A D V I S O R Y ... M a y 7 , 2 01...

Graphic Communications
Ma y 7, 2010. Silver Peak Restaurant. 12:00 p.m. - 1:40 p.m.
Members Present
Ron Marston (TMCC), Brian Wells (TMCC), Tim Miley (One to One Interactive), Dave Nevin (Xpedex), Erik Flippo (Nevada
Museum of Art), Greg Mason (GMAA)
Meeting started at 12:05 pm: Minutes from last meeting were discussed and approved.
Old Business
Scholarship money:
No new discussion
Internships/job opportunities:
No new discussion
4 year degree discussion:
Ron and Brian updated the committee on the status of the 4 year degree proposal, explaining there is currently no
appetite for new programs within the NSHE, but that the best case scenario would be a degree offered in
conjunction with UNR.
New Business
Erik Flippo is a designer at the NMA and is the Education Chair of the local chapter of AIGA. He discussed the possibility of
doing a Portfolio Day, in which local area students and industry people could meet and student portfolios would be
evaluated by industry people. A similar event called PREFLIGHT 2009: Student Portfolio Review was held in Spokane last
year. The event could include students from UNR, TMCC, and possibly other schools. Ron and Brian thought this was a
great idea and a good way to get more exposure and feedback for students, and gave Erik their support.
Ron updated the committee on recent changes to the GRC program including emphasizing web based media over print
based media. Brian explained the emerging commitment to retention and graduation (student success) at TMCC.
Discussion about trends in the industry:
Tim: HTML5 is allowing for more web based applications without using Flash. Flash still has its place in the industry
despite not being used for full web sites, especially for interactivity.
Dave: Web sites need to be easy and fast to navigate or users will look elsewhere.
Greg/Tim: Music/sound used in web sties should be defeatable and off by default.
Greg: Advertising trends continue in the direction of new web based media. Some clients, especially older ones still
need to be convinced of this fact.
Dave: Print based media continues to move toward short-run, digitally produced, variable data material. Larger
(40”) presses at local print shops sit idle while short run digital presses stay busy.
Greg is looking into an interactive web based print order system where clients can put together their designs from
templates, add their content and schedule their jobs for print in one setting.
Page 1 of 2; Graphic Communications Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 7/11/2014; Rev: 8/12/2014
Graphic Communications Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
Ron: Observation that businesses now seem more interested in efficiency than aesthetics.
Greg: Annual reports, which traditionally were produced emphasizing attention to the quality of the design and
presentation, are now created with cost effectiveness as the primary goal.
Erik: Apple’s Annual Report is black type on white paper.
Dave: New Year’s invites are about the only place you now see really creative design and money being spent on
the design and materials.
Dave asked about the expectation of students entering the program. Greg told of his experience right out of design school
and how little he was paid compared to what he was led to believe in school. Tim agreed students could be in for a shock
when they enter the real world. Discussion about student mind-sets and expectations.
Meeting adjourned at 1:40 pm
Page 2 of 2; Graphic Communications Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Rev.: 8/12/2014