Reading Strategy: Appropriate Grade Level:

Reading Comprehension
Strategy: TELLS Fact or Fiction
Appropriate Grade Level: Kindergarden-12th Grades
1. Teacher goes over the acronym TELLS with the students.
2. Title - Teachers then questions the students before reading, “What is the title of
the story? What does it tell us about the story?”
3. Examine – examine the pages, students are asked further probing questions.
4. Look – for important words, what kind of clues do they give.
5. Look – for hard words, guess what they might mean, write down for after reading
6. Setting – discuss setting of story.
7. Fact or Fiction – is the story fact or fiction based on the information gathered.
8. Read the story.
9. Go back over the TELLS to see if information gathered was accurate.
T – for study the title
E – examine the pages and find out what the story is about
L – look for important words
L – look for hard words
S – identify setting
FACT or FICTION – decide whether the story is factual or fictional work
Comments and/or tips:
The teacher should start off modeling the strategy for the students.
Practice the strategy using think aloud strategy with the class.
Probe the students for questions at each step.
Once the students have mastered an 80% proficiency have them try on their own,
providing an outline of TELLS for the students.
Sorrel, A., (1996, October 25). Triadic approach to reading comprehension strategy
instruction. Presented at the 32nd Annual Conference Learning Disabilities
Association of Texas. Abstract retrieved May 14, 2007, from
Williams, J., (2000). Strategic Processing of text: Improving reading comprehension of
students with learning disabilities. ERIC/OSEP Digest #599. ERIC Clearinghouse
on Disabilities and Gifted Education Arlington, VA.