STUDY OF SATURABLE ABSORBER MATERIALS FOR Q-SWITCHING DYE LASER NUR FARIZAN BINTI MUNAJAT A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Physics) Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia AUGUST 2005 PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS JUDUL: STUDY OF SATURABLE ABSORBER MATERIALS FOR QSWITCHING LASER SESI PENGAJIAN: 2004 / 2005 NUR FARIZAN BINTI MUNAJAT _____ _____ Saya (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan tesis ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut : 1. Hakmilik tesis adalah dibawah nama penulis melainkan penulisan sebagai projek bersama dan dibiayai oleh UTM, hakmiliknya adalah kepunyaan UTM. Naskah salinan di dalam bentuk kertas atau mikro hanya boleh dibuat dengan kebenaran bertulis daripada penulis. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. Tesis hanya boleh diterbitkan dengan kebenaran penulis. Bayaran royalti adalah mengikut kadar yang dipersetujui kelak. *Saya membenarkan/tidak membenarkan Perpustakaan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. **Sila tandakan (√) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. √ SULIT (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) TERHAD (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan) TIDAK TERHAD Disahkan oleh _____________________________ (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) Alamat Tetap: 1526, JALAN TEMPINIS, FELDA MEDOI, 85050 SEGAMAT, JOHOR DARUL TAKZIM _____________________________ (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) P. M. DR NORIAH BT BIDIN (NAMA PENYELIA) Tarikh: AUGUST 2005 Tarikh: AUGUST 2005 CATATAN: * Potong yang tidak berkenaan. ** Jika Tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/ organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT atau TERHAD. “I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Physics)” Signature : ............................................. Name of Supervisor : P.M. Dr. Noriah Binti Bidin Date ............................................ : “I declare that this thesis entitled “Study of Saturable Absorber Materials for Q-Switching Dye Laser” is the result of my own research work except as cited in references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any degree”. Signature : ……….…………………. Author’s name : Nur Farizan Binti Munajat Date : ………………………….. Dedication to my beloved father, mother, family, dear and friends….. iv ACKNOWLEGMENT First at all, in humble way I wish to give all the praise to Allah, the Almighty God for with His mercy has given me the strength, keredhaanNya and time to complete this work. Now, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor, Associate Professor Dr. Noriah Bidin for her supervision, ideas, guidance and enjoyable discussion throughout this study. I hope all this valuable time and experience will keep in continue. I would like to acknowledgement the help and kindly assistance of the following persons; Allahyarham En. Nyan Abu Bakar for assisting in carrying out experimental works and colleagues from laser laboratory for their continuing corporation, encouragement and useful comment to complete the work. Here, I would like to take this opportunity to thanks to UTM-PTP and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for granting this project through vote, 75341. Without this financial support, this project would not be possible. Thanks also to all my friends and course mates for their views, concerns and encouragement. Last, but not least, I am grateful to my beloved family for their praying, continuing support, patience, valuable advices and ideas throughout the duration of this research. v ABSTRACT Q-switching is a technology widely used in lasers to generate short pulses with high peak powers. In practice, Q-switching can be realized with various methods including mechanically by rotating mirror, actively either by acousto-optic or electrooptic method, or passively using a saturable absorber. The first two techniques have their own problems especially the spinning machine and the driver to get a shorter pulse duration. Therefore, passive Q-switch was chosen in this study because it requires less optical element inside the laser cavity and no outside driving circuitry and makes this technique simple and relatively cheaper compared to the other two techniques. Passive Q-switching is a better choice for those applications where compactness of the laser is a prime requirement. The objective of this project is to study and characterize the suitable material to be saturable absorber for passive Q-switching laser. The dye laser was utilized as a source of Q-switching laser. As a preliminary, the laser was calibrated to determine the best performance of laser beam. Various materials including 3, 3’Diethyloxadicarbocyanine Iodide (DODCI), 1,3'-Diethyl-4, 2’-quinolyloxacarbocyanine Iodide (DQOCI) and 1,1'-Diethyl-4, 4’-carbocyanine Iodide (Cryptocyannine) and Chromium-doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (Cr4+: YAG) crystal are employed as a saturable absorber material. The pulse width, the single pulse energy and the peak power of the Q-switched laser output are measured. Two of the tested materials namely 1,3'Diethyl-4, 2’-quinolyloxacarbocyanine Iodide (DQOCI) and Chromium-doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (Cr4+: YAG) crystal demonstrate a good performance to be a saturable absorber. The output characteristics of the passive Q-switch laser possess a uniphase of TEM00 mode. vi ABSTRAK Pensuisan-Q merupakan satu teknologi yang digunakan secara meluas dalam teknologi laser untuk menjana denyut pendek yang berkuasa tinggi. Secara praktis, pensuisan-Q boleh dibina dengan pelbagai cara termasuk secara mekanikal dengan kaedah putaran cermin, secara aktif sama ada dengan kaedah akusto-optik atau elektrooptik, atau secara pasif menggunakan penyerap tepu. Dua teknik pertama mempunyai masalah tersendiri terutamanya mesin putaran dan pemacu untuk mendapatkan tempoh denyut yang pendek. Oleh yang demikian, dalam penyelidikan ini pensuisan-Q pasif dipilih kerana ia kurang memerlukan elemen optik yang banyak dalam rongga laser dan tidak memerlukan litar memacu luaran menjadikan teknik ini ringkas dan lebih murah berbanding dua teknik yang lain. Teknik pensuisan-Q merupakan pilihan yang tepat untuk penggunaan yang memerlukan satu system laser yang padat. Objektif penyelidikan ini adalah untuk mengkaji dan melakukan pencirian terhadap bahan yang sesuai untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan penyerap tepu. Laser pencelup telah digunakan sebagai sumber laser pensuisan-Q. Sebagai kajian awal, laser tersebut telah ditentu ukur terlebih dahulu untuk menentukan prestasi terbaik cahaya laser. Pelbagai bahan termasuk 3, 3’-Diethyloxadicarbocyanine Iodide (DODCI), 1,3'-Diethyl-4, 2’quinolyloxacarbocyanine Iodide (DQOCI) and 1,1'-Diethyl-4, 4’-carbocyanine Iodide (Cryptocyannine) dan Chromium-doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (Cr4+: YAG) kristal digunakan sebagai bahan penyerap tepu. Tempoh denyut, tenaga keluaran dan kuasa keluaran laser pensuisan-Q diukur. Dua daripada bahan yang telah diuji, iaitu 3'-Diethyl4, 2’-quinolyloxacarbocyanine Iodide (DQOCI) dan Chromium-doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (Cr4+: YAG) kristal dikenalpasti sebagai bahan yang baik untuk dijadikan sebagai penyerap tepu. Keluaran laser pensuisan-Q adalah sefasa dalam mod TEM00. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v LIST OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF SYMBOLS xvi INTRODUCTION 1.1 Literature Review 1 1.2 Q-Switching Laser 2 1.3 Passive Q-Switching 5 1.4 Research Objective 6 1.5 Research Scope 6 1.6 Thesis Outline 7 THEORY 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Pulsed Dye Laser 9 2.2.1 Active Medium 10 2.2.2 Wavelength Selection in Pulsed Dye Lasers 10 2.2.3 Excitation Method 11 viii 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 2.3.1 15 Pumping Mechanism of Q-Switching Q-Switching Methods 16 2.4.1 Mechanical Q-Switches 17 2.4.2 Electro-Optic Q-Switches 17 2.4.3 Acousto-Optic Q-Switches 18 Passive Q-Switches 19 2.5.1 20 Mechanism Of Bleaching 3.1 Introduction 24 3.2 Sample Preparation 25 3.2.1 Organic Dyes 25 3.2.2 Cr4+: YAG Crystal 26 3.4 Dye Laser 26 3.3.1 Pulse Detection 28 3.3.2 Mode of Triggering 29 Image Processing System 31 3.4.1 31 Processing Software 3.5 Calibration of Optimum Laser Performance 33 3.6 Experimental Setup 34 DYE LASER 4.1 Introduction 36 4.2 Externally Triggrering Dye Laser 37 4.3 Diagnose The High Performances of Dye Laser 40 4.3.1 Wavelength 40 4.3.2 Cavity Length 44 4.4 5 14 METHODOLOGY AND MATERIAL 3.3 4 Q-Switching Summary 50 PASSIVELY Q-SWITCHED DYE LASER 5.1 Introduction 51 5.2 Passive Q-Switch With Different Saturable Absorber 52 ix 5.2.1 Organic Dyes Saturable Absorber 52 DODCI 53 DQOCI 60 Cryptocyannine 65 Comparison of Organic Dyes 70 Saturable Absorber 5.2.2 5.3 6 Summary 75 76 DIAGNOSE OF PASSIVE Q-SWITCH LASER BEAMS 6.1 Introduction 78 6.2 Analyzing The Beam 79 6.2.1 Gaussian Fit Analysis 79 6.2.2 Beam Spot 86 6.3 7 Cr4+: YAG Crystal Saturable Absorber Summary 89 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTION 7.1 Conclusions 90 7.2 Problems And Suggestion 93 REFERENCES 95 APPENDIX 1 100 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 4.1 TITLE Power depending on wavelength of dye laser with PAGE 41 Coumarin 500 as a lasing medium 4.2 Power depending on wavelength of dye laser with Rhodamine 590 as a lasing medium 41 4.3 Pulse duration of dye laser with Coumarin 500 as lasing medium produced at different cavity length 45 4.4 Pulse duration of dye laser with Rhodamine as lasing medium produced at different cavity length 45 4.5 Pulse Energy of dye laser with Coumarin 500 as lasing 47 medium produced at different cavity length 4.6 Pulse Energy of dye laser with Rhodamine 590 as lasing medium produced at different cavity length 47 5.1 Pulse duration of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration of DODCI 53 5.2 Pulse energy of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration of DODCI 55 5.3 Peak Power of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration of 58 DODCI. xi 5.4 Pulse duration of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration of DQOCI. 61 5.5 Pulse energy of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration of DQOCI 63 5.6 Peak power of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration of DQOCI 64 5.7 Pulse duration of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration 66 of Cryptocyannine. 5.8 Pulse energy of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration of Cryptocyannine 67 5.9 Peak power of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration of DQOCI 69 5.10 Pulse duration, pulse energy and peak power for different position of saturable absorber 75 6.1 Gaussian width in horizontal and vertical profiles for 83 DQOCI saturable absorber due to working distance. 6.2 Gaussian width in horizontal and vertical profiles for Cr4+: YAG saturable absorber due to working distance. 83 6.3 Beam spot perimeter and area due to working distance for passively Q-switched dye laser with Coumarin 500 as a lasing medium 87 6.4 Beam spot perimeter and area due to working distance for passively Q-switched dye laser with Rhodamine 590 as a lasing medium 88 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Energy level diagram of a dye laser 2.2 Absorption and fluorescence emission spectrum of a typical organic molecule 13 2.3 Mechanism for dye laser action 2.4 Development of a Q-switched laser pulse. (a). The pumping source output, (b). Cavity loss, (c).Population inversion, and (d). Q-switch output. 2.5 Mechanical Q-switch (rotating chopper). 2.6 Electro-optic Q-switch 2.7 Acousto-optic Q-switch. 2.8 Saturable absorber Q-Switch 2.9 Absorption as a function of incident light intensities for a saturable absorber 12 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 xiii 2.10 Energy-level diagram for most saturable absorber dye molecules in solution 21 2.11 Schematic illustration of the three processes, absorption, spontaneous emission and stimulated emission. 22 3.1 Schematic dimension of Cr4+: YAG crystal 26 3.2 LN120C top view 27 Dye module Optical Layout 27 3.4 BPX 65 Photo detector Circuit 29 3.5 Block diagram of trigger unit 30 3.6 Experimental set-up for measuring the delay time of the dye 30 laser 3.7 CCD Profiler Window 31 3.8 Calibration screen option for Video Test 5.0 Software 32 3.9 Dye laser alignment set-up for calibration 34 3.10 Laser cavity of passively Q-switched dye laser 34 3.11 Schematic diagram of experimental set up for passively QSwitched dye laser 35 4.1 Pulse of input voltage from trigger unit 37 4.2 (a). Channel 1: Pulse from trigger unit. 38 3.3 (b). Channel 2: Pulse from BPX 65 photo detector 4.3(a) Pulse shape of the dye laser with Coumarin 500 as a lasing medium. 39 4.3(b) Pulse shape of the dye laser with Rhodamine 590 as a lasing medium 39 xiv 4.4 Accumulated power of dye laser with Coumarin 500 upon on wavelengths 42 4.5 Accumulated power of dye laser with Rhodamine 590 upon on wavelength 43 4.6 The pulse duration and output power versus cavity length of 46 passively Q-switched Rhodamine 590 dye laser. 4.7 The output energy of dye laser upon cavity length with different lasing medium 4.8 The pulse duration and output power versus cavity length of 49 passively Q-switched Rhodamine 590 dye laser. 5.1 Pulse Duration versus concentration of DODCI on different lasing medium 54 5.2 Pulse Energy versus concentration of DODCI on different lasing medium 55 5.3 Graph natural logarithm of pulse energy versus concentration 57 5.4 Peak Power versus concentration of DODCI on different lasing medium 59 5.5 Graph natural logarithm of peak power versus concentration 60 5.6 Pulse Duration versus concentration of DQOCI on different lasing medium 61 5.7 Graph natural logarithm of pulse duration versus concentration 62 5.8 Pulse Energy versus concentration of DQOCI on different lasing medium 63 5.9 Peak Power versus concentration of DQOCI on different lasing medium 65 5.10 Pulse Duration versus concentration of Cryptocyannine on different lasing medium 66 48 xv 5.11 Pulse Energy versus concentration of Cryptocyannine on different lasing medium 68 5.12 Peak Power versus concentration of Cryptocyannine on different lasing medium 69 5.13(a) Figure 5.13(a): Pulse duration versus concentration of different saturable absorber materials 70 5.13(b) Pulse duration versus concentration of different saturable absorber materials 71 5.14(a) Pulse energy versus concentration of different saturable absorber materials 72 5.14(b) Pulse energy versus concentration of different saturable absorber materials 73 5.15(a) Peak power versus concentration of different saturable absorber materials 74 5.15(b) Peak power versus concentration of different saturable absorber materials 74 6.1 Gaussian profile of passive Q-switch laser beam. (a) Vertical profile, (b). Horizontal profile 80 6.2 Beam Profile of Q-switching laser; (a). Three-dimensional image shows the distribution of Gaussian beam profile (b). Two-dimensional image. 81 6.3 Correlation upon working distances for DQOCI saturable absorber. 85 6.4 Correlation upon working distances for Cr4+: YAG saturable absorber. 85 6.5 Two-dimensional image of passively Q-switched dye laser using DQOCI upon different working distance 86 6.6 Two-dimensional image of passively Q-switched dye laser using Cr4+: YAG crystal upon different working distance 87 6.7 Beam spot area against working distance 88 xvi LIST OF SYMBOLS Q - Quality factor F - Photon flux of the incident light σ12 - Absorption cross section W12 - Absorption probability σ 21 - Stimulated emission cross section m - Grating order λ - Wavelength d - Grating constant θ - Angle between the grating and the laser gain axis I - The intensity of a pixel at location x i(h, v) - The intensity at location (h, v) V - The maximum intensity of the fitted Gaussian curve (Peak Intensity) C - The centre of the Gaussian fit peak (Centroid) σ - The radius of the Gaussian fit curve at the 1/e2 intensity level (diameter) CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Literature Review Human beings are really clever in making use of different kinds and forms of energy. Laser material processing relies on laser systems of desired properties. An inspiring thing in laser processing is the application of ultra-short pulsed lasers. Ultrafast lasers can give scientist opportunities to probe the behavior of matter when exposed to intense radiation and do studies in fields such as astrophysics, general relativity and quantum mechanics. This ultrafast laser currently enable scientist to observe the occurrence of the fastest chemical reaction (Kodymova et al., 2004). This is an advanced technology used for ionizing all material within a small area without any heat or mass flow affecting the surrounding area (Charschan, 1972) and carry out precise micromachining (Liu et al., 1997). This technology is also used to design high density, high-speed communications networks, which an ultrafast laser’s bandwidth is equivalent to millions of telephone calls. Another application is to design compact particle accelerators and generate fusion energy (Lerner, 1998). 2 The ultrafast lasers can also imitate the conditions at the center of stars allowing astrophysicists to experiment with possible ways in which stars form and explode in supernovas. These high powered lasers can focus the power of all sunlight falling on Earth onto a spot a tenth of a millimeter on a side, accelerate electrons close to speed of light and generate pressures hundreds of time those of light and create magnetic fields a billion times of Earth (Lerner, 1998). One way of achieving these high power pulses with short duration is by Q-switching technique. 1.2 Q-switching Laser The power output may be increased by Q-switching, which is achieved by exciting the laser medium so that a population inversion occurs but delaying the application of feedback from the axial mirrors (Hellwarth, 1961). On the simplest way, we can define the Q-switching as a method of using an optical switch inside the laser cavity. This optical switch has two states; it’s open when the radiation pass through the switch undisturbed and closed when the radiation cannot pass through the switch. Switching the laser system means transferring the system from on to off or the other way. The possibility of Q-switching laser was first proposed by Hellwarth in 1961. In practice, Q-switching can be achieved by deflecting the beam at the high reflecting mirror mechanically (Collins and Kisliuk, 1962) or by acousto-optic (Koechner, 1976) or electro-optic (Hellwarth and McClung, 1962) devices or by using an opaque saturable absorber (Soffer, 1964) that bleaches transparent when the fluorescent light output reaches a given level. McClung and Hellwarth made the first experimental observation of Q-switched pulse behavior in 1962 using an electro-optical Q-switch in a ruby laser. 3 Electro-optic Q-switches employs materials that exhibit birefringence under an applied electric field (Kelin, 1998). The advantages of this pure electronic control of Qswitching are many. Such as, the fast switching times, the precise control over, and flexibility of Q-switching and ease to synchronization of the modulation with electronics and measuring apparatus. However, the existence of a Kerr cell (or other electronically controlled switching) inside the laser cavity has presented many problems. They are usually fabricated from crystal such as KDP or LiNbO3, which are hygroscopic and prone to damage, by the laser beam. The polarization requirements mean that the laser beam must be polarized. These Q-switches also require some cleverness in the design of the electrical signal without transients. This combination of factors means that the electro-optic Q-switches are typically used in high peak power pulsed lasers, as well as in high gains CW lasers. Acousto-optic Q-switches, which employ materials such as quartz that exhibit a change in the index of refraction when the material is acoustically excited have the advantages of being low-loss elements when not Q-switching. In contrast with the electro-optic crystals, acousto-optic crystals have high damage thresholds and are typically not hygroscopic. However, the Q-switches generally require high-power RF power supplies at 20 to 60 W, 50 to 150 MHz. This combination of factors means that acousto-optic Q-switches are typically used in low-gain cw lasers. Their most common application is in continuous wave Nd: YAG Q-switched and mode-locked laser systems (Koechner, 1976). Another method to Q-switch a laser cavity is incorporating a mechanical device within the cavity that blocks the laser beam. The first mechanical Q-switch used a rotating chopper (Collins and Kisliuk, 1962). However, the choppers are slow and vibration-prone, and such techniques were soon abandoned in favor of rotating mirrors and prisms (Benson and Mirachi, 1964). With rotating mirrors, the approach is to spin the mirror using high-speed motor. Such designs usually incorporate a multisided mirror or multiplicative optical geometries so that several reflections are possible for each rotation (Daly and Sims, 1964). However, rotating mirror Q-switches are prone to 4 alignment difficulties because each face of the mirror must be aligned to within a fraction of miliradian. Although the mechanical Q-switches are the simplest and less expensive, the high rotational speed means that the devices are noisy and process relatively short lifetimes. Furthermore, mechanical components are not robust in harsh environment. The first three methods of Q-switching are active types, where the switching of the laser light occurs externally. Besides the active type, which is difficult to implement, complex for installation, alignment and operation, laser also can be switching passively. Passive Q-switching received its name from the action of generated radiation itself (Smith and Sorokin, 1966). This technique potentially offers an advantage of low cost, reliability and emission of pulses with a relatively narrow linewidth (Koechner, 1976). It is also simple in fabrication and operation since it requires no high voltages or fast electro-optic devices. Passive Q-switches can be used with pulse pumped systems only because a CW pumped laser never produces sufficient fluorescence to bleach the dye (Kuhn, 1998). As summary, the reading of all the papers and articles on Q-switching applications and techniques has driven us even stronger to study, diagnose and characterize the fundamental of Q-switching laser. Although it can be achieved by various techniques, this study on passive Q-switching laser and the focus of this research work will be on the materials used as saturable absorber and how to improve the laser outputs. 5 1.3 Passive Q-switching Passive Q-switching laser exploits the bleaching of saturable materials. The rising flux within the laser is capable of decreasing the absorptivity of certain saturable absorber placed in the laser cavity. The sudden decrease of absorption has the same effect as the removal of an obstacle in the path of the beam. When properly adjusted, these lasers containing saturable materials trigger themselves to emit a giant pulse. In the earliest experiments with saturable absorber, Master and Murray (1965) who used an absorbing dye smeared on a microscope slide, and Grant (1963), who used an aluminized Mylar film, produced light pulses of quality and efficiency comparable to that achieved with Kerr cell switches (Geller et al., 1963). However, the absorber was always damaged. The optical saturation in these instances was presumably caused by the evaporation of the thin absorber so as to render the absorber transparent. Subsequently, saturable absorbers have been found which show little or no damage after producing a good quality giant pulse (Soffer, 1964; Sorokin et al.; 1964, Kafalas et al., 1964; Bret and Gires, 1964). These employ the saturation of some transition which, because it has a high absorption cross section per absorbing molecule at the laser frequency, requires relatively for photons absorbed, rendering their normal value. Sorokin et al. (1964) found that metalphthalocyanine dyes, dissolved in either nitrobenze or chlornaphthalene (the latter showed some deterioration after several pulses) produced good giant pulses when placed inside the laser cavity. Apparently, the threshold pump energy was not appreciably changed (the actual value was not given). Soffer (1964) has achieved giant pulses of exceptional spectral purity and normal energy content using a saturable absorber of dilute Cryptocyannine. To produce these high quality pulses, 3000 J pump energy was required, as compared to 900 J for normal operation. Kafalas et al. (1964) have also used an absorber of Cryptocyannine (dissolved in methanol) to achieve giant pulse outputs. No deterioration of the Cryptocyannine was observed. 6 All of works explained above are passively Q-switched solid-state laser. Braveman (1975) have demonstrated the first and only passive Q-switching for Nitrogen-laser-pumped-dye-laser. He used a DODCI as a saturable absorber inside the dye laser cavity (the actual solvent type and concentration value was not given). This experiment produces single high-repetition-rate high peak power tunable subnanosecond pulses. However, this experimental set-up makes used a wide space in the laser cavity. The Avco model C950 nitrogen laser source used in this study showed a thermal distortion dominated the mode structure after 50 pulses per second (pps). 1.4 Research Objective The main objective of this research is to study the saturable absorber material for passively Q-switched nitrogen-laser-pumped-dye-laser. This includes diagnosing the dye laser in order to utilize the system at its optimum performance. Then, characterize the output of Q-switching laser by altering some laser parameters. 1.5 Research Scope Several materials are determined as saturable absorbers. The dye laser pumped by nitrogen laser is utilizing as a source to be switched. The dye laser cavity is aligning to get its best performance. An external trigger unit builds for the dye laser in order to get a single shot. The photodetector also builds to detect the laser beam. 7 1.6 Thesis Outline This thesis is divided into 7 chapters. The first chapter is the review of some applications of Q-switching laser. Previous research related to miscellaneous Qswitching methods and passive Q-switching also presented. This chapter also emphasizes the aim of the research. Chapter II reviews the background or the theory related to the research. This will cover the basic theory of Q-switching such as quality factor, Q and pumping mechanism. This chapter also explains the various methods of Q-switching and briefly describes the mechanism of passive Q-switching. Chapter III describes the sample preparation and methodology for passively Qswitched dye laser. This would include image processing software and experimental setup. Chapter IV discusses the diagnosed results of dye laser. Various laser parameters are tested such as wavelength, cavity length, working distance and repetition rate in order to determine the current performances of dye laser as a source to be switched. In chapter V, the pulse width and output energy of passively Q-switched dye laser in various manners are presented. These experimental results were compared with the current standard dye laser performances. Chapter VI presents the diagnostic analysis of passive Q-switches beam. BeamStar CCD Laser Beam Profiler was utilized as diagnostic system. 8 Finally, the conclusions of the project are made in chapter VII. includes the summarization of the whole project, the problems involved and experience during performances of the project and some works to be carried out in the near future are suggested. CHAPTER 2 THEORY 2.1 Introduction Q-switching is a method of modulating the Q factor of a laser cavity to obtain high peak power with short duration laser pulses. These may be accomplished by inserting an optical switch inside the laser cavity. Therefore, it is better to understand the phenomena related to Q-switching including the source to be switched, quality factor Q, Q-switching mechanism and various techniques of Q-switching. 2.2 Pulsed Dye Laser In this study, dye laser was utilized as a source to be switched. The organic dye laser is widely used in scientific research because of its unusual flexibility; it can provide sources of coherent light easily tunable over considerable bands of the visible spectrum. 10 Sorokin and Lankard demonstrated the first dye laser in 1965 at IBM Laboratories in the US. They discovered the dye laser action during a fluorescence research of organic dye molecules, which were excited by Ruby laser. In 1967, these scientists discovered the possibility to tune the emitted wavelength using a grating at the end of the laser cavity. 2.2.1 Active Medium The active medium of dye lasers consists of organic dye molecules dissolved in a fluid solvent, such as methanol, ethanol, dimethylformamide or just water (Duarte and Hillman, 1990). In this study, 7-Ethylamino-4-trifluormethylcoumarin (Coumarin 500) and Benzoic Acid, 2-[6-(ethylamino)-3-(ethylimino)-2, 7-dimethyl-3H-xanthen-9-yl]ethyl ester, monohydrochloride (Rhodamine 590) dissolved in ethanol were utilized as a lasing medium. These solutions were placed in a square cell. 2.2.2 Wavelength Selection in Pulsed Dye Lasers The dye laser system used in this study utilized a diffraction grating as a wavelength selecting device. A light beam incident upon a reflection grating plane will be reflected back along the axis of incidence if the following grating equation is satisfied (Soffer and McFarland, 1967), m λ = 2 d sin θ (2.1) where; m is diffraction order, λ is wavelength, d is a grating spacing, and θ is an angle of incidence measured from the normal to the grating. 11 A diffraction grating used in this manner is said to be mounted in the Littrow configuration. Rotating the grating about an axis parallel to its grooves since this configuration acts as a tunable reflector can thus vary the lasing wavelength. It has high reflectivity at one wavelength at a time, depending upon its angular setting. The metallic coatings of gratings for commercial dye lasers are usually made of aluminum, gold, or silver for operation between 400-1100 nm. Such coatings are very fragile. Thus, a beam-expanding telescope is sometimes used between the dye cell and the grating to illuminate most of the surface of the grating to prevent the formation of hot spots. 2.2.3 Excitation Method Organic dye molecules are complicated structures and composed of a large number of several species. The energy level structure of an organic dye molecule is correspondingly complex. A highly simplified energy level diagram for a typical dye is shown in Figure 2.1. 12 Excited state (singlet) Intersystem crossing Triplet state Fluorescence Phosphorescence Ground state (singlet) Figure 2.1: Energy level diagram of a dye laser (Schafer, 1990) The ground states of most molecules are called singlet state. In the process of pumping the laser, the molecule in ground state is first excited by absorbing a pump photon into an excited state. Spontaneous emission then results in fluorescence. However, it is possible through a process call intersystem crossing for dye molecules to switch into their excited triplet state. This transition can only occur through collisions between molecules. Spontaneous emission from a triplet state occurs very slowly, by comparison with fluorescence transition, and is called phosphorescence. Molecular fluorescence is responsible for dye laser emission. The wavelength of laser emission is limited by the range of fluorescence wavelengths. Figure 2.2 shows that the wavelength of light emitted by the dye when it fluorescence is longer than that of the absorbed pump light. 13 Figure 2.2: Absorption and fluorescence emission spectrum of a typical organic molecule (Kagan et al., 1968) The mechanism for dye laser is shown in Figure 2.3. The dye molecules absorb the pump light. They then release this energy by three processes. Some of the energy goes into thermal heating of the dye and solvent. The rest molecules then release the energy in the form of light. There are two ways that the dye molecule may emit the light. The first process is spontaneous emission. In the spontaneous emission process, the dye molecule lowers its energy by spontaneously emitting a photon or quantum of light energy. The direction and phase of the emitted photon is random or incoherent. Its energy is lost from the system. The second optical process is stimulated emission. Stimulated emission occurs when there are other photons present that interact with the dye molecule. Under stimulated emission, the dye molecule again loses its energy by emitting a photon. This photon has the same phase and direction as the other photons present. This photon is coherent since its energy coherently adds to the energy of the other photons. Stimulated emission is the gain process that increases the optical coherently. 14 Figure 2.3: Mechanism for dye laser action (Thyagarajan and Ghatak, 1981) 2.3 Q-switching The idea of Q-switching is to delay the stimulated emission until a large number of atoms are excited and a lot of photons are released during spontaneous emission and the great number of photons starts the stimulated emission together. Then, a strong beam of laser can be produced. The term “Q” or “quality factor” describes the ability of the laser cavity to store light energy in the form of standing wave. The quality factor, Q is defined as the ratio of the energy contained in the cavity divided by the energy lost during each round trip in the cavity (Luxon and Parker, 1992); Q = 2π energy stored in the cavity energy lost in a cycle (2.2) When the Q-switch of a laser is off, there is no feedback and thus no standing wave. The loss is very high and thus the quality factor is zero. When the Q-switch is on, a strong standing wave is formed, causing the loss to be reduced. The Q-switch receives its name 15 from the fact that it allows the "Q" of the cavity to be "switched" from (feedback blocked) a low value to a high value (feedback restored). 2.3.1 Pumping Mechanism of Q-switching In the technique of Q-switching, energy is stored in the amplifying medium by optical pumping while the cavity Q is lowered to prevent the onset of laser emission. Although the energy stored and the gain in the laser medium also high, lasing action is prohibited, and the population inversion reaches a level far above the threshold for normal lasing action. When a high cavity Q is restored, the stored energy is suddenly released in the form of a very short pulse of light, because of the light gain created by the stored energy in an extremely short time. The peak power of the resulting pulse exceeds that obtainable from an ordinary long pulse by several orders of magnitude. Because of its extremely high power, the pulse so produced is called a giant pulse. Figure 2.4 shows a typical time sequence of the generation of a Q-switched pulse. Lasing action are disabled in the cavity by a low Q of the cavity. Toward the end of the pumping pulse, when the inversion has reached its peak value, the Q of the resonator is switched to some high value. At this point a photon flux starts to build up in the cavity, and shortly afterwards a Q switch pulse is emitted. 16 Figure 2.4: Development of a Q-switched laser pulse. (a). The pumping source output, (b). Cavity loss, (c). Population inversion and (d) Q-switch output (Koechner and Bass, 2003) 2.4 Q-switching Methods Q-switching may be accomplished by changing the reflectivity of one of the mirrors by inserting or removing a diaphragm, by changing the paths of the rays between the mirrors, and also by changing the transparency of the material within the laser cavity. There are four major technologies used for Q-switches: mechanical, electro-optic, acousto-optic, and saturable absorber. The first three methods are an active type and will 17 be described in this section. Another method is a passive type and will be briefly describe in next section. 2.4.1 Mechanical Q-switches Conceptually the simplest method of Q-switching is to make one of the choppers rotates rapidly as shown in Figure 2.5. For most of the time, the alignment of two mirrors will be such that the loss will be highly and hence the Q low. This will allow a large population inversion to develop. At the instant that the two mirrors are aligned, the Q will be highly and a large output pulse will be developed. Although this method was the first developed for Q-switching, it does not give the performance in terms of peak power of some of the newer methods of Q-switching. Rotating copper M2 M1 Laser rod Figure 2.5: Mechanical Q-switch (rotating chopper) 2.4.2 Electro-Optic Q-switches The electro-optic Q-switch (see Figure 2.6), is usually required the placing of two elements into the reflecting cavity between the laser rod and the maximum reflecting mirror. These elements are a polarization filter (passive) and a polarization rotator 18 (active). Producing a low cavity feedback with these devices involves rotating the polarization vector of the laser beam inside the cavity so that it cannot pass through the polarization filter. When this polarization rotation is removed, the cavity reflectivity is relatively high and the system will produce a giant pulse. Two of the electro-optic devices used in this application are Kerr cells and Pockel’s cells. Electro-optical Qswitches have high dynamic loss (99%) and relatively high insertion losses (15%) because of the losses in the optical elements. Switching time is fast; typically less than a nanosecond, and synchronization is good. Electro-optical Q-switches are well suited for pulsed systems but cannot be used with CW pumped lasers as their high insertion loss prevents lasing. M1 Polarizer Laser rod During pumping During lasing Pockels cell M2 V applied V removed Figure 2.6: Electro-optic Q-switch (Kuhn, 1998) 2.4.3 Acousto-Optic Q-switches Acousto-optic Q-switches employ transparent materials such as quartz, that exhibit a change in the refraction when the material is acoustically excited. The material was placed in the cavity between the laser rod and the high reflection mirror as shown in Figure 2.7. The acoustic standing wave will generate a corresponding standing wave in the index of refraction, exhibits a diffraction effect on the intracavity laser beam and diffracts part of the beam out of the cavity alignment. This results in a relatively low 19 feedback. When the acoustic wave is removed, the diffraction effect disappears, the cavity is again aligned, and the system emits a giant pulse. Acousto-optic devices have low insertion loss (typically less than 1%) and low dynamic loss (50% maximum). Switching time is slow at 100 ns or greater, and the synchronization is good. These devices are ideally suited for use with CW pumped systems or low-gain pulsed lasers. They cannot be used with most pulse pumped systems because their low dynamic loss will not prevent lasing. M1 M2 Laser rod Acousto-optic cell Figure 2.7: Acousto-optic Q-switch (Kuhn, 1998) 2.5 Passive Q-switches Passive Q-switches received its name due to the action of the generated radiation itself when in on condition. When generation begins, the absorbing molecules are transferred to an excited state, and the material becomes transparent (i.e., the switch is opened). This bleaching process will be briefly described in this section. 20 2.5.1 Mechanism of Bleaching Passive Q-switching consists of a saturable absorber placed inside the optical cavity, preferably between the laser medium and the high reflection mirror as shown in Figure 2.8. Saturable absorber is a material whose absorption decreases with increasing light intensity, as shown in Figure 2.9. M1 Saturable absorber M2 Lasing medium Figure 2.8: Saturable absorber Q-Switch (Kuhn, 1998) The saturable absorber solution in the cell strongly absorbs light of the active material frequency, and this absorption prevents net amplification of light from occurring until a much larger proportion of saturable absorber molecules have been pumped to the excited state. The pumping energy input increases until amplification in the active material overcomes the loss due to absorption in the cell, and the laser begins to emit coherent light weakly. A very small amount of this weak laser light ‘bleaches’ the saturable absorber solution, which then becomes almost perfectly transparent to the active material light. At this instant, there is suddenly a large net amplification and a narrow pulse that containing all the stored energy in the lasing medium, develops rapidly. After the pulse, the molecules of the solution returns quickly to its absorbing state, ready for formation of the next narrow pulse. Absorption 21 Intensity Figure 2.9: Absorption as a function of incident light intensities for a saturable absorber (Wilson and Hawkes, 1983) Bleaching of the saturable absorber dye is brought about by saturation of the absorption at the laser medium frequency. The solution is in the bleached condition when the population densities in the upper and lower states of the saturable absorber molecule (S’,S in Figure 2.10) are roughly equal. Because of their large cross sections for capturing laser medium light, only a relatively small number of saturable absorber molecules are required, and for this reason, saturation occurs very rapidly, with the extraction of only a relatively few quanta from the laser beam being required to cause bleaching. Excited triplet state T’ First Excited singlet state S’ Triplet state T Ground state S Figure 2.10: Energy-level diagram for most saturable absorber dye molecules in solution (Velarde et al., 1989) 22 To understand this non-linear optical effect we can consider bleachable absorber to be representable by a simple two-level with population densities N2 and N1 for energy level E1 and E2. The existence of the triplet state T (Figure 2.10) is ignored. When a beam of light interacts with a material, three fundamental phenomena will occur, namely, the process of spontaneous and stimulated emission and the process of absorption (Figure 2.11). N2 E2 Spontaneous emission Absorption Stimulated emission N1 E1 Figure 2.11: Schematic illustration of the three processes, absorption, spontaneous emission and stimulated emission (Smith and Sorokin, 1966) For the level E1, the change with time of the population density due to the absorption is given by (Svelto, 1976), dN 1 = −σ 12 F = −W12 N 1 dt absorption (2.3) where, F is a photon flux of the incident light, σ12 is a absorption cross section and W12 is absorption probability The absorption process populates level 2 dN 2 = −W12 N 2 dt absorption (2.4) Processes of spontaneous and stimulated emission are depopulating level 2 by the rate 23 dN 2 = − A21 N 2 dt spon tan eous (2.5) dN 2 = −σ 21 F = −W21 N 2 dt stimulated (2.6) where σ21 is called the stimulated emission cross section. In the stationary case where dN2/dt = 0, the solution is N2 W12 = N 1 W12 + A21 (2.7) For high values of the pump rate (W12 >> A21), N2/N1 approximately 1. This means that the number of absorbed photon becomes the same as the emitted ones. In this case the medium is transparent. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY AND MATERIAL 3.1 Introduction In this chapter, the requirements for Q-switching laser will be discussed. Starting from the preparation of saturable absorber solutions, develop a photodetector and develop an external trigger unit. Pulse duration and pulse energy of Q-switching laser beam are measured. Usually, the pulse energy of Q-switched laser is lower compared to the normal operation laser. This phenomenon is common because of the losses and the absorption of the photons along the instance of the Q-switching process. However, the peak power of this Q-switched laser is much higher because of the short duration of the laser pulse. So, in this study the peak power of Q-switched laser was obtained using relationship of (Zhang et al., 1994), Peak Power ,W ( watt ) = Pulse Energy, E ( Joule) Pulse Duration, t (sec ond ) (3.1) 25 The peak power of Q-switched laser is the ratio of pulse energy to pulse duration. In Q-switching laser, the total energy is reduces and the pulse duration is compress thus produces high peak power. 3.2 Sample Preparation Basically, four types of sample that have different optical characteristics were employed as saturable absorber materials. The first three samples were comprised of different types of organic dyes, which include 3, 3’-Diethyloxadicarbocyanine Iodide (DODCI), 1,3'-Diethyl-4, 2’-quinolyloxacarbocyanine Iodide (DQOCI) and 1,1'-Diethyl4, 4’-carbocyanine Iodide (Cryptocyannine). And the fourth sample is a solid state type and made of Chromium-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (Cr4+: YAG) crystal. 3.2.1 Organic Dyes Organic dyes were prepared by weighing out the amount of dye powder using analytical balance and transferring it to a volumetric flask. The solvent was added to fill the flask which was shaking to dissolve the powder completely. When the solid is dissolved completely, more solvent was added to bring the level of the meniscus to the mark on the neck of the flask. The solution then transferred to a quartz Cuvette with dimension of 1 mm x 1 mm. The dye concentration may be varied to achieve various transmissions, thus changing the laser output power and pulse duration. 26 3.2.2 Cr4+: YAG crystal The Chromium-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (Cr4+: YAG) crystal used in this work was manufactured by Red Optronics with dimension of 7x1.4 mm. The schematic dimension of the sample is depicted in Figure 3.1. 1.4 mm 1.4 mm 7 mm Figure 3.1: Schematic dimension of Cr4+: YAG crystal Due to its specific properties such as broad band at the vicinity of 1 mm, high damage threshold (> 500 MW/cm2), long lifetime, large absorption cross section at the near IR, good thermal stability and easy operation, Cr4+: YAG crystal offers a good potential to be used as saturable absorber (Ter-Mikirtychev et al., 1997). 3.3 Dye Laser In this study, the dye laser model LN120C manufactured by Laser Photonics utilize as the source to be switched. This LN120C NitroDye laser consists of a LN120C UV Nitrogen Laser and Optional Dye Laser Module Combination as shown in Figure 3.2. The modules use the Nitrogen beam as the pumped source. 27 Nitrogen Laser Chassis HV Bulkhead Laser Head Dye Module Safety Interlock Normal operation of dye laser Nitrogen laser Figure 3.2: LN120C top view The optical layout of a dye module is shown in Figure 3.3. This laser system was operated at nitrogen pressure of 25 psi. The Plano-convex lens the 337.1 nm nitrogen beam. A reflectivity flip-flop mirror turns the beam 90o to pump a dye module. Output Coupler Mirror Dye Cell High Reflection Mirror Output Plano Cylindrical Lens Plano-convex Lens High reflectivity Flip-flop Mirror Figure 3.3: Dye module Optical Layout Nitrogen beam 28 The Nitrogen laser wavelength is fixed, while the dye modules offer variable wavelengths. The mechanism for this tunability feature is based on grating mirror. In this system, a Littrow grating configuration is used such that the output coupler and the grating mirror forms the cavity. The wavelength output characteristics are then governed by the relationship (LN120C Manual, 1991), mλ = 2dsinθ (3.2) where m is the grating order, λ the wavelength, d is the grating constant and θ is the angle between the grating normal and the laser gain axis. This system uses a micrometer driven mechanism in order to tune the grating and thus the wavelength. Output wavelength is indicated by the inch micrometer setting and the wavelength, in nanometers, corresponds to the number of thousands of an inch displayed on the micrometer. 3.3.1 Pulse Detection The output beam of the dye laser can be detected by a high-speed BPX 65 Photodetector (Noriah et al., 1992). The rise time of the Photodetector is typically 1.5 ns with surface area of the pin photodiode of about 1 mm2. The BPX 65 silicon photodiode was placed in a series circuit comprising a 9 V DC source and a 50-ohm load resistor as shown in Figure 3.4. Most fast photodetectors use the 50 ohm load impedence in order to maintain their linearity of output (Wilson and Hawkes, 1983) The laser pulse signal was detected by the photodetector, which couple to the Textronix digital oscilloscope model TDS540. The time delay of the laser pulse after being triggered is noted from the oscilloscope display panel. 29 BPX 65 photodiode 50 ohm Oscilloscope 9 volt Figure 3.4: BPX 65 Photo detector Circuit The pulse duration is determined when a small portion of the laser pulse is directed onto a fast photodiode. The photodiode converts part of the laser power to an electrical signal, which is displayed on an oscilloscope. The pulse duration is measured at full wave half maximum (FWHM). The peak power then is calculated from Equation (3.1). 3.3.2 Mode of Triggering The dye laser can be operated either by internal mode or external mode. For internal mode, the laser can be operated with repetition rate up to 20 Hz. This mode is used when aligning the optical system and also for the purpose of doing calibration. For the purpose to produce single pulse per trigger, an external mode is used. An external trigger control unit was employed in order to trigger a single pulse laser. In this work, a single pulse laser obtained by using a simple trigger circuit which was designed using single pulse generator, the 74121-monostable multivibrators as shown in Figure 3.5. 30 5V Switch 74121 7667 Nitrodye Monostable Dual Power Mosfet driver Figure 3.5: Block diagram of trigger unit The pulse shape of the dye laser system was obtained by using the combination of the BPX 65 photodetector and trigger pulse circuit as shown in Fig. 3.5. The beam from the dye laser was absorbed in the photodetector and the results were displayed on the Textronix TDS 3054B of 500 MHz frequencies and sampling rate of 5 GS/s. Dye Laser Oscilloscope BPX 65 Trigger unit Figure 3.6: Experimental set-up for measuring the delay time of the dye laser Using the same arrangement of Figure 3.6, the delay time from external trigger input to the evolution of the laser light was obtained. 31 3.4 Image Processing System In order to observe the two and three-dimensional analysis distribution on laser beam, a BeamStar CCD laser Beam Profiler was used as a beam diagnostic system. It comprised a video camera and PC card to image, capture, and store the laser beam profile. Then, all two-dimensional images were processed, manipulated and analyzed using Video Test 5.0 Software. 3.4.1 Processing Software The BeamStar CCD Laser Beam Profiler is a beam diagnostic measurement system for real time measurement of continuous or pulsed laser system. Some applications for the BeamStar CCD Profiler include laser beam optimization, quality control, Gaussian fit analysis, and beam alignment (BeamStar user manual). The option screen is depicted in Figure 3.7. T Figure 3.7: CCD Profiler Window 32 The main technologies available for laser beam diagnostic are using spatial cameras as the beam characterization system and using moving mechanical slit or knife edges to scan across the incoming beam. The BeamStar CCD Profiler uses a video camera and PC card to image, capture, store and perform two-dimensional intensity distribution analysis on laser beams. The advantages of a CCD based laser beam profiler is fully utilized by powerful software that displays any structure larger than one pixel in vivid colors, calculates the beam distribution and profile as well as total beam intensity distribution, in order to allow full analysis of the laser beam’s characteristics. Another software that was utilized in this work is Video Test 5.0. The function of this software is to determine an area of beam spot. Before any measurement is performed, calibration should be made to identify the magnification factor and it was very important to represent the image in a real field measurement system. Furthermore, an accurate distance or calculated area measurement can be made via a marker when grid option was active. The calibration screen of Video Test 5.0 is depicted in Figure 3.8. Figure 3.8: Calibration screen option for Video Test 5.0 Software 33 The result of the calibration shows that, the ratio between the measurement taken in real field and from computer unit was 1 mm is equal to 157 pixel or 0.006369 mm per pixel. This calibration condition was saving into active mode. It can be applied to measure the real distance and area of the beam spot. 3.5 Calibration of Optimum Laser Performance In order to operate the dye laser, the most important step is calibration. This calibration was performed to diagnose and verify the performance of the laser beam. Prior to the Q-switching process, it is worth while to calibrate the optimum performance of the dye laser without the saturable absorber inside the laser cavity. In this case, the dye laser system was operated internally. This repetitive condition is for the alignment and calibration purpose. In this study, the wavelength and working distance was varied. The optimum value out of these tests will be selected and compared with Q-switching output. The calibration was carried out by operating the dye laser system repetitively and the laser beam was measured by Ophir pulsed energy/power meter. The whole experimental setup for the calibration is shown in Figure 3.9. 34 Dye Laser Detector Beam splitter Ophir Pulsed Power Meter BPX 65 Photodetector Textronix Digital Oscilloscope (TDS 540) Figure 3.9: Dye laser alignment set-up for calibration 3.6 Experimental Setup During the experiment, dye laser was utilized as a source to be switched. The saturable absorber material was inserted inside the laser cavity between lasing medium and highly reflecting mirror as shown in Figure 3.10. Output Coupler Mirror Lasing Medium Highly Reflecting Mirror Saturable Absorber Figure 3.10: Laser cavity of passively Q-switched dye laser Then the parameter such as cavity length and working distance will vary according to passive Q-switching. The pulse durations are obtained with combination of photodetector and digital oscilloscope. The pulse energy of Q-switching laser was measured using Ophir pulse energy meter model PE10-SH-V2. This energy meter 35 comprised a Pyroelectric absorber and digital meter. The experimental arrangement of passively Q-switched dye laser is shown in Figure 3.11. Personal Computer (Controlled BeamStar CCD) CCD Camera NitroDye Laser Detector Beam Splitter Ophir Pulsed Energy Meter BPX 65 Photodetector Textronix Digital Oscilloscope (TDS 540) Optical line Electronic line Figure 3.11: Schematic diagram of experimental set up for passively Q-Switched dye laser In order to observe the two and three-dimensional distributions of the laser beam, a BeamStar CCD laser Beam Profiler was used as a beam diagnostic system. CHAPTER 4 DYE LASER 4.1 Introduction In order to utilize a dye laser as a source to be switched in the process of Qswitching, the most important thing is to diagnose its current performances. The most useful feature of dye lasers is their tunability, therefore in this experiment, the wavelength for a given lasing medium were tuned by diffraction grating. Two organic dyes have been used as a lasing medium; they are 7-Ethylamino-4trifluormethylcoumarin (Coumarin 500) and Benzoic Acid, 2-[6-(ethylamino)-3(ethylimino)-2, 7-dimethyl-3H-xanthen-9-yl]-ethyl ester, monohydrochloride (Rhodamine 590). Some measurements also made with various cavity lengths in order to study the length dependence on the dye laser output. 37 4.2 Externally Triggering Dye Laser In this study, the dye laser system that was utilized as a source to be switched can be triggered either by internal mode or external mode. For the purpose to produce one pulse per trigger, an external mode is used. An external trigger control unit was employed in order to trigger a single pulse laser. When the system was triggered externally, the nitrogen laser received a pulse having amplitude of 4.16 volts with pulse width of 384.2 ms as shown in Figure 4.1. After a delay of 298.9 µs from input to trigger signal, the dye laser beam was produced and detected by the high-speed photodetector BPX 65. The time delay from external trigger input to evolution of laser light is shown in Figure 4.2. 4.16 V 384.2 ms Figure 4.1: Pulse of input voltage from trigger unit 38 Figure 4.2: Channel 1: Pulse from trigger unit. Channel 2: Pulse from BPX 65 photo detector The typical pulse shape for both dye laser with Coumarin 500 and Rhodamine 590 as a lasing medium is shown in Figure 4.3. The horizontal time scale is 40 µs per division, and the vertical amplitude is arbitrarily scaled in order to obtain the best pulse shape. The pulse duration of dye laser at full wave half maximum is up to 52 µs and 53 µs for Coumarin 500 and Rhodamine 590 respectively. 39 4.2 V 52 us Figure 4.3 (a): Pulse shape of the dye laser with Coumarin as a lasing medium 4.2 V 53 us Figure 4.3 (b): Pulse shape of the dye laser with Rhodamine as a lasing medium 40 4.3 Diagnosing of The High Performances of Dye Laser In order to operate the dye laser, the most important step is calibration. The calibration was performed to diagnose and verify the performance of the laser beam. Prior to the switching process, it is worth it to calibrate the optimum performance of the dye laser. In this case, several parameters will be measured including power of the laser beam, output energy, and wavelength and cavity length. The optimum value out of these tests will be selected and utilized for the Q-switching process. 4.3.1 Wavelength The most crucial feature of dye laser is its tunability, that is, the lasing wavelength for a given dye may be varied over a wide range. In this study, the diffraction grating is used in the laser cavity to perform selective tuning. This grating was mounted in Littrow arrangement so that the first order reflection of the desired wavelength was reflected back upon itself along the axis of the laser. This wavelength depends on the orientation of the grating. Tuning is thus accomplished by rotating the grating. Such tuning can yield extremely narrow pulse duration. In this study, the dye laser system was triggered internally. The grating is set to reflect the wavelength of back and forward through the dye cell. Two dyes, Coumarin and Rhodamine, were utilized as a lasing medium of the dye laser. The data collected for both Coumarin and Rhodamine are listed in Table 4.1 and Table 4.2 respectively. 41 Table 4.1: Power dependence on wavelength of dye laser with Coumarin 500 as a lasing medium Wavelength, λ Power, P + 1 (mW) (nm) Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Average 480 58 57 58 58 490 62 62 61 62 500 64 65 65 65 510 64 64 65 64 520 62 62 61 62 530 60 61 61 61 540 59 59 58 59 Table 4.2: Power dependence on wavelength of dye laser with Rhodamine 590 as a lasing medium Wavelength, λ Power, P + 1 (mW) (nm) Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Average 570 28 28 27 28 575 37 36 37 37 580 42 43 43 43 585 57 57 57 57 590 62 63 62 62 595 59 58 58 58 600 55 56 56 56 605 47 48 48 48 The data then used to plot a graph of power versus wavelength. The graphs are shown in Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5 respectively. Nonlinear curves are obtained in both graphs. 42 66 Output Power (mW) 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 Wavelength (nm) Figure 4.4: Accumulative power of dye laser with Coumarin 500 upon on wavelengths Initially, the curve obtained from Figure 4.4 shows that the accumulative power measurement is increased with respect to wavelength setting until it reach 500 nm. Then, from 510 nm to 540 nm there was a downward trend of decreasing power measurement. The optimum accumulative power from Coumarin 500 dye laser was obtained as 65 mW at wavelength of 500 nm. This means; at wavelength of 500 nm, the degree of absorbance of Coumarin is higher compared to other wavelengths. It can be explained as follow; the wavelength of laser emission is corresponding to the maximum of the gain curve. The gain is the ratio of photons leaving the dye cell divided by the photons entering the dye cell. Stimulated emission then causes the gain to be greater than one. At the same time, the absorption decreases the gain. The absorbance can be express as the logarithm of the ratio of the incident power to the power of the transmitted radiation. Thus, the peak value maximum corresponds to the maximum value of the molar absorptivity of the dye. 43 65 Output Power (mW) 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 565 570 575 580 585 590 595 600 605 610 Wavelength (nm) Figure 4.5: Accumulative power of dye laser with Rhodamine upon on wavelength The same trend of Figure 4.4 is obtained when Rhodamine was used as a lasing medium. Initially, Figure 4.5 curve shows that the accumulative power measurement is almost linearly increased upon to the wavelength setting until it reached 590 nm with the optimum power of 62 mW obtained. This is the wavelength of maximum laser emission. Then, from 595 nm to 605 nm the measured power was decreased gradually. The wavelength of laser emission is limited by the range of fluorescence wavelengths. The wavelength ranges of Rhodamine are wider than Coumarin because different molecules will absorb radiation of different wavelengths. The molecules absorb and emit light only at wavelengths that fit the energy differences between their orbital. The spectrum of molecule depends on the separation of its orbital energies. The separations are different for every molecule, so the molecule’s spectrum is like a fingerprint and can be used to identify it. In general, the emission wavelength produced from dye laser either by Coumarin or Rhodamine lasers is longer than wavelength emits by pumping laser. This is can be explained from Stoke’s Law that some of the energies have been used to absorb the molecule at lower level. Thus the fluorescence beam has less energy, or longer wavelength. 44 4.3.2 Cavity Length The most important part of any laser is the feedback system in which the light bounces back and forward. In this study, the dye laser consists of two mirrors with the active medium located between them. The space separating the mirrors called the cavity length. The elements of the cavity define a self-repeating path that rays of light can follow. The light intensity within the cavity can be hundreds to million times higher than the incident light intensity. It is the purpose of this section to determine the dependence of output dye laser on cavity length, in which it offers the best performance for Q-switching process. The cavity length was varied in the range of 5 cm to 9 cm by moving the high-reflectivity mirror from the lasing medium. However, these experimental works were limited on standard configuration of the dye laser system. Some parameters of laser were set at constant value. The dye laser was trigger externally, whereas the frequency was set to be 1 Hz. The pulse duration of dye laser, which taken of full wave at half maximum was measured at various cavity lengths. The data collection for both Coumarin 500 and Rhodamine 590 as a lasing medium are listed in Table 4.3 and Table 4.4 respectively. 45 Table 4.3: Pulse duration on wavelength of dye laser with Rhodamine 590 as a lasing medium Cavity Length, L + 1 (cm) Pulse Duration, t + 1 (µs) 5 29.0 6 34.5 7 34.5 8 39.6 9 52.0 Table 4.4: Pulse duration of dye laser with Rhodamine as lasing medium produced at different cavity length Cavity Length, L + 1 (cm) Pulse Duration, t + 1 (µs) 5 31.2 6 37.4 7 38.4 8 40.5 9 53 The graphs of pulse duration of dye laser for both Coumarin 500 and Rhodamine are depicted at Figure 4.6. 46 Pulse Duration (us) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 5 6 7 8 9 Cavity Length (cm) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 Figure 4.6: The pulse duration of dye laser upon cavity length with different lasing medium From Figure 4.6, it can be seen that the results show a pulse duration dependence on the dye laser cavity. The wider the cavity length, the broader the pulse duration obtained. In this experiment, the energy of the dye laser beam was measured as the cavity length changes. The data collected are listed in Table 4.5 and Table 4.6 for dye laser operated with Coumarin 500 and Rhodamine 590 as a lasing medium respectively. The obtainable data then used to plot graph of energy versus cavity length. The graphs are shown in Figure 4.7. 47 Table 4.5: Pulse energy of dye laser with Coumarin 500 as lasing medium produced at different cavity length Cavity Length, L + 1 (cm) Output Energy, 5 1.28 6 1.14 7 1.06 8 1.00 9 0.83 E0 + 0.02 (mJ) Table 4.6: Pulse energy of dye laser with Rhodamine 590 as lasing medium produced at different cavity length Cavity Length, L + 1 (cm) Output Energy, 5 0.73 6 0.62 7 0.52 8 0.53 9 0.45 E0 + 0.02 (mJ) 48 Output Energy (uJ) 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5 6 7 8 9 Cavity Length (cm) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 Figure 4.7: The output energy of dye laser upon cavity length with different lasing medium As shown in Figure 4.7, dye laser with both lasing mediums exhibit a general decrease in output energy with increasing the cavity length. It can be explained as follow; as a cavity length longer, the energy loss as light travels around the cavity. Overall the dye laser with Coumarin 500 as a lasing medium showed the higher energy compared to dye laser with Rhodamine 590 as a lasing medium. The peak power of dye laser was obtained using Equation (3.1). The graph of peak power on different cavity length was depicted at Figure 4.8. 49 50 Output Power (mW) 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 6 7 8 9 Cavity Length (cm) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 Figure 4.8: The peak power of dye laser upon cavity length with different lasing medium Figure 4.8 shows that the longer the cavity length, the lower the peak power. The decreasing of peak power due to the decreased beam path for amplification. Hence, the dye laser operation was suggested to be performed at cavity length of 5 cm. This is because at longer cavity length the peak power was found lower. As a summary, the longer the cavity length, the wider the pulse duration and the lower the output energy thus result the lower the peak power. 50 4.4. Summary In this diagnosis, pulse duration, peak power and output energy of dye laser were measured in order to compare with passively Q-switching laser. Dye laser was operated internally and externally. In order to produce one pulse per trigger, the dye laser was triggered externally. The input trigger pulse has amplitude of 4.16 V and pulse width of 384.2 ms. The delay time of the laser signal was obtained as 298.9 µs. The power of output laser was measured under different wavelength. The wavelength of the dye laser has been studied in the range of 470 to 550 nm for Coumarin 500 as a lasing medium and 565 to 610 nm for Rhodamine 590. The result obtained from this investigation shows that the power of the laser was found optimum at 500 nm for Coumarin 500 and 590 nm for Rhodamine 590. Another parameter also considered under this observation is cavity length. The result obtained showed that the energy produced was inversely proportional to cavity length in the tested range of 5.0 to 9.0 cm. The Q-switching was suggested to be performed at cavity length of 5 cm for the longer working distance. CHAPTER 5 PASSIVELY Q-SWITCHED DYE LASER 5.1 Introduction The pronounced nonlinear characteristics of Q-switching can cause peak outputs many orders of magnitude larger than the average output occurring under normal, unmodulated conditions. One way of achieved this laser is by passive Q-switch technique. In this study, the peak power of passively Q-switched dye laser was obtained by measure their output energy and pulse duration. Dye laser system that was utilized as a source to be switched was operated under single shot condition. Four samples have been tested as a saturable absorber inside the dye laser cavity. The first three materials are organic dyes dissolved in suitable solvent; they are DODCI, DQOCI and Cryptocyannine. Another sample is Cr4+: YAG crystal. The concentrations of organic dye solutions were varied in order to obtain the suitable concentration to be a saturable absorber. For Cr4+: YAG crystal, the position inside the laser cavity was varied to obtain the shortest pulse duration. 52 5.2 Passive Q-switch with Different Saturable Absorber In passive Q-switching, the laser cavity contains a lasing medium and an absorbing medium, therefore, nonlinear in response. In this section, the results obtained due to the passively Q-switched dye laser using different saturable absorber materials are described. The materials employed in this study comprised of two types, there are organic dye and inorganic Cr4+: YAG crystal. These saturable absorber materials were inserted inside the dye laser cavity, which employed Coumarin 500 and Rhodamine 590 dissolved in ethanol as a lasing medium. 5.2.1 Organic Dyes Saturable Absorber In this study, three organic dyes dissolved in methanol have been tested as a saturable absorber. There are 3, 3’-Diethyloxadicarbocyanine Iodide (DODCI), 1, 3’Diethyl-4, 2’-quinolyloxacarbocyanine Iodide (DQOCI) and 1, 1’-Diethyl-4, 4’carbocyanine Iodide (Cryptocyannine). In order to obtain the suitable concentration of organic dyes to use as a saturable absorber material, the concentration was varied. The quartz cell contains the saturable absorber solution is placing inside dye laser cavity between lasing medium and high reflecting mirror. Pulse duration and output energy of passively Q-switched dye laser was measured upon the various concentration of saturable absorber solution. 53 DODCI The concentration of DODCI solution was varied in the range of 0.0001 M to 0.05 M. Further increases of the DODCI concentration are not allowed since it ceases lasing. Laser output was detected by photodetector and coupled to the oscilloscope. Pulse duration from a gain spectrum was measured and collected data are listed in Table 5.1. Figure 5.1 shows the relationship between pulse duration and concentration of saturable absorber in different lasing medium. Table 5.1: Pulse duration of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration of DODCI Concentration, C (M) Pulse Duration, t + 0.1 (µs) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 1X10-5 30.8 29.8 5X10-5 32.8 28.1 1X10-4 22.8 27.5 5X10-4 21.2 26.7 1X10-3 19.5 26.1 5X10-3 17.4 18.3 1X10-2 16 16.4 5X10-2 14.1 11.9 54 Pulse Duration (us) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 Concentration (M) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 Figure 5.1: Pulse Duration versus concentration of DODCI on different lasing medium Figure 5.1 shows the pulse duration obtained when passively Q-switched dye laser with different lasing medium upon concentration of saturable absorber. In general, the pulse duration of Q-switched laser gradually decreased with increasing of the concentration. The shortest pulse duration obtained from passively Q-switched dye laser with Coumarin 500, as a lasing medium is 14.1 µs corresponds to 0.05 M. While, the shortest pulse duration of 11. 9 µs was obtained at concentration of 0.05 M when Qswitching dye laser with Rhodamine 590 as a lasing medium. These pulse durations were smaller than those obtained with dye laser under normal operation. It is true because in laser operation with Q-switching, the saturable absorber is used to store or delay the laser oscillation. During this storage, more molecules can be excited to the upper level. Once the bleaching occurred, the photons can pass through and strike with many excited molecules, hence produced many stimulated emission. This condition results in the production of giant pulse. The pulse will emit within a very short time. 55 The pulse energy of DODCI Q-switching laser takes ten times for each concentration of the solution. Average values are listed in Table 5.2. The graph of the pulse energy versus concentration of saturable absorber is depicted in Figure 5.2. Table 5.2: Pulse energy of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration of DODCI Concentration, C (M) Pulse Energy, E0 + 0.01 (µJ) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 -5 1.06 1.18 5X10-5 0.85 0.83 1X10-4 0.62 0.55 5X10-4 0.51 0.43 1X10-3 0.27 0.28 5X10-3 0.24 0.24 1X10-2 0.12 0.18 5X10-2 0.05 0.08 1X10 Pulse Energy (uJ) 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 Concentration (M) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 Expon. (Rhodamine 590) Poly. (Coumarin 500) Figure 5.2: Output Energy versus concentration of DODCI in different lasing medium 56 The curves in Figure 5.2 show that the pulse energies of Q-switched laser for both Coumarin and Rhodamine as a lasing medium almost decrease exponentially with respect to the concentration of DODCI. Generally, the pulse energy from passively Q-switched dye laser is high when the concentration of the saturable absorber is low and decreased at higher concentration. This is true because the photon will experience less resistant in low concentration rather than higher once. As a result, there is a higher amplification in the cavity and this produces higher energy of the laser output. The maximum output energy was obtained about 1.06 µJ for Coumarin 500 dye laser and 1.18 µJ for Rhodamine 590 dye laser. In order to prove exponential relationship obtained in Figure 5.2, a graph of logarithm of energies are plotted against concentration as shown in Figure 5.3(a) and Figure 5.3(b). Assume that the exponential equation, y = ceax which ‘y’ represent as pulse energy, ‘x’ is the concentration of the saturable absorber and ‘c’ is the constant value while x = 0. By changing the exponential equation y = ceax into natural logarithm, the equation becomes linear equation of ln y = ax + ln c, where ‘a’ is the graph gradient. The graphs ln (pulse energy) versus concentration need to be in linear pattern to prove that the graph in Figure 5.2 is exponential decreased. 57 ln (pulse energy) -3 ln y = -0.4125x + 0.7177 R2 = 0.9449 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 0 0.5 Concentration (M) Figure 5.3 (a): Graph natural logarithm of pulse energy versus concentration for Coumarin dye laser -3 ln (Pulse Duration) -2.5 y = -0.35x + 0.5245 2 R = 0.9739 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 0 0.5 Concentration (M) Figure 5.3 (b): Graph natural logarithm of pulse energy versus concentration for Rhodamine dye laser 58 Figure 5.3(a) and Figure 5.3(b) show linear graphs. These indicate that the graph in Figure 5.2 is exponential decreased of the pulse energy with respect to the DODCI concentration. The output energy from a Q-switched laser is only a fraction of the output energy in normal operation. This is because more energies of the cavity are loss in saturable absorber. Peak power of passive Q-switch with DODCI was measured using Equation (3.1). The measured data are listed in Table 5.3. Table 5.3: Peak power of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration of DODCI Concentration, C (M) Peak Power, P + 0.01 (mW) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 1X10-5 34.42 39.6 5X10-5 25.91 29.54 1X10-4 27.19 20 5X10-4 24.06 16.1 1X10-3 13.85 10.73 5X10-3 13.79 13.11 1X10-2 7.5 10.98 5X10-2 3.55 6.72 The output power data in Table 5.3 was used to plot a graph. Figure 5.4 shows the relationship between output power of Q-switched laser and concentration of DODCI for different lasing medium. Peak Power (mW) 59 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 Concentration (M) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 Figure 5.4: Peak power versus concentration of DODCI on different lasing medium Figure 5.4 shows the relationship of peak power of passively Q-switched dye laser with different concentration of DODCI for two different lasing medium. In general, the peak power curves decreased exponentially with concentration of saturable absorber solution. The profile of the peak power for Rhodamine laser is more consistent. Coumarin laser indicates that the productions of peak powers are fluctuated upon concentration of the solution. This result also means that the laser output is unstable if DODCI is used as a saturable absorber. Hence DODCI material is more appropriate to be used with Rhodamine laser compared to Coumarin. A graph logarithm of peak power versus concentration is plotted to prove that the Rhodamine laser curve in Figure 5.4 is exponentially decreased. The graph obtained is shown in Figure 5.5. 60 4 3.5 ln(Peak Power) 3 2.5 2 y = -0.2266x + 3.7807 2 R = 0.9221 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 Concentration (M) Figure 5.5: Graph natural logarithm of pulse energy versus concentration for Rhodamine dye laser The graph in Figure 5.5 shows linear relationship. This indicates that the Rhodamine curve in Figure 5.4 decreases exponentially with respect to the DODCI concentration. DQOCI In this study, the concentration of DQOCI solution was varied in the range of 0.00001 M to 0.005 M. The laser is cease as the concentration is further increases. The laser output is diagnosed by measuring the pulse duration and the pulse energy. The pulse duration of passively Q-switched dye laser is listed in Table 5.4. The plotted graph of output energy on different lasing medium according to concentration of saturable absorber is represented in Figure 5.6. 61 Table 5.4: Pulse duration of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration of DQOCI Concentration, C (M) Pulse Duration, t + 1 (ns) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 1X10-5 2000 1160 5X10-5 1140 1100 1X10-4 456 824 5X10-4 400 400 1X10-3 212 216 5X10-3 512 448 1X10-2 Nil Nil 5X10-2 Nil Nil Pulse Duration (ns) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 Concentration (M) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 Figure 5.6: Pulse duration versus concentration of DQOCI on different lasing medium The results obtained when DQOCI was applied as a saturable absorber inside the dye laser cavity indicated that Coumarin dye laser is more stable than Rhodamine. Pulse duration obtained in Coumarin dye laser is decreased nonlinearly with respect to the concentration. However, for Rhodamine laser, the pulse duration was found to be 62 fluctuated and much lower compared to the result of Coumarin dye laser. The shortest pulse duration of Q-switched Coumarin dye laser is 212 ns at concentration of 0.001 M. while, for Rhodamine dye laser, the shortest pulse duration of 216 ns was found at same concentration. These pulses were slightly smaller than those produced with DODCI saturable absorber. The graphs ln (pulse duration) versus concentration is also plotted to show that the Coumarin dye laser curve in Figure 5.6 is exponentially decreasing. 8 ln (Pulse Duration) 7 6 5 y = -0.341x + 7.588 2 R = 0.6418 4 3 2 1 0 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 Concentration (M) Figure 5.7: Graph of natural logarithm of pulse energy versus concentration for Coumarin dye laser The graph in Figure 5.7 shows a linear relationship. This indicates that the Coumarin curve of pulse duration versus DQOCI concentration in Figure 5.6 exponentially increases. The output energy of the both laser using DQOCI as saturable absorber was measured and the collected data are listed in Table 5.5. Figure 5.5 shows the relationship 63 between output energy of passive Q-switched laser and concentration of DQOCI concentration using data of Table 5.5. Table 5.5: Pulse energy of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration of DQOCI Concentration, C Pulse Energy (us) (M) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.00001 Pulse Energy, E0 + 0.001 (µJ) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 1X10-5 1.582 1.057 5X10-5 1.392 0.731 1X10-4 1.339 0.616 5X10-4 1.141 0.528 1X10-3 0.828 0.524 5X10-3 0.418 0.446 1X10-2 Nil Nil 5X10-2 Nil Nil 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 Concentration (M) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 Poly. (Coumarin 500) Poly. (Rhodamine 590) Figure 5.8: Pulse energy versus concentration of DQOCI on different lasing medium 64 The output energy produced by passively Q-switched Coumarin dye laser is found almost inversely proportional to the concentration of DQOCI. However, the output energy produced by Rhodamine 590 was found relatively smaller compared to the output energy obtained by Coumarin 500 lasing medium. The relationship for Coumarin is found to be inversely proportional with the concentration. These output energies were found smaller than obtained in pure dye laser. The attenuation of output energy of Q-switching laser from pulse energy of normal operation has been mention in previous section. Another factor contributing to this is that some of the energy is usually left in the active medium. In addition, the fluorescence begins with pumping and considerable energy is lost through spontaneous emission before the Q-switching develops. Peak power of passive Q-switch with DODCI was calculated using Equation 3.1. The measurement data are listed in Table 5.6. The obtainable peak powers in Table 5.6 are used to plot a graph such as shown Figure 5.9. Table 5.6: Peak power of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration of DQOCI Concentration, C (M) Peak Power (P) + 0.01 (W) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 1X10-5 0.79 0.91 5X10-5 1.22 0.66 1X10-4 2.94 0.75 5X10-4 2.85 1.32 1X10-3 3.91 2.43 5X10-3 0.82 1.00 65 4.5 Peak Power (mW) 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 Concentration (M) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 Figure 5.9: Peak power versus concentration of DQOCI on different lasing medium Initially, the peak power of Coumarin laser is almost linear upon the DQOCI concentration. After reaching the optimum peak power of 3.91 W, the peak power drastically drops. Overall the peak power of Coumarin laser is higher in comparison to the Rhodamine dye laser. Although, the peak power for Rhodamine laser is relatively lower, the curve configuration is almost similar. The Rhodamine dye laser achieved the maximum point at the same concentration of 0.001 M. It means at this point; the ability of DQOCI to absorb dye laser is higher than others. Cryptocyannine In this study, the concentration of Cryptocyannine solution was varied in the range of 1x10-5 M to 5x10-2 M. The results of pulse duration and pulse energy measurements of passively Q-switched dye laser are listed in Table 5.7 and Table 5.8 respectively. The data are used to plot graphs of pulse duration versus concentration and output energy versus concentration. 66 Table 5.7: Pulse duration of passive Q-switch laser using Cryptocyannine Concentration, C Pulse Duration, t + 0.01 (µs) (M) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 1X10 -5 31.00 31.32 5X10 -5 30.32 25.24 1X10 -4 29.76 23.80 5X10 -4 27.72 20.42 1X10-3 21.04 21.20 5X10 -3 20.52 21.84 1X10 -2 21.64 16.16 5X10-2 24.84 17.56 As we can see in Table 5.7, the temporal behavior of the laser emission is very similar to the one obtained in normal operation when low concentration solution is inserted. The data are used to plot graphs. Figure 5.10 shows the relationship between Pulse Duration (us) pulse duration of passive Q-switch laser and concentration of Cryptocyannine. 35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 Concentration (M) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 Figure 5.10: Pulse duration versus concentration of Cryptocyanine on different lasing medium 67 Overall, the pulse duration of both lasers are fluctuating when the concentration of Cryptocyannine is varied. The minimum pulse duration for Rhodamine laser is 16.16 µs corresponding to 0.01 M concentration of Cryptocyannine. Whereas, the minimum pulse duration for Coumarin laser is obtained as 20.52 µs corresponding to the concentration of 0.001 M. Generally, Coumarin laser has longer pulse duration compared to Rhodamine laser. The output laser using Cryptocyannine modulator is measured and the collected data are listed in Table 5.8. Graph of the pulse energy versus concentration for the particular saturable absorber is shown in Figure 5.11. Table 5.8: Pulse energy of passive Q-switch laser using Cryptocyannine Concentration, C (M) Pulse Energy, E0 + 0.001 (µJ) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 1X10-5 1.290 1.283 5X10-5 1.040 1.125 1X10-4 0.840 0.860 5X10-4 0.705 0.728 1X10-3 0.630 0.540 5X10-3 0.542 0.442 1X10-2 0.410 0.300 5X10-2 0.523 0.150 68 1.6 Pulse Energy (uJ) 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 Concentration (M) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 Figure 5.11: Pulse energy versus concentration of Cryptocyannine on different lasing medium In general, the output energy produced by passively Q-switched dye laser for both Coumarin and Rhodamine lasing medium were found almost proportional inversely to the concentration of Cryptocyannine. This is means that the energy of the laser beam decreases as the concentration increased. It is true because as mentioned in theory, the bleaching condition of saturable absorber occurred when population at lower level almost balances with upper level. If there is medium with large population, the possibility achieve this saturation condition is more easily compared to the material with low concentration. Thus, when medium with higher concentration was used, more energy will be used to excite the population in lower level to higher level in order to balance each other. This will cause reduction of output energy from Q-switched laser. Peak power of passive Q-switch with Cryptocyannine was calculated using Equation (3.1). The calculation data are listed in Table 5.9. 69 Table 5.9: Peak power of passive Q-switch laser upon concentration of Cryptocyannine Concentration, C Peak Power, P + 0.01 (mW) (M) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 1X10-5 41.61 40.96 5X10-5 34.30 44.57 1X10-4 28.23 36.13 5X10-4 25.43 35.65 1X10-3 29.94 25.47 5X10-3 26.41 20.24 1X10-2 18.95 18.56 5X10-2 21.05 8.50 The data of peak power in Table 5.9 are used to plot a graph. Figure 5.12 shows the relationship of output power of Q-switched laser and concentration of saturable absorber for different lasing medium. 50 Peak Power (mW) 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 Concentration (M) Coumarin 500 Rhodamine 590 Figure 5.12: Peak power versus concentration of Cryptocyanine on different lasing medium 70 Figure 5.12 shows the relationship of peak power of passively Q-switched dye laser with different concentration of Cryptocyannine for different lasing medium. In general, the output power inversely proportional to the concentration of saturable absorber solution. The peak power produced from Coumarin dye laser is relatively smaller compared to Rhodamine dye laser. Hence, Cryptocyannine saturable absorber is preferable to Rhodamine dye laser. Comparison of organic dyes saturable absorber Initially, the passively Q-switched dye laser was performed using three organic dyes saturable absorber. The quartz cell contains dye solution was placed within the cavity between active medium and high reflecting mirror. The concentration of DODCI, DQOCI and Cryptocyannine solution were varied in order to determine the suitable concentration to be used as a saturable absorber. 40.5 Pulse Duration (us) 35.5 30.5 25.5 20.5 15.5 10.5 5.5 0.5 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 Concentration (M) DODCI DQOCI Cryptocyaninne Figure 5.13(a): Pulse duration versus concentration of different saturable absorber materials 71 35 Pulse Duration (us) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 Concentration (M) DODCI DQOCI Cryptocyaninne Figure 5.13(b): Pulse duration versus concentration of different saturable absorber materials Figure 5.13(a) and Figure 5.13(b) show the pulse duration of the three different saturable absorber materials upon their concentration, for Coumarin and Rhodamine dye laser. In general, the pulse duration depend on the concentration of the solution. The pulse duration of Q-switched laser for Coumarin and Rhodamine dye laser shows decreased with increasing the concentration of saturable absorber. The DQOCI present a best performance as a saturable absorber for both dye lasers with shortest pulse duration. Compared to dye laser under normal operation, the passive Q-switching lasers have shorter pulse duration. The reduction in pulse duration observed in the passive Q-switching can be explained as follows. In a dye laser under normal operation, the laser pulse starts to form as soon as population inversion is created. However, the resulting laser pulse In a Qswitched laser, energy is stored in the saturable absorber while the cavity Q is lowered to prevent the onset of laser emission. Although the energy stored and the gain in the lasing medium, the cavity losses are also high, lasing action is prohibited and the population inversion reaches a level far above the threshold for normal lasing action. When a high 72 cavity Q is restored, the stored energy is suddenly released in the form of very short pulses light. The output energy of Q-switched laser is found increased with regard to the concentration of saturable absorber materials as illustrated in Figure 5.14. At higher concentration, the possibility to get saturation condition is more easily. The ability of a substance to selectively absorb certain wavelengths of light while transmitting others is determined by its molecular and atomic structure. The concentration of the saturable absorber material is concentration of the colored substance in the saturable absorber solution increases, absorbance increases and the amount of light passing through decreases. 1.8 Pulse Energy (uJ) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 Concentration (M) DODCI DQOCI Cryptocyaninne Figure 5.14(a): Pulse energy versus concentration of different saturable absorber materials 73 1.6 Pulse Energy (uJ) 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 Concentration (M) DODCI DQOCI Cryptocyannine Figure 5.14(b): Pulse energy versus concentration of different saturable absorber materials Although the pulse energy from the Q-switching is smaller than that from purely dye laser, the pulse peak power was not significantly reduced. The reason for the small reduction in peak power is because the loss of the pulse energy occurs mainly in the falling edge of the laser. Figure 5.15 shows the peak power of Q-switching laser for Coumarin and Rhodamine dye laser with different saturable absorber. The peak power of Q-switching laser was measured using Equation (3.0). As shown in Figure 5.15, DQOCI was produced a highest peak power compared with DODCI and Cryptocyannine. The peak maximum correspond to the maximum value of the molar absorptivity and hence the sensitivity of the analysis. The strength of the molar absorbance is related to the concentration by Beer’s Law, the more concentrate molecule that the light comes in to contact with, the more light will be absorbed. 74 4.5 Peak Power (mW) 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 Concentration (M) DODCI DQOCI Cryptocyaninne Figure 5.15(a): Peak power versus concentration of different saturable absorber materials 3 Peak Power (mW) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.00001 0.00005 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 Concentration (M) DODCI DQOCI Cryptocyannine Figure 5.15(b): Peak power versus concentration of different saturable absorber materials 75 5.2.2 Cr4+: YAG crystal Saturable Absorber In this study, a Cr4+: YAG crystal has been tested as a saturable absorber inside the dye laser cavity. The position of Cr4+: YAG crystal inside the laser cavity was adjusted in order to obtain the shortest pulse duration of passively Q-switched dye laser. The Cr4+: YAG crystal was placed in two positions. The first position is between lasing medium and reflecting mirror, which is, referred front position. The second position is between lasing medium and output coupler mirror, which is referred as back position. Pulse duration, output energy and peak power of Q-switched laser for different lasing medium are listed in Table 5.10. Table 5.10: Pulse duration, pulse energy and peak power for different position of saturable absorber Pulse duration, Pulse energy, Peak Power, t + 10 (ns) E0 + 0.001 (µJ) P + 0.01 (W) Dye Laser Front Back Front Back Front Back Coumarin 740 208 1.057 1.283 1.43 6.17 Rhodamine 744 220 0.528 0.733 0.71 3.33 In Table 5.10, obviously shows that pulse duration obtained when saturable absorber was placed at back position is smaller than front position. The shortest pulse duration of 208 ns was produced by passively Q-switched Coumarin dye laser with placing saturable absorber between active medium and reflection mirror. This is mainly due to the nonlinear absorption of the saturable absorber, which leads to a much faster falling edge in the pulse profile. 76 In general, output energy obtained from passively Q-switched laser using Cr4+: YAG crystal placed in back position was found higher than front position. The result with inorganic saturable absorber was lower than pure dye laser, similar with organic dyes. This value mainly resulted from the large insertion loss of the Cr4+: YAG crystal inside the laser cavity. The optimum peak power of passively Q-switched dye laser was obtained when placing the Cr4+: YAG crystal at back position of laser cavity. Table 5.10 shows the highest output power of passively Q-switched Coumarin laser was 6.17 W. While for Rhodamine laser, the optimum output power was obtained as 3.33 W. 5.3 Summary Passively Q-switched dye laser was performed for Coumarin 500 and Rhodamine 590 as a lasing medium. The pulse duration and output energy of Q-switching laser then were compared with dye laser under normal operation. The pulse duration and output energy then have been used to calculate peak power of Q-switched laser. Two types of material were employed as a saturable absorber. The organic type consists of three dyes dissolved in ethanol; they are 3, 3’-Diethyloxadicarbocyanine Iodide (DODCI), 1, 3’-Diethyl-4, 2’-quinolyloxacarbocyanine Iodide (DQOCI) and 1, 1’Diethyl-4, 4’-carbocyanine Iodide (Cryptocyannine). Another type is inorganic material, which consists of Chromium-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (Cr4+: YAG) crystal. The saturable absorber material was inserted inside the dye laser cavity. As the conclusion, the DQOCI with concentration of 0.001 M was suggested to perform a passive Qswitching for both Coumarin and Rhodamine laser. 77 Finally, the passively Q-switched dye laser was carried out using Cr4+: YAG crystal as a saturable absorber. In this study, the shortest pulse duration and higher output energy obtained when placing the saturable absorber material between lasing medium and high reflection mirror. The optimum output power achieved when passively Qswitched dye laser with Coumarin 500 as a lasing medium. In summary, with the optimized selections of concentration of organic dyes and the best position of Cr4+: YAG crystal saturable absorber for each lasing medium of dye laser, the shorter the pulse duration, the lower of the single pulse energy and the higher of peak power of the Q-switched pulses could be obtained. The shortest pulse duration and optimum output power obtained using DQOCI and by placing Cr4+: YAG crystal between lasing medium and high reflection mirror when passively Q-switched Coumarin 500 dye laser. This is may be due to the by short wavelength of Coumarin compared with Rhodamine. The shorter the wavelength, the more energetic the photons are. Photons with shorter wavelengths are easier to be absorbed by the materials than photons with longer wavelengths. CHAPTER 6 DIAGNOSES OF PASSIVE Q-SWITCH LASER BEAMS 6.1 Introduction In many applications, the laser beam needs to be focused to a very small spot size, or else the overall brightness of the beam is crucial parameter. In this case, the focusability or beam quality is the key parameter to be considered. Laser beams are characterized by how good they are compared to the ultimate limit of a perfect beam. There are limited only by the inherent diffraction of the light wave, hence diffraction limited or lowest order mode beam. This beam is characterized by a pure Gaussian cross-section intensity profile, and its propagation is governed by Gaussian beam equations, which differ markedly from geometrical optical calculations. In this chapter, the passive Q-switch laser beam images in two- and threedimensional will be investigated using BeamStar CCD camera profiler. CCD camera laser beam profiles are based on a mosaic of two-dimensional detectors called pixels. The two-dimensional mosaic like detector instantly records the amount of energy impending on its surface, thus recording the optical pattern of the laser beam. 79 The intensity distribution of the laser beam is recorded pixel by pixel and displayed as a two-dimensional topographic map or a three-dimensional isometric view. CCD camera profiler also gives an analysis of Gaussian fit. The spot area produced by passively Q-switched dye laser is considered small. To precisely measure the spot area, a metallurgical method was employed. The images of spot area were analyzed via the Video Test 5.0 Software. Two materials were used as a saturable absorber inside the laser cavity, which are DQOCI and Cr4+: YAG. Dye laser used in this experiment utilized the Coumarin 500 as a lasing medium. 6.2 Analyzing the beam In this study, the BeamStar CCD Laser Beam Profiler was used as a diagnostics measurement system of passive Q-switched laser beams. It provides an extensive range of graphical presentations and analysis capabilities of laser beam parameters, such as beam width, shape, position and intensity profile. The BeamStar CCD Profiler uses a video camera and PC card to image, capture, store, and perform two-dimensional intensity distribution analysis on laser beams. Laser parameters such as beam width, Gaussian Width and correlation were observed at various working distances. 6.2.1 Gaussian Fit Analysis Vertical profile and horizontal profile displays the profiles from two orthogonal axis, horizontal and vertical. Each image is a digital representation of the spatial power distribution across the beam. The angle at which the profile is cut is controlled by profile. 80 The Gaussian fit profile shows how closely the measured beam profile matches a Gaussian profile. The typical results obtained from this experiment are depicted in Figure 6.1. Beam Profile Gaussian Profile (a) (b) Figure 6.1: Gaussian profile of passive Q-switched laser beam. (a). Vertical profile, (b). Horizontal profile The Gaussian fit profile shows how closely the measured beam profile matches a Gaussian profile. The Gaussian fit profile is displayed on top of both the vertical and horizontal profiles in green. The Gaussian fit is a least-square fit of a Gaussian equation to the cross section beam profiles. The correlation coefficient is the normalized sum of the fit residuals. The Gaussian fit was calculated from following equation: 81 − (x − c ) I = V exp σ 2 (6.1) Where I is the intensity of a pixel at location x, V is the maximum intensity of the fitted Gaussian curve (Peak Intensity), c is the center of the Gaussian fit peak (Centroid), and σ is the radius of the Gaussian fit curve at the 1/e2 intensity level (diameter). Figure 6.2 shows the typical two- and three-dimensional images of passive Qswitch laser beam. Three dimensional far field transverse beam profile of the Qswitching laser output beam is illustrated in Figure 6.2(a). The beams are distributed in the form of Gaussian beam profile. The gain spectrum is relatively quite broad. Two-dimensional image of the Q-switch laser beam is shown in Figure 6.2(b). A single spot obtained, indicated that the laser was operated at a uniphase mode. The beam spot is accompanied with beam noise and diffraction effect. (a) (b) Figure 6.2: Beam Profile of Q-switching laser; (a). Three-dimensional image shows the distribution of Gaussian beam profile (b). Two-dimensional image 82 The symmetry and uniformity of the laser beam are both indicated that the laser operates in the TEM00 mode. This mode is also called the mono-mode. The mode pattern is stable with time and constitutes a spatially coherent output. Thus, TEM00 has the lowest beam to be focused to the smallest possible spot. BeamStar CCD Profiler has graphical analysis capabilities of Q-switch laser beam parameters such as centroid, beam width, Gaussian width and correlation. The numerical value of these parameters upon working distance for passively Q-switched dye laser using DQOCI and Cr4+: YAG saturable absorbers are listed in Table 6.1 and Table 6.2 respectively. The beam column displays the Q-switch laser beam reading while the Gaussian column displays the data of the ideal Gaussian profile. These results are calculated and displayed for both the horizontal and vertical profile. 83 Table 6.1: Gaussian width in horizontal and verticals profiles for DQOCI saturable absorber due to working distance Working Distance + 1 (cm) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Centroid + 0.01 (µm) Horizontal 3421.38 3212.92 3296.97 3329.05 3001.28 2950.44 3175.09 Vertical 2747.73 2906.90 3010.83 3024.73 2778.71 2863.91 3148.26 Beam + 0.01 (µm) Horizontal 789.83 1379.80 1700.42 1907.86 1853.32 1841.61 2427.42 Vertical 759.45 1319.28 1614.47 1674.57 2092.04 2169.21 2351.95 Gaussian + 0.01 (µm) Horizontal 766.24 1456.31 1776.57 1947.62 1880.15 1845.97 2370.83 Vertical 746.31 1301.49 1594.92 1648.06 2031.33 2087.79 2298.88 Correlation (%) Horizontal 94.22 91.78 91.61 90.39 92.48 93.53 91.37 Vertical 95.53 91.36 90.55 89.35 90.05 88.96 90.38 Table 6.2: Gaussian width in horizontal and vertical profiles for Cr4+: YAG saturable absorber due to working distance Working Distance + 1 (cm) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Centroid + 0.01 (µm) Horizontal 3439.55 3450.07 3386.96 3460.59 3386.96 3576.29 3365.92 Vertical 2970.57 2982.65 5699.64 2994.72 2970.57 6665.68 5554.73 Beam + 0.01 (µm) Horizontal 983.77 1028.69 896.52 1104.85 1062.54 680.02 908.10 Vertical 922.66 856.68 1938.74 874.81 950.45 1735.31 2029.82 Gaussian + 0.01 (µm) Horizontal 985.21 1002.75 968.09 1067.87 1044.31 758.88 1010.87 Vertical 924.84 862.98 1953.00 891.69 962.98 1719.31 2046.33 Correlation (%) Horizontal 88.61 87.43 80.36 88.13 87.09 81.69 82.15 Vertical 97.08 96.59 95.56 95.51 93.86 92.07 91.79 84 The BeamStar CCD Profiler determines the location of the beam Centroid by summing the intensities of all image pixels in both horizontal and vertical axes, and computing the center of gravity of the beam intensity. The pixel coordinates at this location define the Centroid. The horizontal (H) and vertical (V) coordinates of the Centroid are computed using the following formula; H =Σ h × i (h, v ) I V =Σ v × i ( h, v ) I (6.2) (6.3) Where i (h, v) is the intensity at location (h, v) and I is the total intensity taken over the total area The beam width of Q-switched laser was measured at lowest clip level, which is 13.5 % of the profile peak. The 13.5 % level corresponds to the 1/e2 point of a Gaussian profile. The percentage deformation calculation from the ideal Gaussian beam then presented as a correlation. The collected data in Table 6.1 and 6.2 are used to plot graph of correlation against working distances. The graphs are illustrated in Figure 6.3 and Figure 6.4 for both DQOCI and Cr4+: YAG saturable absorbers respectively. 85 Correlation (%) 97 95 93 91 89 87 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Working Distance (cm) Horizontal Vertical Figure 6.3: Correlation upon working distances for DQOCI saturable absorber As depicted in Figure 6.3, the curves show that the correlation percentage for both horizontal and vertical axis of passively Q-switched dye laser beam using DQOCI is nonlinearly decreased with respect to working distance. However, the correlation percentage was found highest at short working distance for both horizontal and vertical axis. At far working distance, the correlation percentage fluctuates. Correlation (%) 100 95 90 85 80 75 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Working Distance (cm) Horizontal Vertical Figure 6.4: Correlation upon working distances for Cr4+: YAG saturable absorber 86 Figure 6.4 shows the correlation percentage graph of the passively Qswitched dye laser using Cr4+: YAG crystal upon different working distance. For vertical axis, the percentage inversely proportional with working distance. However, for horizontal axis the percentage seem to be fluctuated. The highest correlation percentages for both horizontal and vertical axis were found at short working distance. 6.2.2 Beam Spot Another parameter, which may be important to be considered is the laser spot size. Some applications require a small spot for high-resolution measurement while others require a larger diameter spot for averaging rough surfaces or for eye safety concerns. In this study, two-dimensional images of passively Q-switched Coumarin 500 dye laser using DQOCI and Cr4+: YAG crystal were analyzed using Video Test 5.0 software in order to precisely measure the spot area. The typical results of spot area for both DQOCI and Cr4+: YAG crystal as a saturable absorber are shown in Figure 6.5 and Figure 6.6 respectively. 10 cm 15 cm 20 cm 25 cm 30 cm 35 cm 40 cm Figure 6.5: Two-dimensional image of passively Q-switched dye laser using DQOCI upon different working distance Qualitatively, the beam spot of passive Q-switched dye laser using DQOCI in Figure 6.5 was found bigger for working distance in the range of 15 to 25 cm. The 87 colours of beam spot (red) become lesser and lesser from left to right, as to the target distances increases. 10 cm 15 cm 20 cm 25 cm 30 cm 35 cm 40 cm Figure 6.6: Two-dimensional image of passively Q-switched dye laser using Cr4+: YAG crystal upon different working distance Similar with the previous procedure, the beam spot of passively Q-switched Coumarin 500 dye laser using Cr4+: YAG crystal are arranged in the increasing order of the working distance. In the range from 15 to 20 cm, the beam spot seem to be bigger than others. From 25 to 40 cm, the beam spot almost in the same size. The smallest beam spot was found at working distance of 10 cm. The beam spot area was measured in millimeter square based on Figure 6.5 and Figure 6.6. The collected data are listed in Table 6.3 and Table 6.4 for DQOCI and Cr4+: YAG crystal saturable absorber respectively. Table 6.3: Beam spot perimeter and area used DQOCI as a saturable absorber Working Distance + 1 (cm) 10 Beam Spot Perimeter + Area + 0.0001 0.0001 (mm) (mm2) 7.5859 4.2375 15 21.2872 33.7942 20 28.4227 60.4961 25 25.3697 49.2869 30 34.8406 21.1930 35 21.1625 33.6505 40 22.0161 35.5014 88 Table 6.4: Beam spot perimeter and area used Cr4+: YAG crystal as saturable absorber Beam Spot Perimeter + Area + 0.0001 0.0001 (mm) (mm2) 9.00195 6.54420 Working Distance + 1 (cm) 10 15 14.4673 16.46684 20 14.5993 16.6879 25 13.7484 14.6770 30 16.1815 18.6124 35 17.25803 15.61651 40 18.41149 15.28642 The collected data in Table 6.3 and Table 6.4 are plotted into a same graph. The results were compared between DQOCI and Cr4+: YAG crystal as a saturable absorber. The plotted graph is depicted in Figure 6.7. Area (mm x mm) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Worrking Distance (cm) DQOCI solution Cr4+: YAG crystal Figure 6.7: Beam spot area against working distance Spot area of passively Q-switched dye laser using Cr4+: YAG crystal saturable absorber was found smaller than spot area produced by using DQOCI saturable absorber. As shown in Figure 6.7, initially, the spot area of Q-switch laser using DQOCI saturable absorber drastically increased with respect to working distance. Nevertheless, the spot area drops suddenly and become fluctuate, as the 89 distance gets longer. Different with The spot area of Q-switch laser using Cr4+: YAG crystal saturable absorber where initially it gradually increased and remains almost constant at greater working distance. 6.3 Summary The Gaussian fit analysis was performed via BeamStar CCD Laser Beam Profiler. Besides providing a laser beam parameters such as position, beam width, Gaussian beam and correlation percentage, this analysis also provide three- and twodiemansional images of passively Q-switched dye laser. The beam spot of passive Qswitch laser was measured regarding it two-dimensional images. Two saturable absorber materials are utilized to passively Q-switched the dye laser with Coumarin 500 as a lasing medium. They are DQOCI and Cr4+: YAG crystal. The concentration of DQOCI was chosen as 0.001 M while, the position of Cr4+: YAG crystal was chosen between lasing medium and high reflection mirror due to previous experiment. Initially, the passive Q-switch was analyzed using BeamStar CCD Laser Beam Profiler. The output characteristics of the Q-switch laser posses of a uniphase of TEM00 mode. The centroid, beamwidth and Gaussian beam were obtained at various working distances. The beam width then compared with the Gaussian beam and measured as correlation percentage. From this analysis, the highest percentage was found at lower working distance for DQOCI and Cr4+: YAG saturable absorber of both horizontal and vertical axis. In general, the beam spot of passive Q-switch laser are independent with working distances. At lower working distance, the beam spot was found to be smallest. At the middle, the beam spot becomes wider before remain smaller and constant at higher working distances. The colours of beam spot become less as the target distance increases. CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 7.1 Conclusion The objectives of this research were successfully achieved, which hopefully will contribute to a better understanding of passive Q-switching laser. Passive Q-switches technique using saturable absorber material such as DODCI, DQOCI, Cryptocyannine and Cr4+: YAG crystal have been studied. The passively Q-switching nitrogen-laserpumped-dye-laser has been successfully developed. Generally, dye laser with Coumarin 500 and Rhodamine 590 were utilized as a source to be switched during the Q-switching works. As a preliminary step to Q-switched the dye laser, the laser itself had to be calibrated in order to determine the current performance of laser beam. Firstly, the dye laser was externally triggered in order to produce a single shot pulses. Because the interaction of the color molecules and the solvent, there is a broadening of the vibrational energy levels, thus a wide spectrum bands are formed. 91 In this experiment, the lasing wavelength for Coumarin and Rhodamine was varied over 470 to 550 nm and 565 to 610 nm respectively. The optimum accumulation power was found at 500 nm for Coumarin and 590 nm for Rhodamine. The wavelength of laser emission is limited by the range of fluorescence wavelengths. The fluency pulse energy of laser beam was observed at various cavity lengths. The pulse duration and output energy obtained for dye lasers are linearly increased with respect to the cavity length. By determining the pulse duration and peak power of laser beam, the performance trend of dye laser can be traced before utilized the beam as source to be switched. The best way to Q-switched the dye laser is in the wavelength with highest power and shortest cavity length, which concerning the best performance of the laser. The passive Q-switching was chosen in this study because its offer an advantages of economy, simplicity of operation, and the emission of the output pulse in a narrow linewidths. Passive Q-switching relies on the action of so-called saturable absorber which is materials whose absorption decrease with increasing irradiance. This material is placed inside the laser cavity. At the beginning, the saturable absorber absorbs the dye laser fluorescent emission to the degree that the high reflection mirror is optically isolated from the remainder of the laser cavity. When the dye suddenly bleaches, the laser radiation can reach the high reflection mirror and laser oscillation occurs. There are four materials, such as DODCI, DQOCI, Cryptocyannine and Cr4+: YAG have been employed as a saturable absorber material. The first three materials are organic dyes dissolved in methanol and the last one is crystal. The concentration of the dyes saturable absorption was varied to produce any desired absorption. While, the position of Cr4+: YAG crystal inside the dye laser cavity was varied in order to study the length dependence of the Q-switching output. During Q-switching operation, the cavity length of dye laser was set at 5 cm. The concentrations of organic dyes were varied over 0.00005 M to 0.05 M. the position of Cr4+: YAG crystal was adjusted. Front position was refers to the placing of 92 the crystal between lasing medium and output coupler mirror, while back position means the placing of the crystal between lasing medium and high reflection mirror. The dependence of pulse duration and output energy on the concentration saturable absorber was determined. Then, these values were utilized to measure the peak power. In general, the pulse duration of Q-switching was found decreases with the concentration of dye saturable absorber. The temporal behavior of the Q-switch laser emission is very similar to the one obtained in normal operation when low concentrations are inserted. The pulse was slightly smaller than those produced with dye laser in normal operation. The shortest pulse duration was found when passively Qswitched Coumarin dye laser with 0.001 M of DQOCI. Similar result obtained whereby, the shortest pulse duration belongs to back position of Cr4+: YAG crystal. All the tested saturable absorber of organic dye shows similar result, in which the output energy was found dependence on concentration of the solution. The output energy from a Q-switched laser is only fraction of the output energy in normal operation at the same condition because scattering and absorption losses are always present in the cavity. The peak power of passive Q-switching laser was calculated as output energy divided by pulse duration obtained. The small reduction of peak power is because the falling edge of the laser. The peak maximum corresponds to the maximum value of the molar absorbance of the saturable absorber solution. The passively Q-switched dye laser using DQOCI with concentration of 0.001 M stated the optimum peak power for both Coumarin and Rhodamine lasing medium. Cr4+: YAG crystal is potential material to be used as saturable absorber material in this study. Due to its specific properties such as broad absorption band, high damage threshold, long lifetime, large absorption cross-section and easy operation. In this study, the Cr4+: YAG crystal was placed inside the dye laser at two positions in order to obtain 93 the possibility of shortest pulse duration. From this experiment we found that with placed the Cr4+: YAG saturable absorber between lasing medium and high reflector mirror, the shortest pulse duration could be obtained. Three- and two- dimensional images of Q-switching lasers were observed via BeamStar CCD Laser Beam Profiler. The output characteristics of Q-switching laser posses of a uniphase of TEM00 mode. This software also performed the Gaussian fit analysis for both vertical and horizontal axis. The beam width then compared with Gaussian beam and measured as correlation percentage upon various working distance. The highest percentage was found at lower working distance. The beam spot of passive Q-switch laser was measured regarding it twodimensional, which then analyzed by Video Test 5.0 software. The perimeter and area of passive Q-switching lasers were observed upon the working distance. In general, the passive Q-switch lasers are independent with working distances. 7.2 Problems And Suggestions The main problem in this study is actually contributed from the degradation of the dye. Damage to a dye Q-switch can happen in two ways. First, UV light from the pumping source of the dye laser and light from outside, particularly below 3500 nm will breakdown the long-chain dye molecules. These will cause the dye cannot be used as saturable absorber material for a long time. A suggestion solution is to place a UV filter with sufficient absorption to reduce this kind of degradation, in front of the dye cell. The dye cell also should kept in the dark area and minimize to expose it to the light from outside. Preferably, the experiment should perform at dark room. Second, the dye solvents change their refractive index of refraction with an increase in light intensity, and the core of the dye through which the laser light passes has a higher index of refraction than the outside. Hence, a lens effect, called self-trapping, occurs which can 94 greatly increase the light power density in the dye. This effect can minimize by working with a fairly thin dye cell. As mentioned earlier, this research is an initial stage of gaining the knowledge of Q-switching using saturable absorber. Dilute dye saturable absorber are not only effective media for initiation of passive Q-switching, but also have the advantages that their strength can be accurately controlled and varied continuously. Actually, the saturable absorber can also been use in mode-locking mode, which is another technique to produce shorter pulse. 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