01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia GRANTS IN PROCESS: Admin. Agency Grant Type/Amount/Info Responsible City Dept. Staff Contacts TD Bank & Arbor Day Foundation 2014 TD Green Streets Grant; (competitive); cities are eligible to win one of ten $20K grants to support local forestry projects in low to moderate income neighborhoods; submitted app for seedlings and video and booklet to educate LMI communities in Hyatt Park and Lyon Street neighborhoods on maintenance and benefits of urban forests Forestry & Beautification Hollar, Riffenburg FEMA DHS 2013 Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG); (competitive) $289M available; for equipment, training, health/safety programs & response vehicles; max available $2M; 10% match req. but CFD provided 15% match of $31,413; submitted app to purchase 45 portable radios (total project cost $209,417) Fire Department Jenkins, Cothran, Strohecker Application Status: Expected Solicitation [date] Application Due [date] Data Retrieval in Process Application Submitted [date] Expected Award Announced [date] Submitted app 12/17/2013 (due date 12/20/2013) Applicants will be notified of status by 2/20/2014 with formal announcements made 3/21/2014. ARRA Funding Awarded to date NonARRA Funding Awarded to date Submitted app for $178,004 on 12/6/2012 (due date) Award decisions to start by early February 2014 and continue for several rounds for approx. six months 1 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia AWARDS IN PROCESS &ALREADY RECEIVED: Admin. Agency Award Name/Info Responsible City Dept. Staff Contacts Award Status Application Due [date] Data Retrieval in Process Application Submitted [date] Expected Award Announced [date] Monetary Award [Y/N & amount, if applicable] MetLife Foundation 2010 Community-Police Partnership Awards/Neighborhood Revitalization; for partnerships for crime reduction & economic dev.; wrote about revitalization of Waverly neighborhood/KOBAN Police, CHDC, TN Dev. Burke, Livingston Preliminary application submitted 2/26/10 Notified 7/20/2010 we won a 1st place award! Award ceremony held 11/8/2010! Awarded $25,000 MASC 2011 Municipal Association of SC Achievement Award; to recognize and encourage innovation/excellence in local gov’t; entered revitalization of Waverly neighborhood in Public Service category Police, CHDC, TN Dev., Mayor’s Office, Council Livingston Submitted app 01/10/2011 (due date) Did oral presentation (“Mr. Rogers Talks about the Waverly Neighborhood” on 02/07/2011 Notified via phone (then letter) 02/08/2011 we won! Winner’s trophy and plaque presented at the MASC’s Annual Meeting Awards Breakfast on 6/18/2011 in Hilton Head Neighborhoods, USA 2011 Neighborhood of the Year Award; to recognize exemplary efforts in improving quality of life for neighborhoods, residents, and municipalities; entered revitalization of Waverly neighborhood project in MultiNeighborhood Partnership category CCN Watson 2012 John A. Sasso National Community Development Week Award; to recognize communities that exemplify spirit of CDBG by showcasing projects during 2012 NCD Week (4/9-14/12); Comm. Dev. submitted activities surrounding recognition of 35 years of action in Elmwood Park neighborhood & grand opening of Waters Crest Townhomes Community Development NUSA NCDA Livingston, Gray Application submitted by 02/15/2011 (due date) Notified 03/21/2011 that we were one of 4 finalists in our category! Found out at 2011 NUSA Conference Awards Luncheon in Anchorage, AK on 05/27/2011 that we won 3rd place honors! Submitted essay on 5/2/12 (due date 5/4/12) Notified 5/22/12 we won! Awards to be formerly presented at luncheon during NCDA’s 2012 Annual Conference (6/20-23/12) in Palm Springs, CA. 2 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia League of American Bicyclists Bicycle Friendly City Designation Renewal Four award levels exist—platinum, gold, silver, and bronze. The City currently has a bronze designation. To maintain or upgrade a designation, an application for renewal must be submitted every four years. Applications are reviewed in February and July each year. Planning & Development Services BPAC Fellows, Hudson, Cappuchio, Roe Submitted renewal application 2/1/2013 Notified City received a bronze renewal! NUSA Neighborhoods, USA 2013 Neighborhood of the Year Award; to recognize exemplary efforts in improving quality of life for neighborhoods, residents, and municipalities; entered “Annual Historic Elmwood Park Tour of Homes & Gardens” in Physical Revitalization/Beautification—Single Neighborhood category Elmwood Park Neighborhood Association Livingston Application submitted by 02/14/2013 (2/15/2013 due date) Notified at NUSA Conference Awards Luncheon 5/25/2013 that Elmwood Park won 1st place in the Physical Revitalization/Beautification—Single Neighborhood category!! 3 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia GRANTS ALREADY AWARDED: Admin. Agency Grant Type/Amount/Info Responsible City Dept. Staff Contacts Application Status: Expected Solicitation [date] Application Due [date] Data Retrieval in Process Application Submitted [date] Expected Award Announced [date] ARRA Funding Awarded to date NonARRA Funding Awarded to date SCDPS (ARRA) 2009 SCDPS JAG ARRA Grants (Competitive) $30M for SC; received funding for 1 CDV investigator and 1 CDV prosecutor Police Carter, Burke, Wilson 5 applications submitted 4/1/09 Notified 8/28/09 we received funding Notified 6/25/10 we received $143,254 for 2nd year funding Notified 6/3/11 we received $131,772 for 3rd year funding $179,857 for Cola. $143,254 + $131,772 for Cola. $597,483 for Cola. DOJ (ARRA) 2009 Byrne JAG ARRA Formula Allocation $597,483 for Columbia; for purchasing police equipment Police Carter, Burke, Wilson Application submitted 5/15/09 (due 5/18/09) DOJ 2009 Byrne JAG Formula Allocation $145,457 for Columbia; for purchasing police equipment Police Carter, Burke, Wilson Allocation announced 5/26/09 & application submitted 7/9/09 DOJ (ARRA) 2009 COPS ARRA Hiring Grants (Competitive) $1 billion available; will have hired all 18 officers as of 5/15/2011! Police Carter, Burke, Wilson Application submitted on 4/14/09 Notified 7/28/09 we received funding for 18 officers! DOJ 2009 Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) Solicitation; for compliant, armored vests ordered on or after 4/1/09 Police Carter, Burke, Wilson City notified 10/6/09 that we received $9,154! $9,154 for Cola. DOJ 2010 Byrne JAG Formula Allocation $130,213 for Columbia; for purchasing police equipment Police Burke, Wilson Allocation announced 04/28/10 Award letter received 08/13/10 $130,213 for Cola. $145,457 for Cola. $2,829,132 for Cola. 4 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia DOJ 2010 Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) Solicitation; for compliant, armored vests ordered on or after 4/1/10 Police Burke, Wilson City notified Oct. 2010 that we received $12,212.98! $12,212.98 for Cola. SCDPS 2010 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant; continuation of salary/ benefits for part-time marijuana analyst Police Burke, Wilson Award letter received 9/10/10 $36,339 for Cola. SCDPS 2010 Highway Safety Grant Enhance Traffic Enforcement Program; continuation of salary/benefits of 2 officers and one LIDAR speed monitoring device Police Burke, Wilson Award letter received 9/20/10 $131,920 for Cola. DOJ 2011 Byrne JAG Formula Allocation $108,248 for Columbia; for purchasing police equipment Police Wiser, Wilson, Hines, Greene Allocation announced 06/06/11 Application submitted 07/21/11 (due date) $108,248 for Cola. DOJ 2011 Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) Solicitation; for compliant, armored vests ordered on or after 4/1/11 Police Wiser, Wilson, Hines, Greene Application submitted 7/7/2011 City notified 9/21/2011 that we received $3,219.36 $3,219.36 for Cola. SCDPS 2012 Highway Safety Grant Enhance Traffic Enforcement Program; for 2 Master Police Officers and equipped patrol vehicles and various equipment for each Police Wiser, Wilson, Miller, Hines, Greene Application submitted 7/7/2011 Award letter received 9/20/2011 $228,625 for Cola. SCDPS 2012 Law Enforcement Network Grant; for Host Agency for 5th Judicial Circuit Law Enforcement Network Police Wiser, Wilson, Miller, Hines, Greene Award letter received 9/8/2011 $28,000 for Cola. DOJ 2011 COPS Hiring Grant (Competitive) $200M available; request capped at 5% of actual sworn strength; no match; requested 18 Class 3 officers Police Wiser, Hartley, Hines, Wilson Application submitted 5/25 (due date) for $2,636,352 for 18 Class 3 officers Notified 9/29/2011 that we received $732,320 for 5 Class 3 Officers!! $732,320 for Cola. 5 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia SCDPS Juvenile Justice Special 2011 Title V Grant (Competitive); $95,000 available; 4/1/129/30/12 grant period; for delinquency prevention activities; 33.3% cash/in-kind match; applying for $44,152 for summer program done through Healing Species at W. A. Perry Middle School, Gonzales Gardens, Jubilee Academy; $70,885 total project cost Police, Healing Species Santiago, McGill, Williams, Little App submitted 1/7/2012 (due date) Notified 3/28/12 we won! $44,152 for Cola. DOJ 2012 Byrnes JAG Formula Allocation $91,457 for CPD; for purchasing police equipment CPD Wiser, Wilson Allocation announced 3/27/12 Application submitted May 14, 2012 (due date) $91,457 for Cola. DOJ Smart Policing Initiative FY2011 Grant (Competitive); $10M available; $300,000 max for cities our size; for replicating, creating, or institutionalizing evidencebased policing; no match: submitted app for & will partner with USC for Integrated Data Exchange & Analysis (IDEA) project for $298,523 Police, USC Wiser, Hartley, Tripp, Caffrey, Scott, Rojek Orig. app submitted 4/21/11 (due date) Discovered 10/3/11 we weren’t selected 3/6/12 “unofficially” asked to reapply for new round of funding Notified 8/23/12 our grant was selected and fully funded! $298,523 for Cola. DOJ 2012 Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) For compliant, armored vests ordered on or after 4/1/12; 50% match required; requested 175 vests (total project cost $102,051.25) Police Wiser, Hines, Wilson Submitted app on 7/5/2012 Notified 9/12/12 that we received $8,386.50! The total project cost of $16,773 will fund about 28 vests. $8,386.50 for Cola. SCDPS 2013 Law Enforcement Network Grant; for Host Agency for 5th Judicial Circuit Law Enforcement Network Police Wilson, Martin, Miller, Hines, Uhall, Murphy Award letter received 9/25/2012 $28,000 for Cola. SCDPS 2013 Highway Safety Grant Enhance Traffic Enforcement Program (Competitive); submitted app for $138,656 for continuation funding of 2 Master Police Officers & equipment Police Miller, Wilson, Hines, Whittle Application submitted 3/1/2012 (3/2/12 due date) Notified 10/2/12 we received $132,473! $132,473 for Cola. 6 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia DOJ 2013 Byrne JAG Formula Allocation $89,626 for Columbia; for purchasing police equipment Police Santiago, Wiser, Hines, Wilson Allocation announced 5/30/2013! Application submitted 7/8/2013 (7/09/2013 due date) $89,626 for Cola. SCDPS 2014 Law Enforcement Network Grant; for Host Agency for 5th Judicial Circuit Law Enforcement Network Police Wilson, Miller, Hines, Martin Award letter received 9/16/20132 $28,000 for Cola. SCDPS 2014 Highway Safety Grant Enhance Traffic Enforcement Program (Competitive); submitted app for $122,055 for continuation funding of 2 Master Police Officers & equipment (Year 3) Police Miller, Wilson, Hines Application submitted 1/23/2013 (2/1/2013 due date) Notified 10/7/2013 we received $119,546. $119,546 for Cola. HUD (ARRA) CDBG-R (Formula) $342,783 for Columbia; for affordable housing; under direction from HUD, City will use funds for MLK neighborhood drainage project Comm. Dev. Lawton Application submitted on 06/05/09 $342,783 for Cola. HUD (ARRA) Homeless Prevention & Rapid Re-housing (HPRP) Fund (Formula) $524,731 for Columbia Comm. Dev. Lawton Application submitted on 5/18/09 Notified 7/10 that our plan was approved $524,731 for Cola. HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program Round 1 (Competitive) $44M for SC Comm. Dev. Lawton On 3/25/09, Columbia awarded $3.9M; TN Dev. Corp. awarded $1,038,350; Richland Co. awarded $2.22M $3.9M for Cola. HUD FY 2010 Community Planning and Development Program (Formula) In April 2010, HUD announced Columbia’s allocations for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnerships (HOME), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Comm. Dev. Lawton CDBG—$1,348,864 HOME—$901,929 HOPWA—$1,566,258 $3,817,051 (total) for Cola. 7 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia HUD FY 2011 Community Planning and Development Program (Formula) In April 2011, HUD announced Columbia’s allocations for CDBG, HOME, & HOPWA Comm. Dev. Livingston CDBG—$703,080* HOME—$792,484 HOPWA—$1,540,616 *Reduced by Timeliness Finding Letter $3,036,180 (total) for Cola. Wells Fargo Fndn. SC 2012 Community Development—Revitalize and Stabilize Communities Grant (Competitive); to support the improvement of low and moderate income communities; submitted app for $10,000 to offset predevelopment soft costs for planned redevelopment of Lyon Street Community TNDC Saeed $7,500 for Cola. HUD FY 2012 Community Planning and Development Program (Formula) In February 2012, HUD announced Columbia’s allocations for CDBG, HOME, & HOPWA Comm. Dev. Livingston CDBG—$868,564 HOME—$468,151 HOPWA—$1,584,363 $2,921,078 (total) for Cola. SCACDC 2012 SC Association of Community Dev. Corp. Community Impact Fund Grant (Competitive); $100K available; $20K max; for capacity-building initiatives; commercial, affordable housing, or economic dev. projects; 3-to-1 cash/in-kind match; submitted app for $9,200 for Neighborhood Services Training Program ($56,296 project cost) for Neighborhood Leadership Summit, OMG Workshop, Financial Literacy Seminars CHDC Comm. Dev. Clark, Rainwater, Saeed, Livingston Submitted app on 10/25/12 (10/26/12 due date) Notified 12/18/12 that CHDC received $4,000! $4,000 for Cola. 2013 HOME Investment Grant (Competitive); to benefit low and moderate income neighborhoods of the unincorporated areas of Richland Co.; applied for funds to tear down then reconstruct home on Chasewood Court Comm. Dev. Saeed Rec’d letter 5/28/2013 we received $69,500 in loan funds and $69,500 in HOME Investment Grant! $69,500 for Cola. Richland Co. Office of Comm. Dev. Submitted app 8/17/12 Notified 9/27/12 we received $7,500! 8 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia HUD FY 2013 Community Planning and Development Program (Formula) On 5/29/2013, HUD updated Columbia’s allocations for CDBG, HOME, & HOPWA Comm. Dev. Livingston DOT (ARRA) Columbia Area Transportation Study or COATS (Formula) $14.5M available; Columbia awarded $6.5 million towards the N. Main Street Reconstruction Phase 1B Project; additional $2.5M stimulus funding committed from the 6th Congressional District Construction Management, Planning, Utilities and Engineering Gantt, Dooley, Land, Jaco, Higgins Allocation awarded on 3/26/09 at CMCOG meeting SCDOT COATS FY2010 Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) (Competitive); for facilities for pedestrians/bicycles & landscaping/ scenic beautification; submitted app for ADA ramps and landscape medians on Main Street (Blanding to Elmwood); total project cost of $162,700 ($65,080 match) Public Works, Engineering Gentry, Higgins, Funds transferred to Vista Greenway but project pulled (match went to Phase I construction/SCPRT 2012 RTP grant) Reallocated funds (which got reduced) to Accessibility & Landscape Project on Main Street; revised app submitted 5/22/12 App approved for 2009-2015 TIP amendment/inclusion & recommended for funding in FY2012 (5/29 & 6/14/12)! $97,620 for Cola. COATS FY2012 Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) (Competitive); for facilities for pedestrians/bicycles and for landscaping and scenic beautification; $145,000 max award; two apps submitted—Mast Arms on Main Street (Blanding to Laurel) with total project cost of $300,300 & Lighting Additions for Five Points (street lights on Blossom and College) with total project cost of $241,000 Public Works, Engineering Both apps delivered on 4/13/12 (due date) 5/7/12 CMCOG requested revisions to both 5/14/12 both revised apps re-submitted Mast Arms on Main Street app approved for 2009-2015 TIP amendment/inclusion & recommended for FY2012 funding (5/29 & 6/14/12)! 5/29/12 Lighting Additions for Five Points app not selected for funding $145,000 for Cola. SCDOT Gentry, Higgins, Anderson, Five Pts. Assoc. $2,871,527 (total) for Cola. CDBG—$956,664 HOME—$493,779 HOPWA—$1,421,084 $6.5M for Cola. $2.5M additional funding ($9M total) 9 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia IRS (ARRA) Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds (Formula) $10B available; bonds that governmental entities can use for public capital projects and job training in recovery zones Merchant Capital Brent Robertson On 7/30/09, SC allocated $115.041M; Columbia sub-allocated $649,000 & Richland County sub-allocated $1.469M $649,000 for Cola. IRS (ARRA) Recovery Zone Facility Bond (Formula) $15B available; traditional tax-exempt bonds that can be used by private business in recover zones for buildings and equipment Merchant Capital Brent Robertson On 7/30/09, SC allocated $172.562M; Columbia sub-allocated $973,000 & Richland County sub-allocated $2.204M $973,000 for Cola. EPA/ DHEC (ARRA) State Diesel Emission Reduction Grants (Discretionary) Up to $1.7M for SC; and ½ for target projects and ½ of funds for competitive subgrants; City rec’d funding to retrofit 20 vehicles totaling $105,171.43; City awarded add’l $2,500 for “educational & outreach component”; will use to wrap biodiesel garbage truck & produce bumper stickers for fleet that recognize biodiesel-powered vehicles General Services, Fleet Services Knoche, Heustess On 4/16/09, SCDHEC awarded target projects City notified 7/13/09 it’s to receive funding to retrofit 20 vehicles Funding awarded 11/5/09 City awarded add’l $2,500 on 10/27/10 for “educational & outreach component” of Southern Fried Fuel Program $105,171.43 + $2,500.00 $107,671.43 for Cola. Brownfields Grants (Competitive) For Brownfields projects; our funds will be used for Gills Creek watershed area Cola. Dev. App due 4/20/09; (previously submitted app for FY2009 funds used for ARRA grant app) Notified 5/8/09 Assessment Coalition was awarded grant $750,000 for Cola. $250,000 for West Cola. All projects slated to be completed and all money set to be spent/drawn down by 12/17/12 grant end date. $1,424,100 for Cola. EPA (ARRA) Delk DOE (ARRA) EECBG (Formula) $3.2B available; $31,449,200 for SC; our allocation ($1,424,100) announced 3/26/09; application submitted 06/25/09; funds finally awarded 12/18/09; funds will be used for Energy Audit Implementation Project & Green Building Incentive Program General Services, Development Services, CPAC Knoche, Harkin, Baldauf 10 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia Gentry, Williamson, Rushman Development & Planning Services Moore, Richey, Threatt, Crick Submitted app on 2/1/2011 (deadline) Rec’d letter dated 5/16/11 stating that SHPO intends to award us $2,500! $2,500 for Cola. 2011 National Trust Preservation Funds (Competitive); for historic planning and education preservation projects; grants $2.5K-$10K; 50% match; submitted app for $2,500 ($5,000 total project cost) workshops for owners of historic homes; using Federal Historic Preservation Grant as match Development & Planning Services Moore, Richey, Threatt, Crick Submitted app on 2/1/2011 (deadline) Notified 3/28/2011 that we were not awarded grant Allowed to/did re-apply on 6/1/2011. Notified 07/13/11 that we won $1,250 from Terence L. Mills Memorial Fund (from NTHP)! $1,250 for Cola. FY2013-2014 Historic Preservation & Community Conservation Grant (Competitive); up to $50K/grant; 20% cash or in-kind match required; for various preservation/restoration projects promoting the history of Richland County; submitted app for $10,000 ($24,000 total project cost) for Granby Mill Village Stabilization Program Development & Planning Services Submitted app on 2/22/2013 (deadline) Notified 4/9/2013 that Richland County intends to award us this grant! (Final funding decisions are pending County Council fiscal meetings.) $10,000 for Cola. DOA/ SC Forestry Comm. (ARRA) Community Forest Health Enrichment through Hazard Tree Mitigation & Canopy Tree Restoration; $845,000 for SC; $35,000 award maximum; to identify, prune and/or remove hazardous trees & replace with new trees; requested funds for tree removal Public Works DOI/NPS admin by SC Archive & History thru SHPO 2011 Federal Historic Preservation Grants (competitive); for historic survey, planning, or stabilization projects; $100,000 available; grants $2.5K-$25K; 50% match; submitted app for $2,500 ($5,000 total project cost) workshops for owners of historic homes (using funds from National Trust Preservation Funds grant as match) National Trust for Historic Preservation Richland County Conserv. Comm. Threatt, Moore Application submitted 12/18/2009 for $31,865 for hazardous tree removal On 1/26/10, notified that we were awarded $24,000 for tree removal. $24,000 for Cola. 11 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia DOI/NPS admin by SC Archive & History thru SHPO 2013 Federal Historic Preservation Grants (competitive); for local historic preservation activities; $100,000 available; grants $2.5K-$25K; 50% match; submitted app for $10,000 ($20,000 total project cost) for Granby Mill Village Stabilization Program Development & Planning Services Threatt, Moore Submitted app on 2/1/2013 (deadline) Notified 5/6/2013 that SHPO intends to award us this grant! (Final funding decisions are pending obligation of funds from National Parks Service, which funds grants.) $10,000 for Cola. SCPRT 2010 Park and Recreation Development (PARD) Fund (Competitive); $20,000 max award; to develop new or enhance existing facilities; 80/20 match & County delegation endorsement; for Emily Douglas Park playground renovations ($35,000 to $40,000 total project cost); EDP Committee raised approx, $10,000 toward match; P&R Dept. looking for funds for project balance Parks & Recreation McDuffie App submitted mid August 2010 Notified 8/24/10 that we received $15,585.33! (Because of the grant maximum, the program designated the project total as $19,481.66 with $3,896.33 as the match.) $15,585.33 for Cola. SCPRT 2012 Park and Recreation Development (PARD) Fund (Competitive); $31,908.36 max allocation for Richland County; to develop new or enhance existing facilities; req. 80/20 match & county delegation endorsement; for ADA playground equipment & picnic shelters/benches in Rosewood & Valencia parks; $39,885.45 total project cost Parks & Recreation Thompson, Davis, Baker App submitted 1/4/2012 (apps due on 10th of each month) Notified 1/11/2012 we were awarded entire allocation of $31,908.36! $31,908.36 for Cola. US Soccer Foundation (Competitive) Field Grants—$100,000 max for irrigation & field maintenance equipment; applied for $91,346 to irrigate Owens Field and create fields at Southeast Park Parks & Recreation US Soccer Foundation Davis App submitted 10/9/10 (due date) Notified 1/13/2011 we won $5,000 for field irrigation systems from Hunter Industries (for Owen Field). Since USSF has a new vendor partner (Ewing Irrigation), notified 3/25/2011 we’ll receive additional $7,500 for field irrigation systems from Ewing! $5,000 + $7,500 $12,500 for Cola. 12 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia HHS/John Snow Inc. Reviving Double Dutch in Communities Initiative (Competitive); 1 project in SC to be awarded $25,000 max. to develop a model Double Dutch program that can be replicated throughout SC that motivates, educates, and empowers children to increase their fun-time physical activity levels; City aims to expand its Double Dutch program from MLK to Hyatt, Lorick, Pinhurst & Greenview parks Parks & Recreation Davis App submitted 4/1/2011 (due date) Notified 4/18/2011 that we won!! $25,000 for Cola. National Gardening Association & Home Depot 2012 Youth Garden Grants (Competitive) For youth gardening programs; five winners will receive gift cards valued at $1,000 (and 95 winners will receive $500 gift cards) for the purchase of gardening materials and supplies from Home Depot that are specific to the needs of their program Parks & Recreation Williams, Davis Application submitted on 12/12/2011 (due date) Notified 3/2/2012 that we won $500 (gift card) grant! $500 for Cola. Nat’l Rec. & Park Agency, Coca-Cola Co., & Piggly Wiggly Sprite Spark Parks Project Initiative (competitive); to refresh neighborhood parks by refurbishing 26 basketball courts across US; finalists from submitted apps were entered into an online voting contest 7/15-9/30/12; winners received up to $15,000 based on votes received Parks & Recreation App submitted 6/26/12 Online voting 7/15-9/30/12 Notified 10/4/12 we were selected for $15,000 grant Press conference/ribbon cutting held 7/24/2013 $15,000 for Cola. Scotts Miracle-Gro Company GRO1000 Grassroots Grant (Competitive); $1,500 grants (each) available to enhance and develop gardens and green spaces; submitted app for 2mile walking/biking trail at Hyatt Park as part of City’s Community Garden Program and “Let’s Get Moving Columbia” program focused in 29203 zip code. Parks & Recreation Submitted app on 2/18/2013 (due date) Notified 3/20/2013 that we won! $1,500 for Cola. Thompson Williams 13 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia Dollar General Literacy Foundation Summer Reading Grants (competitive); to fund local nonprofits or libraries to help with the implementation or expansion of summer reading programs; $3,000 max award; submitted app for Reading Rocks Summer Enrichment Program at Pinehurst and Lorick parks Parks & Recreation Thompson App submitted 2/28/2013 Notified 5/17 (email) & 5/24 (award letter) we were selected for $3,000 grant $3,000 for Cola. Foundation for the Carolinas/ Carolina Panthers Charities Challenger Flag Football League Grant (competitive); to give children and young adults with disabilities to participate in a Challenger Flag Football League; grants range from $2,000-$5,000; submitted app to start a league in Columbia Parks & Recreation Thompson App submitted on 6/7/2013 Notified 6/17/2013 we were selected for $5,000 grant $5,000 for Cola. Richland County Conserv. Comm. Community Conservation Grant (Competitive); awards range from $5,000 to $10,000; 20% cash or in-kind match required; for variety of conservation activities; submitted app for $8777.87 ($14,593.87 total project cost) for Environmental Education & Interpretive Programming for City parks Park Ranger Unit Robinson Submitted app on 1/14/2011 (deadline) Notified late 06/10/11 we won and are slated to receive $7,500!! (Grant budget was adjusted to reflect reduction in price of laptop & projector.) $7,500 for Cola. Bikes Belong Foundation Bikes Belong Facility Grant (Competitive); to fund projects that include bike paths, trails, parks, facilities, and advocacy; submitted app for paving of Vista Greenway (tunnel running from Gasden to Taylor)at Finlay Park for $10,000 (Vista Greenway Committee would provide $18,650 match) Vista Greenway Committee Cliff Spann App submitted on 4/29 (due date) Notified 06/28/11 that we won $10,000! Rec’d actual check on 07/21/11. $10,000 for Cola. 14 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia Scotts MiracleGro & US Conf of Mayors PetSmart Charities SCPRT FEMA GRO1000 Gardens and Green Spaces Grant (competitive) Five cities will be given grants for innovative projects to create a new or add to an existing garden or green space; awards are $25K—$15K cash & $10K inkind products; submitted app for green space at I126 at Greystone Blvd at zoo entrance Forestry & Beautification 2012 PetSmart Charities Targeted Spay/Neuter Program (Competitive); for programs promoting the spaying and neutering of animals; no match required but Animal Mission providing 1-to-1 match; requested $15,000 for 29201 Targeted Spay/Neuter Project (total project cost $30,000) Animal Services SCPRT 2013 & 2014 Recreational Trails Program (Competitive—soliciting for both 2013 & 2014 at this time); for recreational trails projects; $100,000 max award; 20% match; applied for $98,850.40 for Taylor Street Trail ($124,975 total project cost) and for $99,517.90 ($124,950 total project cost) for Elmwood Avenue Trail, both of which are part of Vista Greenway Utilities & Engineering DHS FY09 Preparedness Grants Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS); to improve regional mass casualty incident preparedness and response capabilities DHS/CPD Hollar Drum Higgins, Gentry Reaves Application submitted on 11/30/2011 (due date) Notified on 12/28/2011 that we were selected as one of the five cities to win $25,000!! Awards will be officially announced at USCM’s Winter Meeting on 1/19/12. $25,000 for Cola. Submitted app on 8/31/12 (due date) Notified 11/19/12 we passed to the next round of reviews! Representative stated we should hear something regarding status after Thanksgiving. Notified 11/30/12 we’re receiving $20,500 (instead of $15,000)! $20,500 for Cola. Letters of Intent submitted 4/15/2013 (due date) Attended required grant workshop 5/28 Applications submitted 7/23/13 (due date) Notified 11/6/2013 that we were not selected for funding for Elmwood Avenue Trail, BUT notified 11/6/2013 that we were awarded $98,850 for Taylor Street Trail! $98,850 for Cola. Received award letter 11/2/09 $321.221 for Cola. 15 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia FEMA/ DHS SLED FY09 Buffer Zone Protection Program; for vulnerability reduction and response capabilities in designated areas; rec’d funding for bomb squad interoperability equipment DHS/CPD Johnson Received final funding amendments/approval March 2012 $70,764 for Cola. FEMA DHS FY10 Preparedness Grants MMRS DHS/CPD Martin, Lederfind Allocation announced 7/15/10 Award letter received 11/11/2010 $317,419 for Cola. FEMA DHS FY11 Preparedness Grants MMRS DHS/CPD Martin, Hartley, Lederfind Allocation published May 2011 in Homeland Security Grants Program Guidelines $281,693 for Cola. FEMA DHS 2009 SAFER (Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response) Grants (Competitive) $210M available; for staffing fire stations—hiring new or re-hiring laid-off firefighters; submitted app to rehire 9 positions for Engine #8 ($1,430,797) Fire Department Anderson, Cothran Application originally due 12/18/2009 but extended to 1/15/2010 Submitted application on 1/15/10 Notified 4/23 that we received funding for all 9 positions applied for!! $1,430,797 for Cola. DHS 2010 Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG); (Competitive) $390M available; for equipment, training, health/safety programs & response vehicles; max available $1M; 20% match; submitted app to purchase 450 heads-up displays (HUDs) for face pieces & 5 gear extractor/dryer sets; County will split match ($42,220) with City Fire Department Presented to Council on 5/26/10 & gained approval to move forward w/app Submitted app for $211,100 on 5/28/10 (due date) Notified 12/24/10 that we received funding for all equipment applied for!! $211,100 for Cola. FEMA Jenkins, Cothran, Krusen, Tinsley 16 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia FEMA FEMA DHS 2010 SAFER Grants (Competitive) $420M available; for staffing or for recruitment/retention activities for volunteers; submitted app to hire Recruitment & Retention Coordinator & to create Marketing Plan to increase the number of volunteer firefighters DHS 2012 Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG); (competitive) $285M available; for equipment, training, health/safety programs & response vehicles; max available $1M; 20% match; submitted app to purchase 4 stationary compressors and 7 burst containers (total project cost $203,880) Fire Department Jenkins, Cothran, Helms Fire Department Jenkins, Cothran, Edmonds, Helms, Baust Submitted app for $396,080 on 9/17/10 (due date) Notified 3/11/2011 received funding for all requests & press conference held 3/28/2011 to announce award! $396,080 for Cola. Submitted app for $163,104 on 7/6/2012 (due date) Notified 8/23/2013 that we were awarded $163,104!! $163,104 for Cola. 17 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia Here is the total amount of ARRA-funded grants/allocations awarded to the City of Columbia thus far: Byrne JAG ARRA Formula Allocation SCDPS JAG ARRA Competitive Grant COPS ARRA Hiring Competitive Grant CDBG-R Formula Allocation Homeless Prevention Fund Formula Allocation Columbia Area Transportation Study Formula Allocation Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds Formula Allocation Recovery Zone Facility Bond Formula Allocation Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant (EECBG) Formula Allocation State Diesel Emission Reduction Discretionary Grant Brownfields Competitive Grant Community Forest Health Enrichment through Hazardous Tree Mitigation & Canopy Tree Restoration Grant Below are additional ARRA-funded grants/allocations awarded in the Columbia area thus far: Public Housing Fund Formula Allocation (funds awarded to Columbia Housing Authority) Community Health Center Formula Allocation (funds awarded to SCPHCA—$141,886, ECCHCI—$500,269 RCHCA—$225,210) Transit Capital Assistance Formula Allocation—Round 1 (funds awarded to CMRTA) Public Housing Capital Fund Competitive Grant (funds awarded to Columbia Housing Authority) Transit Capital Assistance Formula Allocation—Round 2 (funds awarded to CMRTA) $597,483 $179,857 $2,829,132 $342,783 $524,731 $9,000,000 $649,000 $973,000 $1,424,100 $107,671.43 $750,000 $24,000 $17,401,757.43 $5,259,694 $867,365 $5,346,374 $10,000,000 $1,155,912 $22,629,345 18 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia Here is the total amount of non-ARRA-funded grants/allocations awarded to the City of Columbia thus far: Byrne JAG 2009 Formula Allocation (for equipment) 2009 Bulletproof Vest Partnership 2009 Neighborhood Stabilization Program (Round 1) 2009 DHS Preparedness Grant (Metropolitan Medical Response (MMRS) 2009 SLED Buffer Zone Protection Program (for bomb squad interoperability equip. *unallocated funds awarded 2012) FY 2010 Community Planning and Development Program Formula Allocations 2009 FEMA SAFER (for 9 firefighters) Byrne JAG 2010 Formula Allocation (for equipment) 2010 SCDPS JAG Competitive Grant (2nd year of CDV prosecutor/investigator grant) MetLife Foundation 2010 Community-Police Partnership Award/Neighborhood Revitalization Award 2010 SCPRT PARD (for Emily Douglas Park renovations) 2010 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant (for PT marijuana analyst) 2010 HSG Enhance Traffic Enforcement Program (for 2 officers and LIDAR speed monitoring device) 2010 DHS Preparedness Grant (Metropolitan Medical Response (MMRS) 2010 Bulletproof Vest Partnership 2010 FEMA AFG (for HUDs and gear extractor and dryer units) 2010 US Soccer Foundation Field Grant (for irrigation systems for Owens Field) 2010 FEMA SAFER (for Volunteer Recruiting& Retention Coordinator/Marketing Plan ) FY 2011 Community Planning and Development Program Formula Allocations Reviving Double Dutch in Communities Initiative (to expand City’s program to 4 other parks) 2011 DHS Preparedness Grant (Metropolitan Medical Response (MMRS) 2011 SCDPS JAG Competitive Grant (3rd year of CDV prosecutor/investigator grant) Byrne JAG 2011 Formula Allocation (for equipment) 2011 Federal Historic Preservation Grant (for historic homes workshops) Community Conservation Grant (for environmental education & interpretive programming for City parks) Bikes Belong Facility Grant (for paving under Gadsden Street Tunnel in Vista Greenway Project) National Trust Preservation Funds/Terence L. Mills Memorial Fund (for historic homes workshops) 2011 Bulletproof Vest Partnership 2012 HSG Enhance Traffic Enforcement Program (for 2 officers and vehicles/equipment for each) 2012 Law Enforcement Network Grant (for hosting agency for 5th Judicial Circuit LEN) 2011 COPS Hiring Competitive Grant (for 5 Class 3 Officers) GRO1000 Gardens & Green Spaces Grant (for I126/Greystone Blvd Interchange Beautification Project) $145,457 $9,154 $3,900,000 $321,221 $70,764 $3,817,051 $1,430,797 $130,213 $143,254 $25,000 $15,585.33 $36,339 $131,920 $317,419 $12,212.98 $211,100 $12,500 $396,080 $3,036,180 $25,000 $281,693 $131,772 $108,248 $2,500 $7,500 $10,000 $1,250 $3,219.36 $228,625 $28,000 $732,320 $25,000 19 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia 2012 SCPRT PARD (for Rosewood & Valencia parks’ improvements) $31,908.36 2012 Youth Garden Grants (for gardening materials and supplies for Youth Garden Program) $500 FY 2012Community Planning and Development Program Formula Allocations $2,921,078 Juvenile Justice Special 2011 Title V Grant (for delinquency prevention summer program) $44,152 Byrne JAG 2012 Formula Allocation (for equipment) $91,457 2012 COATS TEP (Mast Arms on Main Street) $145,000 2010 COATS TEP (Accessibility and Landscape Project on Main Street) $97,620 FY2011 Smart Policing Initiative (IDEA Project) $298,523 2013 Law Enforcement Network Grant (for hosting agency for 5th Judicial Circuit LEN) $28,000 2012 Bulletproof Vest Partnership $8,386.50 2013 HSG Enhance Traffic Enforcement Program (continuation for 2 officers and equipment for each) $132,473 2012 Wells Fargo Foundation Community Development Grant (for Lyon Street Community pre-development soft costs) $7,500 Sprite Spark Parks Project Initiative (for St. Anna’s Park basketball courts) $15,000 2012 PetSmart Charities Targeted Spay/Neuter Program (29201 Targeted Spay/Neuter Project) $20,500 2012 SCACDC CIF Grant (for Neighborhood Services Training Program) $4,000 2013 GRO1000 Grassroots Grant (for walking/biking trail at Hyatt Park) $1,500 FY 2013 Community Planning and Development Program Formula Allocations $2,871,527 Historic Preservation & Community Conservation Grant (for Granby Mill Village Stabilization Program) $10,000 2013 Federal Historic Preservation Grant (for Granby Mill Village Stabilization Program) $10,000 2013 Richland County HOME Investment Grant (demolish/reconstruct Chasewood Ct. property) $69,500 Dollar General Literacy Foundation Summer Reading Grant (for Reading Rocks at Pinehurst & Lorick parks) $3,000 Byrne JAG 2013 Formula Allocation (for equipment) $89,626 Challenger Flag Football League Grant (to begin league in Columbia) $5,000 2012 FEMA AFG (4 stationary containers & 7 burst containers) $163,104 2014 Law Enforcement Network Grant (for hosting agency for 5th Judicial Circuit LEN) $28,000 2014 HSG Enhance Traffic Enforcement Program (continuation for 2 officers and equipment for each—Year 3) $119,546 2013 SCPRT Recreational Trails Program Grant (for Taylor St. Trail of Vista Greenway) $98,850 $23,063,125.53 20 01/06/2014 Status/Updates of Grants City of Columbia Here is the total amount of non-ARRA-funded grants/allocations applied for (i.e. pending) by the City of Columbia thus far: 2013 FEMA AFG (45 portable radios) 2014 TD Green Streets Grant (education program & seedlings for Hyatt Park & Lyon Street neighborhoods) $178,004 $20,000 $198,004 21