Argumentation in a Geometry Class: Aligned with the Teacher’s Conception of Proof1 AnnaMarie Conner The University of Georgia, USA Abstract: While a straightforward relationship between argumentation and proof is not universally accepted, it is reasonable that argumentation, as a tool for student learning, would be instrumental in the teaching of proof in high school geometry classes. This study examines the argumentation in one student teacher’s high school geometry classes and suggests a possible relationship between the observed argumentation and the student teacher’s conception of proof. Aspects of the student teacher’s conception of proof could be seen in how she supported argumentation in her classes. Theme: Research, focused on explanation, argumentation, and proof in geometry education The importance of the teaching and learning of proof and justification is undisputed within the mathematics education community, and the relevance of argumentation to student learning of mathematics has been demonstrated at various levels of school mathematics (Krummheuer, 2000; Yackel, Cobb, & Wood, 1999; Zack & Graves, 2001). Recent research has investigated the relationship between argumentation and proof, demonstrating the efficacy of Toulmin’s (1958/2003) scheme for the analysis of this relationship (Pedemonte, 2007) and the importance of attending to qualifiers and rebuttals in addition to claims, data, warrants, and backings in more advanced analyses (Inglis, Mejia-Ramos, & Simpson, 2007). This paper provides a description of argumentation within a geometry classroom and presents evidence of a possible relationship between a student teacher’s conceptions of proof and her facilitation of collective classroom argumentation in a high school geometry class. Framework The teaching and learning of proof is of major concern to secondary and tertiary mathematics education, both because of the centrality of proof to the practice of mathematicians and because of the status given to proof and justification in curriculum standards (e.g., National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000). Research on the teaching and learning of proof has examined students’ proof schemes (Harel & Sowder, 1998; Housman & Porter, 2003), students’ difficulties with proof (Bell, 1976; Chazan, 1993; Moore, 1994; Weber, 2001), students’ ability to validate texts as proofs (Selden & Selden, 2003; Stylianides, Stylianides, & Philippou, 2004), the relevance of technology to the learning of proof in geometry (Laborde, 2000; Leung & Lopez-Real, 2002; Mariotti, 2000), and students’ perceptions of proof (Almeida, 1995; Recio & Godino, 2001). Building on these researchers’ work in the various aspects of proof and proving, I define a person’s conception of proof as the person’s ability to prove and analyze arguments, perception of the role and need for proof in mathematics, and affective perception of proof. 1 This paper is based on the author’s doctoral dissertation, completed at The Pennsylvania State University under the direction of Rose Mary Zbiek, supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. ESI0083429 to the University of Maryland with a major subcontract to The Pennsylvania State University and by a research initiation grant from The Pennsylvania State University College of Education Alumni Society. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or the College of Education Alumni Society. Toulmin’s (1958/2003) model of argumentation involves claims, data, warrants, backings, qualifiers, and rebuttals, related as shown in Figure 1. According to Toulmin, a claim is the statement whose truth is being established, data is evidence presented in support of the claim, a warrant is a bridge between the data and claim, giving reasons that the particular data presented is relevant to the claim, and backing, which is usually implicit, is support for the warrant’s validity in the particular field in which it is used. Qualifiers and rebuttals are less often used in analysis of argumentation in mathematics education, but were shown to be useful in the analysis of arguments presented by more advanced students of mathematics (Inglis, MejiaRamos, & Simpson, 2007). A qualifier is indicative of the strength of the warrant (usually a word such as “probably”), and a rebuttal is a description of circumstances under which the warrant would not be valid (Toulmin, 1958/2003). Figure 1: Diagram of Toulmin’s Model, adapted from Toulmin (1958/2003, p. 104) Krummheuer (1995) adapted Toulmin’s (1958/2003) model of argumentation to mathematics education research by defining as acceptable warrants and backings those that are accepted by the particular mathematics community that is engaging in the argumentation rather than what is accepted by the field of mathematics in general. Like Krummheuer, I define collective argumentation as “a social phenomenon, when cooperating individuals tried to adjust their intentions and interpretations by verbally presenting the rationale of their actions” (Krummheuer, 1995, p. 229). Collective argumentation differs from traditional Aristotelian argumentation because it is concerned with a group reaching consensus rather than an individual convincing a group2. I define a proof as logically correct deductive argument built up from given conditions, definitions, and theorems within an axiom system. This definition of proof suggests that a proof is a particular kind of argument, and thus presupposes a relationship between argumentation and proof. The nature of this relationship is not, however, straightforward. Balacheff (1999) suggests that argumentation may present an epistemological obstacle to a person’s learning to prove, while others (e.g., Pedemonte, 2007) propose that argumentation may lead to proof, although the structure of the proof may be different from the structure of the related argumentation. The relationship that I propose is linked to the collective nature of argumentation in classrooms and to beliefs about the role of the teacher in facilitating learning in classrooms. In brief, part of the teacher’s role in the classroom is to act as a representative of the mathematics community in negotiating sociomathematical norms, including normative standards of argumentation (Yackel & Cobb, 1996). In that role, the teacher would ideally facilitate argumentation within the classroom that is consistent with acceptable mathematical justification that would eventually lead 2 Within this paper, the word argumentation will be used to imply collective argumentation, since the context is a class of cooperating individuals (high school geometry students and their teacher). to proof (Conner, 2007). Thus, the teacher’s conception of proof has the potential to be very important in the kinds of argumentation that he or she might facilitate. Methods 3 Lynn was a mathematics major who was also seeking certification in teaching 6-12 mathematics at a large university on the east coast of the United States. She completed her culminating student teaching experience in the final semester of her university experience. Lynn’s mentor teacher, Mr. B, allowed Lynn to function independently during her student teaching experience. She was responsible for all instruction, discipline, and assessment during the time she was observed. Mr. B was available to assist if she had questions, but he did not attempt to determine or constrain her teaching methods or techniques, and he allowed her to set learning goals for students within the constraints of the curriculum. Lynn’s conception of proof was inferred from her responses in two semi-structured interviews during her culminating student teaching experience. Her conception of proof included an emphasis on reasons as personally important (she claimed, “I’m a reason person” (Lynn, Interview 2, line 153)). She described the purpose of proof in mathematics as to provide reasons “why it works” (Lynn, Interview 2, line 154). Similar to some of the secondary teachers who participated in Knuth’s (2002) study, Lynn focused on proof as a way to know why things worked (she gave the example of knowing where the Pythagorean Theorem came from) rather than, as Knuth phrased it, “an argument’s illumination of the underlying mathematical concepts which determine why a statement is true” (Knuth, 2002, p. 80). Her conception of proof was also context-dependent, with both her affective reaction to proof and her ability to prove and analyze proofs differing based on whether she was dealing with geometry, topology, or number theory. This is consistent with Housman and Porter’s (2003) findings that an individual may exhibit multiple proof schemes. A method of analysis based on an adaptation of Krummheuer’s (1995) interpretation of Toulmin’s (1958/2003) model of argumentation to collective argumentation in mathematics classrooms was used to examine Lynn’s facilitation of the argumentation in her classes. Classes were observed and audio-recorded. These recordings were transcribed and augmented with figures and additional information from field notes. Episodes of argumentation were identified, many consisting of a main argument with several supporting sub-arguments. Within arguments, claims, data, and warrants were identified and attributed to Lynn, her students, or both (meaning both Lynn and her students contributed to the part of the argument). Each argument and episode was diagrammed using a scheme adapted from Toulmin’s diagram in Figure 1, and the diagrams were examined for patterns within contributions. The diagrams included notations for who contributed each component of each argument, which components were left implicit, and how arguments were connected within an episode of argumentation (see Figures 3 and 4 for examples). Results While much of the discourse within Lynn’s classes conformed to an IRE4 model of instruction, complex models of argumentation were constructed from this discourse. The discourse in the transcript excerpt below is typical of discourse in Lynn’s classes. In this example, the Lynn and her students are exploring the relationship between two angles, angle AFB and angle BFD, in quadrilateral ABDC (see Figure 2). Within this single episode of 3 All names are pseudonyms. Initiation (by teacher) – Response (by student) – Evaluation (by teacher), see Forman & Ansell (2002). 4 argumentation there are multiple layers of argumentation, including several sub-arguments leading up to a main argument. T: I’d like you to look at measure of angle AFB and measure of angle BFD, so AFB, this angle right here, I want you to compare that to measure of angle BFD. Now, looking at this figure, do we have two triangles that we could say have two congruent sides? Ss nod [indicating agreement]. T: Yes we do? S1: Yeah, we do because um if F bisects AD, then AF and FD are congruent. T: Okay, AF and FD are congruent and they’re already marked congruent because I said F was our midpoint. S1: And then BF is reflexive to itself so it’s the other congruent side. T: Right, so these two triangles here we can compare. We can compare AF to FD, those are congruent, and then FD is congruent to itself because of the reflexive property, very good. Now, do we have an angle measure? T: No, so which inequality do you think we are going to use? S2: SSS T: Right, side-side-side because what do we know about these sides? What do we know? What is AB? S3: AB is greater than BD T: You said AB is greater than what? S3: BD T: BD, what is AB? S4: 5 T: And BD is? S5: 3 T: Okay, so if AB is bigger than BD, S6 what do you think we can say about angle AFB and BFD? Which one’s larger? S6: AFB T: AFB is larger. So AFB is greater than BFD. Figure 2: Quadrilateral ABDC The episode above, which is diagrammed in Figure 3, consists of a main argument and several sub-arguments that lead to and support the data for the main claim. Lynn and her students provide the data and warrant for their main claim before actually stating that claim. The main claim is that the measure of angle AFB is greater than the measure of angle BFD. Early in the episode, Lynn states that they are looking for a relationship between the two angles, but does not indicate what the relationship might be. Together, Lynn and her students establish what is known about other measures and relationships in the figure in order to be able to make the claim that the measure of angle AFB is greater than the measure of angle BFD. Lynn’s main mechanism of support for argumentation was asking questions. Lynn asked questions that prompted her students to make claims and provide data and warrants for their claims. As can be seen in the above excerpt, her claim-eliciting questions often supported students’ provision of claims by suggesting particular geometric objects to which a claim might apply. She asked for reasons to support students’ claims. These questions sometimes were interpreted as requests for data; in other arguments students provided warrants in response to similar questions. Norms regarding argumentation that were negotiated in her classes included students’ use of theorems and definitions previously discussed in class as warrants in episodes of argumentation. Figure 3: Diagram of Argument5 in Geometry Context The IRE nature of the discourse is observable, as Lynn asks a question, a student or students answer it, and Lynn reiterates, rephrases, or validates the student’s answer and then asks another question. This brief episode illustrates that, although the discourse proceeds in what may appear to be a linear pattern, the argument being constructed may be complex. This particular argument begins with a claim, prompted by Lynn, that is actually both the first sub-claim of the episode of argumentation and part of the data for the main claim. A student provides the data for this claim, treating each part of the data as a separate claim and providing data for one subargument (Lynn provides the warrant) and both data and warrant for the other sub-argument. This episode is different from episodes of argumentation in which Lynn and her students discuss algebraic ideas. When discussing algebraic ideas, Lynn and her students generally did not provide warrants within the argumentation, leaving them implicit rather than providing them explicitly. This is illustrated by the argumentation diagrammed in Figure 4, where in this and other circumstances, Lynn did not ask for reasons for the various operations suggested by students for the solutions of the equations. She asked how to solve the equations, but not why students’ suggestions were valid, thus leaving the warrant unstated. The sub-argument in Figure 4 occurred during a larger episode of argumentation in which Lynn and her students were finding missing values of x and y as they were examining relationships within a parallelogram. 5 Components of the argument attributed to students are represented in blue boxes with dashed edges; components attributed to Lynn are represented in red boxes with dot-dashed edges; components attributed to both are represented in violet boxes with double-lined edges, and components that were not specified are represented in black boxes with solid edges. Figure 4: Sub-argument in Algebraic Context The observed differences in Lynn’s support of argumentation in algebraic versus geometric contexts aligns well with the context-dependence of her conception of proof. Lynn was much more comfortable proving and talking about proof in the context of geometry than in any other mathematical context. For instance, she described her experience with proof in a topology class as “unsuccessful” and having “too many definitions and theorems” (Lynn, Interview 1, lines 195-205), and she was not able to correctly validate a proof in a number theory context. However, she was confident in her ability to prove theorems for and with her students in a geometry context, and she was able to competently evaluate whether several geometric arguments were indeed proofs of a geometric theorem during her second interview. The contextdependence of her conception of proof was evident in her support for argumentation in algebraic versus geometric contexts. She asked for or provided warrants for most arguments when the context of the argumentation was geometric, but seldom requested or provided warrants when the context was algebraic. Lynn’s conception of proof included aspects of a personal insistence on reasons, having reasons for why things worked the way they did. In her support for argumentation, Lynn asked her students to provide reasons for many of the claims made in her classes, and she provided those reasons for other claims. Lynn was consistent in asking for reasons and justifications both verbally in class and on the tests that she developed. Lynn’s desire for reasons for her own understanding is apparent in her teaching as a desire for students to give or hear reasons (warrants) within their own mathematical experiences. Conclusion and Future Directions Using Toulmin’s (1958/2003) model of argumentation allows us to foreground some of the complexities inherent in the discourse in this classroom. In the case of this student teacher, her conception of proof seems to parallel aspects of her support for argumentation. Using Toulmin’s model to diagram the argumentation allowed for the details of this support to become evident. In addition, it enables us to analyze how different constituencies within the classroom contribute to the argumentation that occurs. Much more remains to be done in the analysis of argumentation in secondary geometry classes. In the particular case reported here, I have just begun to examine differences in arguments when the class was constructing a two-column proof versus when they were exploring a geometric situation or solving a problem. Preliminary analysis indicates a difference in the order in which components of arguments are presented. Further analysis is necessary to begin to describe how proof and argumentation may be related in this and other classrooms. 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