recruitment & retention ON Disengaged employees How to get them back on board Browned off employees are everywhere and this rubs off on customers and ultimately the success of the organisation: a recent Gallup survey indicated that as many as a third of employees are actively ‘disengaged’ from their organisation. For all the talk about the importance of engagement, there is not enough emphasis for managers on the practicalities. Steve Macaulay and Sarah Cook have some advice to help you anticipate warning signs and to build solid, actionable foundations for greater engagement. And to checklist to see how well you are doing visit our website 74 November/December 2006 W hat is employee engagement? In our eyes, engagement is another way of describing ‘going the extra mile’. It is founded on a twoway relationship between employees feeling valued and giving their best and employer efforts to promote this. A recent report by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development defines it as ‘a combination of commitment and organisational citizenship’. As a customer you will quickly spot disengagement - a glazed-over eye when you ask a question or want to make a complaint and only doing the minimum. However, if disengagement is easy to spot, the opposite is not easy to consistently encourage and maintain. Those who manage employees day-in, day-out regularly report how hard it is to retain positive momentum, often in the face of a barrage of workload, when tiredness can set in and when you’ve dealt with the same issue for the nth time that day. So what can the manager do to invigorate and sustain engagement? The first thing is to recognise the symptoms and causes that can turn an employee off. These can creep up on you, and together add up to a disengaged organisation. An individual example of the damaging effects of disengagement can be illustrated by Chris, a talented service representative in a training service company we know well. At first, she had a cheerful manner, a strong rapport with clients and was bright and knowledgeable. Yet after three years she was complaining that her managers didn’t respect her and she wasn’t treated fairly. She became reluctant to take on extra work and began to contribute to a sour climate in her group, which leaked out to customers and colleagues. She eventually left to go to a competitor. Where, her manager asked us, had he gone wrong? The company had lost someone with potential that was going to be hard to replace. A Bad Practice Guide Here are some actions that can actively lead to dis-engagement! • Rubbish the product or service you produce and what your organisation stands for. • Fail to take responsibility as an organisation for the impact you have on the local community, lack of corporate social responsibility. • Fail to make it clear what people should do, or keep everyone up-to-date. Assume they will ‘sort themselves out’. • Pay the minimum you can get away with for the job; ignore an employee’s life outside work. • Discount the importance of training and development. • Introduce new technology and fail to develop people to meet the demands of their role. Criticise and undermine people. • • Turn a deaf ear to any suggestions. • Discourage people wasting time talking OFF to each other, and frown on meetings outside work. You might see such beliefs and ways of working as ludicrously exaggerated. In fact, employees will often experience behaviour which in practice bears a close relationship to many of these. Typically, managers are caught in a ‘Bermuda Triangle’ of excessive pressure - attempting to fulfil the business strategy, satisfy employee needs and deliver to the customer. They have to reconcile all three and sometimes it feels as if they fall between all three. Signs and Symptoms of It All Going Wrong - Some Practical Remedies Managing for engagement can be exacting. Here are some of the problems facing a manager with engagement problems, with some very down-to-earth suggested actions to tackle retention and engagement issues. Employees disconnected from the wider organisation Employees can easily feel disconnected from the corporate world and of their organisation’s ‘vision’, ‘strategy’ and ‘values’. Rather than simply despair, a manager should take time during briefing sessions to focus on local issues, use practical examples to show how what team members do relates to the bigger picture; invite senior managers to visit your unit and to speak to individuals so their views are acknowledged; recognise personal and team achievement, the best organisations pay a lot of attention to recruitment and selection. these organisations frequently use methods in addition to interviews to provide more comprehensive data on a candidate. for example, asking a candidate to undertake a psychometric diagnostic and carefully setting up a realistic role-play of work situations spend time listening to team members and act on their suggestions and ideas. Stress and burn-out Stress can be all too prevalent in busy service environments and can have damaging consequences, ranging from low morale, mistakes to high absence levels. In the short-term a number of remedies are useful, such as helping people to recognise the signs of stress in themselves and their colleagues and pulling back before the effects become harmful. Other methods are learning to relax. We have come across workplace stress busters such as having a shoulder massage, taking time out as a team to do aerobic exercises or a stand-up where the team does a ‘Mexican wave’ or deliberately encouraging a laugh to relieve tension. Longer-term you need to assess what is causing the stress and aim to prevent it or at least minimise it, by for example: • Planning workload and work patterns better. • Increase role flexibility to manage peaks. • Investigate systems and processes to make them more efficient. • Increase knowledge and skills. • Listening to employees more. Measurement as a stick to beat people Some organisations fail to see the demotivational effects of constantly November/December 2006 75 recruitment & retention stressing the negative- missed targets, failed standards, sub-optimal performance. This means they fail to address important issues around difficult-to-measure areas such as employee morale. Crucial questions to ask all managers about measures are: • Is this measure making a difference to the whole business? Is • measurement focussing on what is going well or what is going wrong, forcing people to cover up or become defensive? • Are team and individual successes appropriately recognised? The more successful organisations are now intelligently using a Balanced Scorecard to keep a sense of perspective over a broad spread of key measures without getting bogged down in excessive or irrelevant detail. They are actively involving employees in what should be measured and how. Balance stresses achievement, not just failure. At Standard Life, best practice as a result of engagement surveys in high performing teams suggested that involvement in setting and monitoring individual targets was key. ‘Must haves’ and ‘Desirables’ are agreed and monitoring is tailored to suit the needs of individuals and business needs. Employees quickly move on Disenchantment with the organisation may be signalled by high turnover. Investment in development is a must in helping to demonstrate commitment on behalf of the organisation. If you are a manager faced with this issue, you should thoroughly explore the reasons behind the high level of turnover, which is common in routine roles 76 November/December 2006 but not universal. Learn from the best: you can do a lot to increase job satisfaction and make the most of the contribution your employees can make. Interview existing people and those who leave; don’t get defensive when you hear criticisms and be prepared to act on the results. The best organisations pay a lot of attention to recruitment and selection. These organisations frequently use methods in addition to interviews to provide more comprehensive data on a candidate. For example, asking the candidate to undertake a psychometric diagnostic and carefully setting up a realistic role-play of sample work situations. After a new recruit has finished their induction, there needs to be methods in place for on the job coaching and further development that takes place on the job. Consider developing people to act as team coaches and thereby using other’s innate talents to best effect. Managers are encouraged to be tough at the expense of employees Macho management does not sit comfortably with today’s workforce. Many organisations have officially shunned hierarchical, one-way styles of working and with it an authoritarian approach to management. In practice, many businesses put substantial pressure on managers to get results quickly and effectively encourage a ’do as you’re told’ and ‘one way’ mentality. However hard it is to go against the prevailing organisational style, it is unlikely that such methods will promote engagement. Aim to develop an employee-friendly style. To get your team behind this approach, try encouraging more involvement from team members and allow their knowledge to come through. In time this will free you up and allow you to grow your team. Managers are distant It is easy for a manager to start to feel employees are trouble, intrusive on their time and as a result begin to get out of touch with employee needs. In turn, this leads employees to see their managers as remote and unconcerned with their issues. As a discipline, regularly speak to people first hand – not just through emails. As a result of a high volume of work managers can begin to assume they understand people and what keeps them loyal. However, this isolation risks missing changes or early signs of dissatisfaction - you make too many unchecked presumptions without regular contact. To promote continuous improvement, everyone - including yourself - should view problems and difficulties as opportunities to learn. Unfortunately, no one relishes handling potentially uncomfortable or time-consuming situations and this may lead to avoidance and failure to keep in touch. Creating a supportive, not a blame culture will lead to greater openness to identify potential problems and to handling issues as routine. Sound advice is to follow these steps: • Be approachable and hear people out. • Acknowledge their right to express their view. Deal • promptly with a complaint or problem. Importantly, learn from issues that arise, don’t just register them and forget them, which is a widespread management error which lets issues build up – after all, if you coLumN know something isn’t going to be addressed, who is going to bother raising it? Weak Foundations Weak foundations provide a shaky platform for any engagement initiative. According to a report by the Institute of Employment Studies, the following long-term building blocks need to be in place: • Good quality line management. • Two-way communication. • Effective internal co-operation. • A development focus. • Commitment to employee wellbeing. • Clear, accessible HR policies and practices, to which managers at all levels are committed. Inconsistency A lot of good work can be undone by managers responding to pressures in an inconsistent way. A retail group built a deserved reputation for encouraging a positive, involving style. However, when the business hit hard times it cut the annual shop bonuses and stopped Christmas employee discounts. There was a substantial drop in morale and trust, with the common feeling amongst affected employees that they were no longer valued. A growing software company had made an informal commitment in a favourable business climate not to make its employees redundant. However, in the face of financial difficulties it did just this. Many remaining employees felt let down and questioned their future loyalty to the business. for examples of organisations who are getting it right and for a check list on how well you are doing visit our website ABOUT THE AUTHORS Steve Macaulay is a Learning Development Executive at Cranfield School of Management. Contact him on: tel: 01234 751122 Sarah Cook is Managing Director of leadership and service excellence specialists, The Stairway Consultancy. Contact her on: Tel 01628 526535 HOT PEOPLE PROPERTY BUYER BEWARE? Patricia Wheatley Burt looks at the ever more complex legislation around recruitment and points a way through the minefield IN THE FIRST HALF OF 2006 the UK Property market has been frenetic. Properties are moving so quickly that emailed details are often sketchy, (full details rarely get printed), a phone call alerts prospective buyers to view and view now, and really, if you don’t make an offer within the first 48 hours of a property being on the market, then you’ve lost it! There are Contract races to Exchange with probably no time to have a survey, or establish building consents, and just to compound things, almost every property, certainly in the London area, has gone for considerably more than the asking price. You do all this – and then you get Gazumped. Sound similar to those of you Recruiting at the moment? There are endless phone calls to the HR and Management team, relaying a sketchy work history or CV on candidates, and pressure to instantly telephone interview them. You are harried to organise first and second interviews in a couple of days, followed by an urgency to make a job offer often without enough time to check suitability, culture fit or even references: ‘Make me an offer I can’t refuse’ the confident candidate will demand. This can blow salary scales apart and maybe breach policies and legislation too. ‘All that glistens is not gold’: how sure are you that in this haste, you are not being pushed to employing someone who will not deliver? As Anthony Robinson, Legal Director of the Commission for Racial Equality, said, referring to the new Employment Equality (Age) Regulations (1st October ’06): “These Regulations will for the first time make it unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of age. The demographic changes that are rapidly occurring in the UK, with an ageing population made this an urgent issue that needed to be addressed”. So what can you do to ensure you have rigorous, yet swift methods to advertise, select and assess candidates, and still remain within the growing levels of employment regulation? WHAT EVERY EMPLOYER MUST DO: 1. Draw up an action to plan to review all HR policies to ensure that they do not discriminate, including now on the grounds of age. 2. Ensure that all employees are aware of and understand the revised HR procedures as well as the revised equal opportunity/ diversity/equality policy. 3. Provide training on Recruitment & Selection on age discrimination to your people managers and recruiters. 4. Expand the objective processes used in Recruitment & Selection to include rigorous assessments to underpin the interviewing process, e.g. Personality, IQ, Competencies and Emotional Intelligence. Being open minded offers scope to take advantage of your local, employable population - as the Portman Building Society in Bournemouth, found out when targeting older workers to fill administrative roles. They found themselves tapping into Retiree-returners, a group of people who have a more mature attitude to work and a better understanding of Customer Service requirements as well as better social skills and a sense of humour. In the housing market, home-owners need to be opportunistic. So too Employers need to be opportunistic to find good quality, imaginative and creative staff. We all have a wider pool to select from: just ensure that in your haste, decisions remain objective and non-discriminatory. Or do you want to risk it, and not know until the ‘paint peels off and the cracks appear’? Patricia Wheatley Burt (FCIPD) is a business and HR consultant and expert in pragmatic business management. Tel: +44 (0)20 7565 7547 November/December 2006 77