Document 14628355

Behavior Management
Strategy: Response Cost Lottery
Appropriate Grade Level: K-5
1. Introduce & Explain the Response Cost Lottery
a. Review, model, and post positive behaviors and negative
behaviors that should be reduced
b. Tape index card on students desk which holds 5 lottery tickets
that stand for behavior points
c. One ticket is removed for negative behavior, the rest are entered
into a lottery drawing for prizes
2. Start the Intervention
a. Decide on time period and length of intervention – start small
(30 minutes) and gradually increase
3. Lottery Ticket Drawings
a. Draw tickets at the end of the week (or more frequently if
b. Students select a prize from their reward menu
c. After lottery drawing – all of the slips are returned to the index
cards on the desks
Comments and/or tips:
 Prepare reward menu for each target student
 Target 1 – 3 behaviors per student to improve
Witt, J. C., & Elliott, S.N. (1982). The response cost lottery: A time efficient
and effective classroom intervention. School Psychology Review, 20,