3.1 Introduction This chapter discussed the method statements for construction of posttensioned beam and the method used to measure the actual beam camber on site. Design estimation for beam camber was then carried out based on design code of practice for structural use of concrete, BS 8110. The methods and procedures used for preparation of concrete specimens was presented and it will be tested in laboratory by other researchers from UTM to identify the properties of concrete used such as compressive strength of hardened concrete, modulus of elasticity, creep of concrete in compression and shrinkage of concrete. The methodology for this case study to determine the camber of posttensioned beam can generally be classified into four sections as follows: x Method of construction for post-tensioned beam x Method of measurement for actual beam camber x Design estimation for beam camber x Collection of concrete specimens 36 3.2 Method of Construction for Post-tensioned Beam 3.2.1 Preparation of Base Formwork The post-tensioned I-beam was casted on a timber base formwork, where it’s rested on a well compacted earth platform. The base form is made of 2”x 3”, 3”x 6”, 6”x 6” hardwood timber and a 12mm thick tegofilm plywood. Between the timber base and earth platform, sand bedding was used for levelling purposes. ( Figure 3.1 ) 37 Figure 3.1 : Timber base form & metal side form 38 3.2.2 Fixing of Reinforcement and Tendon Fixing of steel reinforcement as per approved bar bending schedule on top of base formwork were carried out soon after completion of the timber bed. In conjunction to this, post-tensioned cables were installed accordingly to the height and alignment of cable profiles as stated in the construction drawings. The end plates of the beam and stressing anchor blockheads were then installed into position. ( Figure 3.2 ) Figure 3.2 : Installation of reinforcement and tendon 39 3.2.3 Erection of Steel Mould Prior to erection, steel moulds for beam was applied with form release agent in the inner face to ease the stripping process later. Then, it was erected on the base formwork from one end to the other until the whole beam was fully covered. Angle top guides were used to secure at the top portion of beam while M25 tie bars is used at the bottom. Steel turn buckles was then installed to prop the side forms in order to check the verticality and alignment of the beam. ( Figure 3.3 ) Figure 3.3 : Erection of steel mould in progress 40 3.2.4 Concreting of Beam Upon completion of mould installation a final joint inspection were carried out. Then, the concreting operation will proceed by using mobile crane and concrete bucket. The concreting process was carried out in one operation (one casting) by using grade 50 concrete and placed into steel mould in 4 horizontal layers. The fresh concrete were then carefully compacted by using vibrator pokers from inside and form ( external ) vibrator from outside. ( Figure 3.4 & 3.5 ) Figure 3.4 : Concreting of beam carried out by crane 41 Figure 3.5 : Compaction of fresh concrete by means of vibrating poker and external vibrator 42 3.2.5 Stripping of Steel Mould & Curing Concrete On the next day after concreting, steel moulds or side forms of beam were removed. Soon after removal of formwork, curing of concrete was proceeded by spraying curing compound to all bare concrete surfaces of the whole beam. 3.2.6 Stressing and Grouting of Beam 7 days after concreting, the concrete strength will be checked by crushing test cubes. When the minimum required concrete strength as manifested by compressive cube strength results is achieved, the prestressing work can be preceded. Stressing of post-tensioned cables were carried out by using a high capacity multistrand jack and assisted by a high pressure hydraulic pump. Upon completion, all cables were grouted as soon as possible to prevent it from any corrosion by using pressure grout system. ( Figure 3.6 ) 43 Figure 3.6 : Post- tensioning and grouting are in progress 44 3.3 Method of Measurement for Actual Beam Camber The method of measurement carried out to identify beam camber on site was based on differences of beam’s top levels before and after prestressing of posttensioned cables. Four numbers of 36m nominal length ‘I’ beam with height of 1.98m was used in this study where each of them was cast on site at consecutively with one day interval. In order to fulfil the purpose of this study to identify the maximum beam camber at mid span, it was therefore the levelling reference points on top of beam chosen to be 5 points with equal distance of 8.95m between each other. Thus, the difference of levels between point No.3 and average of point No.1 and 5 will represent the maximum beam camber. (Figure 3.7) 8850 Point 1 8850 Point 2 8850 Point 3 8850 Point 4 Point 5 Precast Post-tensioned ‘ I ’ Beam 35700 Figure 3.7 : Illustration of survey reference point on post-tensioned beam 45 The beam’s top levels were measured by using a survey dumpy level. A datum reference was established to counter check for any vertical movement or settlement of beam after prestressing. For this purpose, the top levels of base form at both ends of beam was recorded and compared to the next session of levels taken. Since the method of measurement are comparative in nature, the sequence of reading taken are based on the same manner where one reading was taken before prestressing while the other were recorded immediately after prestressing operation. In order to observe the process of beam cambering due to time-dependent factors as discussed in chapter 2, 5 continuous sets of readings was taken for the following 15 days after prestressing with 3 days interval for each set of reading. However, the scope of this study is limited to comparison or determination of beam camber due to initial prestress loss at the stage of transfer only. Level readings recorded were then tabulated to ease the subsequence calculation and data correction as given in Table 3.1. From these survey data, it’s clearly shown that the beam’s top levels were uneven and ground settlement has taken place at both ends of beams. Therefore, data correction was necessary in this case. To overcome the problem of ground settlement, correction of survey data to each reference point was made by adjusting the survey data for point No.2 to 4 based on apportioned difference of levels between point No.1 and 5 for each set of reading taken. Then, correction due to beam’s surface unevenness was carried out by determining difference of levels among all reference points before prestressing and made adjustment accordingly. Hence, difference of beam levels between mid span ( point No.3 ) and end of beam ( point No 1&5 ) are then can be considered as actual beam camber. 46 Table 3.1 : Beam’s top levels surveyed from site Beam No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reference Points Beam’s Top Levels, ( mm ) 1 1343 1338 1340 1484 1485 1480 1 136 1 1346 1340 1598 16 16 1594 1 1210 1194 1190 1447 146 5 1443 1 1233 1217 1213 146 9 1487 146 5 1 156 2 1545 1538 1802 1818 1796 1 1594 1577 1570 1834 1850 1829 1 16 30 16 10 16 03 186 9 1880 1858 2 1345 1335 1342 1472 1472 146 8 2 1329 1299 1313 1555 156 5 1558 2 116 9 1140 1157 1401 1412 1404 2 1189 1158 1180 1420 1434 1423 2 1518 1487 1505 1750 176 2 1753 2 1549 1516 1537 1778 1793 1784 2 1582 1550 156 9 1813 1825 1815 3 1347 1336 1342 146 6 146 3 146 3 3 1323 1289 1301 1533 1551 1544 3 116 1 1128 1142 1374 1395 1386 3 1180 1149 116 5 1394 1415 1403 3 1510 1478 1491 1724 1742 1730 3 1540 1507 1521 1751 1773 176 3 3 1573 1540 1553 1785 1805 1794 4 1348 1339 1345 146 5 146 0 1457 4 1344 1316 1329 1542 1545 1539 4 1188 116 1 1178 1385 1385 1380 4 1209 1182 1201 1404 1406 1400 4 1539 1512 1528 1733 1735 1730 4 1570 1541 1558 176 5 176 8 176 2 4 16 02 1574 1590 1799 1801 1793 5 1346 1338 1339 1456 1445 1445 5 136 9 1350 1346 1550 156 4 1554 5 1217 1208 1200 1402 1421 1405 5 1239 1231 1225 1425 1443 1425 5 156 9 156 2 1553 1755 1770 1755 5 16 01 1591 1584 1786 1804 1789 5 16 32 16 24 16 16 1820 1840 1822 Remarks TBM = 2209 TBM = 2111 eLvels taken on 11/1/2005 ( Before prestressing ) eLvels taken on 11/1/2005 ( After prestressing ) TBM = 2229 eLvels taken on 14/1/2005 TBM = 2078 eLvels taken on 17/1/2005 TBM = 2100 eLvels taken on 20/1/2005 TBM = 2433 eLvels taken on 23/1/2005 TBM = 246 5 eLvels taken on 26/1/2005 TBM = 2494 47 3.2 Design Estimation for Beam Camber Design estimation for beam camber was carried out based on design code of practice for structural use of concrete, BS8110. Design criteria such as properties of concrete and prestressing reinforcement was taken from construction drawing and design manual while some assumption made was referred to recommendation from BS8110. The principal of design estimation or prediction of beam camber applied in this study is to determine the resultant value of hogging deflections produced by prestress force from post-tensioned cables minus the sagging deflection caused by beam’s self weight. The calculation of initial prestress losses considered in the design estimation is limited to prestress losses due to friction and anchorage drawn-in only and it’s focused at the mid span of beam. For this purpose, the angle of deviation of tendon at mid span, and the extend of anchorage draw-in for each tendons was first identified. From the total prestress force after initial losses calculated, the upward deflection of beam was then identified by equivalent weight method where deflection at mid span of a uniformly loaded simply supported beam is given as : į = 5 L2 ( Pe ) 48EcIc This equation was also used to calculate the sagging deflection due to self weight of beam where moment of Pe was substituted by moment due to beam’s dead load WL²/8. And, the resultant deflection value obtained from the differences between these two opposite direction’s deflections is defined as estimated beam camber. In order to plot this estimated beam camber as a parabolic profile for the purpose of 48 comparison with the actual beam camber on site, the coordinates of profile for first quarter span ( L/4 ) and third quarter span ( 3L /4 ) of the parabolic curve was then identified from parabolic profile’s equation y = Bx² + C. (The calculations of design estimation for beam camber were attached in Appendix A). 3.3 Collection of Concrete Specimens The specified characteristic strength of concrete used for casting of beam in this study is 50 N/mm² at 28 days with concrete slump of 125 + 25mm. It was produced in ready mix batching plant and transported to site by transit-mix concrete truck. 5 trucks of concrete with concrete volume of 5m³ each are required for casting of one beam and it took about 2 hours for discharging, placing and compacting. Two types of concrete specimens were collected for laboratory test. For every casting of beam, 12 numbers of 150mm concrete cubes were prepared in cast iron mould where fresh concrete was filled into moulds in 3 layers and compacted with 25mm square steel punner for 25 strokes for each layer of concrete. On the other hand, 15 numbers of concrete cylinders with 100mm diameter by 300mm long were taken with UPVC mould in vertical position, placed in 3 equal layers and compacted with 10mm diameter round ended tamping rod for 25 strokes each layer. ( Figure 3.8 ) For curing purposes, all concrete specimens prepared were covered with wetted gunny sacks immediately after it has been finished by means of a float. On the next day after casting, the mould is stripped and the concrete specimens are further cured in water for the next 7 days. ( Figure 3.9 ) 49 Figure 3.8 : Preparation of concrete cylinder’s specimens 50 Figure 3.9 : Curing of concrete specimens CHAPTER IV Results and Discussion 4.1 Introduction The results from this study revealed that there are huge differences between actual beam camber on site and design estimation. This shows the importance of accuracy in predicting actual beam camber when riding surface of bridge is established during design stage. Besides achieving its objective, the finding also show the sequence of beam cambering formation and its behaviour after prestress of post-tensioned cables, where it’s known to be an important criteria in beam bridge construction. In establishing the valid relationship between site measurement and design prediction of beam camber and the cambering formation process against time, all the collected data as attached in Appendix B and design estimation determined in Appendix A were then plotted into a same graph as enclosed in Appendix C & D. 52 4.2 Comparison of Beam Camber From design estimation the maximum beam camber is determined as 42.4mm while the maximum actual beam cambers immediately after prestressing measured from site are ranging from 37mm to 57mm. This findings show that the beam camber calculated from design is 10.8% lesser than actual beam camber on site. (Figures 4.1) Height of Camber, mm 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 8950 17900 26850 35800 Beam Length, mm Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 3 Beam 4 Design Profile Figure 4.1 : Beam Camber Measured Immediate After Prestressing Moreover, the results observed over 15 days after prestressing also show an increase in cambering of beams to the range from 56mm to 75mm. This means an increase of 18.5mm or 39.4% to a total difference of 54.5% if to compare with the design value. (Figure 4.2) Height of Camber, mm 53 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 8950 17900 26850 35800 Beam Length, mm 1 2 3 4 Design Profile Figure 4.2 : Beam Camber Measured 15 days After Prestressing Nevertheless, from all beam camber profiles plotted in Appendix D, it’s clearly shows that a sharp increased in beam camber only happened during the first 3 days after prestressing, and after which, it increase steadily with only a small margin. Although it’s undeniable the importance of estimating precise beam camber in bridge design and construction, but the difficulty of predicting very accurately as discussed in Chapter 2 are proven to be a fact in this study. This can be seen from the beam camber profile enclosed in Appendix C where the magnitudes of camber for all beams used in this study are of different values. 54 4.3 Factors that Influence Beam Camber Prevention Method As discussed in Chapter 2, the magnitude of beam camber due to prestressing can be influenced by numerous factors such as : x Types of material x Prestressing system x Strength of concrete x Modules elasticity of concrete x Initial and time-dependent prestress losses Besides that, other field factors related to method of construction may also influence beam camber profile if it was not well taken care off during production of beam. During installation of post-tensioned cables, the vertical profile and longitudinal alignment of tendons must be accurately position as per design requirement because any change in tendon’s profile alignment regardless of vertical on longitudinal position will change the eccentricity of tendon from the neutral axis of beam. This will in turn affect the prestress force in tendon and subsequently change the cambering behaviour of beam profile. As discussed earlier, the strength of concrete plays an important role in prestressed concrete particularly for pre-tensioned members. Therefore, the method and sequence of placing concrete during production of beam can also affect the pattern and consistency of beam camber profile. This is because not all trucks of concrete delivered to site give same compressive strength value although they are made of same materials. Thus, it’s advisable to place concrete into beam’s mould in few horizontal layers from one end to the others until the whole beam is fully casted. 55 Other factors that may possibly influence beam camber are compaction of fresh concrete and curing of concreted beam. These two factors are well recognised facts that can affect strength of concrete and the amount of voids left in the concrete. To overcome the compaction problem, external form vibrator that attached the beam mould shall be used at the lower portions of beam as these are the area where hand vibrator normally unable to work effectively due to the congested reinforcement and prestressing tendons. As for curing of concrete, it shall be carried out soon after removal of mould to prevent from excessive lost of water from concrete while it’s developing strength for a minimum period of 7 days. CHAPTER V Conclusion and Recommendation 5.1 Conclusions Computations of short-term deflections in prestressed concrete flexural members are made with the assumption that the concrete section acts as an elastic and homogeneous material. This assumption is only approximately correct, as the elastic modulus for concrete is not a constant value for all stress levels. In addition, the elastic modulus varies with the age of the concrete and is influenced by other factors. Furthermore, differences between assumed and actual dimensions of the concrete cross section and prestressed reinforcements often exist. As a result, deflection computations for prestressed concrete are approximations and should not be considered to have high precision. From the four post-tensioned beams studied, the results shows the actual beam cambers measured are much larger than design estimation based on design code BS 8110. It’s therefore can be concluded that deflection of post-tensioned beam cannot be predicted accurately due to many field factors which may possibly influence loss of prestress force in post-tensioned cables and behaviour of beam 57 cambering process. However, design calculation can be used as an approximate estimation or as a guide for construction purposes. 5.2 Recommendation for Future Study As the prestressing industry is gaining popular in Malaysia, particularly in the field of bridge engineering, it would be desirable to recommend to carry out future studies on this topic by evaluate the effects of creep and shrinkage of concrete, modulus of elasticity of concrete, and environmental factors. Research is also recommended to investigate beam camber for : x Other types of post-tensioned beam x Pre-tensioned beam The data from such studies would be very helpful to validate the findings of this study and it would be very useful as reference for future beam bridge construction. 58 References 1. Canrad P.Heins; Richard A Lawrie. (1984) “Design of Modern Concrete Highway Bridges” A Wiley-Interscience Publication, Canada. 2. M.K. Hurst. (1998) “Prestressed Concrete Design”, Second Edition, E & FN Spon, London. 3. Edward G. Nawy, (2000) “Prestressed Concrete (A Fundamental Approach)”, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 4. Neville, A.M. ( 2002 ) “Properties of Concrete”, Fourth Edition, , Prentice Hall, London. 5. Eugene J.O’Brien; Andrew S. Dixon, (1995) “Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Design”, Longman Scientific & Technical, London. 6. Shunran Takahashi, (2000) “Basic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures For Engineers”. Pelican Printing & Packaging Sdn Bhd, Malaysia. 7. BS8110: Part 1, (1985) British Standard, Structural use of Concrete, British Standards Institution, London. APPENDIX A Calculation of Design Estimation Properties of Tendon : Nominal cross section area, Aps = 98.7mm2/strand Young’s modulus of strand, Es = 190 KN/mm2 Coefficient of friction, Nj = 0.20/rad Wobble factor, K = 8x10-4/m Anchorage draw-in, s = 7mm No of strand in tendon and jacking force, T1 = 12 nos (1656 KN) T2 = 12 nos (1656 KN) T3 = 19 nos (2622 KN) T4 = 12 nos (1656 KN) 59 60 61 1. Prestress Loss Due to Friction From maximum sagging distance of all tendons, ǻY, value A for each parabolic profile can be identified as follow:For tendon T1, when distance x = 17900mm, y = 1560mm ? y = Ax2 A = 1560 / (17900)2 A = 4.868 x 10-6 Tendon ǻY (mm) L/2 (mm) Value A T4 1560 17900 4.868 x 10-6 T3 910 17900 2.840 x 10-6 T2 260 17900 8.115 x 10-6 T1 260 17900 8.115 x 10-6 62 Angle of deviation (rad) for tendon’s profile at mid span, Ԧ = 4y / L Ԧ Ԧ 2Ԧ Tendon T4 Deviation angle for tendon T4 at mid span, Ԧ4 = 4y / L Ԧ4 = 4 (1560) / 2 (17900) Ԧ4 = 0.174 rad Tendon force at mid span after friction losses for T4 , Px4 = Po exp [ -(NjԦ + Kx)] Px4 = (1656) exp -[(0.20)(0.174) + (8x104)(17.9)] Px4 = 1577 KN Tendon T3 63 Deviation angle for tendon T3 at mid span, Ԧ3 = 4y / L Ԧ3 = 4 (910) / 2 (17900) Ԧ3 = 0.102 rad Tendon force at mid span after friction losses for T3 , Px3 = Po exp [ -(NjԦ + Kx)] Px3 = (2622) exp -[(0.20)(0.102) + (8x104)(17.9)] Px3 = 2533 KN Tendon T1 & T2 Deviation angle for tendon T1 & T2 at mid span, Ԧ1 = Ԧ2 = 4y / L = 4 (260) / 2 (17900) = 0.029 rad Tendon force at mid span after friction losses for T1 & T2 , Px1 = Px2 = Po exp [ -(NjԦ + Kx)] = (1656) exp -[(0.20)(0.029) + (8x104)(17.9)] = 1623 KN 2. Prestress Loss Due to Draw-in 64 Tendon T4 Extend of draw-in losses, Ld = sEsAps ½ (Po-Pi) /Li Ld4 = (7)(190)(12 x 98.7) ½ (1656-1577) / (17900) = 18892 mm > 17900 mm Prestress losses due to anchorage draw-in, ǻPd4 = (s/L)(Es)(Aps) = (7 / 17900)(190)(12 x 98.7) = 88 KN By interpolation, draw-in loss at mid span = ( 88 / 18892 )( 18892-17900 ) = 4.6 KN Therefore, tendon force at mid span after friction and draw-in losses, P4 = 1577 - 4.6 = 1572.4 KN Tendon T3 65 Extend of draw-in losses, Ld3 = (7)(190)(19 x 98.7) ½ (2622-2533) / 17900 = 22397mm > 17900 mm Prestress losses due to draw-in, ǻPd3 = ( 7 / 17900 )(190)(19 x 98.7) = 139.3 KN Therefore, tendon force at mid span after friction and draw-in losses, P3 = 2533 – (139.3 / 22397)(22397-17900) = 2505 KN Tendon T1 and T2 Extend of anchorage draw-in losses, Ld1 = Ld2 = (7)(190)(12 x 98.7) (1656-1623) / 17900 = 29231 mm > 17900 mm Prestress losses due to anchorage draw-in, ½ 66 ǻPd1 = ǻPd2 = ( 7 / 17900 )(190)(12 x 98.7) = 88 KN Therefore, tendon force at mid span after friction and draw-in losses, P1 = P2 = 1623 – (88 / 29231)(29231-17900) = 1589 KN 3. Beam Camber due to Prestressing Properties of concrete : Cross section area of concrete, Ac = 0.628 m² Density of concrete, Ȗc = 24 KN/m³ Moment of inertia of section, Ixx = 0.275 m4 Elastic modulus of concrete, Ec = 3.4 x 107 KN/m2 Total prestress force after initial prestress losses, P = 7255 KN Centroid of beam from bottom, yc = 0.862 m Centre of gravity of tendons from bottom, yt = 0.120 m Eccentricity of tendons, e = 0.862 - 0.120 = 0.742 m Camber at mid span, įH = (5 L2 / 48EcIc)(Pe) = 5(35.8) 2 (7255)(0.742) x 103 48(3.4 x 107)(0.275) = 76.9 mm 4. Beam Sagging due to Self Weight 67 Beam self weight, w = (24)(0.628) = 15.072 KN/m Beam deflection at mid span, įs = 5 wL4 384 EcIc = 5(15.07)(35.8)4 x 103 384 (3.4x107)(0.275) = 34.5 mm Resultant beam camber, įR įR = 76.9 – 34.5 = 42.4 mm Camber at first quarter, L/4 and third quarter span, 3L/4 From Parabolic profile, At mid span, y = Bx² + C y = 42.4 and x = 17900 B = 42.4 ; (17900)² = 1.323 x 10-7 Hence, y = 1.323 x10-7 x2 C=0 68 At L /4 and Therefore, 3L /4, x = 8950 mm y = 1.323 x 10-7(8950)² = 10.6 mm And, Camber = 42.4 – 10.6 = 31.8 mm Coordinates for design beam camber profile : (0, 0); (8950, 31.8); (17900, 42.4); (8950, 31.8); (0, 0) 4 3 2 1 Beam No. 1 1343 1343 1338 1338 1340 1340 1484 1484 2 1345 1344 1335 1335 1342 1342 1472 1479 3 1347 1346 1336 1336 1342 1343 1466 1480 4 1348 1346 1339 1339 1345 1346 1465 1486 5 1346 1343 1338 1338 1339 1340 1456 1484 Reference Points Survey Levels, ( mm ) 28 1 0 ¨1&5 -3 7 0.25 0 ± -0.75 Adjustment ( 1 ) Level taken on 11/1/2005 ( before prestressing ) 1470 1340 1338 Average Levels of Pt.1 & Pt.5 1345 1 2 0 0 0 -1 0 -14 0 2 -1 -1 3 3 -3 -2 -2 5 3 -3 -3 2 2 -3 -3 4 4 4 -4 -3 -1 -1 -6 -6 5 -2 Beam Camber ( mm ) Beam Camber Measured on Site APPENDIX B 5 -2 0 0 0 1 0 14 0 Differences due to settlements Differences due to surface unevenness Remarks 69 1346 1346 1340 1340 1598 1598 3 4 1 1361 1361 1555 1567 1313 1312 1299 1298 2 1329 1327 1533 1557 1301 1298 1289 1287 3 1323 1319 1542 1578 1329 1325 1316 1313 4 1344 1338 1550 1598 1346 1340 1350 1346 5 1369 1361 Reference Points Survey Levels, ( mm ) 2 1 Beam No. 48 -6 -4 ¨1&5 -8 12 -1.5 -1 ± -2 Adjustment 1574 1343 1348 Average Levels of Pt.1 & Pt.5 1365 ( 2 ) Level taken on 11/1/2005 ( immediately after prestressing ) 1 4 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 -24 0 0 2 36 34 35 49 48 45 30 29 31 19 31 26 3 42 42 45 59 59 57 42 42 45 41 41 37 4 21 23 26 32 33 34 14 16 21 32 20 22 Beam Camber ( mm ) 5 -4 0 0 -2 0 0 -3 0 0 24 0 0 Differences due to settlements Camber after correction due to settlements Actual beam camber Remarks 70 1194 1194 1190 1190 1447 1447 3 4 1 1210 1210 1401 1412 1157 1155 1140 1137 2 1169 1167 1374 1397 1142 1137 1128 1121 3 1161 1158 1385 1419 1178 1171 1161 1151 4 1188 1183 1402 1447 1200 1190 1208 1194 5 1217 1210 Reference Points Survey Levels, ( mm ) 2 1 Beam No. ( 3 ) Level taken on 14/1/2005 45 -10 -14 ¨1&5 -7 11.25 -2.5 -3.5 ± -1.75 Adjustment 1425 1195 1201 Average Levels of Pt.1 & Pt.5 1214 1 4 0 0 7 0 0 5 0 0 -23 0 0 2 45 43 44 61 58 55 38 36 38 24 35 30 3 53 53 55 73 73 71 53 53 56 51 51 47 4 26 27 30 40 44 45 17 20 25 40 28 30 Beam Camber ( mm ) 5 -4 0 0 -7 0 0 -5 0 0 23 0 0 Differences due to settlements Camber after correction due to settlements Actual beam camber Remarks 71 1217 1217 1213 1213 1469 1469 3 4 1 1233 1233 1420 1431 1180 1177 1158 1155 2 1189 1188 1394 1416 1165 1159 1149 1142 3 1180 1177 1404 1437 1201 1192 1182 1172 4 1209 1205 1425 1469 1225 1213 1231 1217 5 1239 1233 Reference Points Survey Levels, ( mm ) 2 1 Beam No. ( 4 ) Level taken on 17/1/2005 44 -12 -14 ¨1&5 -6 11 -3 -3.5 ± -1.5 Adjustment 1447 1219 1224 Average Levels of Pt.1 & Pt.5 1236 1 3 0 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 -22 0 0 2 47 46 47 66 63 60 39 36 38 27 38 33 3 56 56 59 75 75 73 54 54 57 53 53 49 4 27 29 31 42 46 47 18 21 27 43 32 34 Beam Camber ( mm ) 5 -3 0 0 -7 0 0 -6 0 0 22 0 0 Differences due to settlements Camber after correction due to settlements Actual beam camber Remarks 72 1545 1545 1538 1538 1802 1802 3 4 1 1562 1562 1750 1762 1505 1501 1487 1483 2 1518 1516 1724 1748 1491 1484 1478 1470 3 1510 1507 1733 1768 1528 1517 1512 1499 4 1539 1534 1755 1802 1553 1538 1562 1545 5 1569 1562 Reference Points Survey Levels, ( mm ) 2 1 Beam No. ( 5 ) Level taken on 20/1/2005 47 -15 -17 ¨1&5 -7 11.75 -3.75 -4.25 ± -1.75 Adjustment 1779 1546 1554 Average Levels of Pt.1 & Pt.5 1566 1 4 0 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 -24 0 0 2 48 46 47 67 62 59 41 37 39 29 40 35 3 56 56 58 76 76 74 55 55 57 55 55 51 4 27 28 31 42 46 47 18 21 27 46 34 36 Beam Camber ( mm ) 5 -4 0 0 -9 0 0 -8 0 0 24 0 0 Differences due to settlements Camber after correction due to settlements Actual beam camber Remarks 73 1577 1577 1570 1570 1834 1834 3 4 1 1594 1594 1778 1790 1537 1534 1516 1513 2 1549 1547 1751 1775 1521 1514 1507 1500 3 1540 1537 1765 1801 1558 1548 1541 1531 4 1570 1565 1786 1834 1584 1570 1591 1577 5 1601 1594 Reference Points Survey Levels, ( mm ) 2 1 Beam No. ( 6 ) Level taken on 23/1/2005 48 -14 -14 ¨1&5 -7 12 -3.5 -3.5 ± -1.75 Adjustment 1810 1577 1584 Average Levels of Pt.1 & Pt.5 1598 1 4 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 -24 0 0 2 49 47 48 68 65 62 40 37 39 32 44 39 3 58 58 60 77 77 75 56 56 59 59 59 55 4 28 29 32 43 47 48 19 23 28 45 33 35 5 -4 0 0 -7 0 0 -7 0 0 24 0 0 Beam Camber ( mm ) Differences due to settlements Camber after correction due to settlements Actual beam camber Remarks 74 1610 1610 1603 1603 1869 1869 3 4 1 1630 1630 1813 1825 1569 1566 1550 1547 2 1582 1582 1785 1810 1553 1547 1540 1533 3 1573 1572 1799 1836 1590 1580 1574 1564 4 1602 1601 1820 1869 1616 1603 1624 1610 5 1632 1630 Reference Points Survey Levels, ( mm ) 2 1 Beam No. ( 7 ) Level taken on 26/1/2005 49 -13 -14 ¨1&5 -2 12.25 -3.25 -3.5 ± -0.5 Adjustment 1845 1610 1617 Average Levels of Pt.1 & Pt.5 1631 1 1 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 -25 0 0 2 49 49 50 67 64 61 41 37 40 32 44 39 3 58 58 61 77 77 75 57 57 59 60 60 56 4 29 30 32 43 47 48 20 23 29 46 33 35 Beam Camber ( mm ) 5 -1 0 0 -7 0 0 -7 0 0 25 0 0 Differences due to settlements Camber after correction due to settlements Actual beam camber Remarks 75 APPENDIX C 76 Beam Camber Profile After Prestressing Height of Camber, mm Beam Camber Profile Immediately After Prestressing 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 8950 17900 26850 35800 Beam Length, mm Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 3 Beam 4 Design Profile Height of Camber, mm Beam Camber Profile 3 Days After Prestressing 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 8950 17900 26850 35800 Beam Length, mm Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 3 Beam 4 Design Profile 77 Beam Camber Profile 6 Days After Prestressing Height of Camber, mm 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 8950 17900 26850 35800 Beam Length, mm 1 2 3 4 Design Profile Beam Camber Profile 9 Days After Prestressing Height of Camber, mm 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 8950 17900 26850 35800 Beam Length, mm 1 2 3 4 Design Profile 78 Height of Camber, mm Beam Camber Profile 12 Days After Prestressing 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 8950 17900 26850 35800 Beam Length, mm 1 2 3 4 Design Profile Height of Camber, mm Beam Camber Profile 15 Days After Prestressing 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 8950 17900 26850 35800 Beam Length, mm 1 2 3 4 Design Profile APPENDIX D 79 Formation of Beam Camber Against Time Camber Profile for Beam No. 1 Height of Camber, mm 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 8950 17900 26850 35800 Beam Length, mm Before prestressing After prestressing 3 days after prestressing 6 days after prestressing 9 days after prestressing 12 days after prestressing 15 days after prestressing Design Profile Camber Profile for Beam No. 2 Height of Camber, mm 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 8950 17900 26850 35800 Beam Length, mm Before prestressing After prestressing 3 days after prestressing 6 days after prestressing 9 days after prestressing 12 days after prestressing 15 days after prestressing Design Camber 80 Camber Profile for Beam No. 3 Height of Camber, mm 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 8950 17900 26850 35800 Beam Length, mm Before prestressing After prestressing 3 days after prestressing 6 days after prestressing 9 days after prestressing 12 days after prestressing 15 days after prestressing Design Camber Height of Camber, mm Camber Profile for Beam No. 4 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 8950 17900 26850 -10 35800 Beam Length, mm Before prestressing After prestressing 3 days after prestressing 6 days after prestressing 9 days after prestressing 12 days after prestressing 15 days after prestressing Design Camber