AUTHENTICATION ENHANCEMENT OF RFID CARD USING AN ELECTRONICALLY CLIPPABLE SHIELD AND FINGERPRINT-BIOMETRICS IKUESAN RICHARD ADEYEMI A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Information Security) Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JANUARY, 2012 iv This dissertation is dedicated to my family for their endless support and encouragement, and particularly, to Philip and Samson Ikuesan. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Norafida Binti Ithnin for her unfading support, encouragement, and enlightenment through-out the period of this study, without whom, much effort would have been in vain and this project may have not seen fruition. I would also want to appreciate all my colleagues in information security class, especially, those under the supervision of Dr. Norafida. Special appreciation to all members of the Skudai Joy Gospel Chapel, a family that I will never forget. Finally, I would like to appreciate all staffs of FSKSM, UTM and the entire UTM staff at large for the conducive learning environment. vi ABSTRACT Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a technology that employs basic identifier of an object embedded in a chip, transmitted via radio wave, for identification. An RFID Card, responds to query irrespective of ‘Who’ holds the card; like a key to a door. Since an attacker can possess the card, access to such object can therefore be easily compromised. This security breach is classified as an unauthorized use of card, and it forms the bedrock for RFID card compromise especially in access control. As an authentication enhancement mechanism, this study designed and developed a method termed BIO-THENTIC Card, that integrates three existing mitigation methods which are physical clip tag, Faraday shield and fingerprint authentication; to prevent and also protect this weakness. The Bio-Thentic Card was fabricated, tested and assessed in line with the known threats, and attacks; and it was observed to proffer substantive solution to unauthorized use of RFID Card. vii ABSTRAK Pengenalpastian frekuensi radio (RFID) adalah teknologi yang menggunakan pengecam asas objek yang tertanam dalam cip, dihantar melalui gelombang radio, untuk pengenalan. Kad RFID, respons kepada pertanyaan tanpa mengira Siapa yang memegang kad seperti kunci pintu. Sejak penyerang boleh memiliki kad tersebut, akses kepada Oleh itu, objek itu boleh dengan mudah berkompromi. Pelanggaran keselamatan ini diklasifikasikan sebagai penggunaan tanpa kebenaran kad, dan ia membentuk batu hampar untuk berkompromi kad RFID terutama dalam kawalan akses. Sebagai mekanisme peningkatan pengesahan, kajian ini direka dan dibangunkan satu kaedah yang dipanggil BIO-Kad THENTIC, yang mengintegrasikan tiga kaedah mitigasi yang sedia ada yang tag klip fizikal, Faraday perisai dan pengesahan cap jari; untuk mencegah dan juga melindungi kelemahan ini. Kad Bio-Thentic direka, diuji dan dinilai selaras dengan ancaman yang diketahui, dan serangan; dan diperhatikan untuk mengajukan penyelesaian substantiative penggunaan tanpa kebenaran Kad RFID. viii TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER 1. TITLE PAGE DECLARATION iii DEDICATION iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT v ABSTRACT vi ABSTRAK vii LIST OF TABLE xiii LIST OF FIGURE xiv LIST OF EQUATION xvii INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Background 2 1.3 Problem Statement 3 1.4 Project Aim 4 1.5 Objective 4 1.6 Project Scope 4 1.7 Significance of the Project 5 1.8 Organization of Report 5 ix 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Introduction 7 2.1.1 7 History of RFID technology Architecture of the RFID Technology 8 2.2.1 RFID Tag 9 2.2.2 RFID Reader 10 Physical Principle Of RFID Technology 11 2.3.1 Magnetic Field Coupling: Near Field 12 2.3.2 Power Supply To A Passive RFID Tag 14 2.3.3 Antenna Impedance And Matching 15 2.3.4 Operating Frequency of RFID technology 16 2.3.5 Singulation Process 17 Communication Layers of RFID Technology 18 2.4.1 The Physical Layer 18 2.4.2 The Application Layer 19 2.4.3 The Strategic Layer 19 2.4.4 The Network-Transport Layer 20 RFID Application 20 2.5.1 Contactless Payment System 21 2.5.2 Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) System. 22 2.5.3 Container Identification And Tracking 22 2.5.4 E-Passport And Document Identification 23 2.5.5 ChampionChip And Tag Implantation 24 2.5.6 Substitute For Bar-Code 25 2.5.7 Contactless Smart Card 26 2.5.8 Banknotes 27 2.5.9 Libraries 27 Known Challenges in RFID Technology 28 2.6.1 RFID Tag Cloning Attack 29 2.6.2 Physical Attack 29 2.6.3 Skimming Attack 30 x 2.7 2.6.4 Spoofing Attack 31 2.6.5 Relay Attack 31 2.3.6 Denial of Service (Dos) Attack 33 2.3.7 Clandestine Tracking 34 Counter Measures Against Known Challenges 35 2.7.1 RFID Guardian 35 2.7.2 RFID Blocker Tag 36 2.7.3 Labeling 37 2.7.4 Kill Command 37 2.7.5 RFID Zapper 38 2.7.6 RFID Clipped Tag 38 2.7.7 Faraday Cage 39 2.7.8 Authentication Protocols 39 2.7.9 Anti-Counterfeiting Technology 41 2.7.10 Physical- Layer Identification 41 2.7.11 Fingerprint Biometric Authentication 42 2.7.12 Controllable tag 43 2.8 Physical Layer Security 46 2.9 Summary of Various Mitigations and Their Drawback 44 2.10 Other Types of Mitigation Used for Physical Authentication 53 2.11 2.10.1 Iris Pattern Recognition 53 2.10.2 Body Odor Authentication 54 2.10.3 Facial Recognition 54 2.10.4 Fingerprint Pattern 55 2.10.5 Signature Pattern 55 2.10.6 Hand Geometry 55 2.10.7 Retina Pattern 56 2.10.8 Speech Pattern/Voiceprint 56 Integrating Various Physical Authentication Mitigation on RFID Card 56 xi 2.12 3 3.1 Introduction 59 3.2 Operational Framework 60 3.3 Review of Existing Mitigation 61 3.3.1 Physical Clipped Tag 62 3.3.2 Faraday Cage 63 3.3.3 Fingerprint Biometric Authentication 65 3.5 Project Methodology 68 3.4.1 Phase 1: Design and Fabrication of Tag 70 3.4.2 Phase 2: Fingerprint Acquisition and Matching 70 3.4.3 Phase 3: Code Development and Testing 70 Summary 71 DESIGN OF BIO-THENTIC RFID CARD 4.1 Introduction 72 4.2 Existing Mitigation Measure Analysis 73 4.3 Proposed Mitigation 74 4.4 Antenna Design 78 4.4.1 Antenna Coil 78 4.4.2 Clipped Joint 82 4.4.3 Biometric Authentication 83 4.4.4 Fingerprint Module Security Mechanism 84 4.4.5 Fingerprint Storage And Matching 85 4.5 4.6 5 58 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.4 4 Summary Control Unit 86 4.5.1 AVR Atmega-8515 Microcontroller 86 4.5.2 Control Circuitry 88 Summary 91 RESULT AND ANALYSIS 5.1 Introduction 92 xii 5.2 5.3 6 Bio-Thentic Prototype Testing 93 5.2.1 Reader Response 96 5.2.2 Fingerprint Authentication 97 5.2.3 Tag Reading 98 Risk Assessment 98 5.3.1 Tag Manipulation 99 5.3.2 Clip Joint Circumvention 101 5.3.3 Fingerprint Manipulation 101 5.4 Risk Assessment Analysis 103 5.5 Summary 103 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 6.1 Introduction 104 6.2 Contribution 105 6.3 Future work 105 6.4 Conclusion 106 REFERENCES 107 APPENDIX A Program code in Assembly language 117 APPENDIX B Program Flow Chart 138 xiii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Summary of Attacks on RFID Layer 34 2.2 Mitigation against Attack on the Physical Layer 45 2.3 Attacks and Its Mitigation Targeted At the RFID Physical-Layer 46 2.4 Effectiveness of Mitigation to RFID Challenges 49 2.5 Comparison of Various Authentication Mitigations Based On Integrative Property with RFID Card 57 4.1 RFID Physical-Layer Attack-Mitigation Analysis 73 4.2 Instruction Command for Fingerprint Storage 85 4.3 Instruction Command for Fingerprint Match 85 4.4 Control Output Indicator 90 5.1 Test Result of Bio-Thentic Card 96 5.2 Results for Authentication Testing 97 5.3 Bio-Thentic Risk Assessment 102 xiv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Typical RFID Architecture 9 2.2 Example of RFID Tag. 10 2.3 Typical of an RFID Reader 11 2.4 Lines of Magnetic Flux 12 2.5 Magnetic Loops around a Current Carrying Conductor 14 2.6 Power Supply Process for a Near Field Antenna 15 2.7 Tree Singulation Diagram 17 2.8 RFID Technology Communication Layer 18 2.9 Applicability of RFID Technology 20 2.10 A Typical Physical-Layer Security Breach in RFID System 28 2.11 New HMAC-Based Protocol 40 2.12 Authentication and Identification Framework 43 2.13 Samples of Controllable and Visible Tags. 44 xv 3.1 Operational Framework of the Study 60 3.2 A) Schematics Of Clipped Tag B) Garment Hang Tag. 62 3.3 Clipping an Antenna 63 3.4 Operational Process of Faraday Cage. 64 3.5 Examples of Minutiae Types 65 3.6 A)Example Of An OFTIR 3.7 Example of a Live-Scan Fingerprint. 67 3.8 Typical Algorithm for Minutiae Extraction 67 3.9 Flow Chart of Proposed Method 69 4.1 Overview of Proposed Measure 75 4.2 Implementation Flow Chat of the Proposed Method 76 4.3 Communication process of the proposed mitigation 77 4.4 Snapshot of CST 2010 antenna design 79 4.5 FR4 lossy material 80 4.6 S-parameter of the designed antenna 81 4.7 Snapshot showing the clipped joint 82 4.8 Fabricated Antenna Unit 83 4.9 Architecture of Atmega-8515 Microcontroller 84 4.10 Block diagram of the fingerprint module 87 4.11 Pin-out of Atmega-8515 Microcontroller 88 4.12 Schematics of control process 89 B) Image Geometry 66 xvi 5.1 Bio-Thentic Card prototype 93 5.2 Testing Procedure for Authentic User 94 5.3 Generic Testing Procedure 95 5.4 Worse case scenario of Bio-Thentic Card-physical state 100 5.5 Electrical manipulation of the clipped joint 100 xvii LIST OF EQUATIONS EQUATION NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Magnetic field strength 13 2.2 Energy range of RFID Tag 13 2.3 Optimal antenna coupling 13 2.4 Impedance 15 3.1 Gauss Law 64 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Radio frequency identifier (RFID) is one among series of wireless technology gaining faster and wider adoption in our today society. portability, mobility, and flexibility in use. Unique to RFID is its In a bid to make life much easier and simpler, this uniqueness has triggered its integration into our everyday life. Traditional way of identifying object/products in the retail industry; bar-code, is gradually being replace by the RFID. Of more importance to the adoption of RFID is its ability to be integrated into conveyor system, container, inventory, and transport tracking system, time sensitive application, self monitoring application such as expiry date alerts, and anti-counterfeiting of product. In addition, the relatively cheaper cost of the technology also contributes to such increasing demand. Ironically, RFID unique properties have generated privacy concern and increasing security threats and attacks alike; which have attracted scholarly concern from researchers for the past two decades. Hence, various mitigations have been proposed to combat these challenges. Owing to the fact that the RFID system 2 constitutes four distinct layers (which are discussed in the following chapter), mitigations have also been structured to equate layer attacks. While the layers of the RFID system are been addressed, the physical-layer tends to receive less attention, and it has led to the success of most attacks. Researchers such as Juels (2006), Reiback (2005), Yahaya et al. (2010), e. t. c. have proposed measures to combat these attacks at the -physical-layer with focus on the reader-to-tag and tag-to-reader communication leaving the physical-layer vulnerable to unauthorized usage. 1.2 Problem Background The adoption of RFID technology into areas like physical access control have generated questions such as; ‘how can I know when my Card is being read’, how can the Card detect the authentic owner of the Card. Series of such question have trailed the stage of RFID technology. Yahaya et al. , (2009) proposed a framework upon which a Card can identify its authentic owner using a “biometric fingerprint match on Card” and a computer system for authentication. This is also similar to the model proposed by Fons et al. , (2006). Marquardt et al. , (2010) proposed a controllable tag system. They modeled different types of tag that can be controlled by the user at will. This is also similar to the clipped tag designed by Moskowitz et. al. ,(2007). Zanneti et al, (2010) proposed a “physical-layer identification” system of tag based on the principle of radiometry, which was termed PARADIS. They concluded that every tag has a unique fingerprint upon which they can be distinguished. 3 In all of the proposed mitigation however, the question of ‘who’ (how authentic is the authentic holder of the Card) authorizes the Card is yet to be answered. Zuo, (2010) concluded that the “survivability of the RFID system” should start from the security of each tag, noting that compromising attacks emanates from the tag. Langheinrich, (2008) identified “unauthorized tag readout” as the core of RFID privacy problem stating that authenticating the interrogating parties in RFID system is a technique for privacy concern. Therefore, the challenge of authorized Card use and reading constitutes the bane of the security and privacy issues in the RFID system. Albeit, such challenges can be protected against by proposing an enhance authentication system particularly, at the user-end on the physical-layer of the RFID system. 1.3 Problem Statement Attacks on the physical-layer of the RFID system have received minimum combative measure leading to the discouraging rate of attacks on it. Some of the existing measure tend to offer mitigation but failed to consider the authenticity of the user at the tag end of the system. Considering these limitations, satisfactory answers to the questions listed below needs to be purveyed in the process of this study: i. How authentic is the authentic Cardholder? ii. How can an authentic Cardholder dictate Card responds to interrogation? iii. How can an authentic Cardholder know when the tag is being read? iv. What happens to the confidentiality of the Card when it is stolen? v. How will this proposed method be evaluated, with respect to authentic authorization? 4 1.4 Project Aim The aim of this study is to improve the security level of the RFID system at the physical layer as well as ensure confidentiality in the use of RFID Cards by enhancing authentication of user at the tag end. 1.5 Project Objectives In order to accomplish the aim of this study; the following objectives must be achieved: i. To study and investigate existing mitigation measures on security and privacy of the RFID system with reference to the physical-layer. ii. To propose an enhanced authentication mechanism for authenticating user at the tag-end of the RFID system iii. To implement the proposed authentication mechanism and evaluate it effectiveness 1.6 Project Scope The following defines the scope of this study: 1) This study entails security issues relating to the physical-layer of a passive and semi-passive tag used in contactless Cards. 5 2) The proposed enhancement method will be based on three existing mitigation methods, which are clipped tag, Faraday cage and fingerprint biometric authentication. 3) The designs and fabrication of the system is limited to the physics of the tag antenna and not on the detail of the RFID tag itself. 1.7 Significance of the dissertation In this study, various mitigation measures for combating the challenges of the RFID system will be discussed. Furthermore, detailed analysis will be carried out on the specific three chosen measures, which will give insight to other researchers. The challenges of unauthorized tag read, tag use and even tag killing will receive appropriate mitigation. 1.8 Organization of report This thesis comprises chapters arranged in the numeric other of 1 to 6. The detail of each chapter is detailed as follows; Chapter 1 of this report gives the overview of this study, problem background, objective, scope, and problem statement of this study. Chapter 2 of this report covers the history and basic theory of the RFID technology as well as its importance in various areas of application. Security and privacy challenges and existing mitigation in the RFID system were also discussed in detail. 6 Chapter 3 describes the research methodology of this study. In addition, it also discussed the project methodology for the study. Chapter 4 of this report covers the design and fabrication process upon which the proposed methodology was framed. Chapter 5 of this report discussed the result of the design and fabrication process. It also discussed result of risk assessment carried out on the fabricated prototype. Chapter 6 covered the conclusion and recommendation proffered in this study. 7 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter discussed the nature (with reference to the physical nature), various application area, and security and privacy challenges in RFID technology. Review of various proposed mitigation against these known challenges were also discussed as well as their respective limitation. A concise summary of mitigations to these challenges was also included in this chapter. 2.1.1 Brief History of RFID Technology The term RFID is used to describe any system capable of transmitting the identity of an object from a tag to a reader using radio frequency (RF) waves as communication medium. This can also include the transfer of stored data with some encryption function. RF identification can be traced back to Faraday discovery of 8 mutual induction between two conductors during the mid-nineteenth century and discoveries made around 1900-1940 in radio and radar technology. Radio frequency transmitting and responding as a means of identification can be traced to the Allied Fighters and Anti-air craft system during the Second World War. It was used to distinguish between friendly aircraft and the otherwise hence the name Identification friend or foe (IFF); where a correct signal transmitted is considered a friend, otherwise, a foe. Shortly after the Second World War, launching of the first commercialized use of the RFID took off in the 1960s (Haver, 2006). This led to various developmental works on the technology in the 1970s. The implementation of the RFID technology started in 1980s (Haver, 2006). From the 1990s to date, various application area of RFID technology have emerge and yet still, the technology is considered as ‘yet to achieve’ its possible application area. 2.2 Architecture of The RFID Technology RFID technology theory of operation is centered on the communication principle of radio wave. Like every other wireless medium of communication, RFID technology is composed of the transmitter and the receiver/responder but unique to RFID is the architecture of the communication units; reader and tag. The architecture of a typical RFID system is shown in Figure 2. 1. It consists of the reader, the tag and or the backend database and central control system. Extensively, an internet infrastructure can be integrated into it. 9 Internet Infrastructure Tag Reader Backend Database Control unit Figure 2. 1: Typical RFID Architecture. As shown in Figure 2. 1, the communication channel between the reader and the tag is a wireless medium. The backend database and the control unit could be integrated into one cabinet or in separate units. The backend database can be linked to Internet infrastructure for upstream and downstream activities. 2.2.1 RFID Tag It is the main composition of the RFID technology; the information for identification and communication is stored inside the tag. An RFID tag is a chip capable of transmitting and responding (hence the name transponder) to RF signal. Its components include an encoding circuitry, memory unit, antenna, communication control. Depending on the type, it could possess internal power unit or external (power drawn from the reader) power unit. These characteristics form the basis for the categorization of the RFID tag; active tag, passive tag, and semi-passive tag. The passive tag does not have internal power supply hence, draws it power (using the near field theory through its resonating circuit) from the reader, for data 10 communication and memory circuitry operation. An active RFID tag on the other hand, possesses internal power supply unit, which supplies power to its internal memory circuitry and data communication with the reader. The semi-passive tag is a hybrid tag characterized by the internal power supply for its memory circuitry but relies on the near field power supply from the reader for communication. RFID tags are designed in different forms and sizes irrespective of its categorization. Examples are illustrated in Figure 2. 2. A B C Figure 2.2: Example of RFID Tag. Figure 2. 2 shows three different types of tags. Tag labeled ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ is an example of tags used in contactless Cards, implanted in pets, and embedded in documents respectively. Tag can take any form and size but it is also a function of the application requirement. The antenna being the component of communication, also influence the size by design. The category of tag used (either passive or active) also influence the size of the tag design; the inclusion or exclusion of battery. 2.2.2 RFID Reader This is the second composition of the RFID physical layer. It reads data information contained in the tag. It communicate with the reader by transmitting and receiving (hence the name transceiver) RF signal; a process called tag querying or 11 interrogation. The reeader communicates with the tags by moduulating a RF carrier using either a doublee –sideband amplitude shift keying (DSB-AS SK ), phase reversal amplitude shift keyiing(PR-ASK), single-sideband amplitude sshift keying (SSDASK) in the format of o pulse interval coding. A typical reader com mprises an antenna, system interface, a crryptographic encoding circuit unit, communiication control unit, and power supply unnit. A typical internal composition of a reaader is described in Figure 2. 3. Figure 2.3: Typical of an RFID Reader. The communnication channel of the various module connstituting the RFID reader depicted in Fiigure 2. 3, shows that the link between the ccontrol module and the computer interfaace is a full duplex routing (can transmit and receive signal simultaneously), as aggainst the internal communication between thhe HF interface and the control unit whichh is half duplex. 2.3 Physical Prin nciple of RFID Technology The antenna of o a passive tag is used to harness energy from m and communicate to the transceiver. Thhe process in which a passive or semi-passivee tag responds back 12 to a reader is called backscatter, b a process of “modulation of the reeflection coefficient of its antenna” (Hawrrylak et. al. , 2008) back to the reader. 2.3.1 Magnetic Fieeld Coupling: Near Field The passive RFID R tag relies on the near field strength of thhe reader for power. This near field princiiple is similar to the mutual coupling in a transformer. Mutual coupling exist whenn electric current passing through a coil iinduces voltage on another coil within thhe generated magnetic field. “In a near-fieldd RFID system, the interrogator has an anntenna that acts as the primary coil which gennerates the magnetic field. Near field RF FID tag (a tag within close proximity) derivves power from the induced current due to t the magnetic field generated by the interrrogator, the primary coil’’ (Hawrylak et. al. , 2008). The generated magnetic field consists of lines of magnetic flux (whichh is dependent on the number of coils) in cloosed circular pattern (cylindrical in shape) as illustrated in Figure 2. 4. Figuure 2.4: Lines of Magnetic Flux (Haver, 20006) This field sett-up by the radiating interrogator can be classified into two components: inductioon field and radiation field. “The inductionn field is important only in the immediaate vicinity of the radiating interrogator; thee energy associated 13 with it pulsates back and forth between the radiator and the near--by space. At large distance, the radiatorr field is dominant; it represents a continuual flow of energy directly outward from m the radiator, with a density that varies inversely with the square of the distancce and dependent on the direction from the source (Silver and James, 1949). “The magnetic m field strength (H) at distance “x” allong the X-axis can be estimated” (Haverr, 2006) by equation 2. 1. . . . Equation2. 1 Where: N= number off coil windings of the tag R= the antennna radius x = the distancce from the center of the coil in the x-directioon I= Electric cuurrent From equationn 2. 1, “x” can be redefined as the energy rrange of the tag. It can be calculated usinng the equation 2. 2 below, which is derivedd from equation 2. 1 by making “x” the suubject of the formula. . . . Equatioon 2. 2 The power received r by the passive tag through mutuual coupling varies inversely proportionaal to “x” i. e. the higher the value of “x”, thhe weaker the field strength available forr the tag and by extension, the higher the tim me required for data transmission. For optimal antenna coupling, equation 2. 2 can be redefined to satisfy round coil criteria. = ई × 2 …Equatioon 2. 3 14 Therefore, thee value of “R” given by equation 2. 3 definees the optimal range for antenna radius. This T range can thus be seen as a dependent ffactor on the energy range of the tag. 2.3.2 Power Supply to a Passive RFID Tag When a connductor is place within the magnetic fieeld set-up by the interrogator, a degreee of magnetic force is experienced by the coonductor which sets its electron in constannt motion. The direction of the magnetic field and the current in the conductor is illusttrated in Figure 2. 5. Figure 2. 5 Magnetic Loops around a Current Carrying C Conductor (Richard, 2008) The force exxerted on the conductor by the magneticc field is directly proportional to the lenngth of the conductor. The current flowing inn the conductor due to the constant electron motion can then be connected to charge a capacitor. This is depicted in the Figuree 2. 6 below with the conductor represented by the antenna coil of the tag. 15 Ta Figure 2. 6: Power Supply Process for a Near Field Antenna (Kllaus Finkenzeller, 2010) As shown in Figure F 2. 6, the magnetic field (H) from the R Reader (Ri) couples the antenna of the taag (Ta) forms the communication medium. This field in turn charges the capacitors C1and C2, which serves as power source forr the RFID chip. In general, the power received r by the RFID tag is dependent onn the power of the transmitting antenna, the distance between the Reader and the tagg, and the efficiency of the tag antenna. 2.3.3 Antenna Imp pedance And Matching As discussed above, the magnetic field set-up by the interrrogator powers the tag through mutual induction. Additionally, the power receiived by the tag is dependent on the effficiency of the tag antenna. In order to atttain this efficiency, between the interroggator and tag coil, they must be matched or tuned at same resonating frequency; a process called impedance matching. Thee term impedance is used to describe thee relationship that exists between voltage and current in an alternating current at any point in time. ȡ= ॥ ூ॥ . . . Equattion 2. 4 16 From equation 2. 4, it can be deduced that, maximum current (Imax. ) flows when the impedance tend to minimum (Zmin. ). This happens when the antenna resonates on pure resistive impedance (when the capacitive reactance is equal to the inductive reactance). So for optimal matching of the tag antenna, the impedance “Z” must be minimal. 2.3.4 Operating Frequency of RFID Technology RFID tag can be classified based on the frequency they operate. Generally, they are classified into three categories namely; the low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF), and the ultra high frequency (UHF). The LF class of tags primarily operates at 125 kHz, and within the range 30 kHz and 300 kHz. The HF RFID tag (which is the commonly used tag) operates primarily at the 13. 56 MHz, and within the range of 3 MHz and 30MHz. This is similar to the “Federal communications commission (FCC) stated boundary of 13. 56 MHz +/-17 KHz Industrial Scientific and Medical (ISM) use” (CIRCULAR, 2010). The UHF class of RFID tags range between 300MHz to 3GHz, albeit, the UHF tags in the Gen-2 protocols operates in ranges of 866MHz and 960MHz but it applicability varies in different countries (Hawrylak et. al. , 2008). These operating frequencies determine the data rate and the read range of the RFID system. Based on frequency range, the operating read range of the passive RFID tag operates at 30cm, 1m, and 7m for LF, HF and UHF tags respectively. However, for an active tag, the nominal range could span 100m since it does not require the reader to power its internal circuitry (LIANG, 2010). 17 2.3.5 Singulation Process The RFID reader continuously polls for tag. In the process, it creates an interrogation zone for activating a tag. However, collision occurs when a there are multiple tags in the zone. The process of distinguishing individual tags in such state of collision of RFID tags is called singulation process (singling out a particular for interrogation). Juels et al. , (2006) proposed a tree walking singulation method for singulation. In their method, the tag identifiers were arranged as leaves of a binary tree (Dolev et. al. , 2008) as shown in Figure 2. 7. Figure 2. 7: Tree Singulation Diagram From Figure 2. 7, each leaf represents a tag ID. With this unique binary tree ID of tag, take “h” for instance which is 101, can be located. In this way, a reader can easily select a particular tag through the leave nodes to the individual tag of interest. 18 2.4 Communication Layers of RFID Technology RFID communication comprises of four distinct layers; physical layer, the network and transport layer (also referred to as communication layer), the application layer, and the strategic layer. A typical schematic of the RFID layers is shown in Figure 2. 8 Figure 2. 8: RFID Technology Communication Layer (Mitrokotsa et, al. , 2010) The structural content of each layer is illustrated in Figure 2. 8. It also shows that the physical layer forms the bedrock on which RFID system is structured. This thesis is centered on enhancing authentication at the physical layer thus establishing the first line of defense at the physical layer. 2.4.1 The Physical Layer The physical layer comprises the RFID device (RFID tag and reader) and the radio frequency interface. RFID tags are considerably small in size, and they communicate through the air interface with the reader. Thus characterized by poor physical layer security and hence, low restiveness towards physical manipulation. These attacks could aim at permanent disabling of tag, tag removal, antenna 19 disruption, tag destruction, unauthorized killing of tag, unauthorized use of tag, unauthorized reading of tag, passive interference, active jamming and relay attacks; are associated with the physical layer (Mitrokotsa et. al. , 2010). One major concern at this layer is the ability to distinguish an authentic user from a malicious one; Authentication. 2.4.2 The Network-Transport Layer Network-Transport layer describes the communication procedure and protocol of the RFID technology. The communication process of the RFID is a twoway channeling system (from the reader to the tag and the tag to the reader). Attacks on this layer could be at the tag end, the reader end or the network of communication. Such attack includes but not limited to; tag cloning, relay, spoofing, skimming, eavesdropping and network protocol violation. 2.4.3 The Application Layer RFID Application layer contains the information inside the tag and the method of communication and operation. Attacks at this layer are, but not limited to; unauthorized tag reading, tag data modification, virus/malicious code injection, and middleware attack. 20 2.4.4 The Strategic Layer This layer includes the organization lay-out of the design of infrastructures and application (Mitrokotsa eet. al. , 2010). Attacks in this layer include social engineering, corporate espionage, privacy, and targeted security breach. 2.5 RFID Application The influence of RFID technology in applications has grown such that it is integrated into our every-day life. Figure 2. 9 depicts examples of areas of RFID application that pertain to our day-to-day business activities, domestic utilization, and even health care deliveries. Contactless payment system Logistics Management Container identificartion contactless smart cards substitute for bar code Electronic Article Surveilance System RFID TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION Tracking Human and pet identification E-passport and Document identification Anticounterfeiting Figure 2.9: Applicability of RFID Technology 21 RFID technology is seen as a possible substitute for the traditional bar-code used in various retailing, domestic, industrial, and educational outlets as pointed out in Figure 2. 9. Common applications of RFID include E-passport, Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) system; contactless smart cards, payment and tolling system, industrial automation, container identity (e. g. supply chain, wholesale and retail inventory and material management), asset tracking, automobile ignition system, ticketing, access control, human and livestock tagging, Library management system, anti-counterfeiting system e. t. c. 2.5.1 Contactless Payment System This is the process of paying or transacting using a cashless medium. The Exxon-Mobil speed pass employs RFID to speed customer through fuel purchase (Thornton et. al. , 2006). A passive RFID tag is mounted on the vehicle or attached to the key chain of the consumers which is activated by a reader attached to the pump of the fueling station. The reader hand-shakes with the tag and reads the encrypted number. This number is then sent through the linking cable between the reader and the pump to a satellite receiver of the gas station. This is then sent to a datacenter where the authorization, verification and accounting are done. The E-Z pass toll system is similar to the speed pass. When a car enters the toll zone, the car-mounted tag is activated by the reader antenna in the zone. An encoded number is then communicated back to the reader which is further transmitted through a secured channel to a back end database and control system. 22 2.5.2 Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) System. One problem in the retail industry is dealing with product leaving the store without proper payment, be it intentional or not (Rieback at. al. , 2005). The idea behind the EAS system is the AES system is to limit shop-lifting through the adoption of RFID system. Passive RFID tag is integrated into items, upon purchase, the tag is either deactivated or notification is made for verification. This is achieved with the aid of the reader setting up an interrogation zone. When any item carrying a tag passes the door/entrance/exit, an alarm or surveillance system is activated. This is then deactivated upon purchase (Haver, 2006), (Juels, 2006), and (Mickle, et. al. , 2007). 2.5.3 Container Identification and Tracking The adoption of RFID system in container identification in industries as an appropriate monitoring system can improve the industry operation efficiency as well operational cost (Chiu, 2009). For container shipping application, a typical RFID device is operated in an ultrahigh frequency or microwave range (e. g. 900MHz or 2. 45GHz in the U. S. A. or 5. 8GHz in Europe). RFID recognition system in container is applied by mounting the tag on the container/item/pallet, through hanged read/write or write/read equipment installed in the forklift or handset or a handset read write equipment to recognize the dynamic information on the tag. The information read can be transmitted to a monitor system or control database. RFID can handle the information management about cargo flow effectively. Read/write equipment is set on the door of the warehouse. Every cargo unit has embedded RFID tag and all the information each tag is stored on a central control computer of the warehouse. The read/write equipment detects and reports 23 information about every cargo and automobile working and which cargo is transported (Shi Yong-Dong, 2009). Through effective transport and inventory tracking, retailer can improve inventory and timely replacement. Transponders can monitor commodities and report for validity period, expiration date, and quality deterioration. Wal-Mart is making full use of RFID technology gradually eliminating the use of bar-code to further enhance the efficiency of retail chain (Haver, 2006). 2.5.4 E-Passport and Document Identification The report from the 9/11 commission stated that (Kean et. al. , 2002), travelling documents are considered as important as to a terrorist as do a weapon. Documents with RFID chips and a secure network environment to exchange data are “deemed more secure and less prone to counterfeiting” than conventional nonelectronics document (Monica and Greis, 2009). The data-page of machine-readable passport is embedded with 44 characters bearing the name of the holder, country and passport number. The integration of RFID into machine readable document (MRD) therefore balances the need for electronic data storage with automated document control (Monica and Greis, 2009). The e-passport contains a contactless RFID chip and an aerial embedded on one of its pages (Meingastet. al. , 2007) and its cover has a built-in metallic shield/Faraday cage to prevent unauthorized reading of the tag inside the passport. The chip contains an operating system (OS), application program and a set of data grouping conforming to the international civil aviation organization (ICAO) logical data structure (Haver, 2006). Since 1998, Malaysian passport have included a chip containing image of a thumbprint of the passport holder. In 2003, e-passport contains extracted fingerprint information only (Juels et. al. , 2005). ICAO standard specifies face recognition as globally interoperable biometric identification verification for travelling document. 24 Thus, e-passport contains digitized photographic image of the bearer. When flying through Kuala Lumpur airport, a Malaysian citizen passes through an automated gate that reads the thumbprint from the chip and compares it to the thumbprint on the scanner. Over 5,125,000 e-passports are in circulation with RFID tag embedded in circulation (Juels et. al. , 2005). The decision to implement e-passport in the U. S affects all member of the U. S visa waiver program. An analogous passport system utilizing RFID with fingerprint integrated as a biometric data is also implemented in the European Union (Haver, 2006). By the year 2017, all passports used in the U. S borders will be electronics (Vollmer, 2006). 2.5.5 ChampionChip and Tag Implantation The championChip is a device laced to the shoe of an athlete’s when running in a race such as marathon. This device consists of passive transponder that can only be read at a short distance (Vollmer, 2006). Electronic product code generation2 RFID tag built into the tires side walls enable race organization to which tire a team uses during a race and allow the manufacturer, Dunlop, to track its own tires through supply chain (Swedberg, 2009). RFID reader is stationed at the start and the finished line to record the time of each tag across the finished line. This eliminates the need for manual physical record and hence, enhances race time record accuracy (Swedberg, 2009). Similarly, RFID application in health care could reduce the number of error recorded in tagging medical objects, increase the efficiency and effectiveness of paramedical staffs (AHSAN, et. al. , 2010). In addition, the propensity of data sharing and confidentiality in the medical field can be greatly improved with the integration of RFID technology. 25 In view of the above, “Mu-chip” (the smallest passive transponder about 0. 4mm) can be embedded into a paper sheets to track document which can only be read at a range of a few centimeters due to the size of the antenna. Another smaller size of RFID tag is the Veri-chip. It is about the size of a grain of rice and it is often implanted into human being, pets, as well as live stocks (Vollmer, 2006). Implantation chips can also work in identifying wandering Alzheimer’s patients who got out without identity or cognizance of their location and destination. On October 14, 2004 (Simson and Holtzman, 2005), an article titled “identity chip planted under skin approved for use in health care” was on the New York Times and much other publication. Veri-chip was cloned in less than ten minutes by a Canadian hardware developer for the purpose of an article in Wired magazine (Organization, 2008). According to Monahan and Fisher, (2010) 900 hospitals have agreed to participate in the Veri-Med system, and about 600 people have received implant while the company has begun direct-to-customer campaign in targeted market such as South Florida (Kerr, 2007). Implantation of RFID chips into human being, pets and livestocks, is yet to gain wider adoption in places like Africa, but with the gradual shift in technological paradigm, RFID technology may receive wider acceptance with implantation being a major part due to the level of crime and the urgency in medical data security. 2.5.6 Substitute For Bar-Code Bar-code has been the common technology for identification in retail outlets since the 1970s (Thornton et. al. , 2006). Its effectiveness in price at the point of sale (POS) in commercial centers has generally led to its adoption. RFID technology on the other hand is seen as a substitute for bar-code due to its relative flexibility, contactlessness, relatively large distance of operation (not necessarily line of sight), event tracking ability (even through an errant bag), and mobile-scan-ability; as fast as 26 30mph (Thornton et. al. , 2006). Bar-code uses the Universal Product Code (UPC), which defines 5digits for both manufacturers and item resulting to a limit of 100,000 items. This allows for 10,000,000,000 products. UPC does not also allow serial number to be encoded into the bar-code. RFID technology adopts the electronic product code (EPC), an EPCglobal organization identifier (GID-96) format. The GID-96 has 96bits (12bytes) of data. This is categorized into four separate fields: 28bits General Manager Number that identifies the company or organization, 24-bits object class that breaks down products into group, 36-bits serial number that is unique to an individual object, and an 8-bits header that is used to guarantee the uniqueness of EPCTM code. “This totally allow for 30,939,155,745,879,204, 468, 201, 375 unique items” (Klaus Finkenzeller, 2010). As a substitute for bar code therefore, an RFID technology tends to provide substantially more information such as expiration date e. t. c (Haver, 2006). The relative cost of RFID tag have prevented the expected immediate substitute for barcode, though companies like Wal-Mart is encouraging their major suppliers to integrate RFID into their supply chain. Owing to this, the forecasted substitution of the RFID technology in the retail world is promising. 2.5.7 Contactless Smart Card The traditional contact-based Card relies on the communication of electrical contact linking the reader to the circuitry on the Card. RFID technology on the other hand establishes communication wirelessly using radio frequency between the reader and the tag. Since no physical contact is required for communication, hence the name contactless Card. This area of RFID application has gained wider adoption in physical access control system, and cashless payment processes. Example of such includes toll payment, e-passport, building access control, and so on. In 1994 and 1995, around 1million of contactless smart Cards were produced per year for public transport application, the volume rose to 4million per year in 1996 and 1997 (Klaus 27 Finkenzeller, 2010). In building access control, RFID tag can simply be called a key for access (LIANG, 2010). This can be seen in proximity and vicinity Cards. 2.5.8 Banknotes In a bid to combat criminal challenges in the banking system, “the European Central Bank (ECB) has proposed to embed small, radio frequency emitting identification (RFID) tag in Euro banknotes by 2005 as a tracking mechanism for law enforcement agencies” (Juelsand Pappu, 2006). as well as internal security measures against counterfeiting. “The ECB opted to issue banknotes up to the relatively high denominations of 200 and 500 Euro (Juels and Pappu, 2006). 2.5.9 Libraries The widespread of RFID technology have also infiltrated the library cataloging and book searching process. “The technology promises to relieve repetition strain injury, speed patron self checkout, and make possible comprehensive inventory” (Molnar and Wagner, 2004) and it has seen a considerably wide adoption in Library systems. Among these libraries includes “Santa Clara City Library, and the Eugene, Oregon public library have already tagged every book, tape, CD, or other item in their collections” (Molnar and Wagner, 2004). 28 2.6 Challenges In RFID Technology The major challenges facing all wireless technology also applies to RFID. Unique to RFID technology are threats such as tag cloning, tag size, e. tc which is due to the inherent vulnerabilities of an RFID system in addition to its privacy concerns. This thesis focuses on the challenges facing the physical layer of the RFID technology. Figure 2. 10 shows a typical attack on the physical layer. Figure 2.10: A Typical Physical-Layer Security Breach in RFID System (Soon and Tieyan, 2008) From the Figure 2.10 above, the attack on the physical layer can be categorized into two; attack to compromise system security, and attack to prevent the tag from being detectable. Attack at the gathering phase such as skimming, active eavesdropping; can be described as the primary stage of system security compromise. 29 2.6.1 RFID Tag Cloning Attack Cloning or counterfeiting of tag is simply forging the data illicitly gathered from an authentic tag into another tag usually a blank tag. Cloning of tag is one of the possible end products of skimming attack. Since a RFID technology assumes any tag with the ‘right’ information is authentic, a cloned tag can therefore act as an authentic one, since validity of EPC is at face value (Juels et. al. , 2005). In a bid to reduce cost and size of RFID tag, most of the commercial RFID tag lack security protocol. This leaves the tag vulnerable to cloning and data tampering (Mohan, 2008). Cloning a tag is a process, and it can be achieved through scanning of tag or gaining access to appropriate tag database. If the unique identifiers in a manufacturers EPC are static (for example if they are sequential), an attacker can simply device a guess work to fabricate another tag base on the extracted information of the authentic tag (Juels et. al. , 2005). This is made possible if the tag have multiple write capacity and no cryptographic security measure (thus, no logical-layer resistance) to cloning. Although RFID tag may not contain strong encryption, it offers a simple symmetric-key cryptography which can go a long way in resisting tag cloning (Juels, 2006). EPC tag include PIN-based protection both on tag disablement (killing), which can be re-designed to serve as a tamper-proof (such as trusted platform module) to solve cloning problem. There are various anti-tag cloning protocols proposed and which tend to effectively prevent cloning attack. 2.6.2 Physical Attack. Like every other integrated circuit, RFID technology is exposed to physical attack. A close look at the architecture from the attacker perspective will reveal the 30 delicate location of the antenna and even the RFID tag itself. Depending on the intention of the attacker, physical attack could range from trying to explore manufacturer product, to complete destruction of tag. For instance, placing a tag inside in microwave oven is a direct way of frying a tag while a simple EMP practice could damage the internal circuitry and even the tag as well. Combating physical attack is a rather big challenge as it falls within the tag safety which is a general concern with technology. Tag tamper proof or shielding can serve as a measure against some types of physical attack. 2.6.3 Skimming Attack Skimming means surreptitious reading of tags. If a tag lacks proper security measures, it will respond to any reader even unauthorized ones. By design of RFID, transponders are remotely readable. This opens up RFID to skimming attack. Skimming attack is done by reading the data of the tag without the authorization of the tag holder. This attack exploits the promiscuity of an RFID tag. An RFID tag does not have the intelligence to decide when to function or not, and so, it continually transmit beacons to any reader available to it. A malicious reader can then disguise as a genuine reader with the ‘authorized’ identity, to harness data from the tag. Skimming attack is a major tool for exploiting vulnerabilities in RFID technology (Meingast et. al. , 2007). Skimming attacks are feared as they may be part of an RFID bomb (Haver, 2006). Bombers may use this attack to scan for a particular RFID tag in a targeted vicinity of radius coverage before detonating an explosive. Skimming attack can be prevented using shared secret (Haver, 2006); demanding a reader to authenticate itself to a tag before divulging any information out to the reader. 31 2.6.4 Spoofing Attack Adversary may be able to create ‘authentic tag by writing ‘correct’ data to a blank or rewritable RFID tag (Haver, 2006). The attacker masquerades as a reader and sends a query. It then obtains response from the tag. When the legitimate reader queries the tag, the attacker will send the obtained response to the reader. Researchers from the John Hopkins University in collaboration with the RSA laboratories (Thornton et. al. , 2006) succeeded in unlocking a vehicle immobilizer system by using reverse engineering of the algorithm, brute-force the key for a tag and then simulate its software. The ingenuity of this method is that you are simulating the exact mechanism of black box. The proposed algorithm (Wang, 2008) can prevent spoofing attack by the authenticating factor NR1¶R, where NR is the legitimate reader and N’R is the masquerading reader query. This satisfies the condition of a secured system: system should be secured if everything except the key is known. Spoofing attack can best be totally prevented using a cryptographic protocol with sufficiently long randomly generated keys. 2.6.5 Relay Attack This attack can also be referred to as a Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack. It is a technical way of fooling RFID tag and reader, as though they are communicating with each other. The attacker devices two units; a malicious reader which is called a Mole and a malicious tag called Proxy and both are connected via a communication link. The mole is set to interface with the authentic tag while the proxy interfaces with the reader. The Mole initiates communication with the tag, and then sends the response to the proxy. The proxy then forwards the response to the authentic reader. The fooled authentic reader sends back its response to proxy, which forwards it to the authentic tag through the Mole. The relaying process continues until the desired output is achieved while illicit information is gathered for malicious use. Hancke, 32 (2006) implemented a practical relay attack against a contactless smart Card using a self built hardware. Relay attacks can be performed without the knowledge of the Card holder and even the reader, this makes it more difficult to detect. In addition to its difficulty in detection, the proxy and the mole may not follow any standardized protocol of design. Basic security premises for RFID such; as tag read by any reader is genuine (Haver, 2006), and the read range of tag for most application is limited (physical proximity between reader and tag), failed a MITM attack (Peris-Lopez et. al. , 2010). Simple counter measure to relay attack includes push button, removable Faraday cage, signal strength of communication, “crypt-analyzing distance-bound protocol” (Peris-Lopez et. al. , 2010), and single-bit challenge and single-bit response distance-bound protocol can be a preventive measure against relay attack. Some attack adopts complete reader/tag customized hardware system which may not be standardized thereby possessing the ability to operate beyond specified frequency. Such can be fabricated to attack application even at a longer range. Israeli Electronic voting system was intercepted using similar mechanism (Oren and Wool, 2010). In same manner, an RFID enabled contactless smart Card was demonstrated (Mohan, 2008). In this case, relay attack was carried out during the communication between authorized tag and reader. Hancke and Kuhn (2005) while describing a possible counter measure against relay attack argued that the time introduced by the relay system can be a detective point of an attack. They concluded on the basis that measurement can be done by a verifier with respect to time sensitivity. Another approach to relay attack is the use of two-factor authentication architecture (Haver, 2006). 33 2.6.6 Denial of Service (DOS) Attack A denial of service in RFID service could be described as operating frequency jamming attack which could be technical or systematic or both; all entails compromise of availability of resources. A technical DOS could be sending multiple requests to a reader in order to drain its power. It could also mean, jamming the operating frequency of communication between the reader and the tag. This type of attack is aimed at preventing communication between the tag and the reader. The systematic DOS could be in the form of physical denial of access by damaging or tampering with the process of communication which could be through the removal of power supply from the reader, or tampering with the tag itself. Viruses could be another form of denial of service in physical access control. RFID being a radio frequency channel of communication is the vulnerability being exploited. The goal of this attack is to prevent availability of service of the system. A DOS attack an also be performed by replying to every request during the singulation process like a full blocker tag. By doing this, the reader detects a collision and is unable to singulate a tag (Haver, 2006). Tag destruction is another way of performing a DOS attack, since a dead tag tell no tale. Zhou and Huang (2007) suggested two types of DOS attack. They include; x Denial of reading: prevent authorized user from reading an RFID tag x Denial of authentication: prevent reader from authenticating user/tag 7RQDQG6DßVD(2008), described how HMNB protocol can be used to prevent desynchronization attack. This is accomplished through mutual authentication between the transponder and the reader, which keeps the transponder untraceable. Chien (2007) proposed an authentication protocol to combat de-synchronization attack. The integration of trusted platform module could be used to protect a physical DOS on reader and or tag. 34 2.6.7 Clandestine Tracking/Inventorying The word clandestine is used to describe a secret or illicit acquisition of information usually for the purpose of subversion or deception. In the case of RFID technology, such an act can be carried out without the necessity of a line-of-sight inconveniency. This is one of the major privacy concern (Rao, 2007) in RFID technology. The EPC network identifies good uniquely but does not provide explicit protection of good in transit which is being clandestinely tracked (Vartak et. al. , 2007). Table 2. 1: Summary of Attacks on RFID Layer RFID- Physical layers Network- Application Strategic transport Attack Physical Cloning × × Spoofing × × Skimming × × Eavesdropping × of × × Denial Service Relay Clandestine tracking × 35 Table 2. 1 gives a detailed summary of attacks on the four layers of the RFID technology. Most of the attacks on RFID system apply two or three of the RFID system layers, as pointed out in the table. However, attack such as denial of Service and physical attacks are affects all the layers of RFID system. 2.7 Counter Measures Against Challenges In this section, detailed discussion on various proposed mitigation measures against the challenges in the RFID system is given. 2.7.1 RFID Guardian RFID guardian was proposed by Melanie R. Reiback, Bruno Crispo, and Andrew S Tunenbaum (Rieback et. al. , 2005). The Guardian addressed issues such as denial of service, and privacy concerns while still enhancing the prevention of RFID ubiquity vulnerability exploitation. It is a portable battery powered device that mediates interaction through selective frequency jamming and spoofing between RFID reader and a transponder (Wang, 2008) capable of two way communication (Rieback et. al. , 2005). It is carried by a user and performs all security functions necessary for secure communication between reader and transponder. It establishes a privacy zone around the user in which only authenticated readers are allowed access, by acting like a reader, querying tag and decoding tag response. An RFID guardian integrates auditing, key management, access control and authentication, some of which were in new security properties of RFID (Rieback et. al. , 2005). Its main advantage as compared to other security measures for a transponder is its flexibility (Haver, 2006). User can influence the security level via guardian user interaction. 36 However, one main disadvantage accrued to RFID guardian is range. Since it is expected to guard all tag in the user vicinity, its range should be between 1-2m. This is a violation of ISO 14443 reader range specification of 10cm. Also, the guardian itself represents a single point of failure; if the guardian fails or compromises, the user is unprotected and it can also be easily lost or even forgotten (Haver, 2006). Integrating RFID guardian into a PDA (for instance) could reduce this weakness but not prevent it. Being a battery powered device, an attack could target draining of its power by flooding the communication zone with series of irrelevant communications. Furthermore, it does not guarantee an unauthorized reader from knowing the existence of the tag. 2.7.2 RFID Blocker Tag This was proposed by Juels, Rivest, and Szydlo (Juels et. al. , 2003). It simulates the full sets of 2k possible RFID-tag serial number. It has the ability to block the RFID tree-walking singulation algorithm protocol used by the reader to select a particular tag. It does not involve in any active form of jamming rather, by participating in the tag-reading process in a super compliant way to perform passive jamming (Juels et. al. , 2003). The blocker tag simulates the full spectrum of the possible serial number of the tag thereby obscuring the serial number of other tags. Blocker tag may be used to establish a save zone around a tag, preventing tag from being read. In order to make blocker tag more flexible, it is possible to implement a form of selective blocking (Haver, 2006). Hence a blocker tag helps to protect the privacy of the user from a malicious hidden reader. The principal point of weakness of the blocker tag is the lack of flexibility (Haver, 2006). Reliance on a blocker tag in a sparsely populated tag and reader environment does not prevent tracking of the tag and even active jamming. Blocker 37 tag therefore can be said to provide a temporary solution to privacy concerns and lesser or no security solution to RFID tag in the RFID system. 2.7.3 Labeling Labeling a tag or content containing RFID tag is one way of informing a user of the presence of the RFID tag. This is a major awareness ground upon which the privacy of RFID system is elucidated. This makes it possible for users to make further steps to protect, prevent and or avoid if necessary its usage. It was accepted as a basic means of privacy protection and also, labeling is also stated as part of the RFID bill of right (Haver, 2006). While it informs the authentic user of its presence, it also announces itself to a malicious user. Hence it complicates issues for security unravelment. Although, it works for privacy concerns but aids the exploitation of the vulnerability of the system by an attacker. 2.7.4 Kill Command Some RFID tag has built-in kill command (Haver, 2006). Auto-ID center and EPC global created a kill-command specification for permanent tag inoperability (Mitrokotsa et. al. , 2010), some of which requires 32-bit password; a Class-1Gen-2 EPC standard tag for instance. It implies that a tag can be destroyed or killed by sending a special kill-command and including the right coded password. The inclusion of the password is to prevent unauthorized killing (Haver, 2006) as well as enforcing user confidentiality (Kolias et al. , 2009). It also exposes the tag to unauthorized killing by a malicious adversary. 38 2.7.5 RFID Zapper This is another method of enhancing the privacy in RFID technology. An RFID zapper practically creates an electromagnetic impulse (EMP) within the boundary of its influence (MiniMe, 2006). They (MiniMe, 2006) demonstrated through the use of a set-up EMP from a low cost disposable camera. Zapper can destroy the tag without necessarily altering the product carrying the tag (Haver, 2006) as against a microwave oven. Another quick reference to zapper is that it is portable, hence can enable destruction of tag at the point of purchase of goods. 2.7.6 RFID Clipped Tag Destroying or killing of tag provides solution to privacy concerns in RFID since a dead tag tells no tale. This will be could be efficient when combined with labeling. It however eliminates the possibilities of post point of purchase or sale service, as well as recycling/ re-use which is one of the dynamics of RFID technology. To support such post point of sale service, RFID clipped tag was proposed by Paul A. Moskowitz, Andris Lauris, and Stephen S. Morris (Moskowitz et. al. , 2007). The clipped tag can be said to be was designed for privacy protection at the user-end. The concept is based on the principle of making the antenna of the tag removable/detachable. This will psychologically create a privacy protection as well eliminate possibilities of distance reading but logically, the tag is still active. This approach provides privacy protection but limits the utility of the tag (Haver, 2006). Hence it worked efficiently for privacy concerns and still provides room for post point of sale negotiation it does not provide any security guide or measure. 39 2.7.7 Faraday Cage Faraday cage is an enclosure designed to exclude electromagnetic field (Wu and Alamo, 2004). The concept is based on the fact that some material does not allow radio frequency to pass through them by blocking the signal of absorbing it. Thus keeping an RFID tag within such enclosure will prevent the tag from being read (LIANG, 2010). This is also another method of temporarily disabling the tag which is practicable for Cards used in access control system (for instance, a wallet with lined metal foil can prevent tag inside it from being read), and contactless Cards in general. This method does not ensure the identification of authorized user but prevent unauthorized tag reading. It could work more efficiently for privacy concerns when combined with labeling. 2.7.8 Authentication Protocols Various authentication protocols were proposed to combat skimming attack. Wang Shang-Ping (2011), proposed an authentication protocol on new HMAC-based protocol as advancement on the ones proposed by Gao et al. (Gao et. al. , 2008), Chen et al. (CHEN et. al. , 2006), and Y. C. Lee et al. (Y.-C. Lee, 2009). The new Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC-BASED) protocol in which H was assumed to be a one-way hash function (Shang-Ping, 2011) could also be used to prevent skimming attack. BurrowAbadiNeedham89 (BAN) (Annette, 2007) logic was adopted for this new HMAC-based protocol shown in Figure 2. 11. 40 Figure 2. 11: New HMAC-Based Protocol (Shang-Ping, 2011) Challenge stage: as shown in Figure 2. 11, the RFID reader generates a random Nonce NR, which is sent as query to all tags. Response could be no-tag, onetag or multiple-tag. “Binary search algorithm” (Wang, 2008) is used to select a tag to communicate with the reader. T-R Response: the chosen tag generates a random nonce NT and then compute =HID( O, NT, NR), where ID is the identifier of the tag. Tag sends NT and to reader. R-B response: after the reader receives NT and from the tag, it then performs filtering operation. Other forms of authentication include the two-way handshake protocol, Ff-Family of protocols by Erik- Oliver et al. e. t. c. RFID distance bounding protocol proposed by Gerhard P. Hancke, and Markus G. Kuhn (Hancke and Kuhn, 2005) can be effective in the defense against relay attack. According Hancke and Kuhn (2005), relay attack introduces some delay in the transmission which conventional cryptographic measure employed in RFID system at the application layer due to much synchronization, and other mechanism for error-handling, anti-collision, e. t. c. cannot detect. They proposed a distance-bounding or secure-position protocol integrated into the physical layer of the communication protocol which can detect relay attack through high resolution 41 timing information on bit arrival. All the available authentication measures are logical leaving physical authentication vulnerable to attacks. 2.7.9 Anti-Counterfeiting Technology The unique identifier of RFID systems is susceptible to forgery/cloning attack. This attack can be mitigated via challenge response authentication protocol (Mitrokotsa et. al. , 2010). Engineering Researchers at the University of Arkansas developed an anti-counterfeiting method against RFID tag (Thompson, 2009). In their research, they discovered that each tag has a minimum power response at multiple frequencies, constituting its unique physical characteristics. M. Babaie, and H Rahimov (M. Babaie, 2010) proposed a chaos theory for detecting cloned tag. Juels (2005) demonstrated a resistive technique against cloning of RFID tags through challenge response authentication. 2.7.10 Physical-Layer Identification Technique The physical layer communication of the RFID system is the first layer of communication as depicted in Figure 2. 1 and it stands as the gateway for RFID technology as well as the first point of call for security defenses and privacy regulation. Brik et. al. , (2008) designed, implemented, and evaluated a technique called PARADIS, to identify the source network interface Card of an 802. 11 frame by analyzing the physical layer of the passive radio-frequency analysis. Radiometric identification (radio frequency fingerprinting) was the technique adopted by them for wireless device identification. Experimental result for physical identification by PARADIS was 99% accurate. Davide et al. (2010) also adopted 42 same principle in their experiment on RFID passive UHF tag identification but utilizes time domain features and spectral principal component analysis (PCA) for extraction and matching of the fingerprinting respectively. Using similar principle, (Danev et. al. , 2009) experimented on physical-layer identification of RFID passive tags but on HF tags. Results from their experiments showed that RFID cloning challenge can be solved. 2.7.11 Fingerprint Biometric Authentication On Smart Card The unique nature of human fingerprint in identification, have gained wide adoption in authentication procedure. Yahaya et al. , (2009) modeled a framework for such an authentication procedure, on a smart Card. In their framework, as depicted in Figure 2. 12, a fingerprint sensor was used in capturing the fingerprint. They reduced the captured image into minutiae points, after which, and it was stored as a template in the Card through a Card reader. The authenticating process involved a match-on-Card (MOC), through a system-on-Card (SOC). 43 Figure 2. 12 Authenntication and Identification Framework (Yahaaya et. al. , 2009) As shown in Figure F 2. 12, the fingerprint sensor serves as the input image for processing, extractionn and matching. Similarly, Chao Li, and Jin Qi (2010) proposed two-factor authenticaation system based on combined fingerpriint recognition and smart RF Card verrification. From their experiment, they cconcluded that the optimization does not n reduce the data precision, and also, “that fingerprint recognition algorithm m has good performance on hardware system. 2.7.12 Controllable Tag Marquardt et al. , (2010) proposed a tag which can be conntrolled by the user. In their experiment, various designs were sampled. In one saample, the tag was 44 equipped with indicaator (both acoustic and visual effect) to inddicate tag in-use of otherwise. In order to t control the activity of the tag, they integratted a switch system which can be manuaally activated. Additionally, they designedd tag that operates based on orientation,, daylight and darkness, and proximity depenndant. Example of their samples is show wn in Figure 2. 13. Figure 2. 13: Samplles of Controllable and Visible Tags. (Marquuardt et al. , 2010) With referencce to Figure 2. 13, four different types of coontrollable tags are shown. Portion labelled ‘1’ illustrates how a tag can be manuallyy controlled using a physically switch. In I addition, an indicator is attached to deteect when the tag is active. Label ‘2’ is siimilar to ‘1’ but utilizes a manual push buttonn for tag activation. Similarly, label ‘3’ uses u a pressure switch and an indicator. L Label ‘4’ utilizes a finger touch-sensitive contact metal surface for the activation of tag. In similar manner, Yum et al. , (2010) investigated the integration of a smart Card, and electrical switch to enhance e high level of security and privacy pprotection measure. Their design, paralleel plate conductors was used to decide the sstate of the switch, controlled with humaan finger. This propositiions, provides enhancment for privacy as weell as security in the RFID technology. The process of controlling stands as a reaal measure for the 45 enhacing the physical layer of the RFID technology. However, it does not satisfy the condtion in which a tag can authenticate a user on any bases. Eavesdropping Cloning Relay Physical-layer Privacy Clandestine × × × × RFID Zapper × × × Blocker tag × × × × × Clipper tag × × × × Labeling × × × × × × × × × Faraday cage × × × Kill command × Anti-counterfeiting × × × × Authentication × × × × × × × × × × × RFID virus Skimming RFID Guardian Attack tracking Mitigation Spoofing Authentication Denial Of Service Table 2. 2: Mitigation Against Attack on the Physical Layer protocols Physical-layer identification technique Biometric × × × × × × × × × × × × authentication Controllable tag From Table 2. 2, physical attacks such as unauthorized use of Card, unauthorized Card reading (attacks at the physical layer communication); seem to attract less of preventive/protective measure, while adversaries are exploiting these vulnerabilities. However in (Zanetti et. al. , 2010), these kinds of attack on physicallayer was extensively studied and solution, was proposed based on experimental 46 validation. While it provides considerably reasonable protection (accuracy of 99% from the experiment) for the unauthorized user attack, it does not provide protection against other forms of attack on the physical layer and it also raised more privacy concern by neglecting the fact, that the confidentiality of a compromised biometric system is considered flawed for further security application. If user’s privacy is a major challenge in the RFID technology, then, the proposition from Zanetti et. al. , (2010) may face more criticism. The Faraday cage in conjunction with labeling could be said to proffer solution for privacy concerns but in (Sitli et. al. , 2009), it was pointed out that the privacy protection for the RFID Card is only safe as long as the Card is within the cage. Similarly, the Faraday cage can be used by a malicious-user to cause a denial of service attack as well as being used as aiding equipment for RFID Card theft. 2.8 Physical Layer Security Due to the mobility nature and size of RFID tag and the reader, building or devising a security measure to effectively mitigate the rising challenges at the physical layer, have not received much attention from researchers. Few countermeasures as shown in Table 2. 3 have however been in use in a different perspective, which could be combined to mitigate most of these challenges. 47 Table 2. 3: Attacks and its Mitigation Targeted at the RFID Physical-Layer. × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × tracking Identification technique (Zanetti et. al. , 2010) Faraday Cage (Wu and Alamo, 2004) Authentication protocol (Shang-Ping, 2011) Clipped Tag (Moskowitz et. al. , 2007) Anti-counterfeiting technology (M. Babaie, 2010) Labeling ONLY create awareness for users Biometric × × × × × × × × × × authentication Yahaya et. al. ,(2009) Controllable Tag Marquardt et. al. , (2010) Authentication can be described as the process of verifying through identification, a subject and confirming the subjects’ claimed identity. Users-end countermeasure such as Faraday cage, blocking, and guarding of the tag does not provide authentication at the physical layer since it lacks the ability to identify the user. Identification layer Unauthorized Physical Spoofing × Clandestine Skimming killing of Tag Relay attack × Card use Tag cloning Physical-Layer Unauthorized Measure Card reading Proposed Counter- Unauthorized Authentication at Physical-Layer Vulnerabilities 48 From Table 2. 3, there is no preventive measure for unauthorized use of Card. At the system-end, the physical-layer identification by Zanetti et al. , (2010) provides authentication at the tag-reader end. They adopted the radiometry (identity of the tag referred to as tag fingerprint) system which is used to describe the unique identity of the tag. In addition, the authentication protocol proposed by Shang-Ping, (2010) provide authentication at the system-end. On the other-hand, clipped tag proposed by Moskowitz et. al. (2007), as a protective base upon which, skimming and spoofing attack can be combated but it does not provide measure against unauthorized removal of tag antenna, hence no authentication measure at physical layer. The Anti-counterfeiting technology proposed by M. Babaie, and H. Rahimov, (2010) provides mitigation base for preventing the exploitation of the vulnerabilities in the physical-layer but it does not provide measures against unauthorized of tag. Authentication at the physical layer can be achieved with the combination of the methodology of Zanetti et al. , (2010) and Moskowitz et al. , (2007). This combination can ensure extended security mitigation service such as mitigation against spoofing attack, skimming attack, clandestine tracking, unauthorized Card reading, and practically shield possibility of relay attack. It will also function as a firewall on the physical layer communication as well as ensure physical authentication at the tag end of the layer. 2.9 Summary Of Various Mitigation And Their Respective Drawbacks Concise details of the discussed existing mitigation measure as well as their advantages are shown in Table 2. 4. 49 Table 2. 4: Effectiveness of Mitigation to RFID Challenges. Proposed Mitigation Mitigation Advantage Applicability Drawbacks Low cost, Contactless Card, No Flexibility, E-passport, against Portability Portable- Eavesdropping, document No Against RFID Guardian (Melanie Privacy, Tracking R. Skimming, Rieback, 2005) Spoofing, Unauthorized reading protection Guarantee Faraday Cage (Joyce Tracking, H. Wu, 2004) protection Effective Impractical Skimming, (Haver, Unauthorized Contactless reading, Cards, Protection is only 2006), available within the cage. portable documents. Blocker Tag (Ari Tracking, Juels R. L., 2003, ) Effective Can cause a DOS Unauthorized attack, no reading, skimming protection guarantee Labeling Privacy Effective for All users RFID Creates awareness items/object sensitization and for malicious users also awareness Kill command Privacy, cloning Effective All RFID tags Prevents post POS tracking, service, can be skimming, used to cause a spoofing DOS service also. Clipped Tag (Paul Privacy, Effective, allows Retail outlets, No prevention for A. POS service Unauthorized use Moskowitz, skimming, 2007) tracking Anti-counterfeiting Cloning, technology Babaie, 2010) (M. Eavesdropping and clipping Effective All RFID tags No guarantee against unauthorized use, and privacy 50 Skimming, Authentication protocols and spoofing, Randomization tracking, viruses, (Shang-Ping, 2011), eavesdropping Physical –layer Skimming, identification (Boris spoofing, Effective, low Not applicable to No prevention for cost some types tags privacy, and cloning. Reader-end Contactless Card. identification No protection for privacy Danev, 2009) and eavesdropping RFID Zapper Skimming, (MiniMe, 2006) spoofing, privacy privacy issue Biometric Unauthorized authentication Card use, Effective for Retail outlets, For Effective for control user with (2009) authentication database Controllable Tag Unauthorized tag Effective Marquardt et. al. , reading, skimming, No POS service, concerns Yahaya et. al. , (2010) of Unauthorized use, especially access A compromised system fingerprint is no backend longer valid. Contactless Card, No authentication for retail items at physical layer, easy to destroy, privacy check privacy, Applicability as stated in Table 2. 4 refers to areas of application of the proposed existing mitigation measure. The Faraday cage is not practically applicable in the retail industry (Haver, 2006). Constructing a Faraday cage for a building, housing RFID system could suffer setbacks due to cost effectiveness. The clipped tag by operation, simply prevent unauthorized scan by limiting the read range of the tag. thus provide protection for user privacy as shown in Table 2. 4, and by extension, clandestine tracking. If such principle is coopted with physical barrier, it will counter other attacks such as skimming, unauthorized tag read and use (Zuo, 2010). 51 Similarly, the faraday shield proposed by Joyce H. Wu, (2004) protects against privacy, unauthorized reading of tag, and clandestine tracking but also failed to address issues such as cloning, relay, skimming and even unauthorized tag use. Langheinrich, (2009) hinted on the wide application of this measure (such as pouches and wallet lined with alluminium foil). Hover, (2006) explained that Faraday cage at best can only be a partial solution. Similar to the clipped tag, controllable tag proposed by Marquardt et. al. ,(2010) protects against unauthorized tag read and killing, privacy, and consequently, skimming and clandestine tracking. But however failed in protecting against cloning, spoofing and unauthorized tag use. similar control is applied in mobile phones (Juels, 2006). In addition, RFID guardian proposed by Reiback, (2005) protects as well as unauthorized reading of tag, skimming, and clandestine tracking. The fact that is it a separate battery powered device raised questions such as; how does it “acquire and release control and their associated PINs or keys” (Juels, 2006 ), what if the device is stolen, forgotten or even tampered with (Hover, 2006). Additionally, it failed to protect the tag against cloning and unauthorized use. Hover, (2006) therefore conclude that it will function more effectively if integrated into with other measures. Furthermore, blocker tag proposed by Juels,(2003) provide protection against privacy, unauthorized reading and killing of tag, skimmin and clandestine tracking. It however does not protect against cloning, spoofing, unauthorized use of tag, and relay attacks. While, it is cheap to manufacture, its operation is a funtion of its orientation, hence a misalignment could prevent it from operation and by extension, exposes the blocked tag (Langheinrich, 2009). Moreover, one major challenging question which has remained unanswered in the above stated measur is their inability to define ‘who is an authentic’ and what ‘authentication’ is authentic. 52 Physical-layer identification by Zanneti, (2010) as shown in Table 2. 4, was developed to protect agianst cloning or counterfeiting attacks and by extension, relay and spoofing attack. This is similar to the “digital signing model by Texas instrument and VeriSign Inc. ” (Juels, 2006 ). It does not provide protection against privacy, clandestine tracking, and unauthorized use of tag. Anti-counterfeiting technology proposed by Babaie, (2010), Tuyls and Batina (2006) also provides protection against cloning, relay and skimming attacks but failed to provide protection for privacy, unauthorized reading, use and killing of tag. It also does not prevernt against copying of tag data (Jeng et. al. , 2009). Similarly, Jeng et. al. , (2009) concured to the condition of the physically unclonable function certificate-Identity-based identification (PUF-cert-IBI) by Tulys and Batina, (2006) but expressed concern for improvement against excessive use of resources. Moreover while this protocol address issues “ between the tag and reader radio frequency communication in the air”, it failed to solve security related issues on tag memory duplication (Jeng et. al. , 2009) . Authentication protocol by Shang-Ping, (2011) addressed tag- reader and reader-tag skimming attack but failed to protect side channel attacks such as relay attack, timing attack and eavesdropping on communication. It can however function effectively against these attacks if combined with other physical-protective, and anticounterfeiting measure. This is still hindered by the low computational power of RFID tag (Langheinrich, 2009). The authentication system by Yahaya et al. , (2009) using fingerprint biometric on smart Card as shown in Table 2. 4, provides authentication for user at the Card-Reader end. However, it does so by Reader to Card authentication, which does not totally depend on the intelligence of the Card. Biometric system can be integrated with other forms of measure to ensure security of the RFID system (Govindan et. al. , 2009 ). In view of the above and the analysis shown in Table 2. 4, it can be said that various proposed mitigation measure have not taken into consideration the 53 vulnerabilities posed by user-end authentication at the physical-layer of the RFID technology. Consequentially, unauthorized use of tag has led to practical security and privacy breach in the RFID system. Hence, this study aims to provide protection against unauthorized use of RFID Card. More so, it will also ensure privacy protection, prevent unauthorized reading of tag. Practically, it can be considered as a ‘fire-wall’ for the physical-layer of the RFID technology. 2.10 Other Types of Mitigation Used For Physical Authentication Physical authentication in information security broods over the old axiom of “something you have, something you know, or something you are” (Crosbie, 2005). For authentication diagnosis, a security system should incorporate at least two (Haines, 2010). RFID Card falls within the category of “something you have”. While secret codes such as passwords fall within the category of “something you know”, biometrics on the other hand, falls within the category of “something you are”. There are various types of biometrics, but a few will be discussed in this section. 2.10.1 Iris Pattern Recognition Iris recognition was developed by John Daugman and it is considered as the most accurate of all biometric authentication process (Prashanth et. al, 2009). The visible portion of the human eyes consists of pupils, iris, lens, cornea and sclera. The iris is located between the sclera and the pupil. The texture of the iris is unique but complex (Crosbie, 2005). Its pattern comprises of unique features; arching ligament, 54 furrows, ridges, crypt, rings, corona, freckles and a zigzag collarette (Prashanth et. al, 2009) Its pattern recognition/capturing are based on video camera technology, similar to cam-coder. Using a proximity activator sensor, a subjects positioned at an iris scanner unit can enroll, verify and authenticate their identity (Crosbie, 2005). This identity can then be used as a token for authentication. 2.10.2 Body Odor Authentication The human body constantly emits a unique volatile organic compound (VOC), irrespective of the diet, and environmental presence (Gibbs, 2010) which can be used to authenticate users. Certain body odor result such as recent activity, and disease, for instance, can be used in event critical authentication (Gibbs, 2010). 2.10.3 Facial Recognition Facial recognition is done by capturing the image of the human face in a visible camera or infrared pattern of facial heat emission using wide assortment of cameras (Vecca, 2007). Facial recognition is based on location and shapes of facial attributes, such as the eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips and chin (Anil Jain,2000). 55 2.10.4 Fingerprint Pattern The human finger possesses unique sets of series of ridges and furrows on the surface of the finger, which is determined during the fetal period (Scheidat et. al, 2006). Fingerprint pattern can be acquired through scanning of the finger. Fingerprint scanning is the acquisition and recognition of the characteristics of the fingerprint (Lee,and Bhattacharjee 2009). 2.10.5 Signature Pattern Human hand writing pattern can be unique depending on the level of consistency. Signature pattern verification is the process used to recognized individual handwriting (Anil Jain, 2000). The major feature for verification includes speed, pressure, timing, shape, size, length, look and depth of the signature. They are further classified into dynamic and static signature verification process (Anil Jain, 2000). 2.10.6 Hand Geometry Hand geometry uses measurement of the hand including its shape, length, overall bone structures, distance between the fingers curve, finger thickness, and width of the finger (Vecca, 2007). Authentication method could span through the five fingers and particularly, the thumb and the index (Anil Jain, 2000). 56 2.10.7 Retina Pattern These are patterns formed by the veins beneath the retina surface of the human eyes. The scanning process involves placing the eyes to an intense illumination (Vecca, 2007). This process, involves the capture, and analyses of blood vessels on the nerves of the back of the eyeball through the penetration of light to the pupil. For efficient result, a subject is required to stand at a predefined position within visual field (Anil Jain, 2000). 2.10.8 Speech Pattern/ Voiceprint The psychological and behavioral features of the human voice make them unique (Anil Jain, 2000). The shape of the human tract is responsible for the uniqueness in voice pattern. Voice recognition analyzes the pitch period, rhythm, tone, spectral magnitude, frequency, and bandwidth (Vecca, 2007). Template of voice analyses are referred to as voiceprint and can be verified using a particular word, phrase, and or group of phrases (Saquib et. al, 2011). 2.11 Integrating Various Physical Authentication Mitigation on RFID Card Although there are various physical authentication mitigation as discussed in section 2. 10, however, not all of this authentication system can be integrated into each other particularly the RFID Card. Table 2. 5 gives a detail analysis on the various authentication mitigations. 57 Table 2. 5: Comparison of Various Authentication Mitigations Based on Integrative Prop erty with RFID Card (Anil Jain L. H. , 2000), (Vecca, 2007), Authentication Circumvention applicability Ease of use Voiceprint High Not feasible High Hand geometry Low Not feasible High Signature Medium Applicable but Medium Mitigation time demanding Iris Low Not feasible Medium Fingerprint Medium Applicable High Body odor Medium Not feasible High Retina Low Not feasible Low Face Medium Not feasible Medium From Table 2. 5, signature authentication and fingerprint are both applicable for integration into RFID Card. However, the signature authentication is rated medium in term of ease of use. In practice, the signature authentication system introduces a delay, and inconveniency, as it will require the authenticator to always carry along a writing material each time access is required. Fingerprint on the other hand, is rated applicable and also, high eases of use. Practically, the fingerprint scanning process introduces mobility for the authenticator. 58 2.12 Summary In this chapter, the underlying theory of RFID technology, application area, known security and privacy concerns were presented. Various proposed mitigations against these challenges were also presented alongside their limitations. Authentication at the physical layer of RFID technology was further discussed with focus on the existing mitigation mechanism. 59 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter introduces and discussed the methodology that will be used to achieve the research objective of this study. The organization of this chapter is as follows: the operational framework of the study; literature review; study of three mitigation measures; project methodology; summary. In the project methodology, three mitigation measures were combined. The project methodology was broken down into three phases. Each phase is discussed in detail. 60 3.2 Operational Framework This section covers the systematic process involved in this study. With reference to Figure 3. 1, the operational framework is divided into three phases. Start PHASE 1: Study of existing mitigation Review Study of the clipped tag method Study of the Faraday shield method Study of the fingerprint biometric authentication method PHASE 2: Analysis of selected measure Project Methodology Propose an enhanced authentication measure by combining previous methods Implementation of proposed method PHASE 3: Proposed mitigation measure End Figure 3. 1: Operational Framework Phase 1 and phase 2 of the operational framework shown in Figure 3. 1 are discussed in detail in the proceeding sections. However, phase 3 is discussed in brief in this chapter but the detail discussion is in the proceeding chapter. 61 3.3 Review of Existing Mitigation Researchers have devised various mitigations against the myriad fold of challenges and emerging threats to RFID system. In a way to address privacy concerns in the RFID system, Juels et al. , (2003) proposed blocker tag, a tag capable of overloading the anti-collision protocol of the reader. Blocker tag also protect against skimming attack, unauthorized tag killing as well as unauthorized tag reading. Wu and Alamo, (2004) proposed an electromagnetic shield called Faraday cage which is can be used to shield electromagnetic wave. This cage protects Card against unauthorized reading by creating a firewall over the communication link. Similarly, it also protects against skimming, and relay attack. Reiback et al. , (2005) proposed portable device called RFID guardian which is a capable of selective frequency jamming. Thus, the device can protect against unauthorized reading, skimming attack, as well as ensuring privacy. Furthermore, Moskowitz et al. , (2007) proposed a physical clipped tag using perforated tear-off antennas. In similar plight, the use of two tags was proposed by Inoue and Yasuura, (2009); one tag holds the unique serial number which will be peeled off. This measure protects against long range unauthorized Card reading, and ensures privacy. Hancke and Kuhn, (2005) proposed distance bounding protocol for protecting against relay attacks. In addition, Davide et al. , (2010) among other researchers, proposed an identification technique capable of mitigating cloning and spoofing attack. , Yahaya et al. , (2009) proposed fingerprint biometric authentication system between the Card and the reader on which the fingerprint was stored on the tag. They presented a modeled framework on smart Card against unauthorized Card use. Marquardt et al. , (2010) proposed varieties of controllable Cards. This protect against skimming attack, unauthorized tag reading consequential to clandestine 62 tracking, as well as ensuring privacy. More-so, Shang-Ping, (2011) among many other propositions, proposed an authentication protocol to protect against skimming attack. In order to protect against unauthorized use of Card at the tag-end, measures such as fingerprint biometric authentication proposed by Yahaya et al. , (2009) can integrated into the physical clipped tag proposed by Moskowitz et. al. , (2007). The read range limitation in the clipped tag can be prevented with the use of a shield around the clip. 3.3.1 Physical Clipped Tag It was originally suggested by “IBM as an additional consumer privacy mechanism” as a way to guarantee user’s control over the tag through transformation of long-range transponder to reduced proximity transponder. Moskowitz et al. , (2007) concluded that a more efficient and simplistic technology for enhancing privacy is the use of a clipped tag. Figure 3. 1 shows the schematics of the clipped tag. A Figure 3. 2: B A) Schematics of clipped tag B) Garment hang tag. 63 The perforation notch shown in the schematics of Figure 3. 2 a) and the tear line in Figure 3. 2 b) indicates point of tear initiation. Once the notch is remove (which is actually a segment of the antenna), the transmission ability of the tag is transformed. Figure 3. 3 illustrates the possibility of implementing this technique. Clipping the tag therefore incapacitate mutual coupling of tag antenna. However, the tag can still be read within a closed proximity. B A Figure 3. 3: Clipping an Antenna The figure labeled ‘A’ in Figure 3. 3, illustrates an unclipped tag while figure ‘B’ illustrates a tag that has been clipped through the detachment of scratch-off material. This method provides a more enhance privacy technology in the RFID system. 3.3.2 Faraday Cage. Wu and Alamo, (2004) concluded the RFID system can be protected using the faraday shield. Michael Faraday (1836) observed that charges that reside on the surface of a conductor do not have influence on the interior or anything enclosed within the conductor. It was further explained by Gauss, who stated that 64 “the electric flux (݊E) through a closed surface S, is equal to the amount of charge enclosed. Equation 3. 1 gives the mathematical expression of Gauss law. …equation 3. 1 ‘݊E’ is the electric flux, ‘S’ is a closed surface ‘ ’ is the electric field, ‘ ’ is a surface element, ‘q’ is the sum of all the charges that lie inside the closed surface S. Thus, a faraday cage is referred to an enclosure or system capable of preventing the inflow or outflow of electromagnetic wave. Figure 3. 4 illustrates the operation process of the faraday cage. A B Figure 3. 4: Operational Process of Faraday Cage. (Rubin, 2011) In Figure 3. 4, Figure ‘A’ represents an externally created electric field with polarity from positive to negative. Applying ‘A’ to the surface of the conductor causes a rearrangement (as depicted in ‘B’) of the electrical charges inside the cage which is in opposite direction (and same magnitude) to the original field. Figure 3. 4 ‘A’ can be referred to as the interrogatory wave from the reader, while ‘B’ represents the counter effect experienced by the wave due to the cage effect. Adopting this measure in RFID system provides flexible control for user over the communication process at the tag-end 65 3.3.3 Fingerprint Biometric Authentication Fingerprint comprises series of ridges and furrows on the surface of the finger. The pattern of the ridges and furrows determines the uniqueness of the print. Minutiae are also one of the principal compositions of the fingerprint. “Minutiae points are local ridges characteristics that occur either at a ridge bifurcation or ridge ending”. Figure 3. 5 shows different examples of minutiae (dark lines are the ridges while the white are furrows). 2 1 6 5 4 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Figure 3. 5: Examples of Minutiae Types As shown in Figure 3. 5, the dark lines and white lines on the fingerprint can form unique shapes which are distinguishable by the use of a fingerprint device. 1) Beginning Or Ending 2) Single Bifurcation 3) Double Bifurcation 66 4) Triple Bifurcation type 1 5)-Triple Bifurcation type 2 6)-Triple Bifurcation type 3 7) Hook 8)-Single Whorl 9)- Double Whorl 10) Single Bridge 11)-Twin Bridge 12) Interval 13) Point 14)-Through Line 15)-Crossing 16) Side Contact Fingerprint could be classified into: x An inked fingerprint; obtaining fingerprint images from an impression of finger surface on intermediate medium such as cloth and paper. x A latent fingerprint; prints obtained from fingerprint contact surface, after the oozing out of sweat, moisture and or grease from other part of the body on the surface of the finger. x Live-scan fingerprint; obtaining fingerprint through the impression of the finger surface on device (also referred to as scanner) without rolling. Inked and latent fingerprint are beyond the scope of this study, hence will not be discussed further. There are different types of scanner for acquiring live-scan, but only two will be mentioned in this study; optical frustrated total internal reflection (OFTIR), and sensing of differential capacitance. The OFTIR consist of a surface glass prism, a charge coupled device (CCD) camera and a light source as depicted in Figure 3. 6. Figure 3. 6: a)Example of an OFTIR b) Image Geometry 67 As shown in Figure 3. 6 a), a finger is placed on the scanner (on a glass prism), the ridges make contact with the prismwhile the valleys does not. The laser light illuminates the glass at a certain angle as shown in Figure 3. 6 b), and but scattered due to the ridge contact on the surface. “The incident light corresponding to valleys experinces total internal reflection. The CCD camera then captures the reflected light from the glass resulting in a corresponding fingerprint image” (Anil Jain, 2001). Sample of a live- scan fingerprint is shown in Figure 3. 7. Figure 3. 7: Example of a Live-Scan Fingerprint. The acquired image Figure 3. 7 for instance is further processed through minutiae extraction as illustrated in Figure 3. 8. Figure 3. 8: Typical Algorithm for Minutiae Extraction 68 As shown from Figure 3. 8, the orientations of the local ridges are estimated from the input image from selected regions of interest. It is further redefined to remove (to the bearest minimum), small speckles and holes. “It s then thinned to obtain eight connected single-pixel-wide ridges” (Anil Jain, 2001), after which, minutiae points are heuristically obtained. Usually, the ridges pixels with three-ridge pixel neighbors are classified as ridge bifurcation while those with one-ride pixel neighbor are ridge ending. 3.4. Project Methodology With reference to Table 2. 9, we can conclude that the existing mitigation methods for combating security and privacy issues at the physical-layer of the RFID system particularly at the tag-end have not provided any solution towards authenticating user. A malicious user with the Card can therefore gain access to a confidential object, or even clone the tag. Consequently, a possible mitigation to user’s authentication at the tag-end of an RFID system will be proposed. As a part of the proposed method, Figure 3. 9 gives the flow chat of the project methodology of this study. 69 Stage 1: Design and Fabrication of antenna Tag Design of a controllable Faraday shield Identification and fabrication of clippable tag Stage 2: Fingerprint acquisition and matching Fingerprint Module Features extraction processing and template formation Acquiring Fingerprint and process image Fingerprint matching process Stage 3: Code development and Testing Develop a system control algorithm Validation Figure 3. 9: Flow Chart of Project Methodology As shown in Figure 3. 9, this project methodology comprises three stages. Each of the three stages is discussed in the proceeding sections. 70 3.4.1. Stage 1: Design and Fabrication of Tag This stage comprises two phases; to identify and fabricate a clippable tag, and to construct a controllable Faraday shield around the clipped tag. In this stage, clip tag will be used to design the controllable tag. The notch of the clip tag will be designed such that it can be controlled using digital logics. As discussed in section 3. 3. 1 of this chapter, a clipped tag still responds to interrogation within its proximity. Consequentially, a controllable shield will be designed around the tag. This stage proposes a totally user controllable tag. 3.4.2. Stage 2: Fingerprint Acquisition and Matching This stage involves two phases. The first is the process of acquiring and extracting key features of fingerprint, while the second is process of matching the fingerprint. For this task, the system on Card (SOC) method proposed by Yahaya et al. , (2009) as illustrated in Figure 2. 11, will be applied taking into consideration a 1:1 matching process and encryption of template before matching. 3.4.3. Stage 3: Code Development and Testing This stage involves the development of a fingerprint authentication code and its respective circuitry that will control the system under study. Detail of this stage is discussed in the proceeding chapters. 71 3.5.Summary. In this chapter, the operational framework of this study was discussed. It embodies three phases. Two of the phases were discussed in detail while the third one was briefly discussed. Brief explanation of the project methodology was given while the details will be covered in the proceeding chapters. 72 CHAPTER 4 DESIGN OF BIO-THENTIC RFID CARD 4.1 Introduction This chapter entails discussion on existing measures to security and privacy challenges in the physical-layer of RFID technology as well as the proposition of the enhancement method. In view of that, phase 3 of the operational framework in chapter 3 is also discussed in this chapter. The design processes of the prototype of this proposed enhancement method is also discussed in detail. Additionally, the detailed analysis of the design procedure of this study is also presented. The design process procedure was segmented into the antenna design unit, the biometric authentication unit, and the control unit. A concise summary of the procedures is given at the end of the chapter 73 4.2 Existing Mitigation Measure Analysis Various existing measure on security and privacy challenges in RFID system were studied. Summary of the analysis of the measures is given in Table 4. 1. Reference was channeled towards attacks on the physical-layer and its respective proposed mitigation. Skimming Spoofing Clandestine Relay Privacy Ö × Ö × Ö Faraday Cage (Joyce H. Wu, × × × Ö Ö Ö × × Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö × × × × × × identification × × × × × × Ö × Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö × Clipped Tag killing Unauthorized (Paul tracking Cloning Ö Mitigation reading A. Ö Attacks Unauthorized Unauthorized use Table 4. 1: RFID Physical-Layer Attack-Mitigation Analysis Moskowitz, 2007) 2004) Controllable Tag (Marquardt et. al. ,2010) Biometric authentication (Yahaya et. al. ,2009) Anti-counterfeiting technology (Babaie, 2010) Physical-layer technique (Davide Zanetti, 2010) Authentication protocol Ö (Shang-Ping, 2011) Labeling Creates user awareness RFID Guardian Ö × × Ö Ö 74 (Melanie R. Rieback, 2005) RFID Blocker Tag ( Juels et. × × × Ö Ö al. , 2003) indicated that the mitigation measure is applied to such threat × indicates that the measure does not apply to that threat Ö indicates the measure can be combined with other measures As shown in Table 4. 1, there is only one mitigation measure against unauthorized use of Card attack. In addition, controllable and clipped tag measure can be enhanced to combat this type of attack. Labeling of tag does not protect against security but enhances privacy through alerting user of the presence of RFID tag. 4.3 Proposed Mitigation With reference to the discussion in the preceding section of this chapter, Figure 4.1 gives an overview of the various proposed mitigation against security and privacy challenges in the RFID technology specifically, with reference to the physical-layer. RFID SYSTEM 75 STRATEGIC LAYER APPLICATION COMMUNICATION PHYSICAL Labeling Kill command Anti counterfeiting technology Clipped tag Blocker tag Fingerprint Biometric authentication Physical layer identification RFID Guardian Faraday cage RFID zapper Controllable tag SECURITY AND PRIVACY EXISTING MITIGATION Mitigation Fingerprint Biometric authentication Faraday Cage Proposed Mitigation Clipped tag Limitations Figure 4.1: Overview of Proposed Mitigation As shown in Figure 4.1, the proposed mitigation of this study is the hybrid of three existing mitigations; physical clip tag, Faraday cage and fingerprint biometric authentication system. Worthy to note is that, this measure focuses on the Card security and privacy; hence, the biometric data is not used during communication but initiates the Card for communication. This is to prevent the possibilities of compromising the fingerprint either in communication, application or strategic layer. The architectural composition of the proposed mitigation for this study is shown in Figure 4. 2. 76 Determine the number of turns, dimension and positioning of the coil, Not suitable for a 13. 56MHz Study of antenna design system No Determine the antenna orientation and the height of the dielectric substrate Simulation (using CST software) Design clip joint and simulate Yes Design a digital controllable Faraday Yes No Yes Fabrication and real time verification Unit Sensor Acquire the fingerprint Feature extraction unit Template No match Match CONTROL UNIT Matching unit Figure 4.2: Implementation Flow Chat As shown in Figure 4. 2, the implementation process will involves three basic steps. The first step involves the process of simulating the tag using computer simulation software (CST). The second step covers the process of acquiring, processing and matching of the fingerprint. The final stage involves the fabrication 77 and real time validation unit, and the control unit. Figure 4. 3 shows a concise depiction of the proposed mitigation as well as indicating the communication channel. Control module Fingerprint module Input Fingerprint match unit Communication line-2 Controller Communication line-3 Communication line-1 RFID Tag Clipped tag and digitally controlled Faraday shield Figure 4. 3: Communication Process of the Proposed Mitigation The communication lines 1, 2 and 3 are the channels of interaction between the different modules as shown in the Figure 4. 3. Communication line-1 is the input command line from the controller to the fingerprint module. fingerprint module on when to accept ‘Input’. It instructs the The communication principle involved in this communication line is polling command. The controller unit continuously polls the fingerprint module for input fingerprint. Communication line-2 is the reply-to-request of polling command. It sends the result of any scanned input fingerprint as feedback, which is further used to dictate the communication line-3. The communication line-3 is the command line 78 for the digitalization of the Faraday shield, and consequently, Card activation/deactivation. The detail of these processes is discussed in proceeding section. 4.4 Antenna Design The antenna design was patterned after a previously implemented loop antenna for smart cards with small dimension, and effective structure (Jussi Nummela et. al. , 2007). 4.4.1 Antenna coil In order to design the coil, a computer simulation technology (CST) microwave studio 2010, software was adopted. The designed antenna has a regular loop structure consisting of stripped copper lines. The loop has external dimension of 54x33mm, copper line loop of width 0. 5mm, and 7 turns of coil with spacing of 1mm, and 0. 035mm thickness as shown in Figure 4. 4 79 Figure 4. 4: Snapshot of CST 2010 Antenna Design. The simulation result shown in Fig. 4. 4 does not exhibit a pure inductive property. This is verified from the s-parameter (signal to noise ratio in dB) graph generated by the simulation as shown in Figure 4. 4. The result was however good enough for the purpose of this study, and in line with the scope of this study. The printed circuit board (PCB) is made of FR4-lossy dielectric material, with thickness of 1. 6mm, and dimension of 60x40mm, relative permeability of 1, and a relative electric permittivity of 4. 55 as shown in Figure 4. 5. 80 Figure 4. 5: FR4 Lossy Material The design of the FR4-lossy was in line with the dimension of the desired antenna board as shown in Figure 4. 5. magnitude of the antenna in dbi. Figure 4. 6 shows the S-parameter 81 Figure 4.6: S-parameter of the designed antenna The simulation result shown in Figure 4.6 proves that a 54x33mm loop coil with 7 turns at 0.035mm coil spacing, can be used to design a 13.555MHz RFID Card antenna; with S1,1 value of -2. 730712dBi at 50ohms impedance matching, in open air boundary conditions in the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis respectively. 82 4.4.2 Clipped jointt The clipped jooint was introduced as the gap between both ends of the antenna coil as shown in Figgure 4. 7. During the simulation, transient solver of the CST software was used to adopt. Transient solver analysis. Figure 4. 7: Snapshot showing the clipped jjoint The two ends of the antenna coil serves as the joint betweeen the tag circuitry and the clip as shownn in Figure 4. 7. Figure 4. 8 shows the fabrricated Card; where ‘A’ shows the fabriccated unit with the clip joint unconnected, w while the ‘B’ shows the connected clip joiint. 83 As shown in the Figure 4. 8-‘B’, the clip joint was designed to respond to electrical pulse. The electrical conductivity (control signal) was introduced using a printed circuit board (PCB) miniature relay of 1A, 5V d. c, and internal coil resistance of 166ohms. A B Tag Miniature Relay Connected to control unit Figure 4. 8: Fabricated Antenna Unit The coupled miniature relay as shown in Figure 4. 8 ‘B’ creates a form of closed loop of electrical system. This closed-loop created, functions in a way to counter any electrical signal from the outer surrounding. This process is referred to as a Faraday shield. As a result of this shield, interrogation of the tag is not feasible. 4.4.3 Biometric authentication SN-FPR-UART authentication process. fingerprint reader was adopted for the biometric Figure 4. 9 shows the block diagram of the hardware composition of the module. 84 Figure 4. 9: Block diagram of the fingerprint module (Cytron T, 2011) As shown in the Figure 4. 7, the fingerprint module functions communicate directly to peripherals. The data format for the communication is 8-bits data bit, 1bit stop bit, and no parity bit at a baud rate of either 19200BPS. Additionally, it also uses an optical fingerprint scanning process. 4.4.4 Fingerprint Module Security Mechanism SN-FPR-UART fingerprint reader has an accuracy of 0. 0001% of false acceptance rate (FAR) and 0. 01% of false acceptance rate (FAR), with an enrolling time of 1s per time and matching time of 1s. It supports both 1:1 and 1: N fingerprint verification system. extracted and stored. Only Eigen value of fingerprint template are 85 4.4.5 Fingerprint Storage and Matching The storage process of the Eigen value of fingerprint template involves a three consecutive enrolment using the enrolment command in Table 4. 2. Table 4. 2: instruction command for fingerprint storage First Byte 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 0XF5 0x01 ID-LB ID-HB SEC-LEVEL 0X00 CHK 0XF5 Reply 0XF5 0x01 0X00 0X00 SEC-LEVEL 0X00 CHK 0XF5 Byte 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 0XF5 0x02 ID-LB ID-HB SEC-LEVEL 0X00 CHK 0XF5 Reply 0XF5 0x02 0X00 0X00 SEC-LEVEL 0X00 CHK 0XF5 Byte 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 0XF5 0x03 ID-LB ID-HB SEC-LEVEL 0X00 CHK 0XF5 0XF5 0x03 0X00 0X00 SEC-LEVEL 0X00 CHK 0XF5 enrolment Cmd Second enrolment Cmd Third enrolment Cmd Reply 2 2 2 As shown in Table 4. 2, the storage process requires the enrolment of the fingerprint three times using different commands. The byte-7 is the check sum byte used for detecting errors in the frames/command. ID-LB, ID-HB and SEC-LEVEL represents the low byte of the storage number, high byte of the storage number, and security level respectively. The matching process is a stream of 8-bytes of data as shown in Table 4. 3. Table 4. 3: Instruction format for fingerprint Matching Byte 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cmd 0XF5 0x0C 0x00 0x00 SEC-LEVEL 0X00 CHK 0XF5 Reply 0XF5 0x0C ID-LB ID-HB SEC-LEVEL 0X00 CHK 0XF5 86 Table 4.3shows the matching process for a 1:N matching. For a 1 ratio 1 matching, the second byte (0X0C) in Table 4. 3 will be replaced with 0X0B. 4.5 Control Unit The control unit constitutes basically of a single computer on-chip microcontroller. AVR- Atmega-8515 microcontroller was adopted. The communication process between the fingerprint module and the antenna coil (RFID cabinet) is linked using the universal synchronous asynchronous receiver and transmitter (USART) unit of the microcontroller. 4.5.1 AVR Atmega-8515 Microcontroller The Atmega-8515 microcontroller is a 40-pin PDIP low power 8-bits microcontroller with advance reduced instruction set computing (RISC) architecture comprising a 32x8 general purpose working register, a data throughput at 16MHz and a programmable serial USART. Figure 4. 10 shows the block diagram of the Atmega-8515 microcontroller. 87 Figure 4. 4 10: Architecture of Atmega-8515 Microconntroller The Atmega-8515 microcontroller has four programmablle input and output ports, which are connnected to the controller structure through a poort driver/buffer and a port digital interfacce as shown in Figure 4. 10. Port D is interffaced directly to the USART unit, which is linked through an 8-bits data bus to the aarithmetic and logic unit (ALU) via the status s register. Figure 4. 11 shows the pin-oout of the Atmega8515 microcontroller chip. 88 Figure 4. 11: Pin-Out of Atmega-8515 Microcontroller. The USART unit interface directly with the RXD (pin 14/PD0) and TXD (pin 15/PD1) pin of the microcontroller as shown in Figure 4. 11. Ports A, B, C and D are each 8-pin input and output interfaces. 4.5.2 Control Circuitry The control circuitry comprises a programmed microcontroller (using assembly language), and a miniature relay. Figure 4. 12 shows the design of the circuitry. Refer to appendix A for the communication code. Four different fingerprint templates were stored in the fingerprint module library. Each of the templates, labeled A, B, C, D, were assigned expected output as shown in Table 4. 4 and the corresponding responding output was used to either control the triggering of the miniature PCB relay (A & B), power-on a green , yellow, or blue LED. Any other fingerprint that does not match with the stored fingerprint library is classified as a malicious user, and hence assigned with the template label ‘E’. The 89 microcontroller continuously polls the fingerprint for any input. Refer to Appendix B for the flow chart of the process. If there is any finger placed on the scanner, the fingerprint module extracts the Eigen value, and then compares it with the already stored template. If there is match, a corresponding output is triggered, and otherwise, a red LED indicates an unknown user. In order to trigger the RFID Card, two separate fingerprints of the authenticator was sampled. The controller ensures that the two fingerprints must be matched before triggering the Card. The triggered Card remains active for duration of 2. 46ms and 2seconds (since the RFID HF tag operates within the range of 13. 56MHz) Figure 4. 12: Schematics of Control Process As shown in Figure 4. 12, the circuitry was designed such that a dual contact process (PD3 and PD4 pins) are required for tag activation through the miniature relay contactor mechanism. The relay (normally open-NO-) is programmed to 90 energize (operation period), for a period. When the time of contact is lapsed, the relay is de-energized to its normal state (idle state). An authentic fingerprint initiates the operation state. The fingerprint input is connected via the USART port (RXD and TXD) pin of the Atmega8515. The LED indicators are connected to the PD7, PD6, PD5 and PD4 pins of the microcontroller as shown in Figure 4. 12. Table 4. 4 shows the analysis of the connection and the desired output. Table 4. 4: Control Output Indication Template Atmega-8515 Control label Pin-out Effect A and B PORTB, 6:4 Miniature relay Authorized PORTD 7 And Green-LED permission, access granted PORTD, 6 Yellow-LED Authorized C Indication user user with without access access permission, access denied D PORTD, 5 Blue-LED Unauthorized user, access denied E PORTD, 4 Red-LED Unauthorized user, access denied (and further warning may be indicated As shown in Table 4. 4, the combination of template labeled ‘A & B’ is the expected authorized and full access permission user. ‘C’ is an authorized user but does not have access to the object under investigation (in this case the Card-Reader interrogation). ‘D’ on the other hand, represents unauthorized. Label ‘E’ is classified as a malicious user. This could attract other forms of warning, but for the sake of this project, it is tagged with e Red LED indicator. 91 4.6 Summary This chapter entails the detail procedure for the implementation of the design of the prototype of the Bio-Thentic Card. It also presented the various functionalities involved in the design procedures as well as the hardware and software involved. 92 CHAPTER 5 RESULT AND ANALYSIS 5.1 Introduction This chapter presents the results of the designed and fabricated proposed methodology; to enhance the authentication of the RFID Card. In addition, it also illustrates how various known attacks on the RFID Card can be prevented, and hence combated. The first section detailed the result of the design and fabricated output, while subsequent sections described the diverse processes of exploiting the inherent vulnerabilities in the RFID Card. A concise summary of the detailed result is given at the last section. 93 5.2 Bio-Thentic Card Prototype testing After the design of the Bio-Thentic Card, it was subjected to various range and authentication test. Figure 5.1 shows the Bio-Thentic Card prototype. FINGERPRINT MODULE Communication link to the controller Front View Back view Figure 5.1: Bio-Thentic Card Prototype. For testing purpose, the card was uncased/un-laminated as shown in Figure 5.1. The front view shows the connection between the fingerprint module, communication link to the controller, and the Card, while the back shows the connection between the fingerprint module and the controller. Figure 5.2 shows the testing procedure for the authentic cardholder. This is predicated upon the fact that the fingerprint templates of the authentic cardholder have been stored in the fingerprint module. 94 STEPS INDICATOR Power ON the control module Place the LEFT-INDEX finger on the fingerprint Module, for one second. Place the LEFT-THUMB finger on the fingerprint Module, for one second. Place the Bio-Thentic Card closer to the RFID Reader The Bio-Thentic Card responds to interrogation One time Beep sound, Blue light on the fingerprint module, Power-ON LED activated One time Beep Sound, Blinking blue light on the fingerprint module One time Beep sound, once blink of the blue light on the fingerprint module, green LED df The Card is activated for duration, based on the level of user’s responsiveness, 3-seconds in this case. Figure 5.2: Testing Procedure for Authentic User As shown in Figure 5.2, the communication process is initiated after the following procedures are certified. 1. The control unit of the card in powered ON. This is done by connecting a 5V power supply to the control unit. 2. The authentic Cardholder then places his left-index (the left-thumb finger can also be the placed first) finger on the fingerprint module for one seconds. 3. Afterwards, the authentic cardholder then places his left-thumb (the leftindex finger can also be placed as the second input finger) finger on the fingerprint module for one seconds. 4. The Card is then placed closer to the RFID reader, for interrogation. 95 Figure 5.3 shows the generic procedure for testing both authentic and unauthentic cardholder. This test is predicated on the fact that the fingerprint template of the cardholder is stored in the fingerprint module, as well as two three other fingerprint template representing various level of un-authentic cardholder. POWER-ON THE CONTROL UNIT Place the left-index finger on the fingerprint module Place other finger on the fingerprint module Place the card closer to the RFID reader Place the left-thumb finger on the fingerprint module No interrogation responds from the RFID reader, and a corresponding level of authority is activated. Place the card closer to the RFID reader When finger = Right-index, Yellow-LED activated: Card responds to interrogation and indicator ON. When finger = Right-thumb, Blue-LED activated: When finger = unknown, Red-LED activated on the Card for a duration of two seconds. Figure 5.3: Generic Testing Procedure As illustrated in Figure 5.3, any fingerprint placed on the fingerprint module, which does not match the left-index and left-thumb of the authentic cardholder’s template, will result in “NO-interrogation” from the reader. Additionally, the following Light emitting diodes (LED) are also activated: 96 1. Yellow LED is activated on the card when the detected fingerprint matches with the Right-index finger of the authentic cardholder. 2. Blue LED is activated on the card when the detected fingerprint matches the with the Right-thumb of the authentic cardholder. 3. Red LED is activated on the card when the detected fingerprint does not match either the Right index, Right-thumb, Left-index, Left-thumb finger of the authentic cardholder. 5.2.1 Response to Reader An RFID Reader was employed to demonstrate the possible response of the Card to a Reader. The Card without the fingerprint authentication unit was brought at 5cm, 3cm, 2cm, and 1cm proximity (arbitrarily chosen but within the nominal read range of the HF passive tag), to the powered Reader. No-response to interrogation from the Reader was received. The authentic fingerprint authentication process was then applied within same proximity range as the former, and response was received. Table 5.1 shows the result of the test. Table 5. 1: Test Result of Bio-Thentic Card Proximity Range Without Fingerprint With fingerprint Authentication Authentication 5cm No response Response received 3cm No response Response received 2cm No response Response received 1cm No response Response received 97 Without the fingerprint authentication, the Card is shielded from communication as depicted in the result of Table 5.2. Hence, no Reader can communicate without the authorization by the authentic Card user. 5.2.2 Fingerprint Authentication Two distinctive fingers of the authentic card holder is required to activate the automation circuitry of the card. For the sake of testing, prints from the left thumb and left index fingers were used as the authentication elements. Table 5.2 gives the result of the authentication testing. The left index and left thumb were labeled as ‘A’ and ‘B’ respectively. Prints from the right index and right thumb labeled ‘C’ and ‘D’ respectively, were used as additional fingerprints and were stored in the library of the fingerprint module. Prints other than ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, and ‘D’ were considered as print ‘E’, connoting that the User ‘E’ does not fall within the category of expected user. Table 5. 2: Result for Authentication Testing Template Interrogation Range 5cm 3cm 2cm 1cm A& Tag activated Tag activated Tag activated Tag activated B Green LED Green LED Green LED Green LED C Yellow LED Yellow LED Yellow LED Yellow LED D Blue LED Blue LED Blue LED Blue LED E Red LED Red LED Red LED Red LED Templates labeled ‘A & B’ activated the Card for interrogation and a GreenLED indicated the activation process for each of the selected interrogation range as 98 shown in Table 5. 2. Thus prints matching ‘A’ and ‘B’ were considered as classified user and possess the adequate clearance level to use the card. Prints matching label ‘C’ and ‘D’, were placed on the fingerprint module, but a no-tag- response was received while a corresponding Yellow-LED and Blue-LED were activated respectively. Hence, the prints ‘C’ and ‘D’ were considered as classified user, but do not possess adequate clearance level to use the card. Prints matching label ‘E’ were placed on the fingerprint module at different range as shown in Table 5.2, but a no-tag-response were received in all instance and a Red-LED activated. In essence, such user are considered as unclassified user and also, lacks the authority to use the card. This test clearly demonstrated that only an authentic user/subject can use the Card, and such subject must use two different fingerprints. Additionally, it classifies users into different categories, and a corresponding level of awareness is activated based on the classification. 5.2.3 Tag Reading The Card was activated for duration of 3seconds (additional slack time is added to compensate for user’s responsiveness) during which, it responded to the interrogation from the Reader. As shown in Table 5.2, only the templates labeled ‘A & B’ could authenticate the Card. The communication process between the Reader and the Card takes an approximate of 73μ seconds at 13.56MHz frequency. This short operational time can be used as measure against clandestine tracking as well as relay attacks. 99 5.3 Risk Assessment In order to ascertain the probability of attack being successful, various known attacks were tested on the prototype. Unauthorized tag Read, and unauthorized tag use were the focus of this assessment. Malicious users to gain ‘authorized’ access to these Card. could use attacks such as tag manipulation, clipped circumvention, and fingerprint manipulation. 5.3.1 Tag Manipulation Owing to the architectural vulnerabilities of the RFID card system in which the tag can be read without the knowledge of the Cardholder even when such is unauthorized; a practical re-positioning of reader was conducted. An RFID reader was placed within various proximity of the RFID Card, but there was no response. This obeys the principle of the Faraday shield and clipped tag process as detailed in the chapter 3. Afterwards, the Card was authorized by its authorized user at proximities of 5cm, 3cm, and. At these various range, the Reader responded to the Card 5.3.2 Clip joint circumvention For the sake of testing, the Card was un-laminated, showing its internal circuitry as well as the antenna coil as shown in Figure 5.4. This was done with the view that an unauthorized user can successfully disassemble (completely remove the card envelop/lamination) the Card. Bridged using connector cable 100 Figure 5.4: Worse Case Scenario of Bio-Thentic Card-Physical State As shown in Figure 5.4, the clipped joint of the Card is connected to the tag via the relay circuitry of the Card. A conductor was placed between the joints of the microcontroller illustrated in Figure 5.4. The Card remained inactive. Further manipulation was then initiated. At this stage, the clipped joints were connected to a Connected to a power supply unit DC power supply unit of 5V as illustrated in Figure 5.5 Figure 5.5: Electrical manipulation of the clipped joint The power supply unit was adjusted to the operating voltage range at the miniature relay contact joint as shown in Figure 5.5. At proximities of 5cm, 3cm, and 1cm respectively, the Card responded to interrogation and became active. Hence, the attack was successful. 101 5.3.3 Fingerprint manipulation When an authentic cardholder authorizes a communication, a residue of the last fingerprint is retained on the surface of the fingerprint module as illustrated in figure 5.6. There are various means of forging print from such residue such as molding a silicone, gelatin, plastic clay, OHP film, and candle wax finger, but in this study, an OHP film system was adopted for forging the authentic fingerprint image. An OHP film was placed on the fingerprint module surface in alignment with the residual print on the surface of the fingerprint module (with the understanding that residual print belongs to the authentic cardholder). The control circuitry was powered-ON, and the film was mapped to the size of the print. Afterwards, the forged-film was placed carefully on the surface of the fingerprint module, to impersonate as the authentic fingerprint. This process was carried out on different diameter of films. The Bio-Thentic Card however did not respond to interrogation, maintaining its idle state. The activation process of the card requires matching of both the leftindex and left-thumb fingers. Hence, even if a forged finger could successfully deceive a live fingerprint scanner, it will still be practically infeasible to fool the fingerprint module based on residual image extraction. 5.4 Risk Assessment Analysis This prototype was designed such that two fingerprints (different finger template) of the authorized user were required to activate the Card for interrogation. This was considered as a secured practice to ensure against the possibilities of 102 manipulating the fingerprint scanner surface. Table 5.3 gives a detail analysis on the evaluation with respect to physical layer vulnerabilities of RFID Card. Table 5. 3: Bio-Thentic Risk Assessment Test Skimming Spoofing Unauthorized x Relay attack cloning Card-use Tracking Bio-Thentic Card Unauthorized Mitigation Privacy Vulnerabilities Card-read Physical-layer As shown in Table 5. 3, with a Bio-Thentic Card system; unauthorized use of Card can be effectively mitigated and other known physical-layer attacks, as well as reduce the probability of attack occurrence. The privacy of the Cardholder is kept safe. This is based on the understanding that the Card cannot respond to any interrogation except on the consent of the authentic Cardholder, and for a short period. Similarly, tracking the card or the Cardholder through the Card is practically infeasible since the Card is considered dead, until activated by the authentic Cardholder. Furthermore, the use of Bio-Thentic Card prevents any form of unauthorized reading of tag as well as card promiscuity to any reader which forms the basis for skimming and spoofing attack. Hence, a surreptitious reader will not be able to gather information about the card. In addition, the use of Bio-Thentic Card requires that only the authentic cardholder can activate the card for interrogation. In essence, the card cannot be used 103 by an unauthorized user, as well as, for an unauthorized purpose. Hence this Card prevents unauthorized tag use, while it also addresses other issues such as unauthorized tag read, and relay attacks. However, the Bio-Thentic Card does not guarantee against cloning attack. Though cloning of RFID tag is practically infeasible (Davide et al., 2010), a careful fabrication of the Bio-Thentic card can induce a tamper proof capability in the Card. Such tamper proof capability can be use to prevent against cloning attack. 5.5 Limitation of this prototype The clip joint of this card can be manipulated as shown in the electrical short circuiting process in Figure 5.5, given a very high level of precision and a relative knowledge of the internal circuitry of the card. Hence it may subject to high technical proficiency attack, in which state, access control may be practically undeniable. This limitation can however be prevented if the Bio-Thentic card can be fabricated in a way that any disassembling attempt will destroy the card antenna, and as well as the RFID chip. 5.6 Summary In this chapter, results from the design and fabrication processes of the BioThentic Card were discussed. It also included a practical demonstration of known attacks as a part of risk assessment of the prototype. 104 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 6.1 Introduction RFID Card is one of the most convenient practices for access control. It however poses some inherent security challenges that have led to diverse compromise of the triad-confidentiality, Integrity, and availability (CIA)- of information security. As a way to address some of the challenges in the RFID Card, this study developed a Bio-Thentic Card to prevent unauthorized use of Card. The Bio-Thentic card comprises clipped tag, Faraday shield, and biometric authentication. The proceeding sections gives contribution of this study to the security of RFID Card. In addition to that, recommendations for future works were also given. This chapter ends with Conclusion on the Bio-Thentic card. 105 6.2 Contribution The Bio-Thentic Card is the combination of three existing mitigation mechanism which are Faraday shield, Clipped-tag system, and Fingerprint biometric system; for combating unauthorized tag read, unauthorized tag interrogation and unauthorized access controlling system respectively. This is the first time such integration is used, and in this way. The Bio-Thentic Card system effectively mitigated known attacks on RFID Card. It also reduced the vulnerability rate of the RFID Card. 6.3 Future Work and Recommendation This prototype does not satisfy a real-time application requirement due to its portability. Additionally, it also does not effectively prevent an expert clip-tag circumventor. The following consideration can be given future research direction. x A combination of Bio-Thentic Card and computerized unit to further authenticate the Card based on a uniquely generated disparate fingerprint identity of the authentic user. This can effectively prevent clip-tag circumventors. x A combination of Bio-Thentic Card and RF sensor to further enhance authenticate the Card. 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EQU MODE_3= 7 . EQU BAUD_RATE_HIGH=0 . EQU BAUD_RATE_LOW=25 ; BAUD RATE OF 19200. . . . ORG 0x000 RJMP START;Reset Handler . ORG 0X001 RETI ; IRQ0 Handler RETI ; IRQ1 Handler . ORG 0X002 . ORG 0X003 118 RETI ; Timer1 Capture Handler RETI ; Timer1 Compare A Handler RETI ; Timer1 Compare B Handler RETI ; Timer1 Overflow Handler RETI ; Timer0 Overflow Handler RETI ; SPI Transfer Complete Handler RETI ; USART RX Complete Handler RETI ; UDR0 Empty Handler RETI ; USART TX Complete Handler RETI ; Analog Comparator Handler RETI ; IRQ2 Handler RETI ; Timer0 Compare Handler RETI ; EEPROM Ready Handler RETI ; Store Program memory Ready . ORG 0X004 . ORG 0X005 . org 0x006 . ORG 0X007 . ORG 0X008 . ORG 0X009 . ORG 0X00A . ORG 0X00B . ORG 0X00C . ORG 0X00D . ORG 0X00E . ORG 0X00F . ORG 0X010 START: LDI TEMP,255 OUT DDRA,TEMP OUT DDRB,TEMP OUT DDRD, TEMP OUT DDRC, TEMP 119 LDI TEMP,HIGH(RAMEND) OUT SPH,TEMP LDI TEMP,LOW(RAMEND) OUT SPL,TEMP UART_INIT: CLI LDI TEMP2, BAUD_RATE_HIGH LDI TEMP, BAUD_RATE_LOW OUT UBRRH, TEMP2 OUT UBRRL, TEMP LDI TEMP, (1<<RXEN)|(1<<TXEN);|(1<<RXCIE) OUT UCSRB, TEMP LDI (1<<URSEL)|(0<<UMSEL)|(0<<USBS)|(1<<UCSZ1)|(1<<UCSZ0) OUT UCSRC, TEMP SEI RCALL DELAY POLLING_UNIT: NOP NOP INC R22 CPI R22,5 BRGE RELAX SEARCHING: LDI ZH, HIGH(INPUT_MODE*2) LDI ZL, LOW(INPUT_MODE*2) CLR WORKER WUNMI: LPM TEMP, Z RCALL USART_TRANSMIT RCALL DELAY LDI TEMP2,(1<<TXC) OUT UCSRA, TEMP2 ADIW Z, 1 TEMP, 120 INC WORKER CPI WORKER,8 BRNE WUNMI LDI R21, 8 POSES_FIRSTLY: RCALL USART_RECEIVE OUT PORTA, TEMP DEC R21 CPI R21, 0X03 BREQ CHECKER_FIRSTLY GOT_FIRSTLY: CPI R21, 0X00 BRNE POSES_FIRSTLY RJMP ERROR_CHECK_FIRSTLY CHECKER_FIRSTLY: MOV R0, TEMP RJMP GOT_FIRSTLY ERROR_CHECK_FIRSTLY: MOV TEMP, R0 CPI TEMP, 0X00 BREQ OK_FIRSTLY RJMP ERROR_FIRSTLY OK_FIRSTLY: LDI TEMP, 0B11110000 OUT PORTC, TEMP RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RJMP POLLING_UNIT2 ERROR_FIRSTLY: LDI TEMP, 0B10101010 OUT PORTC, TEMP RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RJMP POLLING_UNIT 121 RELAX: SLEEP ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; POLLING_UNIT2: SBI PORTB, 7 NOP NOP RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY CBI PORTB, 7 FINISHED: NOP NOP LDI TEMP, 0XFF OUT PORTA, TEMP RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY LDI TEMP, 0X00 OUT PORTA, TEMP RJMP MATCHING RJMP FINISHED ;?????????????????????? ;??????????????????????????????????? ; BEGINNING OF THE MATCH PROCESS ;??????????????????????????????????? MATCHING: LDI TEMP, 0X00 OUT PORTA, TEMP ; OUT PORTB, TEMP OUT PORTC, TEMP 122 RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY NOP LDI ZH, HIGH(MATCHED_FINGERPRINT*2) LDI ZL, LOW(MATCHED_FINGERPRINT*2) CLR WORKER MATCH_UP: LPM TEMP, Z RCALL USART_TRANSMIT RCALL DELAY LDI TEMP2,(1<<TXC) OUT UCSRA, TEMP2 ADIW Z, 1 INC WORKER CPI WORKER, 8 BRNE MATCH_UP LDI R21, 8 POSES_MATCH: RCALL USART_RECEIVE OUT PORTC, TEMP DEC R21 CPI R21, 0X04 BREQ CHECK_MATCHING GOT_MATCHING: CPI R21, 0X00 BRNE POSES_MATCH RJMP ERROR_CHECK_MATCHING CHECK_MATCHING: MOV R0, TEMP RJMP GOT_MATCHING ERROR_CHECK_MATCHING: MOV TEMP, R0 CPI TEMP, 0X02 ;library location for the left thumb print 123 BREQ RIGHT_THUMB CPI TEMP, 0X03 ;library location for the left thumb print BREQ LEFT_THUMB CPI TEMP, 0X04 ;library location for the right index print BREQ RIGHT_INDEX CPI TEMP, 0X05 ;library location for the left index finger BREQ LEFT_INDEX RJMP ERROR_MATCHING RIGHT_THUMB: SBI PORTD, MODE_2 RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY CBI PORTD, MODE_2 RCALL LONG_DELAY RJMP FINISHED LEFT_THUMB: SBI PORTB, 0 SBIS PORTB, 1 RJMP FINISHED RJMP ACTIVATE RIGHT_INDEX: SBI PORTD, MODE_1 RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY CBI PORTD, MODE_1 RCALL LONG_DELAY 124 RJMP FINISHED LEFT_INDEX: SBI PORTB, 1 SBIS PORTB, 0 RJMP FINISHED RJMP ACTIVATE ACTIVATE: SBI PORTB, 4 CBI PORTB, 6 SBI PORTD, MODE_3 RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY CBI PORTD, MODE_3 LDI TEMP, 0X00 OUT PORTB, TEMP RJMP FINISHED ERROR_MATCHING: SBI PORTD, 4 RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY CBI PORTD, 4 RJMP FINISHED ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 ;USART RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT STAGE ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . USART_TRANSMIT: SBIS UCSRA, UDRE RJMP USART_TRANSMIT OUT UDR, TEMP RET USART_RECEIVE: SBIS UCSRA, RXC RJMP USART_RECEIVE IN TEMP, UDR RET ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;END OF USART STAGE ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;****Time Delay Subroutine ********************************* LONG_DELAY: RCALL DELAY RCALL DELAY RCALL DELAY RET DELAY: CLR R19 CLR R20 BODY: INC R19 CPI R19,250 BRNE BODY INC R20 CPI R20,20 BRNE BODY RET ;***Settling time delay for port to stabilise**************************** Short_delay: 126 ldi temp,255 tagain: dec temp brne tagain ret ;*****Look up table for fingerprint template***************************** INPUT_MODE: . DB 0XF5, 0X2D, 0X00, 0X01, 0X00, 0X00, 0X2C, 0XF5 MATCHED_FINGERPRINT: . DB 0XF5, 0X0C, 0X00, 0X00, 0X00, 0X00, 0X0C, 0XF5 ;????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ; This section of the code is used to enter the first fingerprint template which is stored ; in location 0x05 of the fingerprint module used for this study; in this case, it is the ;left index. Used for the storage process of fingerprints . include"m8515def. inc" . DEF TEMP =R16 ;general scratch space . DEF TEMP2=R17 . DEF WORKER=R23 . DEF STORE1=R18 . DEF STORE2=R19 . DEF STORE3=R20 . DEF STORE4=R21 . DEF STORE5=R22 . EQU MODE_1= 6 . EQU MODE_0= 5 . EQU MODE_2= 7 . EQU BAUD_RATE_HIGH=0 . EQU BAUD_RATE_LOW=25 ; BAUD RATE OF 19200. . . . ORG 0x000 RJMP START;Reset Handler . ORG 0X001 RETI ; IRQ0 Handler RETI ; IRQ1 Handler . ORG 0X002 127 . ORG 0X003 RETI ; Timer1 Capture Handler RETI ; Timer1 Compare A Handler RETI ; Timer1 Compare B Handler RETI ; Timer1 Overflow Handler RETI ; Timer0 Overflow Handler RETI ; SPI Transfer Complete Handler RETI ; USART RX Complete Handler RETI ; UDR0 Empty Handler RETI ; USART TX Complete Handler RETI ; Analog Comparator Handler RETI ; IRQ2 Handler RETI ; Timer0 Compare Handler RETI ; EEPROM Ready Handler RETI ; Store Program memory Ready . ORG 0X004 . ORG 0X005 . org 0x006 . ORG 0X007 . ORG 0X008 . ORG 0X009 . ORG 0X00A . ORG 0X00B . ORG 0X00C . ORG 0X00D . ORG 0X00E . ORG 0X00F . ORG 0X010 START: LDI TEMP,255 OUT DDRA,TEMP OUT DDRB,TEMP 128 OUT DDRD, TEMP OUT DDRC, TEMP LDI TEMP,HIGH(RAMEND) OUT SPH,TEMP LDI TEMP,LOW(RAMEND) OUT SPL,TEMP UART_INIT: CLI LDI TEMP2, BAUD_RATE_HIGH LDI TEMP, BAUD_RATE_LOW OUT UBRRH, TEMP2 OUT UBRRL, TEMP LDI TEMP, (1<<RXEN)|(1<<TXEN);|(1<<RXCIE) OUT UCSRB, TEMP LDI (1<<URSEL)|(0<<UMSEL)|(0<<USBS)|(1<<UCSZ1)|(1<<UCSZ0) OUT UCSRC, TEMP SEI RCALL DELAY POLLING_UNIT: NOP NOP INC R22 CPI R22,5 BRGE RELAX SEARCHING: LDI ZH, HIGH(INPUT_MODE*2) LDI ZL, LOW(INPUT_MODE*2) CLR WORKER WUNMI: LPM TEMP, Z RCALL USART_TRANSMIT RCALL DELAY LDI TEMP2,(1<<TXC) TEMP, 129 OUT UCSRA, TEMP2 ADIW Z, 1 INC WORKER CPI WORKER,8 BRNE WUNMI LDI R21, 8 POSES_FIRSTLY: RCALL USART_RECEIVE OUT PORTA, TEMP DEC R21 CPI R21, 0X03 BREQ CHECKER_FIRSTLY GOT_FIRSTLY: CPI R21, 0X00 BRNE POSES_FIRSTLY RJMP ERROR_CHECK_FIRSTLY CHECKER_FIRSTLY: MOV R0, TEMP RJMP GOT_FIRSTLY ERROR_CHECK_FIRSTLY: MOV TEMP, R0 CPI TEMP, 0X00 BREQ OK_FIRSTLY RJMP ERROR_FIRSTLY OK_FIRSTLY: LDI TEMP, 0B11110000 OUT PORTC, TEMP RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RJMP POLLING_UNIT2 ERROR_FIRSTLY: LDI TEMP, 0B10101010 OUT PORTC, TEMP RCALL LONG_DELAY 130 RCALL LONG_DELAY RJMP POLLING_UNIT RELAX: SLEEP POLLING_UNIT2: SBI PORTD, 7 NOP NOP RCALL LONG_DELAY CBI PORTD, 7 ENTRY: ;FIRST STAGE LDI ZH, HIGH(FIRST_FINGERPRINT*2) LDI ZL, LOW(FIRST_FINGERPRINT*2) CLR WORKER DOES: LPM TEMP, Z RCALL USART_TRANSMIT RCALL DELAY LDI TEMP2,(1<<TXC) OUT UCSRA, TEMP2 ADIW Z, 1 INC WORKER CPI WORKER, 8 BRNE DOES RESPONDS_FIRST: LDI R21, 8 ; LDI R22, 8 POSES_FIRST: RCALL USART_RECEIVE OUT PORTB, TEMP DEC R21 CPI R21, 0X03 131 BREQ CHECKER_FIRST GOT: CPI R21, 0X00 BRNE POSES_FIRST RJMP ERROR_CHECK CHECKER_FIRST: MOV R0, TEMP RJMP GOT ERROR_CHECK: MOV TEMP, R0 CPI TEMP, 0X00 BREQ OK_FIRST CPI TEMP, 0X07 BREQ OK_ALREADY RJMP ERROR OK_ALREADY: LDI TEMP, 0B11001100 OUT PORTC, TEMP RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY LDI TEMP, 0X00 OUT PORTC, TEMP RCALL DELAY RJMP SECONDLY OK_FIRST: LDI TEMP, 0B11111111 OUT PORTC, TEMP RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY LDI TEMP, 0 OUT PORTC, TEMP RCALL DELAY RJMP SECONDLY ERROR: 132 RJMP POLLING_UNIT2 ;SECOND STAGE ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SECONDLY: NOP LDI ZH, HIGH(SECOND_FINGERPRINT*2) LDI ZL, LOW(SECOND_FINGERPRINT*2) CLR WORKER DO_IT: LPM TEMP, Z RCALL USART_TRANSMIT RCALL DELAY LDI TEMP2,(1<<TXC) OUT UCSRA, TEMP2 ADIW Z, 1 INC WORKER CPI WORKER, 8 BRNE DO_IT LDI R21, 8 POSES_SECONDLY: RCALL USART_RECEIVE OUT PORTC, TEMP DEC R21 CPI R21, 0X03 BREQ CHECKER_SECONDLY GOT_SECONDLY: CPI R21, 0X00 BRNE POSES_SECONDLY RJMP ERROR_CHECK_SECONDLY CHECKER_SECONDLY: MOV R0, TEMP RJMP GOT_SECONDLY ERROR_CHECK_SECONDLY: MOV TEMP, R0 133 CPI TEMP, 0X00 BREQ OK_SECONDLY CPI TEMP, 0X07 BREQ OK_ALREADY_SECOND RJMP ERROR_SECONDLY OK_ALREADY_SECOND: LDI TEMP, 0B11001100 OUT PORTC, TEMP RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY LDI TEMP, 0X00 OUT PORTC, TEMP RCALL DELAY RJMP THIRDLY OK_SECONDLY: LDI TEMP, 0B11110000 OUT PORTC, TEMP RCALL LONG_DELAY LDI TEMP, 0 OUT PORTC, TEMP RCALL DELAY RJMP THIRDLY ERROR_SECONDLY: RJMP POLLING_UNIT2 ;THIRD STAGE ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THIRDLY: NOP LDI ZH, HIGH(THIRD_FINGERPRINT*2) LDI ZL, LOW(THIRD_FINGERPRINT*2) CLR WORKER DO_IT_AGAIN: LPM TEMP, Z RCALL USART_TRANSMIT 134 RCALL DELAY LDI TEMP2,(1<<TXC) OUT UCSRA, TEMP2 ADIW Z, 1 INC WORKER CPI WORKER, 8 BRNE DO_IT_AGAIN LDI R21, 8 POSES_THIRDLY: RCALL USART_RECEIVE OUT PORTA, TEMP DEC R21 CPI R21, 0X03 BREQ CHECKER_THIRDLY GOT_THIRDLY: SBI PORTD, MODE_2 CPI R21, 0X00 BRNE POSES_THIRDLY RJMP ERROR_CHECK_THIRDLY CHECKER_THIRDLY: MOV R0, TEMP RJMP GOT_THIRDLY ERROR_CHECK_THIRDLY: MOV TEMP, R0 CPI TEMP, 0X00 BREQ OK_THIRDLY CPI TEMP, 0X07 BREQ OK_ALREADY_THIRDLY RJMP ERROR_THIRDLY OK_ALREADY_THIRDLY: SBI PORTD, MODE_1 LDI TEMP, 0B11001100 OUT PORTC, TEMP 135 RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY LDI TEMP, 0X00 OUT PORTC, TEMP RCALL DELAY RJMP FINISHED OK_THIRDLY: LDI TEMP, 0B10101010 OUT PORTC, TEMP RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY LDI TEMP, 0 OUT PORTC, TEMP RCALL DELAY RJMP FINISHED ERROR_THIRDLY: SBI PORTD, 7 RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY CBI PORTD, 7 RJMP POLLING_UNIT2 FINISHED: NOP NOP CBI PORTD, MODE_2 CBI PORTD, MODE_1 CBI PORTD, MODE_0 LDI TEMP, 0XFF OUT PORTA, TEMP LDI TEMP, 0X00 OUT PORTC, TEMP OUT PORTB, TEMP RCALL LONG_DELAY LDI TEMP, 0X00 136 OUT PORTA, TEMP RCALL LONG_DELAY RCALL LONG_DELAY RJMP FINISHED ;USART RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT STAGE USART_TRANSMIT: SBIS UCSRA, UDRE RJMP USART_TRANSMIT OUT UDR, TEMP RET USART_RECEIVE: SBIS UCSRA, RXC RJMP USART_RECEIVE IN TEMP, UDR RET ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;END OF USART STAGE ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;****Time Delay Subroutine ********************************* LONG_DELAY: RCALL DELAY RCALL DELAY RET DELAY: CLR R19 CLR R20 BODY: INC R19 CPI R19,250 BRNE BODY INC R20 CPI R20,10 137 BRNE BODY RET ;***Settling time delay for port to stabilise**************************** Short_delay: ldi temp,255 tagain: dec temp brne tagain ret ;*****Look up table for fingerprint template***************************** INPUT_MODE: . DB 0XF5, 0X2D, 0X00, 0X01, 0X00, 0X00, 0X2C, 0XF5 FIRST_FINGERPRINT: . DB 0XF5, 0X01, 0X00, 0X05, 0X03, 0X00, 0X07, 0XF5 SECOND_FINGERPRINT: . DB 0XF5, 0X02, 0X00, 0X05, 0X03, 0X00, 0X04, 0XF5 THIRD_FINGERPRINT: . DB 0XF5, 0X03, 0X00, 0X05, 0X03, 0X00, 0X05, 0XF5 138 APPENDIX B PROGRAM FLOW CHART start Reset Initialization Any live print on scanner? NO YES Left-Index Delay Right-index Delay YES Type: A, B, or C NO L-thumb Activated? YES FingerPrint type Activate A Activate B NO L-Index Activated? Activate C YES Activate card circuitry Activated card circuitry Delay Deactivate card circuitry 139