This article was downloaded by: [University of Florida] On: 22 March 2012, At: 13:59 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Plant Nutrition Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: EFFECTS OF CARBOHYDRATE SOURCE ON THE IN VITRO ASYMBIOTIC SEED GERMINATION OF THE TERRESTRIAL ORCHID HABENARIA MACROCERATITIS Scott L. Stewart a b & Michael E. Kane a a Plant Restoration, Conservation, and Propagation Biotechnology Program, Environmental Horticulture Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA b Horticulture and Agriculture Programs, Kankakee Community College, Kankakee, Illinois, USA Available online: 13 May 2010 To cite this article: Scott L. Stewart & Michael E. Kane (2010): EFFECTS OF CARBOHYDRATE SOURCE ON THE IN VITRO ASYMBIOTIC SEED GERMINATION OF THE TERRESTRIAL ORCHID HABENARIA MACROCERATITIS , Journal of Plant Nutrition, 33:8, 1155-1165 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 33:1155–1165, 2010 C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Copyright ISSN: 0190-4167 print / 1532-4087 online DOI: 10.1080/01904161003763757 Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 13:59 22 March 2012 EFFECTS OF CARBOHYDRATE SOURCE ON THE IN VITRO ASYMBIOTIC SEED GERMINATION OF THE TERRESTRIAL ORCHID HABENARIA MACROCERATITIS Scott L. Stewart1,2 and Michael E. Kane1 1 Plant Restoration, Conservation, and Propagation Biotechnology Program, Environmental Horticulture Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA 2 Horticulture and Agriculture Programs, Kankakee Community College, Kankakee, Illinois, USA 2 The effects of the carbohydrates fructose, sucrose, and dextrose on the seed germination and protocorm development of the terrestrial orchid Habenaria macroceratitis were assessed in the presence or absence of banana powder. Malmgren Modified Terrestrial Orchid Medium was used as the basal medium. Each carbohydrate was screened at 50 mM with and without banana powder (15 g L−1). No significant differences in germination or protocorm development among all treatments were observed after seven weeks. There were no significant differences in advanced development among carbohydrate treatments without banana powder after 21 weeks. However, the presence of banana powder in the medium suppressed advanced protocorm development in the fructose, dextrose, and control treatments. These data support the wide suitability of simple exogenous carbohydrates in supporting the germination and protocorm development of H. macroceratitis, and suggest that a wide range of carbohydrates are suitable for the culture of often difficult-to-germinate terrestrial orchids. Keywords: asymbiotic, carbohydrate, dextrose, fructose, Habenaria macroceratitis, Orchidaceae, seed germination, sucrose, terrestrial orchid INTRODUCTION Asymbiotic orchid seed germination is one of the most prevalent methods of orchid plant production in commercial settings and has been highly favoured by scientific researchers as a tool to study orchid seed germination physiology and early life stages (Kauth et al., 2008). Knudson (1916, 1922, 1924), Clement (1924, 1926), and Ballion and Ballion (1924) were among Received 10 August 2008; accepted 17 June 2009. Address correspondence to Scott L. Stewart, Horticulture and Agriculture Programs, Kankakee Community College, Kankakee, IL 60901, USA. E-mail: 1155 Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 13:59 22 March 2012 1156 S. L. Stewart and M. E. Kane the first researchers to establish the method of in vitro asymbiotic orchid seed germination and recognize the role macro- and micro-nutrients and, especially, simple carbohydrates played in the germination process of orchid seed. In particular, Knudson (1922) was the first to demonstrate that orchid seed could be germinated in vitro on a defined nutrient medium supplemented with a simple carbohydrate source (sucrose). Until this discovery it was thought that orchid seed could only be germinated in co-culture with an appropriate mycorrhizal fungus (= symbiotic seed germination; Wynd, 1933). Today, asymbiotic orchid seed germination has become the standard for commercial orchid production and research on orchid seed germination physiology. Many researchers have used asymbiotic orchid seed germination as a means to study various aspects of orchid seed germination physiology and protocorm/seedling nutrition. Some topics examined using asymbiotic methods include: in vitro mineral nutrition (Stenberg and Kane, 1998; Spoerl and Curtis, 1948; Kauth et al., 2006), effects of exogenous plant growth regulators (Stewart and Kane, 2006; Miyoshi and Mii, 1998; de Pauw et al., 1995), effects of photoperiod (Johnson and Kane, 2007; Stewart and Kane, 2006; Dutra et al., 2008), and as a comparative germination method to symbiotic orchid seed germination (Johnson et al., 2007). The effects of carbohydrate source have long been studied in relation to asymbiotic orchid seed germination; however, despite this long history little practical production, growth, and development work has been published in this area. The role of carbohydrates in in vitro orchid seed germination and protocorm/seedling growth has received some attention, although little in recent years. Early in the study of asymbiotic orchid seed germination, researchers realized that some carbohydrate sources were better suited to support seed germination than others, and that this response was genus- or species-specific (La Garde, 1929; Smith, 1932; Wynd, 1933). Ernst et al. (1971) and Ernst and Arditti (1990) demonstrated that a wide range of carbohydrates, such as glucose, fructose, and oligosaccharides containing these sugars, were suitable to support the growth and development of Phalaenopsis seedlings under in vitro conditions. Similarly, asymbiotic methods have been used to demonstrate the rapid uptake of simple sugars (fructose) by both differentiated and undifferentiated Dendrobium tissues (Hew and Mah, 1989). Harrison and Arditti (1978) used asymbiotic germination methods to investigate the role of carbohydrate source in the germination of the epiphytic orchid Cattleya aurantiaca. Using the fungal carbohydrates trehalose and mannitol, as well as glucose, Smith (1973) demonstrated that seed of the terrestrial orchids Dactylorhiza purpurella and Bletilla striata utilized trehalose and glucose as suitable primary carbohydrate sources during asymbiotic germination, and utilized mannitol to a lesser extent. Finally, examining in vitro seed germination of both Phalaenopsis Habsburg and Phalaenopsis Ruth Burton × (Phalaenopsis Abendrot × Phalaenopsis Abendrot), Ernst and Arditti (1990) reported that a number Carbohydrate Effects on Orchid Seed Germination 1157 Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 13:59 22 March 2012 of carbohydrate sources, glucose, maltose, maltotriose, maltotetraose, maltopentaose, maltohexaose, and maltoheptaose, were all individually capable of supporting seed germination. Little attention has been paid by modern researchers to the effects of carbohydrate source on asymbiotic orchid seed germination and protocorm/seedling development, and little information exists on the role of different carbohydrates in the asymbiotic germination of terrestrial orchids. In the present study, we provide new information on the effects of simple carbohydrates, fructose, sucrose, and dextrose, and the medium supplement banana powder on the asymbiotic seed germination and protocorm development of the terrestrial orchid Habenaria macroceratitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS Seed Source and Sterilization Habenaria macroceratitis seeds were obtained from mature capsules collected prior to dehiscence on from a population in Hernando County, Florida. Immediately after collection, capsules were dried over silica gel desiccant for two weeks at 25 ± 5◦ C, followed by storage in darkness at −20◦ C for 52 days. Seeds were surface disinfected for 1 min in a solution containing 5 mL ethanol (100%), 5 mL 6.00% sodium hypochloride (NaOCl), and 90 mL sterile deionized (DI) water. Following surface disinfection, seeds were rinsed three times for 1 min each in sterile DI water. Solutions were removed from the surface disinfection vial using a sterile Pasture pipette that was replaced after each use. Sterile DI water was used to suspend the disinfected seed, and a sterile bacterial inoculating loop was used to sow the seed. An average of 210 seeds per petri plate were sown. Effects of Carbohydrate Source on Asymbiotic Seed Germination Effects of three carbohydrate sources [fructose, sucrose, and dextrose (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA)] at 50 mM on the asymbiotic seed germination and protocorm development of H. macroceratitis were examined. Malmgren Modified Terrestrial Orchid Medium (MM; PhytoTechnology Laboratories, Shawnee Mission, KS, USA) was used in treatment combinations with carbohydrate source and the presence or absence of banana powder (BP; PhytoTechnology Laboratories, Shawnee Mission, KS, USA). Both the carbohydrate concentration (S.L. Stewart, unpublished data) and asymbiotic germination medium (Stewart and Kane, 2006) were chosen based on preliminary studies (data not shown). The medium was prepared using standard methods (Stewart and Kane, 2006) and supplemented with a 50 mM carbohydrate source (9.008 g L−1 fructose, 17.115 g L−1 sucrose, 9.008 g L−1 dextrose). To those treatments containing BP, 15 g L−1 BP was added prior to 1158 S. L. Stewart and M. E. Kane Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 13:59 22 March 2012 sterilization. Medium pH was adjusted to 5.8 using 1.0 N potassium hydroxide (KOH) prior to autoclaving for 20 min at 121◦ C and 117.7 kPa. Sterile medium was dispensed (ca. 25 mL) into 9 cm diameter petri plates. Ten replicate plates were inoculated with seed. Plates were sealed with one layer of Nescofilm. Seed germination and protocorm development were scored after 7 and 21 weeks dark incubation at 25◦ C ± 2◦ C. Germination percentages and statistical analyses were completed using general linear model procedures and least square means at α = 0.05 (SAS, Version 8.02, SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Seed germination percentages were arcsine transformed prior to analysis. RESULTS After seven weeks dark incubation, all carbohydrate sources tested supported at least minimal asymbiotic germination (≥Stage 1) of H. macroceratitis seeds. Stage 3 protocorm development was supported at this time by both fructose without banana powder and basal medium only control treatments (0.2% and 0.4%, respectively; Figure 1). However, the majority of seed was observed in Stage 2 development, with the basal medium only control (83.9%), basal medium with banana powder control (81.0%), dextrose without banana powder (80.9%), and fructose without banana powder (79.1%) supporting the highest developmental percentages in this developmental stage (Figure 1). Only the fructose with banana powder treatment supported a significantly lower protocorm development percentage (57.6%) than did all other treatments. No significant difference in germination and developmental percentages were found for Stage 1 germination in all treatments after seven weeks. All carbohydrate sources supported seed germination and protocorm development through Stage 5 development (Table 1) after 21 weeks in vitro culture under dark incubation conditions. Both the basal medium only control and fructose without banana powder supported 100% Stage 5 development after 21 weeks (Figure 2). Only dextrose with banana powder supported a significantly lower protocorm developmental percentage in Stage TABLE 1 Seed germination and protocorm development stages in Habenaria macroceratitis, from Stewart and Kane (2006). Stage 0 1 2 3 4 5 Description No germination, viable embryo Swelled embryo, production of rhizoid(s) (=germination) Continued embryo enlargement, rupture of testa Appearance of protomeristem Emergence of first leaf Elongation of first leaf 1159 Carbohydrate Effects on Orchid Seed Germination 100 A + BP - BP Germination (%) 80 60 40 a a a a a a a a 0 100 B Germination (%) 80 60 40 20 a a a a a a a a 0 100 C b b ab 80 Germination (%) Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 13:59 22 March 2012 20 ab b b ab a 60 40 20 0 Fructose Sucrose Dextrose Control Carbohydrate Treatment FIGURE 1 Effects of carbohydrate source (fructose, sucrose, and dextrose) and presence or absence of banana powder (+/− BP) on percent germination and protocorm development of Habenaria macroceratitis. (A) Un-germinated seed (Stage 0), (B) initial seed germination (Stage 1), and (C) protocorm development through Stage 2 after 7 week in vitro asymbiotic culture on Malmgren Modified Terrestrial Orchid Medium. Histobars with the same letter within each stage are not significantly different (α = 0.05). Error bar = SE. 1160 S. L. Stewart and M. E. Kane A 100 Germination (%) 80 60 40 20 a B Germination (%) 80 60 40 c 20 bc bc b ab a 0 100 c 80 c bc abc bc abc Germination (%) Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 13:59 22 March 2012 a 0 100 C ab a 60 40 20 0 Fructose Sucrose Dextrose Control Carbohydrate Treatment FIGURE 2 Effects of carbohydrate source (fructose, sucrose, and dextrose) and presence or absence of banana powder (+/− BP) on percent germination and protocorm development of Habenaria macroceratitis. Protocorm development through (A) Stage 3, (B) Stage 4, and (C) Stage 5 after 21 weeks in vitro asymbiotic culture on Malmgren Modified Terrestrial Orchid Medium. Histobars with the same letter within each stage are not significantly different (α = 0.05). Error bar = SE. Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 13:59 22 March 2012 Carbohydrate Effects on Orchid Seed Germination 1161 5 (59.8%) than did all other treatments. This same treatment supported a significantly higher percentage of Stage 4 protocorms (28.1%) than did all other treatments tested. Furthermore, only the dextrose with banana powder and fructose with banana powder treatments supported Stage 3 development after 21 weeks (1.9% and 5.0%, respectively; Figure 2). In the first seven weeks of asymbiotic seed germination, no significant effect of medium supplementation with banana powder was demonstrated in any treatment through Stage 2 development (Figure 1). However, after 21 weeks incubation the presence of banana powder in the medium suppressed development of H. macroceratitis protocorms through Stage 5 in the fructose and dextrose treatments (Figure 2). No significant difference in protocorm development at Stage 5 was observed in the sucrose or control treatments. Similar protocorm morphologies were observed in all carbohydrate and carbohydrate plus BP treatments after 21 weeks in vitro germination and development (Figures 3A–F). Protocorms in these treatments produced copious amounts of rhizoids in advanced (>Stage 4) developmental stages. However, protocorms in both the basal medium only and basal medium only plus BP control treatments produced either no or very diminished rhizoids (Figures 3G–H). DISCUSSION In the current study, the simple carbohydrates fructose, sucrose, and dextrose all supported germination and advanced (>Stage 3) protocorm development of H. macroceratitis, demonstrating the wide suitability of simple carbohydrates during in vitro asymbiotic germination and protocorm development. Similarly, Ernst and Arditti (1990) reported that seeds of the two previously mentioned Phalaenopsis hybrids germinated rapidly on Knudson C asymbiotic medium supplemented with glucose, maltose, or maltotriose, which are also all simple carbohydrates. When larger maltooligosaccharides where used, seed germination percentages decreased, likely due to the inability of the germinating orchid embryo to synthesize the enzymes necessary to hydrolyze these more complex carbohydrates (Ernst and Arditti, 1990). A more recent report indicated that carbohydrate hydrolysis by extracellular hydrolytic enzymes is possible, as demonstrated with protocorm-like bodies of Dendrobium (Hew and Mah, 1989). While this extracellular hydrolysis of complex carbohydrates was not reported in the present study, a similar trend in decreased seed germination percentage would be expected if larger, complex carbohydrates would be surveyed for their ability to support the asymbiotic germination of H. macroceratitis. The current data support the notion that most orchids can readily utilize simple exogenous carbohydrates, as opposed to more complex carbohydrate sources, as a basic carbon source to S. L. Stewart and M. E. Kane Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 13:59 22 March 2012 1162 FIGURE 3 Media effects on protocorm morphology of Habenaria macroceratitis seeds cultured on Malmgren Modified Terrestrial Orchid Medium supplemented with various carbohydrate sources and with and without banana powder (BP) after 21 weeks. (A) Fructose + BP; (B) Fructose only; (C) Sucrose + BP; (D) Sucrose only; (E) Dextrose + BP; (F) Dextrose only; (G) Control + BP; (H) Control only. Scale bars = 1 mm. Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 13:59 22 March 2012 Carbohydrate Effects on Orchid Seed Germination 1163 initiate seed germination and support early protocorm development under in vitro conditions. While all carbohydrate treatments in the current study supported asymbiotic seed germination and protocorm development through Stage 5, both controls (basal medium only and basal medium only with BP) also supported protocorm development through Stage 5. A similar trend has not been previously reported in earlier studies concerning the effects of carbohydrate source on asymbiotic seed germination and in vitro protocorm development. A minimal, but not quantified, amount of carbohydrate is present in BP, and the advanced development observed in the basal medium with BP treatment could be explained as being supported by this undefined carbohydrate source. However, Stage 5 development was observed in the basal medium without BP control treatment and this advanced stage of H. macroceratitis protocorm development could not be supported without additional exogenous carbohydrates. The basal medium (MM) contains 0.05 mg l−1 biotin and 100 mg l−1 myo-inositol, and these supplements could serve as minimal sources of carbohydrate nutrition, in addition to BP. Arditti (1979) reported that biotin enhanced the growth of Cattleya, Odontoglossum, Phaphiopedilum, and Cymbidium orchids; and that inositol stimulated the germination of Cattleya. Both of these supplements in MM could be supporting the germination through Stage 5 of H. macroceratitis in the basal medium without BP control. Additionally, Rasmussen (1995) reported that some orchid seeds contain glucoproteins that may release glucose when hydrolyzed. This too could also explain the advanced germination (=Stage 5) of H. macroceratitis observed in the control treatments. Despite the stimulatory effects of BP in the germination medium when used alone, BP in combination with a simple carbohydrate demonstrated either no or a negative effect on asymbiotic seed germination percentages and protocorm development of H. macroceratitis. BP, in combination with an exogenous carbohydrate source, did effect protocorm morphology, especially at more advanced stages (>Stage 4) of development. Media treatments containing only an exogenous carbohydrate source and carbohydrate source plus BP supported the development of H. macroceratitis protocorms with copious numbers of rhizoids. Stewart and Kane (2006) reported a similar regulation of rhizoid production in H. macroceratitis where asymbiotic protocorms incubated in complete darkness produced numerous rhizoids while protocorms incubated in either a 16/8 h or 24/0 h L/D photoperiod produced either no or greatly reduced rhizoids. Similar photoperiodic control of rhizoid production during asymbiotic orchid seed germination has been reported by Kauth et al. (2006) for the orchid Calopogon tuberosus, while Arditti et al. (1981) reported that rhizoid production was not controlled by photoperiod in species of Platanthera and Piperia, related genera to Habenaria. The current data suggest that carbohydrate availability, not exclusively photoperiod, may play a role in the Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 13:59 22 March 2012 1164 S. L. Stewart and M. E. Kane production of rhizoids in orchid protocorms, which in turn contributes to root development in more advanced seedling developmental stages. Asymbiotic orchid seed germination media are typically supplemented with a simple carbohydrate source (sucrose). Our current data support the notion that most orchids can readily use a wide range of carbohydrate sources when cultured in vitro, and that often difficult-to-germinate terrestrial orchids may follow this same trend. While orchid seed germinate and develop readily on these simple carbohydrates, free simple carbohydrates, such as sucrose, can be considered ecologically unimportant since carbohydrates rarely exist in this form in nature (Harley, 1969). Germinating seed and developing plants in the wild are dependent upon their mycobionts for the breakdown of complex carbohydrates (cellulose, starch) and transport of the resulting simpler compounds (trehalose, mannitol) into plant tissues (Harley, 1969; Smith, 1966, 1967). Future studies on the effects of simple and complex carbohydrates on the germination of orchid seed and early protocorm/seedling development should be conducted under both asymbiotic and symbiotic culture conditions to gain a more ecologically-complete understanding of orchid seed germination physiology. Nonetheless, given the prevalence of asymbiotic orchid seed germination as a tool in the commercial production of orchid plants and as a primary research tool, these current data represent new information concerning the wide suitability of simple carbohydrates during in vitro asymbiotic germination and early protocorm development. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding for this work was provided by the Florida Division of Forestry and the San Diego County Orchid Society. We thank Nancy Philman (University of Florida) for assistance in experimental design. Brand names are provided for reference only; the authors do not solely endorse these particular products. REFERENCES Arditti, J. 1979. 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