DREAM – Disability Rights Expanding Accessible Markets


DREAM – Disability Rights Expanding Accessible Markets
One Early Stage Research positions at Fundosa Technosite, S.A.
Full Time from 1 September 2011 for three years
Marie Curie Initial Training Network:
Fundosa Technosite, S.A. is seeking to recruit one Early Stage Researcher (ESR) as of
1 September 2011 who will research how the rights contained in the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities can be transformed into practical
The researcher will be recruited within the framework of the Marie Curie Initial Training
Network, DREAM.
Description of DREAM
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD,
2006) imposes legal obligations on States Parties to promote and achieve accessibility
across the board for people with disabilities. This includes areas as diverse as access to
Information and Communications Technologies and consumer goods and services more
generally, access to employment, having legal capacity to act and take decisions, and
access to independent living. Accessibility can be achieved through a variety of means,
ranging from ensuring goods and services meet Design for All requirements, reasonable
accommodation, non-discrimination, and inclusive social and economic policies and
legislation. All Member States of the EU and the EEA have signed the Convention, as
has the European Union, and all have ratified or concluded the Convention, or are
committed to doing so.
The Marie Curie Initial Training Network DREAM (Disability Rights Expanding
Accessible Markets) consists of the National University of Ireland, Galway, Technosite
(Spain), Maastricht University (Netherlands), University of Leeds (UK), NOVA
Norwegian Social Research, the University of Iceland and Swiss Paraplegic Research /
University of Lucerne. In addition, the Network consists of eight associated partners,
including leading civil society groups. Each researcher will do an internship with at least
one associated partner. The associated partners include the European Disability Forum,
Interights, Mental Disability Advocacy Centre, European Network for Independent
Living, the European Group of National Human Rights Institutions, the World Health
Organisation and Digital Europe.
More information on
The DREAM Network offers a unique, integrative research environment where leading
academics will integrate accepted applicants into their research teams. The Network will
provide a structured training programme. Academic partners within the Network will
support the researchers to work successfully towards a Ph.D. defence / degree at the host
institution, which should occur at the end of the appointment.
ESR on Socio-Economic Impact of eAccessibility – based at Technosite (Madrid)
One ESR will be recruited to work on the business case of eAccessibility. The ESR will
receive in-house complementary skills training in cost-benefit analysis, technical aspects
of the implementation of eAccessibility standards and guidelines, covering the concept of
web accessibility and its relevance, how people with disabilities access the web, assistive
technologies, barriers caused by lack of compliance with the accessibility criteria, web
accessibility standards and recommendations; golden rules that solve major accessibility
barriers; and assessment of compliance with accessibility criteria.
The successful applicant will investigate how the business case of eAccessibility is
currently being accepted and fostered (or not) by major corporate enterprises and
governments. Specifically, the applicant will survey existing good practice models in
terms of companies maximizing the commercial opportunities of eAccessibility and will
consider cost-benefit analysis of eAccessibility, savings or expenditures of a sample of
firms investing (or not) in eAccessible goods and services.
The successful candidate is expected to work towards the completion of a Ph.D. that will
examine and review the literature on the extent to which comparative US laws and third
leading countries have opened up market opportunities for ICT companies and the ways
to benchmark leading situations in Europe.
The successful candidate will carry out a six month internship at the Digital Europe
headquarter in Brussels, and will produce an internal research report relating to the
subject of the research for Digital Europe. The successful applicant will participate in a
PhD programme in a University based in Madrid. Individual supervision of the candidate
will be provided by Dr. José Angel Martínez Usero.
The successful applicant will have a graduate degree in IT, Economics or Finance with a
specialisation in Econometrics or similar field, and a strong background in international
affairs. The successful applicant must have excellent writing and communication skills in
English. Knowledge of Spanish or other European language is not required.
Fundosa Technosite, S.A.
Fundosa Technosite, S. A., which operates under the brand name Technosite, is a
technology and consultancy company belonging to the business corporation of ONCE
Foundation, which in turn belongs to ONCE, the National Organisation of the Spanish
Blind. Technosite is a company working in the field of the social economy. Over 70% of
Technosite’s staff comprises people with disabilities and it is precisely this which gives
us our competitive edge, since all our technological development and consultancy
activities are carried out with accessibility and Design for All criteria. Our
multidisciplinary team is highly qualified, with university graduates making up over 80%
of the staff. Technosite employs over 120 professionals, located at its offices in Madrid,
Barcelona, Seville and Brussels.
Since 2001, Technosite has provided consultancy, training, assessment and certification
in accessibility issues, a business area, which together with R&D, is the company’s main
source of income. Another business area that Technosite has developed is that of social
studies into the needs and preferences regarding the use of technologies among different
groups of users with special needs. Our clients include a wide range of leading companies
operating in Spain in sectors such as finance, including banks, telecoms, energy,
construction, health, transport and tourism, civil society associations, as well as public
administrations at local, regional and national levels.
Technosite also carries out an important activity of scientific, technical and social
research in the field of disability, especially focused on the development of accessible
technologies, the interoperability of different technologies with devices used by people
with disabilities, and the study of their needs and requirements as regards the applications
and services of the Information Society, the assessment of the social impact of
technology and the analysis of the users’ experience.
Technosite is a member of the W3C-WAI (Education and Outreach Working Group,
EOWG; WAI Interest Group), European Design for All eAccessibility Network, EDeAN,
eGovernment Monitor Network (eGovMoNet), Accessibility Interoperability Alliance,
AIA, and European eAccesibility Certification, EuraCERT. Technosite is foundation
member of the Euroaccessibility Consortium. Technosite also represents ONCE
Foundation and ONCE in many of the international networks these institutions participate
in or lead.
Salary and Benefits for the Position
Researchers will be appointed on a full-time (39 hours per week) temporary contract for a
period three years, including a six-month internship at an organisation which is an
associated partner in the DREAM Network.
As Marie Curie Fellows, suitably qualified and experienced researchers will receive
generous benefits, including the following gross amounts: a fixed salary/living allowance
of approximately €28,130 per year, plus mobility (from €383 to €613 per month), travel
(€1,000 per year) and career exploration allowances (€2,000 lump sum before starting the
appointment), according to the Marie Curie Framework 7 requirements for Early Stage
Researchers1. Individual allowances may vary according to personal factors (such as
family status and place of origin) and are calculated in Euros.
Applications should include:
Clear indication of the position applicant is applying for.
Motivation letter.
Curriculum Vitae using Europass format.
Certified transcripts of results of Degree/s.
Two recent reference letters sent directly by the referees via e-mail to
dream@nuigalway.ie with the subject “DREAM-name of candidate”.
o Knowledge of Spanish will be valuable and only certified evidences will be taken
into account.
o All non-native English speakers must pass the academic IELTS (minimum score:
7.5) or TOEFL internet-based (minimum score: 113) tests or a similar national
o All applicants must submit a first draft of a research proposal for the Ph.D. as
outlined in this job announcement. The proposal should be at least 10 pages long
and clearly address the core research question/s, reveal an understanding of the
current state of the art, propose a clear methodology and include a convincing
timeline. A full draft of the Ph.D., which has been approved by the researcher’s
supervisors, should be submitted by the end of the 3 year contract.
The successful applicants are expected to refine the research proposal, in consultation
with their future academic supervisors, prior to taking up their positions.
DREAM Network partners welcome and encourage applications from qualified
individuals with a disability and women.
Applications should be sent to: dream@nuigalway.ie
Application deadline: 31 May 2011.
Interviews will be scheduled for end April, and successful applicants are expected to
commence employment on or around 1 September 2011.
Additional Nationality and Mobility Requirements
Marie Curie Early Stage Researchers are required to undertake trans-national mobility
(i.e. move from one country to another) when taking up an appointment. At the time of
selection, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (e.g. work,
study etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the last 3 years.
Additional Information:
More information regarding this vacancy can be obtained from Dr. José Angel Martinez
Usero via email jamartinez@technosite.es