PEST Groundwater and Surface Water Utilities What’s on this folder? This folder contains the following utilities suites:• PEST MODFLOW/MT3D Utilities • Groundwater Data Utilities • PEST Surface Water Utilities • Qdigit Documentation for all of these are saved in the \document\utilities folder and can be accessed from the main ducument (contents.pdf) of this CD. PEST MODFLOW/MT3D Utilities These utilities have been largely superseded by the Groundwater Data Utilities. However they have been included on the CD as some users may still find some of the programs useful. To install the PEST MODFLOW/MT3D Utilities, copy UNWRAP.EXE to a suitable directory on your hard drive and type:unwrap -d (The "-d" switch preserves the subdirectory structure.) All of these utilities are DOS extended memory utilities. A single memory extender is used for all of them; it is named exhld_2.exe. The directory containing this extender must be cited in the PATH environment variable. Note that there are two versions of program MODBORE provided with these utilities (see the documentation for a description of this program). Program MODBORE.EXE will read unformatted files generated by versions of MODFLOW and MT3D compiled with a Lahey Compiler. Program MODBORE1.EXE will read unformatted output files generated by versions of MODFLOW and MT3D compiled by most other compilers. Groundwater Data Utilities Three versions of these utilities have been provided. One set of utilities are comprised of DOS extended memory executables, while both of the other sets are winconsole executables. To install them go to the respective subdirectory and copy two files named gwutils1(xx).exe and gwutils2(xx).exe (where the “xx” is a code that distinguishes one set from another) to a suitable directory on your hard disk. Then run each of these programs to extract all of the utilities. Source code for the utilities can be found in the self-extracting archive file source(gw).exe. 1 If using the extended memory version of these executables then you should be aware that a single memory extender is used for all of them; it is named exhold.exe. The directory containing this extender must be cited in the PATH environment variable so that each of the utilities can find it. A problem can sometimes arise when using the DOS extended memory version of the Groundwater Data Utilities within a DOS box of Microsoft WINDOWS 95 or WINDOWS 98. Under some circumstances an operating system message will appear saying something like: “Program will not run well unless it is run in MS-DOS mode. Would you like to create a shortcut to this program that will run it in MS-DOS mode?” This message has no significance. It can be prevented from appearing by changing the properties of the DOS box. Click the right mouse button on the bar at the top of the window and select “properties”. Then click on the “advanced” button. Untick the “Suggest MS-DOS mode as necessary” box and click “OK”. Alternatively you can ensure that all DOS boxes have the same property by clicking with the right mouse button on an MS-DOS shortcut icon and editing its properties. Select the “Program” tab and proceed as above. This problem will not arise when using the winconsole version of the Utilities. It is an fortunate fact when working with FORTRAN programs (the language in which many models are written) that unformatted files written by a FORTRAN program compiled with one compiler may not be readable by a program compiled with another compiler. The Groundwater Data Utilities will read unformatted files generated by versions of MODFLOW/MT3D compiled with Lahey, Digital and Watcom compilers. However they will not read unformatted files produced by versions of MODFLOW/MT3D compiled by the Lahey LF95 compiler. To overcome this problem a special version of the utilities compiled with the LF95 compiler is included. These are winconsole executables. PEST Surface Water Utilities Copy file swutils.exe (a self-extracting archive) to a suitable directory on your hard disk and run the program to extract the files. All executables are winconsole executables. Source code is provided in source(sw).exe. Note that some of these utilities have the same name as members of the Groundwater Data Utilities. Where this occurs, the utilities are virtually identical, the main difference being that the name “site sample file” replaces “bore sample file”. QDIGIT File qdg206.exe contains a shareware digitising program named QDIGIT. 2 Problems with PEST and WINDOWS NT These can nearly always be overcome by using WinPEST or a winconsole version of PEST or its slaves in conjunction with a winconsole version of executables comprising the model. So if you are using some of the Groundwater Data Utilities as part of a composite model which is being calibrated by PEST and you find that you are having trouble with the DOS extended memory version of these utilities, use the winconsole version of these utilities instead. Long Filenames In accordance with DOS specifications, those utilities which are DOS extended memory programs can only work with filenames for which the filename root does not exceed 8 characters in length. Winconsole executables, on the other hand, can work with filenames of any length. However, as presently programmed, some of theses utilities may experience difficulties in working with filenames that contain spaces. 3 ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF PEST SURFACE WATER UTILITIES adjobs Adjusts observation weights for different observation groups in a PEST control file according to user-defined formulae. iqqm2smp Converts IQQM output data into site sample file format. pestprp1 Automates construction of PEST instruction and control files for calibration of models which generate output in site sample file format. plt2smp Build a site sample file on the basis of a HSPF-generated plot file. Used as part of a composite model run by PEST. smp2hyd Rewrites the contents of a site sample file for a user-specified list of sites in a form suitable for plotting against time. smp2smp Interpolates data contained within one site sample file to the dates and times represented in another site sample file. smp2vol Calculates volumes between arbitrary dates and times for flow samples listed in a site sample file. smpcal Calibrates one time-series dataset on the basis of another. smpchek Checks the integrity of a site sample file. 4 ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF GROUNDWATER DATA UTILITIES bud2hyd Extracts flow data from a MODFLOW96 unformatted cell-by-cell flow term file. Rewrites this data in a form suitable for plotting against time. bud2smp Extracts flow data from a MODLFOW96 unformatted cell-by-cell flow term file. Rewrites this data in bore sample file format. grid2arc Writes ARCINFO “generate” files of the “active” part of the finite-difference grid as defined by a user-supplied integer array. grid2bln Writes a SURFER “blanking” file of the “active” part of the finite-difference grid as defined by a user-supplied integer array. grid2dxf Writes a DXF file of the “active” part of the finite-difference grid as defined by a user-supplied integer array. grid2pt Tabulates the coordinates of the cell centres of the finite-difference grid within an active window defined by a user-supplied integer array. int2mif Generates MAPINFO MIF and MID files based on a MODFLOW/MT3Dcompatible integer array. int2real Builds a MODFLOW/MT3D-compatible real array based on the contents of a MODFLOW/MT3D-compatible integer array. many2one Splits MODFLOW/MT3D-generated unformatted files comprised of multiple two-dimensional results arrays into individual formatted/unformatted files. mod2obs Interpolates model-generated data to the same times and locations as those cited in a user-supplied bore sample file; writes another bore sample file. mod2smp Interpolates the information contained in an unformatted MODFLOW/MT3D output file to a set of user-specified bores, rewriting the bore-specific data as a bore sample file. pestprep Automates construction of a PEST control file and PEST instruction file for a model comprised of MODFLOW followed by MOD2OBS or MODFLOW followed by BUD2SMP followed by SMP2SMP. pmp2info Builds a bore information file from a bore pumping file, the former containing cumulative pumped volumes between two user-specified dates for a usersupplied list of bores. pmpchek Checks the integrity of the data contained in a bore pumping file. pt2array Builds a MODFLOW-compatible real array; the value assigned to each array element is calculated from information pertaining to points lying within the respective element. ptingrid Locates the finite-difference cells in which arbitrary, user-supplied points lie; optionally provides the value of an integer or real array element pertaining to the cell containing each such point. 5 qdig2dxf Translates the output of the shareware digitizing program, QDIGIT, into DXF format. qdig2xyz Translates the “contours” output of QDIGIT to an “xyz” data file. real2int Builds a MODFLOW/MT3D-compatible integer array based on the contents of a MODFLOW/MT3D-compatible real array. real2mif Generates MAPINFO MIF and MID files based on a MODFLOW/MT3Dcompatible real array. real2srf Translates a MODFLOW/MT3D-compatible real array into a SURFER grid file. reparray “Pastes” a MODFLOW or MT3D compatible real array into an existing MODFLOW or MT3D input file. rotbln Rotates a SURFER blanking file about the top left corner of a finite-difference grid so that the component elements of the file can be overlain over the grid when the latter has been rotated such that its row direction is oriented directly east. rotdat Rotates a data file about the top left corner of a finite-difference grid so that the component elements of the file can be overlain over the grid when the latter has been rotated such that its row direction is oriented directly east. rotdxf Rotates a DXF file about the top left corner of a finite-difference grid so that the component elements of the file can be overlain over the grid when the latter has been rotated such that its row direction is oriented directly east. section Interpolates the data contained in multiple MODFLOW-compatible real arrays to an arbitrary transect line through all or part of the finite-difference grid. smp2dat Extracts information from a bore sample file for a user-supplied list of bores at times corresponding to model output times, generating a bore data file from which PEST input files can be constructed using the PEST MODFLOW/MT3D Utilities. smp2hyd Rewrites the contents of a bore sample file for a user-specified list of bores in a form suitable for plotting borehole data against time. smp2info Time-interpolates the information contained in a bore sample file to a userspecified date for a list of user-specified bores, thus writing a bore information file ready for access by commercial contouring software. smp2pm1 Re-writes the information in a bore sample file for user-selected bores as a PMWIN observation file. smp2pm2 Interpolates the information contained in a bore sample file to model output times, then writes the time-interpolated data as a PMWIN observation file. smp2smp Intepolates data contained within one bore sample file to the dates and times represented in another bore sample file. 6 smpcal Calibrates one time-series dataset on the basis of another. smpchek Checks the integrity of a bore sample file. srf2real Re-writes a SURFER grid file as a MODFLOW-compatible real array. tab2int Generates a MODFLOW/MT3D-compatible integer array from an integer array stored within a GIS. tab2real Generates a MODFLOW/MT3D-compatible real array from a real array stored within a GIS. tabconv Translates between integer or real array table files using row/column identifier format and those using cell number identifier format. twoarray Combines two real arrays by addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and partial replacement. zone2bln Writes a SURFER “blanking” file of finite-difference grid zonation as defined by a user-supplied, MODFLOW-compatible integer array. zone2dxf Writes a DXF file of finite-difference grid zonation as defined by a usersupplied, MODFLOW-compatible integer array. 7 ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF PEST MODFLOW/MT3D UTILITIES arrayrep Replaces an array written to a MODFLOW/MT3D input file with an external, user-supplied MODFLOW/MT3D-compatible array. compfile Compares two files; identifies the location of the first difference between them. modbore Interpolates the data contained in unformatted head/drawdown files to the sites of user-specified bores. modgen Generates a PEST control file based on the information contained in a bore data file and a parameter value file. modins Generates a PEST instruction file based on the contents of a bore data file and a MODBORE/MT3D output file for the current model. mt3bore Interpolates the data contained in unformatted MT3D-output concentration files to the sites of user-specified bores. textrep Replaces occurrences of user-defined text strings in a model input file with text strings (eg. parameter space identifiers) of the same length. 8 MODFLOW-output