Poe Elementary Learning Compact for the 2013-14 School Year


Poe Elementary Learning Compact for the 2013-14 School Year

The Poe community believes that students, parents, teachers, community members and business partners must work together to improve academic success. This compact is a voluntary agreement among those invested in the success of Poe students. This is our pledge:

As the Poe Elementary principal, I pledge to:

Encourage a positive partnership among teacher, parent and student.

Provide a safe environment that is conducive to learning.

Provide highly qualified teachers who are prepared and make learning challenging and fun.

Provide parents with the tools to help their child be a successful learner.

As a Poe Elementary teacher, I pledge to:

Communicate regularly with families to enhance and to encourage student learning.

Share curriculum goals and information about each student’s progress.

Respect cultural differences of students and families.

Continue efforts to develop professionally and to be a lifelong learner.

Provide quality teaching and recognize my role as a model for my students.

Recognize that each child is a unique learner and adjust my instruction accordingly.

You are invited to join in a partnership with Poe Elementary to improve student success.

As a Poe Elementary parent, I pledge to:

See that my child has good attendance and arrives at school on time.

See that my child is well-rested and ready to learn each and every day.

Provide current emergency numbers in case of accident or illness.

Get to know my child’s teacher(s) and support the activities of the classroom.

Find out what my child is learning and communicate regularly with the school staff.

Attend parent-teacher conferences and school functions.

Provide a quiet place for my child to study at home.

Assist with homework when appropriate, review it regularly, and seek assistance from teachers should my child need help.

Promote responsibility by helping my child be prepared and organized for learning.

Encourage reading in our home by: reading to my child, listening to my child read, and letting my child see me read every day.

Spend quality family time together other than with school work.

As a Poe Elementary student, I pledge to:

Be responsible for solving my own problems and making good choices because every choice has a consequence.

Be respectful to the property and people around me. The care and love I share will be returned.

Be relentless in my attitude and never give up on my education, because I know that I’m not the only person invested in me. My principal, teachers, parents, friends and entire Edgar Allan Poe community are all there to support my success and help me realize that each day is a new day with new opportunities for behavior and learning.

I hereby sign this pledge, making the commitment to the entire Poe Community to go above and beyond what is required for success.








