Faculty Senate Motion Tracking Academic Year 2013 Date Motioned Description of Motion Senate Status Administrative Status September 21, 2012 To approve the Faculty Senate meeting agenda for September 21, 2012, as submitted. Passed unanimously September 21, 2012 To approve the Faculty Senate meeting minutes for May 11, 2012, as submitted. Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 9/24/12 September 21, 2012 Resolution: To approve the “Health Care Benefits Resolution” as submitted (see original motion for the resolution). Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 9/24/12 Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 9/24/12 Resolution acknowledged by VPAA&SS Tuthill 10/1/12 Resolution acknowledged by President Sheehan 10/9/12 September 21, 2012 Resolution: To approve the “Faculty Hiring Process Resolution” as submitted (see original motion for the resolution). TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Passed unanimously Notes Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 9/24/12 Resolution During the Faculty Senate meeting on May 11, 2012, Robin Griffin was asked to draft a resolution on behalf of the Faculty Senate to voice our discontent with the current health care insurance being offered to our faculty and staff. Our health benefits are currently abysmal and need to be changed. Senator Griffin was asked to draft a document that would then be forwarded on to the Salary, Benefits and Monetary Concerns Committee for their review and feedback. During the Faculty Senate meeting on May 11, 2012, Robin Griffin was asked to draft a resolution on behalf of the Faculty Senate to reiterate that Article 7 of the NFA Contract must be followed and that we must always adhere to Page 1 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion Senate Status Administrative Status acknowledged by VPAA&SS Tuthill 10/1/12 Resolution acknowledged by President Sheehan 10/9/12 Notes good hiring policy in order to create and sustain an optimal environment for quality education. Senator Griffin was asked to present a draft resolution to the Professional Standards Committee for their review and feedback prior to submitting the resolution to the Faculty Senate in the Fall. September 21, 2012 To approve the Standing Committee Memberships as submitted (see original motion for the listing). Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 9/24/12 Consent Agenda Item #1 September 21, 2012 To approve the Non-Senate Committee Membership Appointments as submitted (see original motion for the listing). Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 9/24/12 Consent Agenda Item #2 September 21, 2012 To approve the Sabbatical Subcommittee Chair and Committee membership as submitted (see original motion for the listing). Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 9/24/12 Consent Agenda Item #3 September 21, 2012 To approve the granting of emeritus status to Will Mehm by President Maria Sheehan. Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 9/24/12 Consent Agenda Item #4 September 21, 2012 To approve the additions, changes and deletions to Master Course Outlines (MCOs) and the Degrees, Emphasis and Certificates (DECs) as submitted, with the exception that ENV 290 under the heading of “Internships – Outcomes and Measures Changes” should be pulled as it was included in error at this time. Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 9/24/12 Consent Agenda Item #5 New – Degrees, Emphasis Certificates (DECs) AAS Administrative Professional Degree, Change to meet 60 credit requirement Certificate Administrative Professional Certificate of Achievement, Change to meet 30 credit requirement TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Approval Signed by VPAA Tuthill 11/2/12 Approval Signed by Pat Slaving (proxy signature for President Sheehan) 11/5/12 Page 2 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion AAS Fire Science Technology, Change to meet 60 credit requirement Senate Status Administrative Status Notes Deletions – Master Course Outlines (MCOs) AUTO 218 Tune-up Procedures CAPS 105 Individual Basic Skills CPD 105 Individualized Basic Learning Skills CPD 124 Developing Your Own Potential CPD 125 Job Search Techniques CPD 126 Parenting Skills CPD 129 Assertiveness Techniques I CPD 130 Stress Management Techniques I CPD 132 Interpersonal Relations CPD 136 Stress Management Techniques II CPD 139 Assertiveness Techniques II CPD 140 Introduction to Family and Respite Caregiving CPD 203 Peer Advisor Training CPD 292 Substance Abuse Counseling Practicum II CPT 091 AIT Apprenticeship-Carpentry, Trades Foundation I CPT 092 AIT Apprenticeship-Carpentry, Trades Foundation II CRJ 120 Community Relations CRJ 229 Research Methods in Criminal Justice CRJ 229R Defensive Tactics ELEC 091 AIT Apprenticeship - Electrical Trades Foundation I ENG 198 Special Topics in English ENV 203R Sampling, Analysis Treatment and Disposal GRC 181 Digital Video I GRC 281 Digital Video II GRC 122 Letterforms GRC 200 Electronic Production GRC 111 History of Visual Communications GRC 098 Macintosh Basics GRC 287 3D Animation II GRC 184 Modeling I Hist 247 Introduction to the History of Mexico TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 3 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion PPF 091 Foundation I PSC 240 PSC 285 SSK 109 AIT Apprenticeship - Electrical Trades Senate Status Administrative Status Notes Social Science Research Methods Selected Readings on the Presidency College Study Techniques New – Master Course Outlines HIST 111 – Survey of United States Constitutional History HIST 251 – Introduction to Historical Methods CRJ 108 – Introduction to Homeland Security Special Topics ADT 198 ART 198 AST 198 BIOL 198 BUS 198 CHEM 198 CIT 299 EMS 198 ENG 299 GEOG 198 HUM 295 NUTR 298 PHIL 295 PHYS 198 PSC 295 PSY 198 RAD 198 SOC 198 THTR 295 – Outcomes and Measures Changes Special Topics in ADT Special Topics in Art Special Topics in Astronomy Special Topics in Biology Special Topics in Business Special Topics in Chemistry Independent Study in CIT Special Topics in EMS Special Topics in English Special topics in Geography Issues in Humanities Special Topics in Nutrition Topical Issues in Philosophy Special Topics in Physics Special Topics in Political Science Special Topics in Psychology Special Topics Radio Tech Special Topics in Sociology Independent Study: Theater Internships – Outcomes and Measures Changes ANTH 290 Internship in Anthro CRJ 290 Internship in Criminal Justice CUL 295 Work experience in Culinary Arts DA 290 Internship in Dental Assisting ENV 290 Internship in ENV studies GEOG 290 Internship in Geography GEOL 290 Internship in Geology TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 4 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion MGT PSC THTR 290 290 290 Internship in Management Internship in Political Science Internship in Spch/Thtr Senate Status Administrative Status Notes General Education Pre-Requisite Courses for AA & AS Degrees Note: The following modifications are to establish minimum pre-requisites for General Education courses applicable to the AA and AS Degrees. AAD/HUM 201 – History of the Built Environment ANTH 101 – Intro to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 102 – Intro to Physical Anthropology ANTH 110L – Physical Anthropology Laboratory ANTH 201 – Peoples & Cultures of the World ANTH 202 – Archaeology ANTH/SOC 205 – Ethnic Groups in Contemporary Societies ART 100 – Visual Foundations ART 260 – Survey of Art History I ART 261 – Survey of Art History II AST 104 – Intro Astronomy: Stars & Galaxies BIOL 100 – General Biology for Non-Majors BIOL 191 – Intro to Organismal Biology BIOL 191L – Intro to Organismal Biology Lab CH 201 – Ancient & Medieval Cultures CH 202 – The Modern World CH 203 – American Exp & Constitutional Change CHEM 100 – Molecules & Life in the Modern World CHEM 121 – General Chemistry I CHEM 121R – General Chemistry With Recitation I CHEM 122 – General Chemistry II CHEM 201 – General Chemistry for Scientists & Engineers CS 282 – Simulation Physics ECON 102 – Principles of Microeconomics ECON 103 – Principles of Macroeconomics ENG 101 – Composition I ENG 102 – Composition II ENG 113 – Composition I for International Students ENG 114 – Composition II for Non-Native English TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 5 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion Speakers ENG 220 – Writing Poetry ENG 221 – Writing Fiction ENG 231 – World Literature I ENG 232 – World Literature II ENG 267 – Intro to Women & Literature ENV 100 – Humans and the Environment GEOG 103 – Physical Geography GEOG 104 – Physical Geography Lab GEOG 106 – Intro to Cultural Geography GEOG 121 – Climate Change: The Science Basis GEOG 200 – World Regional Geography GEOL 100 – Earthquakes, Volcanoes, & Natural Disasters GEOL 101 – Geology: Exploring Planet Earth GEOL 105 – Intro to Geology of National Parks HIST 101 – US History 1 (to 1865) HIST 102 – United States History II (Since 1865) HIST 105 – European Civilization I HIST 106 – European Civilization II HIST 208 – World History I HIST 209 – World History II HIST 217 – Nevada History HUM/THTR 180 105 – Art of Film HUM/AAD 201 – History of the Built Environment MATH 120 – Fundamentals of College Mathematics MATH 126 – Pre-Calculus I MATH 127 – Pre-Calculus II MATH 128 – Pre-Calculus & Trigonometry MATH 176 – Elements of Calculus MATH 181 – Calculus I MATH 182 – Calculus II MUS 101 – Music Fundamentals MUS 121 – Music Appreciation MUS 122 – Survey of Jazz NUTR 121 – Human Nutrition PHIL 101 – Intro to Philosophy PHIL 135 – Intro to Ethics PHIL 210 – World Religions PHYS 100 – Intro to Physics PHYS 117 – Intro to Space Science & Engineering TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Senate Status Administrative Status Notes Page 6 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion PHYS 151 – General Physics I PHYS 152 – General Physics II PHYS 180 – Physics for Scientists & Engineers I PHYS 180L – Physics for Scientists & Engineers Lab I PHYS 181 – Physics for Scientists & Engineers II PHYS 181L – Physics for Scientists & Engineers Lab II PSC 100 – Nevada Constitution PSC 101 – Intro to American Politics PSC 208 – Survey of State and Local Government PSC 211 – Introduction to Comparative Politics PSC 231 – Intro to International Relations PSY 101 – General Psychology SOC 101 – Principles of Sociology STAT 152 – Intro to Statistics THTR 100 – Intro to Theater THTR 105 – Intro to Acting I THTR 210 – Theater: A Cultural Context THTR 180/HUM 105 – Cinema as Art & Communication WMST 101 – Intro to Women’s Studies Senate Status Administrative Status October 12, 2012 To approve the Faculty Senate meeting agenda for October 12, 2012, as submitted Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Summerhill 10/16/12 October 12, 2012 To approve the Faculty Senate meeting minutes for September 21, 2012, as submitted. Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Summerhill 10/16/12 October 12, 2012 To pull Item #1 of the Consent Agenda and approve the Standing Committee Memberships as with the following amendments. (See attached Consent Agenda Item #1.) Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Summerhill 10/16/12 Notes Consent Agenda Item #1 Curriculum, Assessment & Programs (CAP) Committee Add: Lance Bowen, Andy Hughes (A&R Representative), Jennifer Huntley-Smith Remove: Jeffrey Metcalf TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 7 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion Student Learning Outcomes & Assessment (SLOA) Committee Add: Cliff Bartl Senate Status Administrative Status Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Summerhill 10/16/12 Consent Agenda Item #3 Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Summerhill 10/16/12 Consent Agenda Item #2 Notes Add the following members to the Part-Time Issues Committee: Jim Collier, Sabrina Ladd, Katie Smith Remove the following members to the Part-Time Issues Committee: Angela Adlish, Danny Clarke, Cathy House, David LeBaron, Fred Lokken October 12, 2012 To approve Professional Standards travel fund allocations for Fall 2012 for the following Professional staff members: Paul Aberasturi – $750 John Adlish – $750 Melissa Deadmond – $750 Kathleen Kolbet – $700 October 12, 2012 To approve the additions, changes and deletions to Master Course Outlines (MCOs) and the Degrees, Emphasis and Certificates (DECs) as submitted by the Curriculum, Assessment & Programs Committee (CAP): Degree, Emphasis & Certificates (DECs): Revisions Associate of Applied Science – Graphic Communications Submitted by the Professional Standards Committee Signed by Dr. Tuthill 12/6/12 Signed by Pres Sheehan 12/10/12 Master Course Outlines (MCOs): Deletions Auto 222 – Emission Control Certification (Automotive Computer Systems) Revisions Auto 111 – Automotive Electricity, O/M’s; clean up TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 8 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion Auto 112 – Automotive Electricity II, O/M’s; clean up Auto 136 – Engine Repair, O/M’s; clean up Auto 145 – Automotive Brakes, O/M’s; clean up Auto 150 – Steering & Suspension Systems, O/M’s; clean up Auto 165 – Auto Heating and Air Conditioning, O/M’s; clean up Auto 205 – Manual Drive Trains and Axles, O/M’s; clean up Auto 216 – Automatic Transmissions, O/M’s; clean up Auto 225 – Engine Performance I, O/M’s; clean up Auto 227 – Engine Performance II, O/M’s; clean up Auto 235 – Engine Performance III, O/M’s; clean up Auto 265 – Electrical/Electronic Systems III, O/M’s; clean up Biol 141 – Human Structure and Function I Biol 142 – Human Structure and Function II Dan 101 – Dance Appreciation, O/M’s; clean up Dan 145 – Intermediate Tap Dance, O/M’s; clean up Dan 188 – Choreography I: Improvisation for Composition, O/M’s; clean up Dan 287 – Concert Dance Company, O/M’s; clean up Dan 288 – Choreography II: Elements of Dance Composition, O/M’s; clean up Dan 295 – Independent Study – Dance, O/M’s; clean up Thtr 100 – Introduction to Theater, O/M’s; clean up Thtr 105 – Introduction to Acting I, O/M’s; clean up Thtr 116 – Musical Theatre Dance, O/M’s; clean up Thtr 160 – Television Production I, O/M’s; clean up Thtr 161 – Television Production II, O/M’s; clean up Senate Status Administrative Status Notes Clean up of Outcomes & Measures ACC 180 – Payroll & Employee Benefit Accounting Anth 208 – Fundamentals of Cultural Diversity Art 100 – Visual Foundations CIT 105R – Word Processing CRJ 101 – Intro to CJ I CRJ 102 – Intro to CJ II CRJ 214 – Principles of Police Patrol Techniques CRJ 215 – Probation and Parole TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 9 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion CRJ 222 – Criminal Law and Procedure CRJ 225 – Criminal Evidence CRJ 226 – Preventions and Control of Delinquency CRJ 265 – Intro to Physical Evidence CRJ 270 – Intro to Criminology CRJ 289 – Law and Justice ECON 262 – Principles of Statistics II ENG 108 – Technical Communications II ENG 181 – Vocabulary &Meaning ENV 115 – Wilderness Survival GEOL 101 – Exploring Planet Earth HIST 227 – Intro to Latin American History & Culture HUM 214 – Survey of Middle East Culture ITAL 114 – Elementary Italian II MGT 212 – Leadership and Human Relations MGT 171 – Supervision MUS 101 – Music Fundamentals MUS 121 – Music Appreciation MUS 125 – History of Rock MUS 225 – Intro to Music History I MUS 226 – Intro to Music History II PSC 208 – Survey of State and Local Government PHYS 100 – Introductory Physics PSC 210 – American Public Policy PSY 210 – Intro to Statistical Methods SOC 210 – Intro to Statistical Methods VETT 208 – Lab Animal Science and Exotics VETT 209 – Parasitology Senate Status Administrative Status Notes Special Topics – Outcomes & Measures Changes CUL 198 – Special Topics in Culinary Arts ENV 299 – Special Topics in Env Studies HIST 295 – Special Topics in History THTR 198 – Special Topics in Theater Internships – Outcomes & Measures Changes ENV 198 – Special topics in Environmental Science ENV 290 – Internship in ENV studies TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 10 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned October 12, 2012 Description of Motion That Sierra Building room number 211 be named the “Richard Licata Design Studio” in memory of Ric Licata. Senate Status Passed unanimously Administrative Status Signed by Chair Summerhill 10/16/12 Motion denied by VPAA Tuthill 11/2/12 – A letter detailing other options was included with Dr. Tuthill’s denial November 9, 2012 To approve the Faculty Senate meeting agenda for November 9, 2012, as submitted. Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Summerhill 11/13/12 November 9, 2012 To approve the Faculty Senate meeting minutes for October 12, 2012, as submitted. Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Summerhill 11/13/12 November 9, 2012 That any names on any rooms on TMCC campus that have previously been named after administrators, faculty or staff be removed. Defeated NA November 9, 2012 To pull Item #1 of the Consent Agenda and approve the Standing Committee Memberships with the following amendments: Passed Unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Brad Summerhill 11/13/12 TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Notes Motion submitted by the Professional Standards Committee Background: The Professional Standards Committee has discussed the possibility of naming Ric Licata’s lab after him now that he has passed away. After researching this topic, the committee found pertinent information in Chapter 1, page 3 of the NSHE Procedures and Guidelines Manual and Title 4, Chapter 10, Section 28.3 of the Board of Regents’ Handbook, “Names for a room, part of a building or a public space on campus are subject to approval by the President of the institution with written notification to the Chancellor.” (Review original motion for research on naming of campus buildings and rooms.) With this in mind, the committee submitted this motion. At the October 12, 2012, meeting of the Faculty Senate, a motion was unanimously approved to name Ric Licata’s lab after him as the “Richard Licata Design Studio.” This motion was denied by VPAA&SS John Tuthill and President Maria Sheehan. Consent Agenda Item #1 Page 11 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion Senate Status Administrative Status Notes Curriculum, Assessment & Programs Committee: Add: Ann-Marie Vollstedt Remove: Kelly Oswald Library Committee: Add: John Kemp, Sharon Lowe, Mark Maynard Remove: Beth Baines, Erika Bein, Joseph Cheung, Ana Douglass, Hugh Fraser, Chris Scally, Tina Sidles (Note that Joseph Cheung and Hugh Fraser wish to continue serving on the Library Committee, so their names were removed from this list.) Student Learning Outcomes & Measured Committee: Remove: Carolyn Triano November 9, 2012 That Wade Hampton be confirmed to serve on the College Technology Committee (Omnibus Technology Committee). Passed Unanimously Signed by Chair Brad Summerhill 11/13/12 Consent Agenda Item #2 November 9, 2012 To approve the additions, changes and deletions to Master Course Outlines (MCOs) and the Degrees, Emphasis and Certificates (DECs) as submitted: Passed Unanimously Signed by Chair Brad Summerhill 11/13/12 Consent Agenda Item #3 Degrees, Emphasis & Certificates (DECs) Deletions: Architectural Design Technology, Certificate of Achievement Fabrication Emphasis, Manufacturing Technologies, Associate of Applied Sciences Horticulture Emphasis, AS Landscape Architecture, Associate of Arts Landscape Management, Certificate of Achievement TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Signed by Interim VPAA Jane Nichols 1/9/13 Signed by President Sheehan 1/14/13 Page 12 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion Revisions: Construction Management Emphasis – Construction Technologies Degree, AAS Diesel General Service Technician – Transportation Technologies, Certificate of Achievement Diesel Technician Emphasis – Transportation Technologies Degree, AAS Fire Science Technology Degree, AAS History Emphasis, AA Psychology Emphasis, AA Senate Status Administrative Status Notes Master Course Outlines (MCOs) Deletions: AAD 241 – Grading and Drainage AAD 258 – Xeriphitic Landscape Plants FS 114 – Incident Command System FS 230 – Fire Streams & Firefighting Foams FT 103 – Basic Firefighter FT 104 – Nevada Firefighter I FT 111 – Portable Pumps (S-211) FT 112 – Power Saws (S-212) FT 113 – Basic Air Ops (s-270) FT 114 – Incident Command System FT 115 – Crew Boss (S-230) FT 116 – Engine Boss (S-230) FT 117 – Dozer Boss (S-232) FT 118 – Firing Methods (S-234) FT 120 – Prevention, Investigation I FT 146 – Wildland Tactics and Strategy I FT 160 – Rescue Awareness FT 204 – Firefighter I FT 208 – Firefighter Safety and Survival New MCOs: CRJ 145 – Transportation and Border Security CRJ 261 – Intelligence Analysis and Security Management ENG 95 – Basic Writing II READ 095 – Reading and Improvement Revisions: TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 13 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion BUS 106 – Business English DT 130 – Heavy Duty Hydraulics ELM 127 – Introduction to AC Controls November 9, 2012 To approve the “General Education Mission Statement and Outcomes for AA/AS Degrees” as submitted. (See original motion for the document.) Senate Status Administrative Status Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Brad Summerhill 11/13/12 Signed by Dr. Tuthill 12/6/12 Notes Last Spring, the committee approved the GE mission statement, outcomes and objectives. Because it is important to have the support of all academic faculty with regards to General Education courses, the committee asks that the Senate also approve this document. Signed by Pres Sheehan 12/10/12 November 9, 2012 To approve the “General Education Cumulative Model” as submitted. (See original motion for the document.) Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Brad Summerhill 11/13/12 Signed by Dr. Tuthill 12/6/12 Signed by Pres Sheehan 12/10/12 December 14, 2012 To approve the Faculty Senate meeting agenda for December 14, 2012, as submitted. Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Brad Summerhill 12/18/12 December 14, 2012 To approve the Faculty Senate meeting minutes from November 9, 2012, with the amendment on page 3, under the topic of “Richard Licata Design Studio Motion,” the comment “Brian Ruf noted that the Foundation Office requested a $10,000 donation in order to name the lab after Ric Licata” should be amended that Brian Wells was the person who made this comment. Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Brad Summerhill 12/18/12 December 14, 2012 That Faculty Senate Chair-Elect Ron Marston be Passed Signed by Chair Brad TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 The General Education survey has been completed along with two open forums to discuss the various suggested models. All faculty, administrators, Classified employees and students were invited to participate in the survey. The consensus was that the Cumulative Model (on page 2 of the survey) should be used. Therefore, the committee asks that the Senate also approve the Cumulative Model. (See the original motion for the entire survey results.) Consent Agenda Item #4 Page 14 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned December 14, 2012 appointed to serve as the chair of the Election Subcommittee and be included as Item #4 on the Consent Agenda. Senate Status unanimously Administrative Status To approve the Standing Committee Memberships as follows: Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Brad Summerhill 12/18/12 Consent Agenda Item #1 Consent Agenda Item #2 Description of Motion Curriculum, Assessment & Programs Committee: Add: Tell Gifford Notes Summerhill 12/18/12 December 14, 2012 That Maria Arrigotti and Julie Muhle be confirmed to serve on the Planning and Resource Allocation Council (PRAC), scheduled through Dr. Rachel Solemsaas. Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Brad Summerhill 12/18/12 December 14, 2012 Resolution: That the TMCC Faculty Senate encourages President Sheehan to engage a qualified, reputable third party vendor to conduct a TMCC faculty salary equity study that is transparent in its methodology and in its results. Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Brad Summerhill 12/18/12 Signed by Dr. Jane Nichols, interim VPAA&SS, 1/5/13 Signed by President Sheehan 1/13/13 (Resolution acknowledged/ received) December 14, 2012 Resolution: To approve the NSHE Community College Academic Salary Schedule Proposal with additions and/or clarifications incorporated into the NSHE Handbook Code language. (See attached Exhibit H for the additions and clarifications.) Resolution passed; 5 nays Signed by Chair Brad Summerhill 12/18/12 Signed by Dr. Jane Nichols, interim VPAA&SS, 1/5/13 Signed by President Sheehan 1/14/13 (motion TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 On October 12, 2013, Vice Chancellor Brooke Nielsen (NSHE Legal Affairs), Christine Casey (NSHE Human Resources Director), Frank Daniels (Math Professor at Great Basin College), and Carolyn Collins (Physical Science Professor at College of Southern Nevada), presented a new salary schedule proposal to the TMCC Faculty Senate. Page 15 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned December 14, 2012 Description of Motion To approve the additions, changes and deletions to Master Course Outlines (MCOs) and the Degrees, Emphasis and Certificates (DECs) as submitted. Master Course Outlines Deletions CIT 232 – Advanced Visual Basic ECE 159 – After School Activities ECE 235 – Adopting Curricula for Yng Children/Special Needs GIS 102 – Fundamentals of GIS MGT 103 – Small Business Management Senate Status Administrative Status Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Brad Summerhill 12/18/12 Notes acknowledged/ received) Consent Agenda Item #3 Signed by Dr. Janet Nichols (Interim VPAA) 1/30/13 Signed by Dr. Sheehan 2/4/13 New CIT 271 – Information Assurance I GRC 136 – Graphic Communications Fundamentals GRC 137 – Graphics Content GRC 138 – Graphics Web Design I GRC 238 – Graphics Web Design II GRC 239 – Graphics Web Design III MPT 135 – Material Handling NUTR 222 – Principles of Food Science NUTR 226 – Food Processing Microbiology Revisions AAD 201 – History of the Built Environment; Change O/Ms and Objectives AAD 280 – Fundamentals of Architecture Design I; Change School Credits, Pre-reqs, O/Ms and Objectives AC 107 – Electrical & Controls for HVAC; include “nontransfer” wording in the course catalog AC 121 – Sheet Metal I; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog AC 122 – Sheet Metal II; include “non-transfer” TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 16 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion wording in the course catalog CIT 112 – Network +; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog CIT 138 – Interactive 3D Application Development; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog CIT 291 – Internship in CIT II; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog CLS 151 – Phlebotomy; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog CLS 152 – Applied Phlebotomy; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog CLS 153 – Phlebotomy Clinical Practicum; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog COT 240 – Executive Office Procedures; include “nontransfer” wording in the course catalog CSCO 230 – Fundamentals of Network Security; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog ECE 190 – Professionalism in Early Care and Education; Change Department Class Size, Credit Hours, Description, Pre-Reqs, Objectives, O/Ms ECE 204 – Principles of Child Guidance; Change Department Class Size, Credit Hours, Description, Transfer, Objectives, O/Ms ECE 210 – Observation, Documentation and Assessment of Young Chidren; Change Title, Department Class Size, Credit Hours, Description, PreReqs, Objectives, O/Ms ECE 231 – Preschool Practicum: Early Childhood Lab; Change Title, Contact Hours Type, Class Size, Credit Hours, Description, Pre-Reqs, Transfer, Objectives, O/Ms ECE 232 – Practicum: Infant and Toddler; Change Department, Class Size, Credit Hours, Description, Pre-Reqs, Objectives, O/Ms ECE 240 – Administration of the Preschool; Change Department, Class Size, Credit Hours, Description, Transfer, Pre-reqs, Objectives, O/Ms TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Senate Status Administrative Status Notes Page 17 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion ECE 244 – Practicum In Administration in ECE Programs; Change Department, Class Size, Credit Hours, Description, Pre-Reqs, Objectives, O/Ms ECE 245 – Practicum Seminar; Change Department, Class Size, Credit Hours, Description, Pre-Reqs, Objectives, O/Ms ECE 247 – Effective Management and Supervision in ECE; Change Department, Class Size, Credit Hours, Description, Pre-Reqs, Objectives, O/Ms ECE 250 – Introduction to Early Childhood Education; Change Department, Class Size, Credit Hours, Description, Pre-Reqs, Transfer, Objectives, O/Ms ECE 251 – Curriculum in Early Childhood Education; Change Department, Class Size, Credit Hours, Description, Pre-Reqs, Transfer, Objectives, O/Ms ECE 252 – Infant-Toddler Curriculum; Change Department, Class Size, Credit Hours, Description, Pre-Reqs, Transfer, Objectives, O/Ms ENG 114 – Composition II for International Students; Change Title, Credit Hours, Objectives, O/Ms ENGR 242 – Case Histories in Civil Engineering; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog ENGR 243 – Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics, & Hydrology for Engineering Practitioner; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog ENGR 244 – Introduction to Engineering Economics; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog ENGR 245 – Materials Behavior and Statistical Analysis; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog ENRG 120 – Fundamentals of Energy Efficiency; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog ENRG 142 – Solar Thermal Technologies; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog ENRG 171 – Well design, Construction and Geology; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog ENRG 172 – Fluids, Piping, Valves and Pumps; include TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Senate Status Administrative Status Notes Page 18 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog ENRG 173 – Geothermal Plants, Turbines, and Generators; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog ENRG 174 – Environmental Regulations for Geothermal Plant Operators; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog ENRG 271 – Fundamentals of Process Controls and Instrumentation; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog GRC 120 – Software Applications – Beginning Photoshop; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog GRC 123 – Software Applications – Advanced Photoshop; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog GRC 124 – Applications – Beginning Illustrator; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog GRC 126 – Applications – Advanced; include “nontransfer” wording in the course catalog GRC 127 – Applications – Beginning In Design; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog GRC 128 – Applications – Advanced in Design; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog GRC 129 – Applications – Beginning Dreamweaver; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog GRC 182 – Digital Video Production; Change Class Size, Credit Hours HDFS 201 – Lifespan Human Development; Change Department, Class Size, Credit Hours, Transfer, Description, Objectives, O/Ms HDFS 232 – Diversity in Children; Change Title, School, Class Size, Contact Hours, Credit Hours, Description, Transfer, Objectives, O/Ms IS 201 – Computer Applications; Change Credit Hours, Objectives, O/Ms IWR 251 – Iron Worker Apprenticeship IV; include TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Senate Status Administrative Status Notes Page 19 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog MPT 290 – Fabrication Capstone; include “nontransfer” wording in the course catalog NGPF 101 – Utility Natural Gas Pipefitters Apprenticeship Year I; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog NGPF 151 – Utility Natural Gas Pipefitters Apprenticeship Year I; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog PLCM 250 – Cement Masons 4th Year Apprenticeship; include “non-transfer” wording in the course catalog Senate Status Administrative Status Notes Degrees, Emphasis & Certificates Deletions AAS – Renewable Energy Emphasis, Constructions Technologies Degree AS – Integrated Elementary Education and Special Education Emphasis AS – Elementary Education Emphasis Revisions AA – Anthropology Emphasis AA – Architecture Degree AA – Art History Emphasis, Fine Arts Degree AA – Criminal Justice Degree AA – Early Childhood Education Degree AA – English Emphasis AA – Entrepreneurship Emphasis AA – Fine Arts Degree AA – Fine Arts Degree, Dance Emphasis AA – Fine Arts Degree, Music Emphasis AA – Fine Arts Degree, Musical Theater Emphasis AA – Fine Arts Degree, Theater Emphasis AA – Logistics Management Emphasis AA – Philosophy Emphasis TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 20 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion AAS – Dietetic Technician Degree AAS – ECE Degree Administration of Early Care and Educational Programs Emphasis AS – Dental Hygiene Degree AS – Dietetic Degree AS – Education, Secondary Education Emphasis AS – Engineering Emphasis AS – Mathematics Emphasis Certificate of Achievement, Web Design Fast-Track Health Sciences Certificate of Achievement Senate Status Administrative Status Notes New AA – Education, Secondary Education Emphasis AAS – Food Processing Technology Emphasis, Manufacturing Technologies Degree AS – Integrated Elementary Education with Specializations Emphasis February 8, 2013 To approve the Faculty Senate meeting agenda for February 8, 2012, as submitted, with the exception that the “Bylaws Change to Add a Part-Time Senator” action item be removed. Passed unanimously Motion Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 2/13/13 February 8, 2013 To approve the Faculty Senate meeting minutes from December 14, 2012, as submitted. Passed unanimously Motion signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 2/13/13 February 8, 2013 To approve the Consent Agenda as submitted with the exception that item #2 be pulled in its entirety and deleted, and that the Degree, Emphasis and Certificate and the Master Course Outlines in question be returned to the originators for further work. Passed Unanimously Motion signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 2/13/13 Consent Agenda Item #1 To approve the Standing Committee Memberships from Item #1 as follows: Curriculum, Assessment & Programs Committee TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 21 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion Senate Status Administrative Status Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill on 2/13/13 Motion Defeated NA Notes Remove: Ivy Chin, Lori McDonald Add: Tara Connolly Professional Standards Committee Add: Eddie Burke Remove: John Coles Student Learn Outcomes & Assessment Committee Add: Lori McDonald Remove: Joan Loustalet February 8, 2013 To approve the Faculty Senate Bylaws change to the Sabbatical Subcommittee as submitted. February 8, 2013 That all instructors, as managers of their classrooms, shall be notified upon a student’s first class attendance of the names of all students that possess a permit to carry a concealed weapon AND that have permission from the President of TMCC to carry the weapon in their classrooms. TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 In the past, the Sabbatical Subcommittee Chair and committee members have been established in the Fall semester and confirmed by the Faculty Senate at their first meeting in September. This has meant that the chair and committee has already needed to act on their work prior to them being formally confirmed by the Senate. There is a very slim window of time to perform the work of the committee in the Fall and get their recommendations forwarded on to the President for her final decision. Therefore, the Sabbatical Subcommittee has asked that we make a change to the Senate Bylaws in order to establish the chair of the subcommittee at the end of Spring semester. This change will allow the chair to hit the floor running at the beginning of Fall semester in order to perform the work of the committee. Page 22 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned February 8, 2013 Description of Motion To approve Item #2 on the Consent Agenda without deletion of any part as follows: Senate Status Administrative Status Passed Motion signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 2/13/13 Curriculum Assessment and Programs Committee (CAP) Signed by President Sheehan on 2/25/13 Degrees, Emphasis & Certificates Revisions: • Residential Design Emphasis – Architectural Design Technology Degree, AAS. Master Course Outlines Revisions: • AAD 182 – Fundamentals of Design II • AAD 183 – Fundamentals of Design Discussion II • AAD 223 – Graphic Software for Arch, Const, Dsgnr, Planners • AAD 230 – Design with Climate • AAD 282 – Fundamentals of Architectural Design II February 8, 2013 February 8, 2013 February 8, 2013 To approve the General Education Student Learning Objectives and Outcomes based upon the general education objectives previously passed by the Curriculum, Assessment and Programs Committee (CAP). (See original motion for the attached OMs.) Passed; 1 nay The Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Committee has previously passed the recommendation that faculty should have the option of choosing two or three (a minimum of two and maximum of three) general education objectives for general education courses, and brings it forward for approval by the Faculty Senate. Passed unanimously The Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Committee has previously passed the recommendation that course student learning outcomes be mapped to TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 2/13/13 Notes Consent Agenda Item #2 Note: A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda as submitted with the exception that Item #2 be pulled in its entirety and deleted, and that the Degree, Emphasis and Certificate and the Master Course Outlines in question be returned to the originators for further work. Item #2 was pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed by the Senate, but the motion for deletion failed. Hence, Item #2 was approved by the Senate. SLOA Motion #1 Signed by President Sheehan on 2/25/13 Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 2/13/13 SLOA Motion #2 Signed by President Sheehan on 2/25/13 Passed; 1 nay Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 2/13/13 SLOA Motion #3 Page 23 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion general education objectives/outcomes as a method of general education assessment, and brings it forward for approval by the Faculty Senate. February 8, 2013 To allow faculty to submit a modification of existing student learning outcomes and measures directly to the Assessment and Planning Office. Senate Status Administrative Status Notes Signed by President Sheehan on 2/25/13 Passed; 2 nay Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 2/13/13 Signed by President Sheehan on 2/25/13 On February 1, 2013, Dr. Lance Bowen, Interim Associate Dean of Assessment and Planning, presented the following motion, which was approved by the CAP Committee. This item is now being brought before the Faculty Senate for its approval. The concern was that peer review takes too long. To allow faculty to submit modification of existing student learning outcomes and measures directly to the Assessment Office for approval. This practice will have many benefits: 1. Faculty can make fast modifications to their assessment tools in order to respond to results from CARs. 2. Faculty can make modifications to their assessment tools year round, thus eliminating the CAP bottleneck. 3. Evaluation of learning outcomes will follow best practices developed by SLOA. 4. This will remove a burden of tedious work from CAP so that CAP can work on more important subjects. Many faculty have requested this, as this does not impact the curriculum in the course, just the assessment of the curriculum. Each modification will still go through a facultyrepresented approval process. February 8, 2013 To approve the Skills Certificate Preparation Packet as submitted. TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill Following numerous discussions with the deans, Chair-Elect Marston, Senator Dan Page 24 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion Senate Status Administrative Status 2/13/13 Signed by Dr. Nichols, VPAA, on 2/25/13 Signed by President Sheehan on 3/4/13 March 15, 2013 To approve the Faculty Senate meeting agenda for March 15, 2013, as submitted. March 15, 2013 To approve the Faculty Senate meeting minutes from February 8, 2013, as submitted, with the exception that the second paragraph under the topic of “Consent TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill on 3/25/13 Passed (1 nay) Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill on 3/25/13 Notes Bouweraerts, and others, Dr. Lance Bowen (interim Associate Dean of the Assessment office) has researched the possibility of TMCC providing certificates of completion to our students for a variety of skills. These certificates would include 4.0 credit classes, no General Education requirements, and take less than one year to complete. The purpose of these certificates is to simply give students the basic skills they want to receive in order to augment their job opportunities. The phlebotomy and CNA nursing programs currently have programs that would work well with a skills certificate. Numerous other institutions are also doing this, providing college credit for a skills certificate in numerous diverse topics. Many people do not want a college degree. They merely want to augment their skills for a job. Because this is not recognized by the Board of Regents, we do not need them to approve a skills certificate. We can potentially begin offering these certificates this coming Fall 2013. Dr. Bowen has taken this document forward to the Catalog Committee, Sharon Wurm (Director of Financial Aid) and the deans for their review. A Skills Certificate Preparation Packet has been prepared and approved by the CAP Committee. The Faculty Senate is now asked to approve this document for use. Page 25 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion Agenda” on page 4 be amended to read that “Senator Holmes, who is a certified architect licensed residential designer, and Dean Jim New, both clarified that the requirements for the AAS Architectural Design Technology Emphasis Degree meet the standards of the….” March 15, 2013 To approve the Faculty Senate Bylaws change to the “Bylaws and Handbook Committee as submitted. (See the original motion for the details of the change.) Senate Status Administrative Status Passed (2 nays) Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill on 3/25/13 Signed into approval by VPAA Dr. Jane Nichols 3/28/13 Signed into approval by President Sheehan 4/4/13. March 15, 2013 To approve the following changes to the Standing Committee Memberships as follows: Notes The Bylaws and Handbook Committee is currently included within our Senate Bylaws, but it has not operated for several years. We do not currently have a committee to deal with the numerous Handbook and Code changes coming to us from NSHE. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee proposed a revision to the charge of this committee so that it might become functional again. The Bylaws change was submitted to for the Senate’s review on 10/12/12, and 11/9/12, and 12/7/12, with a first reading on 2/8/13 and a final vote on 3/15/13. Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill on 3/25/13 Consent Agenda Item #1 Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill on 3/25/13 Consent Agenda Item #2 Curriculum, Assessment & Programs Committee Remove: Nick Boschert, Scott Holcomb, Cindy Tedford Part-Time Issues Committee Remove: Tom Kies March 15, 2013 To approve the following people for Professional Development travel funds at $195.15 each: Thomas Cardoza, Travel to Ft. Worth, TX, 2/21/132/24/13 TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 26 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion Joseph Gonzalez, Travel to San Francisco, CA, 4/12/13-4/14/13 Heather Graham-Williams, Travel to Asilomar, CA, 3/17/13-3/19/13 Precious Hall, Travel to Chicago, IL, 4/11/13-4/15/13 John Kemp, Travel to San Francisco, CA, 4/12/134/14/13 Sharon Lowe, Travel to San Francisco, CA, 4/12/134/14/13 Cindy Mortensen, Travel to San Diego, CA, 3/12/133/16/13 John Reid, Travel to San Francisco, CA, 4/12/134/14/13 Brian Wells, Travel to Portland, OR, 4/16/13-4/18/13 March 15, 2013 To approve the following changes as approved and submitted by the CAP Committee: Senate Status Administrative Status Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill on 3/25/13 Degrees, Emphasis & Certificates None for this month. Signed as “approved” by President Sheehan 4/4/13 Revisions: ADT 245 – Statics and Strength of Materials NGSM 101 – Utility Natural Gas Serviceman Apprenticeship Year 1 NGSM 151 – Utility Natural Gas Serviceman Apprenticeship Year 2 To support the intent of the Student Government Association to review and/or change the current grade appeal process. (See attached documents as provided by Navgeet Zed, Student Government Association President.) TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Consent Agenda Item #3 Signed as “approved” by VPAA Dr. Jane Nichols 3/28/13 Master Course Outlines Deletions: ATMS 117 – Meteorology March 15, 2013 Notes Passed (18 yeas, 7 nays, 1 abstention) Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill on 3/25/13 Signed as “approved” by VPAA This item will be referred to the President’s Advisory Council for further deliberation. NOTE: On 3/29/13, the Faculty Senate Professional Standards Committee voted Page 27 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion Senate Status Administrative Status Dr. Jane Nichols 3/28/13 Signed as “acknowledged/ received” by President Sheehan 4/16/13 March 15, 2013 That guns, including concealed weapons, do not belong on any TMCC campus, except with a police officer. Passed unanimously Notes unanimously to ask the Senate to vote to support the Grade Appeal Policy as it is currently written, without supporting the SGA’s request to amend the policy. This motion will go before the Faculty Senate on 4/5/13 for a vote. Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill on 3/25/13 Signed as “acknowledged and received” but not approved by VPAA Dr. Jane Nichols 3/28/13 Signed as “acknowledged and received” but not approved by President Sheehan 4/4/13 April 12, 2013 To approve the Faculty Senate meeting minutes from March 15, 2013, as submitted. Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 4/15/13 April 12, 2013 To approve the following changes to the Standing Committee Memberships as follows: Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 4/15/13 Consent Agenda Item #1 Professional Standards Committee Remove: Jim Cotter, Brian Wells Recognition & Activities Committee Add: Joseph Cheung TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 28 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion Remove: Anne Flesher April 12, 2013 To allocate an additional $156.12 to each of the following people: Senate Status Administrative Status Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 4/15/13 Consent Agenda Item #2 Tom Cardoza Heather Graham-Williams Precious Hall Cindy Mortensen Brian Wells Notes Due to several travel fund applicants deciding not to use their previously approved funds, the Professional Standards Committee voted to redistribute these monies equally amongst the other travel recipients. An additional $156.12 will be allocated to the people listed in the motion for a total distribution of $351.25 per person. April 12, 2013 To confirm Brian Wells as the new Chair of the “Codes and Bylaws Committee” as appointed by the Faculty Senate Chair. Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 4/15/13 Consent Agenda Item #4 April 12, 2013 To confirm Tom Cardoza as the chair of the Sabbatical Subcommittee for Fall 2013 with the following committee members: Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 4/15/13 Consent Agenda Item #5 School of Applied Industrial Technology Brian Ruf – Drafting School of Liberal Arts and Humanities Hank Sosnowski – English Beth Baines – English Robin Griffin – English Patty Cullinan – English School of Business and Entrepreneurship Nancy O’Neal School of Science Steve Bale – Computer Technology Shannon McCool – Math TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 29 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion Paula Farrenkopf – Math Linda McGillicuddy – Dental Assisting Joy Alverson – Nursing Pat Durham-Taylor – Nursing Eddie Burke – Biology Senate Status Administrative Status Notes School of Web College Sharon Lowe – History Counseling Cheryl Woehr Library Neil Siegel – Library April 12, 2013 To approve the changes to the Faculty Senate Bylaws to include a Part-Time Senator. (See original motion for more details.) Motion defeated; 15 yeas, 8 nays, 2 abstentions NA Note: Per Article XI of the Faculty Senate Bylaws, an amendment to the Bylaws requires “a two-thirds vote of the full Senate.” This means that 18 “yea” votes are required for an amendment to pass. April 12, 2013 That the Faculty Senate supports the Student Grade Appeal Policy as it presently exists, without making the amendments recommended by the Student Government Association. Motion defeated; 14 yeas, 9 nays, 2 abstentions NA Note: Chair-Elect Marston instructed the Senate that, per Robert’s Rules of Order which this Senate follows, in order to overturn a motion previously passed by the Senate, a super-majority vote is required. During the 3/15/13 meeting of the Senate, a motion was passed to “support the intent of the Student Government Association proposal to review and/or change the current grade appeal process.” This means that 18 “yea” votes were required for the new motion to pass. April 12, 2013 To approve the changes to the Faculty Senate Bylaws to change the name of the Salary, Benefits & Monetary Concerns Committee to read: Salary, Benefits & Passed; 23 yeas, 1 nay, 1 abstention Signed by Chair Summerhill 4/15/13 TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Note: Per Article XI of the Faculty Senate Bylaws, an amendment to the Bylaws requires “a two-thirds vote of the full Page 30 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion Budgetary Concerns Committee. (See original motion for more details.) Senate Status Administrative Status Signed as “approved” by VPAA Nichols on 4/30/13 Notes Senate.” This means that 18 “yea” votes are required for an amendment to pass. Signed as “approved” by President Sheehan on 5/3/13 April 12, 2013 To approve the changes to the Faculty Senate Bylaws to remove “Chair-Elect position of the CAP Committee” from the Bylaws as submitted. (See original motion for more details.) Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Summerhill 4/15/13 Signed as “approved” by VPAA Nichols 4/30/13 Note: Per Article XI of the Faculty Senate Bylaws, an amendment to the Bylaws requires “a two-thirds vote of the full Senate.” This means that 18 “yea” votes are required for an amendment to pass. Signed as “approved” by President Sheehan 5/3/13 April 12, 2013 To approve the following Curriculum packets: Master Course Outlines Deletions: • FLCV 101 – Floorcoverer Apprentice I • FLCV 151 – Floorcoverer Apprentice II • FLCV 201 – Floorcoverer Apprentice III Revisions: • CIT 151 • CIT 152 • CIT 251 • CIT 257 – – – – Beginning Web Development Web Script Language Programming Advanced Web Development Web Languages Passed unanimously Signed by Senate Chair Summerhill 4/15/13 Consent Agenda Item #3 Signed as “approved” by VPAA Nichols 5/1/13 Signed as “approved” by President Sheehan 5/3/13 Degrees, Emphasis & Certificates New: TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 31 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion • Logistics Technician Certificate of Achievement Senate Status Administrative Status Notes Revisions: • Associate in Applied Science in Radiologic Technology • Medical Imaging for Re-Entry Radiographers Certificate of Achievement • Outcome/Measure Revisions CIT 114R May 10, 2013 To approve the Faculty Senate meeting minutes from April 12, 2013, as submitted. Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Summerhill 5/14/13 May 10, 2013 To approve the following changes to the Standing Committee Memberships as follows: Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Summerhill 5/14/13 Consent Agenda Item #1 Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Summerhill 5/14/13 Consent Agenda Item #2 Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Summerhill 5/14/13 Consent Agenda Item #3 Curriculum, Assessment & Programs Committee Remove Jennifer Huntley-Smith May 10, 2013 To approve the following dates for the Professional Standards Travel Application Deadlines for AY2014: Fall 2013 = 9/23/13 Deadline @ 4 pm (for travel taken between 7/1/13 and 12/17/13) Spring 2014 = 2/3/14 Deadline @ 4 pm (for travel taken between 12/18/13 and 5/18/14) Summer 2014 = 3/31/14 Deadline @ 4 pm (for travel taken between 5/19/14 and 6/30/14) May 10, 2013 To approve the following Emeritus appointments as made by the College President: Earl Aulston Ric Licata (posthumously) TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 32 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned Description of Motion Ruth McKnight (posthumously) Carola Naumer (posthumously) May 10, 2013 To approve the following Curriculum packets: Senate Status Administrative Status Passed unanimously Signed by Chair Summerhill 5/14/13 Notes Consent Agenda Item #4 Master Course Outlines Deletions: • AAD 262 – CAD for Landscape Architecture • ADT 108 – Architectural Landscaping I • ADT 172 – Turfgrass Management I • ADT 218 – Landscape Irrigation Design • • • New: MT 108 – Fluid Power (Pneumatics, Hydraulics, Instrumentation) SPAN 221 – Iberia and Its Culture SPAN 222 – Hispanic-America and Its Culture • • • • Revisions: ENG 112C – ESL Reading Skills ENG 112D – ESL Composition ENG 113 – Composition I for International Students SPAN 111 – First Year Spanish I SPAN 112 – First Year Spanish II SPAN 211 – Second Year Spanish I SPAN 212 – Second Year Spanish II • • Degrees, Emphasis & Certificates New: Associate of Arts – Spanish Emphasis Skills Certificate – Nursing Assistant • Revisions: Certificate of Achievement – Production Technician • • • TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Page 33 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates. Date Motioned May 10, 2013 Description of Motion To approve the Academic Calendar for 2016-2017 as submitted by the President’s Office. TMCC Faculty Senate Motion Tracking AY 2013 Updated: 5/15/13 Senate Status Passed unanimously Administrative Status Signed by Chair Summerhill 5/14/13 Notes Pat Slavin (President’s Office) met with the Professional Standards Committee on two different occasions to present the Academic Calendar for 2016-2017. Sharon Wurm (Director of Financial Aid), and Jeffrey Metcalf (Admissions & Records) were also consulted about the ramifications of possibly including breaks in-between the two summer terms. Both Sharon and Jeffrey indicated that this was feasible and would not have any adverse ramifications for our students. The Committee approved the calendar for 2016-2017 and then submitted it to the Faculty Senate for confirmation. Page 34 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates.