Cost conscious project: Microcytic anemia INTERNAL MEDICINE BENJAMIN YIP 4/13/16 Background Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) are common medical problems. Iron deficiency affects more than 2 billion people worldwide. IDA is the most common cause of anemia. Interpreting iron panels may be challenging. 1. Mclean E et al. Public Health Nutr 2009;12:444-54. Definitions Anemia of chronic disorders or inflammation: Multifactorial anemia associated with increased cytokine production, up-regulation of hepcidin Iron deficiency: Depressed levels of total body iron, especially iron stores, with preservation of levels of erythroid iron. Iron-deficiency anemia: Depressed levels of total body iron in the presence of anemia. Laboratory tests - Diagnostics 2. Camaschella C. N Engl J Med 2015 Objective/Hypothesis To determine if there is appropriate ordering of iron panels. To determine if the internal medicine teams are appropriately treating microcytic anemia Methods Screening Retrospective analysis of all internal medicine patients hospitalized 4/13/16 81 patients screened for the presence of iron panel on labs Identified 27 patients with recent iron panels. Reference range Fe: 37-170 mcg/dl TIBC: 284-507 mcg/dl TSAT: 20-55% Ferritin: 10-107 ng/ml Total Patients Pt Fe TIB C TSAT Ferr Hgb MCV Tx Notes 1 41 342 12 79 10.8 80 N n/a 2 35 232 15 376 7.0 91.2 Y, TID Prior tx cont 3 105 218 48 146 10.8 97.4 N ACD +/- GIB 4 129 144 90 4340 6.4 93.0 N n/a 5 15 405 4 14 8.9 74.3 Y, TID IDA 6 60 237 25 90 6.8 100.0 N ACD, HIV from HAART 7 14 326 4 33 9.3 75.7 Y, IV IDA 8 59 421 14 11 10.6 84.3 N n/a 9 11 232 5 109 7.5 88.4 Y, IV ACD vs. IDA 10 58 126 46 2950 7.3 98.5 Y, BID Reported as ACD, cont tx since 2014 11 190 223 85 1196 7.0 101.4 N MDS 12 174 81 2081 6.4 83.0 N Atypical HUS? 215 Total Patients Pt Fe 14 TIBC TSA T Ferr Hgb MCV Tx Notes 139 416 33 124 14.2 105.4 N, F/B12 Macrocytosis 15 79 373 21 123 13.3 91.4 N n/a 16 44 236 19 145 9.1 96.6 N n/a 17 26 128 20 430 9.6 88.4 N MDS vs. ACD 18 97 148 66 360 9.5 94.0 N n/a 19 13 197 7 361 10.5 81.1 N ACD 2/2 HIV 20 37 256 14 309 7.6 94.6 N ACD 21 22 311 7 298 8.0 78.1 N ACD 22 71 150 47 5486 6.3 93.2 N Chemo pancytopenia 23 35 279 13 297 11.1 91.4 Y, qd n/a 24 31 235 13 754 10.8 79.7 N ACD 25 16 243 7 99 7.6 70.1 Y, IV Possible IDA from GIB 26 59 177 33 111 9.1 89.9 N ACD Oral Iron Pt Fe TIB C TSAT Ferr Hgb MCV Tx Notes 2 35 232 15 376 7.0 91.2 Y, TID Prior tx cont 5 15 405 4 14 8.9 74.3 Y, TID IDA 10 58 126 46 2950 7.3 98.5 Y, BID Reported as ACD, cont tx since 2014 23 35 279 13 297 11.1 91.4 Y, qd n/a Cost saving – Oral Iron Only one patient without anemia – Appropriate ordering of iron panels. 12/21/15 – present TID dosing: 114 d x $0.06 = $6.84 8/30/11 – present BID dosing: 1688 d x $0.04 = $67.52 Unclear initiation – daily dosing: n/a Intravenous iron Pt Fe TIB C TSAT Ferr Hgb MCV Tx Notes 7 14 326 4 33 9.3 75.7 Y, IV x 2 IDA 9 11 232 5 109 7.5 88.4 Y, IV x 2 ACD vs. IDA 13 36 127 28 751 7.2 85.4 Y IV 2 mos before in ED Chronic gib, chemo 25 16 243 7 99 7.6 70.1 Y, IV Possible IDA from GIB Indications for Parenteral Iron 2. Camaschella C. N Engl J Med 2015 Cost saving – IV Iron Iron sucrose (200 mg - $120) compared to ferrous sulfate 325 mg x 1 - $0.02. 4 patients with IV iron treatment 2 doses sucrose – IDA. $240 2 doses sucrose – ACD vs. IDA. h/o CAD, HF. $240 4 doses (25 x 2, 1000 x 2) dextran – Severe anemia 2/2 GIB, panc CA. $606.27 1 dose sucrose – GI loss from rectal CA. AKI Cr 0.6 4.4. $120 Untreated Patients Pt Fe TIB C TSAT Ferr Hgb MCV Tx Notes 1 41 342 12 79 10.8 80 N n/a 3 105 218 48 146 10.8 97.4 N ACD +/- GIB 4 129 144 90 4340 6.4 93.0 N n/a 6 60 237 25 90 6.8 100.0 N ACD, HIV from HAART 8 59 421 14 11 10.6 84.3 N n/a 11 190 223 85 1196 7.0 101.4 N MDS 12 174 81 2081 6.4 83.0 N Atypical HUS? 215 Untreated Patients Pt Fe 14 TIBC TSA T Ferr Hgb MCV Tx Notes 139 416 33 124 14.2 105.4 N, F/B12 Macrocytosis 15 79 373 21 123 13.3 91.4 N n/a 16 44 236 19 145 9.1 96.6 N n/a 17 26 128 20 430 9.6 88.4 N MDS vs. ACD 18 97 148 66 360 9.5 94.0 N n/a 19 13 197 7 361 10.5 81.1 N ACD 2/2 HIV 20 37 256 14 309 7.6 94.6 N ACD 21 22 311 7 298 8.0 78.1 N ACD 22 71 150 47 5486 6.3 93.2 N Chemo pancytopenia 24 31 235 13 754 10.8 79.7 N ACD 26 59 177 33 111 9.1 89.9 N ACD 27 107 234 46 861 9.4 98.1 N n/a Findings Two patients on oral iron unnecessarily for several years end up spending $74.36 unnecessarily. Four patients receiving IV iron cost $1206.27. Iron dextran: ½ the cost of iron sucrose (risk of hypersensitivity) 2050 mg elemental iron = 82 days of 325 mg TID (for 25 elemental iron). Compares at $4.92. However this may be offset by a reduced number of hospital days/visits or clinic visits. Iron deficiency anemia can be difficult to diagnose. Indications for prior iron should be reviewed on admission and discontinued if there is no indication. Conclusions 7.4% of patients with IDA were not treated 11.1% of patients with treated with PO ferrous sulfate unnecessarily. While the cost is marginal, the patients were taking BID-TID dosing with a risk of constipation unnecessarily. 14.8% of patients were treated with IV iron without an established or even potential indication. ~$1200 increase in cost compared to PO comparison of elemental iron received. Bibliography Mclean E et al. Worldwide prevalence of anaemia, WHO vitamin and mineral nutrition information system, 1993-2005. Public Health Nutr 2009;12:444-54. 2. Camaschella C. Iron-Deficiency Anemia. N Engl J Med 2015; 372:1832-43. 1.