Minutes: MESA officers meeting 7/26/04, 5:00-6:00

Minutes: MESA officers meeting
7/26/04, 5:00-6:00
present: Zelha, Natasha, Ginger, Amy; absent: Angel; visitors: Stephan Bismarck (webmaster),
Brian Lawler
Stephan talks about the MESA website and his role as webmaster (first was working
only on TME, now is also working on MESA.) Issues discussed:
a. Stephan is starting completely from scratch and is using Dreamweaver—TME as
well as MESA’s website.
b. What do you want to have MESA’s opening page be? General info about MESA
or upcoming events right there, right away. Discussion of this.
c. Who will update the calendars and events (Stephan vs. Amy as secretary & keeper
of the calendar, Stephan vs. Natasha as colloquium chair)? Stephan says he can do
it. Zelha says it will be easier if Amy and Natasha each upload their stuff—most
stuff will go through Amy but Natasha will also have access. Stephan says he will
show us how to do this.
d. Brian speaks about the website address difficulty as per the email sent over the
weekend: We have a sort of proxy server that we pay about $20 per year to make
our name read ugamesa.org. Worries over whether or not we have paid it for this
year. Brian volunteers to pursue OIT and get the mesa.coe.uga.edu name for us.
Ginger will take care of paying the proxy server people (ename?) for now.
Library: reason why Brian is here today.
a. Amy doesn’t think we should do anything until we contact the library committee
about the purpose of the library and status of the library, as per Pat—she said (in
an email) that this was not intended to be a lending library.
b. Brian doesn’t think that the conversation should end here—we need to speak to
the library committee and then put up notices about it if nothing should leave the
library. Main problem is that we are losing journals—items are walking away.
c. Who is on the library committee—who do we speak to? (Should the library be a
lending library?) In any case, if not, we should figure out a way to communicate
about what the norms are—in particular, that documents shouldn’t leave the
Begles library for very long.
d. Should we bring this up in presession—discussion of community norms, for
example? Could the library committee give some sort of update on status and
norms of the library? Perhaps through mass email at the beginning of the
semester? MESA can support this message with posting of signs. Amy will
contact Pat about who is on the library committee.
Presession discussion:
a. Natasha made student folders—they look great. ;-) She wonders if they should be
sent out instead of just the letter. She will talk to Pat about this and Amy will help
send out the folders if Pat decides that is a good idea (as Natasha is leaving town
this week.)
b. Amy, with Erik’s help, reserved Memorial Park for 6-8 pm on 8/18.
c. Zelha got rooms: 119 for Tuesday 8/17 and 418 for Wednesday morning, 8/18
(research time); the Wednesday MESA activities will be in the lab, 111-113.
Zelha will check on 102 for Wed breakfast; also she will get 2 more rooms for
Wednesday morning.
d. Zelha will put out potluck sign-up, contact Andrew about faculty roles (undergrad
program discussion and research presentations)
e. Amy will send the presession schedule to JW to put on dept website.
f. Need to meet again at 1-2 on 8/16, Monday, to discuss breakfast on 8/18 (which
Ginger will make sure gets done) and other last-minute details.