Reasoning Activities Using 0.999... = 1 in Developmental Mathematics Chris L. Yuen, SUNY University at Buffalo November 13, 2014 Cross Examination O Inherent the Wind (1960) LLSW8 O Witness for the Prosecution (1957) 04pNrY O Legally Blonde (2001) Start the clip at 3:14 uzpe4 .999… as an Object of Interest O Why use .999…? Yopp et al. (2011) studied in-service teachers’ perception toward .999… Another Finding… More findings from Yopp 1 3 O Some teachers believe that .333 … ≠ . O Some teachers believe “small” quantities are irrelevant. O Teachers’ (mis)understanding of real numbers can be tied to their teaching as well as perceptions of their students learning. And More… O Some teachers modify “truth” to fit their subjective beliefs. O Some teachers dismiss conflict as unimportant or uninteresting as it relates to their teaching. O Some teachers teach that approximations are good enough and “small” does not matter. Developmental Math O Much instruction directed to development math is pedagogically delivered differently from higher math. O Emphasis of procedures O Emphasis of formulas O Emphasis of performing well on traditional tests and exams Proving .999… = 1 Proofs requiring addition: 2 = .222 … 9 7 = .777 … 9 9 = .999 … = 1 9 A Multiplication Proof 1 = .333 … 3 1 × 3 = .333 … × 3 3 1 = .999 … An algebraic proof Let 𝑥 = .999 … 10𝑥 = 9.999 … 10𝑥 − 𝑥 = 9.999 … − .999 … 9𝑥 = 9 𝑥=1 Proof by Limit Define 𝑘𝑛 =. 999 … 99 𝑛 Find the limit: . 999 … = lim 𝑘𝑛 = lim . 999 … 99 𝑛→∞ 𝑛 = lim 𝑛→∞ 𝑘=1 𝑛→∞ 𝑛 9 10𝑘 1 1 lim 1 − 𝑛 = 1 − lim 𝑛 = 1 − 0 = 1 𝑛→∞ 𝑛→∞ 10 10 How to Engage Students? O The proofs alone are not going to motivate students. O Developmental students often do not know much about the concepts of “limits.” O One can show an application of proof in legal arguments – Reductio ad absurdum O So, involving a trial for the students to craft arguments may be a productive alternative. What is Reductio ad absurdum? O Big Bang Theory pe4 Reductio ad absurdum O Reduction to absurdity O To demonstrate a statement is true by showing that a false, untenable, or absurd result follows from its denial O This sounds very much like “Proof by Contradiction The Trial Is .999 < 1? Mathematics Zealot vs. Point Nine Repeat Analysis of the Activity O The trial encompasses all the proofs that a developmental mathematics student could comprehend. O The trial co-create mathematical discourse with students in a social manner, as opposed to proving a mathematical fact in a solitary setting. O Mathematics can be system/postulate specific, and the court room setting is analogous to a specific system. Application O This activity allows students to see how mathematical argumentation and logic be applied in an unexpected setting. O Other form of argumentation can be used in this activity, such as “Proof by Contradiction” (e.g. 2 is irrational). O The overall effect of this activity is to show that argumentation is indeed applied, and in this case, there is a link between math and the legal field. Questions/Comments Contact Information: Chris L. Yuen, Ed.D., EOC Assistant Professor of Mathematics University at Buffalo Educational Opportunity Center 555 Ellicott Street Buffalo, NY 14203