Pertemuan 01 Explore state-of-the art tools Matakuliah : U0344 / DESKTOP 1 Tahun

Matakuliah : U0344 / DESKTOP 1
: 2006
Pertemuan 01
Explore state-of-the art tools
FreeHand is a vector-graphic drawing application.
A vector-graphic image is resolution-independent--it
can be scaled to any size and printed on any output
device at any resolution, without losing detail or
In contrast, bitmap graphics--commonly used in
image-editing applications--are composed of pixels.
Their display depends on the resolution of the monitor
or printer. Bitmap graphics can appear jagged and
lose detail when they’re scaled onscreen or printed at
a low resolution.
toolbox overview
FreeHand has the following toolbars:
The Tools panel is actually a toolbar. Like other toolbars,
it can be docked to the top or bottom of the application
The Main toolbar replicates many of the menu
commands and lets you create, open, or save
documents; import files; find and replace graphics;
lock and unlock objects; and display commonly used
The Text toolbar contains common text commands and
lets you choose a font, font size, font style, leading, and
alignment as well as other text-related functions.
The Envelope toolbar has tools for applying envelope
transformations to depending on the object type and
current action.
toolbox overview
The Status toolbar (Windows) appears along the bottom
of the Document window.
The Xtra Tools toolbar contains plug-in drawing and
transformation tools, which can be added and removed
from the application.
The Xtra Operations toolbar contains buttons for applying
path operations.
To show or hide toolbars, do one of the following:
To show or hide individual toolbars, select
Window > Toolbars and select the toolbar name.
To show or hide all active toolbars, select
View > Toolbars.
To show or hide the Tools panel, select Window > Tools.
toolbox overview
The Main toolbar
The Main toolbar contains the basic commands you use
when beginning your FreeHand project. You use the Main
toolbar to open document files and to manage the
appearance of your document. The Main toolbar also
provides quick access to many common panels.
Using the Tools panel
The Tools panel contains tools that allow you to select,
draw, and edit objects; apply color to objects; and create
text. It is divided into four sections: Tools, View, Colors, and
Snap. You can customize the panel by adding and removing
toolbox overview
To select a tool from a tool pop-up menu:
1 In the Tools panel, click and hold on a tool that is
part of a tool pop-up menu.
2 Select a tool from the pop-up menu that appears.
To add a tool to the Tools panel, do one of the
• Select Window > Toolbars > Customize. Expand
the desired category in the Commands list, and
drag a tool from the right side of the dialog box
into the Tools panel.
• Alt-drag (Windows) or Command-drag (Macintosh)
a tool from another toolbar into the Tools panel.
toolbox overview
The Status toolbar
The Status toolbar appears along the bottom of the
Document window. It contains a page addition button
and page selector buttons as well as pop-up menus
for magnification, page view, drawing mode, and units
of measure. In Windows, the Status toolbar displays
messages about the task in progress or the menu
command highlighted. To cancel an operation in
progress in Windows, you can click the toolbar’s
Cancel button.
workspace overview
The Macromedia Studio MX interface
FreeHand is part of the Macromedia MX product family, so it
utilizes the Macromedia MX workspace, an interface that is
shared by the other Macromedia MX products. Consistency
among products allows users of one product to easily learn
and use the others.
The first time you open FreeHand, the workspace consists of
the Document window and a set of docked panels.
This helps to eliminate the clutter associated with having
many panels and toolbars open at the same time.
On all operating systems, FreeHand panels, toolbars, and
windows can be rearranged, repositioned, and docked tone
workspace overview
The Document window
In addition to panels, when you launch FreeHand you’ll also
see the Document window and the pasteboard--the area
that contains the pages of your document.
The Document window contains all your documents’ objects.
Objects must be placed on a page in order to be printed
with the Print command; if they are placed on the
pasteboard outside of page boundaries, you can print them
using the Output Area feature.
The pasteboard measures up to 222 x 222 inches and can
hold 520 letter-sized pages. You can customize the buttons,
panels, and toolbars.
setting preferences
FreeHand preferences let you customize your work
Settings stored in the Preferences file include
the following:
• Path-editing behavior, path fills, and path behavior
• Default line widths and graphic styles
• Number of undo operations
• Text behavior
• Document views and window location
• Active page settings
• Settings for reviewing documents when closing them
• Attributes of imported and exported files
• Settings for embedding graphics in Encapsulated
PostScript (EPS) and other Clipboard formats
setting preferences
Spelling preferences
Guide and grid colors and color management options
Panel display options
Text effects, small text size (“greeked” type), image
screen resolution, and objects set to overprint
• Snap sounds (Macintosh only)
To find an explanation of a particular preference
option or set of options, refer to the index.
setting preferences
To display preference options:
1 Press Control+U (Windows) or Command+U
2 In Windows, click a tab; on the Macintosh, click
an item in the Category list.
To restore all preferences to their default
1 Press Control+U (Windows) or Command+U
The Preferences dialog box appears.
2 Click Defaults at the bottom of the Preferences
dialog box, and click OK.