Transformational Abstraction for Java (TAJ)

Transformational Abstraction for
Java (TAJ)
Dr. Spencer Rugaber
Sergio Berzosa González
A major problem in software maintenance and reverse engineering is the lack of
documentation that represents the actual state of the application source code. When a
software product needs to be updated to fix bugs, add new functionality, or ported to
other system, usually developers find themselves with documentation that does not reflect
the actual state of the application (and the source code) making it hard to comprehend
how the code accomplishes the functionality stated in the different high level
documentation elements. Developers then must read and understand the source code,
using code comments as the low level documentation, which may themselves be out of
TAJ’s functionality is based on the idea that the source code is created to simulate
elements pertaining to a well define universe (the problem domain). The source code is
driven by the problem domain, and thus source code constructions are related to elements
contained in the problem domain. Existing tools provide the ability to document
programs at low levels (source code comments) or at high levels of abstraction
(architecture diagrams), but the creation of the source code is affected by low level design
decisions that obscure the higher level abstractions. TAJ fills this gap by explicitly
linking source code constructions to elements in the problem domain.
Traditional documentation allows developers to get information about different levels of
abstraction, from the simple source code comments, to class diagrams, state charts,
sequence diagrams, etc. Those different types of documentation are not directly related to
each other, so making use of those documents means having to manually fill the gap
between the different representations.
In a sense TAJ offers an integral solution by allowing users to create and view
documentations at multiple abstraction levels while maintaining a relation between the
different levels. By offering these levels of abstraction different kind of users can obtain
just the necessary information they need, from a view where the low level is represented
to a high level where the main interactions between the different components can be
easily observed. Moreover, users can interactively drill down or move up in the
abstraction levels at different parts of the source code file, so they can always get the
most appropriate representation for each part of the source code.
All these elements constitute a system that helps developers in two different scenarios:
Building up an understanding from undocumented code: By following the
process of examining the code looking for domain elements’ implementations,
and by modifying the domain to more precisely represent the code, developers can
build up understanding of the system.
Using TAJ to understand previously annotated code: When a new developer
needs to start working on code created by other developer, TAJ can be used as a
documentation element to detect which sections of the source code are used to
implement a certain domain element. This would allow a quick navigation to the
source code points of interests to build a general understanding of the application.
TAJ can be viewed as two different components that interact with each other to create a
mapping between source code and the domain.
TAJ editor: the editor allows developers to group continuous lines of code, giving it a
brief description of the intent of the grouped code; these elements receive the name of
chunks. The chunks can then be folded or unfolded to toggle between the source code and
the description associated with the chunk. The chunk structure also allows grouping a
contiguous list of source code lines or chunks, creating a tree-like structure.
TAJ domain editor: the domain editor component allows developers to create and modify
a domain model. The different elements in the domain model can them be linked to
different chunks created in the editor component of TAJ. The domain representation
allows the creation of associations and specializations between the elements of the
domain as well as the definition of operations and attributes for the different domain
These elements are developed under the Eclipse framework to be integrated into the
Eclipse application as a plug-in. The use of this popular IDE allows developers to easily
integrate TAJ into their workflow.
Initial project status
Last version available of TAJ previous to release 2.0 was designed using the Eclipse
framework 2.x. The release only included the TAJ editor as part of the plug-in, while the
TAJ modeler was at a conceptual stage.
The TAJ editor enabled users to collapse contiguous lines of text into chunks. The
structure generated by those folding could be saved in order to be later recovered for
further modifications. Along with the java file being edited, TAJ created an addition file
on the file system containing information of the different chunks created by the user. That
filename was created using the filename of the java file appended with the string “.taj”
The process of saving the chunks could be considered destructive since the creation of
chunks modified the original content of the java file being edited. Chunks that were
collapsed, replaced the actual portions of the java code with the description associated
with each of the chunks. This made it impossible to manipulate the java file without first
unfolding the collapsed chunks to recover the original source code file.
Along the editor, an outline associated with it was created to show the different elements
of the document being edited as a series of lines and chunks. This outline gives visual
feedback of the hierarchy of the different chunks in the document.
Conversion to Eclipse Framework 3.x
After understanding how the last version of the plug-in was constructed and how it
interacted with the Eclipse Framework, the next task was to be developed was porting the
latest version of TAJ at that time, to the current version of the Eclipse Framework. This
task involved the study of the modifications suffered by the Eclipse Framework from
release 2 to release 3, how the TAJ source code could be modified to be compatible with
it, and how the new features could be used to enhance the TAJ project.
Eclipse 3 includes a tool that allows developers to automatically modify an existing plugcode to run in the new Eclipse 3 framework. This is done by including a compatibility
layer that enables legacy plug-ins to continue to use the same interfaces and classes by
maintaining binary compatibility. After we were able to execute the plug-in using Eclipse
3, the task of modifying the TAJ source code so that it runs natively started. There are
some exceptions were the API changes could not be done in any compatibility way.
Fortunately, TAJ did not use any of those features, and thus we were able to easily get the
code running using the previously mentioned compatibility layer.
Removing the compatibility layer
The changes needed for removing the compatibility layer and running using native
Eclipse 3 methodologies. Some of the changes suffered by the framework included the
creation of new packages that. Some packages were moved between releases while some
others were divided between various plug-ins.
For being able to compile the source code removing the compatibility layer new packages
had to be imported so that the elements contained in the moved and split packages could
be referenced correctly. Porting the code also involved revising the plug-in lifecycle
model used by Eclipse, moving from a proprietary technology to a model driven by the
OSGi specification.
OSGi specification and Eclipse
Starting with Eclipse 3.0 the runtime is based on the Open Services Gateway Initiative
(OSGi). Previous to Eclipse 3.0 the framework used its own proprietary plug-in system to
manage the installed plug-ins. As more plug-ins and requirement were incorporated into
Eclipse IDE, the developers decided to substitute the proprietary model with OSGi. The
OSGi defines the concept of bundle as collection of types and resources and associated
inter-bundle prerequisite information that contributes to the system. OSGi also defines an
infrastructure for a bundle’s lifecycle and how bundles interact with each other.
Interaction of the layers in the host O.S, Java and OSGi
Eclipse implements a subset of OSGi centered in the modularization and lifecycle portion
of the specification. However, it makes minimal use of the service support provided by
OSGi. Instead, Eclipse keeps its own extension points that enable the bundle interaction.
One of the key benefits of OSGi over the previous technology used by Eclipse is the
ability to discover, load and upload bundles at run-time without the need of restarting the
Eclipse IDE, and also to broadcast related events (eg: install, stop, uninstall…) to
interested parties. In previous releases plug-ins were discovered during the Eclipse
initialization and any modification to the plug-ins needed a restart Eclipse to take effect.
The new model also encourages doing initialization in a classic lazy style, where the data
structures and models initialization is differed until it is actually needed, and not when the
plug-in/bundle is activated.
A problem encountered when adapting the plug-in was importing a package in the source
code without defining the import in the corresponding area of the manifest file. The
source code compiled without error, but when executing the plug-in it would fail when
opening a file because the source could not be able to load a certain class. By explicitly
importing the package in the OSGi manifest file the class was available for use by the
The current OSGi implementation used in Eclipse is called Equinox and is based on the
OSGi R4 core framework specification.
The TAJ model created for the different code abstractions constructed during the tool
usage create a tree structure that contains, lines of code as well as chunks. The diagram
below shows the classes used to create this structure.
Class diagram of the TAJ model
The diagram shows that we have implemented the Composite design pattern. There is a
class called Clip from which the classes Line and Chunk inherit. The class Line represents
each one of the lines of the source code document. When a section of code is collapsed
by the user a new Chunk is created, since the class Chunk is an aggregation of clips, a
chunk is allowed to contain not only lines, but also other chunks.
To represent the whole structure there is a model that contains an attribute that references
the main chunk. Since we only need one reference to the whole structure, the design is
simplified. When a new model is created the root element of the model is a chunk that
includes all the lines of the document.
Eclipse integration
When it was time to implement the folding in Eclipse we had the choice to create our
own infrastructure using functionality provided by Eclipse or to make use of the folding
included in the Eclipse framework. The folding, as it is implemented by eclipse, is used
to hide/show portions of text based on an analysis of the text, creating different sections
that can then manipulated making use of UI elements provided by the platform.
The decision taken was to make use of these folding capabilities of the framework instead
of implementing our own solution. This way we could use an already existing component
that provided the basic functionality that we needed.
The folding in eclipse makes use of three main classes, those classes create a pipeline
structure than transforms the original text of the document into the view that is shown to
the user.
Eclipse folding implementation
Since this implementation only support the display of text contained in the master
document, the descriptions associated with each chunk have to be inserted in the master
document so that they can be displayed in the text viewer. It is important to keep the
chunks unaware of this issue, so that the initial and final line numbers of the chunks refer
to the original document. In order to do this, the editor has to compute the difference
between the number of the displayed lines and that same line in the original document.
This value is not constant and varies from chunk to chunk depending on the chunk
position in the model structure.
The decision of keeping the chunks unaware of this offset would allow us to modify the
implementation without altering the Chunk code.
In order to create the different sections that can be collapse we have to make use of the
projection annotations, these annotations tell eclipse which sections of the document are
Here, the Observer pattern was used. The TajEditor object subscribes to the document
model. When the user request an action that modifies the number of chunks in the
document (operations of collapse or expand), the editor calls the appropriate method in
the model object. Once the new chunks have been created, the model notifies to all the
observer of that action so they can take the appropriate measures.
When the editor is notified of a change on the structure of the document, it creates or
removes the appropriate projection annotation so that the view shown to the users is
synchronized with the TAJ structure of the document. The framework automatically
creates all the UI components and adds the functionality based on the annotations.
TAJ Domain Editor
The domain editor implemented allows uses to create a domain to be linked to the
different chunks created in the TAJ editor. A domain consists of a series of classes,
identified by their name, which can contain attributes and operations. Those different
classes can be related by using associations or specializations.
Domain model
The model editor makes use of the Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) in order to
create a graphical editor for an underlying model definition. GMF provides a runtime
infrastructure for developing graphical editors based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework
Project (EMF) and the Graphical Editing Framework (GEF).
By making use of GMF we are able to create a complete editor that supports all the
elements defined by the underlying model defined by EMF. At the same time, GMF
makes use of GEF to generate a rich graphical editor. The framework requires the
creation of different elements that once combined contribute to the creation of the final
Graphical Definition
A graphical definition model is needed for defining how the different elements of
the domain will be represented in the editor. In the case of TAJ this graphical
definition includes rectangular figures for the classes, compartments for the
attributes and operations of the classes, lines for the associations and
specializations, etc.
Tooling Definition
The tooling definition is needed so GMF knows which tools it has to place in the
palette situated that will be situated at the tight side of the domain model being
created. Usually this definition includes the different elements that can me added
to the model. By default this palette also includes some common elements not
associated with a particular model, but can be useful for the users (eg: create a
In its tooling definition TAJ includes tools for creating classes, attributes,
operations, associations and specializations.
Mapping definition
This mapping is used by GMF to know the relations between the different
definitions previously mentioned and the underlying ecore model. In this mapping
we can specify which and how elements of the ecore model will be created and
displayed by the editor.
The tooling definition is used by the mapping definition to associate an element in
the editor palette to an element of the ecore model. At the same time the graphical
definition is used to graphically display the different elements on the editor.
For example the mapping definition specifies that the compartments for attributes
and operations defined in the graphical tool have to be drawn inside the Class
element defined in the ecore model. Similarly here is were we define that the
name attribute of a class object (defined in the ecore model) has to be displayed
inside the representation of a class (specified in the graphical definition) using a
label (also specified in the graphical definition), that the associations have to be
displayed using a particular line style (previously defined in the graphical
GMF overview
It is important to understand the difference between the different elements involved in
the creation of the editor. It is especially important to understand the difference between
the ecore model and the graphical definition. Since the graphical editor stores information
about the graphical model (eg: position of element, typographies, colors…), an element
included in the graphical definition that does not have a mapping to the underlying model
would be saved as part of the graphical information, while ignored by the model. Thus, a
tool that uses the model as its input would not be able to access the information stored as
part of the graphical definition.
At one point this problem appeared during the development process. At that point the
model definition had to be recreated from scratch including the elements that were
previously included as part of the graphical definition that were needed in the model. This
forced us to recreate the subsequent elements implicated in the GMF creation too.
The EMF Eclipse project is a modeling framework and code generation facility for
building applications based on a structured data model. Starting from a model
specification EMF is able to generate a set of Java classes for the model. Those classes
can be then used to generate new elements of the model specification. EMF also provides
a based editor to manipulate the model.
The Graphical Editing Framework of Eclipse is the underlying component used by GMF
to create the domain editor. GEF is an application neutral framework that provides the
groundwork to build applications that need to make use of some graphical components.
This framework is divided into 2 packages to support the needs for graphical editors like
the document layout, rendering support, figures, connectors, printing, etc.
Link between code and domain
When the application domain has been created and the code has been annotated, the users
can link those two sources of knowledge to reinforce their understanding.
The creation of those links implies the necessity to correctly identify the different
elements. The chunks will be identified by a sequential number, while the domain
elements are identifies by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
The domain model includes references to objects that store the information of the links
created for each source code file with the domain model. Those links are merely a pair
<chunked, elementID> that allow us to create the mapping “many to many” needed by
our tool.
Linking structure
Program understanding happens at various levels of abstraction, but the different
documentation artifacts are not clearly connected to source code constructions. By
creating these two different elements we hope to achieve documentation that is constantly
update with the source code that can be easily browsed by the developer.
With the previous version of TAJ ax experiment was conducted to test the effectiveness
of the tool in relation with Javadoc or ordinary documentation. The results showed that
TAJ performed better in both the lower level and the higher level of abstraction. The
inclusion of the domain editor should only benefit this understanding. The obvious
hypothesis would be that as the source code increases in size, the domain component
becomes increasingly important to minimize the time needed to gain understanding of the
Eclipse is a very powerful platform to develop set of tools. Eclipse tries to create a low
coupled environment where components can be added or removed to create a platform
that can be adapted to different usages. At the same time, the core framework is
surrounded by other components that try to ease the work of developer in different areas.
Unfortunately this creates a very steep learning curve; this is especially true when not
only you need to learn the main platform, but also some of the surrounding technologies
like EMF and GMF. Moreover the documentation available for the different component
not always refers to the latest versions of the components, or when the documentation is
simply not there. For instance the help available for GMF include a list of topics to learn
the use of the platform, but some of those topics are not even written.
Future work
There are certain areas of TAJ that could be explored for further releases. These areas
could range from user interface changes to create easier navigation between model and
code, to some short of code generation to allow translation of source code to an object
oriented design (independently of the design used in the previous code).
Editor capable of handling Java code
Currently, the TAJ editor is capable of creating chunks for a contiguous group of lines of
code. Since sometimes more that one code construction is defined in a single line it
would be useful to create chunks with smaller granularity, where chunk could contain
only a portion of a given line.
Data storage method
In the actual version each java file annotated with TAJ generates a file that contains data
generated by TAJ stored using serializable objects. The creation of a unique file that
contains that information could reduce number of files to store and the disk space needed
to store the data, thus improving maintainability.
The substitution of the serialized objects by a XML should also be studied, the use od the
format would allow interoperability with other tools that could offer different views of
the data created with TAJ.
Multiple domain definition
Current TAJ supports the creation of a single domain model. Since an application is
affected by more than one domain, ranging from the main domain/s, to OS interaction,
programming language knowledge, etc. it will be interesting to include the ability to
create more than one domain for the same project.
The benefit of the ability to create more that one domain is not limited to the
understanding created by the fact that more information is available for the user, but
could also be used to eliminate undesired domains. Users could be allowed to define
different views that would hide/show complete domains, change the text color in the
source code so that users can easily identify code pertaining to different domains, etc.
Code generation/refactoring
New features could be added to the tool to allow refactoring of the source code by using
some code generation technique. It would be possible to construct concrete classes for the
abstract classes defined in the domain; these classes could be automatically filled with the
different source code pertaining to chunks related to the classes. The code generated
using this technique would create an object oriented structure even if the original source
code was not creating this methodology.
This feature could also be used to translate between different programming languages.
Queries and statistics
Another interesting feature would be the ability to query the tool to obtain more complex
information. For example user could request which code chunks are related to more that
one domain, if the domains selected have little connection with each other but there are
some chunks that are linked to both, those chunks could be candidates to code refactoring
to reduce the coupling.
Better integration with Eclipse
Certain elements create using the Eclipse framework could benefit from a better
integration with the platform. For example the outline view for TAJ documents could be
used to quickly navigate though the code or to interact with the TAJ document structure
(collapse, expand, change chunk description, etc.)
JRipples is a tool for during Incremental Change
J Buckner, J Buchta, M Petrenko, V Rajlich - Program Comprehension, 2005. IWPC 2005.
JRipples is a tool for assisting programmers during Incremental Change. JRipples
automatically analyzes an application Java source files and extracts dependencies
between classes. When a change has to be made to the application, the programmer has to
select the initial class of the impact set, and JRipples is able to identify classes that might
need revision based on the dependencies previously identified. Once those classes have
been identifies the tool assists the developer by keeping track of classes that have to be
checked, classes that have been already modified by the developers to incorporate the
new functionality and classes that do not need to be modified.
Similarly to TAJ, JRipples helps developers during the implementation of new
functionality. The process followed by TAJ relies in a previously manually created
annotated tree that can be used to easily identify which sections of code need to be
modified to obtain a new version of the application with the new requirements
implemented. By using per-line granularity programmers are able to identify more
precisely sections of code that need revision. Another benefit of the TAJ application is
that it can be used to reverse engineer an application source code and gain understanding
about the application’s high level architecture, this knowledge can be used as a reference
when changes need to be made.
Design Fragments Make Using Frameworks Easier
G Fairbanks, D Garlan, W Scherlis - ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 2006
Given that programming frameworks impose certain burdens to programmers because the
lifecycle of the application is affected by the framework, there is the need for
programmers to comprehend how the framework and their code cooperate to complete a
task. A way for programmers to learn how to use programming frameworks is to refer to
examples, and copy code from those examples that provide the needed functionality. This
paper proposes the creation of design fragments databases, these fragments include
relevant information about how the framework has to be used to implement certain
functionality in the application being built.
An IDE that support these design fragments can help developers checking for the correct
implementation of the fragments, notify the users when a fragment has been deprecated
or updated to solve certain bugs. Unfortunately the exampled provided in the paper is
related to a relatively small framework like is Java Applets construction. From what I
have experienced during this project I have learned that Eclipse framework is very
complex, and even with examples and wizards, when you need to implement something
slightly different, you find yourself “lost” in a sea of packages, interfaces, classes, and
inheritance hierarchies. Designing and keeping updated fragments with new versions for
all possible implementation needs seem an unaffordable task. At the same time it seems
clear that there is a need for specific documentation that can be used to comprehend
frameworks behavior.
Introduction and Overview Domain Analysis Concepts and Research Directions
G Arango, R Prieto-Diaz - Domain Analysis and Software Systems Modeling, 1991
This paper proposes domain analysis in the context of software reusability. The
application of reusability techniques aims to help developers in the task of software
development and maintenance. By making possible to reuse elements (modules, software
architectures, formal transformations, test cases) software development complexity can
be eased.
This paper highlights the difficulty of domain modeling in practice, where even small
domains reveal themselves to be complex when they are under analysis.
Domains are an important part of the Eclipse plug-in we are developing. A domain is
used to identify constructions in the code that are related to certain elements of the
domain, in order to ease the process of locating those code constructions, there is the need
to correctly identify the domain model used by the application at a appropriate granularity
level. The difficulty of identifying a correct domain during the domain analysis must be
taken into consideration when generation the domain used in the plug-in. Modifying the
domain after finding certain code construction has to be done in such a way, that the
element introduced in the domain model is not a simple translation from the source code,
but a real element of the domain.
The use of domain knowledge in program understanding
S Rugaber - Annals of Software Engineering, 2000
The different documentation elements created during a software processes give usually a
high level description of the solution to be implemented and the final requirements to
fulfill. In contrast the source code is a very low level representation that is affected by
many different elements like the programming language used, programming experience
of the developers, non-functional requirements, etc. This gap between both
representations can make it hard to relate the different elements between both
representations. By understanding the different domains that affect the creation of the
source code, developers know what to expect in terms of constructions in the source code,
and how these constructions are related to elements in the domain.
Domains are an integral part of the TAJ tool. Software is created in order to solve a
problem that is based in the real world, and thus those elements will affect somehow the
source code. These relations, even if they are usually not explicitly represented, are
needed in order to comprehend how the code achieves its results. By explicitly showing
these relationships we believe that program understanding can be eased.
Improving the Quality of Requirements Specifications via Automatically Created
Object-Oriented Models
D. Popescu, S. Rugaber, N. Medvidovic, D. M. Berry
Software requirements specifications (SRS) are a fundamental part of software
construction. Even when the final version of the requirements can be written using in a
formal language, the first draft is usually written in natural language (NL). The use of
natural language can introduce ambiguities in the requirements specification, which can
be hard to detect even after a review process.
The authors propose an approach to transform the requirements specification into a
graphical model that can be reviewed more easily than the original requirement
specification. Since the document has to be analyzed to create the diagram, the correct
identification of elements used in the natural language is a key aspect for this approach to
work. In order to accomplish this task, the authors limit the natural language used to a
constraining grammar in order to reduce the complexity of the analysis procedure.
The paper examines how a NL SRS correctly identifies desired pieces of information
when the NL is modified to the constraining grammar, but it fails to mention how much
and how the text was altered in order to achieve the result shown. Also there is no study
of how the review of the model performs against a review of the original NL SRS, given
that the creation of the model could introduced errors that didn’t exist in the original
document, it would be interesting to compare results of these reviews.
SRS are used as a base to write the application code, and thus code is strongly related to
the SRS. Since SRS are used to describe elements of a higher level domain it seems
natural to use a SRS as a layer between of abstraction between the problem domain and
the source code. TAJ is able to link source constructions with domain elements, the
ability of generating an initial model based on the analysis of the SRS could aid in the
workflow of working with TAJ.
On the Knowledge Required to Understand a Program
R Clayton, S Rugaber, L Wills - Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 1998
This paper reflects the complexity of understanding a program when the main source of
knowledge of the program is the source code. Since applications are created to solve
certain real life problem, the source code relates to elements in the domain of the problem,
but the problem domain is not the only existing knowledge needed to create an
application. When an application is created there is the need to know about the
programming language used during the coding phase, general concepts about
programming and how it relates to the underplaying elements (hardware, virtual machine,
interpreter, etc.). Those different knowledge domains affect the ideal design concept and
add complexity when trying to move from the low level source code to a higher level of
The paper explores these issues with the source code of an application written in
FORTRAN, which finds a root of a function of a single, real variable in an interval. The
results of this study show that all the different domains that take part in the application
source code are highly interleaved and equally important when trying to understand the
application source code.
Allowing more than a single domain to be represented in TAJ is something that will have
to be explored in future versions of the tool. This is not a trivial issue since certain code
constructions can be, as shown in this paper, related to multiple domains and there is the
need to keep all the different domains up to date in order for them to be useful.
Software Maintenance by Transformation
G. Arango, I. Baxter, .P Freeman, C. Pidgeon IEEE Software 3:33, 27-39, 1986
In this paper the authors explore the possibility of modifying existing operational
software by transformation. They use a software model based in a tree structure were the
root node is the initial system specification. Leaves are executable applications, and the
intermediate nodes represent specifications at varying levels of abstraction. The arcs
represent possible design choices. A specific software implementation of a specification
is defined by a set of arcs that go from the root node to a leaf.
When a software product has to be modified, the model is traversed from the current leaf
towards the root until a node that encompasses both the current and desired
implementations is found, and then a new child node is explored until a new leaf node
that implements all the needed requirements is reached.
Using this sort of techniques would be a very useful way of modifying existing software
applications, but it seems to be based on an ideal model, where the different design
decisions do not intersect with each other. For example a decision of changing certain
software structure could invalidate certain states previously assumed as correct. This is
something confirmed by the authors in their example, were they port an application from
UCI Lisp to Franz Lisp and they found the semantic gap between I/O concepts in the two
dialects to be to large.
TAJ is based on the same concept that the final source code is an implementation of an
ideal abstract representation (a domain), and that is affected by the different functional
and non-functional requirements. The current version of TAJ is useful to gain knowledge
of the application by abstracting software constructions to the domain concepts, but some
of the concepts presented in the paper could be later added to TAJ in order to, for
example, support a history of the evolution of the software, or the ability of generating
portions of code automatically.
JIRiSS - an Eclipse plug-in for Source Code Exploration
D Poshyvanyk, A Marcus, Y Dong - Proc. of 14th IEEE International Conference on Program …, 2006
JIRiSS is an eclipse plug-in for source code exploration, the plug-in allows users to
search Java projects (source code and documentation) using natural language. The results
of the queries are presented back to the user sorted by relevance, so that the most relevant
results can be easily identified by the user.
Source code and documentation analysis and comprehension are a fundamental part of
the process of software development, maintenance, reverse engineering, and software
evolution, JIRiSS allows users to query those sources of information in order to extract
knowledge from them. By integrating this process in the development IDE, users can
more easily access the source of knowledge.
Unfortunately the paper does not include technical or implementation details, this fact
makes it impossible for the reader to determinate the usefulness of the plug-in compared
to the search function included in all IDEs. In the paper they mention the ability to query
the system using natural language, but the lack of information about the processing of the
queries, makes it impossible to determinate if there is some kind of semantic analysis of
the queries or is just a simple use of keywords.
The ability to query a source of knowledge that includes both source code and
documentation could be useful to determinate associations between the low level
implementation of the application and a higher representation of the problem that the
application tries to solve. This could be beneficial in a project like TAJ, where the user
has extract knowledge from the code and link it to a domain for a better understanding of
a program.
Supporting Document and Data Views of Source Code
ML Collard, JI Maletic, A Marcus - Proceedings of the 2002 ACM symposium on Document …, 2002
This paper describes a representation of source code using the XML format. The XML
stores the original source code and adds structural information to it, so various views can
be selected from a single document. This XML document can be used by other
applications to manipulate the document, and allows developers to query the document
using XPath to extract information about it.
It is not clear how the use of this tool could be useful to developers since it seems to
simply structural information that does not really add any real knowledge. Useful features
like different highlight colors in the source code are available on any modern IDE and the
creation of things like call graphs can be done directly from the source code. Also the
authors affirm that srcML has higher visibility than AST & Symbol Table, but due to the
tree-based structure of XML documents, there is limited expressiveness unless internal
mapping are created between different elements of the document as a workaround. Since
no document schema is shown is impossible to evaluate the expressiveness that can be
archived with this representation.
For some reason they consider it important to maintain shallow information like
whitespaces and tabulations, but it seems that it would be more useful to generate them
when reading the document, offering the ability for developers to create they own
formatting settings.
Also there is no actual implementation of the srcML tool so the authors could not show
any tests results that can be used to evaluate their solution.
The use of an XML document to store the information generated by TAJ would be useful
to allow interoperability with other tools. Since there are many tools and libraries to
manipulate XML documents this addition would make possible to offer different views of
the same information. This could lead to views for certain users that hide non-relevant
data, so the relevant information is more visible to them.
- Eclipse 3.0 Porting Guide, Generic Workbench
- Folding in Eclipse Text Editors
- OSGi
- The Official Eclipse FAQs
- GMF Tutorial
- GMF New and Noteworthy
- Generating an EMF Model
- The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Overview