Annex – 9.0 Agenda Item # 9.0 “Tapping of Uravakonda- Jammalamadagu D/c Quad line with Gooty –Madhugiri 400kV D/c line” 1 2 3 4 5 APTRANSCo letter dated 14.11.2014 Tapping Proposal Base Case with Gooty wind injection Outage of Gooty Somanhally N-1 of Kurnool- Thiruvalam 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 32822 SOLPR8 537 -125 518028 KURL800 537 528003 RAIC800 -536 782 -125 766 -42 9 -91 -781 37 -485 270 9 -91 514023 MAHABUB4 -536 0 1 380 37 244 -174 -198 524013 RAIC-NEW -1 400 -48 1 380 -145 -81 524003 RAIC 199 10 -174 783 -47 145 84 0 -145 145 1 113 -81 84 11 642 524002 MNRB -198 -28 -88 82 28 -28 -88 82 771 -45 514028 KURL-NEW -1 524083 YERAMARUS 24 -24 0 42 -47 0 39 24 -24 173 199 -41 -57 0 1 57 514013 KURNOOL4 -10 -177 20 398 -50 524082 BELLARY 524044 HIRY4 -391 28 173 -11 42 404 -48 -57 401 -46 -47 0 -391 395 54 -50 391 -53 19 514005 VIJW 518093 NELL-POL 63 19 36 -36 -45 -38 401 -48 -173 514133 URVKND 200 900 -20 73 400 -13 400 -46 -32 -22 200 -199 -62 187 -62 405 -40 0 -9 9 2 -95R -48 400 -46 522003 RAIC 608 -224 116 -40 10 -65 -199 -25 10 -66 75 10 512008 GOOT 84 -373 10 122 1 400 -46 40 220 -51 -73 -0 524076 TORNGL4 512 -66 373 1 135 -67 40 82 401 -401 401 -400 -85 138 406 -48 -148 -85 -75 404 -47 -128 23 75 404 -47 -24 -185 514997 FSC-2 514008 GOOT 524084 YELAHNKA 1 406 -48 -20 -471 -185 -68 -20 404 514996 -43 FSC-1 0 544087 TIRUVLM 240 548087 TIRUVLM -83 -239 -379 -562 240 -48 -180 -106 -83 -239 -379 216 -48 0 407 -42 -180 -39 -379 216 -43 55 0 -39 406 -48 -379 379 250 379 1 524098 MADHUGI4 544086 MALEKTT -56 544041 METTUR4 524 -280 -150L -43 18 -56 56 -81 401 -53 18 -111 281 -111 400 -60 281 544002 MADR -215 -215 282 -80 -281 13 -51 37 -13 282 56 -56 406 -58 -80 542069 TRVM 58 -433 524011 KOLAR 0 -255 1 -1146 780 -51 -51 544151 PALAVADI4 -281 56 -56 -280 55 56 -81 1 400 0 514103 NELLORE-AP -24 1 522098 MADHUGIR -3 128 0 400 -46 400 0 -0 280 -128 23 198 -66 553 -150 128 41 522084 YELAH220 -147 514090 MENAK-OA -122 122 562 -38 431 779 -48 401 471 22 1200 514089 SIMHP-OA 514019 NELLORE4 -400 82 -510 67 9 -71 -40 -71 138 -25 28 -73 211 -57 40 25 -9 25 -431 224 220 0 -9 -165 400 0 -173 -39 -48 -62 -165 514093 NEL-POOL -32 187 -9 404 -48 19 1 2 115 395 -50 0 -184 383 -57 1 -71 433 12 514024 CHITOR 72 31 -39 12 1 19 -75 229 -57 114 -71 72 257 12 -39 406 -52 131 406 -52 -84 -31 -70 402 -53 32822 SOLPR8 547 -125 518028 KURL800 15 547 528003 RAIC800 -545 848 -125 766 -42 -90 -847 38 -467 257 15 -90 514023 MAHABUB4 -545 0 1 411 38 244 -168 -206 524013 RAIC-NEW -2 400 -48 -5 411 -121 -73 524003 RAIC 206 9 -168 782 -48 121 74 0 -121 121 1 113 -73 74 12 642 524002 MNRB -217 -6 -78 72 6 -6 -78 72 771 -46 514028 KURL-NEW 524083 YERAMARUS 5 24 -24 0 41 -46 0 17 24 -24 -9 41 404 -48 -46 127 218 -38 -56 0 1 57 514013 KURNOOL4 -9 -154 20 397 -51 524082 BELLARY 524044 HIRY4 -427 6 127 -56 400 -47 0 -427 433 54 -60 389 -54 39 514005 VIJW 518093 NELL-POL 26 21 25 -25 -44 -39 401 -48 -127 514133 URVKND 200 900 26 9 400 -8 400 -46 -36 -24 200 -15 191 -164 -60 400 0 -127 -17 -47 405 -41 0 -15 15 -199 -26 116 -40 40 9 -68 -9 -15 15 -73 -40 40 2 -94R -47 400 -46 522003 RAIC 608 -230 -199 9 9 -65 -9 -431 230 76 11 512008 GOOT 84 -392 11 122 1 400 -47 40 220 -52 -9 -6 524076 TORNGL4 397 -65 392 1 28 -70 211 -57 138 51 440 80 440 -401 401 -440 -83 137 405 -48 -148 -83 -25 141 86 0 1 400 -46 -141 24 75 403 -47 -25 -189 514997 FSC-2 514008 GOOT 405 -49 -21 -189 524084 YELAHNKA 522084 YELAH220 -21 404 514996 -43 FSC-1 0 1 548087 TIRUVLM -255 -410 -681 257 -47 -181 -182 -81 -255 -410 231 -47 412 -40 -181 -40 -410 231 -43 57 0 -40 406 -49 -410 410 249 410 1 524098 MADHUGI4 544086 MALEKTT -64 400 0 522098 MADHUGIR 544041 METTUR4 524 -295 -135R -43 10 -64 64 -73 401 -54 10 -104 296 -104 400 -62 296 544002 MADR -230 -230 298 -82 -296 15 -47 29 -15 298 50 -50 405 -59 -82 542069 TRVM 58 -437 524011 KOLAR 0 -313 1 -1117 779 -52 -47 544151 PALAVADI4 -296 50 -50 -295 57 64 -73 1 400 0 544087 TIRUVLM 257 -81 0 195 -68 -3 -75 403 -47 -141 24 -0 280 514103 NELLORE-AP 681 -28 553 514090 MENAK-OA -122 122 141 -60 431 -147 -150 514019 NELLORE4 -440 80 -396 514089 SIMHP-OA 778 -48 -73 138 9 1200 220 0 -60 -164 514093 NEL-POOL -36 191 -15 404 -48 39 1 2 115 433 -60 0 -199 378 -59 1 -82 437 12 514024 CHITOR 82 35 -39 5 111 -82 82 317 12 -39 405 -53 161 405 -54 -35 -64 402 -54 1 19 -72 229 -58 -76 32822 SOLPR8 541 -110 518028 KURL800 65 541 528003 RAIC800 -539 710 -110 763 -42 -113 -709 23 -339 120 65 -113 514023 MAHABUB4 -539 0 1 23 241 -212 524013 RAIC-NEW -2 400 -48 10 568 -184 -23 524003 RAIC 212 1 -142 774 -48 184 26 0 -184 184 1 113 -23 26 13 642 524002 MNRB -206 -9 -28 21 9 -9 -28 21 767 -46 514028 KURL-NEW -10 524083 YERAMARUS 26 -26 0 38 -44 0 38 26 -26 193 -40 -55 0 1 57 514013 KURNOOL4 -1 -56 208 21 398 -51 524082 BELLARY 524044 HIRY4 -396 9 193 -11 38 404 -48 -55 400 -47 -44 0 -396 400 54 -53 391 -53 23 514005 VIJW 518093 NELL-POL 60 19 24 -24 -44 -39 400 -49 -193 514133 URVKND 200 900 -12 75 400 -14 400 -46 -32 -22 200 187 -54 405 -41 0 -65 65 -199 -60 115 -15 15 2 -65 20 -65 65 -199 -20 -82 -15 15 2 -79R -39 400 -47 522003 RAIC 608 -229 2 -54 20 -431 229 75 10 512008 GOOT 84 -376 10 122 1 400 -47 40 220 -52 -75 -0 524076 TORNGL4 511 -54 376 1 28 -71 211 -58 134 51 -51 462 96 462 -401 401 -462 -98 137 403 -48 -148 1 -147 20 74 401 -47 -20 -185 514997 FSC-2 514008 GOOT 524084 YELAHNKA 1 403 -49 -28 -481 -185 -74 -28 404 514996 -43 FSC-1 0 544087 TIRUVLM 267 -78 267 -47 -113 -78 -265 233 -47 407 -42 548087 TIRUVLM -265 -573 0 -566 -174 -47 -283 233 41 -34 0 -47 403 -49 -283 283 242 41 -34 283 1 524098 MADHUGI4 544086 MALEKTT -48 400 0 522098 MADHUGIR 544041 METTUR4 524 -275 -124R -9 -48 48 -54 401 -54 -9 -95 276 544002 MADR -231 -39 544151 PALAVADI4 -276 -231 277 40 -40 -275 769 -53 48 -54 1 400 0 -75 401 -47 -20 0 400 -46 197 -67 -3 147 45 522084 YELAH220 514103 NELLORE-AP -147 20 0 280 147 573 -20 553 514090 MENAK-OA -122 122 -98 481 26 431 -147 -150 514019 NELLORE4 -462 96 -509 514089 SIMHP-OA 772 -48 -82 138 -20 1200 220 0 -65 -137 400 0 -193 -38 -39 -54 -137 514093 NEL-POOL -32 187 -65 403 -48 23 1 2 115 400 -53 0 -95 -39 -4 11 -95 400 -61 276 -276 40 -40 405 -59 -95 542069 TRVM 58 -421 524011 KOLAR 0 -231 1 -1138 4 277 -172 382 -58 1 -102 421 -1 514024 CHITOR 102 26 -25 -6 1 19 -60 228 -59 97 -102 234 -1 102 -25 403 -54 115 403 -54 -58 -26 -53 401 -54 Annex – 10.0 Agenda Item # 10.0 “YTPS- Providing start-up power for Boiler light up and commissioning activities of unit 1” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Minutes of 3rd Feb, 2015 meeting at Raichur reg Start up power for Yermarus TPS Yermarus Map Study-Exhibit- Base case without Yermarus Base case_N-1 of Kurnool- Thiruvalum Base Case_Outage of Gooty-Somanhally Case 1_with Yermarus Case 1_ N-1 of Kurnool- Thiruvalum Case 1_ Outage of Gooty-Somanhally 12 Pages 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page START UP POWER AND POWER EVACUATION 32822 SOLPR8 538 -126 518028 KURL800 -1 538 528003 RAIC800 -536 739 -126 1.0 766 -91 -737 37 -489 271 -1 -91 514023 MAHABUB4 -536 0 1 370 37 244 -175 -153 524013 RAIC-NEW 0 1.0 400 -1 370 -167 -82 524003 RAIC 153 10 -175 1.0 783 167 85 0 -167 167 1 113 -82 85 7 642 524002 MNRB -201 -48 -91 84 48 -48 -91 84 1.0 771 514028 KURL-NEW 524083 YERAMARUS 1 10 -10 0 41 -47 0 89 10 -10 214 202 -41 -59 0 1 57 514013 KURNOOL4 -10 -189 21 1.0 398 524082 BELLARY 524044 HIRY4 -385 48 214 -14 41 1.0 405 -59 1.0 401 -47 0 -385 390 55 -50 1.0 391 17 514005 VIJW 518093 NELL-POL 146 15 24 -24 -44 -39 1.0 401 -214 900 -214 -88 1.0 405 0 1 -1 -146 116 -40 40 -58 56 1 -1 -56 -73 -40 40 2 522003 RAIC 608 -215 512008 GOOT 82 -335 215 77 9 9 1 27 -74 1.0 212 1.0 400 40 1.0 220 -96 -64 56 -431 125 -64 524076 TORNGL4 555 75 2 -72 359 80 359 -401 401 -359 -83 138 1.0 406 -148 1 -109 20 75 1.0 404 -20 -207 514997 FSC-2 514008 GOOT 524084 YELAHNKA 1.0 406 -15 -452 -207 -62 -15 1.0 514996 404 FSC-1 544087 TIRUVLM 241 548087 TIRUVLM -84 -240 -369 -539 241 -48 -180 -98 -84 -240 -369 216 -48 0 1 0 1.0 406 -180 -38 -369 216 -44 55 0 -38 1.0 406 -369 369 250 369 1 524098 MADHUGI4 544086 MALEKTT -55 1.0 400 522098 MADHUGIR 544041 METTUR4 524 -282 -150L -44 19 -55 55 -83 1.0 401 19 -111 283 -111 1.0 400 283 544002 MADR -214 -214 284 -79 -283 12 -51 38 -12 284 56 -56 1.0 406 -79 542069 TRVM 58 -425 524011 KOLAR 0 -265 1 -1146 1.0 781 -51 544151 PALAVADI4 -283 56 -56 -282 55 55 -83 1 1.0 400 -75 1.0 404 -20 0 1.0 400 0.9 198 -3 109 38 522084 YELAH220 514103 NELLORE-AP -109 539 -42 -0 280 109 20 1200 553 514090 MENAK-OA -122 122 -83 452 20 431 -147 -150 514019 NELLORE4 -359 80 -552 514089 SIMHP-OA 1.0 779 -73 138 335 -56 1 122 1.0 220 210 -61 -27 -18 -15 1.0 400 1 -165 1.0 400 -24 96 -61 -165 514093 NEL-POOL -27 210 1 1.0 404 17 1 2 115 390 -50 0 -183 1.0 383 1 -84 425 12 514024 CHITOR 84 33 -39 13 1 19 -75 1.0 230 112 -84 84 268 12 -39 1.0 406 131 1.0 407 -86 -33 -72 1.0 402 32822 SOLPR8 541 -110 518028 KURL800 54 541 528003 RAIC800 -539 668 -110 1.0 763 -112 -667 24 -343 121 54 -112 514023 MAHABUB4 -539 0 1 24 241 -166 524013 RAIC-NEW -1 1.0 400 8 552 -205 -24 524003 RAIC 166 1 -144 1.0 774 205 27 0 -205 205 1 113 -24 27 9 642 524002 MNRB -209 -29 -28 22 29 -29 -28 22 1.0 767 514028 KURL-NEW -8 524083 YERAMARUS 13 -13 0 38 -43 0 88 13 -13 234 -41 -55 0 1 57 514013 KURNOOL4 -1 -62 211 21 1.0 398 524082 BELLARY 524044 HIRY4 -390 29 234 -13 38 1.0 404 -55 1.0 400 -43 0 -390 395 54 -53 1.0 391 21 514005 VIJW 518093 NELL-POL 144 16 12 -12 -43 -40 1.0 400 -233 900 -233 -87 1.0 405 0 -54 54 2 115 -15 16 -59 51 -54 54 -51 -83 -15 16 -144 522003 RAIC 608 -220 512008 GOOT 82 -338 220 77 10 10 1 27 -72 1.0 211 1.0 400 40 1.0 220 -98 -53 51 -431 123 -53 524076 TORNGL4 553 53 2 -50 419 94 419 -401 401 -418 -97 137 1.0 403 -148 1 -127 16 74 1.0 401 -16 -207 514997 FSC-2 514008 GOOT 524084 YELAHNKA 1 1.0 404 -23 -462 -207 -67 -23 1.0 514996 404 FSC-1 0 544087 TIRUVLM 266 -78 266 -47 -104 -78 -265 232 -47 1.0 406 548087 TIRUVLM -265 -549 0 -550 -176 -46 -275 232 40 -33 0 -46 1.0 404 -275 275 242 40 -33 275 1 524098 MADHUGI4 544086 MALEKTT -48 1.0 400 522098 MADHUGIR 544041 METTUR4 524 -277 -124R -8 -48 48 -55 1.0 401 -8 -95 277 544002 MADR -230 -39 544151 PALAVADI4 -277 -230 279 40 -40 -277 1.0 769 48 -55 1 1.0 400 -75 1.0 401 -16 0 1.0 400 0.9 198 -3 127 41 522084 YELAH220 514103 NELLORE-AP -127 549 -18 0 280 127 16 1200 553 514090 MENAK-OA -122 122 -97 462 23 431 -147 -150 514019 NELLORE4 -418 94 -551 514089 SIMHP-OA 1.0 772 -83 138 338 -51 1 122 1.0 220 210 -53 -29 -18 -16 1.0 400 -54 -138 1.0 400 -16 98 -53 -138 514093 NEL-POOL -29 210 -54 1.0 404 21 1 2 115 395 -53 0 -94 -39 -5 12 -95 1.0 400 277 -277 40 -40 1.0 405 -94 542069 TRVM 58 -413 524011 KOLAR 0 -243 1 -1138 5 279 -170 1.0 382 1 -113 413 -2 514024 CHITOR 113 28 -25 -5 1 19 -60 1.0 228 95 -113 245 -2 113 -25 1.0 403 115 1.0 403 -59 -28 -54 1.0 401 32822 SOLPR8 546 -125 518028 KURL800 546 528003 RAIC800 -545 802 -125 766 -42 4 -90 -800 38 -472 259 4 -90 514023 MAHABUB4 -545 0 1 399 38 244 -169 -160 524013 RAIC-NEW -0 400 -48 -7 399 -144 -74 524003 RAIC 160 9 -169 782 -48 144 76 0 -144 144 1 113 -74 76 8 642 524002 MNRB -219 -26 -82 76 26 -26 -82 76 771 -46 514028 KURL-NEW 524083 YERAMARUS 7 10 -10 0 40 -46 0 67 10 -10 170 221 -38 -58 0 1 57 514013 KURNOOL4 -9 -168 20 397 -51 524082 BELLARY 524044 HIRY4 -420 26 170 -12 40 405 -48 -58 400 -47 -46 0 -420 426 54 -60 389 -54 37 514005 VIJW 518093 NELL-POL 111 17 14 -14 -43 -40 401 -49 -170 900 -170 -67 214 -59 405 -40 -31 -20 -10 400 -46 -4 -165 400 0 21 35 0 -4 4 2 522003 RAIC 608 -222 512008 GOOT 82 -354 222 78 10 10 1 220 -52 -35 -4 116 -41 -61 24 -4 4 -24 -74 -41 41 -63 24 -431 127 -63 524076 TORNGL4 444 60 78 397 -401 401 -397 -81 138 405 -48 -148 -81 514103 NELLORE-AP -75 403 -47 -121 -121 21 75 404 -47 -21 -211 514997 FSC-2 514008 GOOT 406 -48 -16 -211 524084 YELAHNKA -16 400 514996 0 FSC-1 0 1 548087 TIRUVLM -255 -398 -654 256 -47 -182 -171 -81 -255 -398 230 -47 411 -41 -182 -40 -398 230 -44 57 0 -40 406 -48 -398 398 249 398 1 524098 MADHUGI4 544086 MALEKTT -63 -136R -44 11 -63 63 -74 401 -54 11 -104 297 -104 400 -61 297 544002 MADR -228 -228 299 -81 -297 13 -47 30 -13 299 51 -51 405 -59 -81 542069 TRVM 58 -429 524011 KOLAR 0 -321 1 -1118 779 -51 -47 544151 PALAVADI4 -297 51 -51 -297 57 63 -74 1 400 0 544087 TIRUVLM 256 -81 0 544041 METTUR4 524 -297 -3 -21 1 522098 MADHUGIR -0 280 121 0 400 -46 400 0 553 514090 MENAK-OA -122 122 21 82 195 -68 -147 -150 397 654 522084 YELAH220 431 778 -48 121 -66 -33 514089 SIMHP-OA 514019 NELLORE4 -397 78 -442 1200 41 -74 138 354 -24 27 -71 212 -57 400 -47 40 -111 1 122 220 0 -59 -165 514093 NEL-POOL -31 214 -4 404 -48 37 1 2 115 426 -60 0 -197 378 -59 1 -93 429 12 514024 CHITOR 93 37 -38 6 109 -93 93 325 12 -38 405 -53 161 406 -53 -37 -65 402 -53 1 19 -72 229 -58 -78 32822 SOLPR8 548 -119 518028 KURL800 30 548 528003 RAIC800 -546 900 -119 765 -43 -75 -898 33 -429 223 30 -75 514023 MAHABUB4 -546 0 1 416 33 243 -167 -213 524013 RAIC-NEW -2 400 -48 524003 RAIC 213 5 416 -96 96 -59 60 0 -96 96 113 -59 60 11 -167 779 -48 1 13 642 524002 MNRB -287 442 -71 -219 -39 33 219 -219 -39 33 769 -46 524083 YERAMARUS -30 -31 0 1 57 0 -436 442 54 12 -12 720 47 -53 -96 90 12 -12 315 -31 400 -46 -588 44 -16 47 402 -49 589 -29 514013 KURNOOL4 -11 315 -53 -45 149 10 398 -50 -314 900 514005 VIJW 518093 NELL-POL -44 209 -51 404 -40 114 0 -30 30 2 114 -55 55 -52 56 -30 30 -56 -76 -55 55 -148 522003 RAIC 608 -290 512008 GOOT 82 -344 290 119 17 17 1 27 -68 211 -58 400 -46 43 220 -53 -147 -58 56 -431 524076 TORNGL4 496 -13 7 11 -121 118 390 -401 401 -390 -121 137 403 -49 -148 510 514103 NELLORE-AP -9 619 83 118 94 0 1 400 -48 514997 FSC-2 401 -48 -9 1 403 -49 -24 -510 -207 -123 -24 406 514996 -44 FSC-1 0 544087 TIRUVLM 251 548087 TIRUVLM -89 -249 -415 -619 251 -38 -178 -176 -89 -249 -415 227 -38 0 409 -43 -178 -51 -415 227 -41 55 0 -51 403 -49 -415 415 247 415 1 524098 MADHUGI4 544086 MALEKTT -65 400 0 522098 MADHUGIR 544041 METTUR4 524 -296 -109R -41 -1 -65 65 -61 401 -55 -1 -96 297 -96 400 -62 297 544002 MADR -225 -225 299 -89 -297 16 -35 21 -16 299 43 -43 405 -60 -89 542069 TRVM 58 -430 524011 KOLAR 0 -322 1 -1091 776 -52 -35 544151 PALAVADI4 -297 43 -43 -296 55 65 -61 1 400 0 8 -207 524084 YELAHNKA 192 -70 -118 74 514008 GOOT 522084 YELAH220 -3 -75 401 -48 -118 8 1200 0 280 118 68 553 514090 MENAK-OA -122 122 390 118 -495 431 -147 -150 514019 NELLORE4 -390 121 -58 514089 SIMHP-OA 773 -49 -76 138 344 -56 1 131 220 0 -30 -178 0 -44 -15 -20 400 -47 -51 -178 400 -45 -314 -90 209 -30 514093 NEL-POOL 60 147 2 401 -49 -52 1 0 114 131 54 53 -71 387 -55 514028 KURL-NEW -5 23 289 23 396 -52 524082 BELLARY -130 524044 HIRY4 -436 219 -216 374 -60 1 -86 430 14 514024 CHITOR 86 38 -40 -2 1 19 -66 228 -59 104 -86 86 326 14 -40 404 -54 185 404 -54 -68 -38 -57 401 -54 32822 SOLPR8 551 -107 518028 KURL800 93 551 528003 RAIC800 -550 822 -107 762 -43 -106 -821 22 -305 95 93 -106 514023 MAHABUB4 -550 0 1 22 240 -227 524013 RAIC-NEW -2 400 -49 524003 RAIC 228 14 622 -139 4 -130 771 -48 139 -9 11 0 -139 139 1 113 -9 11 14 642 524002 MNRB -296 447 -73 -198 13 -19 198 -198 13 -19 765 -46 524083 YERAMARUS -28 -28 0 1 57 0 -441 447 58 15 -15 720 44 -50 -96 89 15 -15 337 -28 400 -47 -576 43 -15 44 401 -49 577 -27 514013 KURNOOL4 -4 337 299 -50 -44 146 10 398 -51 -335 900 514005 VIJW 518093 NELL-POL -43 210 -47 404 -41 114 0 -92 92 2 114 -19 20 -53 50 -93 93 -50 -80 -19 20 -146 522003 RAIC 608 -296 512008 GOOT 82 -347 296 119 17 17 1 27 -66 210 -59 400 -47 43 220 -53 -148 -54 50 -431 524076 TORNGL4 495 -28 7 27 -108 106 458 -401 401 -458 -108 92 401 -50 -103 520 630 100 99 1 -140 13 73 400 -48 -14 -208 514997 FSC-2 524084 YELAHNKA 1 402 -50 -27 -520 -208 -130 -27 406 514996 -45 FSC-1 0 544087 TIRUVLM 280 -77 280 -43 -184 -77 -278 246 -43 409 -43 548087 TIRUVLM -278 -630 0 -619 -172 -52 -309 246 42 -34 0 -52 402 -50 -309 309 240 42 -34 309 1 524098 MADHUGI4 544086 MALEKTT -56 400 0 -24 -56 544041 METTUR4 524 -291 -82 -24 292 -243 -30 544151 PALAVADI4 -292 -243 293 28 -28 -291 544002 MADR 56 -39 400 -56 1 -77R 765 -54 56 -39 522098 MADHUGIR 400 0 -22 400 -49 -14 514008 GOOT 191 -71 -12 140 0 400 -48 522084 YELAH220 514103 NELLORE-AP -140 13 1200 9 280 140 73 553 514090 MENAK-OA -122 122 458 106 -493 431 -104 -116 514019 NELLORE4 -458 120 -54 514089 SIMHP-OA 769 -49 -80 95 347 -50 1 131 220 0 -93 -141 0 -43 -15 -20 400 -48 -47 -141 400 -45 -335 -88 210 -93 514093 NEL-POOL 69 148 2 401 -49 -52 1 0 113 143 58 53 -73 386 -56 514028 KURL-NEW -14 130 24 396 -53 524082 BELLARY -142 524044 HIRY4 -441 198 -103 -30 -3 -3 -82 400 -63 292 -292 28 -28 404 -61 -103 542069 TRVM 58 -418 524011 KOLAR 0 -297 1 -1084 3 293 -208 372 -61 1 -119 418 -1 514024 CHITOR 119 32 -25 -16 1 19 -54 227 -60 90 -119 301 -1 119 -25 401 -55 171 401 -55 -45 -32 -42 400 -55 32822 SOLPR8 561 -119 518028 KURL800 37 561 528003 RAIC800 -560 975 -119 764 -43 -76 -973 35 -409 210 37 -76 514023 MAHABUB4 -560 0 1 450 35 242 -158 -221 524013 RAIC-NEW -3 400 -49 524003 RAIC 222 -2 450 -72 72 -48 49 0 -72 72 113 -48 49 9 -158 777 -49 1 14 642 524002 MNRB -308 482 -85 -194 -33 27 194 -194 -33 27 768 -47 524083 YERAMARUS 0 -475 482 82 2 -24 -36 0 1 57 12 -12 720 46 -52 -96 66 12 -12 266 -36 400 -47 -577 43 -16 46 402 -49 578 -27 514013 KURNOOL4 -9 266 -52 -44 109 9 398 -50 -265 900 514005 VIJW 518093 NELL-POL -44 -37 214 -176 -49 0 404 -41 114 -44 -16 -14 400 -48 0 -37 37 2 114 -53 54 -54 20 -37 37 -20 -80 -53 54 -109 522003 RAIC 608 -298 512008 GOOT 82 -365 298 121 18 18 1 27 -66 211 -59 400 -47 43 220 -54 -78 -56 20 -431 524076 TORNGL4 370 434 -401 401 -113 131 402 -50 -142 111 132 0 7 -113 -433 -18 748 85 162 514103 NELLORE-AP -65 400 -49 -12 1 -132 12 73 400 -49 -12 -211 514997 FSC-2 514008 GOOT 402 -50 -24 -211 524084 YELAHNKA -24 406 514996 -44 FSC-1 0 1 544087 TIRUVLM 268 -267 -449 -748 268 -39 -181 -283 -84 -267 -449 244 -39 416 -42 -181 -51 -449 244 -41 58 0 -51 402 -50 -449 449 245 449 1 524098 MADHUGI4 544086 MALEKTT -75 400 0 -41 -86 -12 315 -86 400 -64 315 -242 317 -93 -315 18 -31 11 -18 317 34 -34 404 -61 -93 542069 TRVM 58 -435 524011 KOLAR 0 -383 1 -1051 -242 -31 544151 PALAVADI4 -315 34 -34 -314 544002 MADR 75 -51 400 -56 1 -64R 774 -53 -12 -75 544041 METTUR4 524 -314 58 75 -51 522098 MADHUGIR 400 0 548087 TIRUVLM -84 0 187 -73 -8 132 0 400 -48 522084 YELAH220 5 280 -132 12 1200 553 514090 MENAK-OA -122 122 434 111 -369 431 -142 -150 514019 NELLORE4 -433 126 -56 514089 SIMHP-OA 772 -49 -80 133 365 -20 1 131 220 0 -49 -176 400 -46 -265 -66 214 -37 514093 NEL-POOL 124 78 2 401 -49 -52 1 0 114 142 82 52 -85 384 -57 514028 KURL-NEW 41 311 23 395 -53 524082 BELLARY -142 524044 HIRY4 -475 194 -239 367 -62 1 -97 435 13 514024 CHITOR 97 42 -40 -10 1 19 -63 228 -60 102 -97 97 389 13 -40 402 -55 231 403 -55 -58 -42 -49 400 -55 Annex – 11.0 Agenda Item # 11.0 “Provision of space at various substations of POWERGRID” 1 Single line Diagram 1 Page SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM SHOWING 765KV &400KV NETWORK OF TAMILNADU NCTPS STAGE II 2x600 MW Tervoikandigai Chitoor To Nellore Alamathy TO Kurnool NCHENNAI Pooling Station Vallur JV Manali Korattur Thiruvalam 765/400KV SS Kolar Pulianthope Sholingar Guindy Sriperumbudur Mylapore To Madhugiri Sholinganallur SVChatram Hosur To Somannahalli Kalivanthapattu Palavadi Dharmapuri (Salem) 765/400KV SS Ariyalur 765/400KV SS MTPS Stage III Pondy SALEM Kolapallur Neyveli TS II Mangalapuram Karamadai Rasipalayam Arasur NLC II EXP Coimbatore 765/400KVSS NNTPS Pugalur Neyveli TS I Exp Thuraiyur Edayarpalyam Alundur Anikadavu Myvadi Pudukottai Karaikudi Thappagundu Chekkanurani Kamuthi To Trissur EXISTING 400KV SS SANCTIONED 400KV SS KOILPATTY 765/400kV SS PROPOSED 400KV SS SANCTIONED 765KV PGCIL SS PROPOSED 765/400KV SS Kayathar Ottapidaram Edamon Kanarpatty Thennampatty (Pavoorchatram) Abishekapatty IND BARATH 2X660MW To Trivandrum KAPP 2X1000 MW TTPS JV 2X500MW UDANGUDI 2X800 MW Samugarangapuram COASTEL ENERGEN 2x600MW EXISTING 400KV LINE SANCTIONED 400KV LINE PROPOSED 400KV LINE SANCTIONED 765KV LINE (PGCIL) PROPOSED 765KV LINE Annex – 12.0 Agenda Item # 12.0 “TNEB issues” 1 TANTRANSCO letter no 2 Study Results 3 Extract from 37th SCPSPSR 3 Pages 8 Pages 7 Pages BASECASE -FW : WITH UDANGUDI 3 UNITS + WITHOUT SPIC GENERATOR 544027 KAYATHAR4 -174.0 -2.3 -174.0 -2.3 544072 UDNGDI4 544166 SAMUGARANGAP 1 34.6 120.0 -47.4 39.5 34.6 -47.4 544165 OTTAPIDARAM4 1 -333.4 9.2 -333.4 115.8 9.2 30.4 542165 OTAPIDARAM42 -134.5 -12.6 -134.5 -12.6 1 1 1 1 -43.7 -31.6 43.7 32.7 135.0 12.8 135.0 135.0 12.8 12.8R 135.0 542139 KARVAR2 12.8R -1651.8 67.7 -653.8 -5.5 1 2 3 1 -29.2 25.5 29.2 -25.0 100.0 33.4 544017 KARAIK -367.5 40.3 -524.9 313.5 78.0 -176.8 544132 KAMUTHI4 29.2 -25.0 179.2 -42.2 179.2 -42.2 -524.9 313.5 78.0 -176.8 600.0 1 0.0H SOLAR POWER -29.2 25.5 -653.8 -5.5 544063 PUDUKOTAI4 -367.5 40.3 531.3 -231.3 -79.2 79.2 531.3 -79.2 231.8 -125.7 2 542164 PAVOORCHATRM 544018 TIRUNEL4 -179.0 -656.6 3.8 30.1 -179.0 3.8 180.0 370.6 1 50.0 -137.0 720.0 370.6 3 -100.0L -137.0 -231.3 79.2 -125.7 43.7 32.7 0.0 114.2 660.2 -34.6 -28.9 20.7 -34.6 20.7 334.4 600.0 -48.9 50.0L 334.4 -48.9 600.0 50.0L 231.8 -43.7 -31.6 655.7 13.2 -656.6 30.1 655.7 13.2 660.2 -28.9 1 544095 TUTI-POOL 544026 KANAPATT 174.2 1657.6 -28.7 174.2 6.3 -28.7 -300.5 99.8 0.0 129.4 -300.5 99.8 1 1 544009 PAVOORCHATRM BASE CASE-NW: WITH UDANGUDI 3 UNITS + WITHOUT SPIC GENERATOR 544027 KAYATHAR4 -318.4 27.4 -318.4 27.4 544072 UDNGDI4 544166 SAMUGARANGAP 1 120.4 515.5 273.2 -11.9 48.8 273.2 48.8 -272.9 126.3 -72.3 -272.9 -72.3 544165 OTTAPIDARAM4 168.2 600.1 -22.1 168.2 -22.1 600.1 47.0 -136.0 1 1 1 1 542165 OTAPIDARAM42 -62.9 -76.5 63.1 -136.0 80.0 63.1 80.0 80.4 346.9 -80.4 600.0 1 SOLAR POWER -134.4 32.7 135.0 138.8 -32.3 -134.4 32.7 135.0 -32.3 138.8 542139 KARVAR2 2 1 3 2 1 544132 KAMUTHI4 3 1 542164 PAVOORCHATRM 544018 TIRUNEL4 -898.6 4.6 -450.1 7.6 153.6 34.7 -153.1 -26.2 153.6 34.7 -153.1 -26.2 -450.1 7.6 3.6 -513.5 8.3 -12.8 3.6 8.3 186.8 150.0 -147.1 150.0 -147.1 -3.6 -51.4 -3.6 -51.4 105.4 544017 KARAIK 544063 PUDUKOTAI4 -149.4 5.1 -149.4 5.1 -46.9 80.4 346.9 -80.4 -46.9 47.0 -62.9 -76.5 719.7 -168.0 -31.1 -168.0 119.7 -31.1 1 451.0 -513.5 -12.0 -12.8 451.0 -12.0 515.5 -11.9 1 544095 TUTI-POOL 544026 KANAPATT 318.9 900.2 -54.7 318.9 5.9 -54.7 -344.3 141.7 33.6 -99.7 -139.2 -0.3 136.1 -344.3 141.7 33.6 -99.7 -139.2 -0.3 1 1 544009 PAVOORCHATRM CASE1FW : BASE CASE + WITH SPIC (1X525MW) GENERATION 544027 KAYATHAR4 -127.1 -12.9 -127.1 -12.9 544072 UDNGDI4 544166 SAMUGARANGAP 1 126.3 16.9 -55.7 16.9 -55.7 -16.9 28.8 -16.9 28.8 544165 OTTAPIDARAM4 548130 SPIC 119.7 -84.5 -34.4 -134.5 -10.6 -134.5 542165 OTTAPIDARAM4 -10.6 1 -84.5 -34.4 1 -237.1 73.6 -237.1 73.6 1 475.0 237.5 -0.0 237.5 0.0 1 1 1 -307.4 65.4 308.2 -307.4 84.6 37.5 -107.3 65.4 84.6 37.5 135.0 10.8 135.0 10.8 135.4 135.4 542139 KARVAR2 702.8 33.3 -700.6 -22.2 759.8 18.2 -176.5 -755.1 18.6 0.2 -176.5 1 3 2 1 186.8 -1744.7 45.1 544017 KARAIK 544063 PUDUKOTAI4 -369.7 36.6 -325.2 112.0 128.4 607.4 -65.4 -599.0 340.5 86.0 -184.4 -325.2 112.0 SOLAR POWER 2 3 1 -26.6 26.5 26.7 -26.0 105.4 -599.0 340.5 86.0 -184.4 544132 KAMUTHI4 26.7 -26.0 -56.8 372.8 -132.4 372.8 -132.4 607.4 -65.4 1 -26.6 26.5 176.6 -56.8 176.6 -369.7 36.6 600.0 542164 PAVOORCHATRM 544018 TIRUNEL4 18.6 214.0 600.1 -29.6 214.0 -29.6 600.1 308.2 -107.3 -700.6 -22.2 -755.1 0.2 719.7 -213.6 -18.9 -213.6 -18.9 702.8 33.3 759.8 18.2 115.3 1 544095 TUTI-POOL 544026 KANAPATT 127.2 1751.2 -19.2 127.2 39.6 -19.2 1 1 544009 PAVOORCHATRM CASE1FW(N-1 CONDITION) : WITH UDANGUDI-KAYATHAR 400KV ONE CIRCUIT OPEN 544027 KAYATHAR4 -181.5 6.3 -181.5 6.3 544072 UDNGDI4 544166 SAMUGARANGAP 113.0 1 1 126.3 -47.1 -11.7 -47.1 -11.7 47.1 -14.8 47.1 -14.8 544165 OTTAPIDARAM4 548130 SPIC -130.6 -12.0 -113.4 -18.3 -113.4 542165 -18.3 OTAPIDARAM42 1 1 -130.6 -12.0 1 475.1 237.5 -3.9 237.5 -3.9 1 1 1 119.7 1167.6 -53.4 1 700.6 -317.7 318.6 600.0 13.2 -317.7 13.2 -53.5 318.6 -53.5 600.0 -237.1 366.0 76.6 -237.1 -123.2 76.6 366.0 -123.2 130.9 18.2 -364.8 87.5 -364.8 87.5 130.9 18.2 113.8 17.7 113.8 17.7 136.5 136.5 542139 KARVAR2 3 2 1 186.8 669.2 -49.3 -667.2 57.9 669.2 -49.3 -667.2 57.9 -1678.4 196.4 -184.2 44.6 -184.2 44.6 325.5 -133.6 325.5 -133.6 544017 KARAIK 544063 PUDUKOTAI4 -323.1 26.3 -323.6 120.1 129.3 664.8 -87.5 -654.7 338.9 128.2 -192.8 -323.6 120.1 2 3 1 35.4 -3.1 -35.4 3.5 35.4 -3.1 105.4 -654.7 338.9 128.2 -192.8 SOLAR POWER -35.4 3.5 184.4 -82.4 184.4 -82.4 664.8 -87.5 1 542164 PAVOORCHATRM 544018 TIRUNEL4 -323.1 26.3 600.0 544132 KAMUTHI4 -1156.2 173.4 544095 TUTI-POOL 544026 KANAPATT 181.6 1684.4 -37.2 181.6 -120.0 -37.2 1 1 544009 PAVOORCHATRM CASE1NW : BASE CASE + WITH SPIC (1X525MW) GENERATION 544095 TUTI-POOL 544027 KAYATHAR4 -331.8 22.1 -331.8 22.1 544072 UDNGDI4 544166 SAMUGARANGAP 635.8 -11.4 120.1 1 1 126.3 -289.1 -70.8 -289.1 -70.8 289.5 47.9 289.5 47.9 544165 OTTAPIDARAM4 548130 SPIC -100.6 -72.3 -134.4 32.4 -134.4 32.4 1 1 -100.6 -72.3 542165 OTAPIDARAM42 119.7 1 31.7 600.1 -21.5 31.7 -21.5 600.1 80.2 -109.8 80.2 100.9 77.8 3 2 1 -883.0 -5.2 443.1 -17.8 -442.3 13.1 443.1 -442.3 -17.8 13.1 133.6 32.0 183.8 -632.6 8.6 3.5 183.8 8.6 186.8 122.8 -146.8 122.8 -146.8 544132 KAMUTHI4 105.4 544017 KARAIK 544063 PUDUKOTAI4 -122.3 2.9 -148.5 6.0 135.8 409.8 -80.2 -406.2 151.3 44.9 -105.2 -148.5 6.0 SOLAR POWER 2 3 542139 KARVAR2 1 -25.5 -133.3 -25.5 -183.6 -48.7 -183.6 -48.7 -406.2 151.3 44.9 -105.2 1 -133.3 32.0 409.8 -80.2 600.0 133.6 14.9 -48.7 -122.3 2.9 -109.8 110.0 100.9 -134.5 77.8 135.0 -32.0 138.8 135.0 -32.0 138.8 635.8 -11.4 719.7 -31.7 -34.8 -31.7 -34.8 -237.1 76.3 110.0 -237.1 -134.5 76.3 1 475.0 237.5 -0.0 237.5 0.0 1 1 1 -632.6 3.5 332.4 -48.7 332.4 542164 PAVOORCHATRM 544018 TIRUNEL4 544026 KANAPATT 884.6 1 1 544009 PAVOORCHATRM CASE2FW: CASE 1+ WITH OUT UDANGUDI 1X800MW UNIT GENERATOR 544027 KAYATHAR4 -217.8 13.5 -217.8 13.5 544072 UDNGDI4 544166 SAMUGARANGAP 126.3 59.1 -55.4 59.1 -55.4 544165 OTTAPIDARAM4 548130 SPIC -134.5 -4.4 -134.5 -4.4 -537.5 -20.1 1 186.8 3 WITHOUT1X800GEN 117.2 600.1 2 -38.7 117.2 -38.7 600.1 1 -117.1 -14.0 -117.1 -14.0 -119.1 242.5 -119.1 -241.9 72.4 -616.5 1.0 618.2 4.4 -616.5 1.0 -183.1 51.6 -183.1 51.6 344.0 -142.0 344.0 -142.0 544017 KARAIK 544063 PUDUKOTAI4 -341.3 38.5 -535.4 306.3 72.8 -172.9 -294.1 94.3 130.0 53.8 43.9 541.9 -72.4 -535.4 306.3 72.8 -172.9 -294.1 94.3 53.8 43.9 600.0 135.0 4.6 135.0 4.6 135.1 135.1 542139 KARVAR2 SOLAR POWER 544132 KAMUTHI4 2 3 1 33.3 -19.5 -33.3 20.0 33.3 -19.5 105.4 541.9 -72.4 1 -33.3 20.0 183.3 -89.4 183.3 -89.4 -341.3 38.5 242.5 -241.9 72.4 72.3 1 -53.7 -42.2 539.9 -59.1 2.3 28.6 -59.1 28.6 -1577.8 -43.2 618.2 4.4 542164 PAVOORCHATRM 544018 TIRUNEL4 1 -53.7 -42.2 542165 OTTAPIDARAM4 119.7 -237.1 74.0 -237.1 74.0 1 475.0 237.5 -0.0 237.5 0.0 1 1 1 -537.5 -20.1 115.5 1 1 539.9 2.3 544095 TUTI-POOL 544026 KANAPATT 218.1 1583.0 -43.2 218.1 -6.3 1 1 544009 PAVOORCHATRM CASE2FW(N-I CONDITION): WITH UDANGUDI-KAYATHAR 400KV ONE CIRCUIT OPEN 544027 KAYATHAR4 -248.7 2.2 -248.7 2.2 544072 UDNGDI4 544166 SAMUGARANGAP 115.3 1 1 126.3 17.6 -51.2 17.6 -51.2 -17.5 24.2 -17.5 24.2 544165 OTTAPIDARAM4 548130 SPIC 1 475.0 1 237.5 -0.0 237.5 0.0 542165 OTTAPIDARAM4 119.7 -237.1 73.8 -237.1 73.8 -192.9 -12.5 -192.9 -12.5 290.6 -115.7 -289.8 72.4 290.6 -115.7 -289.8 72.4 -590.2 6.1 -189.9 37.2 -189.9 37.2 314.1 -142.2 314.1 -142.2 544017 KARAIK 544063 PUDUKOTAI4 -311.9 32.7 -297.6 98.4 1 SOLAR POWER 544132 KAMUTHI4 3 542139 KARVAR2 1 40.1 -21.5 -40.1 22.2 40.1 -21.5 105.4 -582.0 310.3 86.9 -176.1 600.0 -40.1 22.2 190.1 -74.9 190.1 -74.9 -297.6 98.4 129.7 81.5 39.3 2 591.7 -2.2 -582.0 310.3 86.9 -176.1 -81.4 -36.4 135.0 135.2 6.6 186.8 -590.2 6.1 -1525.4 77.5 589.8 -72.4 589.8 -72.4 -134.5 -6.4 1 591.7 -2.2 542164 PAVOORCHATRM 544018 TIRUNEL4 -311.9 32.7 81.5 39.3 135.0 6.6 135.2 -830.9 23.1 3 WITHOUT1X800GEN 193.2 596.1 2 -37.1 193.2 -37.1 596.1 1 -81.4 -36.4 -134.5 -6.4 836.7 10.4 544095 TUTI-POOL 544026 KANAPATT 249.0 1530.3 -30.8 249.0 -16.6 -30.8 1 1 544009 PAVOORCHATRM CASE2NW: CASE 1+ WITH OUT UDANGUDI 1X800MW UNIT GENERATOR 544027 KAYATHAR4 -423.7 27.9 -423.7 27.9 544072 UDNGDI4 544166 SAMUGARANGAP 414.2 -29.9 1 126.3 -246.2 -67.9 -246.2 -67.9 246.5 43.7 246.5 43.7 544165 OTTAPIDARAM4 548130 SPIC -72.5 -73.6 1 1 -72.5 -73.6 1 475.0 237.5 -0.0 237.5 0.0 1 1 1 119.7 62.7 -32.3 62.7 -32.3 72.7 77.5 131.0 -130.4 32.1 131.0 -31.9 542139 KARVAR2 -31.9 135.6 2 -355.4 12.8 355.9 -355.4 -20.8 12.8 126.8 33.1 105.4 544017 KARAIK 544063 PUDUKOTAI4 -95.6 -1.0 343.7 -81.2 -341.1 118.6 33.9 -90.4 -117.0 -11.0 544132 KAMUTHI4 3 135.6 1 -27.2 -126.5 -27.2 -176.8 -49.8 -176.8 -49.8 -117.0 -11.0 136.2 1 -126.5 33.1 -341.1 118.6 33.9 -90.4 600.0 126.8 5.8 343.7 -81.2 SOLAR POWER 542165 -130.4 OTAPIDARAM42 32.1 -709.8 -95.6 -1.0 -43.7 81.2 -43.7 81.2 1 542164 PAVOORCHATRM 544018 TIRUNEL4 -49.3 355.9 -20.8 176.9 414.2 -412.8 9.3 -29.9 -5.8 176.9 9.3 186.8 95.9 1 -145.1 95.9 3 -145.1 WITHOUT1X800GEN 600.1 2 -62.7 -23.6 -62.7 -23.6 600.1 -237.1 76.3 43.8 -237.1 -136.7 76.3 43.8 -136.7 72.7 77.5 -412.8 -5.8 119.8 1 544095 TUTI-POOL 544026 KANAPATT 424.6 710.8 -49.3 424.6 -4.6 1 1 544009 PAVOORCHATRM Minutes of 37thMeeting of the Standing Committee on Power System Planning in Southern Region LILO of both lines (i.e., NLC TS2 – Alundur and NLC TS1 Exp – Alundur) will over load the existing 400 kV lines at Neyveli complex. Hence, it is suggested that LILO of only one circuit Neyveli – Trichy 400 kV D/C line as agreed earlier to provide start up power to the plant may be carried out. The evacuation system for the ILFS generation, Nagapattinum – Salem 765kV S/C line & Salem – Madhugiri 765kV S/c line may be speeded up to evacuate power from IL&FS. 3. TANGEDCO/TANTRANSCO proposals 3.1 Director (SP& PA) stated that joint studies were carried out at Gurgaon, with CEA and PGCIL on 05‐03‐2014 to 07‐03‐2014 and later on 11‐06‐2014 in Delhi, to finalize the Intra‐State transmission system proposed by TANTRASCO, for the evacuation of 4160MW (State sector – 3440MW + OPG Private power plant – 720MW) generation in Chennai Area and 2120 MW generation in Udangudi area. 3.2 TANTRANSCO stated that based on the guidelines given by CEA, joint studies were carried out and following transmission system has been evolved to evacuate the power from above generation projects and transmitting to load centres in Tamil Nadu: I. ATS FOR ETPS EXPANSION – 1X660MW: i) 400kV DC Quad connectivity from ETPS Expansion switchyard to the 765/400kV Pooling station at North Chennai. (Generation at 400kV level) ii) 1X125 MVAR,420kV Bus Reactor at generation switchyard. II. ATS FOR ENNORE SEZ (NCTPS Stage‐IV) – 2X660MW: i) 400kV DC Quad connectivity from Ennore SEZ switchyard to the 765/400kV Pooling station at North Chennai. (Generation at 400kV level) ii) 400kV DC Quad inter link between the ETPS Expansion and Ennore SEZ switchyard for reliability. iii) 2X125MVAR, 420kV Bus Reactors at generation switchyard. III. ATS FOR NCTPS Stage III – 1X800MW: i) 765kV DC line from NCTPS Stage III switchyard to the North Chennai Pooling station. (Generation at 765kV level) ii) 1X240MVAR,765kV Bus Reactor at generation switchyard Page ‐ 5 of 43 Minutes of 37thMeeting of the Standing Committee on Power System Planning in Southern Region IV. ATS FOR ETPS Replacement – 1X660MW: i) 765kV DC line from ETPS Replacement switchyard to North Chennai Pooling station. (Generation at 765kV level) ii) 765kV DC inter link to NCTPS Stage‐III for reliability. iii) 1X240MVAR, 765kV Bus Reactor at generation switchyard. V. ATS for M/S.OPG Power generation Ltd.‐ 2X360MW : (By OPG) i) 400kV DC line to the North Chennai Pooling station. ii) 2X80 MVAR ,420kV Bus Reactor at the generation switchyard. 3.3 Common Transmission system for above generation projects in Chennai area: I. Establishment of 765/400kV Pooling Station in North Chennai area: i) 3X1500MVA, 765/400kV ICTs at North Chennai Pooling station. ii) 765kV DC connectivity from North Chennai 765kV pooling station to the proposed Ariyalur 765/400kV SS with 240 MVAR, 765kV switchable line reactors in each line at both ends. A second 765kV DC connectivity from North Chennai 765kV pooling station to the proposed Ariyalur 765/400kV SS may be reviewed at a later date depending upon commissioning of the projects. iii) 400kV DC line from North Chennai Pooling station to the proposed Pulianthope 400/230kV SS. iv) 500MVA, 400/400kV Phase Shifting transformer(PST) at the Pooling station to control the power flow on the Pooling station – Pulianthope 400KV DC line. PST to have the capability to control power flow in both the direction and provision to be made to bypass PST during maintenance if required. II. Establishment of 765/400kV Sub Station in Ariyalur (near Villupuram): i) 2X1500MVA, 765/400kV ICTs with the following 765kV and 400kV connectivity. Page ‐ 6 of 43 Minutes of 37thMeeting of the Standing Committee on Power System Planning in Southern Region ii) 765kV DC connectivity from Ariyalur 765/400kV SS to the Thiruvalam PGCIL 765/400kV SS with 240 MVAR, 765kV switchable line reactors in each line at both ends. iii) LILO of both the circuits of Pugalur – Kalivantapattu 400kV DC Quad line at Ariyalur. (in lieu of the approved connectivity for the Singarapet 400/230kV SS which has been approved in the 28th Standing Committee meeting). iv) 2X240MVAR, 765kV Bus Reactor at 765kV bus of Ariyalur 765/400kV SS. Provision for 420kV bus reactor at 400kV bus for future requirement if needed depending on actual field condition. III. Establishment of 765/400kV SS in Coimbatore Region 2X1500MVA, 765/400kV ICTs with the following 765kV and 400kV i) connectivity. ii) 765kV DC connectivity to the proposed Ariyalur 765/400kV SS with 240 MVAR, 765kV switchable line reactors in each line at both ends. iii) 400kV DC connectivity to the sanctioned Edayarpalayam 400/230KV SS iv) 400KV DC connectivity to sanctioned Rasipalayam 400/230KV SS. v) 2X240 MVAR, 765kV bus Reactors at 765kV bus of Coimbatore 765/400kV SS. Provision for bus reactor at 400kV bus for future requirement if needed depending on the actual field condition. 3.4 ATS for proposed power plants at Udangudi (2x660 MW + 1x 800MW) i) 400kV DC Quad line to the Kayathar 400kV SS. ii) 400kV DC line to the proposed Samugarengapuram 400/230‐110 kV SS. iii) 400kV Quad DC line to the proposed Ottapidaram 400/230‐110KV SS. iv) Ottapidaram 400/230‐110 KV Substation with 2x 315MVA, 400/230kV ICTs and 2x200 MVA, 400/110kV ICTs with the following 400kV connectivity. a. 400 KV D/C Quad line from Udangudi Switchyard. b. 400 KV D/C Quad line to Kamuthi 400/230‐110 KV Substation. c. 230kV connectivity: i. LILO of TSipcot – Kavanoor 230kV SC line Page ‐ 7 of 43 Minutes of 37thMeeting of the Standing Committee on Power System Planning in Southern Region ii. 230kV DC line from Indbharath generation switchyard of 2x150 MW. iii. LILO of TSipcot – Savasapuram 230kV SC feeder. v) Kamuthi 400/230‐110 KV Substation for Solar Power injection (maximum 1000 MW) with 3x 315MVA 400/230kV ICTs and 2x200 MVA, 400/110kV ICTs with 400 KV DC Quad line from Kamuthi SS to the existing Karaikudi 400kV PGCIL Substation. This S/S would have following 230kV connectivity: i. 230kV DC line to the proposed Muthuramalingapuram 230kV SS. ii. 230kV DC line to the existing Kavanoor 230kV SS. 3.5 TANTRANSCO has proposed to establish the following 400 KV Substations and transmission lines as System strengthening, throughout Tamil Nadu within the end of 13th plan Samugarengapuram 400/230‐110 KV wind Substation with 2x 315MVA, i) 400/230kV ICTs and 2x200 MVA, 400/110kV ICTs with 400 KV D/C line from Udangudi Switchyard. In Aralvaimozhi pass wind area of southern part of TN, the existing wind capacity is 1800MW and there is no 400kV substation available. To avoid the existing congestion and to accommodate the future wind addition (maximum 300 MW) and for load drawal during non wind season Samugarengapuram 400/230‐110kV SS is proposed. The following 230kV connectivity is proposed: i. LILO of Kudankulam – SRPudur 230kV SC line ii. LILO of Udayathur – Sankaneri 230kV SC line iii. 230kV DC line to proposed Muppandal 230kV SS. ii) Pudukottai 400/230‐110 KV Substation for load drawal with 2x 315MVA, 400/230kV ICTs and 2x200 MVA, 400/110kV ICTs with LILO of both 400 KV Karaikudi – Pugalur TANTRANSCO DC Quad line. The following 230kV connectivity is proposed: i. 230kV SC line to Karambium 230kV SS. ii. 230kV SC line to Pudukottai 230kV SS. iii. 230kV SC line to proposed Tuvakudi (BHEL) 230kV SS. Page ‐ 8 of 43 Minutes of 37thMeeting of the Standing Committee on Power System Planning in Southern Region iii) Turaiyur 400/230 KV Substation for load drawal with 2x 315MVA, 400/230kV ICTs with LILO of one of the NLC – Pugalur 400 KV PGCIL line, and 400 KV D/C line to the proposed Mangalapuram 400 KV Substation. The following 230kV connectivity is proposed: i. 230kV SC line to Perambalur 230kV SS. ii. 230kV SC line to Samayapuram 230kV SS. iii. 230kV SC line to sanctioned Jambunathapuram 230kV SS iv. 230kV SC line to the sanctioned Poyyur 230kV SS iv) Kolapalur 400/230‐110 KV Substation with 2x 315MVA 400/230kV ICTs and 2x200 MVA, 400/110kV ICTs with LILO of one of the 400 KV MTPS Stage III – Karamadai TANTRANSCO line, and 400 KV D/C line from Rasipalayam 400 KV Substation. The following 230kV connectivity is proposed: i. 230kV SC line to Thingalur 230kV SS ii. 230kV SC line to Anthiyur 230kV SS iii. 230kV SC line to Shenbagapudur 230kV SS iv. LILO of Gobi – Pallakapalayam 230kV feeder v. LILO of Karamadai – Ingur 230kV line v) Mangalapuram 400/230 KV Substation with 2x 315MVA, 400/230kV ICTs with LILO of both the Ariyalur – Pugalur 400 KV D/C Quad line. The following 230kV connectivity is proposed: i. LILO of Salem – Singapuram ii. LILO of Deviakurichi – Valayapatty 230kV feeder. iii. 230kV SC line to the proposed Thammampatty 230kV SS iv. 230kV SC line to the proposed Udayapatty 230kV SS. vi) Sholingur 400/230‐110 KV Substation with 2x 315MVA, 400/230kV ICTs and 2x200 MVA, 400/110kV ICTs with LILO of Sriperumbudur‐ Tiruvalam ‐ Kolar 400 KV S/C PGCIL line. (In between Sriperumbudur and Tiruvalam 400 KV Substation). The following 230kV connectivity is proposed: i. LILO of Thiruvalam – Mosur 230kV feeder Page ‐ 9 of 43 Minutes of 37thMeeting of the Standing Committee on Power System Planning in Southern Region ii. LILO of SVChatram – Arni 230kV feeder iii. 230kV DC line to the proposed Pattaraiperumbudur 230kV SS. vii) Pulianthope 400/230 KV Substation with 3x 315MVA, 400/230kV ICTs with 400kV DC Quad line from the proposed North Chennai Pooling Station and 400 kV DC line from Manali 400/230‐110 KV Substation. The following 230kV connectivity is proposed: i. 230kv SC cable link to Tondiarpet, Basinbridge and sanctioned Vysarpadi & CMRL Central 230kV substations which are under execution. viii) Mylapore 400/230 KV Substation with 2x 315MVA, 400/230kV ICTs with 400 KV SC cable from proposed Pulianthope 400/230 KV Substation and 400 KV SC cable to Guindy 400 KV Substation. (Upgradation of existing Mylapore 230/110kV SS). ix) Palavadi 400/230‐110KV Substation: For the already sanctioned Singarapet 400KV Substation, the land has now been identified at Palavadi near Salem 765/400 KV PGCIL Substation with 400 KV DC quad line from MTPS Stage III and 400KV DC quad line from Tiruvalam 400 KV Substation and 400 quad 2XDC line from Rasipalayam 400 KV Substation (One DC line via Salem 765/400 KV Substation). The following 230kV connectivity is proposed: i. LILO of Karimangalam ‐ MALCO 230kV SC line ii. 230kV link line to the sanctioned Gurubarahally 230kV SS. iii. 230kV DC link line to the sanctioned Udanapally 230kV substation. x) Kayathar – Koilpatty (Tuticorin Pooling point) 400kV DC Quad line: i. Kayathar – Koilpatty (Tuticorin Pooling point) 400kV DC Quad line for additional connectivity with ISTS and increased reliability purpose xi) Pavoorchatram 400kV SS (Tennampatty 400kV SS): For the Thenampatty 400/230‐110kV SS which has been approved in the 34th Standing committee meeting, now the land has been identified near Pavoorchatram. The 400kV connectivity is as decided in the 34th Standing committee meeting i.e. 400kV DC line to Kayathar 400kV SS. The following 230kV connectivity is proposed: Page ‐ 10 of 43 Minutes of 37thMeeting of the Standing Committee on Power System Planning in Southern Region i. LILO of Kodikurichi – Veeranam 230kV line in addition to the connectivity to new wind substations. 3.6 SRLDC stated that there is need to clarify that system strengthening required for evacuation of power from generating stations is necessarily a part of ATS(Associated Transmission System) and should be in place before the commissioning of generation units. In the absence of commissioning of entire transmission system required for evacuation of power from generating station and feeding into load centres, the generation leans on ISTS and leads to congestion in the network. He also emphasized the need of commissioning of associated 220kV lines in the time frame of 400kV network as the mismatch in commissioning of these elements would lead to congestion and TNEB would need to back down their generation to contain loading. These provisions were agreed by TNEB. 3.7 DGM(CTU) agreed with SRLDC view and stated that in the absence of commissioning of the proposed transmission system, generators for which transmission system has not commissioned should be backed down first and the access of other generators including ISGS generators should not be affected. These provisions were also agreed by TNEB. TNEB stated that for the Udangudi projects, they are proposing to build an 3.8 Udangudi Pooling Station where both the Stage‐I and Stage‐II would be pooled with following connectivity lines: Connectivity for Udangudi Power Project Stage‐I (2x660MW): i) 400kV DC Quad line to the Udangudi Pooling station. Connectivity for Udangudi Power Project Stage‐II (1x800MW): i) 400kV DC Quad line to the Udangudi Pooling station. ii) 400kV DC Quad line to the Udangudi Power Project Stage ‐1 ‐2x660MW These lines and the Udangudi Pooling Station would be in addition to the earlier planned system. This system for Udangudi projects was agreed provided the Udangudi Pooling Station is commissioned along with the generation project commissioned first. 3.9 Members agreed to the proposal of TANGEDCO with the above modifications and the provisions as mentioned earlier. 4. Constraints in 400kV bays extensions at 400kV Vemagiri S/S. Page ‐ 11 of 43 Annex – 13.0 Agenda Item # 13.0 “Edayarpalayam 400/230-110kV S/s under the scope of TANTRANSCO:” 1 TANTRANSCo letter dated 13.1.2015 2 Pages Annex – 14.0 Agenda Item # 14.0 “Construction of 400kV Quad D/C line from UPCIL (Karnataka) to Kasargod( Kerala).:” 1 2 3 4 5 6 KPTCL letter dated 06.11.2014 HVDC without Kasargode HVDC with Kasargode Kerala letter dated 22.06.2013 PGCIL letter dated 05.08.2013 LANCO letter dated 26.07.2013 2 Pages 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page