-------------------------------------------------------MT3D Version DoD_1.5 README August 1996 --------------------------------------------------------------CONTENTS -------GENERAL INFORMATION MAJOR CHANGES EXECUTABLE PROGRAM AND SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS INSTALLATION AND SETUP INETRFACE WITH MODFLOW LIST OF FILES GENERAL INFORMATION =================== This version of MT3D was developed at the University of Alabama for US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. It is based on the public domain version of MT3D (Version 1.1) currently distributed by US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). To report any bugs, please contact, Chunmiao Zheng The Hydrogeology Group University of Alabama P.O. Box 870338 Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487 Telephone: (205) 348-0579 E-mail: czheng@wgs.geo.ua.edu Web Site: http://hydro.geo.ua.edu MAJOR CHANGES ============= Listed below are major modifications and enhancements to MT3D Version 1.1 (1/92) distributed by USEPA: 1. Replacement of the simple arithmetic averaging scheme used for computing the cell concentration from particle concentrations in the MOC solution by a volume-based weighting scheme. This change can significantly reduce the mass balance discrepancy in the MOC solution with irregular grid spacing. 2. Modification of the operator-splitting scheme in the MOC solution for improved solution accuracy in modeling very heterogeneous aquifers. 3. An updated Dispersion package to use "dispersion conductance" in computing dispersive fluxes for better handling of dispersion cross terms. 4. Improved handling of the transient groundwater storage term and non-uniform porosity distribution, eliminating mass balance errors caused by these conditions. 5. Improved time-stepping control for the explicit, upstream finite-difference solution to guarantee stability. 6. Support for the MODFLOW BCF2 package with the rewetting capability. 7. Support for the MODFLOW Stream-flow Routing (STR1) package. Note that the RIV1 and STR1 packages must not be used in the same simulation. 8. Allow multiple stress period transport simulation in conjunction with a steady-state flow model with only one stress period. The flow-transport link file saved by MODFLOW containing flow velocity and sink/source information needed for transport simulation is read only once by MT3D. EXECUTABLE PROGRAM AND SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ========================================== The executable program, MT3D.EXE, was compiled with the Lahey EM32 FORTRAN 77 compiler Version 5.20 to run on PCs with 80384 or higher CPUs in 32-bit protected mode using extended memory. The main program, main15d.for, contains FORTRAN 90 extensions to allow dynamic array allocation. The compiled program will allocate the exact amount of memory that is required for a particular problem at run-time. If the memory required by the problem exceeds the total amount of physical memory that is available, MT3D will print out a message "NOT ENOUGH MEMORY" and then aborts. MT3D.EXE runs under Microsoft Windows v3.x or 95 in the DOS compatibility box. INSTALLATION AND SETUP ====================== To install for the first time, create a subdirectory with a name such as MT3D and then copy files MT3D.EXE and F77L3.EER in this disk to the new subdirectory. Make sure to modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to place the MT3D subdirectory in the PATH statement. File F77L3.EER contains the Lahey compiler's run-time error messages. When a run-time error occurs, MT3D.EXE will first search the current working directory and then all directories spceified in the DOS path to locate file F77L3.EER before it can print out the error message. To replace a previous version of MT3D, copy files MT3D.EXE and F77L3.EER to the subdirectory where the files for the previous version are located and overwrite the old MT3D.EXE and F77L3.EER files. To re-compile MT3D Version DoD_1.5 with Lahey F77L-EM/32 complier Version 5.00 or later, copy all source files to a temporary subdirectory and enter the following command at the DOS prompt: MAKE -f MAKEFILE.MT1 where file MAKEFILE.MT1 contains all instructions needed for re-compiling and linking the MT3D program. Note that if you have a different FORTRAN 77 compiler that does not support FORTRAN 90's dynamic array allocation feature, remove file 'main15d.for' and rename file 'main15d.f77' to 'main15d.for'. Also note that the DO..ENDDO statement, another FORTRAN 90 extension, is used throughout the MT3D source files. Most FORTRAN 77 compilers support this extension. If your compiler does not support it, you have to use a FORTRAN 90 compiler to re-compile MT3D. INTERFACE WITH MODFLOW ====================== A version of USGS MODFLOW with the MT3D interface is included with the MT3D distribution files (MODFLOW2.ZIP). The MT3D interface for MODFLOW is implemented as an add-on package for MODFLOW (referred to as the LKMT package) and consists of two files, LKMT2.INC and LKMT2.FOR where 2 denotes version 2). The file LKMT2.INC is a FORTRAN `include'file which contains FORTRAN statements to invoke the LKMT2 package. It should be added to the MODFLOW main program immediately before the call to the module `BAS1OT'. This is done by adding an `include' statement as shown below: -------------------------C C--SAVE HEADS AND CELL-BY-CELL FLOW TERMS FOR USE IN MT3D INCLUDE 'LKMT2.INC' C C--PRINT AND OR SAVE HEADS AND DRAWDOWNS. PRINT OVERALL BUDGET. CALL BAS1OT(...) C -------------------------- The file LKMT2.FOR is the FORTRAN source file for the LKMT2 Package. It must be compiled and linked with other packages for MODFLOW. LIST OF FILES ============= readme.doc: mt3d.exe: f77l3.eer: main15d.for: main15d.f77: btn15d.for: adv15d.for: dsp15d.for: rct15d.for: ssm15d.for: fmi15d.for: utl15d.for: makefile.mt1: latest information file (this file) MT3D executable for PCs with 80486 or higher CPUs Lahey compiler (V5.20) run-time error message file source file for MT3D Version 1.5D main program with FORTRAN 90 extension for dynamic memory allocation standard FORTRAN 77 version of 'main15d.for' without dynamic memory allocation source file for MT3D Basic Transport (BTN) package source file for MT3D Advection (ADV) package source file for MT3D Dispersion (DSP) package source file for MT3D Chemical Reaction (RCT) package source file for MT3D Sink & Source Mixing (SSM) package source file for MT3D Flow Model Interface (FMI) package source file for MT3D Utility (UTL) package Lahey compiler's makefile for re-compiling MT3D