Requirements for a Process Integration Platform Reid Senescu CIFE, Stanford University Y2E2 Bldg, 473 Via Ortega, Rm 292 Stanford, CA 94305-4020 USA John Haymaker CIFE, Stanford University Y2E2 Bldg, 473 Via Ortega, Rm 292 Stanford, CA 94305-4020 USA ABSTRACT Despite the influx of building information modeling and advanced building simulations, design processes remain similar to the pre-computer era. This paper investigates the extent to which interactive, collaborative design process models improve design process efficiency and effectiveness. We present case study processes and a survey of practicing engineers that illustrate shortcomings in practice, and review relevant points of departure to develop an ethnographically and theoretically founded set of requirements for a collaborative process modelling platform that enables improved communication of processes. We use a hypothetical narrative to explain its use and establish a method for evaluating the platform. Keywords: Process Integration Platform, Design Process, Interoperability. 1 INTRODUCTION To some, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a process [1]. To many others, BIM at the very least changes the design process [2, 3]. We define processes as a dependency-based description of information flow. The association of BIM with process change pervades the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. Yet, little commercial development of BIM is process-centric, and none of the major BIM tools provide explicit support for defining and sharing processes. 3d object-oriented modeling is still mostly a set of static tools, none of which aid the design team in explicitly defining, improving, and sharing design processes. Despite the rhetoric that BIM is a fundamental shift in the design process, the industry generally still plugs in new BIM tools into a design process that predates computers. Software with parametric capabilities offer one possible exception as they do formalize a new process, but parametric tools are used principally to manage geometric processes, and lack collaboration methods and transparency, limiting their potential for broader process change. While the capabilities of simulation and modeling tools expand, order of magnitude increases in design process efficiency and effectiveness remain elusive. This paper uses two examples from current practice to demonstrate how current limitations in communicating processes limit BIM’s promise to drastically improve design process efficiency and effectiveness. The paper then summarizes results from a survey of engineers. The case studies, survey, and a literature review lay the foundation for a theoretically founded set of requirements to enable process sharing in a Process Integration Platform (P.I.P.). While the potential impact of P.I.P. on current design practices is broad, the paper focuses on how the proposed platform catalyses continuous improvements to the design process through incentivizing and visualizing the development and sharing of design processes. The paper then uses Narratives [4] to formally model and to illustrate the sharing behaviors defined in our requirements. 1 2 BIM OPPORTUNITIES LOST 2.1 DESIGNING LOUVERS FOR OPTIMAL DAYLIGHTING With the goal of informing the design team’s decision regarding the quantity and size of louvers on the south façade of the new Stanford Graduate School of Business Library, engineers created video simulations of sunlight moving across a space during different days of the year. Prior to 3d object-oriented architecture models, engineers created the geometry for such analyses from scratch, but the resulting visualizations were crude. Looking to improve the realism of the output, the lighting engineers used the architect’s Revit model as the basis for their geometry. The engineers were confident in the science behind their analysis tool, Radiance, and did not have the time to learn and validate other programs. Through trial and error, they discovered that they could use Revit Architecture, AutoCAD, 3D Studio Max and Radiance to create an improved day lighting simulation (Figure 1). The process required much manual manipulation of geometry and materials to reformat the information so that each new software package could interpret the data representing the building. The design team did not formally represent the process, which we list in Table 1. The engineers run these processes several times per month. The process described in Table 1 takes about 24 manhours to provide feedback to the architects. About 16 man-hours are spent on non-value added tasks, such as cleaning up geometry or reassigning materials in AutoCAD layers that were already differentiated in Revit. The engineers felt that elimination of the 16 hours of non-value added time would either increase the number of options that the architect could consider or increase the company’s profit. The engineers believed that with improved efficiency, they could further explore the design space and discover a better solution. At some point, the return from expanding the options considered would diminish, and engineers would just spend less time producing the same quality design, improving company profit. Despite the obvious benefit of an improved process with improved interoperability between Revit and Radiance, no one was developing a solution to meet the needs of the lighting engineers. Figure 1. Snapshot of a QuickTime video. The lighting engineers use this video to show the architects how different louver configurations affect day lighting in the Stanford Graduate School of Business Library. The first author attempted to find an improved solution. Asking for an improved process on the engineering firm’s intranet forum revealed suggestions for similar processes, but no solutions that matched the project’s given input and desired output. An internet search of blogs and forums reveal that other companies had similar problems trying to go from Revit to Radiance [5, 6], but no one had posted an improved solution. An interview with Revit’s developers revealed they are interested in improving links between their object oriented 3d building software and analysis programs, but development toward improving the direct link between Revit and Radiance was not planned. One potential alternative is to go from Revit to IES to Radiance, but the lighting engineers were once disappointed with this option and did not have the time to try again. The lighting engineers were simply too busy to invest time in improving their process. Their supervisors, software developers, and their clients had no methods for understanding how an improved process could increase profits or design quality. The first author intervened by approaching some principals in the firm to explain the inefficiency of the current process, and they committed funds to improving the process. With about 16 hours of research, the first author cut step 3 and 4 to a few minutes, eliminating six hours of tedious, non-value adding time from the process. With an 2 investment of roughly $2400, we hypothetically added $32,400 of value annually, assuming 6 hours x 3 iterations/month x 12 months x $150/hour. Three other documented case studies at the firm suggest that this opportunity for improving process efficiency is prolific across disciplines. For a company of 3000 engineers, extrapolating this case would result in lost profit or value passed on to clients of $97 million annually. McGraw Hill extrapolates from other reports that lack of interoperability costs the global AEC industry $138 billion annually [7]. In summary, the current tools provide an opportunity to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the lighting design process. Yet, without intervention, designers do not capitalize on this opportunity. The individual engineers are not incentivized to invest their time in improving the process through interoperability solutions. Their tools do not track their process (and the resulting inefficiency), place them in a small peer community to improve the process together, nor provide transparent access to other processes that could form the basis or a module for improvements. Also, managers lack a transparent method for understanding the inefficiency and therefore, lack a monetary justification for encouraging their employees to develop alternatives. Table 1. The steps taken to produce day lighting videos. The steps in the process and time for each step were not documented until the authors intervened. Much time is spent filtering and transferring previously defined information (e.g. Steps 3, 4, 7, and 10) Step # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Task Software Create Revit Model Revit Architecture Import 3d .dwg with 3d shapes AutoCAD 2007 Clean up geometry AutoCAD 2007 Set layers to match materials AutoCAD 2007 Import 3d .dwg with 2d surfaces and layers AutoCAD 2005 Identify holes Radiance Import 3d .dwg 3D Studio Max Remesh geometry 3D Studio Max Import 3D Studio Max Rendering AutoCAD 2005 Import 3d .dwg Radiance Set sunlight properties, material reflectivity, etc. Radiance Create video QuickTime Discuss lighting video with architect and create new design concept. Discussion Time Spent Per Step (hours) N/A 0.3 4-6 1.5 0.2 2-3 1-2 0.2 0.5 1-2 4 8 2-3 2.2 DESIGNING WITH ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE MATERIAL USE Owners’ interests in environmentally sustainable business practices have skyrocketed in recent years [8]. For the design of the Stanford Graduate School of Business campus, stakeholders used MACDADI [9] to explicitly communicate the importance of material responsibility when choosing structural systems. The first author, while working as an engineer on this project, created schematic Revit Structure models of steel and concrete options for one building on the project. The model was used to support a visual understanding of the two systems, as well as some structural and cost analysis. Many tools (e.g. Athena, BEES, LCADesign) aim at assisting designers in making environmentally sustainable material decisions. The engineering firm had recently purchased Athena, software that uses a database to output the environmental impact of building materials. Despite a 3d object oriented model (containing a database of structural materials and quantities), a database of the environmental impacts of those structural materials, and a clear desire by the stakeholders for the designers to consider material responsibility in their design recommendations, the author did not conduct a formal environmental impact analysis comparing the concrete and steel options. Given the time and budget constraints, the first author was not able to find or create a process that would allow the team to effectively use the information available to further inform the team’s structural system decision with information on material responsibility. As was the case with the lighting design, there is a clear demand for an improved process. Unlike the lighting example where an improved process was non-existent, the first author recently discovered similar processes being 3 employed internal to the company and externally at the time of the structural design [10]. However, there was no simple mechanism to quickly search for existing processes and build on them to develop new processes. These cases illustrate that designers need a process that enables them to more easily collaboratively improve and share interoperable design processes. 3 SURVEY AFFIRMS GENERALITY OF CASE STUDIES In the winter 2008 we conducted a survey of 74 engineers from a global engineering firm that belonged to a group interested in virtual design. The employees had on average 11.4 years of experience working in the AEC industry and they currently worked in North America (24%), Europe (57%), Asia (6%), and Australia (14%). Half of respondents felt they should increase the amount of virtual design information that they disseminate to others. The top three barriers to sharing information were “Lack of time”, “Not knowing where information was kept”, and “Lack of communication.” One engineer commented, “So many times you accidentally find out that someone somewhere has been doing something for ages that you didn't know about. We are currently all a bit too busy to spend time telling each other what we're doing.” We then asked respondents to describe desirable characteristics of an intranet site for sharing information about virtual design. We coded the responses with 43 adjectives each with its own definition. Table 2 shows the top five responses. 82% of respondents thought that “absolutely” the site should be “A repository of project information relevant to virtual design (software used, processes, people involved, etc.).” Table 2: Five most popular descriptions for a new virtual design intranet site. Adjective Number of Respondents User-Friendly 20 Crowd-sourcing Information Referencing 18 11 Broad 10 Searchable 10 Adjective Definition No time to understand, easy to navigate, easy to find, intuitive, good GUI Open, wiki-like, anyone can add content Reference other sites, linking to other already existing things. Appeal to everyone at all positions, expertise, or all disciplines, comprehensive in topics. Ability to enter in text and find the right information The survey reveals that designers want better ways of sharing information and capturing process knowledge learned from other projects, but that knowledge sharing methods must not take up user time. Broad, crowd-sourcing, and information referencing suggest that engineers do not want a system dependent on rigorous management, nor do they want details. Rather, they want a tool that allows everyone to participate in the exchange of information mostly by referencing information that already exists, but is not necessarily widely available. The survey confirms the case study observations. 4 POINTS OF DEPARTURE The examples in Section 2 demonstrate how the lack of formal platforms for communicating and developing processes fundamentally limit BIM’s impact on AEC. The cases and surveys support our intuition that the industry requires a process modeling and sharing tool. We next review related work in defining and sharing design information and processes. We find only partial requirements and solutions for a P.I.P.; suggesting that a unifying framework for process modeling and sharing is needed. 4 4.1 INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY Integrated Project Delivery is a project delivery approach that integrates people, systems, business structures and practices [11]. While attempting to define the requirements for integrated design processes, these approaches fall short of formalizing the information and processes. They specify milestones in a design process, and specific considerations and people who should be involved in those processes, but do not formalize the information and tools needed to ensure effective interoperable processes. 4.2 DATA SCHEMA Interoperability evokes the possibility of a single database of building information organized in a single data schema [12]. Researchers continue to develop improved methods for developing standards for specific applications [13]. These standards are powerful, but other strategies such as Application Programming Interface (API), customized commercial software links, and simple user-written mapping scripts will continue to be a vital part of AEC interoperability efforts. Many of these efforts lack an explicit representation of process, and methods to dynamically generate and share these processes. 4.3 DESIGN RATIONALE Design rationale research develops methods for better understanding the design process and ideas for improving its current state. Moran and Carroll [14] list several definitions of Design Rationale, all of which refer to the notion of finding the reasons behind the creation of a particular artifact. Some methods, such as Conklin and Yakemovic’s, use Issue-Based Information Systems (IBIS) and process tracking to better understand and track reasons behind design decisions [15]. MacLean et al’s (1991) Questions, Options, and Criteria methodology ignores the chronological aspects of the process and focuses exclusively on reasoning [16]. Design Rationale systems are not often implemented in practice, because designers struggle to document their rationale when performing design. The requirements proposed in this paper include sharing of computable information. Therefore, the process models focus on the how of design (the process) rather than on the why behind a design (the reason). 4.4 PROCESS MODELING Lee et al. [13] use process models to improve product data models – a formal and structured definition of product information such as IFC’s. Lee identified several drawbacks to the ISO STEP product modeling method, including: they are built as single generic models to represent idealized industry-wide processes preventing local variations; are thus high-level and lacking in detail; are defined more as archives of data instead of as support for strategic workflow processes; and do not well support the developmental and evolutionary aspects of product development. They argue that product models must have a closer linkage with workflow and that mapping between processes and the product model data should become an explicit part of the definition activity. Whereas Lee et al. share our intuition that process models are key to design integration, Lee et al. see the use of process models in aiding the development of future product data models. The authors do not attempt to develop such a standard, instead relying on a web of individual interoperability solutions, some of which no doubt will evolve through Lee and Eastman’s work. Information Delivery Manuals (IDMs) are an integral component of the International Alliance for Interoperability’s (IAI) buildingSMART initiative and Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) development effort [12]. The purpose of IDMs is to provide a human-readable integrated reference identifying “best practice” design processes and the data schemas and information flows necessary to execute effective model-based design analyses. However, current process modeling approaches are formulated at an abstract level to define general data exchanges, processes, and design team requirements, and have limited value as a project-specific design guidance and management tool. That is, software developers, not designers, use these process models, and they are therefore not intended to be transparent, usable, and searchable tools used by project teams. Several CIFE methods have advanced the design of process models for use by AEC professionals in practice. Geometric Narrator [4], enables a designer to build a scalable, computable process from sub processes, but lacks an 5 intuitive visual interface and mechanisms to easily share and collaborate with these processes. Narratives are formal, visual descriptions of the design process that include representations, reasoning, and their interrelationships [4]. Narrator addresses the communication deficiencies of Geometric Narrator, but at the expense of its integration power. Decision Dashboard [17] improves transparency by clearly communicating options, alternatives, and criteria, and it contains some preliminary ability to compute values associated with these process nodes from information contained in related nodes. However DD is a single user tool that does not easily support multi user sharing and collaboration. MACDADI [9] further communicates the people, tools, goals, preferences, options, analyses, and decisions associated in design, and contains some mechanisms for collaborative modeling. However, like these other current CIFE tools, MACDADI is not well integrated into BIM-based design and analysis tools, limiting its computable power. 4.5 KNOWLEDGE SHARING Conklin [18] explains a “project memory system” to explicitly define informal knowledge and make it available to others. He observes that the system is necessary, because organizations lack the ability “to represent critical aspects of what they know.” Conklin and the authors share a similar focus on the “design of project memory as an evolutionary stepping stone to organizational memory.” However, Conklin (1996) generally applies this system to capturing knowledge from meetings, whereas we focus on capturing design process information. 4.6 OPEN SOURCE Software, media, internet companies, and even academia open up their domains and turn to the crowd to tackle huge challenges in their industries. Successes include Wikipedia and Linux, but there has also been open-source successes in highly technical and specialized fields in AEC (e.g. The Pacific Earthquake and Engineering Research Center developed the Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation, OpenSEES) [19]. These crowd-sourcing open source movements transcend traditional organizational science explanation for why people innovate. Hippel and Krogh [20] propose that the open source movement falls in a new category of the innovation model called “PrivateCollective.” The “private investment” model assumes that the innovator receives returns from private goods and efficient intellectual property protection. The alternative “collective action” model assumes that when the market does not deliver a desired result, innovators collaborate to produce for the public good. In the proposed privatecollective model, Hippel outlines the following characteristics: • Contributors must learn from the experience to contribute. • Contributors should profit from networking effects of sharing or at least, not lose any money by sharing. • Contributors must receive “selective incentives,” such as a sense of ownership or enjoyment of the process. The development of a process modeling tool and sharing methodology and tool can learn from open source and crowd sourcing success stories. This paper proposes an analogous approach to capitalizing on BIM through many individual interoperability solutions. 5 REQUIREMENTS FOR A PROCESS SHARING PLATFORM The case studies demonstrate how a lack of interoperability process development and sharing impact the efficiency and effectiveness of the design process. Motivated by the cases and the survey, we define several requirements for a web-based collaborative and interactive Process Integration Platform. 5.1 TRANSPARENT A transparent design process is quickly and accurately understood by those not involved in the design. AIA Vice President Norman Strong states the perfect vision of Integrated Practice includes “a world where all communication 6 throughout the process are clear, concise, open, transparent, and trusting: where designers have full understanding of the ramifications of their decisions” [21]. The AIA released a Working Definition – Integrated Project Delivery with seven essential principles. Based on feedback, the AIA committee issued supplemental information emphasizing that “Interoperability exists on the human level through transparent business exchanges” [22]. Ballard also predicts that “transparency of the design process” from a particular perspective of process is conducive to the successful outcome of design from that perspective [23]. Kunz in his discussion of the benefits of IBIS, also stresses the importance of its ability to increase transparency [24]. In the first case, the lighting engineers’ process is hidden from software companies, managers, architects, and other lighting engineers. No individual fully understands the opportunities for improving the process and so, no one works together to improve the process. For the structural engineer, even if a search revealed that others in the company wanted to use a building model for environmental impact analysis, no formal documentation of that process exists, and so, it would be very time consuming for the engineer to find the appropriate interoperability solution for his needs. 5.2 USABLE Most engineers do not have the time to extensively document their design processes. They rarely have time to learn how to use new tools. The user-interface for process modeling and searching must be intuitive and not require significant training or tutorials. We include usable as a requirement due to the concern for user-friendliness expressed in the survey (Table 2). Strategies for product implementation also stress the importance of a customer focus (e.g. Six-Sigma [25], Quality Function Deployment [26], and Agile Development [27]). 5.3 INCENTIVIZED In Section 4.6, we used Hippel and Krough’s explanation of the open-source model [20] to explain why designers require incentives to use process modeling and to develop interoperability solutions. These incentives may be embedded in the tool, and/or in the company organization. To be successful, the first user of P.I.P. must find value in its use even when no other processes or interoperability links exist. The first user is incentivized to use P.I.P. to: 1. Align stakeholder goals with design decisions. 2. Document the reasons behind design decisions to reduce revisiting previous decisions, to better transition between team members. 3. Search project information. 4. Manage design versions. 5. Assist managers in assessing the current state of the project. 6. Understand the impact of changes on other disciplines. 7. Create a gateway to a central project information database. 8. Audit projects and conduct design reviews. A detailed explanation of these features is beyond the scope of this paper, but many of these advantages are discussed in Design Rationale research [14]. Once in use, P.I.P. can also incentivize the development of interoperability solutions by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Identifying the large cost of non-value added time due to poor interoperability. Bringing users of similar processes into small communities where co-development can occur. Rewarding developers with recognition for their work. Ensuring that the impact of development is widespread Identifying the processes where returns on investment in interoperability solutions will be greatest. Allowing developers to start from mixing and matching existing solutions rather than starting from scratch Providing a plethora of case studies on which to base solution development. 7 5.4 SEARCHABLE Users must be able to search for processes under multiple criteria, and the searching algorithms must be intelligent enough to understand multi-discipline and multi-cultural users and their context. Conklin points out that you cannot preserve organizational knowledge by simply “capturing lots of information,” but that it must be managed in ways “that create and preserve coherence and ‘searchability’” [18]. For example, when searching for “material responsibility,” the search engine should ask the user if he wants to also search for “material sustainability” or “embodied energy.” Also, the search engine should learn that a structural engineer searching for a “wall” wants processes involving the structural design of a structural wall, whereas an architect may want to look at designs involving partition walls. 5.5 MODULAR The solution must allow users to combine several parts of other processes into a new process. It should also allow geographically separated engineers to work on different parts of an interoperability solution and then combine their work. This modularity does not suggest a specific data schema or software standard, but rather recognizes that a universally accepted standard may never exist. Modularity can also be viewed as the ability to use old processes as the basis of new processes. The development of new design processes is a creative design process in itself. Organizational scientists view modularity as important, because, “creative solutions are built from the recombination of existing ideas” [28]. 5.6 SCALABLE Designers must be able to choose how to scale their products and processes. For example, a structural engineer may perform one process on concrete beam section, a different process on the concrete beam, and an entirely different process on the entire building. Fischer explained that product models must exist at different levels of detail [29]. Representations of the processes that create various detailed levels of the model must also exist at different scales. The process modeling must permit interoperability solutions developed for any level of detail. 5.7 COMPUTABLE The platform must allow designers to automate processes, so that users can drive processes from the process integration platform. Haymaker [4] explains how automating narratives improves multi-disciplinary design processes. 6 A NARRATIVE SCENARIO FORMALIZING THE CASE STUDY PROCESSES We have given two examples of current challenges faced by engineers and validated the generality of these examples with a survey. We proposed seven characteristics for a successful P.I.P. and explained previous attempts at improving design processes. Now, we use a narrative to formalize the case design processes and assess this Narrative for the seven characteristics of the P.I.P.: Transparent, Usable, Incentivized, Searchable, Modular, Scalable, and Computable. 6.1 DESIGN SCENARIO It is early Scheme Design for a new library on the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Through the use of MACDADI, the stakeholders have communicated their relative value for, among other objectives, a design solution with good lighting and reduced energy consumption. The design team is considering two geometric options for the library atrium. 8 9 Figure 2. (a) Lighting consultant adds Day Light node to analysis process to the library project. (b) Designer searches for appropriate Day Light analysis processes. 10 Figure 3. (a) Designer browses search results; (b) looks at process info; finds two appropriate processes. (c) Working with the user community, (d) he automates one process. 11 Figure 4. (a) Designer drags and drops two process modules from other projects into this project, (b) saves project’s analysis files to the process model, follows automated and manual steps; (c) and produces analysis results. A meeting between the architect and the engineering team produced some sketches for an atrium option that extends in part to the basement and one that stops at the ground floor. The architect creates a Revit Architecture model using those sketches and has just saved the model as a node in the web-based process model shown in Figure 2. The engineers then begin using that model as the basis for their individual analysis. The lighting engineer wants to create a video of the daylight moving across the space, so the architect can see the different aesthetics of the two options. He also wants to calculate the total energy required to light the basement for the two options, so that the mechanical engineer can use this information for a preliminary energy analysis. The lighting engineer opens P.I.P. in his internet browser. He searches for “Input: Revit Architecture,” “Output: Lighting Energy Use” (Figure 2 (b) ). The search results display various projects that meet these criteria. He sees in the Process Info window (Figure 3 (b) ) that the process for the E Cubed Laboratory project has just been used twice, but that various links in the process have been copied into other projects 31 times. On average the process takes 22 hours to complete. Thinking that the process could easily be more efficient, the lighting engineer asks the community of users (Figure 3 (c) ) whether they want to pool resources and invest in automating the process (indicated by the green arrows). The lighting engineer selects the process from a previous project and copies just the process (not the information) into the Stanford GSB project (Figure 4). The lighting engineer finds another process used on a different project to produce day lighting movies, but does not attempt to automate it. He selects just the applicable parts of the process and again copies it into the Stanford GSB project (Figure 4). He then connects the new processes to the existing Revit Architecture model. The P.I.P. automatically runs software on the desktop computer to produce lighting energy output, which can then be used by the mechanical engineer for energy analysis simulations. The video making process is not automated and so, the engineer goes through each step in the process using the appropriate software. While not automated, the information created is saved to the process map, so it is easily accessible (if security privileges are granted) and understood by the entire project team. Results (shown in Figure 4 (c) ) are directly linked to the processes that produced them, so users can quickly compare options and understand the processes producing the results. The lighting analysis results can be taken by the mechanical engineer as inputs to his energy analysis as shown in Figure 2. 7 EVALUATING NARRATIVES FOR P.I.P. PROCESS SHARING REQUIREMENTS Do P.I.P. designers use more efficient and effective processes? In this section, we describe how we intend to test P.I.P. first with student charettes and then, on real projects with professional designers. In Phase 1, we observe current design processes. In Phase 2, we introduce P.I.P. to the same group of students or designers and again observe design processes. Based on observations of several student and professional design processes we have broken down design into the tasks shown in Table 3. We ask designers to track their design processes and categorize their tasks according to this list. From this list, we determine the percentage of time spent on value added tasks, which will permit the measurement of process efficiency, defined as: Efficiency = Value Added Time / Total Process Time (1) From this equation, we will compare the relative efficiency of various processes currently in practice and will measure whether P.I.P. improves efficiency. The effectiveness of the process is more difficult to measure. We take three approaches. 1. Design Options Considered: We presume wider exploration of the design space increases the likelihood of finding a better design solution. Processes that permit wide design space exploration are more effective. 2. Designer Review: We will interview designers about the quality of the results produced by the processes they follow. This interview will allow us to compare the effectiveness of various processes. 3. MACDADI: Effective processes should result in designs that better meet the goals of the designers. We will use MACDADI to score the quality of the designs produced by various processes. 12 Table 3: Breakdown of design tasks. The efficiency of the design process is evaluated based on these tasks and their corresponding assessment of value. MODEL PLAN Task Type 1 search look for best practice process and modeling methods. 2 attain obtain software, models, geometry, drawings, codes, etc. 3 strategize 4 develop 5 translate / filter identify design goals, constraints, and context and decide appropriate modeling process. create new tools and methods to faciliate design process with the intent of reuse. redefine information in a new format; simplify, regroup, or take a subset of information. 6 generate define a model of the physical world for the first time. 7 setup / preprocess 8 calculate give instruction to the computer about how to analyze the model you generated. converting inputs to outputs according to formulas, tables, graphs, etc. 9 interpret and validate 10 troubleshoot / POST-PROCESS Definition fix 11 document understand results and assess whether the simulation results are reasonable. find problems with the model, correct the problems. communicate results and design. results & design 12 document process 13 other communicate design tasks and assumptions. a task that does not fit above Examples Ask people in your office who has performed similar tasks. Google "how to perform lighting analysis using a Revit model." Look around the office for the current drawings or the CD with the right software. Ask the architect for the latest drawings. Sketch a simplified analysis model. Write out design of experiments for your simulations. Writing scripts, wrappers, or spreadsheet templates. Export model as .dwg. Import model. Select part of a building or a subsystem for export, change 3d to 2d. Assigning a beam size, a window type, defining louver configurations, defining building loads, assigning mechanical zones. Setting time steps, analysis algorithms, describing desired output, meshing. Performing hand calculations, using Excel spreadsheets, Mathcad, looking up values in tables. Comparing model results with quick calculations to check whether numbers are reasonable. Searching for the reasons behind error messages, adjusting the model to eliminate errors Take screenshots, write reports describing the final design, creating sketches, drawings, or models based on interpreting results. Write a report to your client explaining your design assumptions. Track your steps, so you remember the process in the future. N/A Value Added? No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No No N/A 13 By combining these three measurements, we can determine the relative effectiveness of processes with similar input and output, but different information flows. Again, we will measure effectiveness before and after the introduction of P.I.P. 8 CONCLUSION This paper described studies where engineers are not drastically improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their design process despite the availability of a 3d object-oriented model. A lighting engineer failed to develop an improved interoperability solution and a structural engineer failed to find an interoperability solution already in use by others. To increase the development and sharing of design processes, we develop a Process Integration Platform (P.I.P.) according to a framework of characteristics: Transparent, Usable, Incentivized, Searchable, Modular, Scalable, and Computable. We explain how this framework is used to develop a web-based collaborative process modeling tool that will allow AEC to better develop and share design process solutions. We then propose a novel method for evaluating P.I.P.’s ability to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of design processes. 9 REFERENCES [1] Eastman, C. (2007). Building information modeling. . What is BIM? Georgia Tech, AEC Integration Laboratory. November 2007. Available Online: [2] Autodesk Revit Building Information Modeling: Transitioning to BIM. Available Online: [3] Government Services Agency (2007). 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