Quantum Mechanical Effects Correction Models for Inversion Charge and Current-Voltage (I-V) Characteristics of the MOSFET Device H. Abebe* and E. Cumberbatch** Nanotech2003 1 * University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute, MOSIS Service, 4676 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, California 90292, USA, abebeh@mosis.org ** Claremont Graduate University, Department of Mathematics, Claremont, California 91711, USA, ellis.cumberbatch@cgu.edu ABSTRACT Analytic 1-D quantum mechanical effects correction formulae for the MOSFET inversion charge and I-V characteristics are derived from the density gradient (DG) model using matched asymptotic expansion techniques. Results for the classical drift-diffusion (DD) equations using asymptotic techniques have been achieved by Please [1], Ward [2] and Markowich [3]. Ward's results were improved in [4] to achieve explicit formulae for MOSFET I-V characteristics, which are accurate over the range of device voltages. Ancona, [6], introduced the DG theory to model quantum effects in electron and hole transport equations. The numerical simulation results of the I-V and the capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics using the DG model showed good comparison with data, see [7,8]. This numerical approach has been useful at the device simulation level. However, for circuit analysis applications a simple analytic model is required. Keywords: Device modeling, MOSFET, Quantum effects, SPICE. 1 INTRODUCTION When the dielectric thickness of the MOSFET device is reduced below 4 nm, quantum mechanical (QM) effects near the silicon/silicon-oxide interface become significant, and the accuracy of the current SPICE quasi-physical models deteriorates rapidly [6-8]. QM tunneling and confinement affects the profile of the inversion charge in the direction perpendicular to the interface. The laws of quantum mechanics require that the electron density vanish at the interface, but the classical theory based on the drift-diffusion model gives maximum charge density at the interface. This is the main discrepancy between the classical and quantum models. Several models have received attention. Full solutions of the Schrodinger and Gauss equations, and various other 1 approximations, all require high level numerical simulations. Accurate modeling of QM effects in MOSFETs requires a multi-dimensional solution of the Schrodinger and Gauss equations. This multi-dimensional microscopic solution is very difficult for practical circuit application. The DG theory is a macroscopic approach of modeling QM effects that can be generated directly from QM by taking the lowest order solutions. The quantum mechanical model followed here was introduced by Ancona, [6-8], and this is being solved for variety of devices since it has shown good accuracy compared with more complete models. The DG model has been found to adequately account for QM effects for applications of interest in semiconductors [8-10]. The usual DD current density model is obtained by assuming that the internal energy densities of electron and hole gases have a logarithmic dependence on the charge densities. A more general series expansion of the density using the kinetic theory of gases gives that the energy depends not only on the density but also on the gradient of gas density [6,8]. This is the central assumption of the DG theory and it is derived from electron and hole kinetics by applying hydrodynamic theory. The model has been compared with quantum microscopic solutions for tunneling and confinement effects; see [6], p. 7964, [9], p. 1228, and [10], p. 9537. These comparisons show good agreement with the quantum solutions. The results of the DG model show that the charge density is reduced significantly in a small layer close to the silicon/silicon-oxide interface, but its behavior outside this layer is similar to the non-quantum, classical solution. This is known as a boundary layer phenomenon [11] in other areas of physics such as fluid or solid mechanics. Boundary layers most often occur when a small parameter multiplies the highest order derivatives. This is evident in equation (3) 2 in which the term ( Bn ) multiplying the derivative on the −9 L.H.S is O (10 ) . As a consequence of this we approach the solution of equation (3) as a boundary layer problem and we present the results of that solution in what follows. This work is given more completely in [12]. Since the The 2003 Nanotech Conference Proceedings, Feb 23-27, San Francisco, U.S.A. governing equations for electron and hole current flow are similar, our work here is concentrated only on the NMOS device, in which electrons are the dominant carriers. The scaling introduced in (2) yields O (1) changes in the scaled potential over O (1) changes in the scaled distance x that represent the depletion depth. The factor Bn2 λ /(lnλ ) 2 is O(10 −4 ) for λ = 10 7 ( N = 1017 ) . 2 MODEL EQUATIONS In the DG theory, the classical electrostatic potential V has a quantum correction Vqn [7, equation (5)], Vqn = φ + Vth ln( n / ni ) − V where Vqn = 2bn (∇ 2 (1) n ) / n , bn = h 2 /(12 me q ) . This indicates that the quantum correction term is significant in a layer much smaller than the depletion length and a fraction of the length scale of the inversion layer. The correction term may be disregarded outside this narrow quantum layer. This is a typical boundary layer phenomenon. Numerical solutions confirm this behavior showing that the QM effect on the electron density is substantial in a narrow layer close to the oxide interface, reducing it from high values to zero at the interface. (See Figure 1, numerical data provided by Asenov et al [5]). The density is zero at the oxide interface with the inversion 0 This representation of Vqn in terms of n is obtained by the inclusion of the density gradient dependence. ( h is Plank constant divided by 2π , m e effective electron mass, q electron charge.) Equation (1) is the DG approximation of the Schrodinger equation with wave function n , where n is the carrier charge density, Vth is the thermal voltage, 0 charge peak at 5A to 15A . The solution of (3) in this narrow layer is called the inner solution. Outside the quantum layer the electron density resembles a classical profile, though not the classical profile at the same parameter values. The outer solution for the quantum problem is a classical solution shifted by the effect of the quantum layer. (The outer/inner terminology is that used in asymptotic theory.) Over the inner quantum layer the electrostatic potential changes much less dramatically than the electron density. and ni is the intrinsic density. An alternative interpretation is that the right-hand side of (1) represents the Boltzmann statistics for electrons and the left-hand side is a quantum mechanical correction to the Boltzmann statistics. The boundary layer method is facilitated by the use of approximate solutions valid in different regions of the x1 domain, of size dependent on parameter scalings of the dependent and independent variables. Here we apply Ward's parameter scaling that is used in [2] for the coordinate perpendicular to the channel, electrostatic potential, quasi-Fermi potential parameters, and drain/source voltage, respectively: _ _ x1 = xLd ln λ / λ , (V , φ ) = ( w, φ )Vth ln λ , Vds = V ds Vth (2) where λ = max N ( x1 ) , N ( x1 ) is the channel doping ni density, and Ld is the Debye length. Rewriting equation (1) using the scaling in (2) gives, Figure 1: Electron density profile perpendicular to the inverted channel. Relative effective mass of electron in density gradient is 0.2, effective gate voltage 2V, substrate 17 −3 doping 5 X 10 cm , and oxide thickness 4nm. Bn2 λ d 2 n _ ln( n / n i ) =φ+ −w 2 ln λ n dx (ln λ ) 2 where Bn = 2 bn /Vth Ld . 2 2 (3) In this work we make the assumption that the electrostatic potential in the inner quantum layer is a constant. The composite solution is given as sum of the inner and outer expansions. This sum is then corrected by subtracting the common part. In our case the common part is found to be the peak quantum charge density, n0 . Thus n( x ) = nout − (n 0 − nin ) (4) x = ( Bn λ / 2 ln λ ) ∫ 0 ds s n 0 − s + s log( s / n 0 ) device channel length of 42 nm, the aspect ratio ε w is about 1. Hence we do not expect solutions (5) and (6) to be valid for device channel lengths smaller than 42 nm (for The validity of DG model in (1) also requires ε a to be small [10, equation (3.13)], where * _ ( wqs −φ ) ln λ This restriction is applied to the validity of the solutions in (5) and (6). Equation (7) indicates that for λ ~ 10 7 .) is the solution for nin (x ) , given in inverse form, and where n0 = ni e (7) * where nin ε *w = ( Ld / L ) ln λ / λ (see Ward [2]). is both the asymptotic form of nin as it merges into the outer solution and the value of the outer solution at x = 0 . The parameter w qs is the surface potential as seen by the outer solution, and its magnitude is less than the magnitude of the classical surface potential by some amount ∆ ws . In this work the value of ∆ ws is determined by fitting with numerical data. However, it is possible to get an expression for w qs from the interface ε a* = h 2 /(8 Kb Tme L2 ) (8) If we consider a channel length of 10 nm, ε a at room * temperature is about 0.02. The channel current with quantum correction is compared with the classical and numerical results of [7]. The comparisons show that the fit with the numerical result for 80 nm is excellent (see Figure 2 below). boundary condition of the outer solution by considering the quantum layer thickness as part of the oxide thickness. That work is in progress. The quantum correction of inversion charge is determined from (4) by integrating the second term in the bracket. This gives QC = − n0 R1 Bn (5) where R1 = 1.187 . The quantum correction for the channel current at strong inversion with mobility µ n is derived from _ I dsc = − K bTµ n Ld V ds ln λ _ W ln( λ ) ∫ QC d φ . L 0 (6) Figure 2: Channel current for 80 nm gate length and 35A0gate oxide MOSFET, gate voltage Vgs =1.8, 1.5, 1.2V from top to bottom, and µ n = 1500 cm / Vs . DG numerical data is taken from Biegel et al [7]. 2 K b is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, W is the device width, and L is the channel where length. The outer solution for the current, which (6) modifies, is derived by the method used in [4]. 3 RESULTS AND COMPARISON The quasi 1-D solution is valid if ε w is small, where * ε w* is defined by In Figure 2, ∆ ws is assumed to have a linear relation with the gate voltage and coefficients of the linear equation are determined by fitting with data (see [12]). Hence the quantum correction introduced here adds two parameters to be found from data. Percentage reductions of the current due to the quantum effect for different oxide thickness and gate bias are shown in Figure 3. This work has presented results obtained by the boundary layer technique for the 1-dimensional DG model; quantum corrections for the inversion charge and channel current are achieved. These analytical models are appropriate for SPICE application. Figure 3: Normalized channel current reduction versus oxide thickness, from [12]. Since QM effects have a profound impact on the charge induced by the gate at the surface of the channel, the C-V characteristics at the gate are also affected. The numerical solution of Ancona in [8, Figure 4] shows gate capacitance reduction in the accumulation and inversion regions. Work in that area is in progress, along with investigations using the asymptotic approach of quantum effects in other devices. REFERENCES [1] C. Please, “An analysis of semiconductor P-N junctions,” IMA J. Appl. Math. 28, pp. 301-318, 1982. [2] M. 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