Reading Comprehension Strategy: Book in a Box Appropriate Grade Level: Kindergarten – 5th grade Procedures/Steps: 1. Have students get a box, or make one from an empty cookie box. This box will focus on a specific book or author. 2. The box should highlight the characters, setting, or conflicts in the book, or illuminate an author, and provide detailed information and fun activities. Step 1 Step 2 Have students get a box. The box should illustrate major points of book. Comments and/or tips: -For an example of Charlotte’s Web, the student might have a spider on one side, and the following sides could spell out pig, terrific, or humble. -Another side may be a maze that leads Templeton to the fair. -The remaining sides might display a significant quote from the book and information about the author. -The students can present the boxes in class and place them on display for classmates to see. -Having students respond to literature in this manner demonstrates their creativity, and emphasizes the important elements of the book. Source: Kovarik, M. (2006). Meaningful responses to literature. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 42(4), 178-182.