Schroder Global Emerging Markets Smaller Companies Strategy Fact Sheet – 1Q16 Strategy overview Key features – – The product targets alpha generation primarily from bottom up fundamental stock selection. – The product provides diversified exposure to the smaller companies of emerging markets. Smaller companies within the emerging markets universe are typically under-researched, underowned and often characterised by strong growth potential. The product is largely index unconstrained. The primary investment universe is the MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap index but the team also aims to find good investments in medium sized emerging companies and opportunistically in frontier market stocks and stocks listed in developed markets. – Idea generation is driven by a combination of factor screens and our global network of analysts and portfolio managers. Stocks on the focus list are assessed and selected after a thorough assessment of their fundamentals and business model. – The product follows a proactive approach to risk management. There is no systematic style bias although low quality stocks will tend to be avoided. The portfolio will typically invest in around 60120 stocks. Team highlights – The product is co-managed by two experienced investment teams with a track record of delivering consistent outperformance within their respective areas of expertise; the Emerging Markets Equity (EME) team and the Global Small Cap & Specialist Asia team. The combined resource is 45 investment professionals. – ‘On the ground’ fundamental research is carried out by analysts based around the world in eight locations. – The product benefits from our global infrastructure including central economics team and global platforms for dealing, settlement, risk, research and performance. Composite performance As of March 31, 2016 *Inception February 28, 2014 30% 20% Schroder Global Emerging Markets Smaller Companies (Gross) Schroder Global Emerging Markets Smaller Companies (Net) MSCI Emerging Market Small Cap Net TR 10% 1.80 1.42 0% 0.97 1.80 1.42 0.97 0.92 -0.58 -4.27 -10% -20% -3.06 -5.69 -9.20 QTD YTD 1 year Annual S.I.* Difference (Gross) +0.82% +0.82% +4.93% +3.98% Difference (Net) +0.45% +0.45% +3.51% +2.49% Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of an investment can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed. Please refer to the disclosures at the end of the document for important information about the composite, including the definition of the Benchmark. Performance for periods greater than 1 year is annualized. Please see the disclosures at the end of this document for more details about the composite creation date. Schroder Global Emerging Markets Smaller Companies Sector allocation (%) Regional allocation (%) 25.4 Consumer Discretionary 17.7 Industrials Cash 2.3 24.8 15.5 Latin America 12.5 Health Care 12.0 Information Technology EMEA 16.9 9.7 Financials Asia 9.1 8.6 13.3 17.7 7.6 7.5 Consumer Staples 2.9 Materials 10.7 1.4 0.9 1.3 Utilities 3.0 0.0 Energy 1.3 2.3 Cash 0.0 Telecommunication Svcs 0 Schroder Global Emerging Markets Smaller Companies 75.3 MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap Index 10 20 30 40 Portfolio & risk statistics Top ten holdings Schroder MSCI Emerging Global Emerging Markets Small Markets Smaller Cap Index Companies Number of holdings 69 1,852 1. Aerospace Industri 2. Aramex Company 3. Medy-Tox Inc. Wgt avg mkt cap (in US$ mm) P/E Ratio (12 month trailing) P/E Ratio (12 month forward) 1,729 19.25 15.49 945 13.56 13.02 4. Arvind Ltd. 3.08 1.47 15.99 10.82 Taiwan 2.57 United Arab Emirates 2.39 Korea 2.33 India 2.19 Korea 2.18 6. Best Pacific International China 2.09 Taiwan 2.07 China 2.04 7. Gourmet Master 9. Haitian International Holdings 10. Ctci Corp ROE % (12 month trailing) % of Total Market Value 5. S-1 Corporation 8. China Lodging Group Ltd. ADR P/B Ratio Country Total China 2.03 Taiwan 2.03 21.93 Source: Schroders, MSCI, Factset and PRISM as of March 31, 2016. Representative portfolio. Sectors/Regions/Securities listed are shown for illustrative purposes and are not to be considered a recommendation to buy or sell. The composition of portfolios within the same strategy may vary. Schroder Global Emerging Markets Smaller Companies Market Review Global equities delivered marginally negative returns over the first quarter of 2016, although this masked a “V”-shaped performance with losses early in the quarter largely recouped in late February and March. Concerns over the prospect of tighter liquidity and a US recession spurred an initial sell-off. However, policy actions, specifically the Federal Reserve’s deferral of interest rate hikes and the ECB’s surprisingly large stimulus package, triggered a strong rally into quarter end. This was accompanied by improvements in commodity prices, in part due to Chinese stimulus measures. Following a challenging start to the quarter, emerging markets rebounded, with several markets supported by revised expectations of monetary tightening in the US and a weaker US dollar. Meanwhile, several country-specific developments, most notably in Brazil, served to boost investors’ risk appetite. The MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap index recorded a small gain, outperforming the MSCI World but underperforming the MSCI Emerging Markets index. There was a notable divergence in regional performance, with Emerging European and Latin American markets in general outperforming Asia. Mexico comfortably outperformed, as growth data continued to indicate strong momentum in the domestic economy. Brazil delivered a more significant gain with local equities rallying sharply, primarily on the back of increased expectations for political change, which helped the Brazilian Real to appreciate. In Russia, the rebound in Brent crude was beneficial for local equities and supported a 9.8% rally in the Ruble. In South Africa, fourth quarter data indicated a widening in the country’s current account deficit. Colombia was the strongest index market, with local equities rising sharply on the back of oil price improvement; oil accounts for a significant proportion of government revenues. India registered a negative return and was the weakest index market with a number of disappointing macroeconomic data weighing on sentiment. Chinese equities also fell, with another decrease in FX reserves in January and soft economic growth weighing on performance. This prompted the central bank to cut the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for banks by 0.5%. The market recovered somewhat from mid-February as stronger credit growth signaled policy support. Meanwhile the authorities opened the domestic bond market to foreign investors. This was perceived as a positive step towards the further opening up of China’s capital markets. Korea performed broadly in line with the benchmark. The longer- term growth outlook remained challenging but signs that the cyclical downturn may have passed proved supportive. Taiwan posted a positive return and outperformed. However, underlying macro data continued to be weak, prompting the central bank to relax prudential rules on mortgages and cut interest rates by 12.5 basis points to 1.5%. Thailand outperformed, as the government announced stimulus measures entailing increasing its spending budget by 0.4% of GDP through grants to farmers. Malaysia was boosted by a rebound in energy prices. Indonesia outperformed as inflation eased, enabling the central bank to cut interest rates. Performance and Strategy The Global Emerging Markets Smaller Companies strategy outperformed the benchmark in the first quarter of 2016. Country allocation was broadly neutral with stock selection underpinning gains, primarily in China. This included positions in China Lodging Group, injection moulding machine manufacturer Haitian International and ASM Pacific Technology, which supplies assembly equipment and materials to the semiconductor sector. An overweight to fabric manufacturer Best Pacific International also worked well. Selection in Poland further enhanced gains, notably the position in Uniwheels; the alloy wheel manufacturer rallied as the company managed to fill its new capacity ahead of schedule. The position in shoe manufacturer CCC and a zero weight to PKP Cargo also added value. In Brazil the positions in dental benefits provider Odontoprev and utility company AES Tiete were both rewarded. In contrast, selection in Russia detracted. This included the position in rail freight operator Globaltrans, where a delay in expectations for a recovery in gondola demand, given depressed industrial production, weighed on performance. Outlook We believe that the strategic case for an investment in emerging market smaller companies remains compelling, in large part due to their rich opportunity set and their generally under researched nature versus larger capitalization companies. In the short term, however, soft global growth challenges the outlook and, until we see some signs of an improvement in earnings, emerging markets in general may well tread water. Valuations for emerging markets smaller companies overall appear reasonably attractive, and we continue to find attractive investment opportunities in well managed smaller companies given the breadth of the universe. Source: Schroders Important Information: Schroders is a global asset management company with $466.9 billion under management as of March 31, 2016. Our clients are major financial institutions including banks and insurance companies, public and private pension funds, endowments and foundations, high net worth individuals, financial intermediaries and retail investors. Our aim is to apply our specialist asset management skills in serving the needs of our clients worldwide and in delivering value to our shareholders. With one of the largest networks of offices of any dedicated asset management company and over 450 portfolio managers and analysts covering the world’s investment markets, we offer our clients a comprehensive range of products and services. Further information about Schroders can be found at Portfolio data and risk characteristics are based on the composite. This document does not constitute an offer to sell or any solicitation of any offer to buy securities or any other instrument described in this document. The information and opinions contained in this document have been obtained from sources we consider to be reliable. No responsibility can be accepted for errors of facts obtained from third parties. Reliance should not be placed on the views and information in the document when taking individual investment and/or strategic decisions. Schroders has expressed its own views and opinions in this document and these may change. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of investments can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed. Sectors/securities illustrate examples of types of sectors/securities in which the strategy invested and may not be representative of the strategy’s current or future investments. Portfolio sectors/securities and allocations are subject to change at any time and should not be viewed as a recommendation to buy/sell. The opinions stated in this document include some forecasted views. We believe that we are basing our expectations and beliefs on reasonable assumptions within the bounds of what we currently know. However, there is no guarantee that any forecasts or opinions will be realized. Schroder Investment Management North America Inc. is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Schroders plc and is a SEC registered investment adviser and registered in Canada in the capacity of Portfolio Manager with the Securities Commission in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, and Saskatchewan providing asset management products and services to clients in Canada. This document does not purport to provide investment advice and the information contained in this newsletter is for informational purposes and not to engage in a trading activities. It does not purport to describe the business or affairs of any issuer and is not being provided for delivery to or review by any prospective purchaser so as to assist the prospective purchaser to make an investment decision in respect of securities being sold in a distribution. Schroder Investment Management North America Inc. (“SIMNA Inc.”) is an investment advisor registered with the U.S. SEC. It provides asset management products and services to clients in the U.S. and Canada including Schroder Capital Funds (Delaware), Schroder Series Trust and Schroder Global Series Trust, investment companies registered with the SEC (the “Schroder Funds”.) Shares of the Schroder Funds are distributed by Schroder Fund Advisors LLC, a member of the FINRA. SIMNA Inc. and Schroder Fund Advisors LLC are indirect, wholly-owned subsidiaries of Schroders plc, a UK public company with shares listed on the London Stock Exchange. 875 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022-6225, (212) 641-3800, Schroder Global Emerging Markets Smaller Companies Risk All investments, domestic and foreign, involve risks including the risk of possible loss of principal. The market value of the portfolio may decline as a result of a number of factors, including adverse economic and market conditions, prospects of stocks in the portfolio, changing interest rates, and real or perceived adverse competitive industry conditions. Investing overseas involves special risks including among others, risks related to political or economic instability, foreign currency (such as exchange, valuation and fluctuation) risk, market entry or exit restrictions, illiquidity and taxation. Emerging markets pose greater risks than investments in developed markets. Investments in small capitalization companies generally carry greater risk than is customarily associated with larger capitalization companies, which may include, for example, less public information, more limited financial resources and product lines, greater volatility, higher risk of failure than larger companies and less liquidity. Schroder Global Emerging Markets Smaller Companies As of: December 31, 2014 Definition of the Firm: The Firm is defined as all accounts managed by Schroder Investment Management in the UK and US, by wholly owned subsidiaries of Schroders PLC. Prior to January 1, 2007 SIM London & SIM North America existed as two separate Firms which were compliant & verified as separate entities until December 31, 2006. The consolidation of these two Firms was made as part of a move towards creating one global Firm. Composite and Firm assets reported prior to January 1, 2007 represent those of the legacy firm which managed the product. Prior to January 1, 2011 the SPrIM (Schroder Property Investment Management) Firm existed separate to the Schroder Investment Management UK and US Firm, from January 1, 2011 these Firms have been combined into a single firm. On April 2, 2013, Schroder U.S. Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of Schroders plc, purchased STW Fixed Income Management LLC (“STW”) and on July 2, 2013, Schroders plc, purchased Cazenove Capital Holdings, assets managed by STW and Cazenove are included in the Firm from January 1, 2014. Assets Managed against a liability driven mandate are excluded from the GIPS Firm. A complete list and description of the Firm’s composites and performance results is available upon request. Composite Definition: Accounts included in the Global Emerging Markets Smaller Companies Composite seek to achieve returns above the MSCI EM Small Cap (NDR) index (or a similar benchmark) by providing capital growth primarily through investment in equity securities of emerging markets companies, who are among the smallest 30% of global emerging market companies by market capitalization. Accounts aim to outperform the MSCI EM Small Cap (NDR) by 3% over rolling three year periods. Composite Construction: New accounts are included from the beginning of the first full month of management on a discretionary basis. Terminated accounts are excluded from the end of the last full month of discretionary management. This Composite has no minimum asset level for inclusion. The composite currency is US Dollar The composite’s creation date is 02-28-2014 The composite’s start date is 02-18-2014 Calculation Methodology: The portfolio returns are time-weighted rates of return that are adjusted for cash flows. Portfolio returns are combined using beginning of period asset weights to produce the composite return. Periodic returns are geometrically linked to produce annual returns. Dividends on equities are recognized net of irrecoverable withholding tax. Since January 1999 dividends have been recognized as of the ex-dividend date having previously been recognized on a cash basis. Performance results are presented before the deduction of management fees and custodian fees but after trading expenses. Dispersion: The dispersion of annual returns is measured by the asset weighted standard deviation of portfolio returns represented within the composite for the full year provided a minimum of 5 portfolios are available. Fee Schedule: The fee scale applied to the composite is 1.5% p.a. Additional information: The exchange rates used are provided by WM. Each currency is valued at 4 pm on the last business day of the month. Additional information regarding policies for valuing portfolios, calculating and reporting returns and a description of all composites are available on request. GIPS Compliance and Verification: Schroder Investment Management (UK & US) claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards GIPS® and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS standards. Schroder Investment Management (UK & US) has been independently verified for the periods January 1, 1996 to December 31, 2014. The verification report(s) are available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis, and (2) the firm’s policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Composite Performance Results Composite - Global Smaller Companies Composite Benchmark - S&P Developed SmallCap (GDR) Currency: USD Gross Returns as of: Dec-31-2014 Firm: UK-INT Year 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006* Gross Composite Return 4.91% 34.74% 14.62% -8.40% 21.44% 45.47% -41.79% 11.11% 12.68% Net Composite Return 3.36% 32.75% 12.92% -9.75% 19.65% 43.32% -42.65% 9.47% 11.43% Benchmark Return 2.21% 32.58% 18.05% -8.57% 24.42% 39.43% -43.74% 6.05% 9.93% 3 Year 1 Composite Risk 11.07% 15.35% 18.19% 21.07% 25.79% 23.68% n/a n/a n/a 3 Year Benchmark 1 Risk 11.95% 15.86% 19.19% 23.13% 27.88% 25.46% n/a n/a n/a As at Dec 2014 Annualized 3 Year Annualized 5 Year Annualized 7 Year Annualized 10 Year Annualized S.I.3 Gross Composite Return 17.45% 12.50% 6.23% n/a 7.68% Net Composite Return 15.71% 10.84% 4.66% n/a 6.09% Benchmark Return 16.96% 12.72% 5.22% n/a 6.00% Composite Risk1 11.07% 15.32% 19.81% n/a 18.24% Benchmark 1 Risk 11.95% 16.31% 21.24% n/a 19.54% Number of Portfolios (throughout period) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Account Dispersion2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Market Value at end of Period 412,408,268 491,619,247 348,436,015 231,785,999 278,943,525 140,728,401 106,494,104 155,844,413 53,144,000 Average Account Value at end of Period 206,204,134 245,809,624 174,218,007 115,893,000 139,471,762 70,364,201 53,247,052 77,922,207 53,144,000 1 Annualized standard deviation of gross monthly returns for the composite and monthly returns for the benchmark 2 Asset weighted standard deviation of annual gross returns of accounts that have been in the composite for the entire year 3 Since Inception 4 Since December 31, 2003 Total Firm Assets include non-fee paying accounts. 2003 Total Firm Assets value has been restated due to the inclusion of those non-fee paying accounts Total Firm Assets from 2007 incorporate the UK & US firm merger as detailed in the Definition of the Firm, from the start of 2011 Schroder Property Investment Management Multi Manager accounts are included in the Total Firm Assets N/A - Information is not statistically meaningful due to an insufficient number of portfolios for the entire year * Return from composite inception date to end of year Source: Schroders PFS-GEMSC Percentage of Firm Assets 0.15% 0.19% 0.16% 0.12% 0.14% 0.09% 0.12% 0.10% 0.04% Total Firm Assets4 282,697,291,678.31 255,707,099,715.41 223,940,416,622.14 194,958,113,724.01 202,946,283,267.48 161,183,088,769.55 89,646,473,691.69 161,124,537,714.28 125,031,929,762.39