THE,JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 1992 by T h e American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc Vol. 267, No. 4 , Issue of February 5, pp. 2429-2436, 1992 Prmted rn U S A IC Influence of Metal Ions on the Ribonuclease P Reaction DISTINGUISHINGSUBSTRATEBINDINGFROM CATALYSIS* (Received for publication, April 24, 1991) Drew Smith$, AlexB. Burgin, Elizabeth S. Haas, and Norman R.Pace$ From the DeDartment of Biolom and Institute for Molecular and Cellular Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington; Indiana 47405 ” A high yield, photoactivated cross-linking reaction between a modified tRNA and RNase P RNA was used as a quantitative assay of substrate binding affinity. The cross-linking assay allowsthe effects of metal ions on substrate binding to bemeasured independently and in the absence of the pre-tRNA cleavage reaction. The results of this assay, in conjunction with the conventional cleavage assay, support the following conclusions about the nature of the RNase P RNA-tRNA binding interaction. (i) Monovalent cations actprimarily to enhance enzyme-substrate binding, presumably by functioning as counterions. This enhancement can be attributed to a reduction in the tRNA off-rate. (ii) Although divalent cation is required for cleavage, the enzyme-substrate complex can form in the absence of divalent cation; the essential role of divalent cation in the reaction is thus catalytic. (iii)Caz+is as efficient as Mg2+in promoting binding but supports catalysis only at a low rate. of cleavage. Since quantitative changes in elementary rate constants can lead to qualitative changes in substratespecificity (4, 26), reports of altered cleavage site specificity (5-9) also cannoteasily be interpreted. To circumvent these problems, we studied the RNase P reaction using an assay for binding of substrate that is independent of the cleavage reaction. This assay is based on a high efficiency cross-linking reaction (10) in which an azidophenacyl-derivatized tRNA is mixed with RNase P RNA and is then covalently conjugated to RNase P RNA by illumination with 302 nm light. In conditions of enzyme excess up to 30% of the azidophenacyl-tRNA is conjugated to RNase P RNA. The azidophenacyl group is located uniquely at the 5’ phosphate of mature tRNA. This phosphateis the productof theRNase P phosphodiester cleavage reaction and so is expected to occupy the enzyme active site. The sitesof crosslinking to RNase P RNA are within the conserved core (11) of the enzyme and map toequivalent regions of the secondary structures of RNase P RNAs from three different eubacteria (10). We provide evidence that pre-tRNA, mature tRNA, and RNase P removes 5’ leadersequences fromprecursor P RNA azidophenacyl-tRNA occupy the same sites on RNase tRNAs by endonucleolytic cleavage to form the mature5’ end and show that comparable binding constants are obtainedin of tRNA (1,2). In eubacteria thisenzyme is a ribonucleopro- both the cleavage and cross-linking reactions. These results tein composed of a small (about 14 kDa) protein and a large supportthe use of cross-linkingextentas a quantitative (about 130 kDa) RNA. The RNA is the catalytic subunit and measure of substrate binding. We then compare theeffects of performsthe cleavage reactionaccurately in vitro inthe metal ion type and concentration on substrate binding (as absence of the protein. The nature of substrate recognition measured by cross-linking extent) andcleavage rate andevalby this RNA catalyst is of particular interest because (i) it uate ionic contributions to the RNase P RNA-tRNA interbinds andcleaves free substratewhereas other RNA catalysts action. undergo self-cleavage in vivo, and (ii) thesequence heterogeneity of precursor tRNAs largely precludes substrate recogEXPERIMENTALPROCEDURES nition by simple base pairingrules. RNAs-RNAs were produced by in uitro run-off transcription using Attempts at understanding substrate binding by RNase P SP6 (New England Biolabs) or T7 (B. Pace, Indiana RNA have been limited by the nature of the assayemployed, bacteriophage University) RNA polymerase under the conditions described (12). namely, the rate or extent of cleavage of precursor tRNA. RNAs were separated by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide, 7M urea, Because product release can be the rate-limiting step of this TBE (90 mM Tris borate, pH 8.0, 9 mM EDTA) gels, visualized by UV shadowing, cut out from the gel, and then eluted from crushed reaction (3), the effects of environmental factors (temperature, pH,ionic strength) or structural alterations of either the gel fragments. Uniform labeling was accomplished by the inclusion enzyme or substrate often cannot be unambiguously inter- of 50-100 pCi of [a-”PIGTP (3,000 Ci/mmol, from Amersham Corp.) in the transcriptionreactions. RNase P RNAs were transcribed from preted. For example, a reduction in cleavage rate may, with plasmids DW66 (Bacillus subtilis), AB12 (Chromatium uinosum), and equal plausibility,be attributed to weaker binding of the DW98 (Escherichia coli); substrates were transcribed from plasmids substrate, tighter binding of the product, or slower catalysis DW152 (B. subtilispre-tRNAASP),67CFO ( E .coli tRNAPhe), and 67YFO * The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. $ Recipient of postdoctoral fellowships from the Indiana Institute for Molecular and Cellular Biology and National Institutes of Health Grant GM13712. 5 Recipient of National Institutes of Health Research Grant GM34527. To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: 812855-6152: Fax: 812-855-6705. (Saccharomyces cereuiseae tRNAPhe),which have been described (10). RNA concentrations were determined by specific activities of labeled RNAs or by absorbance at 260 nm. Preparation of Azidophenucyl-tRNA-As detailed previously (lo), transcription of the tRNA template was carried out in the presence of a-thio GMP,which is incorporated only at the5’ nucleotide of the transcript. This tRNA transcript was reacted with 4-azidophenacylbromide (Fluka), thereby attaching 4-azidobenzoate uniquely at the 5’ thiophosphate. Unless otherwise noted, the E. coli tRNAPhe transcript was used. Reactions-Cross-linking and cleavage reactions were performed 2429 Ions and Substrate Bindingby RNase P 2430 Cross-linking Cleavage PRNA 0 + pre-tRNAmat-tRNA - P RNA C. vin.. E. None -. mfi -.. . .. . NH4CI O + + 0 + + 0 + + 0 M g C l z O O + O O + O O + O PRNAtRNA =& "_ "."_. t R N A : f R N A & & - G e .. % . 5' leader FIG. 1. Cleavage and cross-linking assays. The left panel shows an autoradiogram of a polyacrylamide gel used to separate the products (mature tRNA,5' leader) from the substrate(pre-tRNA) of the RNase P cleavage reaction (see "Experimental Procedures"). The right panel is an autoradiogram of a polyacrylamide gel used to separate the products of the cross-linking reaction (see "Experimental Procedures") and demonstrates the cation dependentof cross-linking. C.vinosum or E. coli RNase P RNA, when present (+),was at40 nM; azidophenacyl-tRNA was a t 40 nM. NH4CI,when present (+), was at 1.0 M; MgCI2, when present (+), was a t 25 mM. The sample in the right-most lane was not irradiated with UV light. The upper group of bands are RNase P RNA.tRNA conjugates. The formation of these conjugates depends on the presence of RNase P RNA and cation. The middle set of bands are uncharacterized tRNA.RNA conjugates whose formation does not depend on RNase P RNA or cation. At the bottom is unconjugated azidophenacyl-tRNA. Just below this band is a band of intramolecularly cross-linked tRNA. typically less than 0.002 of the total incross-linking experiments and less than 0.01 of the total in cleavage experiments. These control values were subtracted from the experimental values to determine the extent of conjugation or cleavage. Errors reported are the standard error of the mean. For studies employing Ca2+extra care was taken to avoid contamination with Mg" or other metals. The CaC12(Aldrich) used contains < 1 ppm of M e . Adventitious metals were removed from buffers and stock solutions by extraction with diphenylthiocarbazone (13). To ensure that Mg2' was not carried over from transcription reactions, RNAs were purified on denaturing polyacrylamide gels in TBE buffer and subsequently maintained in M$+-free buffers in the presenceofEDTA. Oxidation of manganese was avoidedby storage of MnC12solutions in pH 6 buffer a t -20 "C and thawing just prior to use. The hydrolytic activity of Mn2+was monitored by degradation of substrate. Incubation times were minimized to avoid spontaneous RNA hydrolysis. This hydrolysis was monitored by the degradation of tRNA, which is well known to have tight divalent cation binding sites and so should serve as an adequate internal control. Cross-linking sites on RNase P RNA were determined by primer extension analysis of purified tRNA.RNase P RNA conjugates, as described (10). RESULTS Cross-linking as an Assayof Binding Mature tRNA, Pre-tRNA, and Azidophenacyl-tRNA Compete for the Same Site in the Cleavage Reaction-Our assay for the binding of tRNA to RNase P RNA is the extent of in a standard reaction buffer: 1.0 M NH4CI, 25 mMMgC;CL, 50 mM cross-linking of azidophenacyl-tRNA to RNase P RNA. We Tris-HCl or HEPES'/NaOH, pH 8.0 (37T ) , 0.1% sodium dodecyl first show that mature tRNA and itsderivative azidophenasulfate, 0.05% Nonidet P-40,with additions or alterations as noted. cyl-tRNA bind to the same site as pre-tRNA and that preThe titration of HEPES buffer contributed less than 10 mM Na+ to tRNA and mature tRNAhave comparable apparent binding the final reaction mixture. Cross-linking reactions typically contained constants as assayed in both the cross-linking and cleavage 40-100 nM derivatized tRNA and a 0.5-10-fold molar excess of RNase reactions. P RNA. All components of the reactions were mixed in a microcenFig. 2a shows that mature tRNAis a competitive inhibitor trifuge tube and allowed to equilibrate in the dark for 2-5 min. Open tubes were exposed to 302 nm light at room temperature for 15 min. of the RNaseP RNA cleavage reaction, withK, = 0.4-0.8 K,,, A polystyrene Petri dish lid was usedas afilter to screen wavelengths of pre-tRNA (Table I, compare line 5 with lines 3 and 4). As < 300 nm. Because the half-life of the cross-linking reaction is about expected for a purely competitiveinhibitor, the correlationof 1 min (data not shown), the data reported from these experiments K,,,' (the apparent Michaelis constant) with [I] is excellent, are extents rather thanrates. Cross-linking extent as well as the K, whereas the correlation between Vmax'(the apparentmaximal of the cleavage reaction (data not shown) change little over a temreaction velocity) and [I] is not significant. These data indiperature range of 24-37 "C, so it is valid to compare the cross-linking site pre-tRNA. extent a t room temperature with binding parameters obtained in cate that mature tRNA binds the same as Fig. 2b shows that thecross-linking substrate, azidophena37 "C cleavage reactions. Cross-linking extent was not reduced after longer preincubations in the presence of excess enzyme, indicating cyl-tRNA, is also a competitive inhibitor of the cleavage that RNase P RNA does not degrade the cross-linking substrate. reaction, albeit a weaker onethan underivatized mature Kinetic analyses of the cleavage reaction were performed in the t R N A Kiis 12-fold greater than the Kiof mature tRNA reaction buffer described above, a t 37 "C, with "P-labeled pre-tRNA substrate present at 5-250 nM and C. vinosum or E. coli RNase P (Table I, compare line 6 with line 5 ) . We presume that the RNA a t 0.4-25 nM. The substrate used was an in vitro transcript of addition of the azidophenacyl group or the substitution of B. subtilis pre-tRNAA"p,and the mature tRNA used as inhibitor was sulfurfor oxygen onthe 5' phosphate of tRNAhinders E. coli tRNAPhe(Boehringer Mannheim). Enzymes and substrates binding, causing a loss of binding energy roughly equivalent were equilibrated separately in the reaction buffer at the reaction to one hydrogen bond (15). Azidophenacyl-tRNA has a weak temperature for 2-5 min, and reactions were started by mixing effect on V,,,', perhaps because of adventitious cross-linking enzyme with substrate. Unless otherwise noted, velocities represent initial rates a t steady-state conditions, with substrate in excess of in ambient light, which inactivates theenzyme (10). Mature tRNA, Pre-tRNA, and Azidophemcyl-tRNA Comenzyme and thefraction of substrate cleaved < 0.2.Multiple turnover reactions were quenched in 2.5 volumes of ice-cold ethanol. This pete for the Same Site in the Cross-linking Reaction-If the method of quenching proved too slow for time points < 45 s; accord- cross-linking reaction reflects the bindingof ligands to RNase ingly, single turnover reactions were quenched in 5 volumes of 10 M P RNA accurately then it should be competitively inhibited urea, 10 mM EDTA a t 60 "C, whichprovides linear time courses down by pre-tRNA andby underivatized mature tRNA. Inhibition to 10 s. Reaction mixes were electrophoresed in a 5% (for cross-linking of cross-linking by mature tRNA and pre-tRNA isshown in reactions) or 8% (for cleavage reactions) polyacrylamide, 7 M urea, Fig. 3. The data are presented as a Dixon plot (that is, the TBE gel to resolve tRNA-RNase P RNA conjugates from unconju- fraction conjugated is taken as velocity and its reciprocal gated tRNA or pre-tRNA from maturetRNA and the 5' leader plotted asa function of inhibitor concentration) and fitted to sequence. Autoradiograms of the fixed and dried gels (for example, a least squares lineby linear regression. The fit of the line is appropriate RNA bands, excellent ( r > 0.995 for allplots), indicating that Fig. 1)were used as templates to cut out the cross-linking and the relative amount of RNA in each band was determined by extent correlates well with the steady-state concentration of Cerenkov scintillation. Background levels in negative controls were free enzyme binding sites. The substrate of the cross-linking The abbreviation used is: HEPES, 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-l-pipera- reaction (azidophenacyl-tRNA) is a t subsaturating concentrazineethanesulfonic acid. tions, and so Kivalues for pre-tRNA and mature tRNA are Ions and Substrate Binding byRNase P LUU eK” TABLEI Binding and kinetic constants APA-tRNA,azidophenacyl-tRNA.Where the substrate is pretRNA, data are the results of cleavage assays; wherethe substrate is azidophenacyl-tRNA, data refer to the results of cross-linking assays. In line 1, data are from (3). Lines 2, 7, and 8 are from Fig. 3. Lines 3 and 9 were determined froma series of cleavage reactionsat standard conditions (see “Experimental Procedures”) with 25 mM MgCl,, 0.5 nM RNase P RNA, and 5-150 nM pre-tRNAPhe (not shown). In line 4, data were averaged from cleavageinhibition plots for tRNAPh‘ (Fig. 2, line 5 ) azidophenacyl-tRNA (Fig. 2, line 6 ) , and tRNAPhewith an azidophenacyl group attached to s4U8 (not shown). Line 10 is from (25). Line 11 was determined from a series of cleavage reactions at standard conditions with 25 mM MgCl,, 1.0 M NaC1, 0.5 nM RNase P RNA,10-600 nM pre-tRNAASP (data notshown).Line 12 was determined from a series of cleavage reactions at standard conditions with 0 mM MgC12,50 mM CaC12,1 nM RNase P RNA, 5-150 nM pretRNAAnp (data not shown). RNase P RNA Substrate Inhibitor Km Kt kcat a 0 1Nmar 2431 c 150. nM 0 50 100 150 200 I 250 [azldophenacyl-tRNA], nM FIG. 2. Product inhibition of the RNase P RNA cleavage reaction. The apparent values for K, (K,,,’) or 1/Vmax(1/Vmax’) are plotted against inhibitor concentration. Each value is from a determination of these steady-state parameters at the indicated inhibitor concentration (not shown).Reactionconditionswere:0.4 nM C. vinosum RNase P RNA, 10-120 nM pre-tRNA in six increments, in the standard reaction buffer, at 37 “C,for 30-75 min time, increasing as the inhibitor concentrationwas increased. Panel a,the correlation coefficient of the least squares line is 0.99, p < 0.001. Panel b, the correlation coefficient for the least squares line for the plot of K,’ versus [azidophenacyl-tRNA]is 0.92, 0.1 > p > 0.01. The correlation coefficient for Vmax’versus [azidophenacyl-tRNA]is0.62, p > 0.2. Reaction conditions were: 0.4 nM C. vinosum RNase P RNA, 10-120 nM pre-tRNA in six increments, inthe standard reaction buffer (see “ExperimentalProcedures”),at 37 “C, for 30-75 min time, increasing as the inhibitor concentration was increased. Cleavage extents were from 0.03 to 0.15. approximated by the negative of the x intercept (K:app = K, (1 [SI/&), where azidophenacyl-tRNA is the substrate[SI and Ks is its equilibrium binding constant).Because cleavage of pre-tRNA is expected under the cross-linking conditions, K, pre.tRNA is equivalent to K,,, in the cleavage assay. We find that the constants from both types of assays are in good quantitative agreement for all combinations of tRNAs and RNase P RNAs (Table I, compare line 1 with line 2; lines 3 and 4 with line 7; line 5 with line 8). We conclude from these experiments that the cross-linking reaction a suitable is quantitative assay for the binding of tRNA ligands to RNase P RNA. + Monovalent Cations in Binding andCleavage nM rnin“ Pre-tRNAAsp None0.6 200 1 B. subtilis APA-tRNA 2 B. subtilis Pre-tRNAAnp 170 Pre-tRNAPhe None 42 0.9 3 C. vinosum Pre-tRNAASPNone0.39 20 4 C. uinosum 16 Pre-tRNAAaP tRNAPhe 5 C. uinosum 190 Pre-tRNAASPAPA-tRNA 6 C. uinosum 34 Pre-tRNAAsp APA-tRNA 7 C. vinosum 50 APA-tRNA tRNAPh“ 8 C. vinosum Pre-tRNAPhe None 9 E. coli 48 0.4 Pre-tRNAAsp None 40 0.4 10 E. coli 130 1.7 11 E. coli (Na’) Pre-tRNAAsp None 1 2 E. coli (Ca2+) Pre-tRNAAsp None 24 0.05 0 0.1 0.3 0.2 04 0.5 [pre- or mature-tRNA], pM FIG. 3. Inhibition of cross-linking. Cross-linkingreactions were performed in the presence of increasing concentrations of underivatizedpre- ormaturetRNA at a constant concentration of RNase P RNA and azidophenacyl-tRNA. Reaction conditions were: 100 nM C. vinosum (Cv)RNase P RNA, 40 nM azidophenacyl-tRNA, or 100 nM B. subtilis (Bs)RNase P RNA, 100 nM azidophenacyltRNA, with pre-tRNAAsp or mature tRNAPheat the indicated concentrations, under standard cross-linking conditions (see “Experimental Procedures”). Apparent K, values (K,’) were determined as the negative of the x intercept of the least squares lines. rate. For the minimalreaction scheme Effects of Cation Concentration-Fig. 4 shows the effects of monovalent cation type and concentration on substrate binding (a) andonpre-tRNAsteady-state cleavage rates ( b ) . Several patterns are apparent by inspection. First, both bind- the rateof cleavage a t subsaturating substrate concentrations ing and cleavage generally increase with ionic strength. This is proportionalto k l k 2 / ( k - 1 k,) (we assume,here and is the behavior expected if monovalent cations act as coun- throughout, that the reaction is essentially irreversible; that terions toreduce electrostatic repulsion between enzyme and is, k-2 is negligible). In contrast, cross-linking extent should substrate RNAs(3). Second, an increase in monovalent cationreflect KD= k - , / k l . Consequently, although both binding and concentration stimulates binding much more than it stimu- cleavage will respond proportionately to changes in k l , bindlates cleavage rate: cross-linking extent generally increases ing, but not cleavage (unless k-l >> k2), will respond propor10-15-fold as monovalent cation concentration increases from tionately to k-l. The response of binding and cleavage to 0 to 1.0 M whereas the increase in cleavage rate is only 2-4- monovalent salt concentration can thereforebe attributed to fold over the same range. This result can be explained if the tRNA off-rate. Third, a significant amount of binding and of addedmonovalent primary effect of salt concentration is on the substrate off- cleavage is detectedintheabsence + Ions and Substrate Binding by RNase P 2432 0.04 a 0 0.1M RbCl CsCl TMACl LiCl NaCl KC1 NH4CI I - LiCl NaCl KC1 NH4CI RbCl CsCl TMACl Increasing radius FIG.4. Effects of monovalent cation on binding and cleavage. Cross-linkingandcleavagereactions wereperformed in the presence of increasing concentrations of different monovalent cations. Cations are arranged in order of increasing nonhydrated ionic radius from left to right. Cross-linking conditionswere 50 nM E. coli RNase P RNA, 50 nM azidophenacyl-tRNA, standard cross-linking buffer (see "Experimental Procedures"), and monovalent cation as indicated, at 24 "C.Cleavagereaction conditions were: 10 nM pre0.5 nM E. coli RNase P RNA, standard cleavage buffer (see tRNAABp, "Experimental Procedures") and monovalent cation as indicated, at 37 "C,. for 55 min. These conditions are subsaturating with respectto substratefor 1.0 M NH&l (Table I); weassume that K,,, does not decrease significantly under the other ionic conditions. This assumption is consistent with the effect of the other ionic conditions on cross-link extent. TMA, tetramethyl ammonium; nd, no data. actions. These ions have similar ionicradii' (1.3-1.7 A), suggesting that this property, or other properties dependent upon it, is an important factor in ion selectivity (16). Ions of a radius outside this range do not show so simple a correlation between binding and cleavage. Li', the smallest ion tested, promotes binding reasonably well but actually reduces the cleavage rate below that found for no monovalent cation. The ionic radius of Li+ is comparable to that ofMg2+ (0.60 and 0.65 A,respectively), suggestingthe possibility that Li' is able to compete with Mg2f for occupation of a catalytically important site and so reduce the cleavage rate. Na' (radius = 0.95 A) is 3-fold less effective than NH: in promoting binding at 1.0 M concentration but supports a cleavage rate about onethird faster. These properties are also observed when the steady-state parameters for cleavage in Na' and NH: are compared (Table I, lines 10 and 11):K , in Na' is 3-fold higher than in NH:, but kc.&, is one-third greater in Na' than in NH: (1.3 X lo7 M" min" versus 1.0 X lo7 M" min", respectively). Tetramethyl ammonium, which is much larger than the other ions tested(radius E 2.5 A), shows little or no enhancement of binding and reduces the cleavage rate. We speculate that its large size reduces the charge density (and hence the electrostatic attraction to phosphate) below the level required for an effective counterion. The reduction in cleavage rate may also be a denaturation effect: tetramethyl ammonium is known to bind specifically to U-A pairs (17) and may thus interfere with RNA tertiaryorquaternary interactions. Divalent Cations and Polyamines in Binding and Cleavage Divalent cation is absolutely required for cleavage3by RNase P (Mg2' is optimal) and has been proposed to act asa catalytic cofactor in thereaction mechanism (18).Because of the limitations of the cleavage assay, however, it has never been clear whether the requirement for Mg2' is catalytic, structural, or both. Binding Competence in the Absence of Divalent CationFig. 1 shows an assay of cross-linking for two RNase P RNA species in theabsence of all cations, monovalent cation alone, cation, at 25 mM MgC12.This result indicates that unusually and monovalent plus divalent cation. Although the cleavage high concentrations of monovalent cations are not required reaction takes place only in the presence of divalent cation, cross-linking, and hence binding, does not require divalent to fold RNase P RNA properly. An alternative interpretation of the correlation of binding cation. A comparison of the cross-linking extents for several with ionic strength is that less enzyme is properly folded at combinations of RNase P RNAs and tRNAs in the presence low salt concentration. Two observations argue against this and absence of Mg2+ is shown in Table 11. Theseresults interpretation. First, enzyme was equimolar to substrate in suggest that Mg2+is notgenerally required for proper formathe cross-linking experiments but was limiting in the cleavage tion of the RNase P RNA' tRNA complex. Two further experiments support this view. Primer extenexperiments, in which substrate was in 20-fold excess. Cleavsion analysis of the C.vinosum RNase P RNA-tRNA conjuage rate should therefore be moresensitive than cross-linking extent to a hypothetical reduction in enzyme concentration gate determined that thesites of cross-linking in thepresence at low ionic strength. Instead, cross-linking extent is more and absence of Mg2+are identical with regard to location and sensitive to ionic strength. Second, the amount of active relative intensity (not shown). By this measure, the conforenzyme in the cross-linking experiment was titrated using mation of the enzyme in the vicinity of the 5"terminal tRNAPheas inhibitor, with [ E ] >> Ki,>> [azidophenacyl- phosphate of tRNA (the location of the cross-linking reagent, tRNA]. Under these conditions the fractional inhibitor of and the site of action by RNase P) is not highly dependent cross-linking extent is proportional to [ E .11, and extrapola- on Mg+. The result is complemented by the results of a cleavage tion to 100%inhibition gives the active enzyme concentration. At NH,C1 concentrations of 0.1 and 1.0 M we found the active assay designed to detect enzyme-substrate complex formation concentrations of enzyme to be within the error of the nominal in the absence of Mg2' (Fig. 5). Radiolabeled pre-tRNA that concentrations: 2.5 f 0.6 FM active versus 2.0 p M nominal at is bound to RNase P RNA in the absence of Mg2+ should be 0.1 M NH4C1,and 0.55 .C 0.1p~ active versus 0.50 PM nominal cleaved upon addition of Mg2' before it can be diluted by a at 1.0 M NH4C1 (not shown). Note that this assay measures nonradioactive chase of unlabeled pre-tRNA, which will reonly binding competence and not catalytic competence (see ' Values given are for nonhydrated radii, which vary inversely with Fig. 5 legend). hydrated radii. Effect of Cation Type-Cs+, K', NH4+, and Rb+have comkcat/& in the absence of addeddivalent cationis < 200 M" min" parable effects on both the cross-linking and cleavage re- (not shown). Ions and Substrate Binding TABLEI1 Effects of Mg2+and spermidine on binding APA-tRNA,azidophenacyl-tRNA.Reactionconditions were: 28 nM azidophenacyl-tRNA, 270 nM RNase P RNA, 1.0 M NH4C1, 20 mM Tris, pH7.5, and cross-linking was performed as described under "Experimental Procedures." MgCl,, when added, was at 16 nM; spermidine, when added, was at 10 mM. Spermine and putrescine were also tested and showed no enhancement of cross-linking extent (not shown). by RNase P 2433 release is rate limiting), a control is shown in which radiolabeled pre-tRNA, unlabeled pre-tRNA and MgC1, are allowed to equilibrate and then are added to the enzyme simultaneously. The burst resulting from prebinding of pre-tRNA is significantly larger than the control; subsequently, the rates of the experimental and control reactions areidentical. This result indicates that RNaseP RNA does not require Mg2+to bind pre-tRNA in a productive conformation or a t least in a conformation that is in rapid equilibrium with theproductive Additives" RNAs one. We conclude from these experiments that the requireNone MgCI, Spermidine RNase P RNA APA-tRNA ment for Mg2+in the RNase P reaction is catalytic and that B. subtilis E. coli Phe 0.03 0.22 0.03 the enhancementof substrate bindingby Mg2+is secondary. 0.14 0.15 0.15 C. vinosum E. coli Phe Mg" Increases Binding Affinity 5-Fold-We repeated the 0.06 0.07 0.17 E. coli E. coli Phe cross-linking inhibition experimentsof the typeshown in Fig. 0.02 0.23 0.02 B. subtilis Yeast Phe 3 in the absence of divalent cation to determine the contri0.18 0.11 0.10 Yeast Phe C. uinosum bution of Mg" to the binding interaction (data not shown). E. coli Yeast Phe 0.05 0.19 0.05 derived from this analysis is 200 (* The K, for pre-tRNAASP Fraction conjugated to RNase P RNA. 6) nM whereas that of an invitro transcript4 of mature E. coli tRNAPhe is260 (f70) nM. Because there is no cleavage reac0.20tion under these conditions, the K, values in the absence of 0 pre-incubated no Mg 2+ 0 no pre-incubation Mg'+ correspond to equilibrium dissociation constants. Comparingthese valueswith thoseobtained in 25 mM MgC12 (Table I, lines 7 and 8) indicates that bindingaffinity is increased only about 5-fold by Mg2+. High Concentrations of Mg2+Reduce the Product Dissociation Rate-Fig. 6a compares theeffects of Mg2+concentration on the ratesof single and multiple turnover reactions. Under both conditions, a sharp rise in velocity is seen up to 5 mM 0 50 100 150 200 MgCl,. Velocity continues to increaseslightlywith MgC12 the, s concentration for the single turnover reaction but steadily FIG. 5. Binding of pre-tRNA toRNase P RNA in the absence of Mg2+.This experiment was designed to detect formation of RNase decreases under conditionsof multiple turnover. These results P RNA.pre-tRNA complexes in the absence ofM$+ by diluting are consistent withincreased nonspecific affinity of tRNA for unbound pre-tRNA with a nonradioactive chasewhen the reaction is enzyme at higher Mg2+ concentrations: as binding becomes started by the addition ofMgC12. Pre-incubated without M$+:3.75 tighter, product release is slowed, lowering the rate of the pmol of C. vinosum RNase P RNA and 3.75 pmol of radiolabeled pre- multiple turnover reaction. The rate of the single turnover tRNA (initial concentrations of both RNAs = 150 nM) were incubated in 25 pl of 1.0 M NHaC1,50 mM HEPES, pH8.0,0.1%sodium dodecyl reaction, which is not affected by product release (assuming sulfate, 0.05% Nonidet P-40, 1 mM EDTA. An equal volume of the lz-, is negligible), increases slightly as the rate of substrate same buffer containing 50 mM MgCL, 37.5 pmol of unlabeled pre- association is increased and/or the rateof substrate dissociatRNA, and no EDTA was separately incubated for 5 min at 37 "C, tion is decreased. and the reaction was started by mixture of the two components. No Ca" Promotes Binding as Effectively as Mg"-Fig. 6 also pre-incubation: 3.75 pmol of C. uinosum RNase P RNA was incubated shows a comparison of Mg", Ca2+, and Mn2+ in enhancing in 25 pl of the same no-Mg2i- buffer as above, in parallel with 3.75 the binding of tRNA to RNase P RNA. Guerrier-Takada et pmol of radiolabeled pre-tRNA and37.5 pmol of unlabeled pre-tRNA in 25 pl of the same Mg2+-containingbuffer as above, then started by al. (18, but see below) have suggested that ea2+ canperform mixture of the two components. Final concentrations of reactants in the structural role ofMg'+ but not the catalytic role. The both experiments were 75 nM RNase P RNA, 75 nM radiolabeled pre- cross-linkingassayshows that Ca2+ is indeed effective in tRNA, 750 nM unlabeled pre-tRNA, and 25 mM MgCL. 6-pl aliquots promoting the binding of tRNA to RNaseP RNA; at concenwere removed at theindicated times and mixed with 15 pl of ice-cold trations greater than 10mM, it is more effective than Mg2'. ethanol toquench the reaction. Least squares linesare drawn through Ca2+ Supports the Cleavage Reaction-In contrast to prethe data points, and the y intercepts are given with the standard cleavage error. The y intercepts represent an extrapolation from the steady vious reports that Caz+ is inert in promoting the state back to the amountof radiolabeled pre-tRNA initially bound to reaction (16, 18) we found that it does support cleavage (Fig. the enzyme, less any pre-tRNA that dissociates before cleavage oc- 6b), albeit at a reduced rate: k,,,/K, is reduced 5-fold comcurs. Assuming that such dissociation is minimal, the y intercept of pared with Mg'+ (from Table I, kCat/Km Ca2+= 2.1 X lo6 M" the "no pre-incubation" experiment indicates that only = 30% of the min", kcat/K,, Mg2+= 1.0 X lo7 M" min"). Several precauenzyme is catalytically active. tions against adventitious contamination of the reaction with Mg2+and other metals were taken (see "Experimental Produce the apparent cleavage rate. This behavior will be char- cedures"), and the deliberate addition of trace amounts(lo+acterized by an initial "burst"of product formation, inwhich lo-" M) ofMgC1, did not increase therate of theCa2+cleavage of the bound, labeled pre-tRNA is followed a phase promoted reaction (data not shown). We conclude that the of apparently slower cleavage, as the pools of labeled and Ca2+ reaction isgenuine. unlabeled pre-tRNA equilibrate. If pre-tRNA is unable to The slower rate of the Ca2+ reaction can be attributed to of Mg" it should be the catalytic step. In conditions of excess E. coli RNase P bind RNase P RNA in the absence diluted by the chase before binding and cleavage can occur, RNA (up to 1.0 p ~ ) the , limiting rate of the single turnover and no burstof cleavage will be detected. reaction is found to be the same as kc,, in the steady-state The data presented in Fig. 5 show the burst of product formation expected if pre-tRNA is able to bind RNase P RNA Surprisingly, we found that mature tRNA purified from E. coli in the absence ofMg". To distinguish this burst from that was unable to act as an inhibitor of the cross-linking reaction in the caused by a fast first round of cleavage (expected if product absence of Mg'+. 2434 Ions and Substrate Binding by RNase P [Maz+l,m M [Ca2+l,m M [Mn2’], m M FIG. 6. Effects of divalent cation concentration on cleavage and binding. Cross-linking conditionswere: 50 nM E. coliRNase P RNA, 50 nM azidophenacyl-tRNA, standard cross-linkingbuffer(see“Experimental Procedures”), and divalent cationas indicated, at 24 “C. Reaction conditions for the single turnover experiment ( a ) were: 10 nM E. coliRNase P RNA, 10 nM pre-tRNAAaP, standard cross-linking buffer (see “Experimental Procedures”),MgC1, as indicated,at 37 “C for 2 min. Reaction conditions forCa2+cleavage ( b ) were: 0.5 nM E. coli RNase P RNA, 5.0 nM pre-tRNAAsp,standard cleavage buffer, CaC1, as indicated, at 37 “C for 227 min. The extent of cleavage in the Caz+reactions was up to 0.12. Reaction conditions for M e ( a ) and Mn2+(c) cleavage were: 0.5 nM E. coli RNase P RNA, 10 nM pre-tRNAAsp, standard cleavage buffer, MgCl, or MnC12as indicated, at 37 “C for 30 min. kcat/Km‘is calculated as u/[Et,,.,[ [StotaI]. of the true kCat/Km proportional . .. . This is a systematic underestimate to [Efreel/[Etota~I. reaction, 0.05 min” (not shown). The catalytic step in the Ca2+ reaction is thus at least 10-fold less than that of the Mg2+ reaction(taking kcat,Table I, lines 9 and 10,as the lower limit) andpossibly much slower. Mn2+-Fig. 6c shows that Mn2+ is capable of supporting the cleavage reaction, aspreviously reported (16, 18).Mn2+ is more effective at lower concentrations than Ca2+ or Mg2+, peaking in cleavage activity at 2 mM and in bindinga t 5 mM. This behavior is consistent with the generally greater affinity of Mn2+ for nucleotides (19). The cleavage reaction in the presence of Mn2+ is almost as fast as that of Mg2+at their respective optima. Unlike Ca2+or Mg’+, Mn2+ causesa sharp at relatively low dropinboth cleavage rateandbinding concentrations. We attribute this behavior to the ability of Mn2+ to coordinate to nucleotide bases in addition to phosphates; the sharpdecrease in binding andcleavage may therefore be a denaturation effect. Polyamines-Spermine, spermidine,andputrescineare multivalent cations that enhance the rates of a number of reactions involving polynucleotide substrates; spermidine is commonly added to RNase P RNA reactions. We find, however, that in the presence of sufficientmonovalent cation polyamines have no effect on binding even in the absence of presence Mg2+(Table 11), nor do they enhance binding in its (data not shown). We conclude that the addition of polyamines to RNaseP RNA reactions isprobably superfluous but harmless. the inability to determinereadily the effects of experimental variables on the RNase P reaction with regardto the substrate binding, cleavage, and product release steps. Cleavage assays cannot distinguish requirements for substrate binding from requirements for cleavage. Similarly, alterations in reaction velocity, or kc,, and K,,,, cannot readily be assigned to alterations in any particular elementary step. The Cross-linking Assay Our approach to theresolution of binding andcleavage has been to develop a cleavage-independent assayof binding based on a high yield photoaffinity cross-linking reaction between RNase P RNA and tRNA. T o increase the generality of our findings, we employed RNase P RNAs from threeeubacteria. C. vinosum and E. coli are both members of the y-division of P RNAs are structurally(11) proteobacteria, and their RNase and kinetically (Table I) similar; the RNase P RNA of B. subtilis, a member of the “gram-positive” phylum, differs in both structure andreaction kinetics. Several previously reported (10) features of the cross-linking reaction render it suitable for use as a binding assay. (i) The wavelength used for excitation (302 nm) does little or no damage to RNA. (ii) The arylnitrene generated by illumination is highly reactive, allowing insertion into many types of covalent bonds. (iii)The yield of conjugates is extremely high, up to 30% inconditions of enzymeexcess, and 2-15% at equimolar enzymeand substrate at s K,,, concentrations. This point is important: cross-linking and cleavage assays aredone DISCUSSION under closely comparableconditions, in contrast to a UV Substrate recognitionby RNase P RNA is of particular photodimerization reaction (21) which usedRNase P and preconcentrations of the order 1,000-fold greater interest because, unlike other RNA catalysts, it isunlikely to tRNA make much use of helix formation via complementary base than K,,,. (iv) The sites of azidophenacyl-tRNA attachment pairing. There is littlesequence conservation in theregion of are conserved in the reactionsbetween tRNAs and RNase P the cleavage site withwhich pairing could take place, and the RNAs from disparate organisms and are located in the phymature domain of pre-tRNA, the substrate component rec- logenetically conserved core of the RNase P RNA secondary ognized by RNase P, is already highly structured. Some ele- structure. (v) tRNA conjugated to RNase P RNA reversibly ments important in substrate recognition have been identi- prevents cleavage activity, consistent with its occupation of fied one is the 3”terminal CCA (20); another is thesequence the active site. We have extendedthese observations. Azidophenacylnear thecleavage site, which can affect cleavage site selection (5-9). However, the contributions of these structural motifs tRNA is a derivative of mature tRNA, which is the product, of RNase P; substantial differences are not simple: the 3‘ CCA is not essential (6), and the effects rather than the substrate, of RNA sequence and structure in the5‘ leader and acceptor in the substrate and product binding sites might exist. Although an early report suggested that product inhibition is stem on cleavage site selection are not predictable (5-9). One source of confusion in interpreting results has been noncompetitive (22), the kinetic characterization of cleavage Ions Substrate Binding by and RNase P 2435 of the inhibition (Fig. 2a) shows that mature tRNA is a purely of turnovers)candeterminetherate-limitingstep competitive inhibitor, as expected if the product and substratereaction. Monovalent Cation Requirements-Of the reaction condibinding sites arecoextensive. We therefore conclude that the binding properties of pre-tRNA and mature tRNA aresuffi- tions reported here, the fastest steady-state rate of cleavage is achieved at 1.0 M NaCl with 25 mM MgC12 (Fig. 6a). This ciently similar to justify extrapolation from one to the other. high [M'] optimum is in keeping with the concept that high Azidophenacyl-tRNA, thephotoagent-containingderivaionic strength acts to replace the RNase P protein (3). It is tive of mature tRNA, is qualitatively similar to mature tRNA in that it is also a competitive inhibitor of the cleavage noteworthy, however, that this enhancement is only a fewwas low reaction (Fig. 2b). However, the Kt of azidophenacyl-tRNA is fold (Fig. 4 ) , even though the substrate concentration (50.25 K,). This conditionwill emphasize the cationrequiresubstantially higher than that of mature tRNA, indicating that the presenceof the azidophenacyl group at the5' end of ment if cations act toincrease binding affinity; cleavage rates tRNA weakens binding to RNase P RNA, presumably by at high substrate concentration will be even less dependent steric hindrance. We do not believe this property poses a on high cation concentration. Since we could not detect any serious objection: the cross-linking reagent,a t length 8-9 A, reduction in the amountof active enzyme at 0.1 M versus 1.0 is no larger than a single nucleoside, and the 10-fold increase M NH:,we conclude that high concentrations of monovalent in K, indicates a n increase of only 1 kcal/mol in the free cation are notrequired for folding of RNase P RNA. Monovalent cationsprobably enhance substratebinding by energy of binding, equivalent to the loss of one hydrogen bond neutralizingelectrostatic repulsionbetweenRNAs rather (15). than by forming salt bridges. A relatively small difference (< The most compelling evidence of the applicability of the cross-linking assay is the finding that the binding constants 2-fold) in binding is seenfor a seriesof cations having a large range of unhydrated ionic radii (0.55-1.7 A), consistent with obtained for pre-tRNA and mature tRNA in the cross-linking assay are comparable to those obtained in the conventional charge neutralization but notexpected if specific contacts are cleavage assay (Figs. 2 and 3 and Table I). These results give being formed though the cations. Similarly, the binding of monovalent cations must be weak, as cross-linking extent is us a firm basis for believing that the cross-linking reactions not saturatedat 0.5-1.0 M M' (K' appears tobe an exception). accurately reflect the bindingbehavior of RNase P RNA and This behavior is not expected if the cations fill binding sites its ligands. on the RNAs but is consistent with electrostatic attraction to equilib- negatively charged phosphates. The cross-linking reaction allows us to compare the rium binding of the RNase P substrate, pre-tRNA, with that The Dual Role of Divalent Cation-The divalent cation of mature tRNA. It is reasonable to expect that K, = Kr, for requirement for cleavage has been plausibly interpreted to mature tRNA: since the cleavage reaction is essentially irre- indicate that Mg2' acts as a catalytic cofactor in the RNase versible, bothconstants will equal k3/k-:i intheminimal P reaction (18).These data,however, could also be interpreted reaction scheme. The cross-linking extent appearsalso to be as a requirement for Mg2+for the properfolding of RNase P a function of Kn,as the K , values determined by the crossRNA (as with the Tetrahymena IVS (25)) or for binding of linking assay are close to those determined from cleavage substrate to enzyme. Our results support the conclusions of kinetics. However, the relationship between K, and KT, of Guerrier-Takada et al. (18). Binding of tRNA to RNase P pre-tRNA is less clear. In the minimal reaction scheme, K , RNA can take place in the absence of Mg'+ (Table 11), and = ks(k2 + k - 1 ) / k , ( k 2 k3);assuming that k-,, Iz3 << k2, K , = the conformation of the enzyme-substrate complex in the k:Jkl,and so resembles Kn (k-Jk1) only to the extent that theabsence ofMg2' is similar or identical to the productive off-rate of mature tRNA equals the off-rateof pre-tRNA ( k , conformation (Fig. 5). Mg2+may enhance, but is notrequired = kl).Two observations indicate the similarities of these for, substrate binding orenzyme folding; the requirement for rates and thus of K,,, and Kr, of pre-tRNA.Firstisthe cleavage strongly implies participation in the catalyticmechsimilarity of the K, values of mature and pre-tRNAfor inhi- anism. bition of cross-linkingintheabsence ofMg". Sinceno Contraryto aprevious report (18), Ca2+promotesthe cleavage occurs under these conditions,Ki = Kr,. Unless Mg" cleavage reaction, albeit somewhatpoorly: k,,,/K, is reduced 5' leader of pre-tRNA, this 5-fold (Table I). The catalytic step is rate limiting introduces an interaction with the for the relationship should hold under cleavage conditions also, and Ca2+ reaction,whereas product release is rate limitingfor the KI, tRNA p r e . t ~ ~K~ , p r e . t ~ Second, ~ ~ . k, is limiting in the Mg2+ reaction. The 8-fold reduction in kc,, istherefore a Ca2+reaction (k2 << k l , k3) so that K, = k - , / k , = KO.Cross- minimum estimateof the effect of Ca2+ on catalysis step and linking extents are similar in thepresence of Ca2+ andMg" is likely to be much larger. This effect on catalysis is also (Fig. 6), as are K, values in the cleavage reactions (Table I), consistent with a direct role of divalent cation in thereaction indicating the similarityof substrate binding in thepresence mechanism (18, 24). Chemical Nature of the RNaseP RNA-tRNA Interactionof thedifferentdivalentcations.Theextrapolationthat A priori, three types of interactions might contributespecific Kllc,2+ KDMg2+ therefore seems reasonable.Weconclude that under our assay conditions, the binding affinities of pre- RNase P RNA-tRNA contacts: hydrophobic, ionic, and hydrogenbonds. Extensive specific hydrophobic interactions tRNA and mature tRNA are very similar. seemunlikely to be involved because of the highly polar The Dichotomy of Binding and Cleavage surfaces of the RNAs (although stacking interactions could Conditions that enhance substrate binding do not neces- provide localized hydrophobic stabilization). The data presarily increase the steady-statecleavage rate and indeed can sented here, together with previous observations (3, 16, 18), ionic contactsarenot involved in the reduce it. NH: causes tRNA to bind more tightly to RNaseP indicatealsothat RNA than does Na' (Fig. 4),but kc,, is severalfold faster in specificity of the RNaseP RNA-tRNA interaction. Potential ionic contacts would be mediated by divalent Na+(TableI).Similarly,bindingandthe single turnover cation bridges between phosphates.s The present data show reaction rate increase withMg2+concentration, but the multiple turnover rate decreases at concentrations above 10 mM Because the RNAs used in these experiments are not modified, (Fig. 6a). These results demonstrate that thechoice of reac- they have no positively charged residues to interact with negatively tion conditions(e.g. type and concentrationof cation, number charged phosphates. + - - - 2436 Substrate Binding and Ions by RNase P 2. Pace, N. R. & Smith, D. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 2 6 5 , 3587-3590 3. Rei& c. I., Olsen, G. J., Pace, B. 8~Pace, N. R. (1988) Science 239,178-181 4. Yams, M. 8~ Thompson, R. c. (1983) in Gene Function in Prokaryotes (Beckwith, J., ed) pp. 23-36, Cold SpringHarbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 5. Burkard, u., willis, 1. & soli, D. (1988) J . ~ i ~them, l , 263, 2447-2451 6. Green, C. 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Biol. 2 3 , 195-225 that RNase P RNA specifically binds tRNAs in the absence of divalent cations (Table 11 and Fig. 5). In Some cases, this binding is as good in the absence of M2' as in its presence; in no is the difference than 10-fold. Although nonspecific enhancement of binding by divalent cations is indicated by the reduced rate of product dissociation a t high Mg2+concentrations, this effect is also modest, a few-fold a t most. We conclude that divalent cation bridges do not contribute specifically to this ribozyme-substrate complex. The noninvolvement of ion-dependent contactsin RNase P RNAtRNA binding is also indicated by the general insensitivity of theinteractiontothe presence of high concentrations of monovalent salts. High monovalent salt concentrations would be expected to screen interactions with divalent cations and thereby reduceaffinity; the opposite effect is observed. Thus, selectivity and binding of substrate by RNase P seem mediated largely or solely through hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bondsmight occur between thebases or otherelements of enzyme and substrate. Helix formation is unlikely, however, because of thetight folding totRNAsand variability intheir sequences. The basic phenomenology of eubacterial RNase P is now and the focus Of the has shifted toward obtaining a detailed understanding of enzyme structure, substrate recognition, and catalysis. It is clear from the present work that cation type and concentration can affect binding and cleavage in ways that are not intuitively obvious or easily distinguished by cleavage assays alone. By extension, we expect that structural alterations of substrate and enzyme, as in mutational studies, will have similarly confusing effects. Progress in these require more refined we have described one such tool, the cross-linkingassay, which allows effectsonbindingandcatalysisto be determined independently.