Quality of Work Life (QWL)

Quality of Work Life (QWL)
The concept of Quality of Work Life (QWL) became popular in the 1960s and
has been around ever since. It is not a specific technique; rather, it is more of a
philosophy of the condition of work. Quality of Work Life means different
things to different employees. QWL attempts to develop the individual while
increasing productivity so that all society benefits. Some of the organizations
involved in improving QWL include IBM, Kodak, P&G, AT&T, GM, General
Foods and many colleges.
QWL should be assessed according to the following 8 criterias :
1. adequate & fair compensation
2. safe & healthy working conditions
3. immediate opportunity to use & develop human capacities
4. future opportunity continued growth & security
5. social integration in the work organization
6. employee rights to privacy, speech, equity & due process
7. a balance between one’s role as worker & the rest of one’s life
8. socially responsible work organization
(Human Relations in Organization; A Skill Building Approach)