International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 1, January-2014 ISSN 2278-7763 74 Wireless Sensor Network based Forewarning Models for Pests and Diseases in Agriculture – A Case Study on Groundnut Santosh Sam Koshy1, Yesho Nagaraju1, Sowjanya Palli1, Y. G. Prasad2, Naveen Pola2 1 Team Embedded, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Hyderabad, India; 2Department of Entomology, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India. Email:,,,, ABSTRACT In Agriculture, microclimate plays an important role in the growth and outbreak of pests and diseases. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) enables the acquisition of both microclimate and macroclimate weather data from agricultural farms thereby facilitating new insights into the crop-weather dynamics in and around the crop canopy. In this paper, we present the results of an open farm deployment of WSN for the groundnut crop, with emphasis on weather based Pest and Disease Management. Having implemented two decision support advisory models for a groundnut disease, and one model for a groundnut pest, we highlight the importance of the microclimate over the macroclimate. We also discuss the cost benefit of the WSN based Advisory over the farmer's practice and other standard practices. Keywords : Ubiquitous Computing, Wireless Sensor Networks, Micro Climate, Leaf Spot, Leaf Miner, Groundnut, Randomized Block Designs 1 INTRODUCTION IJOART Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), the third wave of computing, follows the eras of mainframe and personal computing [13]. Ubicomp is considered as the age of Calm Technology [14] where technology recedes into the background while rendering its supportive services in an unobtrusive way. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is one step in this direction, enabling Ubiquitous Computing to proliferate our daily spaces [1]. Conceptually speaking, WSN combines various technologies like Sensing, Processing and Wireless Communication into a system architecture that facilitates the interfacing of the physical world with Cyberspace [9]. Agricultural practices need to address problems like climate change, land infertility, diminishing yields, and rampant pest outbreaks [17]. The knowledge of weather helps in addressing a few of these problem areas satisfactorily. Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) measuring parameters like Temperature, Relative Humidity, Rainfall, Solar Radiation and Wind Speed & Direction, provide macroclimate information [4]. Agricultural research also emphasizes the need for understanding microclimate within the crop canopy by measuring parameters like Leaf Wetness, Soil Moisture & Temperature and Canopy Temperature & Humidity [21]. Groundnut in India, is cultivated in low to moderate rainfall zones [6]. The crop age typically varies between 90-130 days. It is grown in two seasons Kharif and Rabi during a calendar year. The Kharif season (June-September) is characterized by rain fed agriculture and during the Rabi season (November- February), fields are irrigated. Investigations reveal Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. that Leaf Miner is considered to be one of the major pests, of the groundnut crop. Temperature plays an important role in the pest’s growth, as the pest requires the accumulation of fixed amounts of heat units, to pass from one stage to the next of its life cycle [12]. The conditions favorable for leaf miner growth are, long dry spells resulting in high Temperature and low humidity [6]. Groundnut is also prone to attack by numerous diseases. Among fungal foliar diseases, only a few are economically important in India such as Leaf Spot (early and late) and Rust. These are widely distributed and can cause yield losses in susceptible genotypes to the extent of 70% [19]. Weather conditions congenial for occurrence of early and late Leaf Spot are rainfall, moisture causing leaf wetness and temperature [6]. WSN facilitates the aggregation of microclimate information from agricultural fields by installing sensors within the crop canopy at various locations in the field. This microclimate information supports the analysis of various factors that influence crop and pest growth thereby aiding the development of decision support advisory models. The decision support advisories help farmers to make better decisions in crop management. WSN’s sphere of influence in agriculture, encompass areas like irrigation, pest & disease management, drought analysis & early warning, precision farming etc. The paper is divided into six sections. Section 1 briefly reviews some agricultural experiments using WSN. Section 3 describes the Ubiquitous Agriculture System Architecture and IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 1, January-2014 ISSN 2278-7763 the Decision Support Advisory Models developed as part of the research. The Observations and Results are analyzed in Section 4, while the Conclusions are summarized in Section 5, followed by the Future Work, listed in Section 6 75 one-shot sensor information. In normal mode of operation, the parameters are sensed once in every hour according to the domain requirements, but can also be configured to sense at intervals as low as 10 seconds. 2 RELATED WORK An experiment in field crop production, Lofar Agro, deals with fighting phytophthora in a potato field. To monitor Relative Humidity, Temperature and Leaf Wetness, which are important indicators to the development of the disease, the potato field was instrumented with wireless sensors [16]. In another experiment Automated Agriculture System (A2S), a WSN was deployed in greenhouses with melon and cabbage in Dongbu Handong Seed Research Center. A2S was used to monitor the growing process, and control the illumination within the greenhouses [1]. A prototype, consisting of a wireless network of ground-sensors periodically records soil moisture, temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure in the field environment. Data sensed was used for forecasting, forewarning and ultimately to increase productivity [7]. Similarly, a WSN was deployed to monitor weather and environmental conditions that affect the phenological stages of various grapevine varieties in different countries [11]. Intel researched WSN in vineyards and worked out methods of better management based on the ethnographic research [2]. 3 IJOART SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE As part of the National Initiative in Ubiquitous Computing, a pilot, WSN based, Ubiquitous Agriculture (u-Agri) system is developed and deployed in groundnut research farms at Hyderabad, India. The project is a collaborative research effort between the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) and the Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA). The aim of the project is to investigate the effect of microclimate on pests and diseases in groundnut and provide forewarning advisories. 3.1 Fig. 1: u-Agri System Architecture Description The system architecture (Fig. 1) comprises three components namely Farm Site (FS), Gateway Subsystem (GS) and Remote Administration System (RAS). The FS consists of WSN motes deployed in the groundnut field. The GS aggregates sensed weather data from the FS and stores it on the RAS. The RAS utilizes WSN weather data for data analysis and decision support advisory models. The detailed description of the system architecture is as follows. 3.1.1 Farm Site (FS) The WSN motes in the FS include IRIS motes, purchased from Memsic Inc. [22] as well as motes developed in-house, based on CC2430 SoC and MSP430. The motes are programmed to run a TinyOS-2.x [23] application for sensing and multihop routing of sensed data to the GS. The motes also provide a feature of control information dissemination, that enables an end-user to configure parameters like sensing intervals, query the mote for its health specific information and, also request Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. WSN data packets are created whenever a sensor is sampled, based on its configured periodicity. These packets are multi-hopped to the GS using the Collection Tree Protocol (CTP), developed in TinyOS. A number of other routing protocols like TinyAODV, Multihop LEPS and Static Routing were also integrated and tested during the field trials, but CTP was chosen for its satisfactory performance. In order to achieve ultra-low power network operation, which is a well-known challenge in outdoor deployments, it is mandatory that the mote radio be duty-cycled in a coordinated manner. Time-synchronization algorithms are therefore required, to perform coordinated network sleeping. The constrained resources on a mote due to its low processing power and memory, curtail this process. Further, integration of these algorithms with existing routing algorithms proves challenging. A Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) based approach for network coordination has been developed inhouse, which provides both multi-hop routing and control information dissemination. Simulation results have proven that ultra-low power consumption is achieved through 1 percent radio duty cycling. This algorithm is currently being integrated into the u-Agri system for field trials. Two classes of motes are deployed, which enable microclimate and macroclimate monitoring. The microclimate sensing motes are deployed in the crop canopy area and are interfaced with sensors like Temperature, Relative Humidity, Leaf Wetness and Soil Moisture & Temperature. Temperature and Relative Humidity is measured at a domain specified standard height of 1.5 meters and Leaf Wetness, Soil Moisture & Temperature is measured at crop canopy. These motes are separated by a distance of 100 meters and form a IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 1, January-2014 ISSN 2278-7763 multi-hop network to route sensed information to the GS. A single mote is deployed to sense the macroclimate and is interfaced with coarsely varying sensors like Solar Radiation, Rainfall and Wind Speed & Direction. 76 deployed in an area of 4 acres, while in Ananthapur, which is considered as the groundnut belt of India, 25 micro climate motes, developed in-house, are deployed in an area of 10 hectares. The Kadiri deployment has 10 motes, covering 20 acres of land. Presently, the motes are encased in wooden boxes with air vents popularly known as Stevenson's screens, with the Temperature & Relative Humidity sensors located within. The mote unit is powered by a battery that is charged by a solar panel, making the setup totally standalone. IJOART Fig. 2: Deployment at Hyderabad, AP Fig. 4: Deployment at Kadiri, AP Fig. 5: Randomized Block Designs Fig. 3: Deployment at Ananthapur, AP The WSN deployment is carried out in open farm conditions, in 3 different locations namely Hyderabad (Fig. 2), Ananthapur (Fig. 3) and Kadiri (Fig. 4). In the Hyderabad deployment, 6 micro climate motes and 1 macro climate mote are Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. The field is divided into blocks (Fig. 5), and each block is administered pest and disease treatments based on six strategies (T1 – T6). This representation, referred to as Randomized Block Design (RBD) [18], aids scientific treatment analysis of the crop, leading to cost benefit analysis. IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 1, January-2014 ISSN 2278-7763 3.1.2 Gateway Subsystem (GS) The GS is a bridge between FS and RAS. The GS comprises a WSN Gateway and a RAS Interface Unit. The WSN Gateway runs TinyOS-2.x with routing and the dissemination components. The RAS Interface Unit is a single board computer, which runs the Linux OS. It is programmed to convert raw sensor data to standard engineering units and store on a local database. This weather data is periodically uploaded to the RAS through an Internet modem. The GS is currently enclosed in a wooden box similar to the FS motes in order to protect it from sun and rain and is powered by mains, backed up by an Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) system. At present, a micro-controller based solar powered low power gateway is being designed and developed in-house to operate in a standalone mode, without mains power. The design challenge restricts the average power consumption to 1 Watt, considering continuous operation due to networking requirements. The gateway is based on the ARM Cortex M-3 processor, running the CooCox Operating system and interfaces with a WSN mote and GSM modem. 3.1.3 Remote Administration System 77 groundnut Leaf Spot and one model for groundnut Leaf Miner are implemented under the supervision and guidance of domain experts from CRIDA. The Leaf Wetness Index (LWI) model [3] and Temperature-Relative Humidity Index (T/RH) model [8] forewarn Leaf Spot disease development. The development life cycle of groundnut leaf miner is modeled using Growing Degree Days (GDD) [12]. The following factors are considered in the model development. (a) The crop age is 130 days from sowing to harvest. (b) Disease incidence is low in the initial 50 days. (c) A window of 14 days is maintained between fungicide sprays. 3.2.1 Leaf Wetness Index Advisory Infection of groundnut by pathogens, causing early and late Leaf Spot diseases, is strongly influenced by accumulated Leaf Wetness spells each day. The infection is severe and spray is advised when the cumulative 7-day Wetness Index (WI) exceeds a threshold of 2.3 and the disease incidence exceeds 10%. Leaf Wetness Index (LWI) for a day is computed from Leaf Wetness hours. If Wetness Hours (WH) in a day is 20 or less, then WI is set to WI = WH/20 (1) and when greater than 20, the WI is derived from the expression WI = 4.5 – 0.175*WH (2) IJOART Fig. 6: Remote Administration System The RAS hosts a web server and a database. Weather data from FS is stored on the database and is provided as input to data analysis and decision support advisory models. Registered users receive weather based decision support advisories for Pest and Disease Forewarning as Short Message Service (SMS) messages. Fig. 6 illustrates the modules developed on the RAS as part of the u-Agri system. 3.2 Decision Support Advisory Models Two weather based decision support advisory models for Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. 3.2.2 T/RH Index Advisory The model renders a day-to-day forewarning for groundnut Leaf Spot assuming the availability of hourly observations of Temperature and Relative Humidity (RH) for previous five days. Number of hours with RH > 95% and the minimum Temperature during those hours are used for calculating T/RH index. Hours of RH > 95% are limited between 2 and 20, while the Minimum Temperature is limited between 62F and 80F. T/RH index is derived from the graph plotted between number of Hours with RH > 95% and minimum Temperature [5]. The model is implemented with an approximation suggested by similar experiments conducted by researchers at Oklahoma State University [15]. The RH threshold is therefore reduced to 80% (measured at 1.5 meters) rather than 95% (at canopy) as suggested in the original citation. The T/RH model therefore contributes to the macroclimate analysis of the Leaf Spot disease. 3.2.3 Growing Degree Day Model A Degree Day (DD) corresponds to the difference of one degree between mean temperatures each day, and a reference Temperature. The reference Temperature is a threshold Temperature that governs the development of the pest. This value varies with different stages of the pest life cycle. Each stage requires the accumulation of a fixed number of DDs for transition to the next stage of development. The date to begin accumulating DDs, known as the bio-fix, varies with the species. A leaf miner completes its life cycle in 660 DDs (Table 1), above IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 1, January-2014 ISSN 2278-7763 threshold temperature. Calculated DDs serve as the base to predict whether the pest is in egg or larval stage and thus assists in timing pesticide sprays. Table 1. Threshold Temperatures and Degree Days for Each Stage in The Leaf Miner's Life Cycle Stage Temperature Threshold (°C) Degree Days Egg 12.4 60 Larva 11.3 327 Pupae 14.7 72 Adult 3 202 4.2 WSN Advisory Observations 4.2.1 Leaf Spot during Kharif & Rabi 2009 Leaf Wetness and T/RH indices were calculated each day for the weather data stored in the RAS database. Advisories were issued after 50 days of crop sowing. A favorable advisory and an acceptable grade of disease incidence (as mentioned in Table 3) were considered for spraying fungicide. IJOART 4 OBSERVATIONS & RESULTS 4.1 Field Observations 4.1.1 Kharif and Rabi 2008 During Kharif and Rabi 2008, prior to the deployment of the u-Agri System, the crop was maintained untreated throughout the season to record the natural pest and disease incidence pattern. The dates at which the damage (caused by Leaf Miner) reached a peak stage are represented in the Table 2. The table depicts that the second generation of the Leaf Miner pest occurs during a critical stage in the crop life cycle. The peak population of the pest during this period is critical to the yield. Table 2. Leaf Miner Activity Records For Kharif And Rabi 2008 Seasons Groundnut Leaf Miner Season Sown Date Pheromone Trap Catch Field Population Initia tion Date Peak Date Initiati on Date Peak Date Kharif 28/06 31/7 (21) 27/8 (101) 15/7 (42) 8/9 (272) Rabi 31/10 12/12 (21) 27/1 (161) 11/12 (12) 6/2 (172) 2 Leaf Spot disease initiation was triggered by Temperatures < 25 C during the day and around 20 C at night, coupled with RH > 90% during the early morning observation and around 70% during the noon observations. The disease progress rate (slope) was highest during prolonged wet spells. In the same year during the Rabi season significant disease incidence was not observed. 4.1.2 Kharif & Rabi, 2009 Due to unprecedented drought conditions that prevailed during the 2009 Kharif season, sowing was delayed to early July. Weekly assessment of the Leaf Spot disease was done, on 3 randomly selected plants from the entire plot, a week following the appearance of the disease. All the groundnut plants surrounding the Leaf Wetness sensor were inspected for disease incidence. The disease infection was graded on a scale of 1-5 as mentioned in the Table 3. The first adult catch in Pheromone traps [20] sets the biofix date for the model. The GDD is thereafter calculated indicating the arrival of the next larval stage based on the current Temperature values and normalized historical data. The historical data compliments the real time data for calculation of GDD and aids prediction of the growth pattern for the pest thereby leading to accurate control action. 1 78 Number of Adult Moths / trap Number of Larvae/ 10 Plants During the Kharif season, observations indicated that Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. Table 3. Criteria For Calculating The Leaf Spot Infection Grade Leaf Spot Infection Rating/Grade Number of Lesions observed on randomly chosen plants Area Covered with infection (%) 1 <5 <1 2 05 – 20 1–5 3 20 – 50 5 – 20 4 50 - 100 20 – 50 5 >100 > 50 As depicted in Table 4, field observations were done at different crop ages. During the Kharif season, it was observed that Leaf Wetness Index (LWI) & Temperature-Relative Humidity Index (T/RH) values exceeded the threshold at 58, 61 and 86 days of crop age which coincided with initial disease appearance and scouted disease incidence grade (as shown in Fig. 7). However, fungicide spray was not recommended since the disease incidence had not crossed the acceptable threshold. The unprecedented drought conditions could be linked to the slow onset of the disease. A precautionary spray was done at the crop age of 86 days following the WSN Advisory. A dormant window of 14 days was maintained following fungicide spray and therefore, the models did not issue advisories during this period (represented as ‘NA’ in Table 4). IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 1, January-2014 ISSN 2278-7763 79 ity build up occurs at the crop canopy, there is not much change at the standard height (i.e. 1.5 meters, where T/RH is sensed). The experiment during the Rabi 2009 season indicates that the microclimate introduces greater dynamism in our understanding of pest and disease life cycle and is therefore an important consideration for pest and disease forewarning. Fig. 7: Disease Incidence Grade vs Leaf Wetness Index As depicted in Table 4, field observations were done at different crop ages. During the Kharif season, it was observed that Leaf Wetness Index (LWI) & Temperature-Relative Humidity Index (T/RH) values exceeded the threshold at 58, 61 and 86 days of crop age which coincided with initial disease appearance and scouted disease incidence grade(as shown in Fig. 7). However, fungicide spray was not recommended since the disease incidence had not crossed the acceptable threshold. The unprecedented drought conditions could be linked to the slow onset of the disease. A precautionary spray was done at the crop age of 86 days following the WSN Advisory. A dormant window of 14 days was maintained following fungicide spray and therefore, the models did not issue advisories during this period (represented as ‘NA’ in Table 4). 4.2.2 Leaf Miner during Kharif & Rabi 2009 DDs are calculated using the WSN weather data following the first adult catch in the pheromone traps erected in the field. The model provided information about the current stage in the life cycle of the pest. It also aided the prediction of IInd Generation of the pest, which is considered critical for the crop. The prediction of growth pattern was achieved by integrating the real time WSN data with normalized historical data from the agro-meteorological observatory. Table 5 lists the pest growth pattern based on the accumulated DDs. 4.3 Cost Benefit Analysis Cost benefit analysis was conducted for individual Randomized Block Designs (RBD) based on the number of fungicide treatments applied and yield obtained in that RBD for the Rabi Season 2009. IJOART While the LWI model was deployed to sense the microclimate, the T/RH model with an approximation suggested by agricultural scientists [15] was deployed to sense the macroclimate. Comparing the advisories issued by both models, we may conclude that there is close similarity in the timing of the advisories. We also observe that the LWI model issued three additional favorable advisories while the T/RH model remained unfavorable. This dissimilarity may be attributed to the effect of the microclimate over the macroclimate. The Rabi crop was sown early November 2009. The crop was raised under irrigated conditions (using sprinklers) and the build up of disease was high during the season. The disease progress had higher slope value in un-sprayed plots. While the T/RH index values exceeded threshold only once during the entire season, the LWI index values were higher than the threshold (i.e. 2.3) for much of the season (Table 4). Fungicides were applied based on the LWI advisory and the Leaf Spot grade. Between the two models, there was minimal similarity during the Rabi season. This clearly brings out the variance between the microclimate and the macroclimate. This variance may be attributed to the fact that sprinklers irrigate the Rabi season. Due to the nature of the sprinklers, though the humidCopyright © 2014 SciResPub. Results of the analysis have shown that the cost benefit ratio was higher in RBDs, which followed the WSN advisorybased treatments. From the Table 6, it is evident that RBDs with Complete Protection scheduled eight fungicide sprays, while WSN RBDs scheduled only four, without affecting the yield significantly. In comparison to the Farmer’s Practice, the WSN RBD scheduled an additional spray but provided significantly higher yield. 5 CONCLUSIONS From the discussions we may conclude that the microclimate plays an important role in the growth and outbreak of pests and diseases. Having implemented and compared the results of one macro-climate advisory (T/RH Model) and one microclimate advisory (LWI Model) for Leaf Spot disease, we may conclude that during the Kharif season (rain fed), both models performed similarly and could be used interchangeably. But the experiment conducted during the Rabi Season (sprinkler irrigation) clearly reveals that the macroclimate model fails to predict the disease outbreak since the humidity remains unaffected by the sprinkler irrigation while the microclimate Table 6. Cost Benefit Analysis of WSN Advisory Rabi 2009 Number of Treatments2 FP1 CP1 WA1 NP1 3 8 4 0 IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 1, January-2014 ISSN 2278-7763 Yield (Kg/Ha/RBD) Cost Benefit Ratio3 1400 1750 1650 1318 1.1 2.18 3.35 - REFERENCES [1] Brunette, W., Lester, J., Rea, A., Borriello, G., 2005. Some Sensor Network Elements for Ubiquitous Computing. Fourth Int. Symp. Inf. Process. Sens. Netw., 388 – 392. [2] Burrell, J., Brooke, T., Beckwith, R., 2004. Vineyard 1 FP – Farmer's Practice; CP – Complete Protection; WA – WSN Advisory; NP – No Protection 2 80 Cost per spray per ha = 620/- 3 Calculated with reference to NP treatment. Ratio of additional yield (@ 25/- per Kg) and Fungicide Cost Successfully forewarns the disease outbreak. Moreover, the cost benefit analysis reveals that reduction in the pesticide and fungicide usage is possible without affecting the yield in a significant way. Though the WSN costs have not been included into the cost benefit analysis, efforts are being made to minimize the number of sensors and increase the area of coverage to make the system economically viable. WSN provides numerous opportunities of research in microclimate analysis, which is absent in the current agricultural scenario. Greater proliferation of WSN based systems will enable optimal strategies to be developed for better crop management. With Diminishing Yields and Pest & Disease menaces being a worldwide concern, WSN provides a possible solution to smarter agriculture. Computing: Sensor Networks in Agricultural Production. Pervasive Comput., IEEE, 3, 38-45. 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WSN Advisories Issued For Leaf Spot During Kharif & Rabi 2009 Kharif 2009 IJOART Crop Age Leaf Spot Grade LWI Advisory 51 55 58 61 63 68 71 74 77 86 89 92 95 99 102 0.1 0 0 0.4 0.8 0.5 0.95 0.75 0.6 1.35 1.35 1.6 3.25 3.1 3 1 Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes NA NA NA NA Yes No No Yes Yes No No No No No Yes NA NA NA NA No Similarity between Models No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - - - - No Spray Fungicide based on WSN Advisory and Disease Grade No - No No No - - - - Yes - - - - No T/RH Advisory Rabi 2009 Crop Age 52 58 62 66 72 77 81 83 87 93 100 107 114 118 124 Leaf Spot Grade 0 0 0 3.3 3.3 2.7 3 2.3 5 4.7 5 4.3 5 5 4.7 LWI Advisory Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NA NA NA Yes ND2 ND No Yes NA NA T/RH Advisory No No No No Yes NA NA NA No ND ND No No No No Similarity between Models No No No No Yes - - - No - - Yes No No No Spray Fungicide based on WSN Advisory and Disease Grade No No No No Yes - - - Yes - - - Yes - - 1 Not Applicable 2 No Data Table 5. GDD Calculations Using The WSN Based Leaf Miner Advisory Model Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. IJOART International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 1, January-2014 ISSN 2278-7763 82 Kharif 2009 Generation I (July 2) II (Aug 7) Standard Week1 Accumulated GDD Egg Stage2 Larval Stage2 Pupal Stage2 27 59.59 1 22 27 28 190.56 - 13 18 29 316.25 - 5 10 30 446.24 - - 1 31 574.25 - - - 32 41.99 2 25 30 33 165.24 - 16 21 34 281.20 - 8 13 35 388.33 - 1 6 36 468.1 - - - IJOART Rabi 2009 I (Nov 7) II (Jan 2) 45 13.45 4 36 44 46 117.36 - 27 35 48 309.92 - 8 16 50 469.65 - - - 1 43.39 2 34 41 2 119.95 - 26 33 3 209.35 - 17 24 4 280.93 - 11 17 5 355.08 - 4 10 6 470.3 - - 1 1 Standard 2 Refers Week refers to one week in a calendar year, beginning as 1 in Jan and ending as 52 in Dec to the number of days remaining for completion of the stage Copyright © 2014 SciResPub. IJOART