M E E T I N G M... O c t o b e r 9 ,...

Faculty Senate Curriculum, Assessment & Programs Committee CAP
October 9, 2015
Attendance: Dan Adams, Grecia Anaya-Arevalo, Engrid Barnett, Jill Barrett, Julia Bledsoe, Amy Blomquist, Dan
Bouweraerts, Natalie Brown, Tom Cardoza, Tara Connolly, Jinger Doe, Candace Garlock, Mike Holmes, Leslie Jai (ex officio
financial aid), Jay Jorgenson, Sione Lavaka, Tara Lewis (ex officio), Molly Lingenfelter, Jeffrey Metcalf, Staci Miller, Haley
Orthel-Clark, Perla Petry, James Phillips, Melanie Purdy (Chair), Brian Ruf, Natalie Russell, Linny Wade
Absent: Melissa Deadmond (ex officio),Bob Fletcher (proxy Haley Orthel-Clark),Tanja Hayes, Andy Hughes (proxy Jeffrey
Metcalf), Ron Martson (proxy Dan Bouweraerts), Richard McIntire, Olga Mesina (proxy Tara Connolly), Gina Schuster,
Randy Walden (proxy Linny Wade)
Guests: Brian Addington, Dave Boden, Barbara Buchanan, Lisa Buehler, Darryl Cleveland, Turguy Dogan, Armida Fruzetti,
Marie Murgolo-Poore, Jim New, Patrick Guiberson
Additions/Changes: Darryl Cleveland and Lisa Buehler are new CAP members. Melissa Deadmond will shift from ex officio
to a voting member. Wes Evans has dropped off CAP. Michelle Noel has taken a new position and will not be NSHE
liaison; Melissa Deadmond take that role.
Meeting called to order: 9:01 a.m.
Approval of the Meeting Minutes from September 2015- Haley Orthel-Clark, Tara Connolly
Master Course Outlines
Deletions: Passed as Consent Items;
No Deletions
New: Passed as Consent Items; Tara Connolly, Natalie Brown
BUS 225 - Business Operations Applied Statistics
New: Passed as Individual Motions
BUS 330 - Business Presentations
Motion: Tara C, Natalie B
EM 301 - Principles and Practices of Mitigation and Recovery in EM
Motion: Dan A, Tom C
HS 300 - International and Cyber Terrorism
Motion: Dan B, Tara C
HS 303 - Terrorism and Homeland Security in the U.S.
Motion: Natalie B, Dan B
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 11/3/2015; Rev: 11/3/2015
HS 400 - Critical Thinking and Strategic Intelligence
Motion: Natalie R, Dan A
LOM 410 - Finance and Budgeting
Motion: Dan A, Dan B
passed: 13 favor; 3 opposed; 13 abstain
SCM 352 - Operations Management - Pulled from the Faculty Senate Consent Agenda 10.23.15
Motion: Linny W, Dan B
UNLV-NSC-NSHE issues to be resolved
Revisions: Passed as Consent Items; Tara Connolly, Haley Orthel-Clark
BUS 150 - Personal Finance
THTR 258 - Theatre Experience & Travel
Revisions: Tabled until November: THTR 295 - Independent Study: Theatre
General Education Submissions
AA/AS Fine Arts
TABLED: ART 270 - Women In Art:
Degrees, Emphasis & Certificates
Associate of Science Renewable Energy and Resources Emphasis
Motion: Brian R, Candace GPassed (18 favor, 10 opposed, one abstain)
CAD Technician Skills Certificate - PULLED FROM FAC SENATE CONSENT AGENDA 10.23.15
Motion: Brian R, Haley O-C
Passed unanimous with the following condition:
NSHE Paperwork
Construction Estimating Skills Certificate
Motion: Mike H, Dan B
Passed unanimously
Construction Project Management Skills Certificate
Motion: Mike H, Brian R
Passed unanimously
Associate of Applied Science - Criminal Justice
Motion: Haley O-C, Tara C
Passed unanimously.
Associate of Applied Science Degree - Dietetic Technician
Motion: Tara C, Molly L
Passed unanimously
Associate of Arts Degree - Criminal Justice
Motion: Natalie R, Haley O-C
Passed unanimously
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Rev.: 11/3/2015
CompTIA Certification Preparation Skills Certificate
Motion: Tara C, Natalie B
Passed unanimously.
Revisions through Associate Dean
Note: This item requires no CAP Committee action and was processed through the office of the Associate Dean of
Assessment and Planning, per policy approved by the TMCC President. This is provided as an informational item only:
No submissions
1. Dr Buchanan gave a brief welcome and observed the meeting for approximately the first hour.
2. 300/400 Review Criteria
We had a very robust discussion and course review tied to the 300/400 level courses. Dean Murgolo-Poore
brought up valid points about the reference article that Chair Purdy distributed as guidelines for reviewing 300/400
level courses. Some of the criticisms included the datedness of the source article; the fact that the article was not
peer reviewed; and that there are other models to be considered.
Chair Purdy expressed frustration at the fact that since May she had been soliciting input on guidelines for
constructing and reviewing upper division courses. This included a request of former VPAA Nichols for information
and solicitation of this from others in administration, a mention to the current VPAA in an introductory meeting, as
well as informal requests of peers. Chair Purdy did a literature review of EBSCO and other education related
databases for information, but the search turned up a dearth of information. SLOA Chair Brian Ruf also researched
pertinent guidelines with some success.
The discussion of the 300/400 level courses focused on the objectives, outcomes and measures of BUS 330 and
LOM 410 specifically. There were also questions about the rigor of the pre-reqs (the fact that first year freshmen
can take the courses). There were good discussion points and both passed with some abstentions and opposed
votes. The other five 300/400 level courses passed with unanimous approval.
An outcome of the discussion was the banding of a sub-committee headed by new CAP member Darryl Cleveland.
The committee consists of:
Darryl Cleveland, Amy Blomquist, Dan Bouweraerts, New CAP member Lisa Buehler, Haley Orthel-ClarkJames
Phillips, SLOA Chair Brian Ruf, Natalie Russell
This sub-committee will build a rounded, comprehensive set of guidelines that incorporates best practices in
developing academically rigorous 300/400 level courses that also takes into consideration the concerns regarding
marketing degrees (courses) to non-traditional aged/experienced students. This committee will also review best
practices in developing capstone courses.
Other points around this topic included a discussion of the wording of the pre-req “Admission into a BAS program.”
This was deemed a very strong pre-req and the logistics and facts about what exactly admission into the program
means will be determined by the department.
3. Majority Vote
The committee vote on the LOM 410 course and the AS Renewable Energy and Resources Emphasis had
abstentions. Chair Purdy did not know Robert’s Rules regarding what majority (simple, ⅔) of what (total votes,
total possible votes, etc) was to be considered, so had to postpone the announcement of whether these passed
until she consulted with Faculty Senate Chair-Elect and Parliamentarian Cheryl Cardoza. This consultation resulted
in the appropriate way to assess motions in CAP and is: for all motions in our committee meetings, a simple
majority (half plus one) of Votes cast constitutes the outcome. Abstentions do not count as votes cast.
Purdy has added this statement to the agenda template so we will never be without the appropriate guidance
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Rev.: 11/3/2015
4. Pre-Requisite Changes (follow up from last meeting)
Chair Purdy researched the issue discussed last meeting. It really boils down to one course, CUL 105 having a prereq change (exception) requested by academic deans. The scope of following up on this exceeded the role of the
CAP Chair so she brought the issue to Chef Karen’s attention. Chef Karen will follow up with the appropriate
parties. As it stands, the official pre-req for the course has not changed in any way in any place (except for the
directive to academic advising to make exceptions for students to get into the class).
5. AA/AS GE - Humanities/Fine Arts
Chair Purdy asked for a motion to approve modifications to both the AA/AS Humanities and Fine Arts forms.
Department Chair Bouweraerts asked to have until next Friday to review the current Fine Arts statement to assess
if a new statement should be included. CAP will vote on this open motion electronically after that information
comes in. The proposed changes include:
Changing the title of the form to read “Fine Arts/Humanities For AA/AS Degree”
Adding a checkbox section under the course description that says “___Fine Arts ___Humamities (mark all
that apply).”
Adding a statement by the People and Cultural Awareness section that indicates it is mandatory to choose
this objective area. “Submitters MUST choose the People and Cultural Awareness Objective and one or two
of the others.”
Remove the social sciences and sciences criteria (which appear in the people and cultural awareness
objective area).
Add a statement that says “For a course to be considered humanities or fine arts, it must also meet the
Update the humanities criterion (which must be met in addition to the selected objective areas for a course
to be considered a humanities) to read: “Humanities - Develop understanding of the ideas and values of
human culture as expressed in literature, philosophies, religions, or other modes of cultural expression.”
[Thank you Dr Tom Cardoza for developing this new statement].
Fine Arts to remain the same and currently reads: “Fine Arts - Develop an understanding and appreciation
of the production, analysis, and/or history of an art form.”
6. AA/AS GE - Social Science
Chair Purdy asked for a motion to approve modifications to the Social Science Gen Ed For AA/AS Degree form.
Department Chair Bob Fletcher was not able to attend the meeting, but indicated he would review the current
social sciences criterion and, if appropriate, make recommendations for change. CAP will vote on this current,
open motion electronically after that information comes in. The proposed changes include:
Adding a statement by the People and Cultural Awareness section that indicates it is mandatory to choose
this objective area. “Submitters MUST choose the People and Cultural Awareness Objective and one or two
of the others.”
Remove the Humanities, Fine Arts and Science criteria (which appear in the people and cultural awareness
objective area).
Add a statement that says “For a course to be considered social science, it must also meet the following.”
Leave the social science criterion statement as it currently reads: “Social Science - Develop an
understanding of the particular principles, theories, methods, and findings of a social science discipline.”
6. AAS General Education Review
Chair Purdy mentioned to the committee that the AAS Gen Ed forms will soon be posted to the web site and that she would
like to break the committee into teams and do an evaluation on the current AAS courses. The teams will review as we did
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Rev.: 11/3/2015
the AA/AS Gen Ed courses, if a course needs MCO updates (outcomes, objectives, etc), the team will make
recommendations. If a course meets the new GE, we will move the course through. If not, we will forward the
recommendations to the appropriate Dean’s to manage.
We ran out of time to discuss the Human Relations criteria and the AAS Embedding.
.Meeting Schedule for Fall 2015 - Spring 2016:
for REVIEW at CAP on
Note: 8/28 and 1/29 are the Friday of the first week back on contract. Individuals want to plan so that there is time for
the Chair and Dean review prior to the submission deadline.
Wait time between submission and Faculty Senate approval has been increased to one month. Please consider this as well.
Deadline for 2016-2017 NEW DEC’s.- NSHE Review
Deadline for 2016-2017 catalog - MCO’s
Meeting adjourned at 10:56 am.
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Rev.: 11/3/2015