Pert. 17. Kebutuhan informasi utk mencapai sasaran bisnis sekarang • Balance Score Card (BSC) BSC is based on the premise that financial measures only report the results of past decision and that, if performance measurement is to have any real meaningful impact, amore balanced set of objectives and measured is required. Pert. 17. Kebutuhan informasi utk mencapai sasaran bisnis sekarang The 4 interrelated perspectives are: • Financial: how do we look to our shareholders and those with a financial interest in the organization? • Internal business perspective: what do we have to excel at if we are to meet the expectations of our employees and trading partners? • Customer perspective: how do our customers perceive us in term of products, services, relationships and value-added? • Innovation and learning perspective: to achieve our future vision, how will we continue to improve and create future value for our stakeholders? Pert. 17. Kebutuhan informasi utk mencapai sasaran bisnis sekarang • Critical Success Factors (CSF) CSF analysis is a powerful and popular technique not only in developing an IS/IT strategy but also for business strategy development. CSF is the limited number of areas in which results, if they are satisfactory, will ensure successful competitive performance for the organization. They are the few key areas where ‘things must go right’ for the business to flourish. Pert. 17. Kebutuhan informasi utk mencapai sasaran bisnis sekarang • Konsolidasi BSC dengan CSF The outputs from the construction of the BSC and the CSF analysis can be combined to provide a more comprehensive set of IS requirement. The BSC links measures to business objectives, while CSF analysis identifies what is critical to achieving results. For further explanation see box 4.2. Pert. 17. Kebutuhan informasi utk mencapai sasaran bisnis sekarang Pert. 17. Kebutuhan informasi utk mencapai sasaran bisnis sekarang Pert. 17. Kebutuhan informasi utk mencapai sasaran bisnis sekarang Pert. 17. Kebutuhan informasi utk mencapai sasaran bisnis sekarang Pert. 17. Kebutuhan informasi utk mencapai sasaran bisnis sekarang Pert. 17. Analisis proses bisnis • Pengertian proses (Oxford English Dictionary) a continuous and regular action or succession of actions, taking place or carried out in a definite manner, and leading to the accomplishment of some result; a continuous operation or series of operation. A process focus means examining the way a customer order is fulfilled, a new product developed or a customer account established without concern for functional boundaries or specialization. Pert. 17. Analisis proses bisnis 2 3 6 1 10 5 4 9 11 7 8 13 14 12 Process flow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Figure.4.8.Adopting a process orientation 13 14 Pert. 17. Analisis proses bisnis Many IT implementations have focused on automating traditional ways of working that existed at that timeexisting work practices remain. Box 4.3 provides a summary description of approaches to redesign. Pert. 17. Analisis proses bisnis Pert. 17. Analisis proses bisnis Pert. 17. Analisis proses bisnis • Mengidentifikasi proses Despite the intuitive appeal of process, identifying and understanding processes is not simple as it might at first seem. For example, in the delivery of most products and services, companies operate a highly complex set of process. See box 4.4. Pert. 17. Analisis proses bisnis Pert. 17. Analisis proses bisnis Pert. 17. Analisis proses bisnis Pert. 17. Pemodelan organisasi • Organizational modeling is a structured technique used to ensure comprehensive examination and documentation of a business and its IS/IT strategy development. • It is a valuable technique in IS/IT strategy development, and, if the business is also conducting any business reengineering exercises, this or a similar means of obtaining a very broadly based understanding of the organization is essential. Pert. 17. Pemodelan organisasi Employ ees and other tangible assets People Plant, equipment, etc. Formal organizational arrangements Social sy stems Culture social structure Structure Operating systems Key organizational processes Information gathering Comunication Decision asking Matter/Energy transporting Matter/Energy environment Dominant coalition Technology Methods T echniques Personal characterisrics Goals, strategies External env ironment T ask environment Wider environment Fi gure.4.10.The organizational model: environment and culture (source: adapted from J.P. Kotter,Organizational Dynamics: Diagnosis and Intervention, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1978) Pert. 17. Pemodelan organisasi Pert. 17. Pemodelan organisasi Pert. 17. Pemodelan organisasi Pert. 17. Pemodelan organisasi Pert. 17. Pemodelan organisasi Pert. 17. Evaluasi kesenjangan antara lingkungan IS/IT saat ini dengan yg dibutuhkan • a. b. Identifikasi kesenjangan There will almost certainly be a gap between the current resources and competencies and those needed to satisfy the future IS demand. The gap identifies the requirements for change: Processes in need of recognition, simplification, streamlining or redesign-all with significant IS/IT requirements; Changes in IT supply resources and competencies to support the role IS/IT needs play.