REGISTRATION FOR PH.D. DEGREE SUBJECT COMMERCE FACULTY OF COMMERCE 2000 Sr. Name of Students No. 1. Shri Rajesh S. Nitnaware Topic Name of Supervisor Subject “Analytical Study of Implementation of Dr. Ram Kale Reservation Polity In Central Public Sector Under Taking At Nagpur. Commerce Registration Date 22/01/2000 2. Shri Pradeep D. Kale “Disbursement And Impact Finance By Land Development Bank In The Development of Agriculture In Amravati District During The Last Twenty Years (With Special Reference To Sixth, Seventh, Eight Five Year Plab.) Prof. E.H. Kathale, Nagpur. Commerce 22/01/2000 3. Shri S.B. Deshmukh (Re-Reg.) “Organisation And Functioning Of Multi-Modal Transport With Special Reference To Container Corporation of India LFD.” Shri Y.W. Kale, Nagpur. Commerce 06/10/2000 4. Shri P.P. Mogre ×o/kkZ ‘kgjkrhy ukxjh ir iqjoBk dj.kkÒ;k o ixkjnkj uksdjkaP;k lgdkjh iriqjoBk laLFkkapk fo’ys”k.kkRed vH;kl-Ö dkyko/kh ¼1991 & 2000½ Shri B.M. Mujumdar, Wardha. Commerce 06/10/2000 5. Shri Purushottam B. Yenurkar Ukkxiwj ftYg;krhy xzkgd pGoG vkf.k xzkgd laj{k.k dk;nk 1988 ,d fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u ¼1981 ea 1999 & 2000½ Dr. Anil Sarda, Nagpur. Commerce 06/10/2000 6. Mrs. V.S. Nichkawde ×ukxiwj ftYgk ‘kkldh; nq/k ;kstusraxZr izeq[k L=ksr ¼nq/k iqjoBk o forj.k O;oLFksps fpfdRld v/;;u-Ö ¼dkyko/kh 1990 & 91 rs 1999 & 2000½ Dr. R.P. Senad, Nagpur. Commerce 06/10/2000 7. K.V. Ratnanjali (Thesis Submitted) “India‟s Food Security In The Context of Liberalised Trade.” Dr. Madhukar Rode. Commerce 06/10/2000 8. Ku. V.H. Gandhi “A Study Of Impact Of Information Technology On Banking Sector.” Dr. Madhukar Rode, Nagpur. Commerce 06/10/2000 Sr. Name of Students No. 9. Mrs. Narendra M. Deshmukh Topic Name of Supervisor Subject “Reciprocity Among Maharashtra State Electricity Board‟s Management, Employees And Consumers For Rational And Sustainable Development of Energy Sector, Seing A Mother Industry of All Industries (Maharashtra State) (Period – 1985 to 2000) Prof. A.H. Vajare, Nagpur. Commerce Registration Date 06/10/2000 10. Shri P.W. Sudame Ukkxiwj ‘kgjkrhy x`gfuekZ.k O;olk; laLFkkP;k ;ksxnkukps fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u 1960 iklwuÖ Dr. S.N. Bodhankar, Nagpur. Commerce 06/10/2000 11. Pradip K. Wath ×ukxiwj ftYg;krhy o`Ÿki=h; deZP;kjkaps vkfFkZd o vkfFkZdsŸkj leL;kaps fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;uÖ ¼1990 &91 rs 2000 & 2001½ Prof. A.H. Vajare, Nagpur. Commerce 06/10/2000 2001 Sr. Name of Students No. 1. Parimal Halder Topic Name of Supervisor Subject “A Study Of Economics Welfare Measures Introduced by Andaman And Nicobar Administration For Overall Development Of The Tribes (1990 – 2000)” Dr. A.N. Sarda, Nagpur. Commerce Registration Date 01/06/2001 2. Prakash V. Shukla Ukkxiwj ‘kgjkrhy czsM m|ksxkps lexz v/;;u ¼dky[kaM 1990 & 91 rs 1999 & 2000½ Dr. P. Senad, Nagpur. Commerce 01/06/2001 3. Ashok Kumar Haldar “Role of Tourism Industry In The Development of Andaman And Nicobar Islands (1990 – 2000) Dr. A.N. Sarda, Nagpur. Commerce 01/06/2001 4. M.Y. Ajbale ×HkaMkjk ftYgk nqX/k mRiknd lgdkjh la?kkP;k dk;kZpk vH;kl o eqY;kadu-Ö Dr. M.M. Gharpure, Nagpur. Commerce 01/06/2001 5. Sujitnath S. Banerjee (Re-Reg.) “Development of Small Industries on Nagpur Distory, During The Post-Independence Period” (1947 to 1985) Prof. A.H. Vajare, Nagpur. Commerce 01/06/2001 6. Shri S.H. Moon ×fonHkZ xzkeh.k fodklkrhy ;kstukRed dk;Zdzekps ,d v/;;uÖ ¼b-l- 1991 & 2001½ Dr. (Mrs.) Vijaya Raghatate, Nagpur. Commerce 10/10/2001 7. Shri K.M. Bawane ×orZekui=krhy tkfgjkrhps fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;uÖ ¼lanHkZ&fonHkZ&ejkBokMk&dkyko/kh %& 1996 rs 2002½ Dr. S.S. Shastri Commerce 10/10/2001 8. Tejinder Singh Rawal “A Critical Study Of Direct Taxes In India With Special Reference To Salaries (1990-91 to 2000-2001) Dr. D.C. Jain, Nagpur. Commerce 10/10/2001 9. Prof. G.K. Dhadake ×fonHkkZrhy jk”Vªh; oL=ks|ksx egkeaMGkarxZr dkiM fxj.;kapk fpfdRld vH;klÖ ¼1991 & 2001½ Dr. R.P. Senad, Nagpur. Commerce 10/10/2001 10. Prof. S.S. Hajre ×ukxiwj ‘kgjkrhy migkjx`g dkexkjkaps vkfFkZd o lkekftd v/;;uÖ ¼dkyko/kh 1991 & 2001½ Dr. E.H. Kathale, Nagpur. Commerce 10/10/2001 Sr. Name of Students No. 11. Shri D.C. Gotmare Topic Name of Supervisor ×ukxiwj {ks=krhy lgdkjh rRokoj dk;Zjr vl.kkjh ukxiwj ukxfjd lgdkjh cWad fyfeVsMpk lexz vH;kl % ,d fpfdRld v/;;uÖ ¼dky[kaM 1991 &92 rs 2000 & 2001½ Dr. R.P. Senad, Nagpur. Commerce Registration Date 10/10/2001 Dr. (Mrs.) Vijaya Raghatate, Nagpur. Commerce 10/10/2001 Commerce 10/10/2001 Commerce 10/10/2001 12. Shri R.P. Raghute ×ukxiwj ‘kgjkrhy lgdkjh vf/kdks”kkpk fo’ys”k.kkRed vH;kl-Ö ¼1990 &91 rs 2000 & 2001½ 13. Shri R.M. Naik ×fonHkkZP;k fodklkr fn- fonHkZ fizeh;j dks&vkWijsfVOg Dr. R.P. Senad, Nagpur. Subject gkÅflax lkslk;Vh fyfeVsMps ;ksxnku % ,d fpfdRld v/;;u-Ö ¼1990 & 91 rs 1999 & 2000½ 14. Shri Bhojraj Aryal “Consumer‟s Impact Through Electronic Media Dr. (Mrs.) Vijaya Raghatate 2002 Sr. Name of Students No. 1. Shri D.B. Shinde Topic Name of Supervisor Subject “Critical Analysis of The Budget of Union Government With Special Reference To Direct And Indirect Taxes.” (1991 – 92 to 2001 – 2002) Dr. A.N. Sarda, Nagpur. Commerce Registration Date 24/09/2002 2. Mrs. R.V. Sontakay, (Thesis Submitted on 30/07/2007) “A Critical Evaluation of Employee‟s Co-operative Credit Societies In Nagpur District.” Dr. S.C. Gulhane, Nagpur. Commerce 24/09/2002 3. Mrs. V.V. Panbude, ×fonHkkZrhy ekFkkMh vkf.k varajf{kr dkexkj eaMGkps ;ksxnku o fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u-Ö ¼1985 & 2002½ Dr. P.M. Siriya, Nagpur. Commerce 24/09/2002 4. Ku. Sangita Pawar, (Revised Synopsis) From : f’k{kd lgdkjh vf/kdks”k fyfeVsMps la?kVu vkf.k Dr. V.C. Raghatate, Nagpur. Commerce 24/09/2002 5. Shri V.G. Mamde, “To Study The Role of Nashik District Central Co-operative Bank In The Development of Nashik District. (1990 – 91 – to 2000 – 2001) Dr. A.N. Sarda, Nagpur. Commerce 24/09/2002 6. Shri P.D. Hadke, “Critical Evaluation of Social Security Schames of Government of India And Health Insurance Schemes of new India Assurance Co. Ltd. With Special Reference To Mediclain Policy.” Dr. P.K.S. Meneon, Nagpur. Commerce 24/09/2002 7. Shri R.P. Gan, (Thesis Submitted on 18/01/2007) ×ukxiwj ftYg;krhy la=k mRiknu vkf.k leL;kaps v/;;u-Ö ¼1991 & 2001½ Dr. Arvind Shende, Commerce 24/09/2002 8. Ku. D.N. Puttewar, (Thesis Submitted on 20/07/2007) ×ukxiwj ftYg;kP;k fodklkr ukxjh lgdkjh cWadkaps va’knku ;k vuq”kaxkus lgdkjh rRokoj dk;Zjr vlysY;k fn fpV.kfoliwjk lgdkjh cWad fyehVsMps ;ksxnku ,d fpfdRld v/;;u ¼dky[kaM 1991 & 92 rs 2000 & 2001½ Dr. R.P. Senad, Nagpur. Commerce 24/09/2002 dk;Zi/nrhps eqY;ekiu-Ö ¼b-l- 1992 rs 2002½ To : okf.kT; vf/kdks”kkaps la?kV.k vkf.k dk;Zi/nrhps eqY;ekiu-Ö ¼1996 & 2002½ Sr. Name of Students No. 9. Shri D.N. Padole, Topic Name of Supervisor Subject ×ukxiwj ftYg;krhy ykdwM cktkjkpk ¼Timber Market½ lexz vH;kl & ,d fpfdRld v/;;u-Ö ¼dkyko/kh & 1991&92 rs 2000&2001½ Dr. R.P. Senad, Commerce Registration Date 24/09/2002 10. Mrs. Kanchan Naidu, “An Analytical Study of The Working And Managements of National Stock Exchange (1993 to 2003) Dr. A.N. Sarda, Nagpur. Commerce 24/09/2002 11. Shri N.C. Etankar, “Salesmanship In The Consumer‟s Good Shops In Nagpur City And Its Effect Upon The Sales of Shop. (Period 1992 – 2002) Dr. M. Gulhane, Nagpur. Commerce 24/09/2002 12. Prof. D.T. Ghode, ×panziwj ftYg;krhy ukxjh lgdkjh cWadkaps iz’kklu vkf.k O;oLFkkiu ;kaps cWadsP;k fodklkrhy ;ksxnku & ,d fo’ys”kukRed v/;;u-Ö Dr. V. Anchwar, Chandrapur. Commerce 24/09/2002 13. Ku. G.S. Galani, Dr. (Mrs.) V.C. Raghatate, Nagpur. ×fonHkZ dh okf.kT;d xfrfof/k;k ,oa fdz;kdykoksa dk v/;;u-Ö fo’ks”k foek] cWadhax] lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh ds lanHkZ es-½ ¼1991 & 2002½ Commerce 24/09/2002 (With Special Reference Only Nagpur District.) 14. Shri R.W. Wasnikar, “A Board Spectrum on Development of Human Force In Western Region of Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.” Dr. M. Gulhane, Nagpur. Commerce 24/09/2002 15. Shri D.M. Vaidya, ×o/kkZ o panziwj ftYg;krhy iksFkjk /kj.k tyflapu izdYikarxZr ;s.kkÒ;k xkokrhy ‘ksrdÒ;kaP;k vkfFkZd o lkekftd ifjfLFkrhps fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u-Ö ¼dkyko/kh 1991&92 rs 2000&2001½ Dr. R.P. Senad, Nagpur. Commerce 24/09/2002 16. Shri N.M. Mankar, “An Inquiry Into The Impact of Advertisement of Favorite Planning With Special Reference To Advertisement In Prim Media.” Dr. R.G. Ashtikar, Commerce 08/03/2002 2003 Sr. Name of Students No. 1. Prof. Y.S. Shambharkar, Topic Name of Supervisor Subject ×egkjk”Vª ljdkjP;k ,dkf/kdkj dkiwl [kjsnh ;kstusps foRrh; fo’ys{k.k-Ö ¼dkyko/kh 1991 & 92 rs 2001 & 2002½ Dr. A.K. Shende, Nagpur. Commerce Registration Date 26/03/2003 2. Shri N.S. Awasthi, ×o/kkZ ftYg;kP;k fodklkr ftYgk fu;kstu lferhps ;ksxnku ,d fo’ys{k.kkRed v/;;u-Ö Dr. A. Sarda, Nagpur. Commerce 26/03/2003 3. Prof. M.S. Liman, ×jk;xM ftYg;krhy vYicpr laHkkO;rsps fo’ys”k.k-Ö ¼1993 & 94 rs 2002 & 2003½ Dr. (Smt.) V.C. Raghatate, Commerce 26/03/2003 4. Shri V.S. Tiwari, “A Study of The Assessment Procedures” Under The Income Tax Act. 1961 Relating To Different Assesses With Special Reference To Companies And H.U.F.” (1992 – 2002) Dr. S.C. Gulhane, Nagpur. Commerce 26/03/2003 5. Shri A.P. Choudhari, (Thesis Submitted on 29/07/2005) ×;orekG ftYg;krhy ru foHkkxkP;k O;oLFkkiu vkf.k fu;kstukps ewY;ekiu-Ö ¼dky[kaM & 1991 iklwu½ Dr. S.N. Bodhankar, Commerce 26/03/2003 6. Harinder Kour, “A Study of Corporate Governance Practices In India.” Dr. V.K. Jain, Commerce 26/03/2003 7. Shri D.C. Wazarkar, (Thesis Submitted on 12/03/2008) ×ukxiwj foHkkxkrhy ukxjh lgdkjh vf/kdks”kkaP;k foRrh; fLFkrhps v/;;u-Ö ¼dkyko/kh 1991&92 rs 2001&2002½ Dr. A.K. Shende, Commerce 26/03/2003 8. Ku. S.P. Satkar, (Thesis Submitted on 17/03/2008) “The Development of Agriculture In Nashik District With Special Reference To Lead Bank.” Dr. V.K. Upagade, Nagpur. Commerce 26/03/2003 9. Mr. Hitesh Vaswani, “Study of Mutal Funds In India” (1992 – 2002) Dr. Anil Sarda, Nagpur. Commerce 26/03/2003 10. Prof. V.D. Ambade, ×fonHkZ fodkl egkeaMGkps fonHkkZP;k lokZaxh.k fodklkrhy ;ksxnku & ,d vH;kl-Ö Dr. M.D. Gulhane, Commerce 26/03/2003 Sr. Name of Students No. 11. Shri N.M. Mahurle, Topic Name of Supervisor Subject ×dsanzorhZ vFkZladYi ;kstusps ¼U;qfDyvl ctsV½ vgsjh izdYi dk;kZy;k varxZr ;s.kkÒ;k vkfnoklhaP;k vkfFkZd fodklkr ;ksxnku-Ö ¼dky[kaM 1992 rs 2002½ Dr. V.S. Ainchawar Commerce Registration Date 26/03/2003 12. Ku. K.M. Raulani, (Thesis Submitted on 04/04/2006) “Socio-Economics Study of Self Employed Women In Wardha district.” Prof. B.M. Mujumdar, Wardha. Commerce 26/03/2003 13. Shri D.G. Deshpande, (Thesis Submitted on 17/05/2006) “A Review of The Consumer Awareness And Consumer Movement In The Thane District And The utilization of The Provisions In The Consumer Protection Act. 1986 In Thane District Since Its Enactment And With Special Reference To (The Post Liberalisation. Privetisation And Globalisation Period) The Impact of New Economics Policy of 1991. Dr. Y.N. Kale, Nagpur. Commerce 26/03/2003 14. Mrs. S.B. Mishra, (Thesis Submitted on 12/06/2008) “Trade Union, Functioning In Nationalished Banks In Nagpur City” (Period 1980 – 1998) Dr. U.N. Shukla, Commerce 09/10/2003 15. Shri R.A. Darvekar, ×yksd dY;k.kkdfjrk Hkkjrh; ftou foek fuxeP;k ukxiwj foHkkfx; dk;kZy;kP;k dk;kZps eqY;ekiu % ,d fpfdRld v/;;u-Ö ¼dky[kaM & b-l- 1993&94 rs 2002&2003½ Prof. Abdul Bari, Nagpur. Commerce 09/10/2003 16. Ku. S.S. Menkudle, ×ukxiwj ftYg;krhy csjkstxkjkauk jkstxkj o Lo;aejkstxkj miyC/k d#u ns.;kadfjrk ftYgk jkstxkj o Lo;aejkstxkj ekxZn’kZu dsanz ukxiwj ps ;ksxnku % ,d fpfdRld v/;;u-Ö ¼dky[kaM & b-l- 1993&94 rs 2002&2003½ Prof. Abdul Bari, Nagpur. Commerce 09/10/2003 17. Shri M.R. Patil, ×yksdksi;ksxh la?kVuspk vkfFkZd o lkekftd n`”Vhdksukrwu fpfdRld vH;kl-Ö ¼jksVjh Dyc 3030 P;k fo’ks”k lanHkkZr-½ Dr. S.A. Sonegaonkar, Commerce 09/10/2003 18. Shri R.N. Sontakke, ×vejkorh o o/kkZ ftYg;krhy dq”Bjksxh lsok laLFkkapk O;oLFkkidh;] vkfFkZd o lkekftd vH;kl-Ö Dr. S.A. Sonegaonkar, Commerce 09/10/2003 Sr. Name of Students No. 19. Prof. A.I. Kamble, Topic Name of Supervisor ×ukxiwj ftYg;krhy ekrax lektkP;k lkekftd o vkfFkZd ifjfLFkrhps Dr. Vijay Upagade, fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u-Ö ¼dkyko/kh 1985 rs 1998½ Subject Commerce Registration Date 09/10/2003 2004 Sr. Name of Students No. 1. Shri M.M. Nagarnaik, Topic Name of Supervisor Subject “An Analitical Study of Money Back Policy of Life Insurance Corporation (L.I.C.) A Case Study of Nagpur Division, Nagpur (Period From 1992-93 To 2002-2003)” Dr. M.M. Wankhede, Commerce Registration Date 20/03/2004 2. Shri D.S. Kawaday, (Thesis Submitted on 21/08/2006) “A Comprehensive Study of The Working of The Scheme „Prime Ministers‟ Rozgar Yojana In Chandrapur District. (Period : 1994-95 to 2002-2003) Dr. V.S. Ainchwar, Commerce 20/03/2004 3. Shri A.S. Lokhande, ×panziwj xMfpjksyh ftYg;krhy ftYgk ifj”knkapk rqyukRed foRrh; vH;kl vkf.k iz’kklukps v/;;u-Ö ¼dkyko/kh 1993&94 rs 2003&04½ Dr. A. Shende, Nagpur. Commerce 20/03/2004 4. Tarun Bibra, “An Analytical Study of The Resources And Applications of Funds By Municipal Council In Chandrapur.” Dr. V.S. Ainchwar, Commerce 20/03/2004 5. Shri S.R. Chavan. (Thesis Submitted on 17/04/2006) ×o/kkZ ftYg;krhy nSuafnu xjtsP;k oLrqaP;k mi;ksxkoj Lons’khP;k izHkkokps fVdkRed ewY;ekiu % ,d vH;kl-Ö Dr. S. Bodhankar, Commerce 20/03/2004 6. Abdul Kadar Mansuri, (Thesis Submitted on 29/01/2007) ×egkjk”Vª jkT; lMd ifjogu egkeaMG ,oa e/;izns’k jkT; lMd ifjogu egkeaMG dk rqyukRed v/;;u-Ö Prof. C.A. Sarode, Commerce 20/03/2004 7. Shri D.N. Khadse, (Thesis Submitted on 24/11/2006) ×vejkorh egkuxj ikfydsP;k vkfFkZd fLFkrhps v/;;u-Ö ¼dkyko/kh & 1994&95 rs 2003&04½ Dr. A. Shende, Commerce 20/03/2004 8. Shri M.B. Parmar, “Critical Analysis of Growth of Mutual Fund Industry In India (1994 – 2003) Dr. D.C. Jain, Nagpur. Commerce 20/03/2004 9. Shri S.G. Nasare, (Thesis Submitted on 25/06/2007) ×fn fonHkZ fizfe;j dks&vkWijsfVOg gkmflax lkslk;Vh fy- P;k foRrh; o iz’kkldh; dk;kZps v/;;u-Ö ¼dkyko/kh 1990&91 rs 2003&2004½ Dr. M.M. Wankhede, Nagpur. Commerce 20/03/2004 Sr. Name of Students No. 10. Ku. S.L. Diwe, (Thesis Submitted on 27/11/2006) Topic Name of Supervisor Subject ×vkfnoklh fodkl egkeaMGkP;k fduoV foHkkxkr dk;kZfUor ;kstukaps fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;uÖ ¼b-l- 1995 iklwu½ Dr. S.N. Bodhankar, Commerce Registration Date 20/03/2004 11. M.L. Seenciah, (Thesis Submitted on 08/01/2007) “Rural Development Programme In A.P. – A Study of Implementation And Management With Special Reference To Telangana Region” (1993 – 2003) Dr. V.M. Maindarkar, Nagpur. Commerce 20/03/2004 12. M. Shekar, (Thesis Submitted on 08/01/2007) “Critical Analysis of Consumer Protection Movement In A.P. With Special Reference To Consumer Voluntary Organisation And Consumer Redressal To Rims of Hyderabad Zone.” Dr. V.M. Maindarkar, Nagpur. Commerce 20/03/2004 13. Shri D.A. Sonegaonkar, ×egkjk”Vª jkT;kP;k vankti=dh; [kpkZaps foRrh; iz’kklu n`”V;k rqyukRed v/;;u-Ö Dr. S.A. Sonegaonkar, Commerce 20/03/2004 14. Shri R.S. Bahurupi, ×ukxiwj ‘kgjkrhy LVsV cWad vkWQ bafM;kP;k ‘kk[kakuh x`g fuekZ.k dtkZP;k lanHkkZr dsysY;k dk;kZps ewY;ekiu-Ö ¼dky[kaM 1993 & 2002½ Prof. Abdul Bari, Nagpur. Commerce 06/10/2004 15. Mrs. B.S. Bhadade, “Impact of Globalixation on Trade Union Movement In India With Special Reference To Nagpur District.” Dr. E.H. Kathale, Nagpur. Commerce 06/10/2004 16. Shri N.T. Khobragade, ×egkjk”Vªkrhy xMfpjksyh ftYg;krhy vuqlwfpr tekrh ¼vkfnoklh½ o Dr. R.R. Senad, Nagpur. vuqlwfpr tkrh g;kaP;k vkfFkZd o lkekftd fLFkrhpk rqyukRed vH;kl-Ö ¼dky[kaM 1982&83 rs 2002&2003½ Commerce 06/10/2004 17. Shri R.S. Bijwe, ×thou foek egkeaMGkP;k foek ;kstukaps fo’ys”k.kkRed ,d v/;;u-Ö ¼1995 & 2005½ Commerce 06/10/2004 Dr. D.D. Vairagade, 2005 Sr. Name of Students No. 1. Shri M.M. Telrandhe, Topic Name of Supervisor Subject ×HkaMkjk ftYg;krhy uxjikfydkaP;k foŸkh; iz’kklukpk fo’ys”k.kkRed vH;klÖ ¼dkyko/kh 1995&96 rs 2004&05½ Dr. Arvind Shende, Commerce Registration Date 11/07/2005 2. Shri R.B. Selukar, uj[ksM rkyqD;krhy efgyk JehdkaP;k O;kolk;hd vkf.k lkekftd fLFkrhps v/;;u dky[kaM ¼1994 rs 2004½ Dr. (Smt.) V.C. Raghtate, Commerce 11/07/2005 3. Mrs. M.R. Chansarkar, (Thesis Submitted on 10/01/2008) “Problems And Prospects of Road Transport Agencies In Nagpur” (Period 1995 To 2005) Dr. K.R. Dixit, Commerce 11/07/2005 4. Renu Likhra, “An Analytical Study of Mutul Fund Industry in India” Dr. V.K. Jain, Commerce 11/07/2005 5. Shri G.G. Babde, (Thesis Submitted on 13/06/2008) Ukkxiwj ftYg;krhy xzkeh.k o ‘kgjh lgdkjh irlaLFksP;k lexz vH;klÖ ,d fpdhRld v/;;u dky[kaM 1995&96 rs 2004&05 Dr. K.B. Kolhe, Commerce 11/07/2005 6. Meena P. Agrawal, “The Khadi And Village Industries Commissions (KVICS) Role In The Development of Nagpur District” (1992-2005) – A Critical Study. Dr. V.M. Chopde, Commerce 11/07/2005 7. Shri Anil W. Pande, ×fonHkkZrhy cktkjisBsr xzkgd laj{k.k dk;|kps ;ksxnkuÖ ,d v/;;u Dr. G.B. Patil, Nagpur. ¼o”kZ 1990 & 2005½ Commerce 11/07/2005 8. Smita R. Lokhande, “Service Work In Information Age : An Investigation of Role of Human Resource Management Practices Knowledge Transfer And Consumer Satisfaction In Business Sector.” Dr. V.M. Chopde, Commerce 11/07/2005 9. P.R. Nagmote, ×ukxiwj ftYg;krhy fofo/k lsok lgdkjh laLFkkps O;oLFkkiu o ‘ksrdÒ;kaP;k vkfFkZd fodklkps v/;;uÖ uj[ksM] dkVksy rgflyhP;k lanHkkZr½ dky[kaM 1995&96 rs 2004 Dr. Vilas M. Chopde, Commerce 11/07/2005 Sr. Name of Students No. 10. Babulal B. More, Topic Name of Supervisor Subject ×y?kq flpau ft-Ik- ukxiwj varxZr ;s.kkÒ;k dqgh o mejsM mi foHkkxkfry ik>j tyk’k;krhy izHkkfor ‘ksrdÒ;kaP;k vkfFkZd o ‘ksfr O;olk;k’kh lac/khr brj leL;kaps ,d v/;;uÖ Dr. Vilas M. Chopde, Commerce Registration Date 11/07/2005 11. Shirkumar S. Madhwani, Hkkjrh; thou chek O;olk; dk fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u lanHkZ % rqelj rglhy ¼dkyko/kh % 1994 ls 2004½ Dr. P.P. Dehliwal, Commerce 11/07/2005 12. Mrs. Rachanaa Datey, “Critical Analysis of Customer Relationship Management In Financial Sector In Nagpur City (1999 – 2004) Dr. V.M. Chopde, Commerce 11/07/2005 13. Shri S.P. Umare, ×panziwj ftYg;krhy uxj ifj”knsr dke dj.kkÒ;k deZpkÒ;kps vkfFkZd o lkekftd v/;;uÖ lu 1992 rs 2002 Dr. Vijay Ainchwar, Commerce 11/07/2005 14. Shri J.B. Jambhulkar, Ukkxiwj o dkeBh {ks=kraxZr ;s.kkÒ;k gkrekx m|ksxkph vkfFkZd fLFkrh o Dr. J.D. Welankar, R;k varxZr dk;Zjr vl.kkÒ;k JfedkaP;k vkfFkZd] lkekftd fLFkrhpk ,d vH;kl ¼lu 1980 rs 2005½ Commerce 11/07/2005 15. K.G. Meshram, ^ukxiwj ‘kgjkrhy vkS”k/kh fodzh O;olk;kps O;oLFkkiu vkf.k lkekftd Dr. K.B. Kolhe, o vkfFkZd leL;kapk lexz vH;kl-* Commerce 11/07/2005 16. Smt. Purnima V. Meshram, A Critical Study of Labour Welfare Activities In MIDC, Chandrapur, Distt. Chandrapur (1994 – 2004) Dr. Vilas Chopde, Commerce 11/07/2005 17. Ku. Sunita N. Ravidas, ×ukxiwj ftYg;krhy x`gfuekZ.kP;k {ks=kr ijekRek ,d lsod ukxjhd lgdkjh vf/kdks”k e;kZ- P;k dk;kZps eqY;ekiuÖ Prof. Abdul Bari, Commerce 11/07/2005 18. V.V. Ratnajirao Chowdary, (Thesis Submitted on 26/12/2007) Impact of Financial Reforms on The Performance of State Financial Comports A Case Study of The Turn Around of Andhra Pradesh State Financial Corporation (1989 To 2004) Dr. Bharat Meghe, Commerce 11/07/2005 Sr. Name of Students No. 19. Shubhangi R. Murdio, Topic Name of Supervisor Subject A Critical Study of A.C.C. Cement Company‟s Performance And New Challenges For Them In Global Market. 1994-95 To 2004-05 Prof. Abdul Bari, Commerce Registration Date 11/07/2005 20. D.A. Prithyani, A Short Summary of Ph.D. Thesis. “Rural Credit Policies Valuation” (In Relation To Gndian Agricuture With Reference To Gondia District) (1993-94 – 2003-2004) Dr. D.C. Jain, Commerce 11/07/2005 21. Shri Prasant M. Patil, ×lkousj rgfly d`”kh mRiUu cktkj lferhP;k dk;Zi/nrhpk o foRrh; fo’ys”k.kkRed vH;klÖ dky[kaM 1995&96 rs 2004&05 Dr. K.B. Kolhe, Commerce 11/07/2005 22. Ku. Rita Bhatiya, ×fonHkkZrhy x`gcka/ fodklkr foRr laLFkkps ;ksxnkuÖ ,d v/;;u ¼o”kZ 1990 & 2005½ Dr. Vijay Upagade, Commerce 11/07/2005 23. Shri Jayanta J. Dahake, Ekgkjk”Vª jkT; ekxZ ifjogu egkeaMGkP;k foŸkh; vkf.k okgrwd dk;kZpk fo’ys”k.kkRed vH;kl ¼1990&91 rs 2001&02½ Dr. M.M. Wankhede, Commerce 11/07/2005 24. Shri Manoj B. Shah, Thesis Synopsis on Urban Sector Reforms A Study of Nagpur Municipal Corporation Dr. V.K. Jain, Commerce 11/07/2005 25. Mrs. V.D. Kawadkar, Socio-Economic Study of Women Entrepreneur In Small And Cottage Industries In Nagpur Region. Dr. T. Kalyani, Commerce 11/07/2005 26. Miss Rajjau S. Bhatiya, ×ukxiwj foHkkxkrhy xzkeh.k fodklkr ‘kkluiz.khr d`”kh ;kstukaps eqY;ekiuÖ ,d v/;;u ¼o”kZ 1990 & 2005½ Dr. Vijay Upagade, Commerce 11/07/2005 27. Mrs. Alka S. Jichkar, Corporate Marketing Strategies And Globalisation (A Comparative Analysis of Strategies Adopted By National & Multinational Corporations) Dr. Vilas M. Chopde, Commerce 11/07/2005 Sr. Name of Students No. 28. Shri K.N. Deoghare, Topic Name of Supervisor Subject Hkkjrh; fcek fuxe }kjk ukxiwj foHkkx ds vkfFkZd fodkl es Lo;ajkstxkj dks c<kok ,o csjkstxkjh leL;k dk fuokj.k & ,d v/;;u ¼1995 & 2005½ Dr. Sanjay Kavishwar, Commerce Registration Date 11/07/2005 29. Ms. Rakhi K. Gupta, “Analytical Study of Working Capital Management And Financing Policies of Select Companies At Nagpur (2002 – 2005) Dr. Sanjay Kavishwar, Commerce 11/07/2005 30. Shri P.K. Meshram, A Study on Mobilisation of External Financial Resources In Gndian Universities. Dr. Dilip Vairagade, Commerce 11/07/2005 31. Sulbha S. Wagde, Analytical Study of Tax Policy of Nagpur Municipal Corporation (Duration 1996 – 2005) Dr. Arvind K. Shende, Commerce 11/07/2005 32. Ku. Bharti S. Meshram, Ukkxiwj foHkkxkrhy ×fr#irh vcZu dks&vkWijsVhOg cWad fyfeVsM ps la?kVu vkf.k dk;Zi/nrhps eqY;ekiuÖ ¼dkyko/kh 1995 rs 2005½ Dr. Asha Tiwari, Commerce 11/07/2005 2006 Sr. Name of Students No. 1. Shri A.S. Gachake, Topic Name of Supervisor Subject A Study of Financial Structure And Procedure of Educational Institution (With Special Ref. To Bhandara District) Dr. P.P. Dehliwal, Commerce Registration Date 16/08/2006 2. Prafulla W. Sudame, (Thesis Submitted on 10/12/2007) Ukkxiwj ‘kgjkrhy x`g fuekZ.k O;olk; laLFkkP;k ;ksxnkukps fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u & 1960 iklwu Dr. S.N. Bodhankar, Commerce 16/08/2006 3. N.P. Sadana, A Study of Growth of Telecom Sector In India (Period 1996 – 2006) Dr. D. Vairagade, Commerce 16/08/2006 4. Rahul K. Sawlikar, Impact of Urban Co-Operative Bank In Chandrapur Dr. V.S. Ainchwar, Commerce 16/08/2006 5. Dini A. Menon, A Critical Study of Environmental Condition of The Nationalised Bank In Chandrapur District Dr. V.S. Ainchwar, Commerce 16/08/2006 6. Vaishali N. Gandhi (Re-registration) (Thesis Submitted on 18/12/2007) A Study of Impact Information Technology on Banking Sector Dr. M. Rode, Commerce 16/08/2006 7. Suresh A. Bhagwat, Ukkxiwj ftYg;krhy jkstxkj geh ;kstusps fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u lu 1995&96 rs 2005&2006 Dr. R.S. Satokar, Commerce 16/08/2006 8. K.S. Peshori, Online Learning Materials on Accounting Principles And Accounting Standards For F.Y.S. Com. Students of Thane Mumbai University Region – An Experiment. Dr. R.P. Senad, Commerce 30/11/2006 9. Ku. Santosh R. Sharma, ×ukxiwj ftys esa miHkksDrk laj{k.k vf/kfu;e] 1986 dh lkFkZdrk dk eqY;ekiu ¼lu 2001 ls 2006½ Dr. Eknath Kathale, Commerce 02/12/2006 10. Shri G.K. Dhadake, Ukkxiwj d`”kh mRiUu cktkj lferh ukxiwj varxZr iafMr tokgjyky usg# ekdsZV ;kMZps fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u ¼dky[kaM b-l- 1996&97 rs 2005&06½ Dr. R.H. Naik, Commerce 05/07/2006 Sr. Name of Students No. 11. Shri D.N. Padole, Topic Name of Supervisor Subject Ukkxiwj ftYg;krhy lgdkjh {ks=kr dk;Zjr vlysY;k xka/khckx lgdkjh cWad fyfeVsM ukxiwjps fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u ¼dky[kaM 1996&97 rs 2005&06½ Dr. R.M. Naik, Commerce Registration Date 05/07/2006 12. Shri R.D. Mehta, (Thesis Submitted on 17/07/2008) “Critical Study of Equity Linked Saving Schemes As Tax Saving Investment (1995-96 To 2005-06) Dr. E.H. Kathale, Commerce 14/07/2006 13. Nusrat Z. Hirani, Critical Study of Hardwar Marketing In Vidarbha (With Special Reference To Nagpur Region) 2000-2008 Dr. (Mrs.) V.C. Raghatate, Commerce 15/07/2006 14. Shri Rajesh R. Thakre, Analytical Study of Impact of Motivation on Performance And Efficiency of Employees of Ayurvedic Companies In Nagpur District. A Case Study of Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhavan Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur (1995-96 To 2005-2006) Dr. B.B. Taywade, Commerce 14/07/2006 15. Atul S. Charde, “The Study of Management And Application of Dr. E.H. Kathale, Information Technology In Agriculture Produce Market Committee (A.P.M.C.) At Nagpur District For The Period 2000-2001 To 2005-2006” Commerce 15/07/2006 2007 Sr. Name of Students No. 1. Smita H. Katkar, Topic fonHkkZrhy lkSan;Zizlk/ku O;olk;kps foi.ku fo”k;d fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u ¼1996 rs 2006½ Name of Supervisor Dr. Dilip Vairagade, Subject Commerce Registration Date 05/06/2007 2. Hemant L. Babhulkar, Analytical Study of Nagpur Nagrik Sahakari Dr. E.H. Kathale, Bank Ltd. With Special Reference To Ratio Analysis & Leverages Analysis For The Period of 1995-96 To 2005-2006 Commerce 05/06/2007 3. Shri P.S. Mahajan, The Study of Management of Private Insurance Companies And Its Impact on The Market Share of Life Insurance Corporation (1995-96) To (2005-06) Commerce 02/06/2007 4. A. Vijay Gopal, A Critical Study of Finance To Agriculture Sector Dr. Sujit Nath Banerjee, By Adilabad (A.P.) (1996 – 1997) To (2005 – 2006) Commerce 22/06/2007 5. Shri Pramod D. Khandelwal, A Comperative Study of Finance Investment And Risk Management In Co-operative Bank With Nationalised Bank In Akola District) A Special Study To Bank Scam Since (2000 – 2005) Commerce 04/07/2007 6. Shri R.S. Badhiye, Lkk/kkj.k chek varxZr ukxiqj ‘kgj esa dk;Zjr chek daiuh;ksa ds okgu Dr. Bharat Meghe, chek dk fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u ¼1995 & 2005½ Commerce 12/01/2007 7. Shri A.P. Mude, ×;orekG ftYg;krhy xzkeh.k fodklkr ftYgk ifj”knsph Hkwfedk o ;ksxnkuÖ ¼1995&96 rs 2004&2005½ Dr. B.B. Taywade, Commerce 12/01/2007 8. Shri N.M. Mankar, ×fonHkkZrhy xMfpjksyh g;k vkfnoklh ftYg;kr jkcfo.;kr ;s.kkÒ;k jkstxkj geh ;kstusps fpfdRld v/;;uÖ ¼lu 1997&98 rs 2007&08½ Dr. Milind Barahate, Commerce 15/01/2007 Dr. E.H. Kathale, Dr. Varsha S. Sukhdeve, Nagpur. Sr. Name of Students No. 9. Sudha Rani Kambhampati, Topic Name of Supervisor Subject “A Study on Operational Performance of Life Insurance Corporation of India In Post Liberalized Era Since The Inception of Irda Act” Dr. D.M. Mohture, Commerce Registration Date 15/01/2007 10. Md. Saleemur Rahaman, “Marketing And Growth Potentiality of Tourism Services In Coastal Andhra Pradesh (From 1997 – 98 To 2007 – 08) Dr. V.S. Ainchwar, Commerce 10/01/2007 11. Shri Y. Kishorekumar, Labour Welfare Measures In Steel Industry of Dr. Bharat Meghe, Andhra Pradesh With Reference To Visakhapatnam Steel Plant Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd. From 1995-96 To 2005-06 Commerce 10/01/2007 12. Nikhilesh S. Kariya, “Impact of Television Advertising on Dr. R.S. Satokar, Consumers” (With Special Reference To Children Consumers) Commerce 10/01/2007 13. Laxmi Pande, “Comprehensive Study of Employees of WCL In Chandrapur District.” Dr. V.S. Ainchwar, Commerce 10/01/2007 14. Shri L.B. Ramteke, Financial Study of Cooperative Banks With Special Reference To Mahanagar Cooperative Bank Ltd. Mumbai (1996-97 To 2006-07) Dr. B.B. Taywade, Commerce 15/01/2007 15. Shri R.S. Bhattacharya, “Harmonization of Indian Accounting Standards With International Accounting Standards A Status Report (1973 – 2004) Dr. M.A. Burghate, Commerce 03/01/2007 16. GVSRNSA Sastry, A Study on Performance Appraisal System At Dr. D.M. Mohture, Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant Rastriya Ispat Nigam Ltd. Vishakhapatnam (During The Period 1996 – 2006) Commerce 15/01/2007 17. Shri A.A. Shivane, Impact of IT on Banking Industry Operation Commerce 11/12/2007 Dr. P.G. Khot, Sr. Name of Students No. 18. Mrs. Megha S. Parkhi, Topic Name of Supervisor Subject Ukkxiwj ftYg;krhy efgykaP;k fodklkr efgyk vkfFkZd fodkl egkeaMGkps ;ksxnku & ,d v/;;u ¼dkyko/kh 1995 rs 2005½ Dr. B.B. Taywade, Commerce Registration Date 15/12/2007 19. Shri Praful S. Gudadhe, An Analytical Study of Customer‟s Satisfaction of State Bank of India in Yavatmal District : 1995 – 1996 To 2005 – 2006 Dr. B.B. Taywade, Commerce 19/06/2007 20. Shri S.R. Bramhe, ×Ukkxiwj ftYgk jkstxkj o Lo;ajkstxkj ekxZn’kZu dsanzkph jkstxkj o Lo;ajkstxkj miyCn d#u ns.;kekxhy Hkqfedk % ,d fpfdRld v/;;uÖ ¼1996 & 2007½ Dr. S.D. Manekar, Commerce 12/09/2007 21. Shri B.S. Rathod, ×ukxiwj ftYg;krhy catkjk lektkps vkfFkZd vkf.k lkekftd ifjLFkhrhps fo’ys”k.k % ,d fpfdRld vH;klÖ Dr. D.D. Wairagade, Commerce 13/07/2007 22. Miss Shweta R. Gawhane, “The Comparative Study of Financial Structure of Dr. Arvind Shende, Private Life Insurance Companies In Nagpur City” (Duration : 1997_98 To 2006-07) Commerce 16/07/2007 23. Shri Koteswara Rao Karuchota, Impact of Service Tax In India – A Case Study of Select Service Sector (From 1994-95 To 2006-07) Dr. V.K. Jain, Commerce 13/07/2007 24. Shri D.T. Ghode, (Re-registration) ×panziwj ftYg;krhy ukxjh lgdkjh cWadkaps iz’kklu vkf.k O;oLFkkiu ;kaps cWadsP;k fodklkrhy ;ksxnkuÖ ,d fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u ¼1990&91 rs 2000&2001½ Dr. Vijay Aainchwar, Commerce 24/10/2007 25. Mrs. K.D. Naidu, (Re-registration) “An Analytical Study of The Working And Management of National Stock Exchange (With Reference To Securities Markets (1993 To 2003) Dr. A.N. Sarda, Commerce 10/12/2007 Sr. Name of Students No. 26. B. Jaya Prakash, 27. Mrs. Parizad P. Dungore Topic Name of Supervisor Subject A Comparative Financial Performance of The Andhra Sugars Limited And The KCP Sugar And Industries Corporation Limited (From 1997-98 To 2006-07) Dr. V.S. Ainchwar, Commerce Registration Date 12/07/2007 “A Critical Study of Equity Valuation and Analysis of Selected Automobile Ancillary Industries Operating in India (2000 – 2005)” Dr. V.K. Jain Commerce 6/2/2007 2008 Sr. Name of Students No. 1. Ms. S.R. Shamdasani, Topic Name of Supervisor Subject Ukkxiwj egkuxj ikfydk ds dk;Z fu;kstu ,oa izca/ku fo”k;d leL;kvks dk foLr`r v/;;u- Dr. S.A. Sonegaonkar, Commerce Registration Date 14/01/2008 2. Reena K. Kamlani, “Comparative Study of Performance of Selected nationalized Scheduled And Co-operative Banks” Reference To Function And Progress Made By Them In Nagpur Region. (1998 To 2008) Dr. S.C. Gulhane, Commerce 15/01/2008 3. Ms. Archana R. Ruikar, dksjkMh vkSf”.kd fonqr dsanzkP;k foŸkh; fLFkrhps v/;;u- Dr. Arvind Shende, Commerce 08/01/2008 4. Shri N.D. Sontakke, Öukfld ftYg;krhy dksd.kk tekrhP;k vkfFkZd ifjorZukpk vH;klÖ ¼1996 & 2005½ Dr. K.B. Kolhe, Commerce 15/01/2008 5. Shri S.R. Gadge, Effects of Mall-Culture on Indian Economy With Special Reference To Nagpur City (2003 – 2008) Dr. (Mrs.) V.C. Raghatate, Commerce 15/01/2008 6. Shri P.N. Raut, ×ukxiwj ftYg;krhy ‘ksrdÒ;kaP;k vkfFkZd fodklkr lks;kchu fidkps ;ksxnku & ,d losZ{k.kkRed v/;;uÖ lanHkZ o”kZ 2000&01 rs 2007&08½ Dr. S.H. Palsapure, Commerce 15/01/2008 7. Ku. Seema W. Nagrare, ×ukxiwj ftYg;krhy ckxk;rh QGfidkps mRiknu o foi.kukps fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;uÖ ¼1995 & 2007½ Dr. S.D. Manekar, Commerce 15/01/2008 8. Shri B.L. Lengure, panziwj ftYg;krhy efgykaP;k fodklkr efgyk vkfFkZd fodkl egkeaMGkps ;ksxnku % ,d v/;;u ¼dkyko/kh 1995 rs 2005½ Dr. M.S. Jagnade, Commerce 15/01/2008 9. Shri Atul S. Daware, “The Study of Financial Management of Rural & Urban Self Governing Bodies In Nagpur District 2002-2003 To 2006-2007” Dr. S. Sonegaonkar, Commerce 16/01/2008 Sr. Name of Students No. 10. Shri P.P. Kulkarni, Topic Name of Supervisor Subject “A Critical Study of Wealth Management And Role of Banks In Wealth Management In Nagpur City.” (1996 – 2006) Dr. H.V. Gokhale, Commerce Registration Date 15/01/2008 11. Shri M.P. Patil, The Study of Agricultural Advances Provided By State Banks of India & Bank of India For Vidarbha Region 2002-2003 To 2006-2007. Dr. S. Sonegaonkar, Commerce 15/01/2008 12. Shri N.S. Awasthi, (Re-registration) ×o/kkZ ftYg;kP;k fodklkr ftYgk fu;kstu lferhps ;ksxnku ,d fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u-Ö Dr. Anil Sarda, Commerce 27/03/2008 13. Mrs. Tesu Dikshit Sutaone, The Role of Information Technology In Stock Markets Dr. Madhukar Rode, Commerce 02/09/2008 14. Shri Javed Khan Mohd. Khan Pathan, Ukkxiwj ftYgk ifj”knsP;k iz’kkldh; o foŸkh; ckchps v/;;u ¼dkyko/kh 1997&98 rs 2006&2007½ Dr. Arvind Shende, Commerce 28/08/2008 15. Ms. Vaishali A. Patil, Causes of Suicidness : And Its Impact on The Financial Structure of The Farmers In Amravati District. Duration (2000-2001 To 2007-2008) Dr. Arvind Shende, Commerce 16/09/2008 16. Mrs. Meena Rajesh, “The Development of Micro-Finance Institutions In Vidarbha Region.” Dr. V.K. Jain, Commerce 07/11/2008 17. Ku. Alka R. Choudhary, Role of Computer Education As A Source of Employment Generation In Jalgaon District” A Status Report (1997 – 2007) Dr. Mukul a. Burghate, Commerce 31/10/2008 18. Mrs. Parineeta Fuke, A Critical Study of Problems of Women Employees And Women Career Management In Public And Private Organizations In Vidarbha (1996 – 2007) Dr. Nikhil K. Mehta, Commerce 15/12/2008 Sr. Name of Students No. 19. Shri R.N. Sontakke (Re-registration) Topic Name of Supervisor Subject Dr. S.A. Sonegaonkar, Commerce Registration Date 9/10/2008 20. Ku. Kavita K. Lende Dr. P.P. Dehliwal Commerce 14/7/2008 21. Pawanlal L. Nagpure Dr. P.P. Dehliwal Commerce 10/7/2008 22. Vina J. Warade Dr. S.P. Jadhao Commerce 14/7/2008 23. Shri B.T. Khandale Dr. M.A. Burghate Commerce 2/7/2008 24. Meghana W. Patil Dr. Varsha Sukhadeve Commerce 14/7/2008 25. Milind R. Patil (Re-registration) Dr. S.A. Sonegaonkar Commerce 15/10/2008 26. Soumya Banerjee “An Analytical Study of Call Centre Management Dr. V.M. Maindarkar with Special Reference to Stress and Strain and its Impact on Individual and Society Period 2000 – 2008” Commerce 20/10/2008 “An Analytical Study of Derivatives in Stock Market and it‟s Impact on Indian Stock Market” (For 2000 – 2008) Sr. Name of Students No. 27. Shri Ravindra S. Kale Topic Name of Supervisor Subject Dr.V.S. Sonegaonkar Commerce Registration Date 18/9/2008 28. Shri S.B. Bagde Dr. Arvind Shende Commerce 5/11/2008 29. Arvind T. Mathane DR. M.D. Gulhane Commerce 29/12/2008 30. Makrand Gurjar “Employment Opportunity for Prematurely Retiring and Superannuating Indian Air Force Officers” Dr. Anil Sarda Commerce 30/12/2008 31. Mandiga Venkata Raj “An Analytical Study of Applications of ECommerce and M-Commerce and its Impact on Manikgarh Cement, Gadchandur (Period 20032008)” Dr. K.B. Moharir Commerce 29/12/2008 2009 Sr. Name of Students No. 1. Shri M. Venkateswara Rao Topic “A study on Online Banking Service with Reference to ICICI, HDFC, and Axis Banks (During the Period of 1995 – 2005)” Name of Supervisor Subject Dr. Bharat Meghe Commerce Registration Date 6/2/2009 Dr. Dilip Gotmare Commerce 15/1/2009 Dr. P.D. Ghorpade Commerce 15/1/2009 Dr. P.N. Somalkar Commerce 14/1/2009 Prof. A.A. Kadrekar Commerce 15/1/2009 2. Shri C.K. Jiwane 3. Vijay Kamal B. Bajpai 4. Sunita D. Datar 5. Mahendra Kumar M. Sharma “A Study of Management and Development of Cotton Ginning Industry in India with Special Reference to Dauble Roller Ginning Market” 6. Shri D.M. Patle “Emergence of Financial Market of Real Estate in Dr. D.C. Gotmare Nagpur District” (A Critical Study)” Commerce 11/2/2009 7. Sushil K. Mishra “Commercialisation of Distance Education Myths, Perceptions & Facts” (With Reference to Vidarbha Region From 2003 to 2008)” Dr. R.P. Ingole Commerce 13/1/2009 8. Swapna S. Nagalkar “The Analytical Study of Women Administrators in Bidarbha Region, Special Reference to Human Resource Development of India” Dr. Milind Barhate Commerce 13/1/2009 9. Nilesh A. Mhatre “Role and Contribution of Information Technology in the Development of Educational Institutions in Nagpur City (2000 – 2010)” Dr. P.D. Hadke Commerce 14/1/2009 “Commercial & Legal Aspects of Core Banking By E-Commerce of Perspective” Sr. Name of Students No. 10. Chandra Sekhar Kamadi Topic Name of Supervisor Subject “An Analytical Study of Customer Relationship Policies Adopted by BSNL in Hyderabad Region Andhra Pradesh (1998 – 2008)” Dr. V.M. Maindarkar Commerce Registration Date 13/1//2009 11. Sameer K. Kuduple “Critical Study of HA Practices in Selected Organizations in Nagpur District with Special Reference to Performance Management” (1998 & 99 to 2008 – 09)” Dr. D.C. Jain Commerce 9/1/2009 12. Avadhesh Shukla “A Critical Study of Employee Engagement Programs with Special Emphasis on Training and Development in Private Sector Banking and Life Insurance Organizations of Nagpur District (2005 to 2009)” Dr. S. Ingle Commerce 16/1/2009 13. Satyam D. Kariya Dr. P.N. Somalkar Commerce 15/1/2009 14. Nalini U. Lambat Dr. Medha Kanetkar Commerce 16/1/2009 15. Sudhir K. Narnaware Dr. Rajesh M. Naik Commerce 13/1/2009 16. Ashok I. Kamble Dr. Abdul Bari Commerce 13/1/2009 17. Sunil S. Borchate Dr. P.N. Somalkar Commerce 14/1/2009 Sr. Name of Students No. 18. Manoj D. Barve Topic Name of Supervisor Subject “Success of the German “Mittelstand” (SMEs or Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) and its Learning Lessons for Boosting Growth of Indian SMEs Since Economic Liberalization from 1991 to 2008” Dr. Dilip Vairagade Commerce Registration Date 18/3//2009 “Critical Analysis of Growth of Mutual Fund Industry in India (1994 – 2003)” Dr. D.C. Jain Commerce 18/4/2009 19. Manish B. Parmar (Re-registration) 20. Arun S. Lokhande (Re-registration) Dr. Arvind R. Shende Commerce 28/4/2009 21. Sunil D. Koche Dr. D.C. Gotmare Commerce 15/1/2009 22. J. Sangameshwar “An Analytical Study of Customer Relationship Management Practiced by Apsrte, With Special Reference to Medak Region, Andhra Pradesh (1997 – 2007)” Dr. V.M. Maindarkar Commerce 15/7/2009 23. Shri S.S. Manerikar “An Analytical Study of the Economical Development and Carbon Credit Trading With the Reference to Indian Scenario” Dr. V.D. Ambade Commerce 10/9/2009 24. Mrs. M.M. Gharpure Dr. B.K. Deshpande Commerce 11/8/2009 25. Shri V.N. Bhopale Dr. B.K. Deshpande Commerce 14/10/2009 “Study the Opportunity of Incubation Centre for Aspiring Entrepreneurs with Special Reference to Akola District” (Period 1998-99 to 2008-09)” Sr. Name of Students No. 26. Shri Roshan Zahir Khan Topic Name of Supervisor Subject “Comparative Study of Different Methods of Communication and their Impact on Service Sector in Nagpur Region” Period Year 1999-2008” Dr. Abdul Bari Commerce Registration Date 15/6/2009 27. Shri S.D. Nagdive “An Analytical Study of Industrial Disputes in Amravati District” (1999 – 2009) Dr. (Mrs.) Sheela P. Yende Commerce 1/7/2009 28. Ku. Bina M. Moon “Emerging in Interest of Corporate Sector in two Tier and three Tier Cities with reference to Nagpur City From 2003 – 2008” Dr. Rajesh P. Ingole Commerce 14/7/2009 29. Ku. Roopa Dande “Analytical Study of Role of Shares and Mutual Funds in Financial Market in India (1999 – 2009) Dr. T. Kalyani Commerce 14/7/2009 30. Shri Avinash D. Mohgaonkar “An Analytical Study of Real Estate Business in Nagpur City (1998 – 99 to 2008 – 09)” Dr. A.N. Sarda Commerce 14/7/2009 31. Ku. Gayatri G. Kukde Dr. Rajesh M. Naik Commerce 14/7/2009 32. Shri P.M. Lohakar “A Critical Study on the Impact of Lapsation in Dr. V.D. Ambade Life Insurance Corporation of India, Remedies over it in Nagpur Division with Special Reference for the year 1999 – 2009” Commerce 15/7/2009 33. Shri Amandeep B. Bajpai “In Depth Study of Economical Condition of Income Tax Payee (2004 – 2005 to 2008 – 2009) with Relevance to Income Tax Act in Yavatmal District” Commerce 15/7/2009 Dr. P.D. Hadke Sr. Name of Students No. 34. Ku. Kavita B. Hingane Topic “Analytical and Comparative Study of Unit Linked Insurance Products (ULIP) and Traditional Insurance Products with Reference to Life Insurance Corporation in Chandrapur District” 2001 – 02 to 2008 – 09 Name of Supervisor Subject Dr. R.P. Ingole Commerce Registration Date 15/7/2009 Dr. M.P. Kanetkar Commerce 15/7/2009 35. Shri V.V. Nagbhidkar 36. Shri Hitesh Vaswani (Re-registration) “Study of Mutual Funds in India (1999 to 2009)” Dr. Anil N. Sarda Commerce 15/7/2009 37. Shri K.B. Uttarwar “Single Screen Cinema Getting Face Lift, Multiplex Culture Catching on Specific Reference to C.P. (Central Provinces) Berar” (From 2004 – 2009)” Dr. Rajesh P. Ingole Commerce 15/7/2009 38. Ku. Sheetal R. Chawhan “Reform in Central Sales Tax in the Context of VAT” (2005 – 2010)” Dr. P.N. Somalkar Commerce 15/7/2009 39. Shri V.N. Dawda “Employment Opportunities in Post Recession Era in Vidarbha Region in the Sector of Finance and it with Reference to Nagpur City” Dr. P.G. Fating Commerce 15/7/2009 40. Shri Ninad N. Kashikar “A Study of Personal Advances Provided by the State Bank of India & its Impact on Urban Borrowers of Nagpur Region” (Duration 1998-99 to 2007-08)” Dr. Arvind K. Shende Commerce 2/9/2009 41. Shri Vijay J. Pathak Dr. Rekha M. Gulhane Commerce 24/8/2009 42. Ku. Jyoti B. Bhumbar Dr. Rekha M. Gulhane Commerce 24/8/2009 Sr. Name of Students No. 43. Ku. Punam S. Kariye Topic “Impact of Globalization on Trade Union Movement in India with Special Reference to Nagpur District” Name of Supervisor Subject Dr. Arvind K. Shende Commerce Registration Date 24/8/2009 Dr. E.H. Kathale Commerce 1/10/2009 44. Mrs. Bharti S. Bhadade (Re-registration) 45. Ku. Ruchi A. Khode Dr. S.D. Manekar Commerce 5/9/2009 46. Ku. Jaimala L. Ramteke Dr. Arvind K. Shende Commerce 25/8/2009 47. Shri Sudhir V. Shekdar Dr. K.R. Dixit Commerce 20/8/2009 48. Shri T.J. Thawakar Dr. Arvind K. Shende Commerce 29/8/2009 49. Shri Raju N. Dhabale Dr. Pradeep Ghorpade Commerce 27/11/2009 “An Analytical Study of Banking Services of State Banks of India in Nagpur District – 19981999 to 2008-2009” Non-Performing Assets 50. Shri Parag B. Sahare Dr. Ramesh Senad Commerce 14/12/2009 51. Shri Motiram B. Wagh Dr. Dilip S. Gotamare Commerce 4/11/2009 Sr. Name of Students No. 52. Shri Bhavesh M. Jasani 53. Ku. Kavita C. Agrawal 54. Shri Narendra S. Bagde 55. Jayashri P. Nagrale Topic “A Critical Analysis of Work Force Management in Rice Industry with Special Reference to the Gondia District 2000-2009)” Dr. Shripad Sonegaonkar Commerce Registration Date 15/7/2009 “Role of Some Bank of India in the Development of Small and Large Scale Industries in Hingali District” (From 2004 to 2009) Dr. K.C. Agrawal Commerce 20/7/2009 Dr. P.G. Fating Commerce 21/8/2009 Dr. Pradip D. Hadke Commerce 2/9/2009 “Entrepreneurship Development of Women Through Self-Help Group in Nagpur District – A Perspective 2000-2005” Name of Supervisor Subject 2010 Sr. Name of Students No. 1. Ku. Kavita Gulabchand Jain Topic Name of Supervisor “Performance of Mutual Fund and Preference of Investors with Special Reference to Reliance Mutual Fund” Subject Dr. Neeraj Vyas Commerce Registration Date 12/1/2010 Dr. S.N. Banerjee Commerce 13/1/2010 2. Ku. Prajakta S. Yawalkar 3. Shri Babudas S. Damahe Dr. D.N. Khade Commerce 14/1/2010 4. Ku. Amita K. Randhir Dr. B.B. Taywade Commerce 15/1/2010 MCED DIC 5. Ku. Preeta B. Fadnavis “Analytical Study of Business Interruption Policy in Nagpur District April 2005 – March 2010)” Dr. Sudhakar Ingle Commerce 14/1/2010 6. Shri Vishal A. Belsare “Evaluation of Performance of Consumer Protection Act, 1986 in Nagpur District (From 2005 – 2009)” Dr. S.S. Hazare Commerce 14/1/2010 7. Shri Gajanan N. Dhande “A Study of New trends in Indian Capital Market (Period 2000-2001 to 2009-2010)” Dr. Rajesh M. Naik Commerce 14/1/2010 8. Shri Nilesh Anand Chole “A Analytical Study of, After Sales Services Provided by Four Wheeler Automobile Companies Through Their Autorized Dealers in Nagpur District for the Period 1999-2009)” Dr. K.B. Mohrir Commerce 15/1/2010 9. Ku. Depali P. Nandanwar Dr. D.N. Khadse Commerce 15/1/2010 Sr. Name of Students No. 10. Ku. Bharati M. Pise Topic Name of Supervisor Subject Dr. Arvind K. Shende Commerce Registration Date 15/1/2010 11. Ku. Reeta R. Hada “A Study of Work Satisfaction Among Warkers in Nagpur District‟s Buti-Bori Industrial Zone” (Period 2001-2010) Dr. Sanjay Tekade Commerce 15/1/2010 12. Shri Abid R. Sheikh “Critical Analysis of Impact of Induction of Private Labels Merchandise in Large Format Retail Outlets with Special Reference to Nagpur City” (2000 – 2010)” Dr. B.B. Taywade Commerce 15/1/2010 13. Ku. Sweta Dharamraj Khade “Comprehensive Study of E-Learning Classroom and Traditional Classroom with Reference to Nagpur City (2001 – 2010)” Dr. D.N. Khadse Commerce 21/1/2010 14. Ku. Shital Ravishankar Meshram “Comparative Study of Different Operating System for Desktop Computers and its Impact on Users with Reference to Nagpur City (2001 – 2010)” Dr. D.N. Khadse Commerce 21/1/2010 15. Shri Vijay V. Tongo Dr. P.N. Somalkar Commerce 29/4/2010 16. Mrs. Vandana D. Kawadkar (Re-registration) “Socio-Economic Study of Women Entrepreneur Dr. T. Kalyani in Small and Cottage Industries in Nagpur Region (Period 2005 – 2009)” Commerce 18/6/2010 17. Ku. Meena P. Agrawal (Re-registration) “The Khadi and Village Industries Commissions (KVICS) Role in the Development of Nagpur District (1992 – 2005) – A Critical Study” Commerce 9/7/2010 Dr. V.M. Chopde Sr. Name of Students No. 18. Shri Pralhad R. Nagmote (Re-registration) Topic “Service Work in Information Age : An Investigation of Role of Human Resource Management Practices, Knowledge Transfer and Consumer Satisfaction in Business Sector” Name of Supervisor Subject Dr. V.M. Chopde Commerce Registration Date 7/7/2010 Dr. V.M. Chopde Commerce 6/7/2010 Dr. A.K. Shende Commerce 12/7/2010 Dr. Arvind B. Surdar Commerce 15/7/2010 19. Ku. Smita R. Lokhande (Re-registration) 20. Sulbha S. Wagade (Re-registration) 21. Shri Sumit Arun Sahu 22. Shri Babulal Bakaram More (Re-registration) Dr. V.M. Chopde Commerce 15/7/2010 23. Shri Prashant M. Patil (Re-Registration) Dr. K.B. Kolhe Commerce 15/7/2010 24. Shri Krishnavallabhdas G. Meshram (Re-registration) Dr. K.B. Kolhe Commerce 30/7/2010 25. Mragna Gupta Dr. Amishi Arora Commerce 22/9/2010 “A Critical Appraisal of Impact of E-Commerce on Internet Banking System in India (With Special Reference to Corporation Bank and Bank of India)” (From F.Y. 2000-01 to 2009-10) “Dynamics of Tourism Industry in Madhya Pradesh” (A Case Study of Kanha National Park)” Sr. Name of Students No. 26. Shri Pappusinh Somsinh Uikey Topic Name of Supervisor Subject Dr. Sanjay Tekade Commerce Registration Date 15/11/2010 Dr. Ramesh P. Senad Commerce 15/10/2010 27. Ku. Manisha S. Pathak 28. Shri Praveen Singh Bais “Credit Risk (Management Mitigation and Control of IDBI Bank in Nagpur City)” Dr. V.S. Ainchwar Commerce 3/12/2010 29. Sona Fatema Akbar Alli Shivji “Risk Management in Chandrapur District Central Co-Operative Bank Ltd. Chandrapur (Market Risk, Credit Risk, Operational Risk)” Dr. V.S. Ainchwar Commerce 3/12/2010 2011 Sr. Name of Students No. 1. Mrs. Amita D. Raghatate Topic Name of Supervisor Dr. Sarita Karangutkar Subject Commerce Registration Date 24/1/2011