Laboratory 4: Hardware Analysis & Synthesis General Engineering Polytechnic University OVERVIEW Objectives Procedure Review Written Assignment Reverse Engineering Recitation Topics Forces Closing Gears Gear Trains Materials for Lab OBJECTIVES Review the concept of sketching Understand the concept of “reverse engineering” Learn about the importance of torque & gears Use your new knowledge to find out how a device works REVIEW Orthographic vs. Isometric Views Sketching Rules REVERSE ENGINEERING Begins with the intact product – Works through the design process in the opposite direction Used to understand: – How products are made by other companies – The quality of the product FORCES Force = m * a Torque - French for “twist” - A twisting force t=F*l If F1=F2, but l1<l2, the right side of the beam will tip down, due to unbalanced torque. l1 F1 Equilibrium: t1= t2 F1*l1 = F2* l2 m = mass (lbs. or kg.) a = acceleration (ft/s2 or m/s2) F = Force (lbs. or Newtons) l = Distance from force to point of rotation (ft. or m) t = Torque (ft-lbs. or newton meters) l2 F2 TORQUE OUTPUT OF GEARS Small force (F1) used to lift large weight (F2) F 1 Penalty for increased R1 R2 torque – small gear turns through larger angle than large gear – indicated in ratio of revolutions/second (gear speed) in equation: F1 * R1 = F2 * R2 (t1 = t2) F2 GEARS Used to increase/decrease torque or speed Torque and speed inversely proportional Velocity ratio equals inverse of gear ratio Output Gear Ratio = Input Output = the destination of the rotation (e.g. a wheel) Input = the source of the rotation (e.g. a motor) Input Velocity Ratio = Output TYPES OF GEARS SPUR GEAR: gear wheel having radial teeth parallel to axle CROWN GEAR: gear wheel with teeth set in rim perpendicular to its plane crown gear TYPES OF GEARS IDLER GEAR: gear between two other gears to transmit motion from one to other – Changes direction of rotation – No effect on ratios – ODD number of gears First & last gear idler gear rotate in same direction – EVEN number of gears First & last gear rotate in different direction SIMPLE GEAR TRAIN n3 n2 n1 1” 2” Gears with the same size teeth, ratio equal to ratio of number of teeth (n) on each 1 gear. * 2 4” Input Velocity Ratio Output 2 1 n1 n2 n1 * 4 4 n2 n3 n3 COMPOUND GEAR TRAIN n1 n3 n2 n4 Angular velocities of all gears are equal to that of the shaft on which they are mounted n6 n5 n7 n8 Input Velocity Ratio Output n1 n3 n5 n7 * * * n2 n4 n6 n8 MATERIALS FOR LAB WAO II Robot – Model MV-961 – OWI Incorporated – 2 Portions • Mechanical / Electrical • Computer Toolbox with 17 tools PROCEDURE Examining Disassembling Understanding Reassembling Examining the Robot – Inspect the intact robot – Record the appearance of the robot – Include sketches of the robot, complete with the outside dimensions – Hypothesize how the robot works (Try not to look at the bottom of the WAO II) PROCEDURE Examining Disassembling Understanding Reassembling Disassembling the Robot – After you instructor signs your hypothesis & sketches, obtain a toolbox, complete with tools – Take apart the robot. Do NOT break it – Record what you see as you take the robot apart – Sketch the inside of the robot including the gear train. Be sure to label PROCEDURE Examining Disassembling Understanding Reassembling Understanding the Robot – Describe the different components that make up the whole device – Record the functions of the individual major parts – Learn how the Power Gear Linkages allow: • Rotation on the axis located in the center of the robot • Turning (rotation outside the axis) • Translation (movement in a straight line) – Determine the Gear Ratio for the train of gears that link the motor to the wheels PROCEDURE Examining Disassembling Understanding Reassembling Reassembling the Robot – Reassemble the device to working order – Refer to the WAO II manual for assistance (disregard the sensor portion of the manual) – Return the assembled WAO II to the box and give it to you instructor – Record any further observations, including improvements to the robot and assembly instructions WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT Use the form report on Page 55 to complete the lab report (Be sure to type out your answers on a different piece of paper) Include original sketches with the instructor’s initials Remember to create a title page RECITATION TOPICS Explain how the device works Discuss components of the WAO II and their functions How do the parts fit together? Discuss the overall construction of the device Discuss the assembly instructions for the WAO II. Are they clear? If so, explain what is clear. If not, what changes would you make to the assembly instructions? Discuss you findings for the gear ratio. CLOSING Be sure to label your sketches Avoid breaking parts Keep track of the pieces