COMPRESSIBILTY CHARACTERISTICS OF FIBROUS PEAT SOIL YULINDASARI A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Geotechnics) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia OCTOBER 2006 iii To my beloved Father (Sutedjo), to my beloved mother (Rohyati), to my beloved brother (Andi Kurniawan, SE.), and to my beloved sister (Melya Kurniati, SE.). There's nothing in life that makes me happier than loving all of you. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to deeply praise the ALLAH SWT for allowing me passing all of this moment. I also would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed in completing this project. First of all, I would like to thank with my supervisor, Dr. Nurly Gofar for guiding me through the research process in the writing of this thesis. Her personal kindness, skill, patience and guidance are highly appreciated. As my supervisor, she also becomes my foster parent. This research is partly funded by UTM Fundamental Research Grant Vot No. 75137 head by Dr. Nurly Gofar. Special acknowledgement is also extended to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khairul Anuar Kassim and Dr. Kamarudin Ahmad for their help during the course of this study. Beside that, I would like to say thank you to my parents and my family for their support and encouragement. Their encouragements provide the energy for me to concentrate on my Master study. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to Wong Leong Sing for sharing research data and for friendship. Sincere gratitude also goes to all technicians in UTM Geotechnical Laboratory, especially En. Zulkiflee Wahid for his assistance in my laboratory work. Without their help, this research and thesis will not be a success. A special thank to En. Azman Kassim and Lee Min Lee and also to undergraduate student: Eng Chun Wei, Bong Ting Ting, and Ushaa Nair. Lastly, I am very thankful to my friends in KTHO-L12 for their support and motivation especially Vivi, Kak Jati, Kak Isal, Yuk Mala, Kak Hilma, Farah, Ika, Sylvia, Aliya, Lilian, Ema, Aina and Uliya. v ABSTRACT Peat has been identified as one of major groups of soils found in Malaysia. Peat deposit covers large area of West Johore especially Pontian, Batu Pahat, and Muar. Despite of this fact, not much research has been focused on the compression behavior of peat. This study is focused on the compressibility characteristics of fibrous peat based on time-compression curves derived from consolidation tests. The peat samples were collected from Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore by block sampling method. The laboratory testing program included the standard laboratory testing for identification and classification purposes, i.e., Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM), shear box test, constant head permeability test, Oedometer tests, and large strain consolidation test using Rowe cell. The results of the study show that the peat soil can be classified as fibrous peat with low to medium degree of decomposition (H4 in von Post scale) and of very high organic content (97 %) and fiber content (90 %). The natural water content of the peat is 608 % which corresponds to initial void ratio of about 9. The undrained shear strength of peat is 10.10 kPa, with sensitivity of 5.64. The initial permeability is high, but it decreases significantly with applied pressures. The fibrous peat has a high compressibility with significant secondary compression stage, which is not constant with the logarithmic of time. Eventhough the duration of the primary consolidation was short, but the settlement was high. This is due to high initial void ratio. Besides, the magnitude of the secondary compression of fibrous peat is also significant with respect to the design life of a structure. The comparison between the results of the consolidation test using Rowe and Oedometer cells show that the use of Rowe cell for the evaluation of the consolidation characteristics of soil exhibiting secondary compression is advantageous because it enables the observation of the large deformation. The compression index (cc) obtained from consolidation test on Rowe cell was 3.128, while the coefficient of secondary compression (cα) range from 0.102 to 0.304. The settlement analysis performed for the hypothetical case of an embankment on peat deposit showed that the compression of fibrous peat deposit can be estimated based on the time-compression and the time-excess pore water pressure curves. vi ABSTRAK Tanah gambut dikenalpasti sebagai salah satu kumpulan utama tanah di Malaysia. Kawasan tanah gambut terdapat di Johor bahagian barat terutamanya Pontian, Batu Pahat, dan Muar. Walaupun demikian, tidak banyak penyelidikan tertumpu pada kelakuan pemampatan tanah gambut. Kajian ini tertumpu pada analisis sifat kebolehmampatan tanah gambut berdasarkan lengkung masapemampatan yang diperoleh daripada ujian pengukuhan. Sampel tanah gambut dari Kampung Bahru, Pontian, Johor barat dengan kaedah pensampelan blok. Program ujian makmal termasuk ujian piawaian makmal digunakan bagi tujuan mengenalpasti dan pengkelasan, iaitu mikrograf elektron imbasan (SEM), ujian kotak ricih, ujian kebolehtelapan turus malar, ujian pengukuhan Oedometer, dan ujian terikan tinggi menggunakan sel Rowe. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tanah gambut boleh dikelaskan sebagai gambut gentian dengan darjah penguraian rendah ke sederhana (H4 pada skala von Post) dan kandungan organik (97 %) dan kandungan gentian (90 %) yang tinggi. Kandungan lembapan asli bagi tanah gambut tersebut adalah 608 % dengan nisbah lompang mula 9. Kekuatan ricih tak bersalir gambut adalah 10.10 kPa dengan kepekaan 5.64. Kebolehtelapan mula adalah tinggi, tetapi nilainya berkurangan dengan tekanan. Gambut gentian mempunyai kebolehmampatan yang tinggi pada peringkat mampatan sekunder dan tidak malar dengan logaritma masa. Walaupun, tempoh pengukuhan utama adalah pendek tetapi enapan adalah tinggi. Ini disebabkan nisbah lompang mula yang tinggi. Selain itu, magnitud mampatan kedua bagi gambut gentian adalah penting juga untuk hayat rekabentuk sesuatu struktur. Perbandingan antara keputusan ujian pengukuhan sel Rowe dan sel Oedometer menunjukkan penggunaan sel Rowe untuk penaksiran sifat pengukuhan pada mampatan punya kelebihan kerana ia boleh meninjau ubah bentuk yang besar. Indeks mampatan (cc) yang diperoleh dari ujian pengukuhan pada sel Rowe ialah 3.128, manakala julat mampatan sekunder (cα) ialah 0.102 hingga 0.304. Analisis enapan yang dilakukan untuk kes hipotesis benteng di kawasan tanah gambut menunjukkan bahawa kebolehmampatan gambut gentian dapat dianggar berdasarkan kepada lengkung masa-pemampatan dan lengkung masa-tekanan air liang lebihan. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE THESIS TITLE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS xx LIST OF APPENDICES xxv INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Problem Statement 4 1.3 Objectives 4 1.4 Scopes 5 1.5 Significance of the Study 6 1.6 Thesis Structure 6 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.1 Fibrous Peat 8 2.1.1 Definition 8 2.1.2 Sampling of Peat 9 2.1.3 Structural Arrangement 11 viii 2.1.4 Physical and Chemical Properties 14 2.1.5 Classification 18 2.1.6 Shear Strength 21 2.1.7 Compressibility 22 2.1.8 Permeability 25 Soil Compressibility 25 2.2.1 Primary Consolidation 26 2.2.2 Secondary Compression 34 2.3 Compressibility of Fibrous Peat 36 2.4 Consolidation Test 40 2.4.1 Problems Related to Conventional Test 40 2.4.2 Large Strain Consolidation Tests (Rowe Cell) 42 2.2 2.5 Evaluation of Compression Curves derived 45 from Consolidation Test 3 2.5.1 Time-Compression Curve 48 2.5.2 The e-log p’ Curve 56 METHODOLOGY 58 3.1 Introduction 58 3.2 Sampling of Peat 60 3.3 Preliminary Tests 62 3.3.1 Physical Properties and Classification 62 3.3.2 Classification 62 3.3.3 Fiber Content and Fiber Orientation 63 3.3.4 Shear Strength 64 3.3.5 Permeability 65 3.3.6 Standard Consolidation Test 66 3.4 Large Strain Consolidation Tests (Rowe Cell) 67 3.4.1 Calibration 71 3.4.2 Cell Assembly and Connections 75 3.4.3 Consolidation Test 80 Preliminaries 81 ix 3.5 4 Saturation 81 Loading Stage 81 Consolidation Stage 82 Further Load Increments 82 Unloading 82 Conclusion of Test 83 Measurement and Removal of Sample 83 3.4.4 Consolidation Test with Horizontal Drainage 84 3.4.5 Permeability Tests 87 3.4.6 Permeability Test for Horizontal Drainage 91 Data Analysis 92 3.5.1 Time-Compression Curve 93 3.5.2 The e-log p’ Curve 93 3.5.3 Settlement Analysis 94 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 95 4.1 Soil Identification 95 4.2 Classification 98 4.3 Fiber Orientation 100 4.4 Shear Strength 101 4.5 Initial Permeability 103 4.6 Compressibility 104 4.6.1 Analysis of Time-Compression Curve 105 4.6.2 Analysis of the e-log p’ Curve 110 4.6.3 Coefficient of Permeability based on 114 the Standard Consolidation Test 4.6.4 5 Summary 115 COMPRESSIBILITY CHARACTERISTICS 116 5.1 Introduction 116 5.2 Test Results and Analysis 117 5.2.1 117 Analysis of Time-Compression Curve x 5.2.2 Analysis of the e-log p’ Curve 127 5.2.3 Evaluation of Permeability 131 5.2.4 Summary 132 5.3 Comparison with Oedometer Data 133 5.4 Comparison with Published Data 139 5.5 Effect of fiber 143 5.6 Settlement Estimation 147 5.6.1 Introduction 147 5.6.2 Hypothetical Problem 148 5.6.3 Settlement Analysis by Cassagrande (1936) Method Settlement Analysis by Robinson (2003) Method Discussion 150 5.6.4 5.6.5 6 152 155 SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION 157 6.1 Summary 157 6.2 Conclusion 158 6.3 Recommendation 160 REFERENCES 162 Appendices A-H 170-212 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Physical properties of peat based on location (Huat, 2004) 15 2.2 Important physical and chemical properties for some peat deposits (Ajlouni, 2000) 16 2.3 Classification of peat based on degree of decomposition (von Post, 1922) 19 2.4 Classification of peat based on organic and fiber content 20 2.5 Compressibility characteristics of some peat deposit (Ajlouni, 2000) 23 2.6 Curve fitting data for evaluation of coefficient of rate of consolidation (Head, 1986) 47 4.1 The summary of index properties of peat soil in West Malaysia 96 4.2 The summary classification test results in West Malaysia peat 100 4.3 Compressibility parameters obtained from consolidation curves 107 4.4 The average coefficient of volume compressibility 114 4.5 Average coefficient of permeability for each consolidation pressure 114 4.6 The summary of data obtained from Oedometer test 115 5.1 Average time for end of primary consolidation (t100) and the beginning of secondary compression (tp) obtained from Rowe test results 123 5.2 Average coefficient of rate of consolidation for each pressure 125 xii 5.3 Average coefficient of secondary compression 126 5.4 Average time of secondary compression 127 5.5 The average coefficient of volume compressibility 130 5.6 Vertical coefficient of permeability based on large strain consolidation test 132 5.7 The summary of large strain consolidation data 132 5.8 Compressibility parameters obtained from Rowe cell and Oedometer tests 136 5.9 Comparison of the data obtained from the analysis of data obtained in the present study with published data 143 5.10 Coefficient of volume compressibility and coefficient of permeability based on large strain consolidation test 145 5.11 Effect of consolidation pressure on coefficient of permeability 145 5.12 The properties of fibrous peat deposit obtained from large strain consolidation test and Oedometer test for consolidation pressure 50 kPa 149 5.13 The results of settlement calculated based on Rowe consolidation test 151 5.14 The results of settlement calculated based on Robinson’s method 154 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Schematic diagram of (a) deposition and (b) multi-phase system of fibrous peat (Kogure et al., 1993) 12 2.2 Scanning Electron Micrographs of Middleton fibrous peat; (a) horizontal plane, (b) vertical plane (Fox and Edil, 1996) 13 2.3 Plot of Void ratio versus pressure in linear scale (Nurly Gofar and Khairul Anuar Kassim, 2005) 27 2.4 Plot of void ratio versus pressure in logarithmic scale (Nurly Gofar and Khairul Anuar Kassim, 2005) 27 2.5 Consolidation curve drainage (Head, 1982) vertical 31 2.6 Determination of coefficient of rate of consolidation by Cassagrande’s method (Nurly Gofar and Khairul Anuar Kassim, 2005) 33 2.7 Determination of coefficient of rate of consolidation by Taylor method (Nurly Gofar and Khairul Anuar Kassim, 2005) 34 2.8 Determination of the coefficient of rate of secondary compression from consolidation curve (Cassagrande’s method) (Nurly Gofar and Khairul Anuar Kassim, 2005) 35 2.9 Rheological model used for soil undergoing secondary compression 39 2.10 Schematic diagram of Oedometer cell (Bardet, 1997) 41 2.11 Schematic diagram of Rowe consolidation cell (Head, 1986) 43 for two-way xiv 2.12 Drainage and loading conditions for consolidations tests in Rowe cell: (a), (c), (e), (g) with ‘free strain’ loading, (b), (d), (f), (h) with ‘equal strain’ loading (Head, 1986) 46 2.13 Types of compression versus logarithmic of time curve derived from consolidation test (Leonards and Girault, 1961) 48 2.14 Vertical strain versus logarithmic of time curve of fibrous peat for one-dimensional consolidation (Dhowian and Edil, 1980) 49 2.15 Sridharan and Prakash log δ log t curve (Sridharan and Prakash, 1998) 50 2.16 (a) Compression-time curves, and (b) Degree of consolidation-time from the measured pore water pressure dissipation curves for peat (Robinson, 2003) 52 2.17 Degree of consolidation from the pore water pressure dissipation curves plotted against compression for several consolidation data for peat (Robinson, 2003) 53 2.18 (a) Total settlement-time curves for peat and (b) Primary settlement-time curve after removing the secondary compression (Robinson, 2003) 55 2.19 Secondary compression versus logarithmic of time curve for evaluation of coefficient of secondary compression (Robinson, 2003) 56 2.20 Typical Laboratory consolidation curve (Fox, 2003) 57 3.1 Flow chart of the study 59 3.2 Sampling methods (a) block sample, (b) piston sample 61 3.3 The equipment for the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 63 3.4 Shear strength tests (a) Vane shear test carried out at site (b) Shear box apparatus 64 3.5 Constan Head permeability test 65 xv 3.6 Piston sampler (a) pushed in vertical direction (b) pushed in horizontal direction 66 3.7 Standard consolidation test (a) Oedometer cell (b) Assembly of all components of Oedometer test 67 3.8 Rowe consolidation cell 67 3.9 50 mm Linear Transducer (LVDT) 3.10 1500 kPa Pressure transducer 68 3.11 Main page of the GDSLAB v 2.0.6 program for collecting data system 69 3.12 Serial pad 1 70 3.13 The schematic arrangement of control system for the Rowe consolidation tests 70 3.14 Linear Displacement calibration process 71 3.15 The transducer object 73 3.16 The advanced tab for the transducer 73 3.17 The transducer calibrations (a) The calibration detail tab (b) The results of transducer calibrations 74 3.18 Cutting rings containing soil sample are fitted on top of the Rowe cell 76 3.19 A porous disc is used to slowly and steadily push the soil sample vertically downward into the Rowe cell body 76 3.20 Schematic diagram of filling of distilled water into the diaphragm (Head, 1986) 77 3.21 Realistic view of filling of distilled water into the diaphragm 77 3.22 Diaphragm inserted into Rowe cell body (Head, 1986) 78 3.23 Diaphragm is correctly seated (Head, 1986) 79 Variable Displacement Transducer (LVDT) 68 xvi 3.24 Arrangement of Rowe cell for consolidation test with two-way vertical drainage (Head, 1986) 80 3.25 Arrangement of Rowe cell for consolidation test with horizontal drainage to periphery; excess pore pressure measurement from centre of base of sample (Head, 1986) 84 3.26 Fitting porous plastic liner in Rowe cell: (a) initial fitting and marking, (b) locating line of cut, (c) final fitting (Head, 1986) 85 3.27 Peripheral drain fitted into the Rowe cell body 86 3.28 Arrangement of Rowe cell for permeability test with horizontal outward drainage (Head, 1986) 88 3.29 Downward vertical flow condition permeability test in Rowe cell (Head, 1986) for 88 3.30 Arrangement for vertical permeability test using one back pressure system for downward flow (Head, 1986) 90 3.31 Arrangement of Rowe cell for permeability test with horizontal outward drainage (Head, 1986) 91 3.32 Hypothetical problem for analysis of settlement 94 4.1 Correlation of bulk density, water content, specific gravity, and degree of saturation of fibrous peat (Hobbs, 1986) 97 4.2 Correlation of dry density and natural water content for West Malaysian peat (Al-Raziqi et al., 2003) 97 4.3 The range of organic content of fibrous peat based on specific gravity (Lechowicz et al., 1996) 99 4.4 The range of organic content of fibrous peat based on water content (Al- Raziqi et al., 2003) 99 4.5 The Scanning Electron Microphotographs (SEM) of fibrous peat samples at initial state (a) horizontal section x 400, (b) vertical section x 400 102 xvii 4.6 The Scanning Electron Microphotographs (SEM) of fibrous peat samples under consolidation pressure of 200 kPa (a) horizontal section x 400 (b) vertical section x 400 102 4.7 Results of the shear box test 103 4.8 Effect of initial void ratio (eo) on the initial permeability of soil (Hobbs, 1986) 104 4.9 Typical compression versus logarithmic of time curves from Oedometer test 106 4.10 Analysis of compression versus logarithmic of time curves from Oedometer test 107 4.11 Variation of the time of completion of primary consolidation with consolidation pressure 108 4.12 Variation of the time of completion of secondary compression versus consolidation pressure 109 4.13 Variation of the coefficient of rate consolidation with consolidation pressure of 109 4.14 Variation coefficient of secondary compression with consolidation pressure 110 4.15 The e-log p curves obtained from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell 111 4.16 Relationship between pre-consolidation pressure and in-situ void ratio (Kogure and Ohira, 1977) 112 4.17 Relationship between compression index and natural water content (Kogure and Ohira, 1977) 113 5.1 The compression versus logarithmic of time curve obtained from large strain consolidation tests on Rowe cell 118 5.2 Compression versus logarithmic of time curves for Test 4 121 5.3 Excess pore water pressure versus logarithmic of time curves for Test 4 121 5.4 Typical compression versus degree of consolidation curve from large strain consolidation test with two-way vertical drainage 122 xviii 5.5 Average time of completion of primary consolidation versus consolidation pressure 124 5.6 Variation of the beginning of secondary compression with consolidation pressure for sample tested under vertical consolidation 124 5.7 Variation coefficient of rate of consolidation with consolidation pressure 125 5.8 Variation coefficient of secondary compression versus consolidation pressure 126 5.9 The consolidation curve from large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell based on primary and total settlement (a) typical e-p’ curve, (b) typical e-log p’ curve 128 5.10 The void ratio versus logarithmic of consolidation pressure curve of large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell based on primary settlement 129 5.11 Variation of coefficient of volume compressibility versus consolidation pressure 131 5.12 The typical strain versus logarithmic of time curve from Rowe cell and Oedometer test 133 5.13 Void ratio versus consolidation pressure curve from Rowe cell and Oedometer test (a) typical ep’ curve, (b) typical e-log p’ curve 135 5.14 Strain versus logarithmic of time curves 139 5.15 Excess pore water pressure versus logarithmic of time curves 141 5.16 Void ratio versus (logarithmic scale) 142 5.17 Void ratio versus consolidation pressure 142 5.18 The relationship between the void ratio and the coefficient of permeability in horizontal and vertical direction 146 5.19 Geometry and soil properties for the hypothetical problem 149 consolidation pressure xix 5.20 The curve of settlement with time based on Rowe consolidation test 152 5.21 Settlement versus logarithmic of time curve based on Robinson’s method (2003) 155 xx LIST OF SYMBOLS A - Area of sample a - Primary compressibility (based on Rheological model) AC - Ash content av Coefficient of axial compressibility, Coefficient of volume compressibility B - Pore pressure parameter b - Coefficient of secondary compressibility (based on Rheological model) c’ - Effective cohesion cu - Undrained shear strength cc - Compression index cr - Recompression index cv - Coefficient of rate of consolidation cvo - Coefficient of rate of consolidation cα - Rate of secondary compression; Slope, Coefficient of secondary compression cα1 - Coefficient of secondary compression cα2 - Coefficient of tertiary compression D - Diameter of sample Do - Initial reading; Deformation D100 - Deformation corresponds to U = 100 % dz - Elemental layer of thickness at depth z e - Void ratio xxi eo - Initial void ratio eop - Void ratio at the beginning of secondary compression ec - Corrected void ratio em - Measured void ratio e1 - Void ratio of the compressible soil layer corresponding to compression δ1 at time t1 e2 - Void ratio of the compressible soil layer corresponding to compression δ2 at time t2 FC - Fiber content Gs - Specific gravity H - Thickness of consolidation soil layers; Initial thickness Hd - Length of drainage path for a particular pressure increment h - Height from the top of the sample to the level of water in the header tank; Head loss due to the height of water in the burette i - Hydraulic gradient k - Coefficient of permeability kv - Vertical coefficient of permeability kvo - Vertical coefficient of permeability kh - Horizontal coefficient of permeability L - Longest drainage path in consolidating soil layer; equal to half of H with top and bottom drainage; and equal to H with top drainage only LIR - Load increment ratio m - Secondary compression factor mv - Coefficient of volume compressibility OC - Organic content pH p’ Acidity - Consolidation pressure xxii po - Initial pressure; Seating pressure p1 - Inlet pressure p2 - Outlet pressure Q - Cumulative flow q - Rate of flow qv - Rate of vertical flow qh - Rate of horizontal flow r - Radius of sample St - Sensitivity Sc - Consolidation settlement Ss - Secondary compression T - Time Tv - Vertical theoretical time factor, Time factor Tc, Tro,Tr - Theoretical time factors T50, T90 - Theoretical time factors t0.5 , t0.465 - Time function t - Time to - Beginning of secondary compression tp - Beginning of secondary compression; End of primary consolidation; Time for primary consolidation; Time of the completion of primary consolidation ts - Time of secondary compression tf - Time for the secondary compression settlement t100 - End of primary consolidation; Time of the completion of primary consolidation Uh - Average degree of consolidation due to horizontal drainage compression; End of secondary xxiii Uv - Average degree of consolidation due to vertical drainage u - Excess pore water pressure at any point and any time uo - Initial excess pore water pressure ue - Excess pore water pressure uavg - Average degree of consolidation µe - Excess pore water pressure ωo; ω - Natural water content x - Difference in the dial reading ∆e - Change of void ratio from tp to tf ∆H - Consolidation settlement ∆V - Change in volume ∆p - Pressure difference ∆σ’ - Additional stress, The change in the effective in e-p’ curve β - Degree of compression εi - Instantaneous strain εp - Primary strain εs - Secondary sampling εt - Tertiary strain γ - Unit weight γw - Unit weight of water σ - Effective stress σ'v - Effective vertical stress σ'o - Existing overburden pressure σ’p - In-situ effective stress σc’ - Pre-consolidation pressure strain; Measured compression strain during xxiv τ’f - Shear strength φ' - Effective internal friction, Friction angle δ - Total compression δp - Primary consolidation settlement δs - Secondary compression Z - Geometry factor, Depth † - Drain ratio 1/20 xxv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Sampling procedure 170 B Index tests data 174 C Soil fabric 178 D Shear strength 183 E Initial permeability test 186 F Standard consolidation tests 191 G System calibration for consolidation test on Rowe cell 196 H Large strain consolidation and permeability (Rowe cell) 203 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Peat has been identified as one of the major groups of soils found in Malaysia. Three million hectares or 8 % of the area is covered with peat (Huat, 2004). Some 6300 Hectares of the peat-land is found in Pontian, Batu Pahat and Muar, West Johore area. On the west coast of Malaysian peninsular, the peat deposits are formed in depressions consisting predominantly of marine clay deposits or a mixture of marine and river deposits especially in areas along river courses. There are two types of peat deposit, the shallow deposit usually less than 3 m thick while the thickness of deep peat deposit in Malaysia exceeds 5 m. The underlying materials is usually consists of marine clay (Muttalib et al., 1991). Recently, the utilization of peat-land in Malaysia is quite low although construction on marginal land such as peat has become increasingly necessary for economic reasons. Engineers are reluctant to construct on peat because of difficulty to access the site and other problems related to unique characteristics of peat. Therefore, not much research has been focused on the behavior of peat and the development of soil improvement method for construction on peat soil area. 2 Replacing the peat with good quality soil is still a common practice when construction has to take place on peat deposit even though most probably this effort will lead to uneconomic design. Approaches have been developed to address the problems associated with construction over peat deposits (Lea and Brawer, 1963; Berry, 1983; Hansbo, 1991). Alternative construction and stabilization methods such as surface reinforcement, preloading, chemical stabilization, sand or stone column, pre-fabricated vertical drains, and the use of piles were discussed in literatures (Noto, 1991; Hartlen and Wolsky, 1996; Huat, 2004, and others). The selection of the most appropriate method should be based on the examination of the index and engineering characteristics of the soil. The knowledge on the shear strength and compression behavior is essential as it enables designers to understand the response of the soil to load and to suggest proper engineering solutions to overcome the problem. There are two types of peat: amorphous peat and fibrous peat (ASTM D4427). The compressibility behavior of the amorphous peat is known to be similar with clay soil which can be evaluated based on Terzaghi’s theory of consolidation. Fibrous peat is peat with high organic and fiber content with low degree of humification. The behavior of fibrous peat is different from mineral soil because of different phase properties and microstructure (Edil, 2003), thus Terzaghi’s theory of consolidation cannot be applied to predict the compression behavior of fibrous peat. The compression behavior of fibrous peat consists of two phases i.e.: primary consolidation and secondary compression. The primary consolidation of fibrous peat is much larger than that of other soils due to high initial water content, while the secondary compression occurs due to not only compression of solid particles, but also the plastic yielding (buckling, bending, and squeezing) of the particles (Samson and La Rochelle, 1972). The magnitude of secondary compression takes more significant part of the compression of peat and plays an important role in determining the total settlement of the peat because the secondary compression occurs during the design life of a structure after the rapid primary consolidation. Tertiary compression was reported by several researchers (e.g. Candler and Chartres, 1988; Fox et al., 1992; Mitchell, 1993), but other researchers (e.g. Edil and Dhowian, 1979; Hansbo, 1991; Fox and Edil, 1994) argued that this part of compression can be neglected because it generally started after the design life of structure. 3 Fiber orientation is identified as a dominant factor in the structure of fibrous peat. The application of consolidation pressure may induce a rearrangement of fiber orientation and drastically reduces the void, causing a significant reduction in the vertical permeability. Moreover, fiber content appears to be a major compositional factor in determining the way in which peat soils behave (Dhowian and Edil, 1980). The higher the fiber content, the more the peat will differ from an inorganic soil in its behavior. In order to develop a visual appreciation of the fiber content and orientation, the microstructure of the peat was examined under a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Many researchers (Berry and Poskitt, 1972; Ajlouni, 2000; Robinson, 2003) have examined fibrous peat from different parts of the world and their findings are quite different from one and another due to different content of peat soils. The properties of peat soils such as natural water content, acidity, degree of humification, fiber content, shear strength, and compressibility is affected by the formation of peat deposit. This indicates that in term of content, fibrous peat is different from one location to another location and detailed soil investigations need to be conducted for fibrous peat at a particular site where a building is intended to be constructed. The difference becomes particularly apparent especially under low vertical stresses or shallow depth. Thus assessment on the response of peat deposit to loading should be made before any construction has to take place at a particular site. Most of the methods to predict compressibility characteristics of soil are developed based on the results of laboratory consolidation test. Several test methods have been used to study the compressibility of different type of soil including peat. The oldest and the most popular one is the conventional Oedometer test. This test is still used as a standard consolidation test method in Malaysia as well as in many parts of the world. More advanced testing methods have also been developed such as for example the Rowe cell or large strain consolidometer, and constant rate of strain (CRS) test. Among these testing methods, Rowe cell has the capability of testing large diameter sample to provide more reliable data for settlement analysis (Head, 1986). 4 1.2 Problem Statement The compressibility behavior of fibrous peat is different from that of clay soil. The behavior is controlled by several factors including the initial water content, fiber arrangement, and fiber content. The condition in which the fibrous peat is deposited is also an important factor to be considered. The large compressibility of peat results in a large deformations and strains. Accordingly, equipment capable of measuring large strain consolidometer is needed to study the compressibility characteristics of peat. Several consolidation parameters of the peat under study will be determined. The results are useful for identification of the compressibility characteristics and predicting the compression behavior of fibrous peat. 1.3 Objectives Based on the uniqueness of the properties of fibrous peat and the importance of compressibility of the peat in the evaluation of its response to loading, the following objectives were set forth: 1. To identify the type and engineering properties of peat found in Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore. 2. To study the compressibility characteristics of the fibrous peat based on the results of consolidation test using large strain consolidometer (Rowe Cell). 3. To investigate the suitable method for predicting compression behavior of fibrous peat and estimating settlement based on the time-compression curve derived from the test. 5 1.4 Scopes The study focuses on the compressibility characteristics of peat soil found in Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore. Therefore, the interpretation of the results of the study was limited as indicated in the followings: 1. Peat soil found in Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore. 2. Samples were obtained using block sampling method (procedure outlined in Appendix A). 3. Identification of index properties of soil includes: water content, specific gravity, sieve analysis, and acidity. 4. Classification of peat was made based on degree of humification (von Post) as well as the fiber and organic content. 5. Evaluation of shear strength of the peat was made by vane shear (field) and shear box tests (laboratory). 6. Evaluation of permeability based on constant head permeability test. 7. The use of the standard consolidation test (Oedometer) data to determine the range of pressure and estimate the length of primary consolidation to be applied in large strain consolidation test (Rowe Cell). 8. Evaluation of compressibility characteristics was made based on the results of large strain consolidation test (Rowe Cell) 9. Comparison of the data obtained from large strain consolidation test with those obtained from the standard consolidation test. 10. Evaluation of the effect of fabric on the compressibility characteristics based on Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) and consolidation test done with horizontal drainage. 11. Evaluation of the settlement was made on a hypothetical problem. 6 1.5 Significance of Study This research will enrich the knowledge on the characteristics of peat soil and the results will be used in the development of suitable soil improvement for fibrous peat in Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore as foundation as well as construction material. 1.6 Thesis Structure The thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter 1 presents general information regarding background, problem statement, objectives, scope, and significance of the study, and thesis structure. Chapter 2 provides the background of the study on different topics related to the research. This chapter outlines information on the general characteristics of fibrous peat, the theory of consolidation, the compressibility of fibrous peat, and the theories and models developed by researchers for the study of the compressibility of peat. Chapter 2 also covers review on the standard consolidation test as well as the large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell. Chapter 3 provides the overall experimental program including laboratory tests and data analysis. The experimental program includes sampling of peat and laboratory soil tests performed to classify the soil and to determine the engineering properties of peats. This chapter also discuss the detail set up and procedures of large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell and analysis of the data obtained from the test. Chapter 4 presents general characteristics of the peat derived from the results of preliminary test. These include soil identification, soil classification, fiber content, shear strength, initial permeability, and compressibility data obtained from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell. 7 Chapter 5 presents the results obtained from large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell. Analysis of the test data for determining the compressibility parameters are presented and discussed in detail in this chapter. Comparisons of the results of large strain consolidation test with data obtained from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell are also presented. Furthermore, the compression behavior obtained from Rowe consolidation test were compared to published data in terms of time-compression curve, consolidation curve, and the range of compressibility parameters. Effect of fiber on the compressibility of the soil is also highlighted in this chapter. Finally, the applications of consolidation parameters from large strain consolidation test for settlement analysis based on hypothetical problem are also discussed in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 presents the summary and conclusions of major findings of this research and recommendation for future work on the topic related to the present study. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Fibrous Peat Peat is usually found as an extremely loose, wet, unconsolidated surface deposit which forms as an integral part of a wetland system, therefore access to the peat deposit is usually very difficult as the water table exists at, near, or above the ground surface. The peat deposit is generally found in thick layers on limited areas. In tropical region such as Sarawak, Malaysian Peninsular and Sumatera, the peat form a doomed deposit consists of two layers: the top layer consist of fibrous peat containing long and slender roots and rootlets, while the bottom is a dense woody peat derived from the decomposition of the vegetation (Cameron, 1989). The peat deposit is usually underlined by thick clay layer. 2.1.1 Definition Peat is a mixture of fragmented organic material formed in wetlands under appropriate climatic and topographic conditions. The peat soil is known for its low shear strength and high compressibility, which often results in difficulties when 9 construction work has to take place on peat deposit. The low strength often causes stability problem and consequently the applied load is limited or the load has to be placed in stages. Large deformation may occur during and after construction period both vertically and horizontally, and the deformation may continue for a long time due to creep. In general, peat is grouped into two categories; amorphous peat and fibrous peat. Amorphous peat is the peat soil with fiber content less than 20 % (ASTM D4427). It contains mostly particles of colloidal size (less than 2 microns), and the pore water is absorbed around the particle surface. Previous researches (Berry and Poskitt, 1972; Edil and Dhowian, 1979; Edil and Dhowian, 1981) have found that the behavior of amorphous peat is similar to clay soil, thus evaluation of its compressibility characteristics can be made based on Terzaghi one-dimensional theory of consolidation. Fibrous peat is the one that consists of fiber content more than 20 % (ASTM D4427). The behavior of fibrous peat is very different from clay due to the existence of the fiber in the soil. The fibrous peat has many void spaces existing between the solid grains. Due to the irregular shape of individual particles, fibrous peat deposits are porous and the soil is considered as a permeable material. Therefore the rate of consolidation of fibrous peat is high but the rate decreases significantly due to consolidation. 2.1.2 Sampling of Peat Sampling of fibrous peat involves a lot of difficulties related to the high water table and the nature of the fiber. Sampling methods vary with the peat texture, water content, and the expected use of samples. In general, there are two types of samples; disturbed and undisturbed samples. Disturbed samples can be used for identification purpose. Block sampling and piston sampler can be used to obtain samples at shallow depth (Noto, 1991). For deeper elevation, screw augers, and split spoon sampler can provide disturbed sample. The success rate of samplers in the standard penetration test (split spoon 10 sampler) or Raymond sampler is about 90 % for peat containing some clay, but can be as low as 68-89 % for typical peat (Noto, 1991). It is virtually impossible to obtain undisturbed samples of any type of soil, including peat. Both physical intrusions of the sampler and the removal of in-situ stresses can cause disturbance. However, disturbance can be minimized using certain sampling techniques. There was a reasonably well-established understanding of the causes of disturbance during sampling, transport, and handling of inorganic clays and corresponding accepted practices for sampling of soils. However, for sampling of peat, additional factors such as compression while forcing the sampler into the ground, tensile resistance of fibers near the sampler edge during extraction of the sampler, and drainage as well as internal redistribution of water must be considered. Kogure and Ohira (1977) pointed out the difficulties associated with the use of most standard soil samplers because of the presence of fibers in peat. During sampling, most samplers do not cut the peat fibers causing a great distortion and compression of the peat structure. Therefore the sharpness of cutting edge is very important to ensure the quality of sample. Additional disturbance takes place from water drainage while extracting the peat sample, thus extraction of sample should be executed with extra care to minimize the loss of water. Undisturbed samples can be obtained at shallow depth by block sampling method, while large diameter tube sampler modified by adding sharp cutting edge may be used to obtain sample at depth. Lefebvre (1984) claimed that both methods give good quality samples for obtaining engineering characteristics of peat. For block sampling method, typically a pit is excavated and blocks of peat are removed from the pit wall. Other way is to excavate the surroundings of a sampling site so that samples can be removed from the perimeter. Landva et al. (1983) attributed the disturbance during sampling to the loss of volume with the presence of gas, the loss of moisture, and the deformation of the peat structure. Large block samples (250 mm-square) can be obtained from below 11 the ground and groundwater surface or down to a depth of 175 mm using a block sampler for peat. Large-size down-hole block samplers such as Sherbrooke sampler (250-mm. in diameter) and Laval sampler (200-mm in diameter) that have been developed for sampling clays can also be used for organic soils and probably for peat. They also suggested that large diameter (more than 100 mm) thin walled fixed piston sampler can be used in the same way as in soft clay when obtaining undisturbed peat sampler. This is especially useful for obtaining deeper sample. Recovery ratio is above 95 % except for fibrous peat containing tough fibers (Noto, 1991). Hobbs (1986) stated that even-though block sampling is ideal for minimizing peat sample disturbance; it is only feasible for shallow deposits. He recommended using tube samples with double barrel cutters to reduce disturbance and applying a correction to the void ratio as follows: ec = eo = (em+εs) x (1-εs) (2.1) where ec = corrected void ratio, εs = the measured compression strain during sampling, and em = the measured void ratio. It is not easy, however, to measure the compression strain during sampling. Hence, the use of block sampling method is preferred for practical depth. 2.1.3 Structural Arrangement The structural arrangement or texture of peat highly influences its engineering properties. The different textures are woody, fibrous, and granular amorphous. They are dependent on the forming plant, the conditions on which the peat accumulated and deposited, and the degree of decomposition. 12 According to Berry and Poskitt (1972), the mechanical properties of peat vary considerably with the difference of their structure. The presence of fiber alters the consolidation process of peat from that of clay and amorphous granular peat. The texture of fibrous peat is coarser when compared to clay. This condition give an implication on the geotechnical properties of peat related to the particle size and compressibility behavior of peat. The fibrous peat has essentially an open structure with interstices filled with a secondary structural arrangement of non-woody, fine fibrous material (Dhowian and Edil, 1980), thus physical properties of fibrous peat differ markedly from those of mineral soils. The fibrous peat has many void spaces existing between the solid grains. Due to the irregular shape of individual particles, fibrous peat deposits are porous and the soil is considered as a permeable material. Kogure et al. (1993) presented the idea of multi-phase system of fibrous peat, which consists of organic bodies and organic space. The organic body consists of organic matter and water in inner voids, while the organic space consists of water in outer voids and the soil particles. The solid organic matter can be drained under consolidation pressure. The cross section of deposition and diagram of the multiphase system of fibrous peat are schematically shown in Figure 2.1(a) and (b). Organic spaces Organic particle Organic bodies Organic matters (Solids) Water (Inner voids) Water (Outer voids) Soil particles (Solids) (b) Figure 2.1: Schematic diagram of (a) deposition and (b) multi-phase system of (a) fibrous peat (Kogure et al., 1993) 13 It can be observed from Figure 2.1(a) that organic particles consist of solid organic matter and inner voids. The solid organic matter is flexible with the inner voids, which are filled with water that can be drained under consolidation pressure. The spaces between the organic bodies, called outer voids, are filled with solid particles and water. Dhowian and Edil (1980) showed that fiber arrangement appears to be a major compositional factor in determining the way in which peat soils behave. However, the difference in the fiber content plays an equal important role in the behavior of fibrous peat. The differences in fiber content can be observed in the micrographs through the Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM). The higher the fiber content, the more the peat will differ from an inorganic soil in its behavior. Figure 2.2 shows a Scanning Electron Micrograph of Middleton fibrous peat specimen under 400 kPa vertical consolidation pressures (Fox and Edil, 1996). The photograph was taken in vertical and horizontal planes. Figure 2.2: Scanning Electron Micrographs of Middleton fibrous peat; (a) horizontal plane, (b) vertical plane (Fox and Edil, 1996) 14 Comparison of the two micrographs in Figure 2.2 indicates a pronounced structural anisotropy for the fibrous peat with the void spaces in the horizontal direction larger than those in the vertical direction resulting from the fiber orientation within the soil. Individual microstructures remained essentially intact after compression under high-stress conditions. This implies that for the fibrous peat, horizontal rates of permeability and consolidation are larger than their respective vertical rates of permeability and consolidation (Fox and Edil, 1996). 2.1.4 Physical and Chemical Properties Variability of peat is extreme both horizontally and vertically. The variability results in a wide range of physical properties such as texture, color, water content, density, and specific gravity. The results of previous researches on the physical properties of peat around the world are presented in Table 2.1 and 2.2. Fibrous peat generally has very high natural water content due to its natural water-holding capacity. Soil fabric, characterized by organic coarse particles, holds a considerable amount of water because the coarse particles are generally very loose, and the organic particle itself is hollow and largely full of water. Previous researches have indicated that the average water content of fibrous peat is about 600 %. High water content results in high buoyancy and high pore volume leading to low bulk density and low bearing capacity. The water content of peat researched in West Malaysia ranges from 200 to 700 % (Huat, 2004). Unit weight of peat is typically lower compared to inorganic soils. The average unit weight of fibrous peat is about equal to or slightly higher than the unit weight of water. Sharp reduction of unit weight was identified with increasing of water content. Previous researches suggested that for peat water content about 500 %, the unit weight ranges from 10 to 13 kN/m3. Based on his research, Berry (1983) pointed out that the average unit weight of fibrous peat is about 10.5 kN/m3. A range of 8.3-11.5 kN/m3 is common for unit weight of fibrous peat in West Malaysia (Huat, 2004). 15 Table 2.1: Physical properties of peat based on location (Huat, 2004) Soil deposits Fibrous peat Quebec Fibrous peat, Antoniny Poland Fibrous peat, Co. Offaly Ireland Amorphous peat, Cork, Ireland Cranberry bog peat, Massachusetts Peat Austria Peat Japan Peat Italy Peat America Peat Canada Peat Hokkaido Peat West Malaysia Peat East Malaysia Peat Central Kalimantan Natural water content (ωo, %) Unit weight γ (kΝ/m3) Specific gravity (Gs) Organic content (%) 370-450 8.7-10.4 - - 310-450 10.5-11.1 - 65-85 865-1400 10.2-11.3 - 98-99 450 10.2 - 80 759-946 10.1-10.4 - 60-77 200-800 9.8-13.0 - - 334-1320 - - 20-98 200-300 10.2-14.3 - 70-80 178-600 - - - 223-1040 - - 17-80 115-1150 9.5-11.2 - 20-98 200-700 8.3-11.5 1.38-1.70 65-97 200-2207 8.0-12.0 - 76-98 467-1224 8.0-14.0 1.50-1.77 41-99 16 Table 2.2: Important physical and chemical properties for some peat deposits (Ajlouni, 2000) Peat type Natural water content (ωo, %) Bulk density Mg/m3 Specific Gravity Gs Acidity pH Ash content % Fibrouswoody 484-909 - - - 17 Fibrous 850 0.95-1.03 1.1-1.8 - - Peat 520 - - - - Amorphous and fibrous 500-1500 0.88-1.22 1.5-1.6 - - 200-600 355-425 - 1.62 1.73 4.8-6.3 6.7 12.2-22.5 15.9 Amorphous To fibrous 850 - 1.5 - 14 Fibrous 605-1290 0.87-1.04 1.41-1.7 - 4.6-15.8 Coarse Fibrous 613-886 1.04 1.5 4.1 9.4 350 - - 4.3 4.8 778 - - 3.3 1 202-1159 1.05 1.5 4.17 14.3 660 1.05 1.58 6.9 23.9 418 1.05 1.73 6.9 9.4 336 1.05 1.72 7.3 19.5 600 0.96 1.72 7.3 19.5 460 0.96 1.68 6.2 15 510 0.91 1.41 7 12 173-757 0.84 1.56 6.4 6.9-8.4 660-1590 - 1.53-1.68 - 0.1-32.0 660-890 0.94-1.15 - - - 200-875 1.04-1.23 - - - Peat 125-375 0 1.55-1.63 5-7 22-45 Peat 419 1 1.61 - 22-45 Peat 490-1250 - 1.45 - 20-33 Peat 630-1200 - 1.58-1.71 - 22-35 Peat Fibrous Peat (Netherlands) Fibrous (Middleton) Fibrous (James Bay) 400-1100 700-800 0.99-1.1 ~1.00 1.47 - 4.2 - 5-15 - 669 0.97 1.52 - 20.8 510-850 0.99-1.1 1.47-1.64 4.2 5-7 1000-1340 0.85-1.02 1.37-1.55 5.3 4.1 Fibrous sedge Fibrous Sphagnum Coarse Fibrous Fine Fibrous Fine Fibrous Amorphous Granular Peat Portage Peat Waupaca Fibrous Peat Middleton Fibrous Peat Noblesville Fibrous Fibrous Peat Amorphous Peat Reference Colley 1950 Hanrahan 1954 Lewis 1956 Lea and Browner 1963 Adams 1965 Keene and Zawodniak 1968 Samson and LaRochell 1972 Berry and Vickers 1975 Levesque et al. 1980 Berry 1983 NG and Eischen 1983 Edil and Mochtar 1984 Lefebvre et al. 1984 Olson 1970 Yamaguchi et al. 1985 Jones et al. 1986 Yamaguchi et al. 1987 Nakayama et al. 1990 Yamaguchi 1990 Hansbo 1991 Termatt and Topolnicki 1994 Ajlouni, 2000 17 Specific gravity of peat depends greatly on its composition and percentage of the organic content. For an organic content greater than 75 %, the specific gravity of peat ranges between 1.3 and 1.8 with an average of 1.5 (Davis, 1997). The lower specific gravity indicates a lower degree of decomposition and low mineral content. Natural void ratio of peat is generally higher than that of inorganic soils indicating their higher capacity for compression. Natural void ratio of 5-15 is common and a value as high as 25 have been reported for fibrous peat (Hanrahan, 1954). Peat will shrink extensively when dried. The shrinkage could reach 50 % of the initial volume, but the dried peat will not swell up upon re-saturation because dried peat cannot absorb water as much as initial condition; only 33 % to 55 % of the water can be reabsorbed (Mochtar, 1997). Generally, peat soils are very acidic with low pH values, often lies between 4 and 7 (Lea, 1956). Peat in Peninsular Malaysia is known to have very low pH values ranging from 3.0 to 4.5, the acidity tends to decrease with depth, and the decrease may be large near the bottom layer depending on the type of the underlying soil (Muttalib et al., 1991). Chemically, peat consists of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and small amount of nitrogen. Previous researches (Soper and Obson, 1922; Chynoweth, 1983; Schelkoph et al., 1983; Cameron et al., 1989) showed that the percentage hydrogen, oxygen, and small amount of nitrogen are in the ranges of 40-60 %, 20-40 %, 4-6 %, and 0-5 % respectively. The composition is greatly related to the degree of decomposition, the more the peat is decomposed, the less the percentage of the carbon is produced. The submerged organic component of peat is not entirely inert but undergoes very slow decomposition, accompanied by the production of methane and less amount of nitrogen and carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. Gas content affects all physical properties measured and field performance that relates to compression and water flow. The gas content is difficult to determine and no widely recognized 18 method is yet available. A gas content of 5 to 10 % of the total volume of the soil is reported for peat and organic soils (Muskeg Engineering Handbook, 1969). 2.1.5 Classification The physical, chemical, and geotechnical characteristic commonly used for classification of inorganic soil may not be applicable to the characterization of peat. On the other hand, properties which are not pertinent to inorganic soil may be important for classification of peat. Furthermore, the ranges of values applied for some properties of inorganic soil may not be relevant for peat soil. Generally, the classification of peat soil is developed based on the decomposition of fiber, the vegetation forming the organic content, organic content, and fiber content. The classification based on the degree of decomposition was proposed by von Post (1922) in which the degree of decomposition is grouped into H1 to H10: the higher the number, the higher the degree of decomposition (Table 2.3). The test was conducted by taking a handful of peat and when pressed in the hand, gives off marked muddy water. The pressed residue is some-what thick and the material remaining in the hand has fibrous structure. Fibrous peat with more than 60 % fiber content is usually in the range of H1 to H4 (Hartlen and Wolski, 1996). The most widely used classification system in engineering practice is based on organic content. A soil with organic content of more than 75 % is classified as peat (Lechowicz et al., 1996). Ash content is the percentage of ash to the weight of dried peat. The ash content in most of the peat of the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia is less than 10 %, showing a very high content of organic matter. This is indicated by a loss of ignition value exceeding 90 % (Muttalib et al., 1991). The peat is further classified based on fiber content because the presence of fiber alters the consolidation process of fibrous peat from that of organic soil or amorphous peat. Amorphous peat is the peat soil with fiber content less than 20 % (ASTM D4427). It contains mostly particles of colloidal size (less than 2 microns), and the pore water is absorbed around the particle surface. The behavior of amorphous granular peat is 19 similar to clay soil. Fibrous peat is the one having fiber content more than 20 % (ASTM D4427) and posses two types of pore i.e.: macro-pores (pores between the fibers) micro-pores (pores inside the fiber itself). Table 2.4 shows the classification of peat based on organic and fiber content. Table 2.3: Classification of peat based on degree of decomposition (von Post, 1922) Condition of peat before squeezing Condition of peat on sequeezing Degree of Humifi cation Soil color H1 White or yellow Very pale brown Pale brown None Easily identified Clear, colorless water Insignificant Easily identified Nothing Not pasty Very slight Still identified Nothing Not pasty H4 Pale brown Slight Not easily identified Some peat H5 Brown Moderate Recognizabl e but vague Some what pasty Strongly pasty H6 Brown Moderately strong About onethird of peat squeezed out Very strongly pasty H7 Dark brown Strong Indistinct (more distinct after squeezing) Faintly recognizable Yellowish water/pale brown-yellow Dark brown, muddy water not peat Very dark brown muddy water Very dark brown muddy water Very dark brown muddy water H8 Dark brown Very strong Very indistinct H9 Very dark brown Nearly complete Almost recognizable Very dark brown muddy water Very dark brown pasty water Very dark brown muddy water Very strongly pasty Very strongly pasty Very strongly pasty H10 Black Complete Not discernible About onehalf of peat squeezed out About twothird squeezed out Nearly all the peat squeezed out as fairly uniform paste All the peat passes between the fingers; no free water visible H2 H3 Degree of decomposition Plant structure Squeezed solution Very dark brown muddy paste Material extruded (passing between fingers) Nothing Some peat Nature of Residue Not pasty N/A 20 Table 2.4: Classification of peat based on organic and fiber content Classification peat soil based on ASTM standards Fiber Content (ASTM D1997) Ash Content (ASTM D2974) Fibric : Peat with greater than 67 % fibers Hemic : Peat with between 33 % and 67 % fibers Sapric : Peat with less than 33 % fibers Low Ash : Peat with less than 5 % ash Medium Ash : Peat with between 5% and 15 % ash High Ash : Peat with more than 15 % ash Highly Acidic : Peat with a pH less than 4.5 Acidity Moderately Acidic : Peat with a pH between 4.5 and 5.5 (ASTM D2976) Moderately Acidic : Peat with a pH between 4.5 and 5.5 Slighly Acidic : Peat with a pH greater than 5.5 and less than 7 Basic : Peat with a pH equal or greater than 7 The classification based on the vegetation forming the organic material is not usually adopted in engineering practice even though researches have indicated that the fiber content or the type of plant forming the peat soil, and degree of decomposition significantly affects the behavior of fibrous peat. Based on the botanical composition, peat is classified as Moss peat, Sedge peat, and Wood peat. Concerning the degree of decomposition, peat is also grouped as fibric (weakly decomposed peat), hemic (medium decomposed peat), and sapric (strongly decomposed peat). In terms of texture, the peat is classified as woody, fibrous, sedimentary, and granular peat (Davis, 1997). Consistency or Atterberg limit is not generally used for classification of peat because plasticity gives little indication of the characteristics of peat (Hobbs, 1986), and the existence of fiber makes it difficult or impossible to carry out the test for determination of liquid limit and plastic limit of most peat. Nevertheless, some researchers have reported the liquid limit and plastic limit of fibrous peat soil (Huat, 2004). The presence of fibers makes both liquid limit and plastic limit measurement difficult so the determination of Atterberg limit for amorphous or granular peat may be possible (MacFarlane, 1969). 21 2.1.6 Shear Strength The shear strength of peat soil is very low; however, the strength could increase significantly upon consolidation. The rate of strength increase is almost equal to the increase in the consolidation pressure compared to soft clay with a rate of strength increase of 0.3 (Noto, 1991). The shear strength of these soils is also associated with several variables namely origin of soil, water content, organic content, and degree of decomposition. Most peat is considered frictional or non-cohesive material (Adam, 1965) due to the fiber content, thus the shear strength of peat is determined based on drained condition as: τ’f = σ’ tan φ’ (2.2) where τ’f = shear strength, σ’ = effective stress, and φ ’= friction angle. However, the friction is mostly due to the fiber and the fiber is not always solid because it is usually filled with water and gas. Thus, the high friction angle does not actually reflect the high shear strength of the soil. Shear box and triaxial equipment have been used to determine the drained shear strength of peat soil although the results of triaxial test on fibrous peat are difficult to interpret because fiber often act as horizontal reinforcement, so failure is seldom obtained in a drained test. In addition, triaxial test in drained condition may take several weeks for peat with low permeability. Shear box is the most common test for determining the drained shear strength of fibrous peat while triaxial test under consolidated-undrained condition is common for laboratory evaluation of undrained shear strength of peat (Noto, 1991). 22 Previous studies indicated that the effective internal friction φ' of peat is generally higher than inorganic soil i.e: 50o for amorphous granular peat and in the range of 53o-57o for fibrous peat (Edil and Dhowian, 1981). Landva (1983) indicated the range of undrained friction angle of 27o-32o under a normal pressure of 3 to 50 kPa. The range of undrained friction angle of peat in West Malaysia is 3o-25o (Huat, 2004). Considering the presence of peat soil is almost always below the groundwater level, the determination of undrained shear strength is also important. This is usually done in-situ because sampling of peat for laboratory evaluation of undrained shear strength of fibrous peat is almost impossible. Some approaches to in-situ testing in peat deposits are: vane shear test, cone penetration test, pressure-meter test, dilatometer test, plate load test, and screw plate load tests (Edil, 2001). Among them, the vane shear test is the most commonly used; however, the interpretation of the test results must be handled with caution. An undrained shear strength of peat soil (cu) obtained by vane shear test was in range of 3-15 kPa, which is much lower than that of the mineral soils. A correction factor of 0.5 is suggested for the test results on organic soil with a liquid limit of more than 200 % (Hartlen and Wolsky, 1996). 2.1.7 Compressibility The compression behavior of fibrous peat is different from that of clay soil. The compressibility of fibrous peat consists of two stages: primary consolidation and secondary compression. The primary consolidation of the fibrous peat is very rapid, and large secondary compression, even tertiary compression is observed. Secondary compression is generally found as the more significant part of compression because the time rate is much slower than the primary consolidation. Subsequently the formula used to estimate the amount of compression is different from that of clay soil. The dominant factors controlling the compressibility characteristics of peat include the fiber content, natural water content, void ratio, and initial permeability. Published data on the compressibility properties of peat are given in Table 2.5. 23 Table 2.5: Compressibility characteristics of some peat deposit (Ajlouni, 2000) Peat Fibrous peat Peat Vertical coefficient of permea- Coefficient Natutal water content ωo % or Initial void ratio eo bility dation kvo (m/s) cvo (m2/year) cc cα/cc 850 4x10-6 - 10 0.060.1 Hanrahan 1954 520 - - - 0.0610.078 Lewis 1956 14-17 2.5-5 0.0350.083 Lea and Browner 1963 - - 0.090.1 Adams 1965 Keene and Zawodniak 1968 Amorphous and fibrous peat 500-1500 10 -10 Canadian muskeg 200-600 10-5 -7 -6 of rate of consoli- Compress- Ratio ion index Reference Amorphous to fibrous peat 705 - 55.6 4.7-10.3 0.0730.091 Peat 400-750 10-5 - - 0.0750.085 Weber 1969 Amorphous granular peat eo=7 4x10-7 64 2.6 0.05 Berry and Poskitt 1972 eo=11 8x10-7 16.1 4.4 0.05 Fibrous peat Fibrous Samson and LaRochelle 1972 Berry and Vickers 1975 Dhowian and Edil 1980 605-1290 10 - - 0.0520.072 Fibrous peat 613-886 10-6-10-5 9.1 - 0.060.085 Fibrous peat 600 10-6 - - 0.0420.083 Coarse fibrous 202-1159 1.1x10-6 - 6.4 0.0550.064 Berry 1983 Fibrous peat 660-1590 5x10-6-5x10-5 - 4.5-15 0.06 Lefebvre et al. 1984 Fibrous peat 200-875 - 27.2 - - Amorphous peat 125-375 - 3.79 - - Peat 419 3x10-8 >6.4 - - Jones et al. 1986 Fibrous peat 700-800 10-6 3-6 - 0.0420.083 Hansbo 1991 Fibrous peat 370 1.4x10-12 - - 0.06 Fibrous peat 610-850 6.8x10-8 - x10-7 - - 0.052 peat (Middleton) 510-850 3x10-8-10-6 20-150 6-9 0.053 Fibrous peat 1000-1340 4x10-7- 7x10-6 30-300 10-12 0.059 peat -6 Olson 1970 den Haan 1994 Mesri et al. 1997 Fibrous Ajlouni 2000 24 The unit weight of peat is close to that of water. Thus, the in-situ effective stress (σ’c) is very small and sometimes cannot be detected from the results of consolidation test (Mesri et al., 1997). It is also very difficult to obtain the beginning of secondary compression (tp) from the consolidation curve because the preliminary consolidation occurs rapidly. The natural void ratio (eo) is very high due to large pores and high initial water content. The e-log p’ curves show a steep slope indicating a high value of compression index (cc). Published data on cc ranges from 2-15 (Lefebvre et al., 1984). Furthermore, there is possibility that secondary compression start before the dissipation of excess pore water pressure is completed (Leonards and Girault, 1961). Compression of fibrous peat continues at a gradually decreasing rate under constant effective stress, and this is termed as the secondary compression. The secondary compression of peat is thought to be due to further decomposition of fiber which is conveniently assumed to occur at a slower rate after the end of primary consolidation (Mesri et al., 1997). The rate of secondary compression is conveniently defined by the slope of the final part of the void ratio versus logarithmic of time curve (cα). This estimate is based on assumptions that cα is independent of time, thickness of compressible layer, and applied pressure. Ratio of cα/cc has been used widely to study the behavior of peat (Dhowian and Edil, 1980; den Haan, 1994; Mesri, 1997). The ranges of cα/cc ratio obtained by previous researchers are summarized in Table 2.5. The rate of primary consolidation of fibrous peat is very high; however it decreases with the application of consolidation pressure. Lea and Browner (1963) indicated a significant decrease of coefficient of rate of consolidation (cv) during application of pressure from 10 to 100 kPa. The significant reduction factor of 5-100 is attributed to the reduction of permeability due to the appreciation of pressure. 25 2.1.8 Permeability Permeability is one of the most important properties of peat because it controls the rate of consolidation and increase in the shear strength of the soil (Hobbs, 1986). The permeability of peat depends on the void ratio, mineral content, degree of decomposition of the peat, chemistry, and the presence of gas. Previous studies on physical and hydraulic properties of fibrous peat indicated that the peat is averagely porous, and this certifies the fact that fibrous peat has a medium degree of permeability (MacFarlane, 1969; Lishtvan, 1981; Lefebvre et al., 1984, Hobbs, 1986). In its natural state, the hydraulic conductivity of fibrous peat is as high as sand, i.e., 10-5 to 10-4 m/s (Colleselli et. al., 2000). Thus, constant head permeability tests have been used to determine the vertical and horizontal coefficient of permeability of fibrous peat. The change in permeability as a result of compression is drastic for fibrous peat (Dhowian and Edil, 1980). Research on Portage fibrous peat shows the soil initially has a relatively high permeability comparable to fine sand or silty sand; however, as compression proceeds and void ratio decreases rapidly, permeability is greatly reduced to a value comparable to that of clay i.e. about 10-8 to 10-9 m/s (Hillis and Browner, 1961; Lea and Browner, 1963; Dhowian and Edil, 1980). The findings showed that the rate of decrease of hydraulic conductivity with decreasing void ratio is usually higher than that in clays (Edil, 2003). 2.2 Soil Compressibility In general, the compressibility of a soil consists of three stages, namely initial compression, primary consolidation, and secondary compression. While initial compression occurs instantaneously after the application of load, the primary and secondary compressions are time dependent. The initial compression is due partly to the compression of small pockets of gas within the pore spaces and the elastic compression of soil grains. Primary consolidation is due to dissipation of excess pore water pressure caused by an increase in effective stress whereas secondary 26 compression takes place under constant effective stress after the completion of dissipation of excess pore water pressure. The time required for the water to dissipate from the soil depends on the permeability of the soil itself. In granular soil, the process is rapid and hardly noticeable due to its high permeability. On the other hand, the consolidation process may take years in clay soil. For peat, the primary consolidation occurs rapidly due to high initial permeability and secondary compression takes a significant part of compression. 2.2.1 Primary Consolidation One-dimensional theory of consolidation developed by Terzaghi in 1925 carries an assumption that primary consolidation is due to dissipation of excess pore water pressure caused by an increase in effective stress whereas secondary compression takes place under constant effective stress after the completion of the dissipation of excess pore water pressure. Other important assumptions attached to the Terzaghi consolidation theory are that the flow is one-dimensional and the rate of consolidation or permeability is constant throughout the consolidation process. Consolidation characteristics of soil can be represented by consolidation parameters such as coefficient of axial compressibility av, coefficient of volume compressibility mv, compression index cc, and recompression index cr. Another important characteristic of soil compressibility is the pre-consolidation pressure (σc’). The soil that has been loaded and unloaded will be less compressible when it is reloaded again, thus settlement will not usually be great when the applied load remains below the pre-consolidation pressure. These parameters can be estimated from a curve relating void ratio (e) at the end of each increment period against the corresponding load increment in linear scale (Figure 2.3) or logarithmic scale (Figure 2.4). 27 0.75 0.70 void ratio (e) 0.65 0.60 0.55 av 0.50 0.45 0.40 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 pressure (p) Figure 2.3: Plot of void ratio versus pressure in linear scale (Nurly Gofar and Khairul Anuar Kassim, 2005) 0.75 0.70 void ratio (e) 0.65 cc 0.60 0.55 cr 0.50 0.45 0.40 1 10 100 1000 10000 pressure (p) Figure 2.4: Plot of void ratio versus pressure in logarithmic scale (Nurly Gofar and Khairul Anuar Kassim, 2005) As shown in Figure 2.3, the coefficient of axial compressibility av is the slope of the e-p’ curve for a certain range of stress while the coefficient of volume compressibility mv can be computed as: 28 mv = av 1+ e o (2.3) where mv = coefficient of volume compressibility, av = coefficient of volume compressibility, and eo = initial void ratio. The compression index cc and recompression index cr are the slope of the elog p’ curve (Figure 2.4) for loading and unloading stages. Consolidation settlement is calculated based on the value of either the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) or the compression indices (cc and cr). Due to construction, the total vertical stress on a soil element at depth z is increased by ∆σ'. This increase of stress will results in the decrease of void ratio corresponds to ∆e = eo-e1. By knowing the ratio of the change in void ratio to the change in the effective stress in e-p’ curve (Figure 2.3), then ⎛ e − e ⎞ ⎛ σ ' − σo ' ⎞ ⎟⎟ H Sc = ∆H = ⎜⎜ o 1 ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 ⎝ σ1 ' − σ o ' ⎠ ⎝ 1 + e o ⎠ (2.4) ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎟⎟ (σ1 ' − σ o ') H = m v ∆σ' H Sc = a v ⎜⎜ + 1 e o ⎠ ⎝ (2.5) ⎛ ∆e ⎞ ⎟⎟ H Sc = ⎜⎜ ⎝ 1 + eo ⎠ (2.6) By using the e-log p’ curve, the change in void ratio can be written as: ∆e = cc log σ1 σo (2.7) 29 and the settlement of a normally consolidated clay due to change of stress ∆σ’ is given as: Sc = c c σ' + ∆σ H log o 1+ eo σ' o (2.8) where Sc = ∆H = consolidation settlement, H = thickness of consolidation soil layer, ∆σ’ = σ1’ - σ’o = the change in the effective in e-p’ curve, ∆e = eo – e1 = the change in void ratio, and cc = compression index. The soil that has been loaded and unloaded will be less compressible when it is reloaded again. Thus, it is also necessary to estimate the pre-consolidation pressure i.e.: the stress carried by soil in the past (σc’) because consolidation settlement will not usually be great when the applied load remains below the preconsolidation pressure. The pre-consolidation pressure can be obtained from the consolidation curve by procedure suggested by Cassagrande. If the pre-consolidation pressure obtained from laboratory test (σc’) is greater then the existing overburden pressure (σo’) and the added stress increases the existing pressure below the pre-consolidation pressure, then the compression index (cc) should be replaced with the recompression index (cr) in Equation 2.8, which results in Equation 2.9. If the additional stress increases the existing pressure beyond the pre-consolidation pressure, then Equation 2.8 is modified as Equation 2.10. Sc = c r Sc = c r σ' + ∆σ ' H log o σ' o 1+ e o σ' + ∆σ σ' H H log o log c + c c σ' c 1+ e o σ' o 1+ e o where σ’c = pre-consolidation pressure, and cr = recompression index. (2.9) (2.10) 30 The time rate of consolidation, and subsequently the time required for a certain degree of consolidation to take place, can be obtained based on plot of compression against time for each load increment. The Hydrodynamic equation governing the Terzaghi one-dimensional consolidation is: cv ∂ 2 u e ∂u e = ∂z 2 ∂t (2.11) where ue = excess pore water pressure, t = time, z = depth, and cv = coefficient of rate of consolidation (m2/year or m2/sec) which contains the material properties that govern the consolidation process. cv = k v 1+ eo kv = γw av m v γw (2.12) where kv = vertical coefficient of permeability, and γw = unit weight of water (kN/m3). General solution to Equation 2.11 is given by Taylor (1948) in terms of a Fourier series expansion of the form: n =∞ µ e = (σ 2 ' − σ1 ')∑ f1 (Z)f 2 (Tv ) n =0 where µe = excess pore water pressure, σ2’ - σ’1 = the change in the effective stress, Z = geometry factor = z/H, and Tv = time factor. (2.13) 31 The time factor is a dimensionless number which contain physical constants of a soil layer influencing its time rate of consolidation. The time factor can be written as: Tv = cv t Hd 2 (2.14) where Hd = length of drainage path for a particular pressure increment. The relationship between the average degree of consolidation and time factor are given in the form of curve (Figure 2.5) or equation 2.14. Figure 2.5: Consolidation curve for two-way vertical drainage (Head, 1982) For U < 60 % T = (π/4) U2 = ((π/4) (U%/100)2 For U > 60 % T = -0.933 log (1-U) - 0.085 = 1.781 – 0.933 log (100 – U %) (2.15) The coefficient of rate of consolidation for a particular pressure increment from consolidation test can be determined by curve fitting methods. There are two methods commonly used to determine the coefficient of rate of consolidation (cv) i.e.: the logarithmic time (Cassagrande’s) method, and the square root time 32 (Taylor’s) method. These empirical procedures were developed to fit approximately the observed laboratory test data to the Terzaghi’s theory of consolidation. The Cassagrande methods use the plot of dial readings versus the logarithmic of time (log t). The idea is to find the reading at t50 or the time for 50 % consolidation (Figure 2.6). The procedure is as follows: 1. Plot a graph relating dial reading (mm) versus logarithmic of time. 2. Produce a straight line for primary consolidation and secondary compression part of the graph. The two lines will meet at point C. 3. The ordinate of point C is D100 = the deformation corresponds to U = 100 %. 4. Choose time t1 (point A), t2 = 4t1 (point B). The difference in the dial reading is equal to x. 5. An equal distance x set off above point A fixes the point D0 = the deformation corresponds to U = 0 %. Notes that Do is not essentially equal to the initial reading may be due to small compression of air within the sample. 6. The compression between D0 and D100 is called the primary consolidation. 7. A point corresponding to U = 50 % can be located midway between D0 and D100. The value of T corresponds to U = 50 % is 0.196. 8. Thus cv = 0.196 H d t 50 2 (2.16) where Hd is half the thickness of specimen for a particular pressure increment. 33 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.2 6.0 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 3.8 D0 x dial reading (D) A x t1 B t2 D50 Primary consolidation C D100 t50 tp 1 10 100 1000 10000 Time in minutes(log scale) Figure 2.6: Determination of coefficient of rate of consolidation by Cassagrande’s method (Nurly Gofar and Khairul Anuar Kassim, 2005) The square root of time methods developed by Taylor is based on the similarity of the shapes of experimental and theoretical curves when plotted versus the square root of time (Figure 2.7). The following procedure was recommended: 1. Extent the straight line part of the curve to intersect the ordinate (t = 0) at point D. The point shows the initial reading (Do). The intersection of this line with the abscissa is P. 2. Take point Q such that OQ = 1.15 OP. 3. The intersection of line DQ and the curve is called point G. 4. Draw horizontal line from G to the ordinate (D90). The point shows the value of √t90. The value of T corresponds to U = 90 % is 0.848. 5. Thus cv = 0.848 H d t 90 2 (2.17) 34 6.8 D0 6.6 6.4 6.2 6.0 dial reading (D) 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 G 5.0 D90 4.8 4.6 1.15d d 4.4 4.2 t90 4.0 0 5 P 10 Q time (minutes 15 1/2 20 ) Figure 2.7: Determination of coefficient of rate of consolidation by Taylor method (Nurly Gofar and Khairul Anuar Kassim, 2005) 2.2.2 Secondary Compression For some soils, especially those containing organic material, the compression does not cease when the excess pore water pressure has completely dissipated but continues at a gradually decreasing rate under constant effective stress. Thus, it is common to differentiate the two processes as primary consolidation and secondary compression. Secondary compression, also referred as creep, is thought to be due to the gradual readjustment of the clay particles into a more stable configuration following the structural disturbance caused by the decrease in void ratio. 35 Previous researchers (Leonards and Girault, 1961; Berry and Vickers, 1975; Lefebvre et al., 1984; Hobbs, 1986; Kogure et al., 1986) have shown that both primary consolidation and secondary compressions can take place simultaneously. However, it is assumed that the secondary compression is negligible during primary consolidation, and is identified after primary consolidation is completed. Secondary compression of soil is conveniently assumed to occur at a slower rate after the end of primary consolidation. The rate of secondary compression in the standard consolidation test can be defined by the slope (cα) of the final part of the void ratio versus logarithmic of time curve (Figure 2.8). 3.0 Void ratio (e) 2.5 Primary consolidation 2.0 1.5 1.0 cα 0.5 tp 0.0 1 10 100 1000 Secondary compression 10000 100000 Time, t in minutes (log scale) Figure 2.8: Determination of the coefficient of rate of secondary compression from consolidation curve (Cassagrande’s method) (Nurly Gofar and Khairul Anuar Kassim, 2005) The axial rate of consolidation can be obtained from Figure 2.8 as the ratio of change on the void ratio to the change on the logarithmic of time. cα = ∆e ∆e = ∆ log t log t f tp (2.18) 36 where cα = coefficient of secondary compression, ∆e = the change of void ratio from tp to tf, The void ratio at time tp is denoted as eop. This estimate is based on assumptions that cα is independent of time, thickness of compressible layer, and applied pressure. The settlement due to the secondary compression (Ss) is therefore: Ss = cα t H log f 1+ e o tp (2.19) where Ss = settlement due to secondary compression, Η = initial thickness, tp = time of the completion of primary consolidation, and tf = time for which the secondary compression settlement is required (design life of a structure). Research showed that the ratio of cα/cc is almost constant and varies from 0.025 to 0.06 for inorganic soil, while a slightly high range was obtained for organic soils and peat (Holtz and Kovacs, 1981). A higher ratio was obtained for highly compressible clay and organic soils, thus the amount of secondary compression settlement may be quite significant. 2.3 Compressibility of Fibrous Peat Fibrous peat undergoes large settlements in comparison to clays when subjected to loading. The compression behavior of fibrous peat varies from the compression behavior of other types of soils in two ways. First, the compression of peat is much larger than of other soils. Second, the creep portion of settlement plays a more significant role in determining the total settlement of peat than of other soil types. 37 Researches (Mesri and Rokhsar, 1974; Mesri and Choi, 1985b; Mesri and Lo, 1991; Lan, 1992) showed that Terzaghi’s theory of consolidation is not applicable for the prediction of the compression of fibrous peat. Subsequently, many theories of consolidation have been developed mainly as modifications to Terzaghi’s theory. Such modifications, mostly intended for soft clays and silts, include decrease in permeability with the progress of consolidation, the changes in compressibility during consolidation, time related compressibility during and after primary consolidation phase, the finite value of strains, and effect of self-weight. Of all methods, few theories were developed solely to model compressibility of fibrous peat (Gibson and Lo, 1961; Barden, 1968; Berry and Poskitt, 1972; den Haan, 1996). Evaluation of the secondary compression of peat based on cα/cc has been used widely. The evaluation of cα was done from the time-compression curve derived from consolidation test. Cassagrande (1936) method has been used for the evaluation of the cα if the test results display an ideal “S” curve, which is the typical of inorganic soil. The time-compression curve for organic soil, especially the fibrous peat often deviates from the ideal curve. Therefore, an extension of Casagrande’s method was developed by Dhowian and Edil (1980) was used for the evaluation of time-compression curve derived from consolidation tests on organic soil. This method assumed that the secondary compression occurs following the completion of primary consolidation, which is not true for fibrous peat. The method also neglects the fact that secondary compression may have started before the completion of excess pore water pressure dissipation. Further development on the analysis of time-compression curve for the evaluation of the compression of soil exhibiting non-linear relationship of secondary compression with time was contributed by Sridharan and Prakash (1998). This method separated the secondary compression from the primary consolidation by assuming that the secondary compression follows the primary consolidation. Robinson (1997) focused his research on the beginning of secondary compression and found that the secondary compression may have started as early as 60 % degree of primary consolidation. In this research, the completion of excess pore water pressure dissipation was actually measured during the test (Robinson, 1999). The 38 complete procedure for the evaluation of primary and secondary compression of fibrous peat was presented in Robinson (2003). Mesri and Rokhsar (1974) developed a theory of consolidation based on assumptions for soil properties that were more realistic than those in the original Terzaghi theory of one-dimensional consolidation. The assumptions were that: 1. The soil undergoes a finite strain. 2. The compressibility and the permeability of the soil are variable during consolidation. 3. The soil may display recompression and compression behavior. 4. A unique relationship between compressibility and effective stress and time. The time related compressibility during the primary consolidation stage was assumed to be equal to the degree of compression β multiplied by the secondary compression index cα, measured during secondary compression stage. Mesri and Choi (1985b) modified the theory of consolidation introduced by Mesri and Rokhsar (1974) to include a nonlinear relationship between void ratio and the logarithmic of effective vertical stress. Another modification was that the time related compressibility was related to both the degree of compression β and the compression index cc. Mesri and Lo (1991) further refined the Mesri and Choi (1985a) formulation and also applied to consolidation with vertical drains. The theory was incorporated in a computer program ILLICON, which was used successfully to predict time-rate of settlement and excess pore water pressure dissipation during primary consolidation (Ajlouni, 2000). Lan (1992) claimed that the cα/cc concept is not applicable to peat compression. Therefore, based on the uniqueness of σ’v-e-e’ concept and the relationship between e and σ’v, he proposed a constitutive equation for modeling the primary consolidation and secondary compression of peat in the normally consolidated range. 39 den Haan (1996) derived a consolidation equation for the deformation of nonbrittle soft clay and peat and solve the equation by finite difference technique for a specified boundary and initial condition, and the nonlinear permeability-void ratio relationship. This model is known as “abc” model and the solution was incorporated in a computer program, CONSEF. Another approach to modeling the consolidation process of peat soils is by assuming that the structure of soils exhibiting secondary compression can be evaluated based on Rheological model consisting of mass-spring dashpot as shown in Figure 2.9. (Gibson and Lo, 1961; Barden, 1965; Barden, 1968; Berry and Poskitt, 1972). In this approach, the structural viscosity was assumed to be linier. spring spring dashpot Figure 2.9: Rheological model used for soil undergoing secondary compression Berry and Poskitt (1972) proposed two different Rheological models to symbolize the consolidation of amorphous and fibrous peat. The models consider peat properties such as: 1. Finite strain. 2. Linear relationship between void ratio and the logarithmic of effective stress. 3. Linear relationship between void ratio and logarithmic of coefficient of permeability. 4. Presence of time-related compressibility. 40 The consolidation equation was solved for a single homogenous layer subjected to an increment of pressure and the solution was presented in the form of a non-dimensional graphical solution. Theoretical results that were obtained and compared with experimental data on amorphous and fibrous peat samples showed a general agreement, however the procedure for obtaining the theoretical results includes curve fitting and arbitrary assumptions. In order to obtain the necessary parameters, the secondary part of deformation-logarithmic of time relationship had to be of a constant slope. The Rheological parameters involved in this model should be obtained by non conventional engineering means make it very difficult to apply this theory to data on peat. 2.4 Consolidation Test The compressibility characteristics of a soil are usually determined from consolidation tests. General laboratory tests for measurement of compression and consolidation characteristics of a soil are: Oedometer test, Constant Rate of Strain (CRS) test, and Rowe Cell test. The procedures for these tests are fully described in BS 1377-6 and Head (1982, 1986). 2.4.1 Problems Related to Conventional Test Although more sophisticated consolidation tests are now available, Oedometer test is still recognized as the standard test for determining the consolidation characteristics of soil. Oedometer cell can accommodate 50 mm diameter and 20 mm thick samples. The schematic diagram of consolidation test on Oedometer cell is shown in Figure 2.10. 41 Figure 2.10: Schematic diagram of Oedometer cell (Bardet, 1997) Advantages and disadvantages of Oedometer test are outlined by Head (1986). Among the advantages is the relatively small size of specimen. The small specimen size gives a reasonable consolidation time and the test can be extended to observe the secondary compression. The test provides a reasonable estimate of the amount of settlement of structure on inorganic clay deposits. On the other hand, the rate of settlement is often underestimated, that is, the total settlement is reached in a shorter time than that predicted from the test data. This is largely due to the size of sample, which does not represent soil fabric and its profound effect on drainage conditions. The drainage in Oedometer test is entirely vertical. As some soils are strongly isotropic, their properties, particularly drainage, are very different in horizontal and vertical direction. Drainage starts as soon as the load is applied. A uniform pore pressure may not be developing throughout a sample, and the initial undrained compression cannot be measured directly. Besides the natural condition of the sample, sampling disturbance will have a more pronounced effect on the results of the test done on small samples. Furthermore, the boundary effect from the ring enhances the friction of the sample. Friction reduces the compression during loading and reduces swelling during unloading. 42 For standard test, the samples were subjected to consolidation pressures with load increment ratio of 1. The load is applied through a mechanical lever arm system, thus measurement can be easily affected by sudden shock. Excessive disturbance affects the e-log p’ plot, gives low value of pre-consolidation pressure and high coefficient of volume compressibility at low stresses. Excessive disturbance also reduces the effect of secondary compression which is a very important characteristic of fibrous peat. The other limitation of the standard Oedometer test is that there is no means of measuring excess pore water pressures, the dissipation of which control the consolidation process. Therefore the estimation of compressibility is based solely on the change of height of the specimen. The analysis of compression of such soils presents certain difficulties when the conventional methods are applied because the curves obtained from the conventional Oedometer tests and the behavior exhibits by them differ from that of clay. Furthermore, such soils are more prone to decomposition during Oedometer testing. Gas content and additional gas generation also may complicate the interpretation of Oedometer tests (Edil, 2003). Some researchers (Berry and Poskitt, 1972; Ajlouni, 2000; Colleselli et al., 2000; Robinson, 2003) had presented the behavior of fibrous peat and the recent advances in formulating their behavior. 2.4.2 Large Strain Consolidation Test (Rowe Cell) Rowe consolidation cell (Figure 2.11) was introduced by Rowe and Barden in 1966 to overcome the disadvantages of the conventional Oedometer apparatus when performing consolidation tests on non-uniform deposits such as fibrous peat. Rowe cell has many advantages over the conventional Oedometer consolidation apparatus. The main features responsible for these improvements are the hydraulic loading system, the control facilities and ability to measure excess pore water pressure, and the capability of testing samples of large diameter. 43 Figure 2.11: Schematic diagram of Rowe consolidation cell (Head, 1986) Through hydraulic loading system, the sample is less susceptible to vibration effects compared to the conventional Oedometer cell. Pressures of up to 1000 kPa can be applied easily due to large sample size. Corrections required for the deformation of the loading system when subjected to pressure is negligible, except perhaps for very stiff soils. Furthermore, the hydraulic loading system enables samples of large diameter up to 254 mm diameter to be tested for practical purposes and allows for large settlement deformations. Three sizes of Rowe cell are commercially available i.e., 3 in (75 mm), 6 in (151) mm, and 10 in (254 mm) diameters. The use of large samples enables the effect of the soil fabric (laminations, fissures, bedding planes) to be taken into account in the consolidation process, thereby enabling a realistic estimate of the rate of consolidation to be made. Large samples (i.e. 150 mm diameter and 50 mm thick) have been found to give higher and more reliable values of cv, especially under low stresses, than conventional Oedometer test samples (Head, 1986). Better agreement has been reported by McGown et al. (1974) and Rowe (1968 and 1972) between 44 predicted and observed rates of settlement, as well as their magnitude, may be partly due to the relatively smaller effect of structural viscosity and fabric in larger samples. Tests on high quality large diameter samples minimize the effect of sample disturbance and therefore provide more reliable data for settlement analysis than conventional one-dimensional Oedometer tests on small samples. The most important feature of Rowe cell is the ability to control drainage and to measure excess pore water pressure during the course of consolidation tests. Drainage of the sample can be controlled, and several different drainage conditions can be imposed on the sample. Control of drainage enables loading to be applied to the sample in the undrained condition, allowing full development of pore pressure. Consequently the initial immediate settlement can be measured separately from the consolidation settlement, which starts when the drainage line is opened. Excess pore water pressure can be measured accurately at any time and with immediate response. Pore pressure readings enable the beginning and end of the primary consolidation phase to be positively established. The volume of water draining from the sample can be measured, as well as surface settlement. The sample can be saturated by applying increments of back pressure until a B value close to one is obtained, or by controlling the applied effective stress, before starting consolidation. Tests can be carried out under an elevated back pressure, which ensures fully saturated conditions, gives a rapid excess pore water pressure response, and ensures reliable time relationships. The sample can be loaded either by applying a uniform pressure over the surface (free strain), or through a rigid plate which maintains the loaded surface plane (equal strain). Fine control of loadings, including initial loads at low pressures, can be accomplished easily. 45 Several drainage conditions (vertical or horizontal) are possible, and back pressure can be applied to the sample. In this test, samples can be saturated and then tested under the application of back pressure. Consolidation and permeability tests can be successively conducted in Rowe cell providing data over a range of void ratios or strain. Figure 2.12 shows different types of consolidation tests using Rowe cell. A different time factor is needed in every case related to drainage direction, boundary conditions, and consolidation location (Table 2.6). The drainage direction is described as horizontal or vertical while the boundary condition is described as either flexible or equal strain. The consolidation location is either described as ‘average’ for settlement or volume-change measurement, or is stated as the point at which pore pressure is measured. 2.5 Evaluation of Compression Curves derived from Consolidation Test The results of the consolidation test are presented by plotting height or vertical strain against time for each load increment. This graph is required to observe the time rate of consolidation, and subsequently the time required for a certain degree of consolidation to take place. The second graph is the void ratio (e) at the end of each increment period against the corresponding load increment. There are two types of plot: the e-p’ curve and the e-log p’ curve. These graphs are needed to obtain the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv), the compression index (cc), and to calculate the magnitude of the consolidation settlement. 46 Figure 2.12: Drainage and loading conditions for consolidations tests in Rowe cell: (a), (c), (e), (g) with ‘free strain’ loading, (b), (d), (f), (h) with ‘equal strain’ loading (Head, 1986) 47 Table 2.6: Curve fitting data for evaluation of coefficient of rate of consolidation (Head, 1986) Test ref. Drainage direction Boundary strain Consolidation location (a) and (b) Vertical Free And Equal Average (c) and (d) (e) one way Vertical two way Radial, outward (g) Radial, † Drain T90 0.197 (Tc) 1.031 Free And Equal Average 0.197 0.848 Free Average Free Equal ratio 1/20 Tc, Tro,Tri is theoretical time factors Time function Power curve slope factor t0.5 1.15 t0.5 1.15 t0.465 1.22 t0.5 1.17 t0.5 1.17 t0.5 1.17 0.848 0.379 inward† (h) T50 Centre of base Equal (f) Theoretical time factor (Tc) 0.0632 0.335 (Tro) Central 0.200 0.479 Average 0.0866 0.288 (Tro) Central 0.173 0.374 Average 0.771 2.631 (Tri) r = 0.55 R 0.765 2.625 Average 0.781 2.595 r = 0.55 R 0.778 (Tri) 2.592 48 2.5.1 Time-Compression Curve Figure 2.13 shows three types of time-compression curve derived from laboratory test (Leonards and Girault, 1961). Type I curve is defined by Terzaghi’s theory with S-shaped curve. The separation of primary and secondary compression from type I curve is relatively simple because it follows that the secondary compression occurs at a slower rate after the dissipation of excess pore water pressure. Identification of the beginning of secondary compression (tp) and the rate of secondary compression (cα) for Type I curve can be estimated based on Cassagrande’s method by taking two straight lines from compression versus logarithmic of time curve and the point of intersection is identified as the end of primary consolidation (tp = t100). The procedures have been presented in section 2.2.2. Compression (mm) Type I curve Type II curve Type III curve Time, t in minutes (Log scale) Figure 2.13: Types of compression versus logaritmic of time curve derived from consolidation test (Leonards and Girault, 1961) 49 The time-compression curves derived from results of one-dimensional consolidation test on fibrous peat do not follow the type I curve. They resemble the type II curve in which the primary consolidation is very rapid and secondary compression does not vary linearly with logarithmic of time and tertiary compression is actually observed after secondary compression. Therefore the quantification of secondary compression based on conventional (Cassagrande) method frequently under-estimate the settlement. Dhowian and Edil (1980) extended the Cassagrande method to include the nonlinearity of secondary compression of fibrous peat by a coefficient of secondary compression, cα1, and coefficient of tertiary compression, cα2 (Figure 2.14). In this case, time of secondary compression (ts) should be identified in addition to the time for primary consolidation (tp). The term ‘tertiary strain’ is introduced as a soil strain to designate the increasing coefficient of secondary compression with time. εi εp cα1 ts εs tp cα2 εt Figure 2.14: Vertical strain versus logaritmic of time curve of fibrous peat for one- dimensional consolidation (Dhowian and Edil, 1980) 50 Identification of the beginning and rate of secondary compression from Type I and Type II curves can also be made based on logarithmic of compressionlogarithmic of time (log δ-log t) as proposed by Sridharan and Prakash (1998). This relationship yields two linear portions in which the point of intersection between the two linear portions is regarded as the end of primary consolidation (tp) or the beginning of secondary compression (Figure 2.15). An advantage of this method is that the logarithmic of the secondary compression is found to be linear over a wider extend of time. The slope of the log δ-log t plot is defined as the secondary compression factor, m. m= where m = log (e1 /e 2 ) log (t 2 /t 1 ) (2.20) secondary compression factor, e1 = void ratios of the compressible soil layer corresponding to compression δ1 at time t1, and e2 = void ratios of the compressible soil layer corresponding to compression δ2 at time t2 respectively. 1 Compression (mm) (log scale) tp A (δ1, t1) B (δ2, t2) m 10 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Time, t in minutes (Log scale) Figure 2.15: Sridharan and Prakash log δ log t curve (Sridharan and Prakash, 1998) 51 It is evident that both Cassagrande and Sridharan & Prakash methods assumed that the secondary compression begins at the completion of excess pore water pressure (tp = t100). The methods also assumed that the secondary compression occurs at a slower rate then the primary consolidation, thus tp is obtained at the inflexion point in the curve. Therefore, the methods cannot evaluate secondary compression of soils exhibiting Type III curve (Figure 2.13) because the curve does not show an inflection point. Previous researcher (Robinson, 1997) has pointed out that the full dissipation of excess pore water pressure cannot be predicted based on settlement curve. Based on his findings on consolidation test with measurement of excess pore water pressure (Robinson, 1999), the excess pore water pressure dissipation is completed earlier than the time predicted from the inflection point of the settlement curve. Further analysis by the same researcher (Robinson, 2003) revealed that the secondary compression actually starts during the dissipation of excess pore water pressure from the soil. This observation was based on Terzaghi’s one dimensional consolidation theory, whereby the relationship between dissipation of excess pore water pressure and compression during primary consolidation can be represented by a straight line. On the other hand, the actual curve derived from laboratory consolidation test on peat soil was not actually follows a straight line. If the relationship does not form a straight line, the settlement was actually due to the combination of excess pore water pressure dissipation on primary consolidation and the secondary compression. Robinson (2003) suggested a method for separating the primary consolidation and secondary compression that occur during the consolidation process. The method was developed based on time-compression and the time-excess pore water pressure curves (Figure 2.16). It can be observed that the dissipation of excess pore water pressure (Figure 2.16(b)) is actually completed earlier than predicted by the settlement curve (Figure 2.16(a)) (Robinson, 2003). It can be seen from Figure 2.13 that some settlement curves do not exhibit the inflection point, thus the end of primary consolidation cannot be predicted based on Cassagrande’s method. According to Robinson (2003), the data from Figure 2.16(a) and 2.16(b) can be plotted as degree of consolidation 52 measured from the dissipation of excess pore water pressure versus total compression of the soil in Figure 2.17(a)-(f). Figure 2.16: (a) Compression-time curves, and (b) Degree of consolidation-time from the measured excess pore water pressure dissipation curves for peat (Robinson, 2003) 53 Figure 2.17: Degree of consolidation from the excess pore water pressure dissipation curves plotted against compression for several consolidation data for peat (Robinson, 2003) 54 Figure 2.17 (a) to (f) show similar trend in which the curve deviate from a straight line at a certain degree of consolidation. The point where the curve diverges from linearity is identified as the beginning of secondary compression. The compression corresponding to the point where the straight line meets the U = 100 % axis is the total primary consolidation settlement (δp), while the compression below the extrapolated line is the secondary compression (δs). Thus, using this procedure, it is possible to separate the primary consolidation settlement and secondary compression from time-compression data obtained from the laboratory onedimensional consolidation test. Figure 2.18 (a) and (b) show the total and primary consolidation settlement after the removal of secondary compression respectively. A clear S or Type I curve is obtained which is the shape expected if only the primary consolidation is considered (Figure 2.18 (b)). The secondary compression-time relationship is commonly represented by a logarithmic function. Instead of using the consolidation curve derived directly from the test results, the evaluation of the coefficient of consolidation of peat soil should be based on the primary consolidation versus logarithmic of time curve (Figure 2.18(b)). For Robinson’s method, as long as the secondary compression varies linearly with logarithmic of time, the time-secondary compression relationship is satisfactorily represented by the coefficient of secondary compression. The plot can be obtained by subtracting the primary consolidation from total settlement. Note that zero secondary settlement was obtained at t equal to to, where to is the beginning of secondary compression. Figure 2.19 shows the plot of the secondary compression (δs) against their corresponding time (t-to). The coefficient of secondary compression of soil (cα) is the slope of the line shown in Figure 2.19. 55 Figure 2.18: (a) Total settlement-time curves for peat and (b) Primary settlement- time curve after removing the secondary compression (Robinson, 2003) 0.02 Secondary compression, δ s (mm) 56 δs = 0.105 (t - t o ) R2 = 0.805 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 1 2 3 Log time (t - t o ) (t and t o are in minutes) Figure 2.19: Secondary compression versus logarithmic of time curve for evaluation of coefficient of secondary compression (Robinson, 2003) 2.5.2 The e-log p’ Curve As mentioned previously, the void ratio (e) at the end of each increment period is plotted against the corresponding load increment (e-log p’ curve) to obtain the pre-consolidation pressure (σ’c), the compression index (cc), and to calculate the magnitude of the settlement. The parameters are required for the evaluation of the primary consolidation and to obtain the cα/cc values for evaluation of secondary compression. The procedures for obtaining these parameters are described in Section 2.2.2. Fox (2003) stated that the standard procedure for consolidation test specified the load increment ratio (LIR) of one and each load is maintained for 24 hour. For some soils, especially peat, the end of primary consolidation can be reached at time much less than 24 hour. Thus, the estimation of the compression index (cc) based on consolidation test conducted on fibrous peat in which the primary consolidation occurs rapidly may not be accurate (Figure 2.20). Some creep or secondary compression took place before the application of the subsequent pressure. 57 Figure 2.20: Typical laboratory consolidation curve (Fox, 2003) For this reason, measurement of excess pore water pressure during the consolidation test is very critical in the observation of the end of primary consolidation. Some corrections on the e-log p’ plot should be made if the load increment is not added at the completion of excess pore water dissipation. The void ratio obtained from each load after 24 hour is plotted as open points in Figure 2.20. The end of consolidation can be determined from the curve by graphical procedures such as the Cassagrande logarithmic of time or Taylor square root of time methods. Then difference between the void ratio at the end of primary consolidation (eop) and the void ratio at 24 hour was used as correction factor applied to the original e-log p’ curve. The modified curve is plotted as solid line in Figure 2.20 The separation of secondary compression from the primary consolidation is also suggested by Robinson (2003) for the evaluation of the time-compression curve and time- excess pore water pressure curves. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter describes the research methodology adopted in this investigation. Section 3.2 explains the sampling procedure conducted in this research, while Section 3.3 describes the preliminary test carried out in this study to obtain the index properties and soil classification. Section 3.4 and 3.5 give details on the equipment and the procedure of large strain consolidation, and data analysis. The overall process of the study is presented in flow chart given in Figure 3.1. Critical literature review was done in this study to provide rationale of the research and to gather sufficient information on consolidation behavior of fibrous peat. The background of the study was used to develop the hypothesis adopted for this research i.e. the compressibility characteristics of fibrous peat can be analyzed based on time-compression curve derived from the test results. The sampling of the peat was carried out at Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore. Physical and chemical properties such as natural moisture content, specific gravity, initial void ratio, unit weight, and acidity were determined to establish the basic characteristics of the soil. The soil was classified based on von Post or degree of humification, fiber content, organic content, and ash content. The Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) was performed to evaluate the structural arrangement of 59 Literature Review Problem Identification Index Properties Sampling of Peat, Preparation of Material and Equipment Fabric by SEM Classification Preliminary Test and Identification of Peat Type Shear Strength Consolidation Test Standard Consolidation Test (Oedometer) Results & Analysis by Cassagrande’s method Published data Comparisons Comparisons - Effect of Fabric and Structural Arrangement - Settlement Estimation Compressibility Characteristics Conclusion Figure 3.1: Flow chart of the study Permeability (Constant Head) Large Strain Consolidation Test (Rowe Cell) Results Data Analysis by Robinson’s (2003) method 60 the fiber in soil mass. Engineering characteristics evaluated in this research include permeability, strength, and compressibility. Permeability test was also conducted to study the effect of fiber content and structural arrangement peat in the consolidation behavior of fibrous peat. The focus of the research is to evaluate the compressibility characteristics of fibrous peat analyzed based on data obtained from large strain consolidometer test on Rowe cell. Analysis of data includes the time-compression curve based on Robinson (2003) method, analysis of consolidation curve, and settlement analysis. Comparison was made between the results of consolidation test using Oedometer and Rowe cell. The test results were also compared with published data. All the laboratory test procedures are based on the manual of soil laboratory testing (Head, 1981, 1982, 1986) in accordance with the British (BS) and U.S. (ASTM) Standards. 3.2 Sampling of Peat Block sampling method was used in this study to obtain the samples of the fibrous peat from Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore. The method was selected because it is the best method for obtaining the most representative sample of peat at shallow depth. At the time of sampling, the groundwater table was found at depth of less then 1 m. Thus, the block sampling method was used to acquire the sample at a depth below ground water surface or between 1 to 2 m. The soil was excavated to a depth of 1 m and then a tube of 300 mm-diameter and 300 mm high was pushed slowly into the soil. The surroundings of the sampler was excavated so that samples could be then cut at the base and a thin wooden plate was inserted at the bottom of the sample to cover the bottom of the sample before taking it to the surface. The quality of samples was maintained by ensuring the sharpness of the edge of the tube and knife used to cut the sample (Figure 3.2a). The top and bottom of the sample were covered by wax and wooden plate before they 61 were transported to the laboratory. The detailed procedures for obtaining the samples are described in Appendix A. Eighteen block samples were obtained from six different points, at least 2 meter apart, in one location. Each sample was transported in a well-cushioned wooden box and was kept in the laboratory under constant temperature (air conditioned room). All tests involved in this study were done within six months after the sampling process in order to minimize the effect of biodegradation. In order to estimate the initial permeability of the soil and to obtain more accurate estimation of water content, six samples were retrieved using piston sampler of diameter 105 mm and length 450 mm (Figure 3.2b). In this case, three samples were obtained by pushing the piston in vertical direction and the other three were obtained by pushing the piston in horizontal direction. The samples were used for the determination of the natural water content and the initial permeability of the peat using the constant head permeameter. (a) (b) Figure 3.2: Sampling methods (a) block sample, (b) piston sample 62 3.3 Preliminary Tests Preliminary laboratory test was conducted to identify the soil and to compare the results to published data especially on Malaysia’s peat. The tests included the determination physical and chemical properties of the soil and soil classification. The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was used to observe the fiber orientation of fibrous peat. Other tests include the shear strengths, permeability, and the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell. 3.3.1 Physical and Chemical Properties Several fundamental tests were carried out to obtain physical and chemical properties of peat. The natural moisture content was done following BS 1377-2 while the determination of the specific gravity (Gs) of peat soil was made using kerosene following BS 1377-2. The initial void ratio (eo) can be calculated based on the results from natural moisture content and specific gravity. As for unit weight (γ, kN/m3), the value is calculated based on the natural moisture content, specific gravity, and initial void ratio. Furthermore, the acidity of the peat was determined by pH meter following BS 1377-3. Each test was conducted for at least six samples. 3.3.2 Classification The peat soils were classified based on von Post degree of decomposition, sieve analysis (BS 1377-2), fiber content (ASTM D1997-91), organic content, and ash content (BS 1377-3). The classification based on the degree of decomposition was proposed in which the degree of decomposition was grouped into H1 to H10 (Table 2.3 in Chapter 2). The sieve analysis was done to determine the fine contents of the soil. The fiber content was determined from dry weight of fibers retained on sieve no.100 sieve (more than 0.15 mm opening size) as a percentage of oven-dried mass while the organic content and ash content were determined from the loss of 63 ignition test whereby the oven dried mass of soil is further heated in muffle furnace at 440oC for 4 hours. Six samples were used for each test for soil classification. 3.3.3 Fiber Content and Fiber Orientation The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was used to observe the fiber orientation in of the fibrous peat. The test follows the standard procedure outlined in ASTM F 1392-93 and the standard procedures of G34-SUPRA 35 VP en 01 Carl Zeisss SMT-Nano Technology System Division. The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is an instrument that is routinely used for the production of strongly enlarged images of a specimen. The maximum achievable magnification of the SEM is 500.000 x which use a combination of XRay and micro analysis. The SEM is a simple tool with minimal specimen preparation. Figure 3.3 shows the equipment used for SEM of the fibrous peat. The equipment, test procedures, and the results are described in Appendix C. Figure 3.3: The equipment for the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 64 In order to study the fiber of the fibrous peat samples, the Scanning Electron Microphotographs analysis were performed before and after the consolidation test. The samples were cut in vertical and horizontal directions to enable the observation of the rearrangement of the fiber forming peat at initial state and under consolidation pressure, at three magnifications of 50, 200, and 400. The samples were prepared by the drying technique. 3.3.4 Shear Strength The assessment of in-situ shear strength of peat in this research was made by 65 mm diameter and 130 mm height field vane at depths of 1 and 2 m following standard procedure BS1377-9 (Figure 3.4a). The test was done in each points of sampling, thus six tests were done in each depth. The smallest size vane available in the laboratory was selected in order to minimize the effect of fiber to the measured shear strength. Rotational speed of 0.1deg/sec is used in the test. Shear box test following standard procedure BS 1377-7 (Figure 3.4b) using normal stress of 8, 16, and 22 kPa were done on twelve samples of the fibrous peat to obtained the drained shear strength. Determination of normal stresses used for the test is based on the estimation of overburden pressure on the soil at depth of 1 and 2 m. (a) (b) Figure 3.4: Shear strength tests (a) Vane shear test carried out at site (b) Shear box apparatus 65 3.3.5 Permeability Since the peat soil can be as porous as sand, the constant head permeability test was chosen to evaluate the initial permeability of the soil (Figure 3.5). The constant head permeability test was done on sample obtained vertically and horizontally using piston sampler (Figure 3.6a and 3.6b). The tests were performed on three undisturbed vertical soil samples and three undisturbed horizontal soil samples. The tests are done following standard procedures of ASTM D2434 using a mould with 105.4 mm internal diameter and a height of 121.2 mm. The initial permeability of the soil was computed on the basis of the amount water that passes through the soil sample. The time for the water volume collected in a beaker from an immersion tank with overflow was required for the computation of the rate of the permeability of the soil. Figure 3.5: Constant Head permeability test 66 (a) (b) Figure 3.6: Piston sampler (a) pushed in vertical direction (b) pushed in horizontal direction 3.3.6 Standard Consolidation Tests The standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell was conducted as preliminary tests to estimate the consolidation behavior of the fibrous peat samples. The tests are carried out based on the standard procedure outlined in BS 1377-5. The Oedometer cell is 50 mm in diameter and 20 mm in height (Figure3.7). Since the sample was taken from shallow depth (1 to 2 m), and subsequently the in-situ stress is very low, then the consolidation test started at a very low pressure. The test is conducted with load increment ratio (LIR) of one, and applied loads were 25 kPa, 50 kPa, 100 kPa, 200 kPa, and 400 kPa. Each load was maintained for two weeks or 20,000 minutes for loading stages during the first tests, but was modified to one week or 10,000 minutes upon determination of the end of primary consolidation (tp) and secondary compression (ts) of the soil. The standard consolidation test was conducted on twelve samples. 67 (a) (b) Figure 3.7: Standard consolidation test (a) Oedometer cell (b) Assembly of all components of Oedometer test 3.4 Large Strain Consolidation Test (Rowe Cell) Large strain consolidation tests were performed using Rowe consolidation cell (Figure 3.8) with internal diameter of 151.4 mm and height of 50 mm. The test was done on six samples of fibrous peat with load increment (LIR) of one. Each sample was subjected to large strain consolidation pressures of 25, 50, 100, and 200 kPa. This range of pressure was determined based on the results of the standard consolidation test. Figure 3.8: Rowe consolidation cell 68 The test was performed with two-way vertical drainage. The designation of the large strain consolidation test with vertical drainage (two-way) is shown in Figure 2.12d. A porous drainage disc is placed under the sample, and is connected to the same back pressure system as the top drainage line for the consolidation stages. In this type of test, drainage takes place vertically upwards and downwards while pore pressure is measured at the center of the base. Two types of measuring devices were used in the Rowe Consolidation test for data measurement. These measuring devices were linear variable displacement transducer (LVDT) and pressure transducer. A 50 mm LVDT with an accuracy of 0.001 mm was used to measure vertical displacement of the soil sample in the Rowe consolidation test (Figure 3.9). Four 1500 kPa pressure transducer with accuracy of 0.1kPa (Figure 3.10) were used to measure back pressure, diaphragm pressure, and pore pressure from the top and the bottom of the specimen. All tubing connected to back pressure, diaphragm pressure, and pore pressure must be saturated prior to testing to ensure accurate pressure readings. Figure 3.9: 50 mm Linear Variable Displacement Transducer (LVDT) Figure 3.10: 1500 kPa pressure transducer 69 A serial pad 1 (advanced data logger system) was used to systematically read and store the measurement data for a certain time interval. The serial pad 1 used for the Rowe consolidation test has eight channels i.e. back pressure, diaphragm pressure, volume change, pore pressure 1, pore pressure 2, and the displacement which should be attached to the serial pad 1 when the Rowe consolidation test was running. All data were read and stored by a personal computer which use GDSLAB v 2.0.6 program to control the testing data saving progress from the serial pad 1. Figure 3.11 and Figure 3.12 show the main page for the GDSLAB v 2.0.6 program and the serial pad 1, while Figure 3.13 shows the schematic arrangement of control system for the Rowe consolidation test. The procedure for measurement using GDSLAB v. 2.0.6 is provided in GDSLAB v2 Handbook (GDS Instruments Ltd, 2003). Figure 3.11: Main page of the GDSLAB v 2.0.6 program for collecting data system 70 Figure 3.12: Serial pad 1 Volume change Back pressure Pore pressure 1 CH 1 Diaphragm pressure Pore pressure 2 Rowe consolidation test CH 2 CH 3 CH 5 CH 6 CH 7 Serial Pad 1 Program / data recorder Computer timer Printer / plotter Input channels to serial pad 1 unit: CH 1 from pore pressure 1 CH 2 from axial displacement CH 3 from pore pressure 2 CH 5 from volume change CH 6 from diaphragm pressure CH 7 from back pressure Figure 3.13: Schematic arrangement of control system for the Rowe consolidation tests 71 3.4.1 Calibration Calibration is a vital factor in the use of instruments, and need to be carried out from time to time in order to maintain a high standard of accuracy of test results. Many instruments are issued with a manufacturer’s calibration certificate which states the reading obtained at each of series of intervals of the characteristic being measured. These values can be used as the basis of a calibration curve. However, the performance of many instruments changes over a period of time, and can vary with changes of temperature and other environmental conditions. Therefore it is good laboratory practice to calibrate instruments regularly, and to ensure that the latest calibration data are readily available for references when test are being carried out and results analyzed. Measurement instrument also need to calibrate with the GDSLAB v 2.0.6 program to get the accurate data when using serial pad 1. The calibration of instruments includes the linear displacement transducer (LVDT) and pressure transducer. For the linear displacement transducer (LVDT) calibration, total displacement was measured by a caliper. After the maximum displacement were inserted, “zero” button is clicked at the control part when releasing the LVDT to normal. When the LVDT was pushed to the maximum value, the “gain” button was clicked to let the GDSLAB v 2.0.6 program read the maximum displacement for the LVDT. The whole LVDT calibration processes were show in the Figure 3.14. 1. Use the caliper to measure the maximum displacement for the LVDT 2. LVDT release to the normal position and click the “zero” button in the channel configuration 3. LVDT is push to the maximum value and click the ”gain” button on the channel configuration Figure 3.14: Linear Displacement Transducer (LVDT) calibration process 72 Pressure transducer calibration was done on the back pressure, the diaphragm pressure, volume change, and the pore pressure transducer. The 1500 kPa pressure transducer used for testing was calibrated by the pressuring panel in the laboratory. Maximum pressure can be measured by the pressure transducer was inserted in the channel calibration program of GDSLAB v 2.0.6 “zero” button was clicked when no pressure applied to the pressure transducer. When the maximum pressure of 1500 kPa was applied to the pressure transducer, ”gain” button was clicked to let the GDSLAB v 2.0.6 read the maximum pressure value. Beside the calibration of each measuring device, it is essential to do system calibration of the equipment because the accuracy of the Rowe consolidation test was based on the compression and the load pressure measurement. Frictional error between the specimen ring and the load platen could be generated when running the Rowe consolidation test although the silicon grease was applied to the internal surface of the specimen ring. The setting up for the compression calibration was similar to the setting up for Rowe consolidation test except the soil specimen inside the ring was changed to the uncompressible solid steel within the range up to 10 kPa. The loading frame was then started and the load and displacement were recorded by transducers with serial pad 1. The load calibration was continued until the maximum load of the load cell was achieved. All data was analyzed by the Microsoft Excel and loading calibration curve was generated. Correction on the testing data should be done to the displacement for Rowe consolidation test. The sample procedures for calibration of the pore pressure transducer are shown as follows: 1. The properties of transducer objects may be accessed by the clicking on the relevant icon (Figure 3.15). From here the user may perform a read of the transducer. The transducer channel and hardware connectivity are set in the hardware configuration file and cannot be altered at this level of the program. Physical connections may only be adjusted within the visual planner. 73 Figure 3.15: The transducer object 2. To ensure the transducer reading is correct, a number of compulsory values must be entered in the ”Advanced” tab for the transducer as below (Figure 3.16): Figure 3.16: The advanced tab for the transducer 74 3. Transducer calibrations must be entered for each transducer from the calibration details tab (Figure 3.17 (a) and (b)). The minimum compulsory value is to enter the sensitivity value for the transducer. This will be in units of engineering units/returned units i.e. for a load cell the sensitivity is commonly in units of kN/mV. The transducer may also be calibrated from scratch by pressing the ReCalibrate button and following the on screen wizard instructions. When a transducer has been configured the transducer name, serial number, and the last calibrated data should be entered. (a) (b) Figure 3.17: The transducer calibrations (a) The calibration detail tab (b) The results of transducer calibrations The complete calibration data of instrument and equipment such as pore pressure, axial displacement, volume change, diaphragm pressure, and back pressure done in this study is given in Appendix G. 75 3.4.2 Cell Assembly and Connections Equipment & accessories needed for the large strain consolidation test are as follows: 1. Rowe cell (diameter 150 mm). 2. Sintered bronze porous disc 3 mm thick with typical permeability 4 x 10-4 m/s (the porous metal disc should be boiled after every test and carefully inspected in order to prevent a gradual build-up of fine particles). 3. Dial gauge for measuring vertical settlement. 4. Spare porous insert for measuring excess pore water pressure. 5. Spare O Ring base seal. 6. Spare diaphragm. 7. Flange sealing ring. 8. Data acquisition system for measurement of a. Diaphragm pressure. b. Back pressure. c. Excess pore water pressure. d. Vertical settlement. e. Volume of water draining out. f. Time. 9. Consumables: Silicone grease The arrangement of the Rowe cell and connections are described in the following steps: 1. After covering the base with a film of water, place a saturated porous disc of sintered bronze on the cell base without entrapping any air. 2. Fit the cutting rings containing soil sample on top of the Rowe cell body (Figure 3.18). Place the sample into the Rowe cell body by slowly and steadily pushing the soil sample vertically downwards using a porous disc (Figure 3.19). 76 Figure 3.18: Cutting rings containing soil sample are fitted on top of the Rowe cell Figure 3.19: A porous disc is used to slowly and steadily push the soil sample vertically downward into the Rowe cell body 3. Flood the space at the top of the cell above the sample with de-aired water. 4. Place a saturated drainage disc through the water onto the sample by lowering into position using the lifting handle. Avoid trapping air under the plate. Ensure that there is a uniform clearance all round between the disc or discs and the cell wall. 5. Connect a tube to valve F and immerse the other end in a beaker containing deaired water. The tube should be completely filled with de-aired water making sure that there are no entrapped air bubbles. 77 6. Support the cell top at three points so that it is level, and with more than enough clearance underneath for the settlement spindle attached to the diaphragm to be fully extended downwards. The cell top should be supported near its edge so that the flange of the diaphragm is not restrained. Fill the diaphragm with water using rubber tubing about one-third the volume. The way de-aired water is filled into the diaphragm can be diagrammatically observed in Figure 3.20 and realistically observed in Figure 3.21. Open valve C. Figure 3.20: Schematic diagram of filling of de-aired water into the diaphragm (Head, 1986) Figure 3.21: Realistic view of filling of de-aired water into the diaphragm 7. Place three or four spacer blocks, about 30 mm high, on the periphery of the cell body flange. Lift the cell top, keeping it level, and lower it onto the spacers, allowing the diaphragm to enter the cell body. Bring the bolt holes in the cell top into alignment with those in the body flange. 78 8. Use rubber tube to add more water to the inside of the diaphragm so that the weight of water brings the diaphragm down and its periphery is supported by the cell body. Check that the cell body is completely filled with water. The whole of the extending portion of the diaphragm should be inside the cell body, and the diaphragm flange should lie perfectly flat on the cell body flange. 9. Hold the cell top while the supporting blocks are removed, then carefully lower it to seat onto the diaphragm flange without entrapping air or causing ruckling or pinching (Figure 3.22). Align the bolt holes. When correctly seated, the gap between top and body should be uniform all round and equal to a diaphragm thickness. Open valve F to permit escape of excess water from under the diaphragm. Figure 3.22: Diaphragm inserted into Rowe cell body (Head, 1986) 10. Tighten the bolts systematically (Figure 3.23). Ensure that the diaphragm remains properly seated, and that the gap between the metal ranges remains constant all round the perimeter. 79 Figure 3.23: Diaphragm is correctly seated (Head, 1986) 11. Open valve D, and press the settlement stem steadily downwards until the diaphragm is firmly bedded on top of the plate covering the sample. Close valve D when no more water emerges. 12. Connect valve C to a header tank of distilled water having a free surface about 1.5 m above the sample. 13. Completely fill the space above the diaphragm with water through valve C with bleed screw E opened. Tilt the cell so that the last pocket of air can be displaced through E. Maintain the supply of water at C when subsequently replacing the bleed screw. 14. Maintain pressure at C, and as the diaphragm expands allow the remaining surplus water from above the sample to emerge through valve F. Open valve D for a moment to allow the escape of any further water from immediately beneath the diaphragm. Escape of water from F due to diaphragm expansion may take some considerable time because of the barrier formed by the folds of the diaphragm pressing against the cell wall. 15. Close valve F when it is evident that the diaphragm has fully extended. Observe the excess pore water pressure at the base of the sample, and when it has reached a constant value record it as the initial excess pore water pressure, uo. This corresponds to the initial pressure po under the head of water connected to C. If 80 the height from the top of the sample to the level of water in the header tank is h mm, then: po = h x 9.81 h = kPa 1000 102 (3.1) 16. Maintain the pressure at C. 17. Connect the lead from the back pressure system to valve D without entrapping any air. Open valve F for a while to let out the bubble from back pressure line. 3.4.3 Consolidation Test The final arrangement of Rowe cell for two-way vertical drainage is diagrammatically shown in Figure 3.24. The test is described under the following stages: Preliminaries; Saturation; Loading; Consolidation; Further load increments; Unloading; Conclusion; and Measurements and Removal of the sample. Figure 3.24: Arrangement of Rowe cell for consolidation test with two-way vertical drainage (Head, 1986) 81 Preliminaries 1. Close valve B to isolate the pore pressure transducer from the flushing system throughout the test. 2. Set the vertical movement dial gauge at a convenient initial reading near the upper limit of its travel, but allow for some upward movement if saturation is to be applied. 3. Record the reading as the zero (datum) value under the seating pressure po. 4. Set the back pressure to the required initial value, with valve D closed. The back pressure should be greater than the initial pore pressure (uo) but it should be 10 kPa less than the first increment of cell pressure (Head, 1986). 5. Record the initial reading of the volume gauge when steady. Saturation Saturation by the application of increments of back pressure is desirable for undisturbed samples taken from above water table. For this type of test, application of 10 kPa back pressure is used. Saturation is generally accepted completely when the value of the pore pressure parameter B reaches about 0.96 (Head, 1986). Loading Stage 1. With the drainage lines valve A and valve D closed and valve C open, increase the diaphragm pressure steadily to the first increment. Open valve A valve D when set. First increment of diaphragm pressure is taken as 25 kPa for this type of test. 2. Open valve F to allow excess water to escape from behind the diaphragm for a short time just to allow excess water from the top of the sample. 3. Wait until the pore pressure reaches a steady value equal to diaphragm pressure. If the sample is virtually saturated the increase in pore pressure should almost equal the pressure increment applied to the sample. 4. Record any settlement indicated by the dial gauge before starting consolidation. 82 Consolidation Stage Consolidation is started by opening the drainage outlets (valve A and valve D in Figure 3.25) and at the same instant starting the clock. Read the following data: a. Vertical settlement. b. Excess pore water pressure. c. Volume change on back pressure line. d. Diaphragm pressure (check) The primary consolidation phase is completed when the pore pressure has fallen to the value of the back pressure. Wait for secondary compression to take place. Further Load Increments 1. Increase the diaphragm pressure to give the next value of effective stress. Allow excess water to drain from behind the diaphragm (valve F) if necessary. 2. The pore pressure should then be allowed to reach equilibrium before proceedings to the next consolidation stage. 3. Repeat the above steps for 50 kPa, 100 kPa, and 200 kPa consolidation pressures. Unloading Unloading is needed to evaluate the effect of surcharge on the compressibility characteristics of peat. In this case, the sample was loaded to the pre-consolidation pressure (estimated based on standard consolidation test data, 30 kPa) and loaded to 100 kPa. At the end of consolidation test under 100 kPa, the soil was unloaded back to 30 kPa. For unloading stage, diaphragm pressure is reduced with valve D closed. It should be followed by swelling stage with valve D open, during which upward movement, volume increase, and pore-pressure readings are taken in the same way as consolidation process. The pore-pressure should be allowed to reach equilibrium at 83 the end of each stage before proceeding to the next stage of loading. The following stage of loading in this case is 100 kPa and 150 kPa. Conclusion of Test 1. Reduce the pressure to the initial seating pressure, po. 2. When equilibrium has been achieved, record the final settlement, volume change and pore pressure readings. 3. Close valve A and open valves C, D and F, allowing surplus water to escape. Unbolt and remove the cell top and place it on the bench supports. Measurement and Removal of Sample 1. Remove the porous disc to expose the sample surface. Measure the diameter and height of the sample. 2. Remove the cell body from the base and remove the sample intact from the cell. Split the sample in two along a diameter. 3. Take two or more representative sample from one half of the sample for moisture content measurements. 4. Allow the other half to air-dry to reveal the fabric and any preferential drainage paths, which may have affected the test behavior. 5. Allow at least 4 hour before taking picture of the sample. The cell components should be cleaned and dried before putting away, giving careful attention to the sealing ring at the base. Porous bronze and ceramic discs and inserts should be boiled and brushed; used porous plastic should be discarded. Connecting ports and valves should be washed out to remove any soil particles. Any corrosion growth on exposed metal surfaces should be scraped off, and the surface made smooth and lightly oiled. 84 3.4.4 Consolidation Test with Horizontal Drainage In addition to consolidation test with two-way vertical drainage, the tests were also carried out with horizontal drainage to periphery in order to evaluate the effect of fabric arrangement on the consolidation behavior of the peat. Three samples were tested using this arrangement. The arrangement of Rowe Cell for consolidation test with horizontal outward drainage is shown in Figure 3.25 with equal strain loading. The designation of the large strain consolidation test with horizontal drainage to periphery is shown in Figure 2.12(f). Linear displacement transducer Rigid steel disc Figure 3.25: Arrangement of Rowe cell for consolidation test with horizontal drainage to periphery; pore pressure measurement from centre of base of sample (Head, 1986) 85 The test is described under the following stages: (A) General Preparation, (B) Fitting Peripheral Drain, and (C) Preparation of Sample. A. General Preparation The cell base is made ready and the ceramic insert, which is situated at the centre, is prepared for measuring excess pore water pressure. The transducer block, with valve B and the connection to the pore pressure panel, is fitted on to valve A. Since only one back pressure system is available, the back pressure system with volume change gauge is connected to valve F for periphery. The port connecting to ceramic inserts at the centre should be de-aired. The connection to valve D is not used. The undisturbed sample is prepared and set up in the Rowe cell. B. Fitting Peripheral Drain 1. Cut a strip of the plastic material of width equal to the depth of the cell body, and about 20 mm longer than its internal circumference. Cut the ends square using a sharp blade and metal straight-edge. 2. Fit the plastic tightly against the wall of the cell body. Mark the end of the overlap with a sharp pencil (Figure 3.26). Figure 3.26: Fitting porous plastic liner in Rowe cell: (a) Initial fitting and marking, (b) Locating line of cut, (c) Final fitting (Head, 1986) 86 3. Lay the plastic material on a flat surface and mark another line exactly parallel to the first (i.e. square to the edges) at the following distance outside it (denoted by x in Figure 3.26): for the 151.4 mm diameter Rowe cell: 3 mm. 4. Make a clean square cut on this line. 5. Fit the plastic in the cell body again, smooth face inwards, and trimmed ends butting. Allow the additional length to be taken up in the form of a loop opposite the joint (Figure 3.26). 6. Push the loop outwards and the plastic material will spring against the wall of the cell. Check that it fits tightly, with no gaps. 7. Immediately before inserting the sample, remove the porous plastic for saturating and de-airing in boiling water, then replace it in the cell. The inside face of porous plastic must not be greased, because grease will prevent drainage. Peripheral drain fitted into the Rowe cell body is shown in Figure 3.27. Figure 3.27: Peripheral drain fitted into the Rowe cell body C. Preparation of Sample With exception of periphery drain and central drain installations, the procedure of preparing, and setting up the sample in the cell for radial drainage to periphery and to centre is the same as that of vertical drainage (two-way). 87 1. For ‘equal strain’ test, an impermeable steel disc is placed through the water on to the soil sample, without entrapping air. 2. Fit and assemble the cell top to the body as described by the procedure for vertical drainage (two-way). Details differ from the arrangement for two-way vertical consolidation test in the following ways: 1. The sample is surrounded by a drainage layer of porous plastic material. 2. The top surface of the sample is covered by an impermeable steel disc. 3. A back pressure system with volume gauge is connected to the rim drain at the top of the cell. 4. Excess pore water pressure is measured at the base of the sample from the centre. The pore pressure transducer housing block is connected to valve A which replaces the blanking plug at that cell outlet (Figure 3.25). 5. The top drainage line is not used. In this case, the thickness of horizontal consolidating layer is taken as half of the diameter of the soil sample that is 74.2 mm. With equal strain loading and sample saturation by applying back pressure, the diaphragm pressure line is the same as used for the one-way vertical consolidation test. With exception of periphery vyon porous plastic drain and installation, sample preparation is the same as that of one-way vertical consolidation test. 3.4.5 Permeability Test Permeability measurements were carried out on a sample in a Rowe cell with laminar flow of water in the vertical direction (downwards). The arrangement of the Rowe cell for the permeability test with vertical drainage is shown in Figure 3.28 while the designation of the permeability test with vertical flow of water downwards is shown in Figure 3.29. 88 for downward flow (shown)…p1 > p2 flow to open burette Figure 3.28: Arrangement of Rowe cell for permeability test with downwards vertical flow (Head, 1986) Diaphragm pressure flow to open burette Figure 3.29: Downward vertical flow condition for permeability test in Rowe cell (Head, 1986) Two independently controlled constant-pressure systems are required for the permeability test. One system is connected to valve C (Figure 3.26) to provide pressure on the diaphragm. One back pressure system is connected to valve D, and valve A is connected to an open burette. Valve F remains closed during permeability test. The difference between the inlet and outlet pressures should be appropriate to the vertical permeability of the soil, and should be determined by trial and error until a reasonable rate of flow is obtained. The pressures are adjusted to give downward flow. 89 Permeability tests are carried out in Rowe consolidation cell under ‘equal strain’ conditions of known effective stress, with downward flow of water. The arrangement of the cell and ancillary equipment is shown in Figure 3.28. Three independent constant pressure systems are required, one for applying the vertical stress, the other two on inlet and outlet flow lines but since, only two independent constant pressure systems are available, valve A at the base of the Rowe cell is connected to an open burette. Since saturation by incremental back pressure is to be carried out initially, the pore pressure transducer housing should be connected to valve A. During the saturation stage, valve A should remain closed and water admitted to the sample through valve D as usual. Since only two constant pressure systems are available, the outlet from the sample is connected to an open burette via valve A whereas; the inlet to the sample is connected to a back pressure system via valve D. That means the direction of flow of water in the sample upon consolidation is downwards. The arrangement shown in Figure 3.29 allows water to flow vertically through the sample under the application of a differential pressure between the base and top, while the sample is subjected to a vertical stress from the diaphragm pressure as in a consolidation test. Since the flow is to an open burette, the outlet pressure is zero if the free water surface in the burette is maintained at the same level as the sample face from which the water emerges. The sample is first consolidated to the required effective stress by the application of diaphragm loading. Consolidation should be virtually completed, i.e. the excess pore pressure should be at least 95 % dissipated before starting a permeability test. The procedure for permeability test using Rowe cell is as follows: 1. The test is first carried out by adjusting the pressure difference across the sample to provide a reasonable rate of flow through it. The hydraulic gradient required to induce flow should be ascertained by trial, starting with equal pressures on the inlet and outlet lines and progressively increasing the inlet pressure, which must 90 never exceed the diaphragm pressure. Since only one back pressure system is used, the outlet drainage is connected to an open burette as shown in Figure 3.30. Figure 3.30: Arrangement for vertical permeability test using one back pressure system for downward flow (Head, 1986) 2. When a steady rate of flow has been established, measure the time required for a given volume to pass through. The volume of water is measured from an open burette incorporated in the outlet of the soil sample via valve A. 3. Calculate the cumulative flow, Q (ml) up to the time of each reading, and plot a graph of Q against time, t (minutes), as the test proceeds. Continue the test until it can be seen that a steady rate of flow is reached, i.e. the graph is linear. 4. From the linear part of the graph, measure the slope to calculate the rate of flow, q (ml/minute); i.e. q = δQ / δt (ml/minute). 5. Since the rate of flow is relatively small, the effect of head losses in the pipelines and connections can be neglected and the pressure difference across the soil sample is equal to p1-p2 = ∆p where, p2 = 0 since the free water surface in the burette is maintained at the same level as the sample face from which the water emerges. The vertical coefficient of permeability is calculated from the following equation: kv = qv qv H qv H = = 60 A i 60 A x102 ∆p 6120 A ∆p (3.2) 91 where qv = rate of vertical flow (ml/minute), t = time in minutes, A = area of sample = 2πrH (mm2), i = hydraulic gradient = (102 p1-h)/H, ∆p = pressure difference (kPa) = p1-p2, H = height of sample (mm), p1 = inlet pressure (kPa), p2 = outlet pressure (kPa) = (9.81h)/1000, h = head loss due to the height of water in the burette, and kv = vertical coefficient of permeability (m/s). 3.4.6 Permeability Test for Horizontal Drainage The arrangement of Rowe cell for permeability test with horizontal outward drainage is shown in Figure 3.31. The designation of large strain permeability test with horizontal outward drainage is shown in is shown in Figure 2.12(f). Linear displacement flow to open Outflow, Inflow, p1 Rigid steel Back pressure for horizontal flow (shown)…p1 Figure 3.31: Arrangement of Rowe cell for permeability test with horizontal outward drainage (Head, 1986) 92 Permeability test on Rowe cell with horizontal outward drainage was carried out according to the following steps: 1. The pressure difference across the sample is adjusted to give a reasonable rate of flow by progressively increasing the inlet pressure without allowing it to reach the diaphragm pressure. 2. Measure the rate of flow, when a steady state has been achieved. 3. Calculate the horizontal permeability from the equation below: kh = qh qh r qh r = = 60 A i 60 A x102 ∆p 6120 A ∆p (3.3) where qh = rate of horizontal flow (ml/minute), r = radius of sample (mm), and kh = horizontal coefficient of permeability (m/s). 3.5 Data Analysis Analysis of the test data was carried out to determine the compressibility parameters of fibrous peat such as pre-consolidation pressure (σ’c), compression index (cc), coefficient of compressibility (av), coefficient of volume compressibility (mv), the beginning of secondary compression (tp), the time of secondary compression (ts), the rate of secondary compression (cα), representative coefficient of rate of consolidation (cv), the coefficient of compressibility (av), the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv), coefficient of permeability (kv). These parameters are obtained or calculated from time compression curve and consolidation curve generated from the test data. 93 3.5.1 Time-Compression Curve The time-compression curves derived from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell were analyzed using Cassagrande (1936) method, while the results of large strain consolidation test were analyzed using method by Robinson (2003). Robinson’s method requires the excess pore water pressure-logarithmic of time plot together with the compression-logarithmic of time plot to develop the compressiondegree of consolidation curve. The coefficient of rate of consolidation (cv) as well as the beginning and end of secondary compression are among the parameters required for the analysis of secondary compression. Furthermore, the secondary compression index (cα) was obtained from the curve. 3.5.2 The e-log p’ Curve Besides the time-compression curve, a graph relating the void ratio at the end of each loading stage with the effective pressure on a linear or logarithmic scale was plotted for a complete set of consolidation test data. Following the standard procedure, the void ratio obtained from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell was not corrected with the secondary compression which may occurred after the completion of excess pore water pressure dissipation. For the results of large strain consolidation test, the e-log p’ curve was plotted for primary consolidation only. In this case, the void ratio is corrected by elimination of the creep occurred after the completion of primary consolidation. The data was obtained from the construction of the time-compression curve using method by Robinson (2003). The e-p’ curve is used to obtain coefficient of axial compressibility av and thus the coefficient of volume compressibility mv, while the e-log p’ is used to obtain compression index, cc and pre-consolidation pressure (σ’c). These data are required for evaluation of the magnitude of primary settlement and to obtain the ratio of cα/cc for calculation of secondary compression. 94 3.5.3 Settlement Analysis A hypothetical problem of an embankment of 2.5 m high constructed over a 5 m thick deposit of fibrous peat (Figure 3.32) was used for the settlement analysis. The properties of fibrous peat deposit are based on the data obtained from the test results. The groundwater table is assumed to coincide with the ground surface. The embankment is constructed of sand fill over a geotextile layer so that uniform settlement can be expected. For the ease of calculation, the unit weight of the sand fill is taken as 20 kN/m3, and the unit weight of water is 10 kN/m3. Calculation of settlement was made based on the data and the timecompression curve derived from Rowe consolidation test. Robinson (2003) method was used to interpret the data obtained from the test and is extended for the calculation of settlement. Calculation of settlement based on cα/cc concept proposed by Cassagrande was made for comparison purposes. For this calculation, Cassagrande’s method was used to analyze the time-compression curve derived from Oedometer test and Rowe consolidation test. 5m Ground Level 2m 3.65 m 3.65 m Proposed Embankment Fibrous Peat 2m 5m 2,5 m 5m Figure 3.32: Hypothetical problem for analysis of settlement CHAPTER 4 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS This chapter reports the results of standard laboratory tests carried out on peat obtained from Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore. The tests were done to identify the general characteristics of the soil including water content, specific gravity, and initial void ratio. Organic content and fiber content are used to determine the classification of the peat. The other properties disscused in this chapter are the fiber orientation, shear strength, initial permeability, and compressibility obtained from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell. 4.1 Physical and Chemical Properties The preliminary identification of the soil was made based on the index properties and classification tests conducted on six samples. Index properties include the determination of water content, specific gravity, bulk unit weight, and the initial void ratio. The summary of index properties is presented in Table 4.1 while the results of each index test are presented in Appendix B. 96 Observation made in the location showed that the peat is categorized as deep peat with thickness of more than 5 m. Groundwater table exists at depth less than 1 m at the time of sampling. Visual identification showed that the peat is dark brown, very soft, and contains a large amount of fiber. Plant structures such as roots are easily recognizable from the soil. Long, slender roots, and rootlets are identified as the remaining of forest vegetation. The texture is coarse and results in large permeability. In-situ measurement of water content was not possible. Thus, sufficient care was taken during the sampling of the peat in order to maintain the natural water content. Three samples were acquired by piston sampler for water content determination in laboratory. The average natural water content obtained from laboratory tests is 608 % which indicates that the peat has a high water-holding capacity. This value is within the range obtained by previous researchers for peat soil in West Malaysia (Table 4.1). Table 4.1: The summary of index properties of peat soil in West Malaysia Parameters Index properties Natural moisture content (%) Specific Gravity (Gs) Bulk unit weight (kN/m3) Dry unit weight (kN/m3) Initial void ratio (eo) Acidity (pH) Results from this study Published data (ranges) 608 200 – 700 Huat (2004) 1.47 1.30 – 1.90 Huat (2004) 10.02 8.30 – 11.50 Huat (2004) 1.40 1.00-1.65 8.92 3 – 15 3.24 3.0 – 4.5 Al-Raziqi et al. (2003) Huat (2004) Muttalib et al. (1991) The average specific gravity obtained using kerosene on pycnometer test is 1.47 and it is within the range for fibrous peat (Table 4.1). The samples were taken below water table; thus it is expected to be in fully saturated condition. As shown in Figure 4.1, for water content of 608 %, specific gravity of about 1.47. The initial void ratio is 8.92 which is within the range given by Huat (2004). The average bulk 97 density obtained from this study is a little bit lower than predicted by Huat (2004). The average unit weight of the peat is 10.02 kN/m3 which give a bulk density of 1.002 Mg/m3 (Figure 4.1). The value is also within the range given in Table 4.1. The dry unit weight of the peat is 1.40 kN/m3 and it is slightly less than predicted by Al-Raziqi et al. (2003) based on the natural water content (Figure 4.2). Present study Figure 4.1: Correlation of bulk density, water content, specific gravity, and degree of saturation of fibrous peat (Hobbs, 1986) 1.80 1.60 3 Dry density (Mg/m) 1.40 Peat in West Malaysian 1.20 1.00 Present study 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Natural water content (%) Figure 4.2: Correlation of dry density and natural water content for West Malaysian peat (Al-Raziqi et al., 2003) 98 From the information indicated above, the unit weight of the peat in this study is close to the unit weight of water; hence in-situ effective stress is very small and the void ratio of the peat is very large. The void ratio also includes the volume of gas generated during decomposition process. The average void ratio for the fibrous peat obtained in Pontian is 8.92 and this is within the range given for West Malaysian peat (3-15) predicted by Huat (2004). Peat in Malaysian Peninsular is known to have low pH value and the acidity tends to decrease with depths. The test results showed that the average pH value of the fibrous peat used in this study is 3.24 which is in the lower side of the range published for Malaysia peat (3.0-4.5) predicted by Muttalib et al. (1991). 4.2 Classification The peat in this study was classified based on the degree of humification (von Post scale) and the organic and the fiber content. The von Post scale is based on the appearance of soil water that is extruded when a sample of the soil is squeezed in the hand. When brown water comes out from the soil and the soil left on the hand has a large amount of fiber, then the peat is classified as fibrous peat with H4 degree of decomposition according to von Post scale. The organic content of the peat is found as 97 % which is quite high but still correlate well with its specific gravity and water content (Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4). The loss of ignition or ash content is 3 %. The fiber content of 90 % is considered very high as compared to published data around the world (Table 4.2) but this is a typical fibrous peat obtained in West coast of Peninsular Malaysia (Muttalib et al., 1991 and Huat, 2004). The average percentage of particle passing from 0.063 mm sieve is 2.37 % which show that the soil contain a large amount of fiber. 99 Present study Figure 4.3: The range of organic content of fibrous peat based on specific gravity (Lechowicz et al., 1996) 120 Organic content (%) 100 Present study 80 60 Peat in West Malaysian 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Natural water content (%) Figure 4.4: The range of organic content of fibrous peat based on water content (AlRaziqi et al., 2003) 100 The summary of the classification tests results are presented in Table 4.2 while the results of each test are presented in Appendix B. Table 4.2: The summary classification test results in West Malaysia peat Parameters Classification 4.3 von Post humification of peat Organic content (%) Ash content (%) Fiber content (%) Results from this study Published data (ranges) von Post (1922) H4 H1- H4 97 more than 90 3 less than 10 90 more than 20 Huat (2004) Huat (2004) Molenkamp (1994) Fiber Orientation Fiber orientation is identified as a dominant factor in the structure of fibrous peat. The presence of the fiber induces the natural soil imperfections or discontinuities such as, fissures, cracks, rootlets, and pockets of organic material which may results in the high permeability of the soil. The application of consolidation pressure may induce a rearrangement of fiber orientation and drastically reduces the void, causing a significant reduction in the vertical permeability. Even though most of the features of anisotropy of the fibrous peat are visible to the naked eye, a more detailed analysis on the microstructure of the fiber and the fiber content can be examined under a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The examination is important because previous researcher have shown that the fiber content appears to be a major compositional factor in determining the way in which peaty soils behave (Dhowian and Edil, 1980). The samples were cut in vertical and horizontal sections to enable the observation of the rearrangement of the fiber due to consolidation pressure. Figure 101 4.5 and 4.6 show the typical fiber orientation obtained by Scanning Electron Microscope for the fibrous peat obtained from Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore, at initial state and under consolidation pressure of 200 kPa. Comparison of the two sets of microphotographs shows obvious structural anisotropy for the fibrous peat in which the fiber is more oriented in the vertical direction. Individual microstructures may have been destroyed by breaking and squeezing during compression under high-stress conditions. This implies that for the fibrous peat, the initial vertical rates of permeability is larger than its respective horizontal rates of permeability but the situation changes remarkably under appreciation of compression. The results of Scanning Electron Microphotograph of fibrous peat samples under various consolidation pressure and sections are given in Appendix C. 4.4 Shear Strength The in-situ shear strength was obtained by field vane on six locations at depth of 1 and 2 m. A small size vane of diameter 65 mm and slow torque (0.1 mm/sec) were selected in order to minimize the effect of fiber in the measured undrained shear strength of peat (cu). The initial undrained shear strength of peat obtained by the field vane shear test is 10.10 kPa which is comparable to the undrained shear strength of peat obtained in Sarawak (Huat, 2004). The peat is identified as very sensitive to disturbance with sensitivity of 5.64, which is also with in the range give by Huat 2004 (2-11). The laboratory evaluation of shear strength was made by shear box test on twelve samples. The shear box test is chosen because it is suitable for evaluating the drained shear strength of fibrous peat, even-though the high friction angle obtained from the test might not be an indication of the real strength of the soil. The results showed an average effective cohesion (c’) of 3.10 kPa, and average effective angle of internal friction (φ’) equal to 25.4o. The cohesion value is slightly lower compared to the published data on peat in West Malaysia (Huat, 2004). The result of the shear box test is shown in Figure 4.7. The detailed results of field vane shear as well as shear box test for each sample are given in Appendix D. 102 (a) (b) Figure 4.5: The Scanning Electron Microphotographs (SEM) of fibrous peat samples at initial state (a) horizontal section x 400, (b) vertical section x 400 (a) (b) Figure 4.6: The Scanning Electron Microphotographs (SEM) of fibrous peat samples under consolidation pressure of 200 kPa (a) horizontal section x 400 (b) vertical section x 400 103 30 Test 1 Test 3 Test 5 Test 7 Test 9 Test 11 Average Shear strength (kPa) 25 20 Test 2 Test 4 Test 6 Test 8 Test 10 Test 12 15 φ’ = 25.42o ± 1.97 10 5 c = 3.10 kPa ± 1.06 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Normal stress (kPa) Figure 4.7: Results of the shear box test 4.5 Initial Permeability The initial permeability of the soil is observed through constant head permeability test. The samples for the test were obtained by piston sampler. The sample was transferred directly to the permeameter for the test to ensure minimum disturbance. The purpose of the tests was to determine the initial rate of permeability of the soil. The test results revealed that at initial state, the average vertical coefficient of permeability of the soil at standard temperature of 20°C, kv (20°) is 1.20 x 10-4 m/s, hence the soil can be classified as medium permeability or the soil has a good drainage characteristic. The relationship between the initial coefficient of permeability of the soil at standard temperature (kv 20°C) and it’s initial void ratio (eo) is plotted with typical range of data obtained by previous research in Figure 4.8. It can be observed from Figure 4.8 that the fibrous peat samples have high initial void ratios with the void 104 ratios range from 4 to 12 and permeability range from 5.07 x 10-10 m/s to 2.19 x 10-4 m/s. This shows that the fibrous peat is as porous as clean sand. Figure 4.8 shows that the initial vertical permeability of the fibrous peat is within the range observed by other researchers (Hanrahan, 1954; Lea and Browner, 1963; Mesri and Olson, 1971). The detailed results of initial permeability test for each sample are given in Appendix E. Figure 4.8: Effect of initial void ratio (eo) on the initial permeability of soil (Hobbs, 1986) 4.6 Compressibility Twelve sets of the standard consolidation test were conducted on Oedometer cell according to the standard procedure outlined in BS 1377 Part 5. The test was carried out to establish the range of stress to use in large strain consolidation test and to establish the preliminary estimation of the possible response of the peat to loading. Data acquired from Oedometer test is also used for comparison with the results of large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell. Each sample has a thickness of 20 mm, 105 a diameter of 50 mm, and was subjected to consolidation pressures with load increment ratio (LIR) of 1. The pressures applied to the soil sample are 25 kPa, 50 kPa, 100 kPa, 200 kPa, and 400 kPa. Each pressure is maintained for one week or 10,000 minutes to enable observation of secondary compression behavior. During this time, deformation of specimen was observed in specified time (e.g. ¼, ½, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 1440, 2880, 4320, 5760, 7200, 8640, 10080 minutes). The results were presented in term of time-compression curve and the e-log p’ curve and discussed in the following sections accordingly. 4.6.1 Analysis of Time-Compression Curve Typical logarithmic of time-compression curve derived from the standard consolidation test is shown in Figure 4.9. The figure shows that the plot of timecompression data resembles the Type II curve (Figure 2.10) in which the secondary compression varies non-linearly with time and tertiary compression was observed for all ranges of consolidation pressure. It can be observed from the figure that the primary consolidation is still dominant in the compression of the peat, but the consolidation occur in a relatively shorter time as compared to clay. Secondary compression, even though less significant than the primary consolidation in term of magnitude, could be very important in term of the design life of a structure. Tertiary compression was observed from the test results, but may not be very significant in term of the design life of a structure because as shown in Figure 4.9, the secondary compression takes a significant amount of time. 106 0 25 kPa 1 50 kPa 100kPa 2 200 kPa 400 kPa 3 4 Compression (mm) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Time, t in minutes (log scale) Figure 4.9: Typical compression versus logarithmic of time curves from Oedometer test Cassagrade’s method was used to evaluate the time-compression curves to obtain the end of primary consolidation (t100 = tp), the coefficient of rate of consolidation (cv), the coefficient of secondary compression (cα), and end of secondary compression (ts). Based on Cassagrande’s method, described in Section 2.2.1 the time of the completion of primary consolidation was identified from the time compression curve as the time where the curve shows a maximum curvature (Figure 2.7). Extension of Cassagrande method proposed by Edil and Dhowian (1980) was used to determine the completion of the secondary compression as the 107 time where the curve shows a sharp change in the slope. The coefficient of rate of consolidation (cv) and the coefficient of secondary compression (cα) were determined based on Cassagrande’s method. Analysis on typical compression-time curve is shown in Figure 4.10 while the results for all data are summarized in Table 4.3. 0.0 Compression (mm) 0.5 1.0 ts cα 1.5 2.0 tp 2.5 3.0 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Time, t in minutes (log scale) Figure 4.10: Analysis of the compression-time curves from Oedometer test Table 4.3: Compressibility parameters obtained from consolidation curves Consolidation End of Coefficient of Coefficient of End of pressure primary rate of secondary secondary consolidation consolidation compression compression (p’, kPa) (t100 = tp, minutes) (cv, m2/year) (cα) (ts, minutes) 25 38.50 2.074 0.147 3633 50 32.75 1.646 0.166 3350 100 28.83 1.355 0.173 3117 200 25.58 1.085 0.114 2958 400 22.17 0.850 0.146 2717 108 As indicated in Table 4.3, the end of primary and secondary compression and the coefficient of rate of consolidation vary with the consolidation pressure. On the other hand, no trend can be observed for the relationship between the coefficients of secondary compression with consolidation pressure. The variation of the end of primary and secondary compression and the coefficient of rate of consolidation varies with the consolidation pressure are presented in Figures 4.11, 4.12, and 4.13 respectively. The figures show a clear indication that these parameters decrease nonlinearly with increasing consolidation pressure. 70 60 T est 1 T est 2 50 T est 3 tp (minutes) T est 4 T est 5 40 T est 6 T est 7 T est 8 30 T est 9 T est 10 T est 11 20 T est 12 Average 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Consolidation Pressure (p',kPa) Figure 4.11: Variation of the time of completion of primary consolidation with consolidation pressure 109 6000 Test 1 5000 Test 2 Test 3 ts (minutes) Test 4 Test 5 4000 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 3000 Test 10 Test 11 Test 12 Average 2000 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Consolidation Pressure (p',kPa) Figure 4.12: Variation of the time of completion of secondary compression versus consolidation pressure 4.0 3.5 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 Test 10 Test 11 Test 12 average 2 cv (m /year) 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Consolidation Pressure (p',kPa) Figure 4.13: Variation of the coefficient of rate of consolidation with consolidation pressure 110 Figure 4.14 shows the variation of the coefficient of secondary compression with consolidation pressure and the figure indicates that there is no trend of the coefficient with consolidation pressure. Since there is no trend observed for the coefficient of secondary compression with the consolidation pressure, then the values are averaged over the whole range of consolidation pressure. The analysis yields the range coefficient of secondary compression from 0.017 to 0.368 with an average of 0.149. 0.40 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 Test 10 Test 11 Test 12 Average 0.35 0.30 Cα 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Consolidation Pressure (P', kPa) Figure 4.14: Variation of the coefficient of secondary compression with consolidation pressure 4.6.2 Analysis of the e-log p’ Curve As stated in Chapter 2, primary consolidation settlement occurs when the applied stress and subsequently the excess pore pressure had caused the water to dissipate from the voids in saturated soils. Parameter such as pre-consolidation pressure (σ’c) and compression index (cc) can be determined from the e-log p’ curve, while the coefficient of compressibility (av) and the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) can be obtained from e-p’ curve. 111 The e-log p’ curve derived from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell was constructed for raw data in which the total compression was considered. Figure 4.15 shows the e-log p’ curve plotted for all sets of data obtained from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell. 12 11 Slope = cc 10 Void Ratio (e) 9 8 7 6 5 4 Test 1 Test 5 Test 9 3 Test 2 Test 6 Test 10 Test 3 Test 7 Test 11 Test 4 Test 8 Test 12 2 10 100 1000 Consolidation Pressure (p', kPa) Figure 4.15: The e-log p curves obtained from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell It can be seen from the figure that all curve show the same shape but different initial void ratio. The difference in the initial void ratio may be due to the time of test execution, the earlier the test was conducted the higher the initial void ratio was. The curves do not show a clear indication of pre-consolidation pressure. 112 Even though not very clear from the curves in Figure 4.15, the analysis of the e-log p’ curve has shown that the pre-consolidation pressure obtained from Oedometer test is about 45 kPa. This value is higher than estimated by equation σ’p = 162 eo -0.988 kPa proposed by Kogure and Ohira (1977) which yields in a pre- consolidation pressure of less than 20 (Figure 4.16). This indicated that the peat deposit may have been overconsolidated. The compression index cc obtained from the test is 3.253 ± 1.121. This compression index is much lower than estimated by the simple correlation cc = ωo/100 and c c = ω o 1.07 128 proposed by Kogure and Ohira (1977) which results in a compression index of about 6 and 7 respectively (Figure 4.17). Present Study Figure 4.16: Relationship between pre-consolidation pressure and in-situ void ratio (Kogure and Ohira, 1977) 113 Present study Figure 4.17: Relationship between compression index and natural water content (Kogure and Ohira, 1977) The initial void ratio obtained from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell is 9.934 ± 1.426 which is slightly higher than the natural void ratio calculated from the water content and the specific gravity of the soil (8.925). Table 4.4 shows the variation of the average coefficient of volume compressibility from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell with consolidation pressure. Table 4.4 indicates that the coefficient of volume compressibility decreases significantly at the lower range of pressure but the effect is decreasing for large pressure. This trend is in agreement with the consolidation theory. 114 Table 4.4: The average coefficient of volume compressibility 4.6.3 Consolidation pressure Coefficient of volume compressibility (p’, kPa) (mv, 1/kPa) 25 0.00555 50 0.00274 100 0.00171 200 0.00035 400 0.00026 Coefficient of Permeability based on the Standard Consolidation Test Coefficient of permeability can be evaluated based on the coefficient of consolidation obtained from consolidation test through Equation 2.4. The coefficient of permeability for the range of consolidation pressure used in the test is in Table 4.5. The data shown in Table 4.5 indicated that the application of consolidation pressure has the effect of decreasing the coefficient of permeability of fibrous peat. All test suggested a significant decrease in permeability as consolidation pressure increases. Table 4.5: Average coefficient of permeability for each consolidation pressure Consolidation pressure Coefficient of permeability (p’, kPa) (kv , m/s) 25 3.69092x10-10 50 1.43629 x10-10 100 4.87719 x10-11 200 1.14917 x10-11 400 6.53644 x10-12 115 4.6.4 Summary The summary of the consolidation parameters obtained from twelve Oedometer test results including the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv), end of primary consolidation (tp), end of secondary compression (ts), rate of consolidation (cv), coefficient of secondary compression (cα), and coefficient of permeability (kv) as a function of consolidation pressure is presented in Table 4.6. Table 4.6: The summary of data obtained from Oedometer test Consolidation pressure Consolidation Parameters mv tp cv cα cc ts kv (x10-10) (p’, kPa) (1/kPa) (minutes) (m2/year) 25 0.00555 38.50 2.074 50 0.00274 32.75 100 0.00171 200 400 (minutes) (m/s) 0.147 3633 3.69092 1.646 0.166 3350 1.43629 28.83 1.355 0.173 3117 0.48772 0.00035 25.58 1.085 0.114 2958 0.11492 0.00026 22.17 0.850 0.146 2717 0.06537 3.253 CHAPTER 5 COMPRESSIBILITY CHARACTERISTICS 5.1 Introduction This chapter presents the data obtained from analysis of the results of large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell, comparison of the data with data obtained from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell, and the data obtained from researches carried out in the past. The presentation is divided into three sections. Section 5.2 presents the results of large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell and analysis of compressibility characteristics data obtained from the test. Section 5.3 discusses the comparison of the data with that obtained from the standard consolidation test. Comparisons of the data from large strain consolidation test (Rowe cell) with published data are deliberated in Section 5.4. The results and comparisons are presented and discussed in terms of time-compression curve and consolidation curves. The chapter also discusses the results in terms of the effect of the fiber orientation on the compressibility characteristics of fibrous peat (Section 5.5) and illustrates the application of the results of the calculation of settlement of peat deposit under embankment loads based on a hypothetical problem (Section 5.6). Section 5.7 presents the discussion of the findings. 117 5.2 Test Results and Analysis Large strain consolidation tests (Rowe cell) were conducted on six soil samples obtained from Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore. The sample was obtained using block sampling method and maximum care was taken during the sampling process, transportation of the sample, and the storage. The test was carried out following the standard procedure outlined by Head (1986). For this test, the sample was placed on a Rowe consolidation cell with diameter of 151.4 mm and height of 50 mm and subjected to a hydraulic pressure with load increment ratio (LIR) of one. Pressure increments of 25, 50, 100, and 200 kPa were applied during the test. Drainages are allowed from top and bottom boundaries through porous stones. Deformation and excess pore water pressure were observed by GDSLAB v 2.0.6 program (Section 3.4) and the subsequent increment was applied after the completion of excess pore water pressure dissipation indicated by the pore pressure reading. As for the standard consolidation test, the results of large strain consolidation test are presented in terms of time-compression curve and the e-log p’ curve and discussed in the following sections accordingly. Complete data on the results of large strain consolidation test is given in Appendix H. 5.2.1 Analysis of Time-Compression Curve The logarithmic of time versus compression curve obtained from large strain consolidation test (Rowe cell) on six samples are shown in Figure 5.1 a to f representing test 1 to test 6 respectively. Tests 1 to 3 show almost identical curves, while Test 4, 5, and 6 shows some deviation from the previous tests in terms of compression. This may be caused by the change in the natural moisture content. Despite of these deviations, the curve shows a similar shape indicating the compressibility of the fibrous peat consists of primary consolidation and secondary compression. The primary consolidation is still dominant in the compression of the peat, but the consolidation occurs rapidly. The secondary compression is non linear with time and this condition was observed from the curve at all ranges of consolidation pressure. The secondary compression, even though less significant 118 than the primary consolidation in term of magnitude, could be very important in term of the design life of a structure. The shape of the compression curve resembles the Type II curve (Leonards and Girault, 1961), which is typical of compression of peat soil. The shape of the time-compression curve indicates that deformation process of fibrous peat deviates from the simple model used in Terzaghi’s consolidation equation, which is the basis for the Cassagrande and Taylor’s evaluations of primary consolidation and the estimation of the coefficient of rate of consolidation. The time-compression curves did not give a clear indication of an inflection point where the primary consolidation is assumed to end and the secondary compression is assumed to start. As shown in Figure 5.1, the secondary compression may have started during the process of excess pore water pressure dissipation. The figure also suggested that the secondary 0 0 10 10 Compression (mm) Compression (mm) compression does not occur at a constant rate. 20 30 20 30 40 40 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Time, t in minutes (log scale) (a. Test 1) 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Time, t in minutes (log scale) (b. Test 2) Figure 5.1: The compression versus logarithmic of time curve obtained from large strain consolidation tests on Rowe cell 0 0 10 10 Compression (mm) Compression (mm) 119 20 20 30 30 40 40 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.1 10000 1 100 1000 10000 Time, t in minutes (log scale) Time, t in minutes (log scale) (c. Test 3) (d. Test 4) 0 0 10 10 Compression (mm) Compression (mm) 10 20 30 20 30 40 40 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 0.1 Time, t in minutes (log scale) (e. Test 5) 1 10 100 1000 10000 Time, t in minutes (log scale) (f. Test 6) Figure 5.1 (Cont’): The compression versus logarithmic of time curve obtained from large strain consolidation tests on Rowe cell 120 The large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell allows the continuous measurement of the excess pore water pressure. Thus, the time-excess pore pressure dissipation curve could be used to indicate the end of primary consolidation. A typical time compression curve obtained based on the result of Test 4 under the range of consolidation pressure is presented in Figure 5.2, while the corresponding excess pore water pressure measurement for the test is given in Figure 5.3. Robinson (1999) identified that the time of the completion of primary consolidation can be easily identified from the excess pore water pressure curve. Figure 5.3 shows that the completion of excess pore water pressure dissipation (t100) is about 30 minutes after the start of the test while observation on Figure 5.2 shows unclear inflection at two points before and after the completion of excess pore water pressure dissipation. Robinson (1997) suggested on his research on fibrous peat that the secondary compression of the peat is actually started before the completion of the dissipation of excess pore water pressure; hence the earlier point may indicate the start of the secondary compression. He suggested that the beginning of secondary compression can be identified at the time when the compression-degree of consolidation curve deviates from a straight line. As explained in Section 2.2, the primary consolidation is linearly correlated with the degree of consolidation, thus the degree of primary consolidation where the curve deviates from a straight line is identified as the beginning of secondary compression. The primary consolidation and secondary compression occurred beyond this point should be separated to form a primary consolidation and secondary compression curves. The primary consolidation curve was used for the evaluation of the coefficient of rate of consolidation (cv), while the secondary compression part was used for evaluation of the coefficient of secondary compression (cα). Figure 5.4 shows the relationship between the degree of consolidation where the secondary compression is actually started. This figure is plotted based on Figure 5.2 and Figure 5.3, and is useful for separating the primary consolidation from the secondary compression. 121 0 Compression (mm) 2 4 6 25 kPa 50 kPa 100 kPa 8 200 kPa 10 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Time, t in minutes (log scale) Figure 5.2: Compression versus logarithmic of time curves for Test 4 0 Dissipation of excess pore water pressure, Uv (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 25 kPa 50 kPa 70 100kPa 80 200 kPa 90 100 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Time, t in minutes (log scale) Figure 5.3: Excess pore water pressure versus logarithmic of time curves for Test 4 122 0.00 Primary consolidation 0.05 Compression (mm) 0.10 Uv 0.15 0.20 0.25 δs 0.30 Secondary compression 0.35 cα 0.40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Dissipation of excess pore water pressure, Uv (%) Figure 5.4: Typical compression versus degree of consolidation curve from large strain consolidation test with two-way vertical drainage Robinson (2003) method was used for the more accurate analysis of timecompression curve. The method was used for the evaluation of the time-compression curves to obtain the completion of excess pore water pressure dissipation (t100), the beginning of secondary compression (tp), the coefficient of rate of consolidation (cv), and the coefficient of secondary compression (cα). The Robinson (2003) method is described in Section 2.3, while the analysis for a typical set of data is given in Appendix H. Table 5.1 summarizes the results of the analysis in terms of the time needed for the dissipation of excess pore water pressure (t100) and the beginning of secondary compression (tp) over the range of consolidation pressure used in this research. 123 Table 5.1: Average time for end of primary consolidation (t100) and the beginning of secondary compression (tp) obtained from Rowe test results Consolidation End of The beginning pressure primary of secondary consolidation compression (p’, kPa) (t100, minutes) (tp, minute) (U, %) 25 27.67 19.83 61.67 50 25.83 17.67 65.00 100 23.50 15.83 69.00 200 23.00 14.33 70.50 Degree of consolidation Figure 5.5 and 5.6 shows the variation of the end of primary consolidation and the beginning of secondary compression with consolidation pressure respectively. The curves show a clear indication that the end of primary consolidation decreases non-linearly with increasing consolidation pressure. The higher the consolidation pressure, the faster the dissipation of excess pore water pressure, and the shorter the time needed for primary consolidation. The beginning of the secondary compression also decreases with increasing consolidation pressure but the degree of consolidation where the secondary compression started increases with consolidation pressure. The average coefficient of rate of consolidation for each pressure obtained from large strain consolidation tests is evaluated using the first part of Figure 5.4 and the results are shown in Table 5.2. Figure 5.7 shows the variation of the coefficient of consolidation obtained from the tests with consolidation pressure. It is clear from Figure 5.7 that the coefficient of rate of consolidation decreases almost linearly with increasing consolidation pressure. This finding is in agreement with the theory of consolidation, which stated that the coefficient of rate of consolidation decreases with increasing consolidation pressure (Holtz and Kovacs, 1981). 124 40 30 T est 1 t100 (minutes) T est 2 T est 3 T est 4 20 T est 5 T est 6 Average 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 Consolidation Pressure (p', kPa) Figure 5.5: Average time of completion of primary consolidation versus consolidation pressure 40 30 T est 1 tp (minutes) T est 2 T est 3 T est 4 20 T est 5 T est 6 Average 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 Consolidation Pressure (p', kPa) Figure 5.6: Variation of the beginning of secondary compression with consolidation pressure for sample tested under vertical consolidation 125 Table 5.2: Average coefficient of rate of consolidation for each pressure Consolidation pressure Coefficient of rate of consolidation (p’, kPa) (cv , m2/year) 25 5.689 50 4.947 100 4.179 200 3.259 10 8 T est 1 T est 3 T est 4 T est 5 2 cv (m /year) T est 2 6 T est 6 4 Average 2 0 10 100 1000 Consolidation Pressure (p',kPa) Figure 5.7: Variation coefficient of rate of consolidation with consolidation pressure The coefficient of secondary compression is evaluated from the second part of Figure 5.4. The average coefficient of secondary compression corresponding to each pressure is given in Table 5.3 while Figure 5.8 shows the variation of the coefficient of secondary compression versus consolidation pressure. Table 5.3 and Figure 5.8 indicate that the coefficient of secondary compression increases with 126 increasing consolidation pressure. This is not in agreement with the popular theory which suggested that the coefficient of secondary compression is constant (Holtz and Kovacs, 1981; and Mesri and Godlewski, 1977). However some researchers such as Lea and Browner (1963) and Fox et al. (1992) suggested that the coefficient of secondary compression have some correlations with the consolidation pressure. Table 5.3: Average coefficient of secondary compression Consolidation pressure Coefficient of secondary compression (p’, kPa) (cα) 25 0.109 50 0.124 100 0.157 200 0.211 0.40 0.30 T est 1 T est 2 cα T est 3 0.20 T est 4 T est 5 T est 6 Average 0.10 0.00 0 100 200 300 400 Consolidation Pressure (p', kPa) Figure 5.8: Variation coefficient of secondary compression versus consolidation pressure 127 Figure 5.4 also shows a sharp change in the slope of time-compression curve at some time after the beginning of secondary compression. The compression of soil after this point is often referred as the tertiary compression. The time where this point exists is known as the time of secondary compression (ts) and the value calculated for the results of consolidation test on Rowe cell is presented in Table 5.4. It can be seen from Table 5.4 that the time of secondary compression decreases with increasing consolidation pressure, which mean that the consolidation pressure have an effect of reducing the time of secondary compression stage. Table 5.4: Average time of secondary compression 5.2.2 Consolidation pressure The time of secondary compression (p’, kPa) (ts,minutes) 25 1216.67 50 1066.67 100 875.00 200 750.00 Analysis of the e-log p’ Curve Peat is sensitive to the effect of disturbance, which can influence the relationship between void ratio and pressure (e-p’ and e-log p’ curve) derived from large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell. Hence the need for extreme care in the preparation of test specimen. Analysis of the e-p’ and e-log p’ curve were performed to obtain the pre-consolidation pressure, compression index, coefficient of compressibility, and the coefficient of volume compressibility. The e-log p’ curve derived from large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell was constructed for raw data in which the compression is due to primary and secondary settlement and for the case where secondary settlement was excluded from analysis (Figure 5.9). It can be seen from the figure that there is a difference in 128 settlement, and the slope of the line for primary consolidation is slightly milder than that obtained from total compression, resulting in the lower cc value. 9 Void ratio (e) 8 Primary only Total 7 6 5 4 0 50 100 150 200 250 Consolidation pressure (p', kPa) (a) 9 Void ratio (e) 8 Primary only Total 7 6 5 4 10 100 1000 Consolidation pressure (p', kPa) (b) Figure 5.9: The consolidation curve from large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell based on primary and total settlement (a) typical e-p’ curve, (b) typical e-log p’ curve 129 Figure 5.10 shows the relationship between void ratios and the logarithmic of the consolidation pressure curves based on the primary settlement only for the data obtained from the results of large strain consolidation test (Rowe cell). The curves give similar slope of compression index except Test 2 and Test 3 which is slightly deviate from the common trend. Figure 5.10 suggests that the curve shows a different initial void ratio for each test in which the initial void ratio evaluated from test 1 is higher than test 6. The reduction in the initial void ratio from the tests may be due to the change in natural moisture content which relates to time. The large strain consolidation test was done on one cell only, so the test should be carried out subsequently. Even though the samples was kept in a constant temperature, the waiting time for testing may results in the change of natural moisture content and biodegradation of the fiber (Mesri et al., 1997), therefore the change in the initial void ratio. 10 9 Slope = cc Void Ratio (e) 8 7 6 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 5 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 4 10 100 1000 Consolidation Pressure (p', kPa) Figure 5.10: The void ratio versus logarithmic of consolidation pressure curve of large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell based on primary settlement 130 The void ratio obtained from the results of large strain consolidation test (Rowe cell) is about 8.854 ± 0.291 which is within the ranges of 3 to 15 suggested by Huat (2004) for fibrous peat in West Coast of Malaysian Peninsular. The average compression index (cc) obtained from the set of data is 3.128 ± 0.037 which is much lower than predicted based on natural moisture content (Figure 4.17). It is necessary to estimate the pre-consolidation pressure because consolidation settlement will not usually be great when the applied load remains below the pre-consolidation pressure. Even though not very clear from the curves, the pre-consolidation pressure obtained from the results of large strain consolidation test is about 41 kPa. As mentioned in section 4, this value is higher than the preconsolidation pressure predicted from formula proposed by Kogure and Ohira (1977) which gives a pre-consolidation pressure of less than 20 (Figure 4.16). The coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) can be determined based on consolidation (e-p’) curve (Figure 5.11). This parameter is very useful to estimate the primary consolidation settlement. Table 5.5 shows the average coefficient of volume compressibility obtained from large strain consolidation tests. A curve of coefficient of volume compressibility versus consolidation pressure was plotted as shown in Figure 5.11. Table 5.5 and Figure 5.11 indicate that the coefficient of volume compressibility decreases as the consolidation pressure increases. Table 5.5: The average coefficient of volume compressibility Consolidation Coefficient of volume pressure compressibility (p’, kPa) (mv, 1/kPa) 25 0.00049 50 0.00171 100 0.00121 200 0.00073 131 3.5E-03 mv(1/kPa) 3.0E-03 2.5E-03 Test 1 2.0E-03 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 1.5E-03 Test 5 1.0E-03 Test 6 Average 5.0E-04 0.0E+00 0 100 200 300 400 Consolidation Pressure (p',kPa) Figure 5.11: Variation of coefficient of volume compressibility versus consolidation pressure It should be noted that lower value was obtained for the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) under consolidation pressure of 25 kPa due to swelling of the soil sample because this consolidation pressure is actually lower than the preconsolidation pressure (41kPa). 5.2.3 Evaluation of Permeability It has been mentioned in the previous part that the rate of consolidation is a function of permeability of the soil. Thus, the coefficient of permeability can be indirectly evaluated based on the coefficient of rate of consolidation, the coefficient of volume compressibility and the unit weight of water. Equation 2.11 was used for the calculation of the coefficient of permeability. The vertical coefficient of permeability for the range of consolidation pressure used in the study is summarized in Table 5.6. The data shown in Table 5.6 indicated that the application of consolidation pressure has the effect of decreasing the coefficient of permeability of fibrous peat. Table 5.6 suggests a significant decrease in the coefficient of permeability with increasing consolidation pressure. Note that the calculation of 132 coefficient permeability for consolidation pressure of 25 kPa is not included here due to the variation in the value of the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) as mentioned in Section 5.2.2. Table 5.6: Vertical coefficient of permeability based on large strain consolidation test 5.2.4 Consolidation pressure Vertical coefficient of permeability (p’, kPa) (kv, m/s) 50 3.09893x10-10 100 1.76332x10-10 200 7.51869x10-11 Summary of Test Results The summary of the data obtained from the large strain consolidation tests results are presented in Table 5.7. The results show that the time of the completion of primary consolidation (t100), the time for the beginning of secondary compression (tp), the time of secondary compression (ts), coefficient of rate of consolidation (cv), the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv), the coefficient of permeability (kv), and the coefficient of secondary compression (cα) decreases as the consolidation pressure increases. Table 5.7: The summary of large strain consolidation data Consoli- Consolidation Parameters dation pressure (p’, t100 tp ts cv 2 (minutes) (minutes) (minutes) (m /year) cα cc kPa) 25 27.67 19.83 1216.67 5.689 0.109 50 25.83 17.67 1066.67 4.947 0.124 100 23.50 15.83 875.00 4.179 0.157 200 23.00 14.33 750.00 3.259 0.211 mv (1/kPa) kv (x10-11) (m/s) 0.00049 8.97302 3.128 0.00171 0.30989 0.00121 0.17633 0.00073 7.51869 133 5.3 Comparison with Oedometer Data The analysis of consolidation curve from the large strain consolidation test (Rowe cell) is compared with the data obtained from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell. It should be noted here that the analysis of the consolidation curve for the large strain consolidation test was analyzed with Robinson’s (2003) method, while for the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell data was analyzed with Cassagrande’s (1963) method. Figure 5.12 shows the typical strain versus logarithmic of time curve from consolidation test on Rowe cell and Oedometer cell under consolidation pressure of 50 kPa. It can be seen from the figure that the time-strain curves obtained from large strain consolidation test is similar in shape with the result of the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell, except that the secondary compression appear to vary non linear with time. 0 2 Strain (%) 4 6 8 Rowe cell Standard Oedometer Oedometer (corrected) 10 12 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Time, t in minutes (log scale) Figure 5.12: The typical strain versus logarithmic of time curve from Rowe cell and Oedometer test 134 It can be observed from Figure 5.12 that the curve shows different displacement reading for the beginning of strain between Rowe cell and Oedometer test. Head (1981) mentioned that initial reading of Oedometer test is mainly due to the shock occurred when placing load on hanger, deformation of the apparatus related to the elasticity of the frame, and bedding effect on contact surfaces. The different strain between Rowe cell and Oedometer test may also be caused by the effect of side friction between the specimen and the ring as well as the change in initial moisture content. Besides, initially the soil from Oedometer test was not completely saturated which may result in sudden decrease in volume on saturation due to collapse of the grain structure and the small size of the specimen. Thus, the initial reading for Oedometer data does not show a displacement equal to zero. This deformation added to the settlement of the specimen, hence the results in unaccurate prediction of the compression in index (cc) and the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv). Figure 5.12 also shows a corrected strain from the data obtained from Oedometer test with respect to initial reading. This error is eliminated when consolidation test is carried on Rowe cell because the load is applied as hydraulic pressure. The comparison of the corrected curve with the data obtained from large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell still suggested that larger strain was obtained from Oedometer test data. This suggests that the effect of the specimen size and change in fiber texture is as significant as the effect of shock at the beginning of load application. The comparison between void ratio versus consolidation pressure (e-p’ and elog p’) curve from large strain consolidation test and standard consolidation test is shown in Figure 5.13(a) and (b). It should be noted that the void ratio from Rowe cell was measured after the completion of dissipation of excess pore water pressure while the void ratio from Oedometer test measured at the end of each load increment (one week). 135 10 9 Rowe Standard Oedometer Void ratio (e) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 100 200 300 400 500 Consolidation pressure (p', kPa) (a) 10 9 Rowe Standard Oedometer Void ratio (e) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 100 1000 Consolidation pressure (p', kPa) (b) Figure 5.13: Void ratio versus consolidation pressure curve from Rowe cell and Oedometer test (a) typical e-p’ curve, (b) typical e-log p’ curve 136 It can be seen in Figure 5.13 that the curve obtained from consolidation test on Rowe cell is quite similar with the curve obtained from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell even though the parameter evaluated based on this figure is quite different. The different method used in the evaluation of consolidation curves results in the different value of compressibility parameter obtained from Rowe cell and the standard consolidation test. Table 5.8 shows the comparisons of the compressibility parameters obtained based on test results on Rowe cell and Oedometer test for the range of consolidation pressure used in this research. Table 5.8: Compressibility parameters obtained from Rowe cell and Oedometer tests Consolidation Parameters The completion of primary consolidation, t100 (minute) The beginning of secondary compression, tp (minute) Coefficient of rate of consolidation, cv (m2/year) Coefficient of secondary compression, cα Coef. of vol. compressibility, mv (1/kPa) Compression index, cc Pre-consolidation pressure, σ’c (kPa) Initial void ratio, eo Rowe Cell Tests Oedometer Tests 50 kPa 100 kPa 200 kPa 50 kPa 100 kPa 200 kPa 25.83 23.50 23.00 32.75 28.83 25.58 17.67 15.83 14.33 32.75 28.83 25.58 4.947 4.179 3.259 1.646 1.355 1.085 0.124 0.157 0.211 0.166 0.175 0.114 0.00171 0.00121 0.00073 0.00274 0.00171 0.00035 3.128 3.253 41 45 8.854 9.934 The results of Rowe consolidation test shown in Table 5.8 indicate that the completion of primary consolidation (t100) is relatively faster than that obtained from Oedometer test under the same range of consolidation pressure. The beginning of secondary compression (tp) obtained from Rowe consolidation test is even much lower compare to that predicted from Oedometer test. The results suggested that Cassagrande’s method does not give the actual time for the completion of excess 137 pore water pressure dissipation, and the time does not represent the beginning of secondary compression. The average value of the coefficient of rate of consolidation (cv) obtained from the result of Rowe consolidation test is higher than that obtained from Oedometer test. This may be due to the size of the sample and the relative size of the fiber to the size of sample. The coefficient of secondary compression (cα) obtained from the result of Rowe consolidation test varies with the consolidation pressure, while from Oedometer test, the coefficient of secondary compression does not vary with consolidation pressure or constant at 0149. The coefficient of secondary compression taken from the results of Rowe consolidation tests are ranging from 0.124 to 0.211. It can be observed that the coefficient of secondary compression obtained from the large strain consolidation (Rowe cell) test is generally higher than the result obtained from Oedometer test. Referring to the discussion by Mokhtar (1997) for secondary compressibility of peat, this difference suggests that the results of large strain consolidation test (Rowe cell) are less susceptible to the effect disturbance and thus more reliable. This also shows that the coefficient of secondary compression can be better observed from the large strain consolidation. Under consolidation pressure of 50 kPa, the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) obtained from Rowe cell and Oedometer test are 0.00171 and 0.00274 respectively, while under consolidation pressure of 200 kPa, the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) obtained from Rowe cell and Oedometer test are 0.00073 and 0.00035 respectively. The coefficient of volume compressibility determined from Rowe consolidation test data is slightly lower than that obtained from Oedometer test under consolidation pressure of 50 kPa. However, under consolidation pressure of 200 kPa, the coefficient of volume compressibility determined from Rowe consolidation test data is slightly higher than that obtained from Oedometer test. This shows that the results of consolidation test on Rowe cell is more stable and less affected by consolidation pressure. The compressibility of sample in Oedometer cell is reduced due to the reduction of the thickness and rearrangement of the fiber in the soil. 138 It can be observed from Table 5.8 that the results obtained from large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell and the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell gave comparable values for consolidation parameter. The average value of compression index (cc) obtained from the result of Rowe consolidation test is 3.128, while the compression index (cc) obtained from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell is 3.253. The higher value of compression index observed in the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell is caused by various factors mentioned in the preceding paragraphs such as effect of initial reading, sample disturbance, the small size of the specimen, and the effect of secondary compression occur during and after the primary consolidation. The pre-consolidation pressure estimated from the Rowe consolidation test data is 41 kPa, which is slightly lower than that obtained from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell (45 kPa). The higher preconsolidation pressure observed in the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell may be due to the compression during sample preparation and the thickness of the sample. Furthermore, the initial void ratio (eo) obtained from both Rowe consolidation test is lower than obtained from the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell. The initial void ratio obtained from large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell and the standard consolidation tests on Oedometer cell are 8.854 and 9.934 respectively. The higher value of initial void ratio determined in the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell may be caused by the different in the time of execution between the Rowe cell and the standard consolidation test on Oedometer cell. Due to the availability of the cell in Geotechnics Laboratory, only one large strain consolidation test can be carried out on Rowe cell at a time. On the other hand, several Oedometer test can be done at the same time. The delay in the execution of the test allows the redistribution of the moisture content and biodegradation of the fiber and therefore changes the initial void ratio. Note that the duration of each test is 10 days hence the last test was done about three months after sampling. 139 5.4 Comparison with Published Data A number of researchers have been carried out on compressibility characteristics of different types of soils including fibrous peat (Berry and Poskitt, 1972; Edil and Dhowian, 1979; Robinson, 2003; Sridharan and Prakash, 1998; Ajlouni, 2000; Holtz and Kovacs, 1981). Consequently, analysis of consolidation curve was done to compare the curve obtained in this study with the published data in terms of time-compression curve and consolidation curve. Figure 5.14 shows the comparison of the typical strain versus logarithmic of time curves obtained from this study with published data of amorphous granular peat (Berry and Poskitt, 1972; and Edil and Dhowian, 1979), fibrous peat (present study, Robinson, 2003; and Berry and Poskitt, 1972), kaolinite (Robinson, 2003), and clay (Sridharan and Prakash, 1998). 0 2 4 Strain (% ) 6 8 Amorphous granular peat (Berry&Poskitt, 1972) 10 Amorphous granular peat (Edil&Dhowian, 1979) Present study 12 Fibrous peat (Robinson, 2003) 14 Kaolinite (Robinson, 2003) Clay (Sridharan&Prakash, 1998) 16 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Time, t in minutes (log scale) Figure 5.14: Strain versus logarithmic of time curves 10000 140 As shown in Figure 5.14, there are variations in the typical shape of strain versus logarithmic of time curves for different types of soil. The time-compression curve for fibrous peat in the present study is relatively similar in shape with the curves obtained for fibrous peat (Robinson, 2003; and Berry and Poskitt, 1972). The data obtained for the present study is in accordance with the published data in which the end of primary consolidation is relatively difficult to identify and the secondary compression varies non-linearly with time. The time-compression curve for the fibrous peat is slightly different from that obtained for amorphous granular peat (Edil and Dhowian, 1979) in terms of the amount of secondary compression as compared to the primary consolidation. The time-compression curves for kaolinite (Robinson, 2003) and clay (Sridharan and Prakash, 1998) show an idealized curve where all parameters can be identified such as recompression phase, primary consolidation phase and secondary compression phase. A distinct point where the primary consolidation finished and the secondary compression is assumed to start can be easily identified. The typical curve from clay (Sridharan and Prakash, 1998) presents a higher value of strain, but most of the strain was due to primary consolidation. The present study showed that the secondary compression plays an important role in the compression of fibrous peat. Figure 5.15 shows the relationship between the dissipation of excess pore water pressure and the logarithmic of time for fibrous peat obtained in the present study. The curve is compared with data obtained from previous studies on fibrous peat (Robinson, 2003), amorphous granular peat (Berry and Poskitt, 1972), and kaolinite (Robinson, 2003). It can be seen that the dissipation of excess pore water pressure from fibrous peat in the present study is relatively faster as compared to other soils, but the end of primary consolidation is quite similar to that predicted for different type of fibrous peat (Robinson, 2003). Slower rate of dissipation of excess pore water pressure is identified for kaolinite (Robinson, 2003). Figure 5.16 shows the relationship between the void ratio and the logarithmic of consolidation pressure (e-log p’) obtained from the present study as compared to published data on fibrous peat (Berry and Poskitt, 1972; Ajlouni, 2000), amorphous granular peat (Edil and Dhowian, 1981; Berry and Poskitt, 1972), and soft clay (Holtz and Kovacs, 1981). It can be seen that the curve obtained from the present 141 study is similar in shape with the curve obtained by Ajlouni (2000) on the same type of soil. The curves show a change in the slope indicating that the soil is exhibiting a pre-consolidation pressure. The other curves for fibrous peat (Berry and Poskitt, 1972) and amorphous peat (Edil and Dhowian, 1981; Berry and Poskitt, 1972) show an almost straight line indicating no recompression phase. Consolidation curve for soft clay clearly indicates the recompression and compression phase. Figure 5.16 also indicate that fibrous peat has relatively high initial void ratio compared with amorphous granular peat and soft clay. The initial void ratio of the sample used in the present study is comparable to the fibrous peat used by Ajlouni (2000). The coefficient of compressibility and the coefficient of volume compressibility can be obtained from void ratio versus consolidation pressure (e-p’) curve (Figure 5.17). The curve is similar curve in shape with the published data indicating that the coefficient of compressibility and the coefficient of volume compressibility decrease as the consolidation increases. However, the present study suggested that the change in the coefficient of volume compressibility is not as significant as suggested by previous researchers. Excess pore water pressure dissipation, U (%) 0 Present study 10 Fibrous Peat (Robinson, 2003) 20 Kaolinite (Robinson, 2003) 30 Amorphous granular peat (Berry&Poskitt,1972) 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Time, t in minutes (log scale) Figure 5.15: Excess pore water pressure versus logarithmic of time curves 142 12 Present Study 11 Fibrous Peat (Berry&Poskitt, 1972) Fibrous Peat (Ajlouni, 2000) Amorphous Peat (Edil&Dhowian, 1981) Amorphous granular peat (Berry&Poskitt, 1972) Clay (Holtz&Kovacs, 1981) 10 9 Void ratio (e) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 10 100 1000 Consolidation pressure (p', kPa) Figure 5.16: Void ratio versus consolidation pressure (logarithmic scale) 12 11 Present Study 10 Fibrous Peat (Berry&Poskitt, 1972) 9 Fibrous Peat (Ajlouni, 2000) 8 Amorphous Peat (Edil&Dhowian, 1981) Void ratio (e) Amorphous granular peat (Berry&Poskitt, 1972) 7 Clay (Holtz&Kovacs, 1981) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Consolidation pressure (p', kPa) Figure 5.17: Void ratio versus consolidation pressure 900 1000 143 Comparison of the data obtained from the present study with published data is summarized in Table 5.9. It can be concluded that the present study yields in a comparable values of initial void ratio. The compression index and the coefficient of secondary compression are much lower than the published data, while the primary consolidation take longer time to complete compared with the published data. The coefficient of rate of consolidation obtained from present study is slightly higher than that published data. Table 5.9: Comparison of the data obtained from the analysis of data obtained in the present study with published data Consolidation Parameters 5.5 Present Study Published Data on Fibrous Peat Compression index, cc Initial void ratio, eo Coefficient of rate of consolidation, cv (m2/year) 4.947 (under consolidation pressure of 50 kPa) 3.61 (Berry and Poskitt 1972 under consolidation pressure of 28-56 kPa) Coefficient of secondary compression, cα 0.109-0.211 (in the pressure range of 25-200 kPa) 0.54 (Ajlouni 2000 in the pressure range of 80-200 kPa) 0.40 (Berry and Poskitt 1972 under consolidation pressure of 14-28 kPa) The end of primary consolidation, tp (minute) 25 minutes 3.128 4.4 (Berry and Poskitt 1972) 6-9 (Ajlouni 2000) 8.854 11 9 (Berry and Poskitt 1972) (Ajlouni 2000) Less than 15 minutes (Fibrous peat, Mesri et al., 1997) Effect of Fiber The effect of fiber arrangement of the fibrous peat obtained from Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore on compressibility characteristics are studied through the Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM), permeability test using samples obtained in the vertical and horizontal directions, and large strain consolidation tests conducted with horizontal drainage to perimeter. 144 As mentioned in Section 4.1, the fibrous peat used in the present study was obtained below water table at depth of 1 to 2 meter. Thus, it is considered as a shallow deposit. The Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) was taken on samples cut in vertical and horizontal directions to enable the observation of the rearrangement of the fiber of fibrous peat at initial state and under consolidation pressure. Comparison of the results of SEM on samples cut in vertical and horizontal direction demonstrates the difference in the fiber arrangement in both directions, and the effect of application of consolidation pressure on the fiber arrangement. Figure 4.5.b indicated that long slender roots are identified and these results in high initial permeability in vertical direction. Application of load induces a rearrangement of solid particles and redistributes the fiber (Figure 4.6.b), thus reduce the flow in vertical direction. Permeability test is conducted in this research to evaluate the effect of fiber as well as application of consolidation pressure on the reorientation of the fiber and permeability of the soil. The initial coefficient of permeability in vertical and horizontal directions is determined based on the results obtained from constant head permeability test as described in section 4.5. The results show that the average coefficient of initial permeability for samples obtained in vertical direction is 1.20 x 10-4 m/s, while for sample obtained in horizontal direction is 9.48 x 10-5 m/s. The higher the coefficient of permeability obtained for samples in vertical directions shows the effect of rootlets in the soil. The vertical and horizontal coefficient of permeability under consolidation pressure can be evaluated based on the coefficient of consolidation obtained from large strain consolidation test (Rowe cell) through Equation 2.3. Table 5.10 shows the coefficient of volume compressibility and the coefficient of permeability obtained for the range of consolidation pressure used in the test. As shown in Table 5.10, the horizontal coefficient of permeability decrease in the slower rate of with increasing consolidation pressure compared to the vertical coefficient of permeability, thus the ratio of kh/kv increase significantly as consolidation pressure increases. 145 Table 5.10: Coefficient of volume compressibility and coefficient of permeability based on large strain consolidation test No. Consolidation Pressure Coefficient of volume compressibility Coefficient of volume compressibility (p’) mv mh (1/kPa) 0.00171 (1/kPa) (kPa) 1. 50 2. 100 3. 200 0.00121 0.00073 Coefficient of vertical permeability kv (x10-10) (m/s) 3.09893 0.00243 0.00140 1.76332 0.75187 0.00091 Coefficient of horizontal permeability kh (x10-10) Ratio kh/kv (m/sec) 22.84050 13.93300 8.29176 7.370 7.482 11.028 Permeability test was also carried out at the end consolidation test on Rowe cell i.e. under consolidation pressure of 200 kPa. The data shown in Table 5.11 indicated that the application of consolidation pressure has the effect of decreasing the coefficient of permeability of fibrous peat. The data also shows that the effect of consolidation pressure is more significant on the vertical coefficient of permeability as compared to the horizontal one, thus the ratio of kh/kv is higher for higher consolidation pressure. The ratio of kh/kv increases from 0.79 for initial condition to about 5 under consolidation pressure of 200 kPa. Table 5.11: Effect of consolidation pressure on coefficient of permeability Type of permeability test Constant-head Large strain permeability permeability test test (under 200 kPa consolidation pressure) Coefficient of permeability kh (20°C) (m/s) 9.48 x 10-5 2.60 x 10-9 kv (20°C) (m/s) 1.20 x 10-4 5.07 x 10-10 kh/kv 0.79 5.13 146 The results indicate that the flow of water is initially larger in the vertical direction, but changing as consolidation pressure is applied. Thus, the effect of consolidation pressure can be reduced if the water is allowed to flow in horizontal direction. All test suggested a significant decrease in permeability as consolidation pressure increases. However, the effect is more dominant to the permeability in vertical direction and the ratio of kh/kv is increasing as the consolidation pressure increases. The application of consolidation pressure also has the effect of decreasing the void ratio in the soil. The relationship between the void ratio and the coefficient of permeability in horizontal and vertical direction is presented in Figure 5.18, which also suggest that the effect of decreasing in void ratio is more prominent in the flow of water in vertical direction. 12 11 10 9 Void ratio (e) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 kh from consolidation test kv from consolidation test kv from constant head kh from constant head kv from permeability test on Rowe cell kh from permeability test on Rowe cell 0 1.E-11 1.E-10 1.E-09 1.E-08 1.E-07 1.E-06 1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 Coefficient of permeability (k, m/s) Figure 5.18: The relationship between the void ratio and the coefficient of permeability in horizontal and vertical direction 147 5.6 Settlement Estimation 5.6.1 Introduction The application of the time-compression curve on the analysis of settlement for soil exhibiting secondary compression was introduced by Cassagrande (1936) and was presented in many geotechnical engineering textbook such as Holtz and Kovacs (1981). This involves the determination of preliminary consolidation (Equation 2.8) and secondary compression (Equation 2.19). In this method the calculation of primary consolidation settlement is based on e-log p’ curve for which the compression index (cc) can be obtained as the slope of the curve, while the determination of secondary compression is based on e-log time curve and coefficient of secondary compression (cα). The method assumes that the ratio of cα/cc is constant. This assumption is actually an oversimplication of real behavior. According to the cα/cc concept of compressibility, the magnitude and behavior of the coefficient of secondary compression (cα) with time directly related to the magnitude and behavior of the compression index (cc) with the effective vertical stress (σ’v). In general, cα remains constant, decreases, or increases with time, for constant stress while cc remains constant, decreases, or increases with effective stress. Another problem with this analysis is that the time of completion of primary consolidation (tp) is difficult to determine based on the time-compression curve. It is clear that for fibrous peat, the primary consolidation and the secondary compression can occur at the same time. For peat, the primary consolidation occurs rapidly due to high initial permeability and secondary compression takes a significant part of compression. The end of primary consolidation (tp) can be determined from excess pore water pressure measurements using pressure transducers or by using graphical methods, such as the Cassagrande’s method. 148 As pointed out in Chapter 2 section 2.3, some researchers (Dhowian and Edil, 1980; Sridharan and Prakash, 1998; Mesri and Lo, 1991) have tried to solve the complication related to the calculation of primary consolidation and secondary compression based on time-compression curve. The most advanced research done on this topic is made by Robinson (1997, 1999, and 2003). He started the research on the definition of the beginning of secondary compression based on timecompression curve (1997). The modification of the method was made possible by the measurement of excess pore water pressure dissipation in Oedometer test. Thus the actual primary consolidation process can be monitored by the excess pore water pressure reading (1999). The evaluation of the beginning of the secondary compression based on both excess pore water pressure reading and time-compression curve was presented by Robinson (2003). The procedure is outlined in Appendix H. Settlement analysis made on a hypothetical problem based on the timecompression curve obtained from Oedometer test and Rowe cell using Cassagrande (1936) and Robinson (2003) methods. 5.6.2 Hypothetical Problem A hypothetical problem shown in Figure 3.33 is used to illustrate the settlement estimation of construction over fibrous peat deposit based on Cassagrande analysis and the method proposed by Robinson (2003). An embankment of 2.5 m high is constructed over a 5 m thick deposit of fibrous peat. The overburden pressure at the middle of peat layer is 25 kPa. The embankment constructed directly on the soil by five layers of 0.5 m will induce a stress increment of 50 kPa to the soil. The groundwater table is assumed to coincide with the ground surface and permeable layer is assumed to exist below the peat deposits. The embankment is constructed of sand fill over a geotextile layer so that uniform settlement can be expected. The design life of the structure is 20 years. The problem is redrawn in Figure 5.19, while the properties of fibrous peat deposit derived from large strain consolidation test and Oedometer test for stress increment of 50 kPa is given in Table 5.12. 149 5m Ground Level 2m 3.65 m 3.65 m 2m 5m Proposed Embankment 2,5 m Fibrous Peat 5m Permeable Layer Figure 5.19: Geometry and soil properties for the hypothetical problem Table 5.12: The properties of fibrous peat deposit obtained from large strain consolidation test and Oedometer test for consolidation pressure 50 kPa Parameters Unit weight of the fill material (kN/m3) Unit weight of the fibrous peat (kN/m3) Initial void ratio (eo) Initial void ratio at t100 (e100) Initial void ratio at tp (ep) Compression index (cc) Coefficient of rate of consolidation (cv , m2/year) Coefficient of secondary compression (cα) End of primary consolidation (t100, minutes) The beginning of secondary compression (tp, minute) Degree of consolidation at the beginning of secondary compression (U, %) Results from Rowe cell test Results from Oedometer test compression compression+excess pore water pressure measurement 20 20 20 10 10 10 9.934 5.076 5.076 3.253 8.854 5.109 5.109 3.804 8.854 4.810 5.780 3.128 1.646 3.393 4.947 0.166 0.106 0.124 33 40 26 33 40 18 - - 65 150 5.6.3 Settlement Analysis by Cassagrande (1936) Method The settlement was calculated using cα concept proposed by Cassagrande based on the data taken from Oedometer test and Rowe consolidation test under application consolidation pressure of 50 kPa. Based on Oedometer test data, the primary consolidation settlement is: Sc = c c σ' + ∆σ 25 + 50 H 5 log o = 3.253 = 0.710 m = 710 mm log 1+ e o σ' o 1 + 9.934 25 Following the standard procedure, time to reach 90% consolidation (t90) should be calculated to estimate the end of primary consolidation which is: t 90 = Tv H2 d Cv 0.848 x (2.5) 2 = = 3.22 years or about 3 years 1.646 Thus 90 % of settlement (639 mm) will occur in about 3 years, while the time required to finish the primary consolidation for the hypothetical curve based on the time of primary consolidation (tp) value obtained from laboratory test is about 21 years which is more than the design life of the structure of 20 years which means that the method can not be used to predict the secondary compression because the timecompression curve obtained by Oedometer test does not give a clear indication of the beginning of secondary compression. Based on large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell, the primary consolidation settlement is: Sc = c c H σ' + ∆σ 5 25 + 50 log o = 0.921 m = 921 mm = 3.804 log 1+ eo σ'o 1 + 8.854 25 Following the standard procedure, time to reach 90% consolidation (t90) should be calculated to estimate the end of primary consolidation which is: 151 t 90 = Tv H2d Cv = 0.848 x (2.5)2 = 1.56 years or about 19 months 3.393 The time required to finish the primary consolidation based on the time of primary consolidation (tp) value obtained from laboratory test is about 10 years. The secondary settlement of the peat layer after the end of primary consolidation until the completion of design life of 20 years is: Ss = cα 20 5 t H log = 0.02611 m = 26 mm log = 0.106 10 1 + 5.109 tp 1 + e op Tables 5.13 summarize the results of settlement calculation for the hypothetical problem based on Rowe consolidation test. Table 5.13: The results of settlement calculated based on Rowe consolidation test Primary Consolidation (mm) Total (mm) 0 - tp (0 – 10 years) 921 921 tp - 20 years (10 years – 20 years) 26 26 Total 947 947 Time The relationship of the settlement with time based on Rowe consolidation test is presented in Figure 5.20. The analysis shows that 97 % of settlement was actually due to primary consolidation and secondary compression contributes only 3 % of the total settlement which is negligible. This is due to the assumption that secondary compression occur after the end of primary consolidation. 152 0 Settlement (cm) 20 40 60 80 100 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Time, t in year (log scale) Figure 5.20: The curve of settlement with time based on Rowe consolidation test 5.6.4 Settlement Analysis by Robinson (2003) Method Based on the data taken from Rowe consolidation test, the primary consolidation settlement is: Sc = c c σ' + ∆σ 25 + 50 H 5 log o log = 0.757 m = 757 mm = 3.128 1+ e o σ' o 1 + 8.854 25 Following the standard procedure, t90 should be calculated to estimate the end of primary consolidation which is: t 90 = Tv H2 d Cv = 0.848 x (2.5) 2 = 1.07 year or about 12 months 4.947 The data suggested that the secondary compression started at degree of primary consolidation of 65 % (Table 5.1). The water can flow in two directions and 153 the length of drainage path is equal to half of the thickness of the peat deposit or 2.5 m. The time factor for 65 % consolidation is: For U > 60 %: Tv = -0.933 log (1-U) - 0.085 = 1.781 – 0.933 log (100-U %) Tv = 1.781 - 0.933 log (100-65) = 0.340 t 65 = Tv H2d Cv = 0.340 x (2.5)2 = 0.43 year = 5 months 4.947 The settlement at this time is: S65 = U x Sc = 65 % x 757 mm = 492.05 mm = 492 mm Based on the test result, the time to reach the completion of the primary consolidation (t100) is 26 minutes; therefore the time for this layer to reach 100 % consolidation can be calculated using square rule and resulted in 6.3 years. The time between 65 % consolidation to the completion of primary consolidation is equal to 5.9 years. The primary consolidation settlement during this time is: (Sc – S65) = (1-U) x Sc = (100 - 65) % x 757 mm = 264.95 mm = 265 mm The secondary compression (tp) occurred between 65 % and 100 % of primary consolidation is: Ss = cα H t 5 6 .3 log = 0.124 log = 0.106614 m = 107 mm 1+ e p tp 1 + 5.780 0.43 The time where the secondary compression curve shows a sharp change slope (ts) for consolidation pressure of 50 kPa is 1067 minutes, thus the time required for secondary compression in this case is 265.5 years, which is much longer than the design life of a structure. Hence, the secondary compression can be evaluated based on average cα over the time period between 6.3 and 20 years. 154 The secondary compression settlement after the completion of primary consolidation to the end of the design life of the structure (20 years) is: Ss = cα 20 5 t H = 0.124 = 0.053537 m = 54 mm log log 6 .3 1 + 4.810 t100 1 + e100 Tables 5.14 summarize the results of settlement calculation for the hypothetical problem shown in Figure 3.29. It can be seen from Table 5.15, the total settlement of the embankment during the design life of the structure is 918 mm or about 1 m which consists of 757 mm of primary consolidation and 161 mm secondary compression. The primary consolidation is completed in 6.3 years however 90 % consolidation is achieved within 1 year. Table 5.14: The results of settlement calculated based on Robinson’s method Total Primary Consolidation (mm) Secondary Compression (mm) (mm) 0 - tp (0 – 5 months) 492 0 492 tp - t100 (5 months – 6.3 years) 265 107 372 - 54 54 757 161 918 Time t100 - 20 years (6.3 years – 20 years) Total The analysis shows that much of the settlement (83 %) was actually due to primary consolidation, however the secondary compression of the peat deposit should also be considered since it contributes to the total settlement occur during the design life of a structure. The secondary compression started as early as 5 months after construction. The relationship of the settlement with time is presented in Figure 5.21. 155 0.00 0.02 Settlement (mm) 0.04 U (65 %) 0.06 0.08 Primary δ 0.10 Total cα = 0.124 0.12 Primary + Secondary Primary 0.14 0.1 1 10 100 Secondary 1000 10000 Elapsed time (minutes) Figure 5.21: Settlement versus logarithmic of time curve based on Robinson’s method (2003) 5.6.5 Discussion The settlement analysis made on the hypothetical problem of an embankment on the fibrous peat deposit showed that the total settlement of the structure based on Oedometer test by Cassagrande’s method (710 mm) is less than the total settlement evaluated based on Rowe consolidation test data (947 mm). The method assumes that the secondary compression only occur upon the completion of primary consolidation. Analysis based on Oedometer data can not predict the secondary compression during the design life of the structure because the end of primary consolidation (eop) predicted based on this data is 21 years which is longer than the design life. The settlement evaluation based on data obtained from Rowe consolidation test predicts a very small amount of secondary compression settlement (3 %). This shows that Cassagrande’s method based on time-compression curve can not be used to predict settlement on fibrous peat deposit used in this study. 156 The evaluation of settlement based on Robinson (2003) method shows a total settlement of 918 mm, 83 % of which is due to primary consolidation. The results also showed that the secondary compression started as early as 5 months after construction, at this time the primary consolidation has reached 492 mm or 65 % degree of consolidation. As shown in Table 5.14 and Figure 5.21 much of the secondary compression (107 mm) actually occur before the completion of primary consolidation, only amount of settlement (54 mm) occurred after the end of primary consolidation. The previous discussion indicates that the use of large strain consolidation test to evaluate consolidation characteristics of soil exhibiting secondary consolidation is advantageous because it enable long term observation of deformation of fibers and the resulting strain can be easily observed. The excess pore water pressure measurement made on the large strain consolidation test enables the elimination of the effect of secondary compression on the evaluation of primary consolidation, thus the evaluation of secondary settlement can be made separately from the primary settlement especially that occurs before the completion of excess pore water pressure dissipation. CHAPTER 6 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Summary An extensive laboratory testing program was conducted on undisturbed specimens of fibrous peat deposits from Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore for the purpose of studying the compressibility characteristics of the peat. In addition, literature study on the geotechnical properties of peat was conducted to provide rationale of the research and to gather sufficient background information on the consolidation behavior of fibrous peat. The literature study was used to develop the hypothesis adopted for the study, i.e. the compressibility characteristics of fibrous peat can be evaluated based on the results of large strain consolidation test on Rowe cell, and analyzed using the method suggested by Robinson (2003). The focus of this research was to investigate the compression behavior of fibrous peat based on the results of consolidation test using Rowe Cell, and to develop the suitable model for the analysis of settlement of construction on fibrous peat deposit. The peat samples were obtained by block sampling method. In addition, some samples were retrieved using piston sampler for evaluation of natural water content and initial permeability of the soil. Field vane shear test was utilized to obtain the preliminary estimates on the shear strength of the deposit. 158 Laboratory testing program included standard laboratory testing used for identification and classification purposes, and determination of basic engineering characteristics. Consolidation tests were performed on the standard Oedometer and Rowe cell by incremental loading with load increment ratio of one. Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) of the sample was taken to enable the evaluation of the fiber orientation and the effect of pressure on the fiber arrangement and their effect on the permeability and the compression behavior of the fibrous peat. Data obtained in this study were compared with published data. The applicability of consolidation theories to evaluate the amount and rate of primary consolidation and predict secondary compression based on the timecompression curve was studied in this research by a hypothetical case of an embankment placed on fibrous peat deposit. 6.2 Conclusions Conclusions are derived based on the results obtained from the current research on fibrous peat obtained from Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore, and data from the literature. The generalization of the research data was not attempted in this research since it is fully understood that the properties of peat soil are unique to location. The conclusions of this study are indicated in the followings: 1. The peat deposit is categorized as deep peat with thickness of more than 5 m. The natural water content of the peat is 608 % which corresponds to initial void ratio of about 9. The peat is classified as fibrous peat with low to medium degree of decomposition (H4 in von Post scale) and very high organic and fiber content. The literature study indicated that this is the typical peat found in West Malaysia. 2. The undrained shear strength of peat is 10.10 kPa with sensitivity of 5.64. The drained shear strength parameters are c’ = 3.10 kPa and φ’ = 25.4o. The shear 159 strength is slightly lower compared to the published data on peat in West Malaysia. 3. The observation of the sample on Scanning Electron Micrograph at initial stage showed the direction of the fiber was mostly in vertical direction which results in a higher coefficient of permeability in vertical direction. The initial permeability in the vertical and horizontal direction are 1.2x10-4 m/s and 9.48x10-5 m/s respectively. 4. The comparison between the results of consolidation test on Oedometer and Rowe cells showed that the use of Rowe cell for the evaluation of the consolidation characteristics of soil exhibiting secondary compression is advantageous because it enables long term observation of deformation of fibers. The excess pore water pressure measurement made in the large strain consolidation test enables the elimination of the effect of the secondary compression on the evaluation of the primary consolidation. 5. The compression index (cc) obtained from the large strain consolidation test on peat in the present study is 3.128 while the coefficient of secondary compression from 0.102 to 0.304 for the range of consolidation pressure of 25 to 200 kPa. 6. The secondary compression started as early as 65 % degree of consolidation. The average time of the beginning of secondary compression (tp) for the fibrous peat used in the present study is 18 minutes while the completion of primary consolidation is 26 minutes. 7. The coefficient of rate of consolidation (cv) obtained from large strain consolidation test ranged from 5.689 to 3.259 for pressure range of 25 to 200 kPa which is comparable to published data on fibrous peat. 8. The permeability and the end of primary consolidation are highly influenced by the application of consolidation pressure. The ratio of kh/kv increases from 0.79 for initial condition to about 5 under consolidation pressure of 200 kPa. The ratio of ch/cv is increasing from 6 to 9 for consolidation pressure of 25 to 200 kPa. 160 9. Settlement analysis on the hypothetical problem showed that the large part of settlement occurs during primary consolidation stage. Secondary compression can not be evaluated based on time-compression curve alone because accurate prediction of the beginning of secondary compression can not be made based on Cassagrande’s method. 10. Robinson method is the most suitable method for evaluation of the settlement of fibrous peat deposit because it has the ability to predict secondary compression occur before the end of primary consolidation. 6.3 Recommendations for Future Research The primary objective of this research is to study the compressibility characteristics of the fibrous peat based on the results of consolidation test using large strain consolidometer (Rowe Cell). Effect of factors such as fiber orientation is considered as important in the compressibility characteristics, thus evaluation on the consolidation and the permeability in horizontal direction is also studied. Finally, the compressibility parameters obtained from consolidation test on Rowe cell was used in the evaluation of settlement of embankment over peat deposit. Further experimental work is needed to overcome the limitation of the study and to verify the application of the settlement analysis made on this study. Some further research works are suggested: 1. The effect of time of execution of the test on the consolidation properties of peat should be studied. Development of the relationship between the time and the initial void ratio and the compression index is of great importance. 2. An evaluation on the increase in shear strength due to application of consolidation pressure and draining process is recommended as an extension of 161 this research to study the application of stage loading as one improvement method for fibrous peat. 3. Field embankment tests are needed to further examine the consolidation theory for fibrous peat found in Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore. 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The sharpness of the tube has to be ensured to cut the fiber from blocking the tube and to control the quality of the sample. Sharp knife was used to help cutting any fiber from outside the tube when needed. Surface Push a tube into the soil 1m 300 mm 300 mm 171 3. Excavate the surrounding of the tube then cut the base of sample using a sharp knife. surface 1m the base of an excavation cut the base of sample 4. Insert a piece of cylindrical wood plate below the sample and keep the sample still in by blocking the top and bottom of the tube using a wood piece which of the same diameter with the inside of the tube (Figure A2). 5. Take the tube out carefully and put on a safe place. Cover the top and bottom of the tube with wax to maintain the moisture of soil (Figure A2). 6. Cover again the top and bottom of the using square wood plate (500 mm x 500 mm) and secure it with ropes to stabilize the tube during transportation (Figure A3). 7. Arrange two sample tubes in one wooden box (Figure A3). Cover the wall of the wooden box and fill the voids with layers of sponge to minimize the effect of vibration during transportation from site to Geotechnical Laboratory at UTM. 8. A thin wall fixed piston sampler (Figure A5 and A6) was also used to take samples horizontally and vertically for checking the quality of samples, water content determination, and constant head permeability test 172 Figure A1: A block sampler was Figure A2: A peat block was covered manually pushed into the bottom of a test with 2 cylindrical pieces of wood, and sealed with melted candles, which pit hardened at normal temperature to preserve the natural moisture content Figure A3: Each peat block was covered with 2 pieces of wood, tied with ropes, and then put into a wooden box to prevent the soil sample from moving during transportation and then transported and kept in the laboratory 173 Figure A4: The fibrous peat soil block sample Figure A5: A thin wall fixed piston samplers was manually pushed and carved from the bottom of a test pit to obtain vertical undisturbed fibrous peat soil samples Figure A6: A thin wall fixed piston sampler was sealed with moistureresistant plastic covers to preserve the moisture content of undisturbed fibrous peat soil sample in the sampler 174 APPENDIX B INDEX TESTS DATA 1. Natural Moisture Content Table B1: Typical test sheet for natural moisture content Location : Geotechnical Laboratory Soil Description : PEAT Job ref. Bore hole/ Pit no. Sample no. Depth Date Test method ASTM D2216-92 / BS 1377 : Part 2:1990 : 3.2 Related test Speciment ref. 1 2 Container no. A1-1 A1-2 Mass of wet soil + container (m2) g 543 471 Mass of dry soil + container (m3) g 312 248 Mass of container (m1) g 276 214 Mass of moisture (m2-m3) g 231 223 Mass of dry soil (m3 –m1) g 36 34 641.167 655.882 m m − 3 Moisture content ω = 2 x100 % m 3 − m1 Average ω = 632.349 % Table B2: Results for natural moisture content No Test 1-1 Test 1-2 Test 1-3 Test 2-1 Test 2-2 Test 2-3 Test 3-1 Test 3-2 Test 3-3 AVERAGE Natural Moisture Content (ω, %) 641.167 655.882 600.000 621.490 601.714 631.298 555.717 577.973 584.219 608 1 1-2 m 14/01/2005 3 A1-3 481 259 222 222 37 600.000 175 2. Specific Gravity (Gs) Table B3: Typical test sheet for specific gravity (Gs) Location : Geotechnical Laboratory Soil Description : PEAT Test method ASTM D854-92 / BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990 : 8.3 / 8.4 Method of preparation : pycnometer method Small/Large pycnometer Speciment references Pycnometer number Mass of bottle + soil +water (m3) g Mass of bottle + soil (m2) g Mass of bottle full of water (m4) g Mass of bottle (m1) g Mass of soil (m2 –m1) g Mass of water in full bottle (m4-m1) g Mass of water used (m3-m2) g Volume of soil particles (m4-m1)- (m3-m2) mL m m − 2 1 Specific gravity Gs = Mg/m3 (m4 − m1 ) − (m3 − m2 ) Job ref. Bore hole/ Pit no. Sample no. Depth Date 1 1567 137.745 46.642 135.273 35.476 11.166 99.797 91.103 8.694 1.284 3. Specific Gravity (Gs) 1.284 1.325 1.442 1.439 1.513 1.510 1.482 1.534 1.509 1.543 1.544 1.486 1.468 Initial Void Ratio Based on average natural moisture content & average specific gravity: e0 = Gs × w γw = 8.925 1459 137.924 47.489 135.245 36.556 10.933 98.689 90.435 8.254 1.325 Average Gs = 1.305 Table B4: Results for specific gravity (Gs) No Test 1-1 Test 1-2 Test 2-1 Test 2-2 Test 3-1 Test 3-2 Test 4-1 Test 4-2 Test 5-1 Test 5-2 Test 6-1 Test 6-2 AVERAGE 1 1-2 m 08/02/2005 176 4. Organic Content and Ash Content Table B5: Typical test sheet for organic content and ash content Job ref. Bore hole/ Pit no. Sample no. Depth Date Location : Saint Laboratory Soil Description : PEAT 1 1-2 m 22/02/2005 Test method ASTM D1997-91 / BS 1377 : Part 3:1990 : 4.3 Related test Speciment ref. 1 Crucible no. C14 C40 Mass of crucible (m1) g 32.3868 34.7537 Mass of crucible + soil (m2) g 37.3868 39.7537 Mass of crucible + soil after ignition (m3) g 32.8248 34.8945 91.240 97.184 m m − 2 3 Organic Content OC = % x100 m 2 − m1 average OC = 94.212 Ash Content AC = 100 % - OC 5. % AC = 5.788 Fiber Content Table B6: Typical test sheet for fiber content Location : Geotechnical Laboratory Soil Description : PEAT Test method ASTM D1997-91 Related test Speciment ref. Cointainer no. Mass cointainer g Mass of dry soil of fibers retained #100sieve (m1) g Mass of dry soil of fibers retained #100sieve after ignition (m2) g Fiber Content FC = m 2 x100 % m1 Job ref. Bore hole/ Pit no. Sample no. Depth Date A-1 1-2 m 04/02/2005 1 1 9.641 45.201 40.814 90.294 2 9.873 44.162 39.880 90.304 Average FC = 90.299 Table B7: Results for organic content, ash content, fiber content and pH No. of Test Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 AVERAGE Organic content (%) 94.212 98.520 98.542 97.091 Ash Content (%) 5.788 1.480 1.458 2.909 Fiber Content (%) 90.299 90.435 89.621 90.118 pH 3.04 3.26 3.42 3.24 177 6. Sieve Analysis 100 90 Cumulative (%) Passed 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Test sieve aparture size (mm) Figure B1: Cumulative (%) passed versus sieve aparature size (mm) Table B8: Results for sieve analysis Test No. Sieve Size (mm) Mass Passing Percentage Passing Cumulative (g) (%) 1 0.063 9 2.26 2 0.063 11 2.74 3 0.063 AVERAGE 13 3.23 2.74 178 APPENDIX C SOIL FABRIC 1. Apparatus Figure C1: Assembly Plan for SEM test, (21) Emergency shutdown button, (56) Rotary pump, (50) Water solenoid valve, (57) Exhaust hose, (51) Water main valve, (58) Discharge line, (52) Compressed air-Main valve, (59) Grounding, (53) Nitrogen-Main valve, (60) Switchbox, (54) Dynamic vibration-damper, (61) Computer with keyboard and mouse, (55) Static damper with adsorption trap, (62) Miniature circuit breaker, Ground fault circuit interrupter-emergency shutdown-switch 179 Figure C2: The equipment for SEM test 2. Procedure Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) The procedure for Scanning Electron Microphotograph (SEM) follows the standard procedure outlined in ASTM F 1392-93 and the standard procedures of G34-SUPRA 35 VP en 01 Carl Zeisss SMT-Nano Technology System Division. The procedures as follows: 1. Switching the instrument on. The emergency shutdown button must be unlocked, and the master’s switch must be switched on. Then open the cooling water valve, the nitrogen valve, the cover on the yellow STANDBY-button and press the button. 2. Starting the Smart SEM program. Double-click on the Smart SEM icon with the left mouse button. While the program loads, the screen will also show you which systems. 3. Loading the specimen chamber. Take hold of the door handle and carefully open the chamber door. Next, load specimen containers into specimen holder and tighten laterally with an Allen wrench and load samples into specimen containers. Place the prepared specimen holder on the table. The specimen table can be moved in three 180 directions, tipped, and rotated around the beam axis. After that close the chamber door by pressing lightly on the front with the palm of your hand, or use the door handle. 4. Evacuating the specimen chamber. When the specied vacuum has been reached, you will see the message “Vac Status ready”, and the red X next to the “Vac” icon in the bottom toolbar will change to a green check mark. 5. Activating the electron beam. Left-click on “GUN” and “EHT” (on the bottom toolbar). Subsequently the cathode will heat up, electrons will be emitted, the acceleration voltage will be on, and the image on the screen will turn lighter. 6. Focusing the electron beam. The objective focuses the electron beam on the surface of the specimen. The specimen must be placed in the correct position under the electron beam before you bring it into focus. 7. Modifying the image. The Smart SEM program has many functions to help you obtain the desired results. Information of interest can be accessed via Windows help, program help, or context-based help. 8. VP-Mode. When examining non-or only slightly conductive preparations, charges can be induced on their surfaces, which are difficult or impossible to divert and which result in an altered image. In VP-Mode, these surface charges are avoided or reduced and high-quality images can be produced, even from such preparations. 9. Finishing examination of a specimen. You can save or print out an image if it meets your quality requirements. 10. Placing the SEM in standby mode. Standby mode is the normal status for the SEM once you have finished examining a specimen. 11. Switching off the SEM. The SEM must be shut down for maintenance, repairs, if the instrument will not be used for an extended period of time or in case of an emergency. 12. Shutting down the SEM completely. 181 3. Results of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in Vertical Section A C E B D F Figure C3: Scanning Electron Microphotographs (SEM) of Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore Peat. (A) Vertical Section before Compression x50, (B) Vertical Section after Compression under 200kPa x50, (C) Vertical Section before Compression x200, (D) Vertical Section after Compression under 200kPa x200, (E) Vertical Section before Compression x400, (F) Vertical Section after Compression under 200kPa x400 182 4. Results of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in Horizontal Section A C E B D F Figure C4: Scanning Electron Microphotographs (SEM) of Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore Peat. (A) Horizontal Section before Compression x50, (B) Horizontal Section after Compression under 200kPa x50, (C) Horizontal Section before Compression x200, (D) Horizontal Section after Compression under 200kPa x200, (E) Horizontal Section before Compression x400, (F) Horizontal Section after Compression under 200kPa x400 183 APPENDIX D SHEAR STRENGTH 1. Field Vane Shear Test Table D1: Test results for field vane shear 1 Sample No. Blad NR Page No. Djup Depth Vinge Vane Vane Factor Undisturbed M1 Remoulded Sample M3 Rod Friction M2A Rod Friction M2B Torque MU = M1-M2A Torque Mr = M1-M2B Shearing Strengths τ fu = Mu 1 2 (m) 1/2 1 2/2 2 (Vc) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) 14 4.9 2.1 3.8 11.9 1.1 (kPa) 3 1/2 1 2/2 2 1/2 1 2/2 2 11.1 4.8 5.5 3.4 5.6 1.4 13.9 4.0 2.0 1.7 11.9 2.3 1.01 15.5 9.6 11.0 5.3 4.5 4.3 8.6 2.0 1.8 1.4 6.8 0.6 12.3 5.1 2.5 2.5 9.8 2.6 11.78 5.54 11.78 4.46 6.73 9.70 1.09 1.39 2.28 4.26 0.59 2.57 10.81 3.99 5.17 1.05 11.41 3.77 φ 65 x H 130 mm Vc Shearing Strengths (τ fu )r Sensitivity St = = Mr Vc τ fu (τ fu )r (kPa) For 1 m depth: For 2 m depth: 30.29 = 10.10 3 3.96 (τ fu )r = = 1.32 3 27.93 St = = 9.13 3 τ fu = τ fu = 19.70 = 6.57 3 8.22 (τ fu )r = = 2.74 3 St = 8.81 = 2.94 3 184 Table D2: Test results for field vane shear 2 Sample No. Blad NR Page No. Djup Depth Vinge Vane Vane Factor Undisturbed M1 Remoulded Sample M3 Rod Friction M2A Rod Friction M2B Torque MU = M1-M2A Torque Mr = M1-M2B Shearing Strengths Mu τ fu = 1 2 (m) 1/2 1 2/2 2 (Vc) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) 16.7 3.8 1.3 2.7 15.4 1.1 (kPa) 3 1/2 1 2/2 2 1/2 1 2/2 2 7.7 6.4 3.9 3.8 3.8 2.6 18.8 4.8 1.7 1.5 17.1 3.3 1.01 16.4 9.6 3.5 4.3 12.9 5.3 15 5.1 2.2 3.6 12.8 1.5 14.1 5.6 4.2 3.9 9.9 1.7 15.25 3.76 16.93 12.77 12.67 9.80 1.89 2.57 3.27 5.25 1.48 1.68 8.07 1.46 5.18 2.43 8.56 5.83 φ 65 x H 130 mm Vc Shearing Strengths (τ fu )r Sensitivity St = = Mr Vc τ fu (τ fu )r For 1 m depth: τ fu = 44.85 = 14.95 3 (τ fu )r = St = 6.64 3 = 2.21 21.81 = 7.27 3 (kPa) For 2 m depth: τ fu = 26.33 = 8.78 3 (τ fu )r = St = Initial shear strength (from 1m to 2 m depth) Sensitivity: St(ave) = 5.64 3 = 3.17 9.72 = 3.24 3 Average Cu(ave) = 10.10 kPa 9.50 185 Shear Box Test 30 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 Test 10 Test 11 Test 12 Average 25 Shear strength (kPa) 2. 20 φ’ = 25.4o 15 10 5 c = 3.10 kPa 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Normal stress(kPa) Figure D1: Shear stress at failure (σf) versus normal stress (σn) Table D3: Typical test results for shear box Number of Test Parameters of Shear Strength Cohesion, c’ (kPa) Friction, φ (0) Test 1 1.80 27 Test 2 4.90 24 Test 3 3.25 25 Test 4 2.80 24 Test 5 1.80 27 Test 6 1.90 27 Test 7 2.20 28 Test 8 3.70 26 Test 9 4.40 22 Test 10 3.00 23 Test 11 4.20 27 Test 12 3.30 25 Average 3.10 25.4 186 APPENDIX E INITIAL PERMEABILITY TEST 1. Apparatus for Constant Head Permeability Figure E1: The piston sample using for permeability test Figure E2: The equipment for permeability test Figure E3: Constant Head permeability test 187 2. Procedure of Constant Head Permeability The apparatus for constant head permeability such a: (a) Permeameter cell, fitted with loading piston, perforated plates, flow tube connections, piezometer nipples and connections, air bleed valve, sealing rings, (b) Glass piezometer tubes, (c) Rubber tubing, (d) Uniform fine gravel, or glass balls, for end filter layers, (e) Two disc of wire gauze, of the same diameter as the internal cell diameter, (f) Two porous stone or sintered bronze disc of the same diameter, (g) Measuring cylinders: 500 ml and 100 ml, (h) Constant head reservoir, (i) Outlet reservoir with overflow to maintain a constant water level, (j) Supply of clean water, (k) Small tools: funnel, tamping rod, scoop, etc., (l) Thermometer, (m) Stop-clock (minutes timer). The general arrangement diagram of the test system is shown in figure E4. Figure E4: General arrangement for Constant Head permeability test (downward flow) 188 The test procedure for constant head permeability: 1. Preparation of ancillary apparatus. 2. Preparation of permeameter cell. 3. Selection of sample. 4. Preparation of test sample. 5. Placing sample in cell. 6. Assembling cell. 7. Connections to cell. 8. Saturation of sample. 9. Connections for test. 10. Running the test. 11. Repeat tests. 12. Dismantling cell. 13. Calculations. For the calculations, a quantity of water Q ml flows through a sample in a time of t min, the mean rate of flow q is equal Q/t ml/min or Q/60t ml/s. The hydraulic gradient i between two adjacent manometers points a distance L mm apart, giving manometer levels h1, h2 mm above a datum, is calculated from the equation: i= h1 - h 2 L If the area of cross-section of the sample is equal to A mm2, the permeability KT (m/s) of the sample at ToC is calculated from equation: KT = Q 60 Ait 189 3. Results of Constant Head Permeability Test of Fibrous Peat Soil Samples obtained from Kampung Bahru, Pontian, West Johore A. Results of Horizontal Samples Table E3: Typical test results for horizontal samples no. 1 Hydraulic gradient, i 3.34 4.99 6.64 7.47 7.88 8.29 Horizontal rate Horizontal rate Horizontal flow of flow, velocity, of flow, v (m/s) q (ml/min) q (m3/s) 10.31 0.00000017 0.00001970 13.85 0.00000023 0.00002646 20.47 0.00000034 0.00003910 22.02 0.00000037 0.00004206 27.07 0.00000045 0.00005171 24.99 0.00000042 0.00004774 Horizontal flow velocity, (v, m/s) 6.E-05 5.E-05 4.E-05 3.E-05 2.E-05 kh = 5.90 x 10-6 m/s kh (20 ˚C) = 4.84 x 10-6 / 1.E-05 0.E+00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hydraulic gradient, i Figure E5: Horizontal flow velocity (v) versus hydraulic gradient (i) for sample 1 Table E1: Data of coefficient of permeability at 20°C for horizontal samples Dry Moisture Horizontal Total mass Total volume Bulk sample of initial of initial density, content, density, no. soil sample, sample, 1 2 3 Average MT (kg) 0.960 1.028 0.960 0.995 VT ρ (m3) (kg/m3) 0.0010574838 907.82 0.0010574838 972.12 0.0010574838 907.82 0.0010574838 940.915 ω (%) 460.50 522.64 609.60 564.375 ρd (kg/m3) 161.97 156.13 127.93 573.64 Initial Horizontal void coefficient of ratio, permeability at 20°C, eo 8.36 8.71 10.85 9.70 kh (20°C) (m/s) 0.00000484 0.00000745 0.00027200 0.00009476 190 B. Results of Vertical Samples Table E2: Typical test results for vertical samples no. 1 Hydraulic gradient, i 3.34 4.99 6.64 7.47 7.88 8.29 Horizontal rate Horizontal rate Horizontal flow of flow, velocity, of flow, v (m/s) q (ml/min) q (m3/s) 85.67 0.00000143 0.00016365 142.92 0.00000238 0.00027301 214.62 0.00000358 0.00040997 237.77 0.00000396 0.00045419 255.03 0.00000425 0.00048716 274.67 0.00000458 0.00052467 Vertical flow velocity, (v, m/s) 6.E-04 5.E-04 4.E-04 3.E-04 2.E-04 kv = 6.08 x 10-5 m/s 1.E-04 kv (20 ˚C) = 4.99 x 10-5 0.E+00 0 2 4 6 8 10 Hydraulic gradient, i Figure E6: Vertical flow velocity (v) versus hydraulic gradient (i) for sample 1 Table E3: Data of coefficient of permeability at 20°C for vertical samples Dry Moisture Horizontal Total mass Total volume Bulk sample of initial density, content, density, of initial no. sample, soil sample, 1 2 3 Average MT (kg) 0.946 0.956 0.989 0.064 VT ρ (m3) (kg/m3) 0.0010574838 894.58 0.0010574838 904.03 0.0010574838 935.24 0.0010574838 911.28 ω (%) 526.68 578.02 679.16 594.62 ρd (kg/m3) 142.75 133.33 120.03 132.04 Initial Horizontal void coefficient of ratio, permeability at 20°C, eo kv (20°C) (m/s) 9.62 0.00004990 10.37 0.00021900 11.63 0.00009100 10.54 0.0001199 191 APPENDIX F STANDARD CONSOLIDATION TEST 1. Analysis of Time-Compression Curve 0.0 Compression (mm) 0.5 1.0 ts cα 1.5 2.0 tp 2.5 3.0 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Time, t in minutes (log scale) Figure F1: Typical compression versus logarithmic of time-compression from Oedometer test 192 Table F1: The results of Oedometer test Consolidation Pressure Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 Test 10 Test 11 Test 12 Average tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cα cv (m2/year) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cα cv (m2/year) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cα cv (m2/year) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cα cv (m2/year) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cα cv (m2/year) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cα cv (m2/year) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cα cv (m2/year) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cα cv (m2/year) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cα cv (m2/year) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cα cv (m2/year) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cα cv (m2/year) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cα cv (m2/year) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cα cv (m2/year) 25 kPa 50 kPa 100 kPa 200 kPa 400 kPa 60 4200 0.252 1.087 60 5000 0.174 0.999 28 3500 0.226 3.187 29 3000 0.130 1.558 20 3500 0.022 3.273 30 4500 0.028 1.429 60 3000 0.181 1.919 40 4000 0.074 1.361 30 4000 0.198 3.478 55 3000 0.109 1.013 20 2900 0.243 2.943 30 3000 0.123 2.636 38.50 3633 0.147 2.074 60 4000 0.287 1.044 50 5000 0.158 0.581 27 3400 0.124 2.026 25 2400 0.280 1.290 18 3500 0.048 2.147 30 4300 0.028 1.330 40 2800 0.160 1.810 30 3000 0.108 1.123 25 3500 0.172 3.134 35 3000 0.152 1.006 18 2500 0.336 2.138 35 2800 0.133 2.120 32.75 3350 0.166 1.646 50 4000 0.351 0.748 40 4500 0.147 0.414 26 3200 0.176 1.366 25 2800 0.183 1.154 20 3500 0.017 1.514 30 4000 0.028 1.258 30 2500 0.143 1.744 20 3000 0.067 1.076 20 3000 0.347 2.870 35 2500 0.309 0.829 20 2500 0.179 1.894 30 1900 0.123 1.387 28.83 3117 0.173 1.355 40 3900 0.227 0.714 20 3500 0.131 0.626 24 3100 0.190 0.844 30 2900 0.165 0.574 17 3200 0.021 1.289 32 3800 0.026 1.178 30 2500 0.042 1.646 18 3000 0.080 1.001 20 3000 0.096 1.811 33 2400 0.162 0.751 18 2400 0.125 1.311 25 1800 0.101 1.275 25.58 2958 0.114 1.085 25 3800 0.250 0.545 20 3000 0.165 0.574 22 3000 0.149 0.702 23 2800 0.193 0.369 12 3000 0.033 1.094 30 3500 0.035 1.088 30 2500 0.060 1.518 9 2000 0.165 0.886 20 3000 0.085 1.261 32 2200 0.132 0.552 18 2000 0.368 1.039 25 1800 0.113 0.570 22.17 2717 0.146 0.850 193 Analysis of e-p’ and e-log p’ Curve 9 Void ratio (e) 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 100 200 300 400 500 Consolidation pressure (p', kPa) Figure F2: Typical e-p’ curves from Oedometer test 9 8 Void ratio (e) 2. 7 6 5 4 3 10 100 Consolidation pressure (p', kPa) Figure F3: Typical e-log p’ curves from Oedometer test 1000 194 Table F2: The results from the analysis of e-p’ and e-log p’ curve Initial Void Compression Pre-consolidation Ratio Index Pressure (eo) (cc) (σp’) 1 10.035 3.578 47 2 7.589 2.040 45 3 11.955 4.977 46 4 11.290 5.042 44 5 8.253 2.104 45 6 7.565 3.147 44 7 10.393 2.960 43 8 10.548 4.327 44 9 11.152 4.023 46 10 10.539 2.270 40 11 9.759 2.079 45 12 10.127 2.493 46 Average 9.934 3.253 45 Test No. 195 3. Calculation of Permeability Table F3: The results from permeability test Consolidation Pressure Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 Test 10 Test 11 Test 12 Average mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) 25 kPa 50 kPa 100 kPa 200 kPa 400 kPa 0.00645 1.087 0.00221 1.044 0.00124 0.748 0.00038 0.714 0.00025 0.545 2.2215x10-10 7.3261x10-11 2.9388 x10-11 8.6714 x10-12 4.3205 x10-12 0.00591 0.999 0.00373 0.581 0.00118 0.414 0.00041 0.626 0.00034 0.574 1.8722 x10-10 6.8627 x10-11 1.5452 x10-11 8.1585 x10-12 6.1885 x10-12 0.00393 3.187 0.00191 2.026 0.00111 1.366 0.00055 0.844 0.00026 0.702 3.9686 x10-10 1.2245 x10-10 4.8037 x10-11 1.4586 x10-11 5.6986 x10-12 0.00461 1.558 0.00231 1.290 0.00108 1.154 0.00040 0.574 0.00028 0.369 2.2780 x10-10 9.4492 x10-11 3.9374 x10-11 7.2260 x10-12 3.3114 x10-12 0.00751 3.273 0.00365 2.147 0.00227 1.514 0.00011 1.289 0.00008 1.094 7.7943 x10-10 2.4849 x10-10 1.0898 x10-11 4.4961 x10-12 2.7752 x10-12 0.00631 1.429 0.00347 1.330 0.00192 1.258 0.00014 1.178 0.00010 1.088 2.8593 x10-10 1.4634 x10-10 1.5708 x10-11 5.0428 x10-12 3.4500 x10-12 0.00391 1.919 0.00114 1.810 0.00248 1.744 0.00019 1.646 0.00012 1.518 2.3799 x10-10 6.5660 x10-11 1.3715 x10-10 9.9169 x10-12 5.7763 x10-12 0.00473 1.361 0.00321 1.123 0.00195 1.076 0.00047 1.001 0.00064 0.886 2.0405 x10-10 1.1431 x10-10 4.6994 x10-12 1.4855 x10-11 1.7981 x10-11 0.00546 3.478 0.00245 3.134 0.00135 2.870 0.00057 1.811 0.00045 1.261 6.0229 x10-10 2.4318 x10-10 1.2286 x10-10 3.2733 x10-11 1.7994 x10-11 0.00492 1.013 0.00137 1.006 0.00071 0.829 0.00061 0.751 0.00035 0.552 1.5801 x10-10 4.3703 x10-11 1.8690 x10-11 1.4408 x10-11 6.1263 x10-12 0.00577 2.943 0.00305 2.138 0.00216 1.894 0.00008 1.311 0.00002 1.039 5.3809 x10-10 2.0644 x10-10 1.2973 x10-10 3.4546 x10-12 6.5893 x10-13 0.00705 2.636 0.00441 2.120 0.00302 1.387 0.00036 1.275 0.00023 0.570 5.8929 x10-10 2.9660 x10-10 1.3282 x10-11 1.4353 x10-11 4.1572 x10-12 0.00555 2.074 0.00274 1.646 0.00171 1.355 0.00035 1.085 0.00026 0.850 3.6910- x10-10 1.4363 x10-10 4.8772 x10-11 1.1492 x10-11 6.5364 x10-12 196 APPENDIX G SYSTEM CALIBRATION FOR CONSOLIDATION TEST ON ROWE CELL 1. Pore Pressure 1 197 Figure G1: The calibration for pore pressure 1 198 2. Axial Displacement Figure G2: The calibration for axial displacement 199 3. Pore Pressure 2 Figure G3: The calibration for pore pressure 2 200 4. Volume Change Figure G4: The calibration for volume change 201 5. Diaphragm Pressure Figure G5: The calibration for diaphragm pressure 202 6. Back Pressure Figure G6: The calibration for back pressure 203 APPENDIX H LARGE STRAIN CONSOLIDATION AND PERMEABILITY TEST (ROWE CELL) 1. Large Strain Consolidation Test (Rowe cell) a. Procedures for Analysis of Time-Compression Curve based on Robinson’s (2003) Method Step 1: Plot the compression (mm) versus the logaritmic of time curves from large strain consolidation test (Rowe cell). 0 Compression (mm) 1 2 3 4 cα 5 ts tp 6 7 8 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Time, t in minutes (log scale) Figure H1: Typical compression versus the logaritmic of time curves from large strain consolidation test (Rowe cell) 204 Step 2: Plot the dissipation of excess pore water pressure in percentage versus the logarithmic of time. The starting and ending points of the excess pore water pressure dissipation curve are defined as the beginning and ending of primary consolidation of the soil (d0 and d100) and their corresponding times are denoted by t0 and t100 respectively. Based on excess pore water pressure measurement, vertical coefficient of rate of consolidation (cv) can be determined. 0 Dissipation of excess pore water pressure, Uv (%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 10 100 Time, t in minutes (log scale) Figure H2: Typical the dissipation of excess pore water pressure versus the logarithmic of time from large strain consolidation test (Rowe cell) Step 3: Plot the compression versus the dissipation of excess pore water pressure (in percentage). The point where the curve diverges from linearity is identified as the beginning of secondary compression. The compression corresponding to the point where the straight line meets the U = 100% axis is the total primary consolidation settlement (δp), while the compression below the extrapolated line is the secondary compression (δs). 205 0.00 Primary consolidation 0.05 Compression (mm) 0.10 Uv 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Secondary compression 0.35 δs cα 0.40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Dissipation of excess pore water pressure, Uv (%) Figure H3: Typical compression versus the dissipation of excess pore water pressure curve from large strain consolidation test (Rowe cell) Step 4: Plot the total settlement corresponding to the dissipation of excess pore water pressure against the logarithmic of time. Subtract the secondary compression (δs) during the dissipation of excess pore water pressure from the total compression of soil to give primary consolidation of soil free from the influence of secondary compression. 0 Total Settlement(mm) 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 0.1 1 10 100 Elapsed Time (minutes) Figure H4: Typical total settlement versus the logarithmic of time curve from large strain consolidation test (Rowe cell) 206 Step 5: Plot the primary consolidation versus the logarithmic of time. It can be seen that this curve indicate the end of primary consolidation at time tp similar with that obtained from the excess pore water pressure dissipation curve (Figure H3). Primary Settlement(mm) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.1 1 10 100 Elapsed Time (minutes) Figure H5: Typical primary consolidation versus the logarithmic of time curve from large strain consolidation test (Rowe cell). Step 6: Plot the secondary compression during the dissipation of excess pore water pressure from soil (δs) against their corresponding time (t-to). The coefficient of secondary compression of soil (cα) is determined by dividing the slope of the linear relationship between the secondary compression during the dissipation of excess pore water pressure from soil (δs) and their corresponding time (t-to), by the thickness of the consolidating soil layer, H. Secondary compression, δs (mm) 0.2 δs = 0.1273 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time (t - to) (t and to are in minutes) Figure H6: Typical secondary compression during the dissipation of excess pore water pressure curve from large strain consolidation test (Rowe cell). 207 b. Analysis of Consolidation Parameters Table H1: The results of Rowe consolidation test Consolidation Pressure Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Average t100 (minutes) U(%) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cv (m2/year) cα t100 (minutes) U(%) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cv (m2/year) cα t100 (minutes) U(%) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cv (m2/year) cα t100 (minutes) U(%) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cv (m2/year) cα t100 (minutes) U(%) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cv (m2/year) cα t100 (minutes) U(%) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cv (m2/year) cα t100 (minutes) U(%) tp (minutes) ts (minutes) cv (m2/year) cα 25 kPa 50 kPa 100 kPa 200 kPa 25 60 20 1500 8.802 0.103 30 68 19 900 4.084 0.117 25 50 20 1700 7.748 0.118 26 60 18 1300 5.458 0.102 31 68 22 900 3.542 0.108 29 64 20 1000 4.500 0.105 27.67 61.67 19.83 1216.67 5.689 0.109 24 60 18 1300 8.031 0.166 28 85 19 900 4.076 0.127 21 50 14 1300 6.939 0.124 25 58 15 1200 3.878 0.103 30 72 22 850 3.214 0.115 27 65 18 850 3.546 0.109 25.83 65.00 17.67 1066.67 4.947 0.124 23 58 16 1200 7.695 0.226 20 70 16 600 4.015 0.148 20 64 12 700 5.130 0.193 24 80 15 1100 2.489 0.120 28 70 19 900 3.000 0.128 26 75 17 750 2.744 0.124 23.50 69.50 15.83 875.00 4.179 0.157 22 55 12 900 6.985 0.304 20 70 15 550 3.885 0.255 20 70 10 500 4.000 0.248 24 85 14 1000 1.427 0.175 27 67 19 850 1.695 0.132 25 76 16 700 1.561 0.154 23.00 70.50 14.33 750.00 3.259 0.211 208 Analysis of e-p’ and e-log p’ Curve 9 Void ratio (e) 8 7 6 5 4 0 50 100 150 200 250 Consolidation pressure (p', kPa) Figure H7: Typical e-p’ curves from Rowe consolidation test 9 8 Void ratio (e) c. 7 6 5 4 10 100 Consolidation pressure (p', kPa) Figure H8: Typical e-log p’ curves from Rowe consolidation test 1000 209 Table H2: The results from analysis of e-p’ and e-log p’ curve 1 Initial Void Ratio (eo) 8.814 Compression Index (cc) 3.189 Preconsolidation Pressure (σp’) 43 2 9.048 3.122 42 3 9.321 3.085 40 4 8.513 3.108 40 5 8.781 3.116 43 6 8.6477 3.147 40 Average 8.854 3.128 41 Test No. d. Analysis of Permeability based on Rowe Consolidation Tests Table H3: The results of permeability based on Rowe Consolidation tests Consolidation Pressure Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Average mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) mv (1/kPa) cv (m2/year) kv (m/s) 25 kPa 50 kPa 100 kPa 200 kPa 0.00070 8.802 0.00142 8.031 0.00125 7.695 0.00078 6.985 1.95377x10-10 3.61619x10-10 3.05009x10-10 1.72764x10-10 0.00135 4.084 0.00278 4.076 0.00127 4.015 0.00032 3.885 1.74829x10-10 3.59313x10-10 1.61690x10-10 3.94216x10-11 0.00041 7.748 0.00074 6.939 0.00042 5.130 0.00021 4.000 1.62825x10-10 6.83219x10-11 2.66362x10-11 0.00013 5.458 0.00330 3.878 0.00273 2.489 0.00194 1.427 2.24994x10-11 4.05803x10-10 2.15467x10-10 8.77848x10-11 0.00020 0.464 2.24994x10-11 0.00024 0.421 0.00014 0.393 0.00010 0.222 2.44597x10-10 1.33181x10-10 5.37481x10-11 2.24632E-11 4.500 0.00177 3.546 0.00144 2.744 0.00102 1.561 2.24813x10-11 3.25200x10-10 1.74324x10-10 7.07664x10-11 0.00049 5.689 0.00171 4.947 0.00121 4.179 0.00073 3.259 1.00732x10-10 8.97302x10-11 3.09893x10-10 1.76332x10-10 7.51869x10-11 210 2. Permeability Test Table H4: The results of permeability tests under consolidation pressure of 200 kPa Type of permeability test Two-way Vertical Drainage Permeability test Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Average Consolidation Pressure (kPa) Vertical coefficient of permeability at 20o C (kv, m/s) 200 200 200 200 200 200 2.36 x 10-10 8.82 x 10-10 3.43 x 10-10 4.54 x 10-10 4.02 x 10-10 7.25 x 10-10 5.07 x 10-10 Table H5: The results of permeability tests under consolidation pressure of 100 kPa 3. Type of permeability test Permeability test Two-way Vertical Drainage Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Average Consolidation Pressure (kPa) 100 100 100 Vertical coefficient of permeability at 20o C (kv, m/s) 2.10 x 10-9 1.32 x 10-9 3.83 x 10-9 2.42 x 10-9 Apparatus Figure H9: Two independently Figure H10: Power supply and readout controlled water pressure systems, unit for the electric pore pressure giving maximum pressure up to 1000 transducer kPa used for large strain consolidation and permeability tests in laboratory 211 Figure H11: Volume change gauge Figure H12: Sintered bronze disc of 4 mm thickness Figure H13: Rowe cell top attached to diaphragm Figure H14: Rowe cell body of 151.4 mm internal diameter Figure H15: Rowe cell base Figure H16: Bolt tightened Rowe cell connected to linear transducer 212 Figure H17: A burette connected to Rowe consolidometer for large strain permeability test