Preemption and Forecast Accuracy: A Structural Approach∗ Job Market Paper [Download the most recent version] Fanny Camara† January 26, 2016 Abstract This paper examines how competition affects information provided by experts. I estimate a timing game played by financial analysts who produce earning forecasts. Over time, both the exogenous information available to the market and the information privately observed by each analyst become more precise. In choosing when to release their forecasts, analysts weigh whether to wait for more precise information in order to forecast more accurately, or to preempt their competitors by reducing the informational advantage enjoyed by rivals who have yet to issue their forecasts. I assess the informational value of professional forecasters. I find that financial analysts produce 40% of the information on future earnings made available to investors during the forecasting period. I perform a counterfactual experiment with fixed forecast dates to quantify the extent to which preemption affects forecast delay and forecast accuracy. Preemption reduces forecast delays substantially: without preemption, the average analyst would disclose her forecast eight days after the date observed in the data. Because earlier forecasts use less information, preemption diminishes the average forecast accuracy by 24%. Keywords: Structural Estimation, Preemption, Timing Game, Earning Forecasts, Information Economics JEL: C18, C57, D83, D84, G14, L15 ∗ I am deeply indebted to Margaret K. Kyle, Marco Ottaviani , and Jesse M. Shapiro for their invaluable guidance and support. I am also grateful to Christian Hellwig, Andrew Foster, John Friedman, Augustin Landier, Laura Lasio, Ernest Liu, Christopher Malloy, Mathias Reynaert, and Paul Scott for insightful comments. Finally this paper has benefitted from discussions with seminar audiences at Bocconi, Mines ParisTech, and Brown. Errors and opinions are mine. † Toulouse School of Economics, 21 allée de Brienne, 31015 Toulouse Cedex 6, France; 1 1 Introduction Experts play an important role in markets with information problems. For example, consumers may rely on expert assessments of the quality of a new car, firms may base their investment decisions on the forecasts of macroeconomic variables produced by central banks, and investors may adjust their portfolios in response to the forecasts of financial analysts. However, strategic interactions between competing experts can affect the quality of the information they provide to the market, and distort market outcomes as a result. This paper examines the distortions that may result from mis-timing the release of information in the presence of competition. Specifically, I study financial analysts who issue forecasts on the earnings of public companies. These analysts are experts, who invest significant effort to acquire information about the companies they follow. If experts are rewarded for the informational content of their forecasts, the timing of the forecast release is a critical decision for the analyst. By waiting, she acquires more precise information and forecasts more accurately. However, forecasts already issued by her rivals become public information, thereby reducing her own information advantage. This paper is the first to develop a methodology to quantify the distortions generated by strategic interactions between competing experts. I use this methodology to estimate the extent to which preemption affects the delay and the accuracy of quarterly Earning Per Share (EPS) issued by sell-side analysts (analysts employed by brokerage firms). Amid growing regulatory efforts to curb concentration in the brokerage industry (Regulation of National Market System (2005) in the US, Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (2007) in the EU), this work can help determine the optimal level of competition needed to ensure the efficient functioning and the liquidity of capital markets. In addition, this paper is the first to develop a structural method to quantify the contribution of professional forecasters to the information available to the market. When experts cannot choose the timing of their forecasts, economic theory suggests that having more experts forecasting a given outcome improves forecast accuracy for two reasons. First, as the number of experts who collect conditionally independent signals increases, their aggregated information becomes more precise. Second, the theoretical literature on persuasion suggests that competition disciplines experts to report their 2 private information truthfully either by confronting experts with misaligned preferences (Gentzkow and Kamenica, 2011; Krishna and Morgan, 1999; Milgrom and Roberts, 1986) or by increasing the amount of feedbacks that the market receives about the state of the world (Gentzkow and Shapiro, 2006; Camara and Dupuis, 2015). In contrast, competition among experts has ambiguous effects on accuracy when experts are free to time their forecasts. On the one hand, tougher competition implies that a higher number of experts collect and process information. On the other hand, when the payoff of each expert is tied to the relative informational content of her forecast, strategic interactions between analysts results in sub-optimal forecast timing. The mechanism is the following: Each disclosed forecast becomes public information. The expert who issues an early forecast reduces the informational advantage that her competitors, who have not yet released their forecasts, have on the market. Experts anticipate that earlier forecasts reduce the value of their private information and react by issuing their predictions before the time they would have chosen in the absence of competitors. Assessing the impact of strategic interactions between analysts on forecast accuracy constitutes an empirical question of particular relevance for earning forecasts since economic efficiency depends crucially on their accuracy. First, analysts play an important role in reducing the asymmetry of information between insiders and outsiders which, to the extent that inside trading hurts investors’ confidence in securities markets (Ausubel, 1990), stimulates investment. Second, since earning forecasts are used as inputs by credit rating agencies to rate firms’ debts (Fong et al., 2014), accurate earning forecasts increase the reliability of credit ratings and have positive spillover effects on financial stability. Finally, sell-side analysts lower the cost for investors of acquiring information and, therefore, improve the liquidity of securities markets (Groysberg et al., 2007). In this paper, I quantify the informational loss in earning forecasts that preemption generates. To do so, I generalize the game studied by Guttman (2010) to N players to model the timing decisions of sell-side financial analysts who forecast the quarterly Earning Per Share (EPS) of public companies. Motivated by the works of Irvine et al. (2007) which provides empirical evidence that brokerage firms give early access to research to clients who generate significant commission revenues – a practice called tipping – and Cowen et al. (2003) which documents that research firms who employ financial analysts 3 sell research as a stand-alone product, I assume that analysts indirectly capture the benefits of the information that they produce by selling their forecasts to their private clients before disclosing them to the market. The willingness-to-pay of the client for the analyst’s information corresponds to the trading gain that he can make by exploiting his informational advantage over the market. Exogenous public information about the future realization of the EPS – which can take the form of financial reports issued by the company – arrives continuously over the forecasting period. At the beginning of the game, the analyst receives a signal whose precision depends on her initial ability. As time goes by, she accumulates more private information at a rate determined by her learning ability. The time when the informational advantage of the analyst over the market reaches its maximum increases with the magnitude of her learning ability relative to her initial ability. When a unique analyst covers the stock, she maximizes her payoff by issuing her forecast when the precision of her private information relative to the public information reaches its maximum. Hereafter, I refer to this level of precision (and the corresponding timing) as the unconstrained optimal. When multiple analysts cover the stock, the equilibrium timing profile is such that each analyst chooses the date that maximizes the relative precision of her private information under the constraint that no later analyst finds it profitable to deviate from the equilibrium timing by undercutting previous forecasters. Unlike the dynamic timing game studied by Fudenberg and Tirole (1985), this game features players who receive one-shot payoffs that depend only on the history of the game before their moves and not on the actions of players who move after them. This implies that players have no incentive to influence the timing of subsequent movers. As a result, I define preemption not as a deviation from a precommitment equilibrium but as a deviation from the unconstrained optimum. More specifically, the analyst is said to preempt her competitors when she chooses to issue her forecast at a time when the accuracy of the public information is lower than the level that maximizes her informational advantage over the market. It is worth noting that, besides preemption, competition reduces forecast delays for a purely mechanical reason: each disclosed forecast increases the precision of the public information and thus decreases the time each subsequent analyst has to wait to reach the point when her informational advantage is maximized. 4 At equilibrium, analysts with similar ratios of initial to learning ability which command similar optimal unconstrained timing, tend to engage in a preemption which results in clustered forecasts. The intuition is the following. Consider a scenario with two analysts, in which the informational advantage of analyst A (she) is maximized for a public precision yA , while the informational advantage of analyst B (he) is maximized when the public information reaches the level of precision yB . Denote by f A (yA ), the precision of the private information of analyst A that corresponds to the public information yA . Define similarly f B (yB ) for analyst B. Assume that the abilities of both analysts are similar so that the difference between yA and yB is small with yA < yB , and yB < yA + f A (yA ). Assume further that the difference between yA and yB is small enough that analyst B is better off by timing his forecast right before yA rather waiting for analyst A to issue her forecast in yA . If analyst B believes that analyst A will release her forecast when the public signal reaches the precision yA , he has incentives to undercut analyst A and issues his forecast in yA − . Analyst A anticipates that she will be preempted by B if she waits until the public precision reaches the level yA to issue her forecast. She reacts by releasing her forecast at an even earlier date when the public precision, y ∗ , is such that B is indifferent between undercutting A and forecasting immediately after her at a level of public precision y ∗ + f A (y ∗ ). As a result of the preemption race between both analysts, A forecasts before her optimal unconstrained timing and the two forecasts are clustered in time (B forecasts immediately after A). At equilibrium, analysts who differ enough in terms of initial to learning ability ratios issue unclustered forecasts at their unconstrained optimal levels of public precision. The multiple players version of the timing game does not admit a unique equilibrium. However all the equilibria of the game have the property that analysts who issue unclustered forecasts do it when the precision of the public signal reaches their unconstrained optimal level. This feature of the game, that is invariant across equilibria, is at the core of the identification strategy. I estimate the structural parameters that govern the arrival process of public information as well as the initial and learning abilities of the analysts. This allows me to assess the informational value of financial analysts – which the contribution of financial analysts to the accuracy of investors’ expectations about future earnings – and the level of heterogeneity in the precision of analysts’ private information. Finally I quantify the 5 extent to which preemption affects accuracy and forecast delay. To do so, I perform a counterfactual experiment in which the forecasts’ dates are fixed so as to maximize the relative precision of each forecast under the constraint that no analyst issues her forecast before the public signal reaches her unconstrained optimal precision. I estimate that analysts produce 40% of the information available to investors which supports the widespread perception that analysts are major market information intermediaries (Bradshaw, 2011). I find that preemption creates sizable informational losses: the accuracy of the average forecast in the counterfactual scenario without preemption is 24% larger than the estimated accuracy of the actual average forecast. In terms forecast errors, the loss in accuracy caused by preemption translates into an average absolute forecast error that 18% larger than the one that would occur in the absence of preemptive incentives. In terms of forecast timing, I estimate that preemption reduces the average forecast delay by 8 days, bringing the average forecast delay to 2 days after the report of the EPS of the previous quarter. I find that, at the beginning of the forecasting period, the higher number of disclosed forecasts in the actual data swamps the negative effect on accuracy of the sub-optimal timing so that preemption actually increases the amount of information produced by analysts and disclosed to investors during the first week of the forecasting period. However after this period, preemption reduces the accuracy of the information made available to the market. The overall effect of preemption on welfare is ambiguous and depends on how much investors value access to information at the very beginning of the forecasting period. While the literature on EPS forecasts is large and has explored the questions of herding (Gleason and Lee, 2003; Hong et al., 2000), forecast bias (Hong and Kacperczyk, 2010; Hong and Kubik, 2003; Lim, 2001), forecast accuracy (Fang and Yasuda, 2004; Mikhail et al., 1997), and the market reaction to earning forecasts (Park and Stice, 2000; Stickel, 1992), I focus on timing which has received much less attention. The existing empirical literature on timing has mostly focused on the informativeness of early forecasts versus late forecasts, the informational content being measured by the stock price response to the forecasts (Cooper et al., 2001) or a combination of accuracy, price response, and boldness of revisions (Keskek et al., 2014). More closely related to this paper, Kim et al. (2011) explores the determinants of the timing of forecast revisions. 6 They find that the characteristics that predict later revisions also predict lower forecast errors. Their reduced-form approach does not enable them to distinguish whether late forecasters outperform early forecasters because they receive better private information later in the forecasting period or whether they simply benefit from the information revealed by previously issued forecasts. Gul and Lundholm (1995) were the firsts to study a game of forecast timing. The authors develop a model that rationalizes the clustering (in value) of the forecasts issued by two experts. Since the informational environment that they consider does not include exogenous information, after the first expert issues her forecast, the second expert has no further incentives to wait and releases her forecast immediately. This feature makes the model unfit to rationalize the forecasting behavior of financial analysts who typically wait for more exogenous public information even when they are the last forecasters. Guttman (2010) considers a richer informational environment in which exogenous information arrives continuously during the forecasting period. He further assumes that experts time their forecasts so as to maximize the market value of their private information. These two features make the timing game that he studies better tailored to financial analysts. This paper also contributes to the literature on structural estimation of timing games. To the best of my knowledge, only two papers quantify the efficiency loss arising from competition when timing is endogenous. Schmidt-Dengler (2006) estimates the effects of both preemption and business stealing on the timing of MRI adoption by hospitals and find that competition affects adoption times mostly through business stealing. Takahashi (2013) estimates a dynamic exit game played by movie theaters. He finds that strategic interactions cause theaters to delay exit by 2.7 years relative to the profit-maximizing date. While these papers have focused on traditional questions in industrial organization (namely technology adoption and exit), this work constitutes the first attempt to estimate an equilibrium timing model to recover the informational cost of preemption in a financial setting. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides some background on sell-side analysts and relevant regulations. Section 3 describes the data. Section 4 presents reduced-form evidence on the effects of competition on timing and accuracy. Section 5 explains the model used for timing decisions. Section 6 reports the 7 details of estimation and identification. Section 7 presents the results of the structural estimation. Section 8 concludes. 2 Background on Sell-Side Analysts and Regulatory Context The job of a sell-side analyst consists in providing investment reports about publicly listed companies to retail and institutional investors (for example pension plans or mutual funds). Investment reports typically include a review of the firm’s business model, short-term earning forecasts, projections of stock price, and “buy”, “sell”, or “hold” recommendations. In order to produce those reports, analysts study the companies’ financial and operating data, assess firms’ competitive environments, and gather additional insights on future performance through meetings with firm management1 and discussions with traders and sales staff who provide them with information on trading volumes and planned future purchases. For the specific task of producing earning forecasts, analysts build financial models to predict future revenues and costs that use as inputs the information that they have gathered. Securities firms who employ sell-side analysts generate revenue by underwriting public offerings, charging trading commissions, and selling research as a stand-alone product (Cowen et al., 2003). Trading commissions usually take the form of fees charged by brokerage houses to handle trades and to provide clients with investment advice based on the research produced by sell-side analysts. In addition, securities companies commonly practice “tipping”. Tipping consists in providing select institutional clients with access to investment reports before their public disclosure. Institutional clients compensate the company indirectly through trading commissions. Since the early 2000s, the introduction of regulatory measures to tackle the issue of conflict of interests and promote competition has changed substantially the relative importance of those sources of research funding. The implementation of the Sarbanes1 Since 2000, the Fair Disclosure Regulation prohibits firms from privately communicating value- relevant information to analysts which may have reduced the analysts’ ability to collect private information from firm management 8 Oxley Act of 2002 has weaken the linkage between underwriting activities and research by mandating securities firms to build a Chinese Wall between their investment banking and research departments and by precluding firms from tying analysts’ compensations to specific investment banking transactions. In an effort to promote competition in the market for brokerage services, the UK’s Financial Services Authority issued new guidelines (CP176) in 2003 prescribing the unbundling of research and execution commissions. Similar regulations have later been adopted by the US where the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented the Regulation of National Market System (NMS) in 2005 and by the EU which adopted the concept of best execution as part of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) in 2007. These regulatory changes have limited the extent to which brokerage houses can rely on underwriting and bundled trading commissions to finance their research activities and have increased the relative importance of tipping or direct sales of investment reports as sources of research funding. 3 3.1 Data and Descriptive Statistics Data Sources I use data on quarterly forecasts of Earning Per Share (EPS) of publicly listed U.S. companies from the Institutional Brokers’ Estimate System (I/B/E/S) detail history dataset. The dataset contains the value of the forecasts, the date and time at which each forecast is issued, the identity of the financial analyst who issues the forecast, the identity of the brokerage house for which the analyst works, the realization of the EPS, and the date at which the realization of the EPS is announced publicly. I use data on stock prices and stock returns from the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) database. 3.2 Sample Definition In line with the previous literature on EPS forecasts, I focus on forecasts issued for typical fiscal quarters i.e. quarters ending in March, June, September, and December. These represent more than 85% of the forecasts. I exclude forecasts released before the beginning of the fiscal quarters, forecasts released after the end of the fiscal quarter, as well as all 9 forecasts pertaining to stock-quarter whose previous quarterly EPS is announced with a delay of more than 90 days. I select forecasts issued from the beginning of 2010 through the end of 2014.2 After all exclusions, the sample contains a total of 392,846 quarterly EPS forecasts for 3,412 stocks issued by US companies. The companies are distributed across 371 industries as defined by the Standard Industrial Classification code (SIC). 3.3 Brokerage Houses The data contain EPS forecasts issued by analysts working for 333 brokerage houses (summarized in Table A3). In a typical quarter, the average brokerage house employs 12 analysts and covers 94 stocks from companies distributed across 34 industries. I measure the size of a brokerage house by the number of analysts employed. Bigger brokerage houses offer higher compensations and positions that are perceived as more prestigious. Following the literature and notably Hong and Kacperczyk (2010), I use the size of the brokerage house for which the analyst works as a measure of her career success. An analyst employed by a big brokerage house will hereafter be referred to as high status analyst. I define a big brokerage house as a house whose size is above the 90th percentile of brokerage house size distribution i.e. a house which employs at least 33 analysts. On average, a big brokerage house employs 54 analysts and covers 449 companies distributed over 144 industries. Big brokerage houses issue about 51% (201,452) of the quarterly forecasts in the sample. In a given quarter, 47% of the analysts in the sample work for big brokerage houses. The typical company covered by a big brokerage house has a bigger market capitalization ($11.6 million) than those covered by a smaller brokerage house ($7.3 million). 2 I focus on recent data to avoid the issue of selective ex-post deletion of inaccurate forecasts docu- mented by (Ljungqvist et al., 2009). As evidenced by the reaction of Thomson Financial, which issued in 2007 a confidential guidance to select clients regarding the integrity of its I/B/E/S historical detail recommendations database, the publication of this influential paper has disciplined the Thomson to produce more reliable data since then. 10 3.4 Analysts The data contain the quarterly EPS forecasts of 4,262 sell-side analysts (Table A5). On average, the Experience of the analyst, measured as the number of years passed since she has entered the database, is 7 years. Her average Tenure, measured by the time she has spent working for the same brokerage house, is close to 3.5 years. I use the term Stock Experience to refer to the number of years the analyst has covered a specific stock. The typical forecaster has a stock-specific experience of nearly 4 years. I measure the industry-specific experience, referred to as Industry Experience, as the number of years the analyst has covered the industry. The typical analyst has followed the same industry for almost 5 years. Roughly half of the analysts are classified as high status, as explained in Section 3.3. During a given quarter, the typical forecaster covers 11 stocks distributed over 5 industries. In the following, I will use the term Stock Workload to refer to the number of stocks that an analyst covers during a quarter and Industry Workload to refer to the number of industries that the analyst covers. 3.5 Stocks Table A4 summarizes the key statistics for stock coverage, market capitalization, return volatility, number of recommendations, and dispersion of the recommendations. The average firm in the sample has a market capitalization of $5.8 million and is covered by 8 analysts. Bigger companies are covered by more analysts: those above the 90th percentile of the market capitalization distribution are covered by an average of 17 analysts. To measure the level of interest investors attribute to different companies, I collect the number of recommendations issued by analysts on each stock (# of Recommendations). The recommendations are translated by I/B/E/S into a five-point scale from 1 (= strong buy) to 5 (= strong sell). I compute the standard deviation of the recommendations received by each stock (Recommendation Dispersion) to measure the degree of disagreement between analysts about the future earnings of the companies. For each stock-quarter pair, I define the variable Volatility as the average daily variance of the stock returns over the year that ends at the beginning of the quarter. 11 3.6 Forecast Timing 34 days 1. First day 57 days 2. EPS of fiscal quarter pre-announcement 3. Analyst’s 4. Last day of forecasts fiscal quarter Forecasting Period Figure 1: Fiscal Quarter Table A6 presents the descriptive statistics for the forecast delays. A fiscal quarter lasts 91 days. The realization of the EPS marks the end of the forecasting period and is announced with an average delay of about 34 days. For each company, the variable EPS Report Delay measures the average report delay of the EPS over the period 1984-2010. I use this variable to capture the commitment of each company to transparent and efficient financial reporting. Since analysts usually wait for the report of the EPS of the previous quarter – the EPS pre-announcement – to issue their forecasts, I define the forecasting period as the time span between the date of the EPS pre-announcement and the end of the fiscal quarter. Following the announcement of the EPS pre-announcement, the average analyst waits 5 days before issuing her forecast. Half of the forecasts are issued within 1 day after the announcement of the previous quarters’ EPS but 10% of the forecasts are issued more than 13 days after this date. Analysts seldom revise their forecasts. In 84% of the cases, the analyst issues a unique forecast that she never revises during the forecast period. When the analyst does decide to revise her forecast, she does so only once in more than 85% of the cases. 4 4.1 Reduced-Form Evidence Forecast Delay In this section, I explore the relationship between competition and forecast delay. I use the stock coverage which is the number of analysts who cover the stock during a 12 given quarter as a measure of competition. I show that, after controlling for stock and analyst characteristics, analysts issue their forecasts earlier on stocks which receive larger coverage. The empirical result that analysts react to tougher competition by timing their forecasts earlier supports the conjecture that competition creates preemption incentives. Figure 9 plots the relationship between forecast delay and stock coverage. In order to identify the determinants of forecast delay, I estimate a continuous time proportional Cox model to fit the hazard rate that a forecast is issued at a given day during the forecasting period3 . I denote by λt,i,s,q,y the hazard rate that the forecast on stock s in quarter q of year y is issued at time t by analyst i. I allow the hazard rate to depend on analyst characteristics, Wi,s,q,y , and stock characteristics, Zs,q,y : λt,i,s,q,y = λ0 (t) exp(βj + βq + βy + β0 Coverage + βW Wi,s,q,y , βW + βZ Zs,q,y ) (4.1) The vector of analyst characteristics, W , contains the various measures of the analyst’s experience, the status of the analyst, and her workload. The vector of stock characteristics, Z, includes the market capitalization, the volatility of past returns, the EPS report delay, the number of recommendations, and the dispersion in recommendations. I add quarter dummies, βq , to account for the fact that estimates for the last quarter of the year are likely to be followed more closely by investors. I add industry dummies βj , to capture the difference in forecast delays between industries perceived as more or less attractive to investors. I also include year dummies, βy . λ0 (t) is the baseline hazard function. Results Table 1 displays the results of the cox proportional hazard regression. Table A1 shows the predicted CDF of the forecast delay and the shifts in the predicted CDF induced by an increase of one standard deviation of the various explanatory variables. The model predicts that the typical analyst issues her forecast by the end of the first day of the forecasting period with a probability of 62%. By the end of the first month following the EPS pre-announcement, the typical analyst has issued her forecast with a predicted probability of 92%. The most interesting result concerns the impact of coverage on forecast delay: the model predicts that increasing the stock coverage by one standard deviation (7 analysts) increases the probability that each analyst discloses her forecast 3 The choice of a continuous-time model is motivated by the high frequency of the forecast data. 13 by the end of the first day following the EPS pre-announcement by 3.3%. The total and the stock specific experiences, the status of the analyst, as well as the two measures of workloads have significant impacts on forecast delays. Analysts who have followed a stock for a longer period as well as analysts working for bigger brokerage houses issue their forecasts earlier. An analyst with a stock experience one standard deviation larger than the average is 2.8% more likely to issue her forecast by the end of the first day of the forecasting period and a high status analyst is 2.8% more likely to issue her forecast on the first day than her low status counterpart. More surprisingly, analysts with longer total experience issue their forecasts later. However the magnitude of this effect is small: a one standard deviation increase in the total experience translates into a modest .01% decrease in the probability of a first day forecast. Analysts who follow more stocks and more industries during the quarter disclose their forecasts earlier. This can reflect the fact that more competent analysts are assigned more stocks to cover. Stocks issued by companies with larger market capitalization, stocks that receive more recommendations, and stocks for which analysts issue less divergent recommendations receive later earning forecasts. All those characteristics correlate with less uncertainty regarding the realization of the future EPS. Their estimated negative impacts on timeliness is consistent with the idea that analysts maximize the value of their forecasts for investors by prioritizing stocks for which public information is scarce. 4.2 Forecast Accuracy In this section, I investigate how competition affects forecast accuracy. More specifically, I assess the extent to which the analyst learns from the information disclosed in previously issued forecasts by estimating the impact of the order of the forecast on its precision. I also evaluate how competitive pressure affects the quality of the information produced by analysts, beyond what analysts can learn from observing the disclosed forecasts of their opponents, by estimating the impact of stock coverage on forecast accuracy after controlling for forecast order. I measure forecast accuracy by using the inverse of the absolute forecast errors. As shown in table A2, forecasts are positively biased. This finding is consistent with the rich 14 Table 1: Determinants of Forecast Delay Dependent Variable: Hazard rate of forecast release a Coef. Std. Err. Experience -.0020∗∗∗ .0006 .0005 Stock Experience .0127∗∗∗ .0008 .0000 Industry Experience -.0001 .0008 .9147 High Status Analysts .0508∗∗∗ .0049 .0000 Stock Workload .0108∗∗∗ .0007 .0000 Industry Workload .0054∗∗∗ .0014 .0002 Market Capitalization -.0007∗∗∗ .0002 .0003 Volatility 3.844 2.432 .1140 EPS Report Delay .0044∗∗∗ .0004 .0000 # of Recommendations -.0054∗∗∗ .0006 .0000 Recommendation Dispersion .0244∗∗∗ .0092 .0082 Coverage .0048∗∗∗ .0007 5.18e-11 Quarter Fixed Effects Yes Year Fixed Effects Yes Industry Fixed Effects Yes Nbr of Obs 201,843 ∗ p < .1, a ∗∗ p < .05, ∗∗∗ p < .01 clustered at stock level 15 P. Value literature on earning forecasts’ bias which documents that analysts issue overly optimistic forecasts partly because of self-selection (McNichols and O’Brien, 1997) – analysts are more likely to cover stocks they are enthusiastic about – and partly because of incentives to please managers (Francis and Philbrick, 1993), to secure equity underwriting deals (Lin and McNichols, 1998), and to generate trading commissions. Since I want to uncover the determinants of the precision of the information produced by analysts and not the determinants of their biases, I use centered forecast errors to measure accuracy. To do so, I estimate the determinants of the bias and I subtract the predicted bias from the forecast error for every stock-analyst pair. Table A2 shows the summary statistics for the uncentered and centered absolute forecast errors. The average centered absolute forecast error is about .11, while the median forecast error is much smaller, .048, which reflects the fact that the distribution of forecast error is very skewed to the right. Figure 10 shows the relation between forecast error and forecast delay broken down by order. For given forecast delays, forecasts released first are noisier than forecasts released by following analysts. I use the following model to the estimate the effect of coverage, order, and forecast delay on the absolute forecast error of analyst i, on stock s, issued in quarter q of year y: F Ei,s,q,y = αj +αq +αy +α1 Coverage+α2 Order Index+α3 Delay+αW Wi,s,q,y +αZ Zs,q,y +i,s,q,y (4.2) Where: αj is the industry fixed effect; αq is the quarter fixed effect; αy is the year fixed effect; W is the vector of analyst characteristics; and Z is the vector of stock characteristics. Delay is the number of days after the EPS pre-announcement. The variable Order Index is constructed in the following way. I sort the analysts who cover a given stock by forecasting time from the earliest analyst to the latest one4 . The rank tends to be lower on stocks covered by less analysts creating a downward bias for the estimate of the effect of forecast order for stocks covered by few analysts. In order to construct a measure of forecast order that is robust to variation in stock coverage, I divide the rank by the total number of forecasts issued on the stock, using the following formula: 4 When more than one forecast are issued at the same time, I assign them the same rank 16 Order Indexi,s,q,y = 100 Ranki,s,q,y − 1 Coverages,q,y − 1 Results Results are displayed in Table 2. I find that the order of the forecast has a positive impact on forecast accuracy: an increase of the magnitude of one standard deviation (= 30) in the order index decreases the forecast error by .004 which is about 4% of the mean absolute forecast error. This constitutes empirical evidence that analysts do incorporate in their forecasts the information disclosed through previously issued forecasts. However, after controlling for the order, the forecast delay itself has no significant effect on the precision of the forecasts. Since the timing of the forecast is endogenous, it is difficult to interpret this result. The insignificant impact of forecast delay may suggest that the amount of exogenous information that analysts receive over the forecasting period is modest. Alternatively, it may reflect the fact that analysts who receive more precise private information at the beginning of the forecasting period issue their forecasts earlier. I find that the impact of coverage on forecast accuracy is negative: each additional analyst covering the stock increases the absolute forecast error by a quantity corresponding to 1.3% of the mean absolute forecast error. This result is consistent with the idea that competition produces accuracy loss, possibly through suboptimal timing. Among analyst characteristics, only the status of the analyst has a significant effect on the accuracy of the forecast. As intuition suggests, analysts who hold prestigious positions in big brokerage houses deliver more accurate forecasts. Among stock characteristics, the volatility of stock returns and the market capitalization are found to increase forecast errors. This means that earnings are harder to predict for highly volatile stocks and for stocks issued by bigger companies. Analysts are found to issue more accurate forecasts for the earnings of companies that report their EPS later, confirming the earlier conjecture that companies that disclose their EPS late have less volatile earnings. 17 Table 2: Determinants of Forecast Accuracy Dependent Variable: Centered Absolute Forecast Error (×103 ) a Coef. Std. Err. Experience .066 .182 .716 Stock Experience .006 .152 .970 Industry Experience -.053 .182 .770 High Status -1.575∗∗ .666 .018 Stock Workload -.017 .152 .910 Industry Workload .124 263.637 .637 Share of High Status Analysts 1.956 12.267 .873 Market Capitalization .249∗ .136 .066 Returns Volatility 38.028∗∗∗ 6.707 .000 EPS Report Delay -.865∗∗ .398 .030 # of Recommendations -.364 .384 .343 Recommendation Dispersion 9.851 9.082 .278 Order Index -.162∗∗∗ .030 .000 Coverage 1.601∗∗ .659 .015 Delay .131 .088 .134 Intercept 115.951∗∗∗ 38.963 .003 Quarter Fixed Effects Yes Year Fixed Effects Yes Industry Fixed Effects Yes Nbr of Obs 286,469 ∗ P. Value p < .1, ∗∗ p < .05, ∗∗∗ p < .01 Note: The variable Share of High Status Analysts measures the percentage of high status analysts who cover the stock. a clustered at stock level 18 4.3 Discussion The reduced form approach provides evidence that coverage correlates negatively with forecast delay and forecast accuracy. Both findings suggest that competition might create preemptive incentives. However this reduced-form approach does not permit to make causal inferences. Since analysts have discretion to choose which stocks they follow, the negative correlation between coverage and accuracy may reflect the fact that analysts are more likely to cover companies which provide less public information on their future earnings. This selection pattern would be consistent with analysts maximizing the market value of their private information. Similarly the relationship between coverage and forecast delay may merely reflect the fact that analysts prefer to cover companies that release public information earlier during the fiscal quarter. Moreover, this approach does not allow to identify what share of the accuracy loss can be imputed to less precise exogenous public information at the time of the forecasts’ releases and to less precise private information contained in the forecasts. In order to quantify the distortion in timing and accuracy caused by preemption, I build a structural approach that uses the equilibrium conditions of a timing game that I present in section 5 to recover the parameters that govern the public learning as well as the accuracy of the analysts’ private information. 5 5.1 Model Setup Consider a stock covered by n analysts in a continuous time framework. Each analyst has to issue her forecast of the future realization of the EPS, x, at some time, t, during the forecasting period, [0, T ]. The EPS, Π, is a random variable which follows a common knowledge distribution N (µ0 , σ0 ). At the end of the forecasting period, the company reports the realization of its EPS, π. 19 5.2 5.2.1 Information Structure Exogenous Public Information During the forecasting period, investors and analysts receive some exogenous public information on the company’s future earnings. This information can take the form of reports of disclosures of accounting information, or announcements of any events that affect the future performance of the company such as a merger, a technological breakthrough made by the company, the appointment of a new CEO, or the results of clinical trials for a pharmaceutical firm. Over time, the market receives a continuous stream of exogenous public signals so that the precision of the exogenous public information, denoted f˜(t), increases in a differentiable manner: for all t1 < t2 , f˜(t1 ) < f˜(t2 ). Formally, the cumulative exogenous public signal at instant t is represented by: st = π + t with t ∼ N (0, 1 ) f˜(t) In practice analysts never wait until the last day of the forecasting period to issue their forecasts. To guarantee that the model predicts realistic outcomes, I assume that the precision of the exogenous public signal becomes arbitrarily large at the end of the forecasting period which suppresses all incentives for analysts to issue their forecasts at the very end of the fiscal quarter. lim f˜(t) = +∞ t→T 5.2.2 Private Information At the beginning of the forecasting period, analyst i receives a private signal whose precision is determined by her initial ability, αi . As time progresses, the accuracy of the analyst’s private information increases as she builds on publicly released information to refine her forecast. At instant t, the cumulative private signal of analyst i is represented by: sit = π + i with it ∼ N (0, 1 ) and yt = f (t) f i (yt ) it is independent of the realization of the EPS, π. Moreover, analysts receive conditionally independent signals: for all i 6= j, it ⊥ jt . The function f i (yt ) captures the precision of the private information that analyst i has accumulated when the precision of the 20 public information (f (t)) reaches yt . f (t) corresponds to the sum of the precision of the exogenous public information, f˜(t), and the precision of the private information disclosed through the forecasts issued by t. Formally: X f (t) = f˜(t)+ f i (f (ti )) where ti denotes the time at which analyst i issues her forecast i | ti <t I use the following functional form for f i (): f i (yt ) = αi + β i log(yt ) with yt = f (t) β i captures the learning ability of the analyst. Positive values of β reflect the fact that professional analysts are able to draw predictions from the public information that are more precise than the investors’ beliefs about the future realization of the earning. I assume that the marginal cost of converting public information into additional private is increasing, which translates into a concave relationship between private and public precision. This assumption captures the fact that when there is little remaining uncertainty about the future earning, the analyst finds it more difficult to improve on the public signal5 . 5.3 Forecast Analyst i issues a forecast equals to her posterior after observing the public signal st and her private signal sit : xit = wti sit + (1 − wti ) st (5.1) The weight, wti , that she allocates to her private signal is an increasing function of the relative precision of her private information: wti = 5.4 1/f (t) 1/f (t) + 1/f i (yt ) and yt = f (t) Analyst Payoff Guttman (2010) shows that when the analyst sells her forecasts to a single investor 6 before disclosing it publicly, her payoff is an increasing function of the precision of her 5 6 The computing power needed to process big data might be prohibitively large which can be regarded as represented a group of investors not large enough for their trading decisions to affect the price of the stock 21 private information relative to the public information: U i (t) = log( f i (t) + f (t) ) f (t) (5.2) This result hinges on the following assumptions. The initial and the learning abilities of the analyst are common knowledge. The market contains a continuum of investors with a CARA utility function. Each investor decides how to allocate her initial wealth between a safe asset with zero returns and a risky asset which corresponds to the stock of the firm. Each investor is small enough that her trade does not affect the market price. The supply of the stock is exogenous and constant. The willingness-to-pay for observing the analyst’s forecast ahead of the market corresponds to the amount that equalizes her expected utility if she remains uninformed to her expected utility if she acquires the analyst’s information. The extra profit that the investor can make by using the forecast of the analyst is determined by the relative informational content of the forecast. Since the analyst is a monopolist on her private information, she extracts the entire the surplus of her client. 5.5 5.5.1 Equilibrium Timing Single-Analyst Case The analyst issues her forecast at the time t that maximizes the relative precision of her forecast. Since f (.) is invertible, for the analyst, choosing the optimal time is equivalent to choosing the optimal precision of the public information at which to issue her forecast. From now on, I refer to the precision of the public signal at which the analyst chooses to issue her forecast when she is the only analyst who covers the stock as her unconstrained optimum which I denote by yuc . yuc is such that: i yuc = arg max U i (y) with U i (y) = log( y≥0 f i (y) + y ) y It follows that: i = max{0, exp(1 − yuc 22 αi )} βi (5.3) Since the payoff function is single-peaked, the unconstrained optimum is always unique. Figure 2 shows the precision of the public signal at which the analyst chooses to issue her forecast in the single-analyst case. U 1 yuc f (t) Figure 2: Unconstrained Optimum 5.5.2 Two-Analyst Case When an analyst issues her forecast, the precision of the public signal increases in a discrete way. The size of the jump corresponds to the precision of her private signal. At time t, the precision of the public information, denoted f (t), corresponds to the sum of the precision of the exogenous public information and the informational content of the forecasts – i.e. the precision of the private information of the analyst at the time she issues her forecast – issued by t. Formally: f (t) = f˜(t) + X f i [f (ti )] i=1,2|ti ≤t By increasing the precision of the public signal through her forecast, the analyst reduces the informational value of her opponent’s signal. The dependence of one analyst’s payoff on the timing of the other analyst’s forecast generates a strategic interaction between competing analysts. Intuitively, when analysts differ enough in terms of initial and learning abilities, each of them forecasts at her unconstrained optimum. However, when analysts are more similar, 23 their unconstrained optima are also similar. In this case, they engage in a preemption race and cluster their forecasts in time. To see this, assume that the unconstrained optimal timings of analysts 1 and 2 are t1 < 1 2 1 2 1 ). | < f 1 (yuc − yuc such that |yuc < yuc t2 , with corresponding optimal public precisions yuc 1 If analyst 1 forecasts at t1 the public precision increases by a quantity f 1 (yuc ). It follows that analyst 2 cannot reach her unconstrained optimal payoff by forecasting after analyst 1 1 1 2 1 1 )], analyst 2 finds it profitable to + f 1 (yuc ) > U 2 [yuc . If U 2 (yuc ) > yuc + f 1 (yuc 1 since yuc preempt analyst 1 by forecasting right before t1 . In turn, analyst 1 prefers to forecast right before analyst 2 as long as t is such that U 1 (f˜(t)) > U 1 {f˜(t) + f 2 [f˜(t)]}. Both analysts preempt each other until the precision of the public signal is such that one analyst becomes indifferent between undercutting her opponent and forecasting immediately after her. In the following, I present a more formal argument. First, it is useful to introduce the concept of indifference interval. Denote J ≡ f 2 [f (τ1 )] the precision of the private signal of analyst 2 when the public signal reaches a precision equal to f (τ1 ). Assume that J is such that analyst 1 is indifferent between forecasting when the precision of the public signal is f (τ1 ) and forecasting when the precision is f (τ1 ) + J: f (τ1 ) is such that U 1 [f (τ1 )] = U 1 [f (τ1 ) + J] (5.4) If 5.4 holds, analyst 1 is said to admit an indifference interval of lower end f (τ1 ) and length J. Since U 1 (.) is single-peaked and f 2 (.) is increasing, the indifference interval is unique. The indifference interval exists as long as, at the beginning of the forecasting period, analyst 1 is better off by forecasting immediately after analyst 2 rather than forecasting first: U 1 [f (0)] < U 1 {f (0) + f 2 [f (0)]} (5.5) Figure 3 shows an example of indifference interval. Using the concept of subgame perfect equilibrium, Guttman (2010) shows that the equilibrium timing is the following: • At the very beginning of the forecasting period, if both analysts are better off 24 U J ≡ f 2 (f (τ1 )) f (τ1 ) f (t) f (τ1 ) + J Figure 3: Indifference Interval issuing their forecasts immediately rather than waiting for their opponent to issue her forecast and quickly follow suit, then both analysts forecast at time 0. Formally, if U i [f (0)] ≥ U i {f (0) + f −i [f (0)]} for all i ∈ {1, 2}, then t1 = t2 = 0. • If U i [f (0)] < U i {f (0) + f −i [f (0)]} for analyst i and U −i [f (0)] ≥ U −i {f (0) + f i [f (0)]}, analyst −i forecasts at time 0 and analyst i forecasts immediately afi i ter if f (0) + f −i [f (0)] > yuc and forecasts at tiuc = f −1 (yuc ) otherwise. • If U i [f (0)] < U i {f (0) + f −i [f (0)]} for both analysts, the analyst with the smallest lower end of indifference interval (f (τi ) < f (τ−i )) forecasts first. She forecasts at a time t = min{τ−i , tiuc }. – If the first analyst forecasts at τ−i , her competitor forecasts immediately after. – If the first analyst chooses her unconstrained optimal time tiuc , then her competitor also chooses his unconstrained optimal time whenever it is feasible i.e. −i i i whenever yuc ≥ yuc + f i (yuc ) otherwise he forecasts immediately after analyst i. When one analyst forecasts immediately after the other, the equilibrium is said to be clustered in timing. Otherwise the equilibrium is said to be unclustered. In an unclustered equilibrium, both analysts always issue their forecasts at their unconstrained optima. Figure 4 shows an example of unclustered equilibrium where analyst 1 (blue) forecasts 25 1 2 first at yuc while analyst 2 (red) forecasts second at yuc . Figure 5 shows an example of clustered equilibrium where analyst 1 (blue) forecasts first at f (τ2 ) and analyst 2 (red) forecasts immediately after the first analyst. U 1 ) f 1 (yuc 1 yuc 2 yuc f (t) Figure 4: Two Analysts, Unclustered Equilibrium U f 1 [f (τ2 )] f (t) 1 2 f (τ2 ) yuc yuc Figure 5: Two Analysts, Clustered Equilibrium 5.5.3 n-Analyst Case When more than two analysts compete, it is no longer possible to derive a closed-form solution for the equilibrium and the game generally admits multiple equilibria. Depending on the degree of heterogeneity in analysts’ abilities, the game can present a non-clustering equilibrium pattern, a combination of clusters of several forecasts separated in time with 26 other clusters of forecasts or with single non-clustered forecasts, or a fully clustered pattern in which all forecasts are issued at the same time. In the following, I present the algorithm that I use to find the equilibria of the game for an arbitrary number n (n > 2) of analysts. The precision of public signal increases exogenously over time as well as endogenously after each forecast. At any instant t, the precision of the public signal depends on the history of forecasts issued before t. I denote by ti the timing chosen by analyst i. The precision of the public signal at t is: X f (t) = f˜(t) + f i (f (ti )) i | ti <t I introduce the concept of a k-degree indifference interval with respect to an ordered sequence of forecasts by k analysts. I denote by τSi k the lower end of a k-degree interval for analyst i with respect to the ordered sequence of forecasts Sk = {s1 , s2 , ..., sk }, where sk is the identity of the analyst who is the k th to forecast in the sequence. The jump in precision after the sequence of forecasts Sk corresponds to the sum of the precisions of the private signals disclosed in the successive forecasts. I define the upper end of the indifference interval, denoted τ iSk , as follows: τ iSk = k X f sl (f sl−1 (τSi k )) with f s0 (τSi k ) = f˜(τSi k ) l=1 τSi k is such that analyst i is indifferent between being the first to forecast in τSi k and forecasting right after the sequence of forecasts described in Sk . τSi k is such that U i (f (τSi k )) = U i (f (τSi k ) + τSi k ) To find the set of subgame perfect equilibria of the game, I consider all possible orders of moves (= n!). For a given order of moves M = {m1 , m2 , ..., mn } where mk is the identity of the analyst who is the k th to forecast, I derive a timing profile σ̃ = (y m1 , ..., y mn ) such that no analyst would find it profitable to forecast before her prescribed timing. This timing profile is such that analysts issue their forecasts no later than when the precision of the public signal reaches the lower ends of the indifference intervals of the following analysts. 27 After analyst mn−1 forecasts in y mn−1 , the last analyst, mn , chooses to forecast at the public precision y mn such that: mn , y mn−1 + f mn−1 (y mn−1 )} y mn = min{yuc For any integer k such that 1 ≤ k < n, after the forecast of analyst mk−1 in y mk−1 , analyst mk chooses the public precision y mk such that: mk mk = {mk , mk+1 , ..., ml } , {f (τSmml k )}nl=k+1 } with Sm y mk = min{yuc l ml The timing profile σ̃ constitutes a subgame perfect equilibrium if there is no profitable right-deviation. A right-deviation for analyst mk consists in forecasting after y mk . When the timing profile commands that analyst mk forecasts at or after her unconstrained opmk , she cannot find it profitable to delay her forecast. When the timing timal timing yuc profile commands that she forecasts before her unconstrained optimum, she has no incentives to delay her forecast if and only if she cannot gain by forecasting immediately after tmk = f −1 (y mk ) when other analysts follow the timing strategies prescribed by σ̃. When y mk = τSmml k , there is no profitable right-deviation for analyst mK , whenever: ml U mk (y mk ) ≥ U mk (y mk + τ mml k+1 ) Sml The off-equilibrium beliefs and the corresponding strategies off the equilibrium path are the following: If analyst mk has not issued her forecast when the precision of the public signal reaches y > y mk , her competitors who have not yet issued their forecasts believe that she is going to forecast immediately. As long as y + f mk (y) < y mk+1 , analyst mk+1 waits until the precision of the public information approaches y mk+1 . As soon as y + f mk (y) ≥ y mk+1 , analyst mk+1 responds by forecasting immediately and following analysts ({ml }nl=k+2 ) quickly follow suit by forecasting in the order prescribed by the equilibrium strategy. If analyst mn−1 issues her forecast at a precision of the public mn signal y < y mn−1 analyst mn issues her forecast in max{yuc , y + f mn−1 (y)}. For all k 6= n − 1, if analyst mk deviates by issuing her forecast before her prescribed timing, the precision of the public signal at which her competitors issue their forecasts is left unaffected. 28 6 Estimation: Description and Identification 6.1 Notation A period refers to a given quarter in a given year. I observe S stocks and N analysts. I use the subscript s ∈ {1, .., S} for all variables that differ across period-stock pairs, the subscript i ∈ {1, ..., N } for variables that differ across analysts, and the subscript q ∈ {1, ..., Q} to index variables that differ across periods. The variable ns,q denotes the number of analysts who cover the stock s in period q. For each stock, s, Qs is the number of quarters for which I observe at least one forecast. T corresponds to the time span between the beginning and the end of the forecasting period. ti,s,q denotes the time at which analyst i issues her forecast on stock s at period q. If the forecast is issued during a time cluster, I index the forecasting time by c (= tci,s,q ), otherwise the forecast receives the index uc (= tuc i,s,q ). 6.2 Specification Precision of the Public Signal I impose the following functional form on the precision of the exogenous public signal: 1 1 t +Γ f˜s,q (t) = + κ exp(σ0 ) T −t I accommodate stock heterogeneity by allowing the parameters σ0 , which corresponds to the variance of the EPS, and Γ, which captures the arrival rate of exogenous public information, to vary across stocks. Specifically, I allow σ0 to be stock and period specific and I parametrize Γ as an exponential function of Zs,q . Choosing an exponential formulation guarantees that the predicted precision of exogenous public information takes on positive values. 0 Γ(Zs,q ; γ) = exp(Zs,q γ) ∈ [0, +∞) Precision of the Private Signal f i (yi,s,q ) = α(Wi,s,q ; δ) + β(Wi,s,q ; η) log(κ yi,s,q ) 29 I allow the precision of the private signal to be analyst and stock specific by using the following functional forms for α and β: 0 α(Wi,s,q ; δ) = exp(Wi,s,q δ) 0 β(Wi,s,q ; η) = exp(Wi,s,q η) ∈ [0, +∞) ∈ [0, +∞) Moreover, I introduce the scaling parameter, κ, to allow the model to fit forecast errors of a wider range of magnitudes. The optimal unconstrained public precision at which the analyst issues her forecast becomes: i,s,q yuc = 6.3 α(Wi,s,q ; δ) 1 exp(1 − ) κ β(Wi,s,q ; η) Identification I aim to recover the parameters that govern the public learning (Γ), which I define as the precision of public information that the market would accumulate over time in the absence of financial analysts, the initial precision of the exogenous public information (σ0 ), and the analysts’ initial (α) and learning (β) abilities using data on EPS realizations (π), EPS forecasts (x), and forecast timing t. The intuition behind the identification of the parameters of the model is the following: The accuracy of both the public signal and the private signal received by the analyst at the time she issues her forecast jointly determine the magnitude of her forecast error. The public learning does not affect the equilibrium precision of public information at which analysts issue their forecasts but it affects the calendar time of the forecasts releases: the model predicts that analysts issue their forecasts earlier when they cover companies that release more precise exogenous information about their performances so that the uncertainty surrounding their future earnings is resolved faster. It follows that the variation across stocks in the calendar time of the forecast releases identifies the parameters that govern the precision of the exogenous public information (f˜). Since I observe a time series of EPS for each stock, I can infer the initial precision of the public signal from 30 the empirical variance of the EPS. Once σ0 is recovered, the public learning, Γ, can be obtained by inverting f˜. For a given precision of exogenous public information, the precision of the analyst’s private information can be recovered from the accuracy of her forecast. In turn, the precision of the private information of the analyst depends on both the precision of her initial signal, α, and her learning ability, β. I use the variation across analysts in forecast release time to separately identify the two dimensions of analysts’ abilities. To see this, notice that, even though the timing game admits multiple equilibria, a common feature of all the equilibria of the game is that analysts who issue unclustered forecasts always do so when the precision of the public signal reaches their unconstrained optima. From the optimality condition 5.3, I can derive a one-to-one relationship between the precision of the public information at the time of the forecast and the two dimensions of analysts’ abilities, α and β. 6.4 Estimation Algorithm I use the time series of EPS realizations for each stock to compute the nonparametric estimate of the variance of the EPS for stock s in period q, σ̂0s,q , which corresponds to the empirical counterpart of σ0s,q . Pq σ̂0s,q = q 0 =0 (πs,q0 − π̄s,q )2 nq The starting period 0 corresponds to the first quarter of 1984, the first year for which EPS data are available in the I/B/E/S database. π̄s,q is the empirical mean of the EPS of stock s computed over the period ranging from 0 to q. nq is the number of quarters from 0 to q. Let δ0 be the initial guess of values of the vector of parameters δ of the initial ability, α. Given δ0 , the algorithm generates a sequence of estimates of {θk = (ηk , γk ) : k ≥ 1} where the k-stage estimates correspond to the values of θ that maximize the likelihood of observing the vector of forecast values, x, and forecast times, t, given the realization of the EPS π: 31 θk = arg max L(x | t , π; θk , δk−1 ) (6.1) θ L(x | t, π; θk , δk−1 ) = Qs ns,q S Y Y Y s=1 q=1 i=1 1 p φ[(xi,s,q − πs,q )/σ(ti,s,q | θk , δk−1 )] σ(ti,s,q | θk , δk−1 ) with σ(ti,s,q | θk , δk−1 ) = 1 fθk (ti,s,q ) + fθik (yi,s,q ) with yi,s,q = fθk (ti,s,q ) and fθk (ti,s,q ) = 1 1 ti,s,q + s + Γ(Zq,s |γk ) + κ σ̂0 Ts,q − ti,s,q X fθlk (fθk (tl )) l | tl <ti,s,q fθik (yi,s,q ) = α(Wi,s,q ; δk−1 ) + β(Wi,s,q ; ηk ) log(κyi,s,q ) The parameters {δk : k ≥ 1} are obtained recursively as: δk = ψ(tuc ; θk ) (6.2) ψ(.) is derived from the optimality condition 5.3: ψ(tuc ; θk ) = arg min δ X −1 [tuc i,s,q − fθk ( tuc 1 exp(1 − α(Wi,s,q ; δ)/β(Wi,s,q ; ηk ))]2 κ The two steps, 6.1 and 6.2, are repeated until the algorithm reaches convergence. Formally the stopping criterium is: |δk − δk−1 | < , with very small (.0001). The estimator ϑ̂ ≡ (θ̂, δ̂) is consistent. Its asymptotic distribution is: √ M (ϑ̂ − ϑ0 ) ∼ N (0, Avar(ϑ̂)) Where M= Qs ns,q S Y Y Y ms,q,i s=1 q=1 i=1 With asymptotic variance: M 1 X Avar(ϑ̂) = M m=1 Where ∂g(xm , πm ; ϑ̂) ϑ0 !−1 M 1 X g(xm , πm ; ϑ̂)g(xm , πm ; ϑ̂)0 M m=1 ψ(tuc m ; θ̂) ! M 1 X ∂g(xm , πm ; ϑ̂) M m=1 ϑ0 g(xm , πm ; ϑ̂) = L(xm | πm ; θ̂, δ̂) 50 For implementation, I bootstrap the data 50 times to get {θ̂b }50 b=1 , {δ̂b }b=1 , and {σ̂0,b }50 b=1 , and I calculate their standard errors. 32 !−1 6.5 Data Selection and Scaling The model assumes that analysts issue a unique forecast during the fiscal quarter. This assumption is consistent with the empirical observation that analysts who issue quarterly earning forecasts seldom revise their forecasts (84% of the observed forecasts are never revised). I estimate the parameters of the model on a selected subsample of the data that excludes stocks for which at least one analyst has revised her forecast. After all exclusions, the data contain 70,770 forecasts issued by 3,430 analysts on 2,224 stocks. Table A8 summarizes the characteristics of the stocks and the analysts that compose the subsample used for the structural estimation. In the structural sample, stocks are issued by smaller companies (the average market capitalization is 2.2 in the subsample compared with 5.7 in the full sample), they consequently receive less recommendations (6 versus 7 on average) and are covered by fewer analysts (6 versus 8 on average). The selected sample also features analysts who tend to be less experienced, to cover less stocks and to be slightly less likely to work for big brokerage houses. For numerical reasons7 , I exclude very late forecasts, i.e. forecasts issued less than two weeks before the end of the quarter, which represent less than 1% of the sample. The variance of the centered forecast errors is 0.0149 which corresponds to an average precision of the forecast equal to 67. To achieve better numerical performance, I fix the scale of the model, κ, to 1 20 in order to let the upper bound of range of the optimal unconstrained public precision be close enough to the nonparametric estimate of the variance. The variable time, t, is continuous and corresponds to the number of minutes since the date of the EPS pre-announcement. The length of the forecasting period, T , corresponds to the number of minutes between the EPS pre-announcement and the end of the fiscal quarter. Table 3 shows the summary statistics for both variables. I consider that the analyst issues an unclustered forecast, if no other analyst issues a forecast during the day of her forecast release. According to this definition, 33% of the observed forecasts are unclustered. 7 For forecasts issued at the very end of the forecasting period, the ratio t T −t which for scaling reasons affects the performance of the estimation algorithm. 33 takes very large values, Table 3: Length of Forecasting Period and Forecast Delay (structural sample) Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. P25 P50 P75 P90 P95 Length of the forecasting period (in days) 70,770 56.824 11.783 53 59 65 69 71 # days since EPS pre-announcement 70,770 2.159 4.073 1 1 2 5 9 7 Results 7.1 Precision of initial belief on EPS At the beginning of the forecasting period, analysts and investors share common beliefs about the future realization of the EPS. Their common best initial prediction of the EPS corresponds to the historical mean of the company earnings. The precision of their initial belief is determined by the historical variance of the EPS. Table A9 shows the summary statistics for the estimates of the variance of the EPS, σ̂0s,q . As shown in Table 4, the variance of the EPS is smaller for bigger companies, probably because bigger companies are more likely to be long-established with profits that vary less over time than those of younger companies. The variance is also smaller for stocks that receive more recommendations, which seems to indicate that analysts make safe bets by recommending stocks of companies for which there is little uncertainty regarding the future profitabilities. I also find that companies that report their EPS later in the fiscal quarter have earnings that are more stable over time; those companies might choose to report late precisely because investors can infer their EPS before the official report with a high level of accuracy. As expected, the volatility of the stock returns is positively correlated with the volatility of the EPS. 7.2 Exogenous Public Information There are two sources of public information in the model. The first is purely exogenous: over time the market learns about the future earning of the company. The exogenous public information can take the form of the disclosure of sales revenues, the regulatory approval of a drug for a pharmaceutical company, or a patent for an important tech34 Table 4: Determinants of EPS variance Dependent Variable: σ̂0s,q Variable Coef. Std. Err. Market Capitalization -.0329∗∗∗ .0117 Volatility (×103 ) .0746∗∗∗ .0089 EPS Report Delay -.0103∗∗∗ .0010 # of Recommendations -.0096∗∗∗ .0021 Recommendation Dispersion .0111 .0372 Last Quarter .0427 .0275 Time Trend .0067 .0091 Intercept .6680∗∗∗ .0554 Nbr of Obs 70,770 ∗ p < .1, a ∗∗ p < .05, ∗∗∗ a p < .01 clustered at stock level nological breakthrough. The second source of information is the disclosed forecasts of analysts. Table 5 shows the estimates of the parameters, γ, which measure the impacts of various stock characteristics on the public learning. I find that exogenous information on the future earnings of companies with highly volatile returns, large market capitalization, companies which report their EPS late, as well as last quarter earnings exhibits a lower arrival rate. This result is consistent with the reduced-form evidence presented earlier showing that returns volatility and market capitalization are negatively associated with forecast accuracy. Regarding the magnitude of the effects, a one-percent increase in market capitalization decreases the arrival rate of exogenous information by .7%, and a one-percent increase in returns volatility decreases the arrival rate by 1.4%. None of the other potential determinants of the arrival rate of exogenous information appears to have a significant effect on Γ. From the estimated parameters γ̂, I derive the estimated value of the public learning, 0 Γ̂ = exp(Zs,q γ). The marginal effect of each passing minute on the precision of the 35 Table 5: Determinants of the public learning Dependent Variable: Γ Z Raw Parameter: γ̂ Marginal Effect Elasticity (at mean) (at mean) SE P Value Market Capitalization (× 107 ) -1.8077 -380.3998 -0.6524 0.8872 0.0416 Volatility (× 103 ) -1.7051 -358.7915 -1.3159 0.4197 0.0000 EPS Report Delay -0.0604 -12.7122 -1.9855 0.0339 0.0745 # of Recommendations -0.0134 -2.8184 -0.1057 0.0266 0.6142 0.2500 52.6045 0.2119 0.2979 0.4013 -0.6609 -139.0815 0.2595 0.0109 Time Trend 0.0776 16.3350 0.0761 0.3075 Intercept 8.3137 0.8999 0.0000 Recommendation Variance Last Fiscal Quarter 0.1358 exogenous information is given by: f˜0 (t) = Γ T (T − t)2 Table A9 reports the summary statistics of Γ̂. At the median value of Γ̂, the precision of the exogenous public information is estimated to increase by 2.5 from the first to the second day of the forecasting period, and by 3.6 from the 10th to the 11th day of the forecasting period. The arrival rate of exogenous information varies considerably across stocks: from the first to the second day of the forecasting period, the precision of the exogenous information on stocks in the 10th percentile of the distribution increases by 0.3, while it increases by 9 for stocks in the 90th percentile of the distribution. The heterogeneity in the public learning translates into a large dispersion of the precision of the exogenous information at the time of the forecasts: as reported in Table 8, the mean exogenous public precision is 32, while the interquartile range is 21. Graph 6 shows how the accuracy of the exogenous information increases over the forecasting period for stocks at the 25th , 50th , and 75th percentile of the distribution of Γ̂. Ten days after the beginning of the forecasting period, if investors were to use only the exogenous information to forecast the future earnings they would forecast with an 36 error that is 4.4% of the mean EPS (.35) for companies at the median of the distribution of the public learning compared to only 2.7% of the mean EPS for companies in the last quartile of the distribution. Figure 6: Heterogeneity in Public Learning 7.3 Initial Ability The initial ability captures the informativeness of the private signal that the analyst receives at the very beginning of the forecasting period. Table 6 reports the estimates of the impacts of analysts’ characteristics on α. Most estimates are noisy and only the parameter associated to the stock-specific experience appears to be significant. I find that analysts who have followed a stock for a longer period receive initial signals that are less accurate. With the estimated parameters, δ̂, at hand, I estimate the initial ability, α̂, for each analyst-stock-period observation. Table A9 reports the summary statistics on the initial ability. I find that analysts start the game with a substantial informational advantage over the market: the typical analyst initially receives a private signal whose precision is 77% higher than the precision of the public signal. 37 Table 6: Determinants of the initial ability Dependent Variable: α W Raw Parameter: δ̂ Marginal Effect Elasticity (at mean) (at mean) SE P Value Experience -0.0052 -0.0085 -0.0482 0.0738 0.9436 Stock Experience -0.0889 -0.1445 -0.3557 0.0426 0.0370 0.0929 0.1509 0.6123 0.0757 0.2202 High Status -0.1389 -0.2258 0.2940 0.6365 Workload -0.0397 -0.0645 -0.4352 0.0283 0.1605 Industry Workload 0.0412 0.0670 0.2051 0.0552 0.4551 Intercept 0.4776 0.3998 0.2322 Industry Experience 7.4 Learning Ability The learning ability captures the efficiency with which the analyst processes public information and converts it into a forecast that is more accurate than the market’s belief about the future earning. Table 7 reports the estimates of the impacts of analysts’ characteristics on β. As for the determinants of the initial ability, I find that most estimates are noisy and only the stock-specific experience appears to have a significant and negative impact on the learning ability. From η̂, I recover β̂. Table A9 shows the summary statistics on β̂. The average learning ability is nearly 5, which means that, for the average exogenous public precision, 32, the typical analyst turns the public signal into a forecast whose accuracy is 6% larger than the accuracy of the information available to the market. 7.5 Informational Value of Financial Analysts To evaluate the informational value of sell-side analysts, which I define as the amount of additional information that analysts provide to the market, I estimate the accuracy of their forecasts relative to the precision of the exogenous information. With the estimates of the initial ability α̂, the learning ability β̂, and the precision of the exogenous infor38 Table 7: Determinants of the learning ability Dependent Variable: β W Raw Parameter: η̂ Marginal Effect Elasticity (at mean) (at mean) 0.0032 0.0157 0.0291 0.0714 0.9647 -0.0878 -0.4371 -0.3516 0.0462 0.0575 0.0898 0.4467 0.5919 0.0678 0.1857 High Status -0.2735 -1.3611 0.5970 0.6468 Workload -0.0360 -0.1793 -0.3948 0.0271 0.1837 Industry Workload -0.0003 -0.0016 -0.0016 0.0579 0.9957 0.3182 0.0000 Experience Stock Experience Industry Experience Intercept 1.7415 SE P Value mation f˜ˆ, I proceed sequentially to recover the precision of the total information made available to investors. After each released forecast, the precision of the total information jumps by a quantity equal to the informational content of the forecast. Given the history of the game, I estimate the precision of the private information disclosed through each forecast, and I update the precision of the total information accordingly. Before the first forecast, the only information available to the market is the exogenous information. After each forecast, the precision of the total public information becomes: fˆθ̂ (ti,s,q ) = fˆθ̂ (ti,s,q ) + fθ̂i [fˆ(ti,s,q )] With fˆθ̂ (ti,s,q ) = fˆ˜θ̂ (ti,s,q ) + X fθ̂l (tl ) l | tl <ti,s,q And 1 1 ti,s,q fˆ˜θ̂ (ti,s,q ) = + s + γ(Zq,s |γ̂k ) κ σ̂0 Ts,q − ti,s,q And fθ̂i [fˆ(ti,s,q )] = α(Wi,s,q ; δ̂) + β(Wi,s,q ; η̂) log[κ fˆ(ti,s,q )] Table 8 shows the summary statistics for the accuracy of the private information (fˆi ), the exogenous public information (fˆ˜), the total public information available to the 39 market right before the disclosure of the forecast (fˆ), the total information available to the market after the disclosure of the forecast (fˆ + fˆi ), the accuracy of the consensus forecasts, and the absolute forecast error. The mean of the estimated precision of the total public information at the time of the forecast is 46.5 compared to 32 for the mean of the exogenous information. This implies that competition diminishes greatly the market value of the analysts’ private information: at the time when the typical analyst issues her forecast, about 30% of the information on earnings available to investors has been produced by competing analysts. The estimated precision of the private information of the average analyst is 5, implying that the average informational advantage of the analyst, at the time she issues her forecast, – which is the precision of her private information relative to the public information – is 10%. The informativeness of the private signal varies greatly across analysts: analysts who lie above the 90th percentile of the distribution of the private precision receives a signal that is more than four times more accurate than analysts who lie below the 10th percentile. When assessing the contribution of analysts to the accuracy of investors’ expectations about future earnings, it is worth noting that, when the analyst issues her forecast, she allows later analysts to use her private signal as an input in their forecasting models. In other words, the analyst increases the amount of information investors can access both directly because her private signal becomes immediately available to the market and indirectly because she produces materials that is later used by her competitors to refine their forecasts. Because of the informational spillover, the relatively modest informational advantage of each individual analyst turns into a substantial aggregate contribution. The average precision of the total information available to the market after the typical analyst has disclosed her forecast is 51 which is 60% higher than the average precision of the exogenous information. 7.6 Preemption, Accuracy, and Forecast Timing In order to measure the distortions caused by preemption, I perform a counterfactual experiment in which the forecasts’ dates are fixed so as to maximize the relative precision of each forecast under the constraint that no analyst issues her forecast before the public 40 Table 8: Summary statistics – Precision of: private information, exogenous public, endogenous public information, total information, and consensus forecasts Variable fˆi ˆ f˜ fˆ fˆ + fˆi Consensus Absolute Forecast Error fˆi fˆ+fˆi (first forecasts) Mean Median Std. Dev. P10 P25 P75 P90 5.0074 3.6755 5.0032 1.8300 2.4546 5.7999 9.1526 (1.6450) (2.6404) (1.3251) (0.6590) (0.8811) (1.9459) (2.8540) 32.3131 24.6113 35.4409 21.2667 22.2748 29.6842 42.0207 (1.4835) (0.8943) (9.0342) (0.2659) (0.5383) (1.2649) (2.7060) 46.5468 33.7662 44.4677 22.9982 26.2674 49.7088 78.5598 (4.9731) (2.6404) (8.7101) (0.5718) (1.1018) (6.5927) (13.3918) 51.5542 37.9096 47.1948 25.1290 29.0795 55.8348 87.8221 (6.5391) (3.9731) (9.0596) (1.0492) (1.8690) (8.7106) (16.3967) 42.0710 35.8372 29.4517 26.1335 29.5657 45.5063 60.4830 (3.7603) (3.4490) (8.0928) (1.5493) (2.3607) (4.9862) (7.2176) 0.1254 0.1014 0.1010 0.0184 0.0470 0.1793 0.2653 (0.0051) (0.0048) (0.0032) (9.8532e-04) (0.0023) (0.0076) (0.0097) 1.1035 1.0874 0.0656 1.0621 1.0731 1.1087 1.1523 (0.0269) (0.0232) (0.0377) (0.0200) (0.0211) (0.0257) (0.0384) Note: Bootstrapped standard errors in parentheses signal reaches her unconstrained optimum. More specifically, I order analysts by their unconstrained optima, from the analyst with the earliest optimal timing to the analyst with the latest timing. I assume that each analyst forecasts when the precision of the public signal reaches her optimal unconstrained level if it is attainable or immediately after the previous forecast if the public precision following the sequence of previous forecasts exceeds her optimal level. For each analyst, I define the informational loss induced by preemption as the difference in the relative precision between the forecast issued at equilibrium and the one issued in the counterfactual benchmark. I also estimate the effect of preemption on forecast delays, by comparing the observed and the counterfactual forecasts’ dates. As a first step, I estimate the optimal public precision at which each analyst would choose to issue her forecast in the absence of competitors. For analyst i who covers stock 41 s in period q with characteristics, Wi,s,q , the estimated unconstrained optimum is derived from equation 5.3: α(Wi,s,q ; δ̂) i,s,q (Wi,s,q ) = exp 1 − ŷuc β(Wi,s,q ; η̂) ! This optimal public precision corresponds to different unconstrained optimal timing depending on the arrival rate of the exogenous public information on the stock. When analyst i with characteristics, Wi,s,q , covers stock s with characteristics, Zs,q , her estimated optimal timing is obtained by inverting the fˆ˜ : i,s,q i,s,q fˆ˜−1 (yuc ≥ fˆ˜(0) ) if ŷuc t̂iuc (Wi,s,q , Zs,q ) = 0 otherwise As a second step, for each stock, I order analysts by their unconstrained optima from the analyst with the lowest unconstrained optimum to the analyst with the largest one. k Formally, the k th analyst in the sequence issues her forecast at the public precision, ycf , such that: k ŷcf = k ŷuc k if fˆk ≤ ŷuc fˆk otherwise With fˆ1 = 0 And fˆk = ŷ k−1 + fˆk−1 (ŷ k−1 ) ∀ k > 1 The counterfactual timing profile is such that, analyst k th forecasts at time: t̂kcf = fˆ˜−1 (y k ) if y k ≥ fˆ˜(0) 0 otherwise Table 9 shows the summary statistics for the counterfactual forecast delays and the various measures of counterfactual forecasts precision. Preemption is found to reduce substantially forecast delays: in the counterfactual scenario, the typical analyst issues her forecast 8 days after the date she chooses in the actual data. The reduction in average forecast delays is also highly significant (< 1%). 42 I find that preemption generates large and statistically significant informational costs: the average precision of the counterfactual forecast is nearly 63 which is 24% larger than the precision of the estimated forecasts. In terms of forecast error, the loss in accuracy caused by preemption translates into an average absolute forecast error that is 18% larger than in the absence of preemptive incentives. Similarly, I estimate that the counterfactual consensus forecast is 26% more accurate than the actual one. Part of this difference in precision simply reflects the fact that analysts forecast later in the counterfactual scenario and thereby incorporate more exogenous public information in their forecasts. I find that the precision of the exogenous public information at the time of the forecasts is 15% larger in the counterfactual scenario, which means that 42% of the difference in forecast accuracy is attributable to differences in exogenous information at the time of the forecasts. It follows that preemption reduces by 45% the amount of endogenous information that analysts produce. This loss of accuracy stems from sub-optimal timing: preemption reduces the informational advantage of the typical first forecast issued on each stock by 1.6%. As shown in Table A10, all effects are statistically significant the 5% level. The effect on investors welfare is ambiguous. Graph 7 shows that by accelerating forecasts disclosure, preemption increases the amount of information available to the market during the beginning of the forecasting period. However, from the 8th day of the forecasting period on, the precision of the information produced by analysts is lower under preemption. Table A11 shows that the counterfactual average precision is significantly lower than the one estimated from the actual data before the end of the second day of the forecasting period, and become significantly higher after the 8th day. To illustrate the effects of preemption on accuracy and forecast delay, Graph 8 plots the precision of the exogenous information and the total information from the actual data and the counterfactual experiment for the earnings of the company Zillow Inc. for the first quarter of 2014. 43 Table 9: Summary Statistics on Counterfactual Forecasts Variable Mean ˆ f˜(tcf ) k ) fˆk (ŷcf k + fˆk (ŷ k ) ŷcf cf Consensuscf Absolute Forecast Errorcf Forecast Delaycf fˆi fˆ+fˆi (first forecasts) Median Std. Dev. P10 P25 P75 P90 37.0969 37.2127 1.8464 34.6602 35.9241 38.4941 39.2789 (4.3105e+03) (3.9282) (3.4408e+05) (3.1761) (3.6853) (4.0757) (6.8896) 6.6918 5.1476 5.9054 3.0683 3.8270 7.3893 11.1133 (3.0068) (2.3543) (3.8304) (0.7958) (1.3980) (3.9351) (6.4328) 62.8635 52.8994 31.5254 40.9460 44.6811 69.0329 95.3912 (3.8375) (2.9586) (2.7595) (2.7214) (2.5988) (4.4789) (6.9571) 53.0156 49.9137 11.8436 43.1111 45.6661 56.5462 66.0702 (3.1597) (2.6301) (2.5405) (2.5308) (2.5305) (3.2927) (4.9170) 0.1061 0.0879 0.0828 0.0164 0.0411 0.1519 0.2219 (0.0025) (0.0020) (0.0024) (3.8119e-04) (9.4978e-04) (0.0035) (0.0053) 10.3187 5.6781 12.4172 1.9191 3.0956 11.7682 24.3724 (0.4762) (0.4445) (0.7058) (0.2807) (0.3350) (0.6907) (1.8488) 1.1215 1.1029 0.0775 1.0742 1.0861 1.1265 1.1769 (0.0055) (0.0038) (0.0087) (0.0105) (0.0049) (0.0047) (0.0071) Note: Bootstrapped standard errors in parentheses Figure 7: Effect of Preemption on the Information Available to Investors 44 Figure 8: Forecast Timing and Precision of Market’s Beliefs with and without Preemption for Zillow Inc., 2014, 1st Quarter 45 8 Conclusion This paper sheds new light on the interplay between competition and timing in the market for professional forecasts. I model the forecasting behavior of sell-side analysts by using a timing game in which analysts choose the forecast dates that maximize the revenue that they can derive from selling their private information to their clients before disclosing their forecasts publicly. When more than two analysts cover the stock, the game no longer admits a unique equilibrium. To overcome the issue of multiplicity of equilibria, I build an identification strategy around a feature of the game that is invariant across equilibria: unclustered forecasts are issued when the public signal reaches the analysts’ unconstrained optimal precisions. I recover the structural parameters that govern the arrival rate of exogenous public information and the two-dimensional abilities of the analysts. With those parameters at hand, I quantify the informational value of professional forecasters, in the market for EPS predictions, which I define as the contribution of financial analysts to the accuracy of investors’ expectations about future earnings. I also quantify the distortion caused by preemption. I find that analysts are major contributors to the flow of information available to investors: they produce 40% of the information on future earnings available during the fiscal quarter. However there is a countervailing effect of competition. The distortion is significant and important. Preemption is found to reduce substantially forecast delays and forecast accuracy: the average forecasts delays is reduced by 8 days while the typical forecast is 24% less accurate under preemption. The findings are consistent with other studies of expert reporting behavior showing that strategic motives can create substantial informational losses. 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Dev. Min Max P25 P50 P75 Forecast Error 304,018 .015 .388 -40.08 68.86 -.02 .02 .07 Centered Absolute Forecast Error 287,389 .114 .368 0 68.836 .02 .048 .113 53 Table A3: Summary Statistics on Brokerage Houses Size Variable # Employed Analysts Obs 3,493 a Mean Std. Dev. Min Max P25 P50 P75 12.277 16.822 1 82 1 5 15 # Covered Companies 3,493 94.164 142.019 1 690 6 32 106 # Covered Industries 3,493 34.067 46.2 1 214 4 14 43 332,028 13.144 37.203 .003 626.55 .841 2.654 9.233 # Employed Analysts 368 54.552 33 82 43 55 64 # Covered Companies 368 449.47 112.137 38 690 364.5 458 525.5 # Covered Industries 368 144.818 35.939 20 214 128 150.5 171.5 167,042 14.59 37.432 .004 626.55 1.157 3.444 11.306 # Employed Analysts 3,125 7.299 7.697 1 32 1 4 11 # Covered Companies 3,125 52.323 66.677 1 332 5 21 73 # Covered Industries 3,125 21.025 24.882 1 131 3 10 30 164,986 11.679 36.912 .003 626.55 .635 1.981 7.205 All Market Capitalization (in $M) Big Market Capitalization (in $M) Small Market Capitalization (in $M) a # of broker-quarter observations Table A4: Summary Statistics on Stocks Size All Big Variable Obs (stock-quarter) Mean Std. Dev. P25 P50 P75 Coverage 41,795 7.972 6.621 3 6 11 Market Capitalization ($M) 41,794 5.766 21.953 .291 .927 3.151 Volatility (×103 ) 41,794 .857 1.382 .273 .535 .991 # of Recommendations 41,795 7.467 7.019 2 5 11 Recommendation Dispersion 34,708 .807 .327 .656 .831 .996 Coverage 6,055 16.987 7.631 12 16 22 Market Capitalization ($M) 6,054 32.228 49.958 9.505 15.277 30.152 Volatility (×103 ) 6,054 .302 .268 .136 .228 .374 # of Recommendations 6,055 15.756 7.677 10 14 20 Recommendation Dispersion 6,025 .823 .192 .711 .823 .934 54 Table A5: Summary Statistics on Forecasters Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max P25 P50 P75 Experience 332,169 8.955 6.076 0 30.186 4.255 8.088 12.26 Stock Experience 332,169 4.062 4.081 0 30.518 1 2.753 6.003 Industry Experience 332,169 6.581 5.39 0 29.849 2.249 5.504 9.756 High Status 332,169 .513 .5 0 1 0 1 1 Stock Workload 332,169 11.037 5.083 1 35 8 11 14 Industry Workload 332,169 4.591 2.878 1 22 2 4 6 Table A6: Summary Statistics on Forecast Delays Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. P25 P50 P75 EPS Announcement Delay 392,846 31.252 10.648 24 30 36 Delay before First Forecast by Analyst 332,115 36.512 15.177 26 33 41 Delay following EPS Pre-Announcement (Analyst level) 332,115 4.826 11.275 1 1 2 Delay before First Forecast on Stock 41,754 35.192 13.037 27 33 40 Delay following EPS Pre-Announcement (Stock level) 41,754 .979 4.428 0 0 1 Delay after first EPS Forecast 332,115 4.638 11.247 0 1 2 Table A7: Summary Statistics on Forecast Error Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max P25 P50 P75 Forecast Error 332,115 .0106 .1273 0 9.8235 .0006 .0018 .0046 Consensus Forecast Error (Median) 41,794 .0193 .1777 0 9.3271 .001 .0025 .0065 Consensus Forecast Error (Mean) 41,794 .0197 .1781 0 9.3271 .0011 .0026 .0068 55 .25 Average Forecast Error .1 .15 .2 5 >1 ,1 5 (2 (1 <= 1 ,2 ] ] .05 Forecast Delay after EPS pre-announcement(in days) Distribution of Forecast Order <Q1 [Q2,Q3) 95%CI [Q1,Q2) >Q3 Figure 10: Absolute Forecast Error, Delay, and Order Table A8: Summary Statistics- Structural Sample Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max P25 P50 P75 Coverage 13,360 6.089 4.102 1 37 3 5 8 Market Capitalization (in $M) 13,360 2.294 7.464 .007 239.791 .292 .74 1.943 Volatility (×103 ) 13,360 .844 1.415 .001 64.532 .277 .548 1 # of Recommendations 13,360 5.878 4.714 1 41 3 4 8 Recommendation Dispersion 13,360 .825 .358 0 2.828 .632 .837 1 Experience 3,430 7.146 6.529 0 30.94 1.751 5.667 10.51 Stock Experience 3,430 3.058 3.788 0 28.019 .499 1.748 4.252 Industry Experience 3,430 4.923 5.388 0 29.268 .751 3 7.504 High Status 3,430 .47 .499 0 1 0 0 1 Stock Workload 3,430 7.764 4.988 1 31 4 7 11 Industry Workload 3,430 3.761 2.569 1 18 2 3 5 56 Table A9: Summary Statistics: EPS variance, Arrival Rate of Exogenous Information, Initial Ability, Learning Ability Variable Mean Median Std. Dev. P10 P25 P75 P90 σ̂0 .4339 .0252 3.8377 .0028 .0085 .0710 .2390 (0.2338) (0.0131) (1.9060) (9.9453e-04) (0.0038) (0.0425) (0.1494) 210.4278 138.7571 223.0029 14.3664 52.9579 292.2893 497.9816 (29.3814) (34.2158) (83.9467) (11.4935) (23.0043) (39.4110) (89.9852) 1.6254 1.3890 1.0006 1.0177 1.1930 1.6226 2.3535 (0.5100) (0.3838) (0.7491) (0.3012) (0.3264) (0.5157) (0.8015) 4.9759 4.1610 3.4222 2.8305 3.3681 5.2092 7.5108 (1.1473) (1.2200) (1.8766) (1.0814) (1.1450) (1.3065) (1.9379) Γ̂ α̂ β̂ Note: Bootstrapped standard errors in parentheses 57 Table A10: Summary Statistics Counterfactual Differences Variable ˆ ˆ f˜(tcf ) − f˜(t) k ) − fˆk (ŷ k ) fˆk (ŷcf k − ŷ k ŷcf k + fˆk (ŷ k ) − ŷ k + fˆk (ŷ k ) ŷcf cf Consensuscf − Consensus Absolute Forecast Errorcf − Absolute Forecast Error Forecast Delaycf − Forecast Delay k +fˆk (ŷ k ) ŷcf cf fˆk (ŷ k ) − ŷ k +fˆk (ŷ k ) fˆk (ŷ k ) cf (first forecasts) Mean Median 4.7804 11.9963 [3.3117, 1.7519e + 04] [0.6526, 13.6324] 1.6845 1.4712 [0.7019, 6.3404] [0.9174, 5.1191] 9.6248 14.0834 [6.0187, 27.1845] [11.0744, 21.1540] 11.3093 15.7580 [7.7160, 33.5248] [12.5777, 26.3307] 10.9446 16.0450 [7.8310, 25.4102] [12.7847, 25.5001] -0.0190 -0.0120 [−0.0334, −0.0131] [−0.0235, −0.0074] 7.7140 3.8260 [−8.647, −6.780] [−4.697, −2.954] 0.0180 0.0147 [0.0037, 0.0857] [0.0069, 0.0862] Note: Bootstrapped 95% confidence interval in square brackets Table A11: Summary Statistics - Precision of Information Available to Investors over time (Estimated and Counterfactual) Variable fˆ + fˆi (average) i fˆcf + fˆcf (average) i fˆcf + fˆcf − (fˆ + fˆi ) (average) Before 2nd Day From 3rd Day to 7th Day From 8th Day to 20th Day 35.3623 79.2891 154.2904 (0.4396) (1.6106) (3.6909) 26.9670 72.6806 146.8685 (0.2666) (1.1736) (4.0861) -8.3953 -6.6085 7.4218 [−9.3557, −7.0186] [−5.2474, 0.1786] [6.4698, 12.9405] Note: Bootstrapped standard errors in parentheses and 95% confidence interval in square brackets 58