\DOC new_definition \TYPE {new_definition : string * term -> thm} \SYNOPSIS

\DOC new_definition
\TYPE {new_definition : string * term -> thm}
Declare a new constant and install a definitional axiom in the current
The function {new_definition} provides a facility for definitional
extensions to the current theory. It takes a pair argument consisting
of the name under which the resulting definition will be saved
in the current theory segment, and a term giving the desired definition.
value returned by {new_definition} is a theorem which states the
requested by the user.
Let {v_1},...,{v_n} be tuples of distinct variables, containing the
variables {x_1,...,x_m}. Evaluating
{new_definition (name, c v_1 ... v_n = t)}, where {c} is not
already a constant, declares the sequent {({},\v_1 ... v_n. t)} to
be a definition in the current theory, and declares {c} to be a new
constant in the current theory with this definition as its
specification. This constant specification is returned as a theorem
with the form
|- !x_1 ... x_m. c v_1 ... v_n = t
and is saved in the current theory under
{name}. Optionally, the definitional term argument
may have any of its variables universally quantified.
{new_definition} fails if {t} contains free variables that are not
in {x_1}, ..., {x_m} (this is equivalent to requiring
{\v_1 ... v_n. t} to be a closed term). Failure also occurs if
any variable occurs more than once in {v_1, ..., v_n}. Finally,
failure occurs if there is a type variable in {v_1}, ..., {v_n} or
{t} that does not occur in the type of {c}.
A NAND relation can be defined as follows.
- new_definition (
Term`NAND2 (in_1,in_2) out = !t:num. out t = ~(in_1 t /\ in_2
> val it =
|- !in_1 in_2 out.
NAND2 (in_1,in_2) out = !t. out t = ~(in_1 t /\ in_2 t)
: thm
Definition.new_specification, boolSyntax.new_binder_definition,
boolSyntax.new_infixl_definition, boolSyntax.new_infixr_definition,
Prim_rec.new_recursive_definition, TotalDefn.Define.