Adolescent Depression 1 Running Head: ADOLESCENT DEPRESSION plus page number

Adolescent Depression 1
Heading (on all pages): running head
plus page number
Running head (a shortened
version of the title is defined on
the title page and used in the
heading of your paper.
Adolescent Depression and Attachment
Title of paper
Ima G. Student
Purdue University
Author’s name(s)
Institutional affiliation (your college,
university, institution)
Title, name and affiliation are centered. Heading is right justified. Running head is left justified.
Adolescent Depression 2
Adolescent Depression and Attachment
Depression affects over 20% of adolescents. It is a disorder that disturbs their mood,
causes a loss of interest or pleasure in activities they should enjoy, and makes them
why topic is
irritable. Several things are thought to be correlated with depression in adolescents.
Studies are Some examples include, a failure to individuate, insecure attachments, negative parental
listed in
alphabetical representations, etc (Milne & Lancaster, 2001; Olsson, Nordstrom, Arinell, & Knororder.
ring, 1999). In the present paper, the role of attachment plays in adolescent depression
Gives reader an idea
of what the
paper will
This is
avoidant), will display higher levels of depression related symptoms and behaviors than jargon and
needs to be
securely attached adolescents. The following five literature review attempt to demon- explained.
is investigated. It is hypothesized that insecurely attached adolescents, (ambivalent or
strate and support this hypothesis.
Focuses only on reviewing literature that
supports hypothesis.
In a research article by Salzman (1996), two specific questions were addressed for guiding the study. First, would the age group (18-21) being investigated correspond in frequency and quality to attachment patterns reported by other researchers? Second, would
personality characteristics of secure adolescent attachments correlate with personality
of the prior
studies should
late adolescent female attachment patterns, specifically maternal, using a semi
always be in
the past tense
structured interview. It is hypothesized that secretly attached females will have a
because the
strong positive identification with their mother, higher self-esteem ratings, and lower study has
already ocdepression scores, wile ambivalent and avoidant females will have a more negative
characteristics of infant and child studies? The focus of the investigation was on
identification with their mother, lower self-esteem ratings, and higher depressions scores.
The sample consisted originally of 1001 random psychology students at a college, but
through screening procedures and the importance to have approximately equal numbers
in all categories of attachment, it was reduced to 28 who were used in the study.
Notice that not a lot of detail is given about how the study was conducted. Instead, the
description focuses on the rationale behind the study.
Adolescent Depression 3
The results in this study supported the hypothesis that relative percentages of the attachments (secure, ambivalent, avoidant) would correspond to those reported by infant
researchers. The current study percentages were; 73% had a secure attachment, 16% had
an ambivalent attachment, and 10% had an avoidant attachment. This has significance
when looking a what infant researchers report, which is &0% secure, 20% ambivalent
All citations
and 10% avoidant (Salzman, 1996). The results also indicated that there was a significome before
punctuation cant difference in personality characteristics between the secure and ambivalent groups
. Ambivalently attached females were significantly more depress and reported significantly lower rates of self-esteem than securely attached female adolescents. The avoidant attachment group was in the middle of the secure and ambivalent groups in relation
to depression and self-esteem, but wasn’t significantly different from either group. It is
also reported that securely attached female adolescents have a significantly more positive maternal identification than ambivalently attached adolescents and avoidant female
Notice that the author focuses on the main findings
adolescents fall in the middle.that related to the hypothesis stated earlier.
All of these results combined confirm the hypothesis that personality characteristics like
positive affect, interpersonal skills, and self-esteem, of securely attached adolescents correlates to infant child personality characteristics of secure attachments (Salzman, 1996).
One limitation to the study is that it is not longitudinal. It rests on he here and now rather
than beginning at childhood and following the females as they were developing. Another
limitation to the study is the sample consisted of all females. The correlations may have
been significantly different had adolescent boys been involved.
Author points out relevant methodological issues that may have affected findings.
Adolescent Depression 4
There isn’t much transition between description of the different studies (here and throughout the
paper). It would be better to show the connections between the ideas of the different studies. This
would make the organization of the paper clearer to the reader and would stress the similarities
and differences between the studies.
Next, the topic of attachment in relation to adolescent depression is addressed according
With more
to social networks. In a research article by Olsson et al. (1999), two questions were ad- than two
authors, use
dressed. First, do depressed adolescents have a more limited and insufficient social net- all of the
work? Second, do depressed adolescents view the emotional condition of their family as names in the
first citation.
more negative? The focus of the study is to investigate the social networks of depressed Afterwards
just use the
More jargon;adolescents, with and without conduct disorder comorbidity, and compare the results
last name
most readers
won’t know with the social networks of the control group (non-depressed adolescents). A sample of of the first
author folwhat this
lowed by “et
ated out of these 177 pairs through initial screening processes.
The results indicate than an adolescent with an episode of major depression does not
differ significantly from the controls. They do not have deficiencies in social interactions, attachment, or family climate. This finding is not easily explained other than these
individuals are less affected by the depressive thinking. On the other hand, adolescents Discusses
findings and
with double depression or dysthmia feel their primary caregiver is available but more how they
inadequate than controls. Also, they view their family condition as more negative than
relate to the
controls. These results confirm the hypothesis that depressed adolescents have an insufficient, limited social network and that they view their family conditions as more negative
(Olsson, et al., 1999). One limitation to this study is the information is from the adolesPoints out cents themselves. Parents had no involvement. Another limitation is that the controls
that affect were chosen from the whole group after screening by having a score below moderate
the study’s
depression. The controls themselves may not be absolutely free from depression.
Adolescent Depression 5
Next, the topic of attachment in relation to adolescent depression is addressed using a
hypothetical model. In the research article by Milne and Lancaster (2001), they investigate the processes that are related to depression. The main focus was to create a model
that included parent representations, parent attachment, peer attachment, separation-indi- would be
viduation, interpersonal concerns, and self-critical concerns and demonstrate how, when as two
combined, they can predict symptoms of depression in adolescents. The sample consisted separate
of 59 females, ages 14-16, from secondary schools. It is predicted that past parenting will
be related to attachment felt to parent currently, that maternal control and care will be
related to attachment and the process of separation-individuation, that adolescent attachment will be directly related to parent attachment
Doesn’t quote from the article; provides a summary instead. This is much more common in APA style.
The results indicate that female adolescent symptoms of depression are explained by
interpersonal concerns, self-critical concerns, parent and peer attachment, perceived
parenting, and separation-individuation. The results indicate that female adolescents are
more vulnerable to depressive symptoms if the have low levels of maternal care, experience feelings of guilt, dependence, and self-criticism, and have poor parent and peer
attachments. Both maternal care and control predicted parent attachment. In regards to
this finding, too much maternal care predicts high levels of depression. This is contrary how the
to what is hypothesized and believe to be true because there is a point where too much contradict
maternal care can have negative effects (Milne & Lancaster, 2001). One limitation of this hypothesis.
study is that shorter versions of some measure had to be used due to the time constraints
mandated by the school. Another limitation to the study is that the focus is on females
and the relationships they have with their mothers.
Adolescent Depression 6
Next, the topic of attachment in relation to adolescent depression is addressed by
testing factors related to attachment. In the research article by Muris, Messters,
Melick, and Zwambag (2001), it is hypothesized that adolescents who considered
themselves securely attached on the initial measure would have higher scores of
trust and communication and lower scores of alienation than ambivalent or avoidant
attached adolescents. Also, it is predicted that adolescents who identify themselves
as insecurely attached will display higher levels of depressive symptoms and anxiety
disorders than securely attached adolescents. Furthermore, trust and communication
In this
would be negative correlated with depression and anxiety and positively correlated sentence,
the commas
alienation. The sample consisted of 155, female and male, 12-14 years old. The tests are not
were administered during class time with a teacher or research assistant always present.
with other
The percentages yielded of the attachments (secure, ambivalent, avoidant) are constudy that was
sistent with infant child studies, but also with Salzman’s (1996) research. The curdiscussed
earlier. More
rent study’s percentages were 72.9% secure 16.8% ambivalent, and 10.3% avoidant.
of this would
make the
The results support both predictions made by the authors, with the exception that
paper flow
better and be communication was only correlated with adolescent depression scores (Muris, et al.,
easier to see
2001). One limitation to the study is that it is assumed that attachment later in life is
connections a direct result of early attachment. Another limitation to the study is whether or not
between ideas.
categorical test like the attachment questionnaire for children is as precise as a di-
mensional measure might be. With this measure, the extent to which the adolescent
displays an attachment can be measured.
Adolescent Depression 7
Finally, the topic of attachment in relation to adolescent depression is addressed using a
longitudinal study. In a research article by Allen, Hauser, and Borman-Spurrell (1996),
a longitudinal study investigates the effects of adolescent psychopathology on future
attachment patterns. Two questions that were addressed in this study are relevant to the
main topic of this paper. First, does adolescent psychopathology that results in hospi- explicit
talization predict future insecure attachments in young adulthood? Second, are young connection
adults’ attachment styles reflective of their current state of mind and does this link have literature
a direct effect from adolescent psychopathology? The sample consisted of 142, upper reviewed
middle class females and males, ages 14-17. Seventy-six of the adolescents were re- and thesis.
cruited from a public high school; the other 66 were adolescents who had been admitted
to a psychiatric hospital for severe psychopathology. Eleven years after the adolescents
A comma
is needed ere initially interviewed and tested they were reevaluated and data was compared. At the
initial assessment, parents were integrated into the process.
The results indicate a significant difference between high school and previously hospiapostrophe
is needed talized young adults attachment style. Almost 50% of high school adolescents in young
adulthood had a secure attachment style, compared to only approximately 8% of the
previously hospitalized young adults. Also, previously hospitalized young adults showed
ences clearly or consistently. These results give conclusions to the import questions in could be
the study (Allen, et al., 1996). One limitation to the study is the question of reliability of more
a lack of resolution of previous trauma and were not able to explain attachment experi-
the trauma information reported by the adolescents. Another limitation to the study is the
fact that all the individuals involved were from the same socio-economic status.
Adolescent Depression 8
Taken together, the results indicate that attachment plays an important role adolescent
depression, significantly ambivalent or avoidant (Allen, et al., 1996; Milne & Lancaster,
2001; Muris, et al.; Olsson, et al.; Salzman, 1996). Adolescents that are secure attached
to their primary care giver tend to have lower rates of depression related symptoms and
behaviors. It can be assumed from these five literature reviews that infant attachment
styles influence future attachments, behaviors, and psychological well-being. More longitudinal studies should be done. It is important to understand the actual though process
over several years of individuals who have different attachment styles. Also, parents and
other individuals who play a major role in the individuals’ lives who are involved in the
study should be included more. This would help with testimony reliability and better assessment of the severity of the disorder.
Conclusion sums up the main findings of the lit. review, and gives suggestions as to what
future research should focus on.
Adolescent Depression 9
Notice that references are listed in alphabetical order, not order
they appear in the paper.
All lines
Allen, J.P., Hauser, S.T., & Borman-Spurrell, E. (1996). Attachment theory as a
after the first
framework for understanding sequelae of severe adolescent psychopathology:
line of each
An 11-year follow-up study. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64,
are indented
(this is called
a hanging
Milne, L. C. & Lancaster, S. (2001). Predictors of depression in female adoles-
cents. Adolescence, 36, 207-223.
Muris, P., Meesters, C., Melick, M., & Zwambag, L. (2001). Self-reported attachment style, attachment quality, and symptoms of anxiety and depression in
Journal title and
volume number (or
Olsson, G. I., Nordstrom, M., Arinell, H., & Knorring, A. (1999). Adolescent underlined).
young adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences, 30, 809-818.
depression: Social network and family climate—a case-control study. Journal of
Child Psychology Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 40, 227-237.
Salzman, J. P. (1996). Primary attachment in female adolescents: Association with
depression, self-esteem, and maternal identification. Psychiatry: Interpersonal &
Biological Processes, 59, 20-23.